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To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS' href='index.xml' />
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
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''Stillness in Motion''
Living in a world of changes, we must accept change. And accept that we change.
It is also evident, that is both we and the environment change (and, we have a choice in the matter), that we can chose to adapt: and ‘hop on’ a process, and experience it as if still.
Yinn and Yang are all about this: all motion is relative, to something else; and still with respect to itself. (Relativity, thousands of years later, came to the same conclusion.)
Whether we experience motion in stillness, or stillness in motion, depends on how we adapt (attune) to what happens. This requires that we accept what is; and use our inner ability to change to adopt a suitable contact (“Adaptation”) due to which changes within us can be communicated shared with our environment.

The basic principle of change has already been seen in Weekend 1.
The creation of the Universe is the most basic model for Creation: Some Thing coming out of No Thing.
As long as we look at Things – and refer to them in our models of ‘reality – the No Thing from which it came can not be seen. (Thence the accuracy of the term Occultism: to look for that what is Hidden beyond what we perceive. (This requires that we regard not what we perceive but how we perceive. Because it is our perception that blocks the vision of the essence  from which all is made. We need to view the unformed as it formed all forms.)
The importance of ‘seeing the unseen’ is great: if we do not look for that we can not see how everything in de universe is connected. And thus one uni-verse (integral process).
This concept is so basic that it is address by all cultures, in their Stories of Creation. Each in their own way describes how physics is based on metaphysics; matter is a mode of information. The same is addressed by all religions when they say the same from a different perspective: Mind (information) is the basis of Matter (manifestation). For those who not only understand this concept but alsy aim to apply it in their daily lives, the word Religion is replaced by the word Magic; the principles and essence that both address is the same.

There is thus no god outside of the universe: the unnameable great god IS the universe. There is thus no magick in being. Being IS magick. And there was not one moment of Creation: all IS creation. And our body is a great example of/for this.
The structure and design of our body is based on the way the universe formed: see Weekend 1. But the universe is still in formation: Creation is an ongoing event (and we are Creators.). We are not outside of the universe (‘observant observers’) but part and whole with it. Our body is our best example of the way this takes place.
Weekend 4 already addressed how we are part of all existence. Our body exemplifies a pivotal point of creation. Quite literally, you are the centre of your existence and being. And, in a holographic sense, a pivot poit of Creation. You are a Creator, and what you do does not affect just yourself, and your surroundings, but everybody you meet and the universe as a whole. (“Namasté” voices that realisation: in is all lives creation.)
Weekend 5 addressed the same from a different perspective: not the Principle of Transformation (digestion in the gut) but the concept of the Transformer (the nature of our organs and whole body). It presented the Möbius loop as simple and effective symbol to see how all organs are one (and thereby our whole body organic).

This weekend continues this recognition. It looks at the principle of Transformation. What happens, when ‘the body turns inside out’? We already saw that all organs function as filters, and are all the same at that level. We also saw that all organs differ, because each has a different position in/on ‘the Möbois Loop”. Some are more ‘inside’ (‘in the body’), some are more ‘outside’ (‘of the body’), but all are connected and continuation of each other.
In Weekend 3 we already saw the process of digestion in the Gut: Creation in Inverse. Where Weekend 1 showed how out ow NoThing (plasma) came Gas, Liquid then Solid, Weekend 3 show how we eat solids, drink liquids, inhale gas, and inform our body. The process of Digestion applies equally to our body and mind. In a cosmologic sense, we Eat on Earth (Solid/state/physics/anatomy, Drink in the Sun (Liquid/process/chemistry/physiology), we Breathe in interstellar space (Gas/transformation/electromagnetic/endocrine regulation) and we Exist in Creation (Big Bang) (Plasma/integration/information/consciousness).
In Weekend 4 we saw how each organ integrates each of those aspects: each forms, performs, transforms and informs. In that sense all are the same, yet each has a unique place in that cycle of creation (which is also known as The Square Circle, because thus cycle runs through four phases; of matter, motion, relating and informing). It remains important to see that all Physics is based on Phasics. (Phase in formation; which is also phase information.)
This weekend (7) looks at the way this cycle interacts with itself. This produces a simple complex system of cycles within cycles, loops within loops; which is in essence nothing but the way each phase of each cycle reflects on itself; and thereby – seemingly – on each other. (As all is one, the part reflects on the whole and the whole in each part.) It is presented in two of its forms: the system of the chackra’s; and the system of the Glands. Both are the same and reflect interrelationships of phase hich are seen also in the structure and cheirality and inner orientation and polarisation of the molecules that they produce.

The glandular system is in essence the same as what we saw of the Organs. In this Weekend we in a sense again look at what happens in the wall of the Gut (as was done in Weekend 3: the Gut). We again see that in fact the organic process is dynamic and fluid (as was explicated in Weekend 3: the Blood). Also, what is manifest as the organs is not a set of loose units: all form from the first cell, and all remain always connected. The glandular system looks at the internal process in a zygote, in a cell, in an organ, but now in the whole body. What we see in the Endocrine system is the Unfolded image of the process of information transformation.
The Glands are looks at by their hormones. There are ‘messenger’ molecules that communicate between glands. In fact: all molecules convey information, are thus ‘magic wands’; as is the DNA. (And remember that in the DNA, the part that is not used in the cell – erroneously called ‘junk-DNA’- is used in the whole body; it is the share element by which each cell knows of all others.) The hormone molecules themselves should not be regarded as chemical physical objects, but as antennae: endoding transformation. Mini computer programs.
Each hormone is the same in that sense as every molecule in the body: handles for manifesting transformation; linking physics (matter) and meta-physics (information). The hormones are but different forms of proteins, as are enzymes, which are extended version of amini-acids, which are complex(ed) forms of molecules. DNA is a pattern of atoms; a kind of computer program of sub-routine of manifestation (or creation).
The molecules of the endocrine glands have simply been recognised more clearly in the role they play in the communication within the whole body, in which all molecules play a part. Although each hormone has now been discovered to have a frequency (‘melody’, ‘code’, ‘program statement’) of its own; they all make sense only with each othetr. All glandular hormones are interconnected and interrelated; just as we saw for the Organs, in Weekend 3. By the principle of ‘inverse birth’, digestion, the inverse form of cosmic creation, as we saw it take place in our gut (Weekend 3)

The endocrine system is thus only seemingly complex. It still reflects and representys the same principle as was seen in the unfoldment of the Zygote.
The Zygote split-and-doubled; thereby forming 1, 2, 4, 8 cells. (Or 1, 2, 3, 5 if it in fact s a Fibonacci sequence, as some research suggests).
What is regarded in this weekend is based on the principle already discussed in Weekend 3: as soon as the 2-cell phase is passed (and duality, opposition, alternation is no longer the core issue), Alternatives com into play: choice.
The endocrine system is an application of this concept: it represents the possibility of transformation; to regard one and the same thing from different sides. And have alternatives in reaching the goal


This offers a basic concern: what we see in the part relates to the whole; the inside and the outside are simultaneously addressed. The principles that are described here apply equally to our mind and our body; and our social situation. It is based on a quite basic concept, already implies in Weekend 2, 3, and 4: the transition from Mineral to Plant to Animal to Conscious Being.
This pattern is seen also in the principle of Weekends 6, 7, 8, and 9. Weekend 6 looks at our mineral structure: it takes shape as a plant. Weekend 7 regards the vegetative system: it gives form to the animal. Weekend 8 deals with the animal nature; which gives rise to understanding. Weekend 9 deals with consciousness: the realisations within us.
In different terms, already discussed: at one level we are like a plant, with a fixed position on Earth. This is our plant like nature; and dealt with in Weekend 6. The plant dynamics of leaves falling to Earth: seeds falling to the soil are (topologically) ‘internalised’ as the plant turns into animal, and obtains locomotion. It can go from location to location, in its territorial setting. The internalisation of the territory into a mental map in  the mind in the body (‘in the brain’) discerns the sentient from reflex based animals. Consciousness is the reflection on this process n itself – ‘coming full circle’- with an internal awareness of how we think, and thereby create.

Conscious creation will be addressed in Weekend 9; in discussing the concepts of Healing. This deals with the integrity of the part in the whole, the human as part of the universe as a whole.
Integrity is dealt with in Weekend 8, in discussing the Immune System. It is our capacity to learn, to internalise our context, and operate on or realisation, Memory and thinking expresses the same.
Realisation is dealt with in this weekend, 7. The experience of our environment is internalised within us. However we move in our surroundings, and whatever we move in our context, is balanced and complemented by an equal and opposite change within us. (As this goes from an Open to a Closed system, this involves an Inversion.)
Manifestation was already discussed in Weekend 6. It describes the structures and shapes by which our thoughts can take form. And offers the basis of our realisation of reality. The shape and body of our body determines what we hold to be real. (Literally and metaphorically; physically and psychologically).

The essence of Weekend 7 lies in ‘Locomotion’
In inverting from a Plant to a Tree (with the leave becoming our lungs; and the  roots becoming our gut), the cycle of replication of the tree has been ‘built in’ intpo its being.
The Plant ‘locomotes’ by standing in one place, inverting (by a spiral (The Vortex of Life) to form leaf, flower <fertilisation> and seed, which then plants the plant in a different setting. (Where the plant adapts the place where it stands, and to some extent adapts also itself.)
This mode of displacement has been built into animal life forms: they can go from one place to another (and back again), and thereby combine att the plant-regeneration concepts withing themselves. They are simultaneously rooted, flowering, seeding and germinating again.

That, is the basis of our endocrine system. The process of digestion (see Weekend 3) is the manifestation of the change in setting.
Where the plant stands in one place, where it feeds on soil and water, wind and light (the four elements), the animal goes to some place to feed.
Where the plant stands and drops its leaves in autumn, the animal finds some place to excrete.
Where the plant ‘coccoons’ itself to a seed – to be able to travel -, the animal stores its environment within it.
The whole endocrine system is the process of the gut seen in inverse; or rather: is the principle of the gut feeding the gut. The food in the environment is taken in, transformed, stored, transformed again, used, transformed again, and excreted. (This also explains the Möbius Loop of our Organs: it is this relationship between taking things in for building the body, and putting them out to maintain the body itself.)

This thus is the basis of the Endocrine System: We Eat, Digest, Exist and Excrete.
This is the same concept as was presented in Weekend 1, and re-presented in Weekend 2: as the theory of Systems.
Input, Throughput, and Output determine thee Transput: what we take in and put out is connected by what we transform within us. But in transforming within, we affect an equal end opposite, but inverse, transformation around us. (All we do matters; our inner experience affect the universe as a whole.)
The endocrine system simply shows how this takes place: it represents the Internal Cycle of the process of Digestion. It is, so to say, the explicit form of the gut feeding itself. Or, its more implicit form, the turning over of a cell in itself.

What we regard is Transformation. Animal locomotion is but one of its expression. Metabolic digestion is but one of its modes. Breeding and replication is but one more application of concept. The endocrine system does all, and is all.
In the endocrine system we can see what was already implied in Weekend 4: “all organs are one organ’. And the body recycles itself. (That is also how it can be so efficient in its combustion; something from which engine deigners have a lot to learn still).
By the endocrine system we can eat in one place, ‘pack it to go’, and digest in another, to extrete (and feed the planet) in yet another spot.
It means that the Endocrine system Interfaces: it takes the outside into us. It brings out what is within us. The Endocrine Systems turns us inside out; all the time.

This means that the Endocrine system links the Inside and Outside.
It is an Organ (or Filter, Weekend 4)  ‘turned inside out’.
It is, in itself, all sides of the gut: outer world, gut lining, gut system, and inside of the body.
It is also ‘one organ that is all organs’ Instead of teragrding the Endicrine system as separate organs, it is rather one unity, thus unity, of which the different functions are seen as different parts.
This makes the understanding of the endocrine system much more easy: it is one system; but has internally divided into different segments. This is precisely what is seen in embryology when the first cell tivides and the Morula forms…

For this reason, this weekend presents the Endocrine Cascade.
It shows that all glands are related, and interrelated. All ar parts of the same system. ‘Facets of the same diomond’, is a quite helpful image.
Each gland has a different aim, ‘orientation’. Yet call only function of all ‘facets’ arel linked.
As was seen in Weekend 4, in the form of the Möbius Loop:all glands are linked and connected; and together form this Möbius loop (turning inside-out; linking outside and inside in that same ‘motion’. (Which, still, is equivalent to Locomotion; a walking in one place.)

What holds for the glands, as organic ‘objects’, hold likewise for the molecules that they use; those are known as hormines. (Hormnes are messenger molecules; outside of the body they are called pheromones).
The Hormones, small magic wands, are the complement of the nervous system (Weekend 2): they represent internal communication with/in the whole body. (Remember the image presented in Weekend 2: when the first cell splits-and-doubles, the neurones represent the last point of (external) contact; the hormones represent the last moment of (internal) fusion.
Hormones are an image of the first cell seen ‘inside out’. The molecular transformations within a cell in the body, are now seen at a large scale, as the exchange of molecules in the body. (It recapitulates the notion of a tree seed on its journey; or the ability to eat in one place and excrete in another).
By regarding the Endocrine system as trhe Principle of Dugestion, all the concepts seen in weekend 3 and 4 can now be applied yet again. All that it takes is to see that the food that is ingested enters into our body; it is stored and used at the same time. (You cán eat you cake and have it: you eat it, then store it within you; cf. zipping and unzipping data in a computer.)

The principle that is addressed is very basic. Still, physics and metaphysics are linked. What is described as the Glandular system, is the same as what can be described as the system of Chackras. Both are the same.
The Endocrine Cascade describes how fod is taken into our body; making every step on the (Möbius) Inversion eplicit. The Chackra System describes the same: how we – psychologically – migrate in our context; from one state to another.
The changes of mental/emotional states within is, is by the same principle and concept as the migration between states outside us. (In fact: an emotional state is a stored form, in which what was taken in into the body is encapsulated and preserved, till a moment that it can be digested.)
The Chackras System and the Endocrine system is the same. As Chackras (the vortex of the principle of Inversion), the psychological changes can be addressed. As Glands, the physical stages processed. The difference is only one of perspective: in essence they are quite the same.

By regarding the Endocrine system and the Chackra System together, it becomes clear how the body and mind are related. The ability to ingest, digest, store and excrete is also the basis for memory and learning, addressed in Weekend 8 (The Immune System; our body as our Living Learning Library).
In the form of the Chackra System, the changes that are addressed in the Glands is more eaily understood as being connected. The Chackras deal with the same Boundary Transition as an internal process. This is the same process of division of the Zygote. Each Chackra deals with a next level of divisions, and the eomplexity that ensues. In the Chackra System, the Qualities are addressed: the same as done in the Numerology system. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,l 6, 7 (and 8, the octave) are not just numbers, but qualities of relating; and a clear specification of the role of each chackra.
The Ckackras can be undersoot most simply when ‘read’ bottom-up.
The 1st Chackra, the Root, deals with Unity, wholeness, as is the essence of our body (one with the universe, always). The 2nd chackra deals with duality; inside and outside; and the need to transcend (and merge) as is seen in sexual pro-creation. The 3rd Chackra deals with Choice between Alternative (Just as was the issue in Weekend 3); and active transformation. The 4th Chackra (cf a tetraeder) adds a dimension to the relation; in linking inside and outside. The 5th Chackra adds structural balance, the 6th Chackra the ability to switch between inside and outside , the 7th Chackra to obtain an internal representation of the outside (and the inverse), with the 8th Chackra addressing the octave: the part integral with the whole.
The geometrical shapes involved make the same relational principles, and qualities that they stand for, clear in a different way.

The Glandular chemical cascade of regulation is best seen Top-Rown.
The higher glands ‘specify’ how the lower glands function. Literally: it helps make the function of the lower gland more specific; by adding more information of the context. As seen in the Chackra system, and the structure of the organs, the glands too deal with the inner essence of our body, and add precisioning of their functioning as more of the outside information is used. The Root gland is the cell, the sexual glands make it possible to interface, the adrenal glands help us manage inner-ennergy, the solar-plesus gland (in the cerebellum; see weekend 2) helps to maintain our internal climate (Temperature etc.), the heart/lung glands help regulate rhythms in circulation (and internal recycling), this internal integrity (thymus). The throat glands (Thyroid, parathyroid) specify our expression (growth) in our context; in conjunction to storing/preserving (materials and memories). The hypophysis precisions the choice between ‘hormones and neurones’; and the epiphysis reflects the state of the body as a whole.
Each gland thus represents a facet, a perspective, of the same ‘diamond’. All of them deal with the same issue: preservation of cell life. Each addresses a different level if relationship to the context; a bit as layers of an onion. And each represents a different aspect of the inversion from inside to outside (thus: phase angle; cf. the spiral rotation in birth. Thence the different representation, per gland, of the colour of the Chackra.)  Yet each can only be understood when known to be part of the whole system; in mutual balance. This is what is known as the Endocrine/Chackra Cascade: an interwoven mesh of feedback cycles, in which each feeds back on each other, due to which the frequency attunement can be specific and precise; and (cf. the inner divisions of the Zygote) one cell come to live longer than its own life-time… (As the Zygote divides, forms gland and forms organs, due to which the body as a whole can survive in (m)any contexts.)
However, they can only do so because the lower glands already do what they do. Here too: it higher that adds to what already is and exists below it. (Overall, this leads to the conclusion that the Brain corrects, but does not direct. It precisions a choice for what already happens below it.

At a larger scal this is seen in the 4 body segments: Head, Heart, Hara and Holy Bone:
The Head can only operate well, is the Heart (feelings) is in balance in the context.
The Heart can only relate well, if the Hara has balance within.
And the Hara can only work well if the Holy Bone is one with the cosmos.

The above addresses some issues of Transformation; the essential principle of our whole body.
The internal division of the first cell are the paradigm still to understand the overall integral interconnectedness throughout the body.
The Glandular System, and Chackra System representation of the same, shows how the locomotion of an anomal in the environment is the basis of our internal circulation.
On the whole it shows how and why our integrity is maintained (Physically and psychologically); this theme will be used in the Next weekend for understanding how we live and learn (as shown by the Immune System). (Which then egain serves to understand the nature an principles of healing (of beings and nature), in Weekend 9.)
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''Transformation Alternatives''
//After the Second Cleavage Division//

''Placement of this weeekend in the Course''
This third weekend focuses on the transformation/oscillations between two 'cells'. Where the second weekend regarded the interchanges between two cells, this time it is the interchanges between two cells that stands central. Transformation is the key word. This goes farther then alternation, or variation (and variety) that the second weekend addressed. At that time it was the choice between alternatives that stood central, with the nervous system (with its complement, the hormonal system; and their generalised form: propriocepsis and the immune system) as its main proponent.
Now it is the transformation from one domain to another that comes into view; As in the passage of food across the lumen (inside) of the gut into the body, or the elimination of substances from the body through the colon.

''Transcending Limitations''
The image is that of the transmission of information (or matter) 'from the inside of one cell into the inside of another. Imagine the 2nd cleavage division; producing 4 cells. The traditional image for this is the Yinn-Yang; for which an old Roman form shows the 4 circles in overlap. This is the image of a transformation between foreground and background, which can be represented by a double vortex system, turning back on itself (as the Yang within Yinn and Yinn within Yang denotes.)

''Interactive Interfacing''
This can be viewed from a different perspective: the tetrahedral basic image of the D'ai Qi symbol is then seen as two cells side-to-side; with one cell each 'within' each cell. Referring to the image of weekend one this is the 'expressed form' of the nucleus of the zygote.
Mutual Reflexivity

Each is the 'inside out' version of the previous cell; which were already the inside out version of the Zygote. The second weekend focused on the unfolded properties of the cell membrane; this third weekend regard the changes of the membrane itself.
Propagation Waves

The gut is the prime example of a membrane; seen not as the spheroid cell, it is now seen as a cross section ('a trace of a sphere moved over a distance'). (Cf. the haustrae in the colon are the 'wake of a jelly fish moving along a curve. These haustrae are the equivalent of Bernard convection cells)

''Preservation of Principle''
After the second Cleavage division, nothing is changed, and everything is the same. Just as in Weekend 2.
The same principles rules, the same laws prevail. Still, the cell has simply divided, expressing itself; turning inside out. Its information, that it contained, is in formation: expressed.

''Separation = Connection''
As a result: all is different; and nothing is the same. Due to the second division, there are now 4 cells. Two pairs, or a triplet and a unit. The whole system is a unit, so unity can now be seen in different ways.

''Addressing Alternatives''
Where the second weekend dealt with ‘variations to the theme’, this weekend addresses ‘Alternatives’.
Now the Yinn and Yang (of weekend 1 and 2) combine to form the bases of different organs; precisely because it is no longer necessary to ‘come back to what was before (crossing and uncrossing the boundary); but a new options emerged (out of the previous choice.
I.e. ‘by ‘remaining within the choice (the interface) the ‘choice unfolded”: what was seen between the two cells, now has become explicit; as Weekend 2 showed. (The interaction between the cells later forms the Immune, hormone (endocrine) and neuronal (relay) system.)

''Operating Choice''
At this level 4 options exist: there is not only Choice, but also Alternatives. (This is an important change; e.g. somatic medicine (and other forms of dialectic thinking) remain at the level of ‘if you are not with us, then you are against us. (Compensational behaviour will be addressed this weekend.) It is a very limited state of ‘thinking’ (reflex reaction, due to the absence of alternatives.
As long as there is only one cell (Weekend 1), this is the only option you have: “to be or not to be that”. As soon as a second cell emerges, you are already beyond that (very limited) state: you can be the one, or the other; equally well. If that balance is maintained, both can develop, and a new possibility emerges: you can be the one, or more than that; let me explain this by an image:

''The Four Elements revisited''
After the Second Cleavage Division a group of Four elements has come to exist. (Remember: this requires Internal division (phase formation) before it is externally seen (phases in formation)).
* These Four Elements can be considered as 1 group, 2 (symmetric) clusters, 2 (asymmetric) clusters, and 4 units (still reflecting unity).
In dividing with asymmetry, something important comes up: is the cells are not the same size, then their time phase is not the same either: some will divide slower than others. As a result, the Genealogy Tree of internal cell division, shown in Weekend 2, will become warped: it will no longer lead to two cells out of each previous cell, at the same time. The difference of cell types, and cell rhythms, finds its basis in this. Yet: all rhythms are joined: this is something fundamental to understand, because all of our cells hare rhythm. We even cell rhythms with our offspring, thus ancestors, as will be separately explained:

>Cell Division
>Cell Pulsations
>Cell Metabolism
>Body Metabolism

''The Essence is Transformation''
Transformation is the essence of the body.
Matter is transformed into Energy; Consciousness, information, is transformed into energy. What matters in the body is how we live; personally (as we use or body) and in the way our body functions.
Our Body is a Transformer: information passes boundaries; information forms boundaries, information dissolves boundaries, the boundaries themselves are always in (trans)formation.
The ‘material’ of/by which the body is composed is always in overhaul. Not the material matters, but the process dynamic by which its integrity is maintained.

''Phase Coherence''
The body maintains is coherence, even in very different circumstances, by integrating its material phase: plasma, gas, liquid and solid. (This corresponds with respectively the subatomic, atomic, molecular and material aspects of our body.)
The main form of integration of information is in the formation of phase, called Vibration: light, radio, chemistry and physics (matter) are in essence the same (vibrations). What matters (to us) is how they relate to each other.
This also determines the structure and shape of our body. Our body is a Separator/Connector, an Interface, a complex of Boundaries, in which we create our life experiences by our Options & Choices, Doubts & Decisions.
Our Psyche, Soul, Mind and Body are all interwoven (in the same way as Vibrations span the whole range from metaphysics (information) to physics (matter).

The body is maintained by metabolism: catabolism (breaking down) and anabolism (building up), together. This is seen in the process of digestion. The food we eat doe not build our body; it is used by the body for rebuilding itself. Regard the body as a fountain: the food flowing through us is like the brook driving the water mill, or the jet forming the fountain. It is the ongoing flow of transformation within the body that maintains its shape (even in the absence of food, as Jasmuheen shows).
In digestion the ‘food’ we eat is taken apart to the smallest elements, reversing the evolution of creation: animals and plants are reduced to minerals and nutrients of the primordial soup; to materials somewhat similar to the juices that feed (the microbes that feed) the roots of the plants.
This process of digestion is important: it exemplifies the principle of ‘how we take in information’: what we see in the gut is in principle the same as we see throughout our body. The outside, with which we are in touch, is dismantled and dissolved so it can percolate to ‘with/in' us.
This is the same principle by which we ingest and digest our life experiences. Our memory is like the stomachs of the cows: a reservoir of experience that we can regurgitate, to chew our own cud. Digesting experiences/memories/reality.

''Food Chain''
More important than the process of digestion is the principle of the process of transformation that it represents. Transforming material from the outside world, to form part of our inner make-up and being. Re-transforming the material of which we were composed into substance (with information) to be used in the reality around us. (our shit and piss is very valuable manure, a source of rich elements, for our environment.).
Transformation is precisely what it says: it is beyond form. The form of our body is a result of the transformation. Its form itself is in ongoing transformation, as evolution has shown. The processes within our body are in fact not at all internal to us: they are part of an ongoing circulation, the Food Chain; what takes place outside us is seen again in the food chain forming and ‘nourishing our cells’.
The cells are not nourished by it; they are formed by it. The principle is very similar to a river carving its bedding; or rather of jet streams in the oceans or skies: flows within flows. The boundaries are simply distinction of phase (flow patterns) within phase (degrees of physicality).

:This sound complex only because ‘this’ culture has taken physicality to be the measure of reality, although it is only one of its aspects. Phasics (the realisation of phase) is more basic than Physics (the different forms and relationships of material phase; as seen explicitly in our own body.).

''Unbounded boundaries''
Our body is an inspiring source of fascination: it establishes, forms and maintains its own boundaries. How tricky this process is, is best seen in the body digesting food (matter), decomposing its material phases even up to molecular and atomic levels. In blunt terms we can say that, in being able to digest food, even meats,  the body is able to digest itself. Yet it does not digest itself; while at the same time it actually does metabolise itself, recycling itself within itself.

This means that the body, you, resets its (your) boundaries all the time, while maintaining them in their place. It is the equivalent of a wave rolling over the ocean: maintaining it shape while it moves. On of the most effective ways of propagating information while preserving it, is in the form of a Torus (donut). This is the shape of our body: the gut, which is external to us, is a special place in which reality is dissolves from solid to liquid to ions (‘gas’, ‘plasma’) and only then ‘inhaled’ into our body. (Rudolph Hauschka aptly calls it an evaporation process, as of the perfume of flowers.)
Impressive is how the body creates the boundary, across which it absorbs the substance that it uses to create the boundary by which it creates its own form and your being …  It means that our body is at the same time a closed and an open system; making it quite special; and very different from the objects studied in physics. (Which is why classical medicine hardly applies to the body).
The process of Transformation can be studied in the variety of forms which this takes in the body: the process of digestion, and the formation of blood, and the rhythms involved. These will all be separately described.
Brain Waves in Perspective
| ''B'' | ''A'' | ''T'' | ''D'' |
| Beta | Alpha | Theta | Delta |
| Environment | Body | Organs | Cells |
| Conscious | Subconscious | Unconscious | Out of Conscious |

The four main identified brain wave patterns do not stand on their own:
:They are all interconnected;
:with each other
:with the universe around us.
The four brain wavebands are of interest, not because they spell different types of awareness, but different types of involvements. All four of which are needed, to be able to negotiate creation in/of life.
The following describes some (perhaps) relevant notions.

''Brain waves have no meaning''
The brain wave patterns form part of the logic of design of the whole body; they have no meaning on their own.
The frequencies in the brain form part of the electromagnetic waveband of frequencies used by /all/ the cells of the body. They are shared with all atoms in all molecules in existence.
The wavelengths, and frequencies, depend on the medium (density of the material of wave propagation), and on its size and shape (resonator cavity).
All together this determines the build-up of the wave signal, and thus the radio frequency resonance in the body.

''Waves form the fabric of the universe''
The waves are based on what happens within cells (and reflect the electrochemical interactions of atoms in molecules). Radio freque3ncies have no meaning as such; they derive meaning from the way they help cells interrelate.
Whatever we experience is a result of, i.a. those electromagnetic wave patterns, and the way the co-define the electrochemistry of our body (thus mind). The pattern of those wave fields is more basic than our thoughts. The shape of the wave field is determined by the way the waves propagate and reflect with/in the medium.
The longer wave lengths are therein compounded of short waves: the shorter waves can connect up to make longer and still longer waves; the shortest waves are those of the atoms, then the molecules, then the cells, organs and body. Some of the extended wavelengths extend well beyond our body (it is by those that we are electromagnetically linked in our context.)
In our body the situation is quite interwoven: the waves determine the structure of the materials; AND the materials determine the structure of the waves. The wave pattern forms the tapestry of the Magic Carpet of our live, quite literally, by the symphony it composes.

''Experience as brain waves''
This is how i have become to regard the brain wave frequency wavebands:
|D: Delta:	|the cellular functions; including life and death |
|T: Theta:	|the organ function, including our survival emotions |
|A: Alpha:	|the body functions, including all propriocepsis (self-sensing) |
|B: Beta:	|the sensory environment, including all perceptions of our context. |

''Knowing brain waves''
|B: |Beta waves are elicited by involvement in our environment; playing a fast game of ping-pong lets you sense what that feels like. |
|A: |Alpha waves are evoked by closing your eyes to the context, and sensing your body. Just closing the eyes may be enough to let you feel how this feels. |
|T: |Theta waves are induced by sensing your self sensing; this is more subtle than feeling your body; it is like feeling for the way that you feel for your body. (Think twice.) |
|D: |Delta waves are induced by leaving your body; this can be sensed only if you are able to extend the range of your sensing from involvement in the environment, interest in your body, to immersion in your feelings. And perceive them all with equal strength. |

''Crippling crutches''
As you may remember, my interest in Brain Machines is their use as 'reminders', as "Magick Mirrors", not as props or crutches. It cannot replace what we are, thus do.
I prefer to have people discern what brain waves they experience, while they live their daily lives. Brain monitors, such as the Mind Mirror, help to see what that is like.
Knowing that a game of ping-pong produces more beta brain waves, is often enough to have them produce more Beta brain waves by playing a game of ping-pong. Thinking of dreaming already helps the switch to more Alpha. And so on.
For what i see, the aim is not to have people move from one preferred brain wave frequency wave band to another, but to make all brain wave wavebands equally accessible. Because, that means that they are able to 1) sense what goes on around them, 2) sense their body response to it (essential for health and survival hygiene), 3) sense their choices involved (essential for operating their freedom of choice), and 4) sensing the universal basic in living (as yogi's can accomplish). All are equally valid, and needed, to live. Living life as creation, requires access to all of these, and the choice to switch between them.

''Brain Waves as links to living''
|B: |Beta 'is needed' to experience life around us'. |
|A: |Alpha 'is needed to reflect on our experience, in our body'. |
|T: |Theta 'is needed, to sense how our involvement affects us, and our body'. |
|D: |Delta 'is needed, to know the meaning of life as we live it, each moment'. |

''Changing Brain Waves = Changing involvement''
To shift the brain wave frequency, is to shift the degree of involvement.
Evidently, the shift to get someone more or less involved, changes their life: suddenly, they will become immersed in something, or disconnect from it. This means that things escape them, or come to determine their lives. This is the same as editing (or proscribing) what a person should (not) live; that can be very presupposing, imposing, and inflicting thus conflicting: a form of rape or robbery of experience of life.
The more basic notion is not that the boundary of their life is shifted (from one 'preferred (brain wave) state' (of themselves, or their therapist) to another, but an "opening of the boundary": to get /all/ A+B+T+D brain wave frequencies involved, and interconnected. So that /all/ life events are experienced from, simultaneously, an insider's and outsider's view; to give them full choice in their involvement, and choices.
It is by far more important to know that we operate by brain waves, and what functions they perform, and learn to recognise them, than blindly impose brain wave patterns on others, without knowing what effects that will cause.

Brain waves are the essence of life: they are connected to all of the universe around us: it is a creation of waves.
Brain waves are – in our brain – the reflection of our interaction with our context. Our interaction is based on the way we close ourselves off, open ourselves up, stay open or closed. The operant brain waves are reflections of that involvement.
The brain wave patterns we have represent our experience of our lifetime; it is uniquely ours, and uniquely shaped by our (experience of our) context. The waves themselves do not matter; our realisations are formed by ‘the fabric they weave” (i.e. the pattern they form). (This can help us mind our body.)
It is very helpful to have mind mirrors and brain machines in existence: they help point out that all we think matters; because it affects the patterns of brain waves, and thus our degrees of involvement. Also, they help make clear that we have an immense freedom as to the types of brain ways (involvement) that we opt for: we do not have to stay stuck with some mind set (pattern of brain waves) as a result of (some) habit. Also, it shows that living is not passive: we can choose the brain wave, involvement, we have; and thereby have a response-ability, because this determines our ability to respond. Yet, more important than the machinery that technology can now offer, is the realisation that we inhabit ‘the finest machine of them all’: Our mind-body is the basis of all brain tools; not the other way around.

Medical students get a wrong understanding of the human body.
They are taught to use Classical Science to regard the body.
As a result, they regard and treat the body as-if an Objects.
Consequentially, they often regard people as patients = objects.

This [[Curriculum]] shows that such a medical apprach is incorrect.
This training demonstrates that our body is composed of/by [[Living Cells]].
These cells are alive, communicate, take decisions and form the [[Body Materials]].
That means that the Form of our body is a consequence of [[Cell Communication]].

This [[Course]] is called [[Our Living Body]] Anatomy Course for that precise reason.
Cells form our body, an deformations of our body are formed by cells.
We need to learn [[Body Language]], the language of [[Cell Communication]], to correct deformation.
This course helps to acquire the understanding and skills to be able to do so.
Heckel thought that, the younger the embryo, the older the ancestor it represented.
Many still believe this is so; it is not: forms reflect topology.
Some animals (rotifers) are sexless (and considered female because they give birth)
Many invertebrates are hermaphrodite. Some are sterile and non-sterile (bees).

''Sperm & Egg''
Sperm are very similar for all animals; and produced in great numbers
Ovae are quite different; always large compared to body cells.; contents are asymmetrical: yolk (vegetal pole) away from nucleus (animal pole).
Gender is determined by chromosomes: XX = female, XY = male; the sperm determines the difference.
(In birds, lepidopterans and some amphibians, the female is XY).

"Parthogenesis" can be induced by shock (temperature, electric, pin prick, ..)
This most often produces haploid nuclei, and survival less than adult age.
Cleavage division varies between species. If yolk sack is small it is cleaved; if large, not (Partial Cleavage). Molluscs have spiral cleavage.
Blastomeres are very geometrically arranged.

''Cleavage Divisions''
"Gastrulation", after cleavage, is a phase of reorganisation. Single layered >- two-layered.
Ectoderm (outside), endoderm (inside) later forms the gut, organs, glands. Between them mesoderm is formed.
Mesoderm later 'becomes' muscle, kidneys and reproductive system.
(in different animals species, 'similar' organs may derive from different layers.)

''Cell formation''
"''Morphogenesis''" is the next phase of reorganisation, within the germ layers.
In this phase the rough shape of the future anatomy is defined
'Organ' clusters are formed at this stage.  Each part divides; albeit at locally different rates.
"''Differentiation''" determines the difference between respiratory pigment, contractile protein, enzyme production, etc.
"''Development''" requires an environment; often this is water (many are even spawned there); sometimes dung.
Some embryonic forms are suited for this gestation medium (e.g. tadpole tails). This is the Larval phase. (cf. womb.)

The "''Amnion''" is a living membrane, formed from ecto- and mesoderm, holding a fluid environment. It pulsates rhythmically by muscle fibres it contains.
The floor of this sack is the dorsal side of the embryo.
The "''Yolk Sack''": endoderm (continuous with embryonic gut) and mesoderm (outside); vascularised for food transport. (The Yolk is food supply.)
In mammals this forms the placenta.

*    The "Allentois":
*    The "Chorion":
*    The "Placenta":

''From Zygote to Blast''
The ovum is conveyed to the oviduct to fertilise within 24 hours. ( 3- 50 hr,)

The first cleavage division: within 24 - 60 hr.
three days => '16' particle morula. Then divisions are no longer equal.

The outer layer ('trophoblast') becomes child-side-placenta; inner layer becomes the embryo
The outer membrane, Zona Pellucida", is shed (just) before nidation.
After nidation into the womb, the breach is healed after the blastocyst.

Exchange with the mother happens via the trophoblast (physiology).
After nidation the Trophoblast has accelerated growth 'invasive' into the mother.
Maternal and embryonic circulation are separate. (interchange via the cells).
After 3 weeks the circulation ducts are in place; after 4 weeks heart beat boosts the circulation.

*    8th day: termination of the blastocyst phase.
*    27 days:     5 mm gr
*    2 months  28 mm 2.3 gr
*    3 months  75 mm 25 gr
*    4 months 135 mm 170 gr
*    5 months 185 mm 444 gr
*    6 months 225 mm 820 gr
*    7 months 270 mm 1380 gr
*    8 months 310 mm 2222 gr- Voluntary muscles activate after 8th week.
*    9 months 360 mm 3150 gr - 280 days = 10 lunar months

''Chemical Embryology''
The nucleus is not the main site of cellular respiration. Nucleic acid is synthesised here.
differentiation of endo-/ecto-derm comes from proteins; proteins are body-site specific.

responds to changes in environment.

''Rhythm of Life''
The Basis of Body Rhythm lies in cell division rhythm.
Right from the start, your body has rhythm.
The Zygote vibrates, because the Egg and Sperm vibrate, as it did in the bodies of your parents, and their parents'  (parents'), in the apes and other animals from which they descended, from plants, derived from minerals with their internal vibrations, as seen in the Earth, Sun, Cosmic gas and the Big Bang from which we started. That First Drum Beat is portrayed by the drum in the hand of Brahma, and used in African tribal drumming (also to 'shift the zone', to connect up to the dead and the unborn; as some USA resonance devices are now also said to be able to do).

''The Dance of Shiva''
Rhythms is fundamental; this is why Shivaism compare life to a dance: matter in motion. The dance is not just between us and the environment, or the Dance of Reality in the Celestial Song (or nature). It is also taking place in us: atoms share electrons, as dance partners in a group. Metabolic cycles use molecules, as dance partners in their conversions. Organs share rhythms, in the peristalsis of our body digestion. Even photons are used as dancing partners in our life.
The notion of Dance is important; ignoring it can cause a fundamental loss of understanding. Many diseases are caused by this, and easily healed if this harmony ("Song & Dance") is restored. (Obsolete 'Modern Medicine' ignores this.) Kidney stones and Gall Bladder stones, at the start, are smaller than the ducts.

''Diseases of Broken Rhythm''
This means that there are many diseases in the body based on loss of rhythm.
Well-known illnesses are anti-peristalsis, diarrhoea and constipation. Well-known, but not often realised as "Rhythm Diseases", are Appendicitis, Otitis Media (anti-peristalsis of the duct connecting the mouth and inner ear), Gall Stones, Kidney Stones and (Saliva) Glandular Stones.
Because each cell has rhythm, groups of cells are related by rhythms they share (light, radio, sound and motion). And vibrations can harm of heal, depending on their (constructive/destructive) interference with/in the body.
Breath is an important rhythm, because we can regulate it with our will; through it we can influence the rhythm of the hear and circulation of blood, which responds to our feelings. Which again affects the unconscious rhythms of our guts (also responding to our emotions). Which again affects the cerebrospinal circulation.
Breathing, massage (motion), sound and all other kinds of vibrations can be powerful means to heal; if the principle of Body Rhythms is understood.

''Body Rhythms''
The Origin of Body Rhythm lies in cell cycle rhythm.
Rhythms are Relevant, in the body.

*    Some diseases are based on the loss of rhythm/attunement; gall stones and kidney stones are examples of this.
*    Healthy processes are based on Rhythm: the contractions of labour in Birth, are expression of the same rhythms as that of menstruation. It forms part of a body-wide system of rhythms, of which metabolism too forms a part.
*    The role of Rhythm is often ignored, in medicine; as a result it can not readily understand the healing powers of i.a. music and touch.
*    It also means that, to understand this importance of rhythm, it is necessary to look elsewhere: the work of Lawrence Edwards ("The Vortex of Life", see the last section); the vast knowledge of Astrology, and those forms of healing where body cycles are taken into account: Ayur Veda, Acupuncture, Shamanism and others.

''Vibrations in the Body''
Because Body Rhythms are not often addressed as such, it can be difficult to see the relationship between dynamic processes with/in the body. As a result, it is less easy to see how such processes link up, and are joined. Together they form patterns that determine the body dynamics, but they also lie at the basis of the way we interact with our environment and others. In fact, many of the processes and rhythms in our body are there because they have been incorporated in the body; they form part of it because they exist in the environment in which we live. This is evident for atomic vibrations: the rhythms that we share with the environment in the food we eat and materials we excrete and secrete. Smells too form part of this pattern (they are forms of infrared Radiation, see the work of Phil Callahan).

Once the role of rhythms is recognised, it is (much) easier to see how the body can be healed; and how often such healing is not a type of invasive action, but an operation akin to tuning a piano. This also explains the power for healing of music and smells (e.g. essential oils). (Essential oils contain ring shaped molecules, able to firmly maintain a vibration.) Some of the notions on rhythms are described or implied in the book "Vibrational Medicine", by Richard Gerber. But when the concept of vibrations itself is regarded, and understood, the many forms of vibrational healing van all be understood to be, in essence, the same: means to restore the harmony of the body.

This body harmony is present right from the start: the DNA crystal serves as a tuning fork: like any other antenna, (cf. Phil Callahan), it helps to sort and organise vibrations. By this the first cell is able to divide, thence multiply, in such a way that the harmony of the whole is always maintained. The Part is the Whole, in a sense. What is already embedded, implied in the first cell, is unfolded (cf. David Bohm) into the body. The Body as a whole is a 'decompressed' form of the first cell; cf. a Acorn growing out in becoming an Oak. Yet it is the pattern of rhythms and vibrations that is relevant here, more than the Form they create.

(The physical forms are but patterns of "Recursive" vibrations: 'resonances' that loop onto themselves'; this discerns solids from liquids from gasses from plasma. The Stable State of fixed forms is but one of the possible 'motions' in fluids; which are again but one of the possible forms of 'connectedness' in gasses; which are again but one of the possible forms of manifestation of Plasma. To look at Reality as if Solid, misses out on the dynamics on which it is based; the same holds for our body.)

''Body Rhythms''
Rhythms come in many forms: some are so slow they are hardly (if ever) perceived; thus can only be called 'invariant' or 'solid'. "Objects" is how they then are called. Some are at rhythms that they can be perceived, and comprehend: these are often called 'motion' or 'fluid'. These are most often called "Waves". There are also rhythms that are more rapid than we can readily perceive; they are perceived as a blur: 'transformations' and 'fuzziness' are then often used terms. And there are motions and rhythms much faster than we can perceive: there are considered to 'not exist'.

The role of rhythm in perception is an essential aspect of this: what we perceive is relative always to how we perceive. In our body, based on rhythms, the perception of images, smells and tastes, sounds, and motion are merely difference in perception or relative wavelength, of waves: light, radio, sound and motion are all vibrations. Different only in the ratio they have with respect to us, and (thus) the way we perceive. By realising that Forms and Objects are relative (thus relativistic) with respect to the vibrations of/by which we are composed, it is easy to se that there are forms of healing that are much more fundamental (and potentially much more effective) than those only dealing with Objects and 

Yet it does require a different understanding of Reality; one which is much more dynamic and musical; in which the body is not an object but a musical chord. In which the body rhythms can be traced back to its origin: in its first cell, before it divides and multiplies. But also in the rhythms and processes and pattern by which that first cell was formed (via the ancestors, the animals. plants and minerals) out of the Earth (which came out of the Sun, formed from Gas, composed of Plasma). The potential for rhythms and vibration on the universe is at the basis of all the forms of healing that take body rhythms into account.

Of these there are not yet any, but enough to show what is meant. The research on Circadian Rhythms, the knowledge of Acupuncture known as The Chinese Clock, the tradition of medical Astrology, and the knowledge that it contains; as well as the studies and applications for the use of music for healing; as found in all cultures and tribes. (African Drums, Australian Didgeridoo, Indian Flutes, just to name a few.) All these methods work because of the patterns of rhythms of/in/by which our body operates and is composed.

''The Interplay of Rhythms''
Rhythms always interact: when two rhythms meet, they automatically create more than they were: they form higher and lower "Harmonics", i.e. by their interaction they evoke rhythms they share in the environment/universe were they meet. This gives powerful means for healing such as sound frequency suppletion, or even restoring body frequencies and rhythms by using sound to 'feed' light, or the other way around. (Dan Winter, Marysol, ...) One of the signs of disease is when the (mathematical) relation between frequencies is lost; and the body can no longer attune to the environment, others, or even itself. Disease then is the result.

Let's take a simple example; Kidney stones. It is said that Kidney Stones cause a stagnation of the body rhythm: fluids (urine) can no longer move out, and Colic's (tension stress pains) are the result. The same is said to be the case for Galls stones, and so on. Many doctors believe this, and tell this to their clients. Yet how can a kidney stone or galls stone, when it is barely formed, block the flow? It would be too small to block the duct, and be flushed out. The normal peristalsis cures the disease the stone is said to cause.

It means that the obstruction of flow, in Kidney Stones and Galls stones, is the result of an obstruction of the flow; i.e. the symptom is only a symptom of loss of rhythm in the body. The loss of rhythm is the cause, not the effect. Due to this, sedimentation can take place and 'stones' are formed. This understanding opens different ways of healing. By monitoring the body rhythms (e.g. the Pulses), disturbances of rhythm vibrations (and flows) can be detected before the physical body is harmed.

Yet this /does/ require a different way of thinking about the body: not as an Object but as a Dance; a symphony of Music. This is a view that can be found expressed in traditional forms of healing such as Ayur Veda and Acupuncture; where many of the models in fact often only make sense if the body is regarded as a dynamic process. Cf. a Landscape, instead of an object. (Evidently this form of viewing is of use also to heal nature, in a mechanistic culture.)

''Natural Rhythms''
The notion of body rhythms can be more fully explored by looking at the dynamics of body creation (lunar menstrual cycles, Saturn Cycles, diurnal endocrine cycles, cellular pulsations, peristalsis, heart rhythms, brain waves, and so on). And by looking at the dynamic nature of matter (chemical oscillations, radio frequency emissions, photon flows, and so on). This helps to get out of the mechanistic materialistic bias of 'Modern Medicine' (now long obsolete since Quantum Relativistic Fields were introduced to correct the too simplified limited 'Classical'  model.)

The texts of physics and mathematics on vibrations too are incomplete; this is best seen in the works on Optics of Newton and Goethe. Newton uses the Objective approach, determining the properties of light as  it is measured. Goethe describes the subjective aspects, how light and colours are perceived. (This is also the basis of the instruments made by which Newton's 'measurements' are done; Newton in part described the properties of those instrument; while Goethe in parts describes our psyche. Both models are complementary in this; in a way the treatises on Yinn and Yang help understand.)

The body rhythms should not be regarded too simplistically, as just the rhythms of breathing and the heart beat, the rhythms of peristalsis and menstruation, or the sleep cycles and diurnal rhythms. In our body many chemical oscillators play a role; there are electromagnetic rhythms, and there are many processes (and molecules) operating on and by the processes (thus rhythms) of light. It is evident that again some of those rhythms are perceptible as such; some are so slow that to us they appear as steady states (e.g. calcium deposit/release in our bone) while others are so seemingly fast that they are perceived as only transient (e.g. shivers, yawns). An there are those to fast for us to witness.

It will be clear that research on these issues will rarely be found in the field of medicine. Some is part of electro-engineering, system theory, and antennae studies; e.g. the work of Bob Dratch, Hyland and Herbert Fröhlich. Some are part of Bio-Photon research (Popp), as follow-up on the work of Gurwitsch. And there are studies in the field of bio-chemistry, including the domain of psycho-active drugs. (Which just show that reality is perhaps not always all that 'real' as we are led to believe...) And of course there is the work on biophysical rhythms, EEG, ECG, EMG and so on.

''The need to understand Rhythm''
There is a need for caution in this: although these last physical measurements are well established and often used, they are not yet understood as forms of transfer of information. Although it is clear that brain rhythms, and those of heart, muscles and peristalsis, are actually information flows, they are often only studied (in medicine) in a mechanical motoric sense. Not as 'radio communications', but as control signals (which is a different category of communication altogether). There are good reasons to believe that it is better to regard these signals as patterns of communication; which maintains body integrity.

It is to be kept in mind that body integrity exists at a physical level, based on chemical processes, determined by neurocrine signals, in a psycho-cybernetic process. Matter, Molecules, Atoms and Information, on our body, are always all addressed at the same time. This means that we should not regard our body as an object, but as an information process (of which the form if a result that it 'computes'). This again means that we should not regard body rhythms on their own, as if the body is simply a (self-tuning) chord of music. But as patterns if information in an ongoing computation.

This means that rhythms are not a goal, and best not to be seen on their own. Yet, even if the limited vies is taken, and the body regarded as 'song' of rhythms, then still a lot can be gained by this (with respect to classical mechanistic medicine). It will be possible to take into account how bodies influence themselves and each other by the rhythms they use. This also helps to understand the toxic effects of electromagnetic fields and portable telephone and other microwave devices. (Our body internally uses microwaves for many of its communication processes.)

!Life Rhythms

''Cycle of development''
The following described the outline of 12 phases of development, which together form a life cycle.
(These phases al interrelate; and the cycle can be used to recognise patterns of becoming and development in gestation and life, social interaction, personality development and the formation of cultures..)
The titles of the core themes are tentative: they describe a stepwise development of understanding, from the beginning to the end: from the first principles of cosmology, to the ways in which you can understand the body for healing.

*    Ensoulment
*    Zygote: The Concept of Creation
*    Morula: Internal Organisation
*    Blastula: Meeting the World
*    Nidation: in touch with Reality
*    Gestation: coming to oneself
*    Birth: Connecting to the Rhythms of Nature
*    BabyHood: Being One with the Body
*    Childhood: Playing with Mind
*    Adolescence: Expanding the Connectedness
*    Adulthood: Integrated into the Environment
*    ‘Disease’: Reaching out or Turning In
*    ‘Death’: Becoming One with the Universe

''Diseases of Rhythm''

''Healing Rhythm''
''Living Systems''
Living systems are open systems. Theoretical Expansion of models is required beyond physics, to apply to living organisms = open systems.
Closed systems are invariant, thus basically time independent.
Open systems demand condition control. (‘Unconditional love' refers to the open-system equivalent of the closed system. This is why science cannot understand open systems: the reset of the control parameters reflects in the need to reset the model parameters.)

''Blood Types''
Blood groups (& membrane antigens)
A, B, AB, O. (Karl Landsteine, 1900)
relevant for blood transfusions: clotting reaction (between red cells and serum antibodies).
(do cross match prior to transfusion.)

Different antigens were found later => more blood types exist.
ABO, MN, P, Rhesus, Lutheran, Kell, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd.
Blood type: genetically inherited; independently of each other.
(Some families have unique antigens; rare. "private". The others are called "Public".)

''Antibody Formation''
Antibodies are not present at birth; are formed in 1st year of life. ABO antigens (red cell) are formed in the few weeks old foetus.
The 'lacking' antibody is present in the blood plasma.
Blood: plasma + cells (red, white, thrombocytes, platelets)
red = blood carrier.

ABO Blood Typing
type	serum	red cell
A	anti-B	A
B	anti-A	B
O	both	neither
AB	nether	both


ABO inheritance is via Chromosomes; in all nucleated cells.
Cells contain 2 sets of 23 chromosomes; sex cells only 1 set..
Parents can give two different antigen types (AB, etc.); heterozygous; or twice the same (homozygous).

	phenotype	genotype
	homozygous	heterozygous
O	OO	-

O: northwest EU, Africa, Australia, AmericaA: Asia, Europe, Amerindians
1911: ABO sub set: A1 and A2: not clinically relevant.

''Rhesus type''
Rhesus: reaction to Rhesus monkey red blood cells.
Rh+: clots; Rh-, does not.
Relevance in pregnancy: if leaking occurs between mother/child circulation; clotting can occur,
Test Rh- mothers for Rh-antibodies. Rh+ father can induce Rh-antibodies; after 2nd or 3rd birth.

Heckel thought that, the younger the embryo, the older the ancestor it represented. Many still believe this is so; it is not: forms reflect topology.
Some animals (rotifers) are sexless (and considered female because they give birth)
Many invertebrates are hermaphrodite. Some are sterile and non-sterile (bees).

''Sperm & Egg''
Sperm are very similar for all animals; and produced in great numbers
Ovae are quite different; always large compared to body cells.; contents are asymmetrical: yolk (vegetal pole) away from nucleus (animal pole).
Gender is determined by chromosomes: XX = female, XY = male; the sperm determines the difference.
(In birds, lepidopterans and some amphibians, the female is XY).

"Parthogenesis" can be induced by shock (temperature, electric, pin prick, ..)
This most often produces haploid nuclei, and survival less than adult age.
Cleavage division varies between species. If yolk sack is small it is cleaved; if large, not (Partial Cleavage). Molluscs have spiral cleavage. 
Blastomeres are very geometrically arranged.

''Cleavage Divisions''
"Gastrulation", after cleavage, is a phase of reorganisation. Single layered >- two-layered.
Ectoderm (outside), endoderm (inside) later forms the gut, organs, glands. Between them mesoderm is formed.
Mesoderm later 'becomes' muscle, kidneys and reproductive system.
(in different animals species, 'similar' organs may derive from different layers.)

''Cell formation''
"Morphogenesis" is the next phase of reorganisation, within the germ layers.
In this phase the rough shape of the future anatomy is defined
'Organ' clusters are formed at this stage.  Each part divides; albeit at locally different rates.
"Differentiation" determines the difference between respiratory pigment, contractile protein, enzyme production, etc.
"Development" requires an environment; often this is water (many are even spawned there); sometimes dung.
Some embryonic forms are suited for this gestation medium (e.g. tadpole tails). This is the Larval phase. (cf. womb.)

The "Amnion" is a living membrane, formed from ecto- and mesoderm, holding a fluid environment. It pulsates rhythmically by muscle fibres it contains.
The floor of this sack is the dorsal side of the embryo.
The "Yolk Sack": endoderm (continuous with embryonic gut) and mesoderm (outside); vascularised for food transport. (The Yolk is food supply.)
In mammals this forms the placenta.
•	The "Allentois": 
•	The "Chorion":
•	The "Placenta":

''From Zygote to Blast''
ovum is conveyed to the oviduct to fertilise within 24 hours. ( 3- 50 hr,)
first cleavage division: within 24 - 60 hr.
three days => '16' particle morula. Then divisions are no longer equal.
outer layer ('trophoblast') becomes child-side-placenta; inner layer becomes the embryo
The outer membrane, Zona Pellucida", is shed (just) before nidation..
After nidation into the womb, the breach is healed after the blastocyst.

Exchange with the mother happens via the trophoblast (physiology).
After nidation the Trophoblast has accelerated growth 'invasive' into the mother.
Maternal and embryonic circulation are separate. (interchange via the cells).
After 3 weeks the circulation ducts are in place; after 4 weeks heart beat boosts the circulation.

8th day: termination of the blastocyst phase.
27 days:	5 mm	gr
2 months	28	2.3
3		75	25
4		135	170
5		185	444
6		225	820
7		270	1380
8		310	2222
9		360	3150	280 days = 10 lunar months
Voluntary muscles activate after 8th week.

''Chemical Embryology''
The nucleus is not the main site of cellular respiration. Nucleic acid is synthesised here.
differentiation of endo-/ecto-derm comes from proteins; proteins are body-site specific.

responds to changes in environment. 

''Rhythm of Life''

''The Basis of Body Rhythm''
Right from the start, your body has rhythm.
The Zygote vibrates, because the Egg and Sperm vibrate, as it did in the bodies of your parents, and their parents'  (parents'), in the apes and other animals from which they descended, from plants, derived from minerals with their internal vibrations, as seen in the Earth, Sun, Cosmic gas and the Big Bang from which we started. That First Drum Beat is portrayed by the drum in the hand of Brahma, and used in African tribal drumming (also to 'shift the zone', to connect up to the dead and the unborn; as some USA resonance devices are now also said to be able to do).

''The Dance of Shiva''
Rhythms is fundamental; this is why Shivaism compare life to a dance: matter in motion. The dance is not just between us and the environment, or the Dance of Reality in the Celestial Song (or nature). It is also taking place in us: atoms share electrons, as dance partners in a group. Metabolic cycles use molecules, as dance partners in their conversions. Organs share rhythms, in the peristalsis of our body digestion. Even photons are used as dancing partners in our life.
The notion of Dance is important; ignoring it can cause a fundamental loss of understanding. Many diseases are caused by this, and easily healed if this harmony ("Song & Dance") is restored. (Obsolete 'Modern Medicine' ignores this.) Kidney stones and Gall Bladder stones, at the start, are smaller than the ducts.

''Diseases of Broken Rhythm''
This means that there are many diseases in the body based on loss of rhythm.
Well-known illnesses are anti-peristalsis, diarrhoea and constipation. Well-known, but not often realised as "Rhythm Diseases", are Appendicitis, Otitis Media (anti-peristalsis of the duct connecting the mouth and inner ear), Gall Stones, Kidney Stones and (Saliva) Glandular Stones.
Because each cell has rhythm, groups of cells are related by rhythms they share (light, radio, sound and motion). And vibrations can harm of heal, depending on their (constructive/destructive) interference with/in the body.
Breath is an important rhythm, because we can regulate it with our will; through it we can influence the rhythm of the hear and circulation of blood, which responds to our feelings. Which again affects the unconscious rhythms of our guts (also responding to our emotions). Which again affects the cerebrospinal circulation.
Breathing, massage (motion), sound and all other kinds of vibrations can be powerful means to heal; if the principle of Body Rhythms is understood.

!Body Rhythms

''The Origin of Body Rhythm''
Rhythms are Relevant, in the body.
•	Some diseases are based on the loss of rhythm/attunement; gall stones and kidney stones are examples of this.
•	Healthy processes are based on Rhythm: the contractions of labour in Birth, are expression of the same rhythms as that of menstruation. It forms part of a body-wide system of rhythms, of which metabolism too forms a part.
•	The role of Rhythm is often ignored, in medicine; as a result it can not readily understand the healing powers of i.a. music and touch.
•	It also means that, to understand this importance of rhythm, it is necessary to look elsewhere: the work of Lawrence Edwards ("The Vortex of Life", see the last section); the vast knowledge of Astrology, and those forms of healing where body cycles are taken into account: Ayur Veda, Acupuncture, Shamanism and others.

''Vibrations in the Body''
Because Body Rhythms are not often addressed as such, it can be difficult to see the relationship between dynamic processes with/in the body. As a result, it is less easy to see how such processes link up, and are joined. Together they form patterns that determine the body dynamics, but they also lie at the basis of the way we interact with our environment and others. In fact, many of the processes and rhythms in our body are there because they have been incorporated in the body; they form part of it because they exist in the environment in which we live. This is evident for atomic vibrations: the rhythms that we share with the environment in the food we eat and materials we excrete and secrete. Smells too form part of this pattern (they are forms of infrared Radiation, see the work of Phil Callahan).
Once the role of rhythms is recognised, it is (much) easier to see how the body can be healed; and how often such healing is not a type of invasive action, but an operation akin to tuning a piano. This also explains the power for healing of music and smells (e.g. essential oils). (Essential oils contain ring shaped molecules, able to firmly maintain a vibration.) Some of the notions on rhythms are described or implied in the book "Vibrational Medicine", by Richard Gerber. But when the concept of vibrations itself is regarded, and understood, the many forms of vibrational healing van all be understood to be, in essence, the same: means to restore the harmony of the body.
This body harmony is present right from the start: the DNA crystal serves as a tuning fork: like any other antenna, (cf. Phil Callahan), it helps to sort and organise vibrations. By this the first cell is able to divide, thence multiply, in such a way that the harmony of the whole is always maintained. The Part is the Whole, in a sense. What is already embedded, implied in the first cell, is unfolded (cf. David Bohm) into the body. The Body as a whole is a 'decompressed' form of the first cell; cf. a Acorn growing out in becoming an Oak. Yet it is the pattern of rhythms and vibrations that is relevant here, more than the Form they create.

(The physical forms are but patterns of "Recursive" vibrations: 'resonances' that loop onto themselves'; this discerns solids from liquids from gasses from plasma. The Stable State of fixed forms is but one of the possible 'motions' in fluids; which are again but one of the possible forms of 'connectedness' in gasses; which are again but one of the possible forms of manifestation of Plasma. To look at Reality as if Solid, misses out on the dynamics on which it is based; the same holds for our body.)

''Body Rhythms''
Rhythms come in many forms: some are so slow they are hardly (if ever) perceived; thus can only be called 'invariant' or 'solid'. "Objects" is how they then are called. Some are at rhythms that they can be perceived, and comprehend: these are often called 'motion' or 'fluid'. These are most often called "Waves". There are also rhythms that are more rapid than we can readily perceive; they are perceived as a blur: 'transformations' and 'fuzziness' are then often used terms. And there are motions and rhythms much faster than we can perceive: there are considered to 'not exist'.
The role of rhythm in perception is an essential aspect of this: what we perceive is relative always to how we perceive. In our body, based on rhythms, the perception of images, smells and tastes, sounds, and motion are merely difference in perception or relative wavelength, of waves: light, radio, sound and motion are all vibrations. Different only in the ratio they have with respect to us, and (thus) the way we perceive. By realising that Forms and Objects are relative (thus relativistic) with respect to the vibrations of/by which we are composed, it is easy to se that there are forms of healing that are much more fundamental (and potentially much more effective) than those only dealing with Objects and Forms.
Yet it does require a different understanding of Reality; one which is much more dynamic and musical; in which the body is not an object but a musical chord. In which the body rhythms can be traced back to its origin: in its first cell, before it divides and multiplies. But also in the rhythms and processes and pattern by which that first cell was formed (via the ancestors, the animals. plants and minerals) out of the Earth (which came out of the Sun, formed from Gas, composed of Plasma). The potential for rhythms and vibration on the universe is at the basis of all the forms of healing that take body rhythms into account.
Of these there are not yet any, but enough to show what is meant. The research on Circadian Rhythms, the knowledge of Acupuncture known as The Chinese Clock, the tradition of medical Astrology, and the knowledge that it contains; as well as the studies and applications for the use of music for healing; as found in all cultures and tribes. (African Drums, Australian Didgeridoo, Indian Flutes, just to name a few.) All these methods work because of the patterns of rhythms of/in/by which our body operates and is composed.

''The Interplay of Rhythms''
Rhythms always interact: when two rhythms meet, they automatically create more than they were: they form higher and lower "Harmonics", i.e. by their interaction they evoke rhythms they share in the environment/universe were they meet. This gives powerful means for healing such as sound frequency suppletion, or even restoring body frequencies and rhythms by using sound to 'feed' light, or the other way around. (Dan Winter, Marysol, ...) One of the signs of disease is when the (mathematical) relation between frequencies is lost; and the body can no longer attune to the environment, others, or even itself. Disease then is the result.
Let's take a simple example; Kidney stones. It is said that Kidney Stones cause a stagnation of the body rhythm: fluids (urine) can no longer move out, and Colic's (tension stress pains) are the result. The same is said to be the case for Galls stones, and so on. Many doctors believe this, and tell this to their clients. Yet how can a kidney stone or galls stone, when it is barely formed, block the flow? It would be too small to block the duct, and be flushed out. The normal peristalsis cures the disease the stone is said to cause.
It means that the obstruction of flow, in Kidney Stones and Galls stones, is the result of an obstruction of the flow; i.e. the symptom is only a symptom of loss of rhythm in the body. The loss of rhythm is the cause, not the effect. Due to this, sedimentation can take place and 'stones' are formed. This understanding opens different ways of healing. By monitoring the body rhythms (e.g. the Pulses), disturbances of rhythm vibrations (and flows) can be detected before the physical body is harmed.
Yet this /does/ require a different way of thinking about the body: not as an Object but as a Dance; a symphony of Music. This is a view that can be found expressed in traditional forms of healing such as Ayur Veda and Acupuncture; where many of the models in fact often only make sense if the body is regarded as a dynamic process. Cf. a Landscape, instead of an object. (Evidently this form of viewing is of use also to heal nature, in a mechanistic culture.)

''Natural Rhythms''
The notion of body rhythms can be more fully explored by looking at the dynamics of body creation (lunar menstrual cycles, Saturn Cycles, diurnal endocrine cycles, cellular pulsations, peristalsis, heart rhythms, brain waves, and so on). And by looking at the dynamic nature of matter (chemical oscillations, radio frequency emissions, photon flows, and so on). This helps to get out of the mechanistic materialistic bias of 'Modern Medicine' (now long obsolete since Quantum Relativistic Fields were introduced to correct the too simplified limited 'Classical'  model.)

The texts of physics and mathematics on vibrations too are incomplete; this is best seen in the works on Optics of Newton and Goethe. Newton uses the Objective approach, determining the properties of light as  it is measured. Goethe describes the subjective aspects, how light and colours are perceived. (This is also the basis of the instruments made by which Newton's 'measurements' are done; Newton in part described the properties of those instrument; while Goethe in parts describes our psyche. Both models are complementary in this; in a way the treatises on Yinn and Yang help understand.)
The body rhythms should not be regarded too simplistically, as just the rhythms of breathing and the heart beat, the rhythms of peristalsis and menstruation, or the sleep cycles and diurnal rhythms. In our body many chemical oscillators play a role; there are electromagnetic rhythms, and there are many processes (and molecules) operating on and by the processes (thus rhythms) of light. It is evident that again some of those rhythms are perceptible as such; some are so slow that to us they appear as steady states (e.g. calcium deposit/release in our bone) while others are so seemingly fast that they are perceived as only transient (e.g. shivers, yawns). An there are those to fast for us to witness.
It will be clear that research on these issues will rarely be found in the field of medicine. Some is part of electro-engineering, system theory, and antennae studies; e.g. the work of Bob Dratch, Hyland and Herbert Fröhlich. Some are part of Bio-Photon research (Popp), as follow-up on the work of Gurwitsch. And there are studies in the field of bio-chemistry, including the domain of psycho-active drugs. (Which just show that reality is perhaps not always all that 'real' as we are led to believe...) And of course there is the work on biophysical rhythms, EEG, ECG, EMG and so on.

''The need to understand Rhythm''
There is a need for caution in this: although these last physical measurements are well established and often used, they are not yet understood as forms of transfer of information. Although it is clear that brain rhythms, and those of heart, muscles and peristalsis, are actually information flows, they are often only studied (in medicine) in a mechanical motoric sense. Not as 'radio communications', but as control signals (which is a different category of communication altogether). There are good reasons to believe that it is better to regard these signals as patterns of communication; which maintains body integrity.
It is to be kept in mind that body integrity exists at a physical level, based on chemical processes, determined by neurocrine signals, in a psycho-cybernetic process. Matter, Molecules, Atoms and Information, on our body, are always all addressed at the same time. This means that we should not regard our body as an object, but as an information process (of which the form if a result that it 'computes'). This again means that we should not regard body rhythms on their own, as if the body is simply a (self-tuning) chord of music. But as patterns if information in an ongoing computation.

This means that rhythms are not a goal, and best not to be seen on their own. Yet, even if the limited vies is taken, and the body regarded as 'song' of rhythms, then still a lot can be gained by this (with respect to classical mechanistic medicine). It will be possible to take into account how bodies influence themselves and each other by the rhythms they use. This also helps to understand the toxic effects of electromagnetic fields and portable telephone and other microwave devices. (Our body internally uses microwaves for many of its communication processes.)

''Life Rhythms''

''Cycle of development''
The following described the outline of 12 phases of development, which together form a life cycle.
(These phases al interrelate; and the cycle can be used to recognise patterns of becoming and development in gestation and life, social interaction, personality development and the formation of cultures..)
The titles of the core themes are tentative: they describe a stepwise development of understanding, from the beginning to the end: from the first principles of cosmology, to the ways in which you can understand the body for healing.
1.	Ensoulment
2.	Zygote: The Concept of Creation
3.	Morula: Internal Organisation
4.	Blastula: Meeting the World
5.	Nidation: in touch with Reality
6.	Gestation: coming to oneself
7.	Birth: Connecting to the Rhythms of Nature
8.	BabyHood: Being One with the Body
9.	Childhood: Playing with Mind
10.	Adolescence: Expanding the Connectedness
11.	Adulthood: Integrated into the Environment
12.	‘Disease’: Reaching out or Turning In
13.	‘Death’: Becoming One with the Universe

Diseases of Rhythm

Healing Rhythm
''“The Song & Dance of the Body”''

''Breath, Heartbeat, Peristalsis, and Cranio-Sacral Rhythms''

Rhythm is an essence of the body; dead is known by the absence of pulsations. The first cell, the Zygote, already had its rhythm, which it shared with the Egg and Sperm, who shared their rhythms in Conception. Those cells already had their rhythms, in the mother-body of your mother and father. Who again shared their rhythms with their ancestors, taking their beat from the animals, taking their pulse from the plants, who take their vibrations from the minerals in Earth. At the level of vibration, Motion, Sound, Radio and Light are the same: just vibrations. Within the body, all those vibrations are intertwined, and related. The vibrations in bones are reminiscent of the vibrations in minerals. The vibrations in organs are related to vibrations in plants. The vibrations of our body, are like those in animals. Moreover, the thoughts we have are vibration within vibrations yet again. When the body vibrations interconnect and weave in patterns of harmony, and ongoing dynamics, this is called Health. When the rhythms are broken, one speaks of “disease”.

Body, Rhythm, Harmony, Symphony, Health, Disease,

There are advantages to regarding the body as a song, or a dance. Atoms sharing electrons, like partners in a dance, weave to form molecules. The molecules vibrate, like antennae, resonating to (and creating) the body song. Organs are fuelled by i.a. intracellular photons (light waves), and communicate using phonons (sound waves). There are many more patterns of rhythms in our body than most people know. Yet, all those rhythms and vibrations are interwoven with everything that we do; what we do is possible because process Rhythms interweave. There is no coincidence that a shaman's drum beat, when well chosen, brings people in Trance. There is no chance in the interconnectedness of the patterns of brain waves, heart waves, cerebrospinal fluid waves, and the waves of peristalsis in all organs. Together they form one interwoven pattern, because together they represent, reflect, the same pattern: that of the first cell, the Zygote, unfolding in time. In these rhythms, all vibrations interconnect, together weaving an invisible tapestry, 'the magic carpet' on which our body 'rides'. When the warp and woof of that carpet is rifted or torn, it can no longer contain the structure of the body, which thus decays, and falls a-part. This fundamental principle is now begun to be realised, in different, new, forms of healing. Information Healing is the encompassing name:  all those forms of dealing with the body where patterns of integrity, of information, are respected, and restored. It is possible to measure the sounds of a person's voice, and identify which frequency lacks. This tone can be fed back to the person (or being), as the missing-link tone in itself, or -better often still- as a combination of tone, which together create the lacking tone as a higher or lower harmonic. In that case, the body is addressed at two frequencies with which it knows how to cope; and by combining them can deal with the gap in its harmony, song, which it otherwise cannot reach. It is possible to describe this principle in a quite fundamental way, making use of the model of the Light Cone (of Relativity). (This is (and will be) described elsewhere.) The core concept is that vibrations (thus Frequencies) are oscillations: where something (whatever) torns inside out. This is a principle so fundamental that perhaps it is the only one by which this universe is 'made'. The universe as a whole is simply a pastern of related "Inversions", together weaving 'the tapestry of life'. This weaving takes place within and around us; but it is only within us that we can interact with those rhythms. That is what this text describes. How our Breathing is a means by which we can modulate, thus moderate, the rhythms of our heart. Breath can (to a limited extent) be consciously controlled, by our mind. The Heart responds to our feelings and emotions. And indirectly, by our Breath. (This gives its importance to Prana Yama, the Yogic science of the use of Breath), and Qi Gong (the Chinese equivalent, using a different form). The Hearth again affects the rhythms in the arteries, and organ peristalsis: by the flow of blood oxygen, (unconscious) organ pulsations will be more or less slow. There are deeper rhythms still, of the organs with respect to each other, based on the rhythms of whole groups of cells. Cranio-Sacral (cerebro-spinal) rhythms are an example in case. By shifting these rhythms, holding them, the underlying pattern of cyclic inversions can itself be inverted. A woman  told me that that was how she came to see the aura of others: when that 'inversion process' was temporarily stopped. The Body rhythms thus relate to our awareness and perception; our experience of 'the world', and ourselves. Damaged body rhythms, break the body's song & dance. It is a main cause of disease. Just to give a small example: consider this question: If a gall stone, or kidney stone, causes disease, by blocking the (bile/urine) flow, how then can this come to be? Surely, the first minissimal grain of bile or urine salts is too small to be stopped in, by, the duct? If that first grain is too small to be even able to slow down, let stand stop, the flow, how then can it come to exist? The question is answered by thinking in inverse: the grain is formed when the flow itself stopped. Understanding body flows is thus quire significant for understanding health (and the healing powers of song & dance).

The following gives some example of the pulsations of cells: those of the body as a whole, those of 'separate' organs, those of ‘our heart, circulation’, and those of our inspiration, or Breath. All of these are important for life; they are even used to diagnose (determine) ‘vital functions’. Yet what is not often or readily understood, is that they are all interconnected. One rhythms leads to another; and all of them are linked, directly or indirectly. To the cells that create and uphold these vibrations, between the rhythms themselves, and to the environment in which we live: that is how astrological rhythms are joint in with our body. (Or rather, the other way around: our body is formed our of the vibratory patterns of nature around us.)
How important those rhythms are is rarely respected. Only in evident cases, are people aware of all these vibrations, and how they interconnect. The “contractions of birth” are not just those by which you were ‘expelled from the womb’ (when it no longer had room to expand), but it is a more intensified form of the Higgs Contractions, rhythms of pulsations, not really yet in the form of contractions, like tides on the seas. Those Higgs Contractions again form part of the long scale and more short-term contractions, known as the cycle of menstruations. Named so, because of their link to the rhythms of the moon. These Menstruations, and birth contractions are related; let's say 'harmonics of each other'. The short term and long term patterns all interconnect. (As astrologers can tell: often in families, over generations, children are born in seasons or even days shared with their forebear.)

Although these large-scale rhythms are important, often vital, they are harder to detect; they require a different form of perception, and recording of these process cycles (in languages such as astrologers use, crafted for the purpose). There are other rhythms, more perceptible, that are also related to health (all body rhythms/vibrations are.) The Jugular pulse, or pulse at the wrist, is well known. The is the quickest means to feel if a person is still ‘alive’; the second is used to know about a person's state of health. (Ayur Vedic and Acupuncture Pulse Diagnoses; the rhythms felt at the wrist are representative for the co-ordination of phase, the patterns by which body (cell) vibrations are linked. Although this is relevant to know about body vitality and health, they are not as clear in showing body integrity, as for example the cranio-sacral pulse. This is a pulsation in which the total effect of all the body rhythms comes into play: the cells, the organs, the functional circuits, and the expression of integrity of the body as a whole. Again, what is felt is the ‘pulse’ of ‘system inversion’: how the part relates to the whole (by the way the inside connects to the outside.) In a way, this is a means to feel the pulsation of the First Cell, the Zygote, as it unfolded in forming the body as-a-whole. The pulsations of the body-as-a-whole, as felt in e.g. the cranio-sacral pulse are more easy to feel in/for another; for yourself: you are so used to it, so embedded with/in it, so com-posed (!) out of it, that you can hardly tell it apart from what you are. (Except when you shift to altered state; thus ‘go out of your body’).

''PranaYama: Breathing''
Breath is a fascinating instrument for editing our (un)consciousness. The rhythm of our muscles is (for many) the only movements they can control. By controlling the muscles of the chest (i.a. intercostal muscles, diaphragm) it is possible to change the rate (thus rhythm) of breathing. This makes it possible to chain rhythms, from very slow to very fast: from EMG (muscle) to EKG (heart) to EEG (brain) and beyond. This has been described (in a different way) by Itzhak Benthov, in “Stalking the Wild Pendulum” (in the appendix, entitled “The Physio-Kundalini Syndrome). By breathing, the rhythm of the breath interacts with the rhythm of the heart (try it, and count how many heart beats there are, on average, to your breath. Pay attention to the way the attention given to counting (in the mind, or on your fingers) subtly shifts that ratio). By changing the rhythm of the heart, the circulation throughout the body is affected; even a slight shift will make all the difference in e.g. oxygen saturation and nutrient transport. Which again affects the rhythms at which the cells can operate: this is a very interwoven dance, with many ‘dance partners’. In addition, the simple use of breathing can make fundamental shifts in the rhythms, thus functioning, of the body as a whole.

''Song & Dance: The Heart''
Less outspoken, but more decisive is the rhythms of the heart, stopping the flow of the blood ca 4 times per breath, ca 72 times per minute . (It is said that some Japanese study found that the venous/arterial blood circulation accelerated, when the heart was bypassed.) In stopping the blood, the heart turns the flow of the blood into an internal spin . The seven heart muscle layers are all specifically directed to enable the electromagnetic pulse of their contraction charge the blood with their spin orientation . The hearth not only feeds the body with blood, but also with information. (The electromagnetic rhythms of the heart are coupled to those of the brain and {Dan Winter}, coupled to the thymus (where integrity of the frequency spectrum is said to be maintained). The heart is regulated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. It also responds to blood hormones, and its own secretions. It means that there are four different but related levels of control that direct the heart in establishing its rhythm. Also, the hearth rhythms are related to (Quantum) electromagnetic spin orientations of the blood, which is also a carrier of light .
The heart also operates with phonons, sound waves, so it is said; all religions stress the importance of song in remaining healthy; and Oriental Medicine sees a direct relationship between singing and music and the heart. As the most outspoken carrier of rhythms into the body, it has a core position in many meditations (focussing on the heart). (The meditations on breathing often follow up with meditations on the heart, to be followed by meditations on the Hara (gut peristalsis) to reach to the body pulses. (Craniosacral system pulsations .) Each of these (interconnected) levels contributes its part of the (integral) spectrum of vibrations that connects the body from the level of light, via Radio waves and Sound, to our physical motions and actions. It is the integrity of these rhythms that extends beyond our own being: the Inter Heart Rate Variability (the 'flexibility of the Heart, in 'stepping its dance steps' as it breaths the rhythms which is at the heart of our internal circulation). This Heart Rate Variability has been shown to correlate to our openness (of being closed off) to people around us . We not only have Song-&-Dance going on with ourselves, but also with each other. (And, as measurements showed, on the Nature  around us , animals and even the weather  reflect how we feel.) Forests are example of this interwovenness of vibration : the animals in it create a symphony (and harmony) that spans all frequencies; when one of the frequency wavebands is lacking, it is a sign of disease. It means that an animal species has disappeared; if no other moves in to sing in that range of sound, the forest may die. (The sound waves interact with the leaves to 'set them' for photosynthesis' {Dan Winter}.) The same is seen in human pathology {Tomatis, e.a.} When in the voice a frequency is lacking, it can be 'repleted' by giving that tone as a combination of two other tones (of which it is a higher/lower harmonic). This can often resolve fundamental diseases, by the proper understanding and use of frequencies alone.

''Food & Interactions: Gut Feeling''
More determinant for our state of being still is the rhythm of the gut; because it is not just the intestinal rhythms that is involved, but the attunement of all the secretory organs involved in digestion: the whole chain of organs and bladders by which the interiorisation of the food takes place. The principle of inversion over the gut boundary is a fundamental principle. (The work of Rudolph Hauschka is inspirational for this.)
What we eat is not food; food as such does not exist. Every form of matter is organised, ordered. It is not a loose ‘bunch of molecules’ as chemical analysts present it. It is an organised coherence, which reflects, in its form, the development and environment by which it emerged. Matter is not material in the physical sense; neither is it molecular in the chemical sense or Antenna, in the electromagnetic view. It is all of this, because it is information of phase; as is our whole body. Food is a seemingly ‘static’ form, of ‘object’, ‘structure’, that serves as reference for reconstruction and maintenance of our body. Food is not essential, as Theresa Neumann and Jasmuheen have shown: we can live without food. But we need integrity in order to live: interwovenness, integration with/in our environment. This is what happens in our gut: the ‘food’ we eat is ‘dissolved’, via a series of stages, from material to molecular (and atomic); at which point the ‘substance’ (which it is no longer!) is absorbed (electrically, chemically and physically) into the body. It is the more unphysical form of the food that is taken in.
Taking in of the food is part of a transformation cycle (that take place along he length of the gut). Mechanical breaking, chemical solvents, soaking, and fermentation play a role in a systematic way as seen in e.g. distillation columns. All of these processes are timed with as great precision (and following the same pattern) as the conception by the egg of the sperm. What is known as Peristalsis, is a fundamental pattern in the body: it is a pattern of vibrations, based on the vibration of the Zygote, the first cell. These rhythms are organised in very specific patterns: groups of cells vibrate, or even move, as a unit: this is how we can displace ourselves. It means that some cells share rhythms with some other cells, but not with yet other cells. There are regions of vibrations, comparable to regions of flows in oceans. Patterns within patterns of rhythms. The regions between these rhythm patterns are distinct by boundaries of Phase; Meridians play a fundamental role in this. (Just as Chackras are pivotal for identifying such Coherence Groups.)
In our gut, such patterns of coherence are found in Peristalsis. A series of ‘Caterpillar-like movements of the intestinal ‘tube’. Such motions are found in all organs; in e.g. the womb, it is the basis of menstruations and the contractions at birth. When the rhythm is disturbed (warped) of broken, disease sets in, Often diseases are known by this. Obstipation, Diarrhoea, and Antiperistalsis (of “Vomiting”), is an example of/for this. It means that the rhythm is lost, or even inverted. A famous (yet not realised) example is that of Appendicitis: an affliction that is readily resolved by acupuncture (presumably by inverting the rhythm, by which bacterial infection, sequestered in the appendix is ‘evicted’, after it had become ‘stuck’ because the peristalsis was reversed. (Due to which the bacterial break-down products could not be sufficiently removed and infection arose. De Appendix is a Safe Harbour for the bacteria in the Colon, to tide-over aside from the main flow. From the point of view of ‘Somatic Medicine’, this is pure speculation: they do not regard diseases of Rhythm…)
As the example of the gut clearly shows: Health is deeply interwoven with harmony of vibrations.
Shaking at the core: Cerebrospinal motions
Sometimes, when falling asleep (of when lying down in uncommon situations, when awareness is raised), it is possible to feel 'strong' pulsations, which are not those of the breath or the heart. These can be some of the core rhythms of the body. In standing up,  the body uses a complex system of rhythms to maintain the upright position. These motions relate the tensions in local parts of the body to the structure of the body dynamics as a whole. These natural rhythms can be explored and exploited to restore bodily health.

''Shakers and Quakers''
“Latihan” is the Indonesian name for an exercise in which the body is fully allowed to move as it wills; and that includes breathing and speaking or singing or shouting. The body, when ‘left to itself’ is able to 'sort through' a whole range of rhythms readily and rapidly. Many cultures have known and used this principle: some are actually known by this: for example the “Shakers” and “Quakers”. In other cultures, this is less outspoken, but used just the same principle: there it is known as Dance. The Masai use the spinal shock to shake the skull (and cerebrospinal fluids) when they jump up to land on their heels. The African drumbeats are designed to likewise shift consciousness (even to the level of being able to get in tough with the deceased and unborn). The more subtle shaking rhythms of e.g. the Balinese Monkey Dance, where men sit and rock in rhythm, or the Sufi swaying motions, and even the Balinese temple dances or movements like T’ai Qi: all relate to the natural rhythms of the body, and can serve to restore the Rhythms within.

''Seizures and Convulsions''
Sometimes the rhythms do not match: and ‘earthquakes’ of the body-mind occur. Shivers of cold or fear, or yawns, the gyrations and rotations while asleep (or waking up), even the slight tremors that can shudder through a limb or a passing twitch of a nostril or eyelid: all are part of a series of ‘resets’, in which the body restores or repairs its own rhythm. Compare it to the trembling of the Earth: plate tectonics (the thin slabs of solidified crusts, floating on the surface of the Earth’s liquid core), always move with respect to each other. Normally these just slide side by side, and the geological fault lines are the indicators of the enormous motions that take place over hundreds and thousands of years. In other places they move into each other: this leads to the ‘plates’ ‘piling up’: the Himalaya is an example of this. In yet other places, they combine Bumping and Sliding: this causes Earth Quakes; and some regions are well known just by this. The principle is simple: tension builds up, and is released. Instead of frequent short (‘sliding’) motions, rare but large movements take place. Instead of a high frequency, a low frequency ‘discharge’ takes place. In the mind the same can be seen: occasional severe discharges of tension, shaking the system. Seizures are example of this; and but one example of a much larger (and hardly studied) group of (Rhythm) diseases.

Song & Dance is essential to the body; we are a symphony of vibrations at many levels, interwoven within us, and with/in our environment; also in time. Time and timing is the essence of these patterns of vibrations (and requires a different way of regarding reality, as a process, than classical science still habitually does). By understanding the role of rhythm, many diseases can be understood in terms of Broken Rhythm: Vomiting, Diarrhea, Appendicitis, Gall and Kidney Stones are but a few on the list.
Healing is often simple: restoring the rhythm; many techniques exist by which those rhythms can be fells and restored. Song and Dance, Meditation and Contemplation are but a few among those that can be used.

'''Too Complex to Understand'''
This section is not meant to be complex; because biochemistry is one of the most complexing ways of regarding the body.
There are thousands of process cycles, interacting in millions of combinations. What biochemists study is only part of the picture: the chemical reactions are different in each and every living cells, as the conditions change.
But there is simplicity behind all this: molecules, however large, are related to each other; and just as in plant determination can be classified and related to each other. Some examples of this will be shown.
The complexity of molecules (in fact, large electromagnetic antennae!) is based on Atomics; while atoms again are but rhythms of vibrations in space. Each atom is a chord; each molecule a song...
This is about as complex as this section will get...

''Molecules developed''
What is simpler but to start at the start? From the beginning of time; before the Big Bang.
As physics sees it now: matter does not really exist. What we know as materials, is made up of molecules, relativistically interconnected. Which are again composed of atoms, that are probabilistically related. Which are ultimately based on subatomic vibrations; it is their organisation that matters.
What science ignores (but living cells take into account) is the chemistry of transmutations: nit just the surface/conditions can change, but also the essence or core. This means that all biochemical relations interconnect in more ways than biochemists take into account. Yet are computed in the body on a daily basis as a matter of fact.
This understanding is so encompassing and complex that it can not be analysed or understood (without destroying what is actually taking place)). Yet it is simple enough for the body to maintain all the time that you live. So we are deeply interconnected with what we are looking at here; and feel it in all that we do.

''We live on information''
When we ingest, we ´dine on Earth´: The first actions are physical, the hammering of the food by the molars turning it from physical objects into a pulp, a soup. This is the level of Physics.
At the second level we ´digest in the Sun´: the processing of our food in our stomach is at the level of Chemistry.
At the third level the chemical interactions of enzymes breaks up the molecules into ions: this implies that we ´assimilate in the Cosmic Gas Clouds´. The reactions are electromagnetic.
Finally we ´take in our food in the Big Bang´: the inversion through a boundary is the same principle as described for the Big Bang in Weekend
From physics, to chemistry, thru electromagnetism, it is as (phase) information that we take in what we eat.

''Matter is Vibration''
First we will look at the vibrations of atomics, from a imaginative point of view.
Then we will look at the 'Meccano' (a construction game) of atoms, by which molecules are built.
Then we will look at the 'bio-zoology' of biochemical pathways, and the way those antennae are created, and linked. The variations in pathways are a vital part of our life.
And finally we will see some of the simplifications that such complexity seems to demand: the powers and shortcomings of biochemical pathways, and the more vital considerations of Ayur Veda and Hauschka.

''Chemistry is Processing''
What is described here will be found mimicked in all we know and see. Our processes of perceptions, and the organs that amplify these functions, are based on these same principles. We actually live within these fundamentals of life, and creation.
For this reason the biochemical principles can be understood in terms of the relationships in/between molecules, in the metabolic pathways of which they form part, in the food chain, as it continues within and around us, and in the way we behave in living our lives.
The interactions themselves are basic; and the form of description simply reflects the different perspective from which they are regarded, thus seen.
This is also how and why psychology is essentially the same as what is described here, in terms of biochemical systems: the digestion of the experience of life, based on the way we reset our boundaries in whatever we do.

''Object as Processes''
Objective science regards Objects.
Systems Theory regards objects in Interaction (Von Bertalanffy, 1980, -17-)
Transcendental Systems Theory regards the inner-phasing of interfaces; i.e. the catalysation of transformation. I.e.: creation.
Complex as this sounds, it must be simple; how else can bodies, so diverse, procreate for so many millions of years?

''Time as an Object/Process''
Time matters: as much heat is added in hatching an egg, over 21 days, to brood out a chicken, as in 5 minutes to boil it.

''The Subjectivity of Objectivity''
If the nonverbal and verbal signals are contradictory, brain split results.
''Our Organic Body''
All body organs are in essence the same: they all derived from the Zygote, the first body cell.

''Physical Development''
During body development, four marked phases take place:
1)	the formation of the Blastocyst, prior to nidation (nestling) in the womb (uterus).
2)	the formation of amnion, chorion, placenta and Embryo; a rather 'turmoiled' morphic phase
3)	development of the Foetus, in which initial body shapes and functions can be discerned.
4)	birth then inverts the relation of the Body with respect to its surroundings, and shows the relationship of the part (the whole body) to the whole (Earth, from which it was formed.

''Development Phases''
After birth, development has four phases again:
1)	Baby/childhood, in which the body is developed towards its final form and shape. This can be taken to last until the changing of the teeth.
2)	Pre-puberal development, in which the internal processing (and mentation) or more pronouncedly developed. This can be taken to last until the sexual hormonal transition, that marks pubescence.
3)	Adolescent formation, during which (i.a. incited by the sexual hormonal 'fires') a more elaborate social interaction takes place. This phase can be considered to last till the emergence of 'the wisdom teeth'.
4)	Adult development, i.e. a consolidation of the previous development states, reflecting in an autonomy in personal social family realisation.

During all these phases and states of development, the organs are (anatomically) 'always the same'; with slight modulations to sizes, shapes and forms.
Yet, during all of these phases, all organs always adapt: every organ is an organic, thus living, process; and the alteration to any one organ reflects on all organs, and the body as a whole.
The location of the organ may seem to be (anatomically) 'persistent'. Its function is 'not'. Each organ always adapt, not only during each of those phases, but also corresponding to moon phases, and phases of the day.
(This dynamic is known as the Circadian rhythms; a study of the organ dynamics, and closely related to astrology and alchemy, as study of relationship to the environment, and activation states)

''Dynamic Transformation Trans-morphation''
The location of the organs is an expression of their function.
Each organ, like each cell, transforms. The principles described by systems theory apply here likewise.
Every organ in its way exemplifies the function if information and transformation (together: transmutation), by which the part relates in/to the whole.
All organs together maintain the overall body function: thus was seen in Weekend 4, where the process of Ingestion/Digestion (the Gut) and Circulation (the Blood) was used to show the integrity of the body/organ/cell/system as a whole.
The morph, or shape and form of all organs, and each organs, is in essence the same: all are shaped by the same principle, ‘as if the body is moulded from clay’. The dynamic relationship of the (interrelated) changes of (related) shapes can be called transmorphation; it is the ‘counterpart’ of transformation. Transmorphation (in shapes) and transformation (of functions) in the body are, in essence, the same.

''Organic Organ Organisation''
This weekend looks at the place and position of the organs, realising that each originates from the same original cell (by the same development patterns as described in weekend 1 and 2).
It juxtaposes the place of the organ, the placement of the organ (with respect to 'the Blood', thus 'The Gut'.
It presents the organ form and shape characteristics, as it can be anatomically described.
It regards the organ cell shape and function, as the cells basically function, and relate.

''Symbolic Representation: our body as organ(ic) integration''
Our body is the expression of the integral relationship between all organs; and the total system inversion transformation that they, together, represent.
This is graphically represented as 4 juxtaposed pictures: the body and organ position; the organ and circulation connections, the organ with its internal (functional) organisation, and the cells of which the organ is composed.
This juxtaposition is intended to help see the interconnections:

1	how the body as a whole exists (cf. Weekend 1) due to all of these organs (and can Not be compared to a 'computer'  or a 'car'),
2	of the organs with respect to their intercommunications (cf. weekend 2),
3	of the organs as alternative (reality/realisation) processing potentials (cf. Weekend 3), and
4	the organ as expressed by its cells (and by the cells all organs (and bodies) relate.

''Cave (beware)''
The description of the body 'as organs' is incomplete: it is based on an anatomic perspective, which disregards 'dissipated' organs (such as the body immune cell system), and 'non-physical' organs, such as the blood. Also it ignores 'minute' organs, such as glands in the brain, or discerns 'organs' (e.g. eyes. ears, nose and mouth) that in fact together span a continuum of a ("Vibrations") signal processing system.
For this reason, the material presented in this section is best be regarded as incomplete: it helps to communicate with 'anatomic medical people', but is too limited for understanding how the body organic integrity is maintained.

''Structure of the Weekend''
This 4th weekend (again) has four sections:
1)	the Introduction,
with presentation to the organs. This is offered as a discovery tour, in which the body is drawn and discussed, to see what main organs are known.
2)	the Reflection,
with integration of the organs: this regard their dynamic interaction, and thereby bridges the perspectives of anatomical and meridian (physiological) perceptions of the body.
3)	The Interaction,
dealing with the organic joint functions; this makes use of the principles of Systems Theory, to see how the organs interact with, and cross influence, each other. This approach bridges the organic views of the body to that of Meridian Systems.
4)	The Integration,
on basis of cellular function. It leads to a 'holographic' view to relate organs, through their cells, with the body as a whole. This helps to realise a bridging from the organ anatomic perspective, to the realisation of the aura (of integral system functioning, of the body as a whole).
By seeing how the structure, process, interactions and integrity of the body organ cell transformations are all related, the connection between the anatomic and meridian, chackra, and aura perceptions of the body can be more readily seen. By the way the anatomy, physiology, neurocrine regulation and system integrity are 'seen' at each level.

''What is discussed?''
This weekend juxtaposes our inner world and outer world as the solid and hollow organs; thus recapitulates the yinn and yang of the egg and sperm (cf. weekend 1).

| Anatomy	|Gland	|Duct		|Skeleton |
|Physiology	|Solid -excretion	|Hollow - transfer	|Muscle |
|Neurocrinologie	|Blood	|Gut	|Organ |
|PsychoCybernetics	|Cell	|Chackra	|Brain |

The organs can be regarded as a set of extended membranes
This involves a set op simultaneous perspectives:
1)	body
2)	circulation: systems circuit
3)	transformation: filter (Bowden’s capsule, Henle’s loop, liver cisterns, alveoli, spleen filters)
4)	integration: cell form/function 

:cell body, Cell=body, body-cell, body = zygote

The blood flow through the gut represents a simple open-closed circuit.
The blood flow through the organs illustrates the principles of composite (parallel/serial) circuits.
The system as a whole shows how the part relates to the whole; and the inside (‘solid’) relates to the outside (‘hollow’); which applies also to the relationship to our body (solid/closed) in its context (hollow/open). Every organ in itself reflects this same concept, e.g.:
•	Skin: direct contact in = out
•	Kidney -> Bladder -> outside
•	Liver -> Gall Bladder -> Gut (outside-inside) -> out & blood -> liver ...
•	Spleen -> blood -> liver -> Gall -> gut -> out & blood -> liver ...
•	Lung -> outside (nut by throughflow (hollow organ) but by osmosis (Filter cf solid organ)
•	glands -> blood -> body -> cells
•	Brood brain barrier” brain is ‘outside’ of the body (Cf. Interstitium)
|Hollow organs	|Full Organs	|Hollow Full Organs	|Full Hollow Organs |
|Arteries, |Gut	|Liver	|Endocrine glands	|Blood |

The system of system inversion
The organs are all connected; the Zygote unfolds to produce layer; due to which the zygote can ‘turn itself inside out’. 
The ‘Inside Out’ of the cells is best seen in the blood. (“Cell Fluid’)
The ‘Outside In’ of the cell is best seen in the liver and spleen (formed around the blood (‘A large cell’)
The Inside of the cells is seen in the interstitium, and electromagnetic exchange processes between all cells.
The Outside of the cell is best seen in the ‘sacks’ like bladder and gall bladder; and the connective tissue system.

''Work plan for Weekend 4''
Weekend 4 starts with an Introduction, and 'Exam', as (by now) 'usual'.
The Friday again gives an overview of the core concepts of the weekend: the main theme is that of the Möbius Loop. One is made, and studied, by folding a strip of paper.
This in hand, it is then possible to recapitulate the findings of Weekend 3 (The Gut, The Blood) and the way they represent Unity on/of the body. This is then taken up for all organs.
The organs are 'introduced', in broad scale/scope terms, and regarded in their relationship to the body, the ' circulation', their (transformative) shape and function, and characteristics of their cells. By drawing the body outline of two of the participants, and ‘mapping’ the location (by percussion) of the body, a life size image is seen of the body organ location.
The nature of their cells, understood in terms of the Zygote, is then again taken up as a handle to maintain a view of the body as a whole. The advice is give to study each organ, by looking a the shape of the cells, how they are arrange to create the Organ (a filter) and to understand from which part of the blood it gets its information, to understand its function for the body as a whole.


|When	|What |
|Friday Evening	|Introduction |
|Examination |
|Möbius’ Loop: all organs are one |
|Saturday Morning	Hand Out: large scale drawing of the human body |
|The Map of the Body; the location of the organs |
|Saturday Afternoon	Introducing the Organs 1): the Hollow Organs  {The Gut} |
|(Transport: storage/rhythm/regulation) |
|•	Stomach, Duodenum, Gall bladder, Small intestine, Colon, Bladder, nervous system (rhytm regulation, attunement), … |
|Sunday Morning	Introducing the Organs 2): the Solid Organs {The Blood} |
||(Transformation: conversion) |
|•	Heart, spleen, lung, kidney, liver, Endocrine and exocrine glands, hormones (atonement, environment conditioning), ... |
|Sunday Afternoon	Organic Being: Cells in Perspective |
||the form-function of all organs |
|The Organ Map (homework): Location, Circulation, Operation and Cell Body. |

''The Sequel''

Weekends 1 – 4 describe how the body comes to be formed, in oneness with/in its context.
Weekend four concerns the turning of food into blood into bone
Weekend 5 recapitulates the experiences until now in a Sukh & Conference
Weekends 6 - 9 extend this understanding to a skill of reading the body.
''Rhythm of Life''

''The Basis of Body Rhythm''
Right from the start, your body has rhythm.
The Zygote vibrates, because the Egg and Sperm vibrate, as it did in the bodies of your parents, and their parents'  (parents'), in the apes and other animals from which they descended, from plants, derived from minerals with their internal vibrations, as seen in the Earth, Sun, Cosmic gas and the Big Bang from which we started. That First Drum Beat is portrayed by the drum in the hand of Brahma, and used in African tribal drumming (also to 'shift the zone', to connect up to the dead and the unborn; as some USA resonance devices are now also said to be able to do).

''The Dance of Shiva''
Rhythms is fundamental; this is why Shivaism compare life to a dance: matter in motion. The dance is not just between us and the environment, or the Dance of Reality in the Celestial Song (or nature). It is also taking place in us: atoms share electrons, as dance partners in a group. Metabolic cycles use molecules, as dance partners in their conversions. Organs share rhythms, in the peristalsis of our body digestion. Even photons are used as dancing partners in our life.
The notion of Dance is important; ignoring it can cause a fundamental loss of understanding. Many diseases are caused by this, and easily healed if this harmony ("Song & Dance") is restored. (Obsolete 'Modern Medicine' ignores this.) Kidney stones and Gall Bladder stones, at the start, are smaller than the ducts.

''Diseases of Broken Rhythm''
This means that there are many diseases in the body based on loss of rhythm.
Well-known illnesses are anti-peristalsis, diarrhoea and constipation. Well-known, but not often realised as "Rhythm Diseases", are Appendicitis, Otitis Media (anti-peristalsis of the duct connecting the mouth and inner ear), Gall Stones, Kidney Stones and (Saliva) Glandular Stones.
Because each cell has rhythm, groups of cells are related by rhythms they share (light, radio, sound and motion). And vibrations can harm of heal, depending on their (constructive/destructive) interference with/in the body.
Breath is an important rhythm, because we can regulate it with our will; through it we can influence the rhythm of the hear and circulation of blood, which responds to our feelings. Which again affects the unconscious rhythms of our guts (also responding to our emotions). Which again affects the cerebrospinal circulation.
Breathing, massage (motion), sound and all other kinds of vibrations can be powerful means to heal; if the principle of Body Rhythms is understood.

''Body Rhythms''

''The Origin of Body Rhythm''
Rhythms are Relevant, in the body.
•	Some diseases are based on the loss of rhythm/attunement; gall stones and kidney stones are examples of this.
•	Healthy processes are based on Rhythm: the contractions of labour in Birth, are expression of the same rhythms as that of menstruation. It forms part of a body-wide system of rhythms, of which metabolism too forms a part.
•	The role of Rhythm is often ignored, in medicine; as a result it can not readily understand the healing powers of i.a. music and touch.
•	It also means that, to understand this importance of rhythm, it is necessary to look elsewhere: the work of Lawrence Edwards ("The Vortex of Life", see the last section); the vast knowledge of Astrology, and those forms of healing where body cycles are taken into account: Ayur Veda, Acupuncture, Shamanism and others.

''Vibrations in the Body''
Because Body Rhythms are not often addressed as such, it can be difficult to see the relationship between dynamic processes with/in the body. As a result, it is less easy to see how such processes link up, and are joined. Together they form patterns that determine the body dynamics, but they also lie at the basis of the way we interact with our environment and others. In fact, many of the processes and rhythms in our body are there because they have been incorporated in the body; they form part of it because they exist in the environment in which we live. This is evident for atomic vibrations: the rhythms that we share with the environment in the food we eat and materials we excrete and secrete. Smells too form part of this pattern (they are forms of infrared Radiation, see the work of Phil Callahan).
Once the role of rhythms is recognised, it is (much) easier to see how the body can be healed; and how often such healing is not a type of invasive action, but an operation akin to tuning a piano. This also explains the power for healing of music and smells (e.g. essential oils). (Essential oils contain ring shaped molecules, able to firmly maintain a vibration.) Some of the notions on rhythms are described or implied in the book "Vibrational Medicine", by Richard Gerber. But when the concept of vibrations itself is regarded, and understood, the many forms of vibrational healing van all be understood to be, in essence, the same: means to restore the harmony of the body.
This body harmony is present right from the start: the DNA crystal serves as a tuning fork: like any other antenna, (cf. Phil Callahan), it helps to sort and organise vibrations. By this the first cell is able to divide, thence multiply, in such a way that the harmony of the whole is always maintained. The Part is the Whole, in a sense. What is already embedded, implied in the first cell, is unfolded (cf. David Bohm) into the body. The Body as a whole is a 'decompressed' form of the first cell; cf. a Acorn growing out in becoming an Oak. Yet it is the pattern of rhythms and vibrations that is relevant here, more than the Form they create.

(The physical forms are but patterns of "Recursive" vibrations: 'resonances' that loop onto themselves'; this discerns solids from liquids from gasses from plasma. The Stable State of fixed forms is but one of the possible 'motions' in fluids; which are again but one of the possible forms of 'connectedness' in gasses; which are again but one of the possible forms of manifestation of Plasma. To look at Reality as if Solid, misses out on the dynamics on which it is based; the same holds for our body.)

''Body Rhythms''
Rhythms come in many forms: some are so slow they are hardly (if ever) perceived; thus can only be called 'invariant' or 'solid'. "Objects" is how they then are called. Some are at rhythms that they can be perceived, and comprehend: these are often called 'motion' or 'fluid'. These are most often called "Waves". There are also rhythms that are more rapid than we can readily perceive; they are perceived as a blur: 'transformations' and 'fuzziness' are then often used terms. And there are motions and rhythms much faster than we can perceive: there are considered to 'not exist'.
The role of rhythm in perception is an essential aspect of this: what we perceive is relative always to how we perceive. In our body, based on rhythms, the perception of images, smells and tastes, sounds, and motion are merely difference in perception or relative wavelength, of waves: light, radio, sound and motion are all vibrations. Different only in the ratio they have with respect to us, and (thus) the way we perceive. By realising that Forms and Objects are relative (thus relativistic) with respect to the vibrations of/by which we are composed, it is easy to se that there are forms of healing that are much more fundamental (and potentially much more effective) than those only dealing with Objects and Forms.
Yet it does require a different understanding of Reality; one which is much more dynamic and musical; in which the body is not an object but a musical chord. In which the body rhythms can be traced back to its origin: in its first cell, before it divides and multiplies. But also in the rhythms and processes and pattern by which that first cell was formed (via the ancestors, the animals. plants and minerals) out of the Earth (which came out of the Sun, formed from Gas, composed of Plasma). The potential for rhythms and vibration on the universe is at the basis of all the forms of healing that take body rhythms into account.
Of these there are not yet any, but enough to show what is meant. The research on Circadian Rhythms, the knowledge of Acupuncture known as The Chinese Clock, the tradition of medical Astrology, and the knowledge that it contains; as well as the studies and applications for the use of music for healing; as found in all cultures and tribes. (African Drums, Australian Didgeridoo, Indian Flutes, just to name a few.) All these methods work because of the patterns of rhythms of/in/by which our body operates and is composed.

''The Interplay of Rhythms''
Rhythms always interact: when two rhythms meet, they automatically create more than they were: they form higher and lower "Harmonics", i.e. by their interaction they evoke rhythms they share in the environment/universe were they meet. This gives powerful means for healing such as sound frequency suppletion, or even restoring body frequencies and rhythms by using sound to 'feed' light, or the other way around. (Dan Winter, Marysol, ...) One of the signs of disease is when the (mathematical) relation between frequencies is lost; and the body can no longer attune to the environment, others, or even itself. Disease then is the result.
Let's take a simple example; Kidney stones. It is said that Kidney Stones cause a stagnation of the body rhythm: fluids (urine) can no longer move out, and Colic's (tension stress pains) are the result. The same is said to be the case for Galls stones, and so on. Many doctors believe this, and tell this to their clients. Yet how can a kidney stone or galls stone, when it is barely formed, block the flow? It would be too small to block the duct, and be flushed out. The normal peristalsis cures the disease the stone is said to cause.
It means that the obstruction of flow, in Kidney Stones and Galls stones, is the result of an obstruction of the flow; i.e. the symptom is only a symptom of loss of rhythm in the body. The loss of rhythm is the cause, not the effect. Due to this, sedimentation can take place and 'stones' are formed. This understanding opens different ways of healing. By monitoring the body rhythms (e.g. the Pulses), disturbances of rhythm vibrations (and flows) can be detected before the physical body is harmed.
Yet this /does/ require a different way of thinking about the body: not as an Object but as a Dance; a symphony of Music. This is a view that can be found expressed in traditional forms of healing such as Ayur Veda and Acupuncture; where many of the models in fact often only make sense if the body is regarded as a dynamic process. Cf. a Landscape, instead of an object. (Evidently this form of viewing is of use also to heal nature, in a mechanistic culture.)

''Natural Rhythms''
The notion of body rhythms can be more fully explored by looking at the dynamics of body creation (lunar menstrual cycles, Saturn Cycles, diurnal endocrine cycles, cellular pulsations, peristalsis, heart rhythms, brain waves, and so on). And by looking at the dynamic nature of matter (chemical oscillations, radio frequency emissions, photon flows, and so on). This helps to get out of the mechanistic materialistic bias of 'Modern Medicine' (now long obsolete since Quantum Relativistic Fields were introduced to correct the too simplified limited 'Classical'  model.)

The texts of physics and mathematics on vibrations too are incomplete; this is best seen in the works on Optics of Newton and Goethe. Newton uses the Objective approach, determining the properties of light as  it is measured. Goethe describes the subjective aspects, how light and colours are perceived. (This is also the basis of the instruments made by which Newton's 'measurements' are done; Newton in part described the properties of those instrument; while Goethe in parts describes our psyche. Both models are complementary in this; in a way the treatises on Yinn and Yang help understand.)
The body rhythms should not be regarded too simplistically, as just the rhythms of breathing and the heart beat, the rhythms of peristalsis and menstruation, or the sleep cycles and diurnal rhythms. In our body many chemical oscillators play a role; there are electromagnetic rhythms, and there are many processes (and molecules) operating on and by the processes (thus rhythms) of light. It is evident that again some of those rhythms are perceptible as such; some are so slow that to us they appear as steady states (e.g. calcium deposit/release in our bone) while others are so seemingly fast that they are perceived as only transient (e.g. shivers, yawns). An there are those to fast for us to witness.
It will be clear that research on these issues will rarely be found in the field of medicine. Some is part of electro-engineering, system theory, and antennae studies; e.g. the work of Bob Dratch, Hyland and Herbert Fröhlich. Some are part of Bio-Photon research (Popp), as follow-up on the work of Gurwitsch. And there are studies in the field of bio-chemistry, including the domain of psycho-active drugs. (Which just show that reality is perhaps not always all that 'real' as we are led to believe...) And of course there is the work on biophysical rhythms, EEG, ECG, EMG and so on.

''The need to understand Rhythm''
There is a need for caution in this: although these last physical measurements are well established and often used, they are not yet understood as forms of transfer of information. Although it is clear that brain rhythms, and those of heart, muscles and peristalsis, are actually information flows, they are often only studied (in medicine) in a mechanical motoric sense. Not as 'radio communications', but as control signals (which is a different category of communication altogether). There are good reasons to believe that it is better to regard these signals as patterns of communication; which maintains body integrity.
It is to be kept in mind that body integrity exists at a physical level, based on chemical processes, determined by neurocrine signals, in a psycho-cybernetic process. Matter, Molecules, Atoms and Information, on our body, are always all addressed at the same time. This means that we should not regard our body as an object, but as an information process (of which the form if a result that it 'computes'). This again means that we should not regard body rhythms on their own, as if the body is simply a (self-tuning) chord of music. But as patterns if information in an ongoing computation.

This means that rhythms are not a goal, and best not to be seen on their own. Yet, even if the limited vies is taken, and the body regarded as 'song' of rhythms, then still a lot can be gained by this (with respect to classical mechanistic medicine). It will be possible to take into account how bodies influence themselves and each other by the rhythms they use. This also helps to understand the toxic effects of electromagnetic fields and portable telephone and other microwave devices. (Our body internally uses microwaves for many of its communication processes.)

''Life Rhythms''

''Cycle of development''
The following described the outline of 12 phases of development, which together form a life cycle.
(These phases al interrelate; and the cycle can be used to recognise patterns of becoming and development in gestation and life, social interaction, personality development and the formation of cultures..)
The titles of the core themes are tentative: they describe a stepwise development of understanding, from the beginning to the end: from the first principles of cosmology, to the ways in which you can understand the body for healing.
1.	Ensoulment
2.	Zygote: The Concept of Creation
3.	Morula: Internal Organisation
4.	Blastula: Meeting the World
5.	Nidation: in touch with Reality
6.	Gestation: coming to oneself
7.	Birth: Connecting to the Rhythms of Nature
8.	BabyHood: Being One with the Body
9.	Childhood: Playing with Mind
10.	Adolescence: Expanding the Connectedness
11.	Adulthood: Integrated into the Environment
12.	‘Disease’: Reaching out or Turning In
13.	‘Death’: Becoming One with the Universe
''Diseases of Rhythm''

''Healing Rhythm''
The terminology is in accordance with the ''Nomina Anatomica''
(Fifth Edition, 11th int. Congres. of Anatomists, Mexico City 1980)
William & Wilkins, Baltimore/London, 1983
Terms appearing within (brackets) are commonly used alternatives
Os frontale (frontal bone)
Os sphenoidale (sphenoid bone)
Os zygomaticum (zygomatic bone)
Os nasale (nasal bone)
Os temporale (temporal bone)
:Proc. mastoideus (mastoid process)
Mandibula (mandible)
Maxilla (maxilla)
Atlas [Vertebra cervicalis I] (first cervical vertebra)
Axis [Vertebra cervicalis II] (second cervical vertebra)
Vertebra cervicalis III (third cervical vertebra)
Os hyoideum (hyoid bone)
:Corpus ossis hyoidei (body of hyoid bone)
Scapula (scapula)
:Proc. coracoideus (coracoid process)
Clavicula (clavicle)
Costa I (first rib)
Costa II (second rib)
Costa III (third rib)
Costa IV (fourth rib)
Costa V (fifth rib)
Costa VI (sixth rib)
Costa VII (seventh rib)
Costa VIII (eighth rib)
Costa IX (ninth rib)
Costa X (tenth rib) (eleventh and twelfth rib not visible)
:Manubrium sterni (manubrium)
:Angulus sterni (sternal angle)
Corpus sterni (body of sternum)
:Proc. xiphoideus (xiphoid process)
:Proc coracoideus (coracoid process)
:Acromion (acromion)
:Tuberculum majus humeri (greater tubercle of humerus)
:Tuberculum minus humeri (lesser tubercle of humerus)
Caput humeri (head of humerus)
:Tuberositas deltoidea humeri (deltoid tuberosity of humerus)
:Corpus humeri (shaft of humerus)
:Epicondylus medialis humeri (medial epicondyle of humerus)
:Proc. coronoideus ulnae (coronoid process of ulna)
Radius (radius)
:Proc. styloideus radii (styloid process of radius)
:Caput ulnae (head of ulna)
Ossa carpi [Ossa carpalia] (carpal bones)
Os metacarpale I dextrum (first metacarpal of right hand)
Os metacarpale V dextrum (fifth metacarpal of right hand)
Ossa digitorum manus dextrae (phalanges of right hand)
Os sacrum [Os sacrale] (sacrum)
Crista iliaca (iliac crest of hip bone)	xx
:Tuberculum iliacum (iliac tubercle of hip bone)
:Spina iliaca anterior superior (anterior superior iliac spine of hip bone)
:Spina iliaca anterior inferior (anterior inferior iliac spine of hip bone)
:Crista pubica (pubic crest of pelvis)
:Caput ossis femoris (head of femur)
:Trochanter major femoris (greater trochanter of femur)
:Collum ossis femoris (neck of femur)
:Trochanter minor femoris (lesser trochanter of femur)
:Corpus ossis femoris (shaft of femur)
:Tuberculum adductorium ossis femoris (adductor tubercle of femur)
:Epicondylus lateralis ossis femoris (lateral epicondyle of femur)
Patella (patella)
:Epicondylus medialis ossis femoris (medial epicondyle of femur)
:Eminentia intercondylaris (intercondylar eminence)
:Condylus lateralis tibiae (lateral condyle of tibia)
:Condylus medialis tibiae (medial condyle of tibia)
:Caput fibulae (head of fibula)
:Collum fibulae (neck of fibula)
:Tuberositas tibiae (tibial tuberosity)
Fibula (fibula)
Tibia (tibia)
:Malleolus lateralis fibulae (lateral malleolus of fibula)
:Malleolus medialis tibiae (medial malleolus of tibia)
:Talus dexter (talus of right foot)
Ossa tarsi dextra (tarsals of right foot)
Os metatarsale I dextrum (first metatarsal of right foot)
Os metatarsale V dextrum (fifth metatarsal of right foot)
Ossa digitorum [Phalanges] pedis dextri (phalanges of right foot)
Anatomical consultant: Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Klaus-U. Benner,
Department of Anatomy,; The Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich
Background Prospects Brainstorm

Friday 2000-02-11

| Child | Growing up | Care | Trauma | Medical Care | Complex |
| Geist | Invalidity | Through Flow | Dis-covery | Spirit-Body | Certainty |
| Ganzheit erklären | Kinesiology | Connectedness | Deep Understanding | Own Body | Concrete |
| Projection | Heilpädagogie | Body Therapy | Propriocepsis | Psycho-pathology | Body Build |
| Organs | Special Education | Anthroposophy | Integral Health Care | Networks | Apothecaries |
| Beyond Symptoms | T'ai Qi | Primordian Causes | Influence | Legasthenia | Understanding Explanatory Models |
Looking for the meta-concepts, this was reduced to:
| Body | Spirit | Soul | Healing | Care | Development |

Within these main themes, as shared by the group, each participant is invited to keep notes of their own questions and interests. And to contribute them as cases for the Case Studies later in the course.
Division is a fundamental property in our development.
It is more general than often realised; and it plays more roles than generally understood.

Every Division of a Zygote produces two new cells; it is assumed that this is the pattern that continues throughout our lives (and Weekend 3 shows it is not as symmetrical as shown below...) Due to these divisions, so it is assumed, our body forms. 
(It is evident that some other mechanism plays a role: our bodies do not continue to grow without limit. Evidently the quantitative growth is regulated by qualitative factors of timing (Weekend 3) and correlation (Weekend 4) as a result of which our final body form is shaped.)	 

The Tree of Cell divisions is a mirror image of our Tree of Genealogy: we all have two parents, a female  (“mother”) and a male (“father”). Each of which had two parents, who had two parents, who had two parents, and so on...	 

The calculations of genealogy are simple: each generation is a doubling of the number of ancestors; 2^0 (1) for yourself, 2^1 (2) for your parents, 2^2 (4) for your grandparents, 2^3 (8) for your great grand parents (3 generations is approximately one century). You had 2^10  (1024) forbears over 10 generations (approx. 3 centuries), and 1000 years ago (approx. 300 generations) there were 1073741824 people on this planet from which you are the direct descendent. That is: in you, all these people live forth, combined. As you can imagine, this means that there is a moment in time that there were less people on Earth, than you need to have pure lineage: at some point the number of ancestors exceeds the number of people on Earth. (It means we are all 1) related (family) and 2) the products of interbreeding of families within families).


At present, there are 6.10^9 (6 billion) people on Earth; in many places that is more than too much. As you see in the rough-sketch table above: you have more ancestors, than that many times over. It even goes beyond the scale of what the spreadsheet can compute (“#NUM!”) only 10.000 years ago. Humanity is said to exist for 2 million of years... So you can see we are not just all related, and family of each other; but that: many times over. Maybe this helps you understand that each of your body cells is not that much different from any of your other body cells (or even of those of any one else): the system of divisions, and ancestors, is quite the same as shown by the images above.

As you may be aware, from your school lessons in Biology and what you know of palaeontology: humans are but one form of animals. Darwinian (and Lamarckian) thinking has shown that there are ‘direct’ relationships between species of animals; just as Linnaeus showed for the families of plants. It is possible to see how one new form emerged out of another; and how similar  animals had a same ancestor species. Everyone presumably knows that the Oak (or any tree) will take a different shape, depending on the landscape (“Earth”) and climate (“Heaven”) in which it grows. The Oak in the forest is different from the wind blown oak at the seacoast, or the dwarfed oak on the mountain; or the Bonsai Tree. Trees  developing over  hundreds of thousands of years in one landscape/climate  (say, temperate forest) take on  characteristic shapes; when (naturally or artificially) replanted elsewhere (say: subtropical mountains), their  form will change. When that new form is replanted in the domain whence it originally came, it will not revert to its original form (so biologists imply; remember: this needs to be regarded over scales of (hundreds of) thousands of years. Does this imply that they remember what they acquired as new traits sins they moved, and moved back, to the other location? Alternatively, does it  imply that they forgot from whence they came? It is this kind of adaptation, and learning, that takes place also in us.

The Linnaean system for plant determination (which was based on form similarities, and often proven to be mistaken by DNA studies (which show that it was most often right too!) has been given deeper meaning by the studies of Lynn Margulis. She showed that the Genealogy for Animals and Plants also holds for cells; and that many of the cells in our body must be re-appraised from the perspective that (apart from divisions of cells) Fusions take place too. In this case: fusions between plant life forms and animal life forms. Our Mitochondrion, so she suggests, is the result of symbiosis, so powerful that it lasted millions of years, between Eukaryote cells and Bacteria. The images she presents speak for themselves, and it is recommended to look at her work.

‘Genealogy trees’ not only exists for Animals, plants and cells, but for Molecules too. It is recommended that you look at the Britannica web site for this: the description of complex molecules (proteins) based on simpler too simple to fundamental molecules is an example of the same notion (Divisions) taking place within us. This means that the perspective by which Cell Division is habitually regarded can best be understood in a much more general sense: the Division Tree of the Cells, of our Ancestors, of Animals and Plants, Cells and Proteins, represent a general pattern.

The pattern of the so-called cell divisions is also seen in the shape of trees, the rivers, and even lightning. There exist mathematical descriptions by which the Leap-and-Linger pattern of lightning discharge can be recognised in  the branching of rivers, and the roots of trees. This general principle seems to be so important that it is operative within us too:  ‘internally’ as our cell divisions, and ‘externally’ as our ancestry.
Mathematically ‘speaking’ this is the shape of a Diffractal: a fractal, as described, in mathematics; but also diffraction, as described in physics. It seems one of the ways by which a balance (or an interface) can be maintained.
Bear in mind that the ‘shape of the roots’  (or rivers or lightning) depends on the medium in which it travels. E.g. the roots of a tree, under the soil, divide by the same pattern as the branches in the atmosphere. The difference in shape can be compared to diffraction: the principle by which a straw in a glass water can appear to be ‘broken’: the waves in air and the waves in water travel at different speeds (thus wavelengths) as a result of which  it will not be perceived as ‘straight’.	 

This ‘distortion of perspective’ is not just a metaphor, as the work of d’Arcy Thomson showed: it is possible to draw a fish on rubber (e.g. a balloon); stretching it lengthwise will transform it into an eel; stretching it up/down will produce the shape of a Boxfish. Inflating the balloon will show different types of fish. They are all related by ‘Topological changes’ (as this form of mathematics is called).
(Computer graphics already makes use of this concept to ‘draw’ plants and trees in animation films. Especially ferns and fir trees are very well describable in this way.)

The principle of topological changes is simple; it may be one of the simplest ways to understand the transformations between species; and even the transitions from minerals to plants to animals to ‘humans’. As complexity is too complex (in the sense of unintelligible) for a universe like this, it is much more probable that it needs to be interpreted in a literal sense (as our cells show, and David Bohm described) a form of unfoldment. The Simple (unit) already contains the complex (unity). Complex, from con-plicare, is then the same as Unfoldment.

As the above aims to point out: this is a very simple principle. What is seen in our body, with all our cells emerging out of one cell (which was con-fused out of the sperm-and-egg of all those millions of ancestors), is seen also in all species of animals, all families of plants, all types of cells and all types of proteins, originating from much simpler forms. Physically more simple, but informationally more rich. This notion, that Information and Matter both determine our development (and thus health) stands central in this course: Simplicity must be the basis of this reality; otherwise it would not have persisted all this long. By searching for that simplicity, the complexity can dis-appear. (Complexity or simplicity is but a matter of perspective: looking at the variety of forms (of cells, molecules, forms of healing, and types of animals,...) reality appears as complex. By looking at the (mathematical/¬physical) principles by which those forms came to be, the underlying simplicity (beyond forms) can be seen again.

What is described above, for the Divisions of Cells/Ancestors, Animals, Plants and Proteins, can be ‘portrayed’ as patterns co-existing within us. Our Head, or centre of Consciousness, Our Heart, with the interactions with the atmosphere, the Hara (or gut) with the interactions with the Earth, and the Holy Bone (or Sacrum) where we are ‘still one with the universe’. I.e., within us we have the ‘Division Pyramids’ of the Ancestors (genealogy of the genes in the genitals), of plant evolution (and the Protein Pyramid (that/by which we digest in our gut), the Pyramid of Forms of Animals and Symbiosis, in the heart (all life forms we interact with; and from which we originate), and a pyramid of our individual development, and unique perspective of reality, in our head. (This is also the level where all forms of healing, like all cells of the body, can be ‘seen to be one by the origin/aim that they share.)
It may be just thinking in metaphors, or surpassing the simplification of the principle of diffraction, or stretching the visual parallel ...But there seems to be a simile between the pyramidal shape of our cell divisions and ancestry, the shape of the event horizons of light {Lorenz/Einstein} cones and the Vortex shape of plant development {Edwards}, and the traditional descriptions of Chackra’s and the creation of the universe by a (space inversion) ‘Big Bang’, all amount to the same concept, or pattern, of the part being related to the whole. It is this relationship that appears to be pivotal, in more than one sense, in the origin of the human species, all life forms, and the creation of this universe. It appears that we can learn to understand that principle itself, from the nature of the universe, within our body.


NB: The Diffraction (divisions/multiplication) is in principle the same as seen also in the gonads. Now the form is that of a sphere: in the Ovaries the ‘flow’ is from inside-out, in the Testicles the flow is from outside-in. Again this is the same principle, at another scale, of a (e.g. a hormone) secreting cell. The image if such a  (circular) ‘pyramidal’ process recapitulates the dynamics of the cell inversion, addressed in Weekend 1.) 

In the circular representation, or pyramidal form, the concept is the same. (In mathematics they are related by a simple transform, thus in essence no different.) The circular shape helps to recognise how this Division Tree takes place in the Ovaries and Testicles (These are internal divisions, leading to flows of sperm and egg; restarting the fusion of Sperm and Egg, described in Weekend 1). This helps to see that the pattern of (external) divisions of the Zygote is in essence the same. This again helps to get a clearer view on the ‘invisible part’, the Bindu (see Weekend 1), where the ‘real’ divisions take place (in the “Virtual” phase/information domain.) The following images are intended to point these parallels out.
//See//: [[Cell Replication]]

Split and Double
The core idea of this weekend is expressed in the doubling phase of the Zygote.
The following describes the power of the simplicity of this doubling operation; the next weekend will address that this is not a symmetry-operation (as mathematicians call it). It does not produce identical twins, but leads to uniquely different cells. Which however are all still related. “Symmetry Break is the technical term; what matters is that the body by its ‘game of Split & Double’ forms itself as it does.

As soon as the cell is dividing, has divided, a significant change has taken place in its function.
The cell membrane, boundary of the system, now has an added, extra boundary by which interaction takes place. This is seen in the dynamic relationship between the two new cells.
Both cells are still related to the first, from which they emerged; they and it are still one.
However, they are now also related to each other; i.e. the first cell now 'relates to itself'.

The boundary of the first cell, which originally (after fertilisation) formed the barrier between 'the cell' and 'the world outside', now is an internal boundary too.
In other words: the interactions of cell division, which were first seen only within the first cell, are seen /between/ the two new cells too.
This interaction, between these two cells, is as fundamental as all the inner-actions and reactions within the Zygote, the first cell.
The interaction, the exchange between cells, is seen later in many same and similar forms: the inter-synaptic junction, the neurone and hormone excretions, the secretions and extrusions of collagen's and hair: each time the principle is the same: the boundary *between* cells performs a different function than the membrane between the cell and the 'outside world'.

Something similar is (later) seen in the skin: a section of skin, covered by Band-Aid, will no longer be in contact with the outer world; if it were, it would dry out. When it is not, it remains moist, of even becomes wet: it obtains characteristics similar to a body cell within the body.
A dry skin cell's function is predominated by the membrane, hardened, dried, and sealing off the skin below. It has hardly or no exchanges with the environment itself. When it is dried out too much, it even loses contact with the environment in which it grew; and is shed. The dry nature of the cell can be compared to the dehydrated traits of the DNA in the sperm, before the Zygote was formed.
Moist cells function in different ways: the membranes are much more similar to the Egg; with its hyper-extended DNA in the moisture saturated cell. Moist cells have supple and 'distended' membranes: they allow the contents of the cell, and the environment, to merge. They are membranes, of filters, but much more passable than is the case in dry cells.

In the first cell pair, after the first division, both traits can be seen: the sides of the cells turned away from each other are relatively more 'dry' (or would be so if the environment were not so moist). The side where the two cells 'face each other' is where they are more permeable and 'moist'.
(As you may know or recall, this is closely related to what the Alchemists described, in describing Hot (core) and Cold (periphery), Wet (between) and dry (not-between) as the fundamental traits to be taken into account).
The change in the cell after the first division took place is more than profound: suddenly the one is no longer the same. Unity is lost, yet preserved. Units emerge, yet are (not yet) unique.

After the first division takes place, the Zygote has (in part) turned Inside Out. It now reflects, mirrors, itself. This is quite the same as how mystics describe creation: god starting to reflect on god-self. It is described in Physics as the Big Bang; when the universe turned (itself?) inside out. In mathematics, this is called by different words: as a symmetry break.
The underlying concept is still that of a membrane, by which the part relates to the whole. What changes is the way we can regard that membrane now: it is no longer opaque or separating, as was the case after the egg surface 'froze over' (crystallised) after the sperm head entered within. Between the two cells now exchanges take place: of light, radio waves, chemicals and motion.

There is something fundamental in this: exchange. Exchange of light, radio, chemistry and physics. What first took place as exchanges within the cell (cf. the process of cell division (analysis) is now seen 'in inverse', as the communication (synthesis) between cells. Through this they are, now separate, linked.
This exchange between the cells takes place in particles much smaller then cells; later as proteins and enzymes, neurotransmitters and hormones, minerals and electrolytes, even in pinocytosis and exocytosis (ingestion and excretion by cells).

This interaction taking place (now) between cells is precisely the same as that taking place between the Zygote and the environment.
With a difference in accentuation: where on the 'dry' side there is a direct gradient (drop off of expression) to the environment (cf. a Source), between the cells there is a build-up by reflection (cf. capacitor or condenser).

This is why Systems Theory is such a powerful model to describe what takes place: in this interface, between the two cells, exchange takes place: one cell excretes, the other cell absorbs; and the other does the same, but not quit all the same: the cells are no longer the same. Similar yes, but yet no longer the same: due to the symmetry break. (If the cells were still the same, what the one excreted would be what it takes in too. They would reflect only upon themselves. As the body, later, shows, there are cells of different kinds; showing that at some moment the cells are no longer the same. This is the first moment that that "differentiation" can start. (Yet remember: the cell they all emerge from, the zygote, is still always the same.

There is great advantage to describing the intercellular exchanges in terms of Systems Theory; it will be separately described. In brief: we can discern one cell; it expresses itself to the environment, by all that it excretes (light, ions, molecules, vibrations). This is what the other cell (in part) takes in: molecules, vibrations, information and substance. The other cell does likewise. (What is considered to be a material exchange, is in fact exchange and sharing of information: all this still takes place in the domain of Phase.)

It is at this level that the relationship to psycho cybernetics already is seen. Where traditional medicine had to create and describe a model for psychology, that still has no foundations as yet, here we see that exchange of information, thus understanding, is already seen in its most basic forms. (This can be seen elsewhere in nature too; as in the bacterial exchange of information.)

Psychology is an exchange of information; compare it to a radio signal by which two ships/cells on the ocean/body maintain contact. Contact is not just 'being in touch'; physically contacting some other Thing. The contact goes much deeper than that, and includes the chemical interactions (by which physics is formed). It includes the radio/ionic exchange (from which chemistry is composed). And it contains the photonic/field information exchange. Mind is no different than matter: it is still co-ordination of Phase (Qi). Even though the phases of matter are not those of Mind. (Mind is much less particular; much more rarefied and fluid.) This relationship to psychology and dynamic exchange of information, too, will be separately described.

Two cells, their interactions (General Systems Theory) and the communication it provides (Psycho Cybernetics), later, also takes physical form. (Phase coherence => information processes/processing => molecular (antennae) organisation (physiology) => anatomy (form).
It is thus not surprising that the exchange of molecules, ions and vibrations of phase, later forms its own image too, as the functions by which the body operates become visible as physical constructs and elements that 'Carcassologists' see. The nerves, the secreting glands, the hollow ducts (e.g. intestine) and bladders (e.g. bile, urine,..). Although that is already very late in development (and tangible) it is yet at this level that this principle can be seen to emerge and apply.
//See//: [[Refraction & Diffraction]]
In the Living Body Anatomy Course, the Living Cells stand central.
That means that the Anatomy is //not// a starting point, but a consequence/
If you understand how the [[Living Cells]] form the Anatomy, then you can also understand Health.
By understanding the principles of Health, you can also understand the practice of Healing.
Weekend 6 showed how we can regard our living body as a layered composite of a ‘Snake’, a ‘Fish’, a ‘Deer’ and an ‘Ape’. This reflects the muscle systems that deal with the body’s ability to (dynamically) maintain its own coherence (‘Snake’), its ability to change its position in a flow (‘Fish’), its capacity to jump from one position to another (‘Deer’) and its potential to change the situation it is in (‘Ape’).
These are the same four elements seen in Weekend 1 as Earth (state), Water (Flow), Air (Waves) and Fire (Vortex), and in Weekend 6 in the types of joints of the limbs: Earth (shoulder/hip), Water (elbow/knee), Air (wrist/ankle) and Fire (fingers/toes). They reflect the ability ro (respectively) deal with States, Changes, transformation and Creation. All these elements are part of our own Being.
These are the same concepts also as seen in weekend 3 in the dynamics of ingestion: Earth (mouth/physics), Water (stomach/chemistry), Air (duodenum/ions) and Fire (Gut wall, information). These are the same aspects as addressed in Weekend 1 and 2, in the organisation of our body: Earth (Holy Bone), Water (Hara), Air (Heart) and Fire (Head),
These same principles are already seen in the formation of the spine, from the gastrulation phase onward, when the cell responses (cells, cf Holy Bone, Earth) relate themselves (cf. Nerves, cf. Hara, Water) to regroup themselves (circuits, cf. organs cf. endocrine glands cf. Heart cf. Air) to integrate themselves into the body (cf. Brain, cf. Head cf. Fire). In each case the structure above is built on, and based on, the one below. This weekend addresses the principles of Adaptation; Weekend 8 and 9 will address deeper levels of the same issue: Compensation and Decompensation. Both will be briefly addressed here below.

''Transformation Cascade''
What is seen in the body as integral structure (Holy Bone (sacrum/pelvis), Hara (gut/digestion), Heart (circulation/communication) and Head (focus/integration)) is also seen in the parts. Weekend 6 already showed how we make contact with the world around us via the ever more refined (and co-ordinated) ‘branching’ of our limbs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ‘Rays’ of bone). Weekend 3 showed the same principle in the breakdown of our food (Solid, Liquid, ions, information).
We can call this a Transformation Cascade: each level builds on the one before; and transforms its characteristics. Cf. Matter is based on a view of ‘little marbles’. Fluids add to this the property of relative dynamic relationship between them (without being able to go away from each other). Gasses add to this the notion of elasticity in the relationship dynamics: going away and coming closer is now ‘part of the same picture’. Plasma (the Fire Element) adds to this the property of appearance and disappearance. The fourth level thus contains the ones before; and so back to the 1st level that contains the description of itself.

In our body control system the same is seen: the Brain integrates all that is already established in the Heart System. The Heart System modulates all that was already established in the Hara System. And the Hara modifies all that was already defined in the Holy Bone system. In short: the brain corrects, and does not direct. The heart delegates, does not relate. The Hara reforms, does not form. And the Hara defines, does not determine. In each case, use is made of something that already existed before.
This whole principle is seen also in our endocrine system: it shows the same concept in more explicit form. It is directly related to our ability to Cope. “Coping” is the capacity to adapt to changing circumstances. We can dor that by changing the environment (Ape), changing our place in the environment (Deer), changing our orientation in the environment (Fish) or changing ourselves (Snake). The most basic capacity is thus that of the Snake (a.k.a. Kundalini); cf. our Mineral Response. All our other abilities (Fish/plant, Deer/animal, Ape/human) capacities are based on this. Coping describes how we can use each of these levels to redefine how we relate to our context.

The concept of Coping was first made most explicit by Hans Selye, who researched how our responses are based on our reflexes. He formulated this in the Fight/Flight responses. It is more appropriate to redefine this as our Fright/Fight/Flight/Faint response, to include how this mechanism is initiated, and how apoptosis (self switch-off) is part of this ‘machinery’. This relates to the principles of Autopoiesis, presented in Weekend 1 (in the section on System Theory). Coping, or Compensation, will be discussed in greater detail in Weekend 8.
In terms of the Muscle and Bone structure, discussed in Weekend 6, Coping deals with the ability to make contact with what happens around us ‘through our toes and finger tips’, to handle is by the action of our wrist and ankles, to reposition ourselves with respect to it via our elbows and knees, and to know our position with respect toe the environment in which we find ourselves by our hips and shoulders; or walk out of that situation.
If we would do better to walk out of a situation which does nut suit us, but do not, the connection from fingers to wrist to elbow to shoulder, or from toe to ankle to knee to hip, will “back fire”. Instead of walking away we stay; instead of changing (in) our environment we have to change within us. This means that the outside ‘determines’ the inside: that part of us is no longer representative for what you are and how you are, but for the way your environment is. This internalisation in the environment is a form of ‘rooting’; it ‘anchors’ the environment within us. It is also the basis for the construct of conditional conditioned reflexes, known as the Ego .)

The reversal of the chain of reflexes (as represented by the co-operating muscles of arms and legs) is a change of Adaptation (or Coping) to Decompensation. The Chinese description for this is found in the system known as the Divisions; it shows how the system, internally, ‘falls back’ on a deeper level of functioning. The same can be well described by the principles of Cybernetics (cf. Systems Theory, in Weekend 1) This DeCompensation will be described in greater detail in Weekend 9. The principle of DeCompensation is defined by the fall-back Cascade, described in this weekend.

The more basic principle, underlying our ability to Cope or Compensate, lies in our capacity for Adaptation. This is not only based on the way we function, and can react to what goes on around us. It is also based on the development of our species, as one of the animal forms, as developed our of plant life, as created from colloid minerals. Adaptation in the sense of the origin of species, and adaptation in the sense of interactive reactions to what goes on around us, are intimately related.
All our reactions, and reflexes, are based on principles incorporated in our body/being. Just like the Ape, Deer, Fish and Snake can be used a metaphor to describe the different ‘layer’ of our muscle/bone complex, likewise we have our conscious human reflection, our subconscious animal reflexes, our vegetative plant like responses, and our mineral reactions. Each addresses a different scope of degrees of freedom (or control), and thus capacity to interact with our environment.
Our endocrine system is a clear example of the integral interwovenness of the layers of development. The way in which each ‘next’ level of development helps support and stabilise the level ‘before’ it, shows how the complexity of our body and being is still based on simplicity. Each next level accounts for what already existed. (In mathematics, a form which describes the same, is known as the Golden Ratio; a form seen in many forms in our body, and living organisms.)
The structure and organisation of the Endocrine Cascade is presented here on the one hand because it is such a crucial regulatory system in our body; analogous to what is described in Weekend 2, where the hormonal system of integral body communication was described. It is presented here also because it is one of the more explicit means to understand how, in our body response, many levels interact with each other, and interact at the same time. (This is the same concept as addressed in Weekend 4, where it was shown that all organs, together, form one organ in which the inside and outside are dynamically linked (as was shown by the Möbius Loop model).) The Endocrine Cascade will be separately described.
Weekend 6 showed how we can regard our living body as a layered composite of a ‘Snake’, a ‘Fish’, a ‘Deer’ and an ‘Ape’. This reflects the muscle systems that deal with the body’s ability to (dynamically) maintain its own coherence (‘Snake’), its ability to change its position in a flow (‘Fish’), its capacity to jump from one position to another (‘Deer’) and its potential to change the situation it is in (‘Ape’).
These are the same four elements seen in Weekend 1 as Earth (state), Water (Flow), Air (Waves) and Fire (Vortex), and in Weekend 6 in the types of joints of the limbs: Earth (shoulder/hip), Water (elbow/knee), Air (wrist/ankle) and Fire (fingers/toes). They reflect the ability ro (respectively) deal with States, Changes, transformation and Creation. All these elements are part of our own Being.

These are the same concepts also as seen in weekend 3 in the dynamics of ingestion: Earth (mouth/physics), Water (stomach/chemistry), Air (duodenum/ions) and Fire (Gut wall, information). These are the same aspects as addressed in Weekend 1 and 2, in the organisation of our body: Earth (Holy Bone), Water (Hara), Air (Heart) and Fire (Head),
These same principles are already seen in the formation of the spine, from the gastrulation phase onward, when the cell responses (cells, cf. Holy Bone, Earth) relate themselves (cf. Nerves, cf. Hara, Water) to regroup themselves (circuits, cf. organs cf. endocrine glands cf. Heart cf. Air) to integrate themselves into the body (cf. Brain, cf. Head cf. Fire). In each case the structure above is built on, and based on, the one below. This weekend addresses the principles of Adaptation; Weekend 8 and 9 will address deeper levels of the same issue: Compensation and Decompensation. Both will be briefly addressed here below.

''Core Concept''
Essential is the equation for integration:
''Health <=> Adaptation <-> Compensation -> Decompensation''
As the change in notation (the arrows) show: the degree of stability (or bonding) changes at each step, and shifts from reversible to interdependent to collapse. (This is described in Systems Theory by the Transition of a Boundary; see Weekend 1.)
This pattern, shown in the box above, is typical also for the creation, maintenance, and preservation of our body.

''Transformation Cascade''
What is seen in the body as integral structure (Holy Bone (sacrum/pelvis), Hara (gut/digestion), Heart (circulation/communication) and Head (focus/integration)) is also seen in the parts. Weekend 6 already showed how we make contact with the world around us via the ever more refined (and co-ordinated) ‘branching’ of our limbs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ‘Rays’ of bone). Weekend 3 showed the same principle in the breakdown of our food (Solid, Liquid, ions, information).
We can call this a Transformation Cascade: each level builds on the one before; and transforms its characteristics.

Cf. Matter is based on a view of ‘little marbles’.
Fluids add to this the property of relative dynamic relationship between them (without being able to go away from each other).
Gasses add to this the notion of elasticity in the relationship dynamics: going away and coming closer is now ‘part of the same picture’.
Plasma (the Fire Element) adds to this the property of appearance and disappearance. The fourth level thus contains the ones before; and so back to the 1st level that contains the description of itself.

In our body control system the same is seen: the Brain in the Head integrates all that is already established in the Heart System. The Heart System modulates all that was already established in the Hara System. And the Hara modifies all that was already defined in the Holy Bone system. In short: the brain corrects, and does not direct. The heart delegates, does not relate. The Hara reforms, does not form. And the Hara defines, does not determine. In each case, use is made of something that already existed before.

This whole principle is seen also in our endocrine system: it shows the same concept in more explicit form. It is directly related to our ability to Cope. “Coping” is the capacity to adapt to changing circumstances. We can dor that by changing the environment (Ape), changing our place in the environment (Deer), changing our orientation in the environment (Fish) or changing ourselves (Snake). The most basic capacity is thus that of the Snake (a.k.a. Kundalini); cf. our Mineral Response. All our other abilities (Fish/plant, Deer/animal, Ape/human) capacities are based on this. Coping describes how we can use each of these levels to redefine how we relate to our context.

The concept of Coping was first made most explicit by Hans Selye, who researched how our responses are based on our reflexes. He formulated this in the Fight/Flight responses. It is more appropriate to redefine this as our Fright/Fight/Flight/Faint response, to include how this mechanism is initiated, and how apoptosis (self switch-off) is part of this ‘machinery’. This relates to the principles of Autopoiesis, presented in Weekend 1 (in the section on System Theory). Coping, or Compensation, will be discussed in greater detail in Weekend 8.
In terms of the Muscle and Bone structure, discussed in Weekend 6, Coping deals with the ability to make contact with what happens around us ‘through our toes and finger tips’, to handle is by the action of our wrist and ankles, to reposition ourselves with respect to it via our elbows and knees, and to know our position with respect toe the environment in which we find ourselves by our hips and shoulders; or walk out of that situation.

If we would do better to walk out of a situation which does nut suit us, but do not, the connection from fingers to wrist to elbow to shoulder, or from toe to ankle to knee to hip, will “back fire”. Instead of walking away we stay; instead of changing (in) our environment we have to change within us. This means that the outside ‘determines’ the inside: that part of us is no longer representative for what you are and how you are, but for the way your environment is. This internalisation in the environment is a form of ‘rooting’; it ‘anchors’ the environment within us. It is also the basis for the construct of conditional conditioned reflexes, known as the Ego .)
The reversal of the chain of reflexes (as represented by the co-operating muscles of arms and legs) is a change of Adaptation (or Coping) to Decompensation. The Chinese description for this is found in the system known as the Divisions; it shows how the system, internally, ‘falls back’ on a deeper level of functioning. The same can be well described by the principles of Cybernetics (cf. Systems Theory, in Weekend 1) This DeCompensation will be described in greater detail in Weekend 9. The principle of DeCompensation is defined by the fall-back Cascade, described in this weekend.

The more basic principle, underlying our ability to Cope or Compensate, lies in our capacity for Adaptation. This is not only based on the way we function, and can react to what goes on around us. It is also based on the development of our species, as one of the animal forms, as developed our of plant life, as created from colloid minerals. Adaptation in the sense of the origin of species, and adaptation in the sense of interactive reactions to what goes on around us, are intimately related.
All our reactions, and reflexes, are based on principles incorporated in our body/being. Just like the Ape, Deer, Fish and Snake can be used a metaphor to describe the different ‘layer’ of our muscle/bone complex, likewise we have our conscious human reflection, our subconscious animal reflexes, our vegetative plant like responses, and our mineral reactions. Each addresses a different scope of degrees of freedom (or control), and thus capacity to interact with our environment.
Our endocrine system is a clear example of the integral interwovenness of the layers of development. The way in which each ‘next’ level of development helps support and stabilise the level ‘before’ it, shows how the complexity of our body and being is still based on simplicity. Each next level accounts for what already existed. (In mathematics, a form which describes the same, is known as the Golden Ratio; a form seen in many forms in our body, and living organisms.)

The structure and organisation of the Endocrine Cascade is presented here on the one hand because it is such a crucial regulatory system in our body; analogous to what is described in Weekend 2, where the hormonal system of integral body communication was described. It is presented here also because it is one of the more explicit means to understand how, in our body response, many levels interact with each other, and interact at the same time. (This is the same concept as addressed in Weekend 4, where it was shown that all organs, together, form one organ in which the inside and outside are dynamically linked (as was shown by the Möbius Loop model).) The Endocrine Cascade will be separately described.

Stress is a build-up of coping failure.
Stress is a combination of internal adaptation, together with external adaptation, in which an experienced problem is not resolved.
The principle involved is similar to that of the capacity of the animal (or plant) to store nutrients. In this case, an experience is stored, and the (mental) ‘elasticity’ of the organism is used to buffer between the need to change environment (‘trek’), and the need to change internally.
The elasticity, or resilience, is very similar to the molecular material behaviour of minerals. (Many of our reflexes are based on the same principles.) To describe a person’s reaction as flexible or resilient, or brittle can thus be quite appropriate. Stress and Strain in materials, were in fact the basis for Hans Selye’s formulation of Stress (and coping) in living beings.

''Coping Failure''
Stress can be stored in the living body; literally. It means that all of the system adapts to the external changes. The changes are reflected into the body, and thus by the body. They become internalised, in the body. This is possible only if the changes can be distributed, stored, within the body.
All changes are changes of phase information: they are changes in patterns of information (phase integration), which reflect in changes of energy states (phase organisation), which cause changes in process timing (phase relationships), which again cause changes in physical structure (material phase). These phase relationships have the form of light, radio waves, sound and substance (the 4 main modes of phase vibrations).
These changes are stored in the physical structure (matter), via the dynamic properties of the substance (molecules), by the transformational characteristics of the material (atoms), based on the principles of phase dynamics (phase information). If any of these (Phase) Element is overloaded, it will not be able to accommodate for the change in the phase it is in: it will have to change phase, due to which it may lose integrity with the material phases of the substance from which it is formed, which forms its environment.

Coping Failure is the basis of collapse of the system: the integrity is disrupted, thus lost. In living beings there is a possibility to change its internal integrity (by changing the relationship between the internal degrees of freedom). This involves a ‘switch’ between two consecutive modes of phase. (This switch is described, in Acupuncture, as the system of the Divisions.) On basis of this Switch (the internalisation of a boundary, thus a possibility for storage) “Compensation” is possible. This will be discussed more extensively in Weekend 8. If compensation is lost, the system breaks down. The relationship between Health, Adaptation, Compensation, and DeCompensation will be discussed in weekend 9.

''Health & DisEase''
Health is the balance between internal and external Adaptation, in which the relationship between the organism and its environment is maintained.
Disease is the condition when that connection (i.e. Interface) is lost.
The key in the connectedness is the preservation of phase integration in/of the Interface.
Death is the result of 1) not-dealing with circumstances/conditions and 2) not-using creation to adapt. Health, creativity, liveliness and autonomy are intimately related. (See Weekend 9.)
|''[[Weekend 01]]'' | 1 cell|h
|//Introduction: Separation = Connection// | ''Cosmogenesis''|
| Learning with SOUL| [[S.O.U.L.]], Step by Step|
| Cosmology| [[Our Living Body]]|
| Body Design (exercise)| |
| Embryology| EmbryoLogics|
|''[[Weekend 02]]'' | 2 Cells|h
|//From Cell to Body: Interfacing// | ''Neurocrine System''|
| Cell Divisions| [[Division]], [[Perspective]]|
| Neurocrine Systems| PsychoNeuroCrinology|
| Psychologics| PsychoCybernetics|
| Systems Theory| [[General Systems Theory]]|
|''[[Weekend 03]]'' | 4 cells|h
|//From Process to State: Alternatives// | ''Ingestion & Digestion''|
| Transformations| [[The 4 Seas]], [[Transforming Alternatives]]|
| Gut| [[Body Chemistry]], [[Digestion]]|
| Blood| [[The Organ Blood]]|
| Body Rhythms| [[Body Rhythms]], [[The Song & Dance of the Body]]|
|''[[Weekend 04]]'' | 8 cells|h
|//From Function to Form: Organisation// | ''Organ System''|
| Transmutations| [[The Core Concept]], [[All Organs are One Organ]]|
| Solid Organs| [[The Hollow/Solid Organs]]|
| Hollow Organs| [[Transport/Transform//]]|
| Our Experience of Our Organs| [[The Zodiac]]|
|''[[Weekend 05]]'' | //The Turning Point://|h
|//Learning from our Body// | ''Easy Learning''|
| Our Body of Knowledge| [[Learning the Easy Way]]|
| Mini Conference| [[Personal Perspectives]]|
| Mini Book Fair| [[Description]] =/= [[Experience]]|
| Reading the body as a book| [[Body Language]] = [[Cell Communication]]|
|''[[Weekend 06]]'' | //Our Standpoint//:|h
|//Structure// | ''Muscle Skeleton''|
| The 4 Animals in us| [[The Four Animals in Us]], [[Pattern Recognition]]|
| Skeleton| [[Making Bones]]|
| Muscles| [[Muscle Patterns]]|
| Reflex patterns| [[Reflex Systems]]|
|''[[Weekend 07]]'' | //Our Experience//:|h
|//Process// | ''Endocrine System''|
| Adaptation| [[Adaptation]]|
| The Endocrine System| [[The Endocrine Cascade]]|
| Patho-psycho-physiology| [[Mind]]|
| Disease Patterns| [[The Chackra System]]|
|''[[Weekend 08]]'' | //Our Learning//:|h
|//Function// | ''Immune System''|
| The Sensory System| [[Transcending Boundaries]], [[The Cranial Nerves]]|
| The Immune System| [[The Immune System]], [[Symbiosis]]|
| Learning Development and Memory| [[Soul]], [[Personality]]|
| States of (in-between) consciousness| [[Coping]]|
|''[[Weekend 09]]'' | //Body Knowledge//:|h
|//Integrity// | ''Health & Healing''|
| Diagnosis| [[DiaGnosis]]|
| Healing| [[Healing]]|
| Sleep, the healer| [[Sleep, the Healer]], ([[BATD]])|
| Therapist| TheRapist|
|''[[Weekend 10]]'' | //Integration://|h
|//Learning from eachother//| ''Response Ability''|
| Self-Evaluation (in practice)| [[Examination]]|
| Mini Conference| [[Presentation]]|
| Mini Book Fair| [[Evaluation]]|
| Follow-up after the course| [[Integration]]|
A concise yet comprehensive course in Anatomy, for Kinesiologists.
The course relies on the inherent interest of the participants in wanting to understand how their body works.
It offers them suggestions for activating their own inner knowledge, rather than ‘preaching down to them’.
It does not aim to give them the kind of information which doctors use, but a practical yet fundamental understanding of our own body, from first principles.
The course is composed of 12 modules; together they cover ‘the story of creation’ of our body.
It starts with the basics of cosmology (“How do you create a universe?”) to show how we can recognise those in all of nature; also in us. This makes it much easier to see and understand why our body functions as it does.
In the course, the participants are invited to ‘create their body ‘from scratch’’. The starting point is conception, and how two cells merge into one. The nuclear fusion reaction that empowers it is but one of the miracles in what we are. It is the integral intelligence by which one cell becomes many, yet always remains one whole, which is one of the fascinating aspects of ‘what we are’.
The whole idea of a ‘cell turning itself inside out’ stands central in this discovery tour, which shows how our anatomy is formed by our physiology, by the neurocrine control (by neurones and Hormones) of our integration into our environment. Which shows that basically al we experience and are is a result of the (un)conscious choices we make.
Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit will (in this course) be seen to be one and the same. That doctors don’t realise this is overcome by using some more sophisticated (yet simple) models of science: systems theory. This is also a help to understand how Life, Health, Disease and Death are intimately connected. And how, by understanding this, maintaining wholeness becomes central in the art of healing (= “making whole”).
Each module has 4 aspects:
1) it starts with a large scale view of the topic (as the first section does for the course as a whole)
2) the it looks points out some of the essential elements involved,
3) and goes into the relationships they have within and between themselves, to
4) come to the description of the practical forms it takes in our body.

These four aspects are equivalent to the ‘ Psychological, NeuroCrine, Physiological and Anatomical’ aspects described above. This makes that the structure of the course and it topic (form & Content) are the same. This helps to bring out the integrated coherence of our body in yet another way.
!!Options & Choices:
The course is not ‘ a railway track', in which the participants are raced along a predetermined trail at an imposed speed, as if a ‘train of thought’. Instead, it offers a landscape through which the participants can roam, together or alone. Each weekend is like a Gate, through which all are invited to pass. How the terrain is covered between them is up for each person to choose.
The following described the outline of the 12 sessions, which together form a cycle. (With the course completed, anyone can retrace this again to obtain more insight in the topics by seeing how they all interrelate.)
The titles of the core themes are tentative: they describe a stepwise development of understanding, from the beginning to the end: from the first principles of cosmology, to the ways in which you can understand the body for healing.
00) Learning with SOUL
01) Zygote: The Concept of Creation
02) Morula: Internal Organisation
03) Blastula: Meeting the World
04) Nidation: in touch with Reality
05) Gestation: coming to oneself
06) Birth: Connecting to the Rhythms of Nature
07) BabyHood: Being One with the Body
08) Childhood: Playing with Mind
09) Adolescence: Expanding the Connectedness
10) Adulthood: Integrated into the Environment
11) ‘Disease’: Reaching out or Turning In
12) ‘Death’: Becoming One with the Universe
It is possible to ‘read the Body’, and learn from it how it functions. Including, how it is losing its coherence, or has lost its function.
We all know how to interpret the face of people, and recognise signs of anger and joy: psychological states. We also all know how to discern states of psychosomatic response: blushing and pallor from anxiety. We can also all recognise the psychosocial changes in posture and bodily stance: And we all know the way health and disease affect the shape of the body.

All these signs can be read to understand what takes place in the body. The skill of looking at the form of the body, to see through it, to get insight in what happens within it (in body, mind, soul and spirit) is the art of Diagnosis. Most forms of healing limit this interpretation, to understanding, to their perspective on the body (as body, mind, soul or spirit), but it is possible to see the interrelationship to them all.

Our body, like any juggling act, takes its shape from the dynamics that build it. Depending on these dynamics, any part will grow more, or less. Likewise. Any body part, thus process, will be in a state of more, or less, activity. The processes involved may be connected to other processes, with which they thus share their dynamics (fluid), or they can be more independent, thus invariant (thus (dead). By these process connections (hot & cold, wet & dry) our body is formed. The form of our body is an indication of/for these processes.

''Scales of body response''
From the body form we can now the (long term) process dynamics. This includes the immune system exhaustion or tonus, the endocrine stress and strain, the physiological warp and integrity.
From the changes of body shape, we can see the short-term shift in process balance. Again, this can be at the level of Body, Mind (endocrine system), Soul (Immune system) and Spirit (Life fulfilment)
The changes in body posture and skin colour reflect our mental states; and show the shifts in psychosocial balances.
The transient changes in mine, and eyes, show the immediate response to involvement.

All show what happens in the body of the other.
Diagnosis looks for the causes of all these changes, the body levels that are involved, the body capacities to cope at each level, and the way the total body integrity is involved or affected. 
This is the basis of diagnoses.
Diagnosis involves the understanding of the body, any body in general: this pertains to the principles involved (as explained in this course). Diagnosis also involves the understanding of the body, the specific body of the person involved (with its specific capacity for coping, in the specific life circumstances).

The following illustrates some of the aspects involved, in regarding the face, ear, tongue and eye as elements for understanding the body in depth, below what is seen at the surface. This is extended to Reflexology: knowing what happens in the body by feeling the tensions and charges in any of its part; this relates to the diagnosis-and-therapy that is combined in e.g. the practice of Massage. 

In order to understand the body it is necessary to look beyond the form that you see. And realise that the form hides (“occults’) the essence: the universal dynamic from/by which it is formed. (This is the essence of Occultism: to not be fooled by superficial appearance.
By realising that the body is formed in context, all of the body can be read as a trace of its own past: the form of the body is the history of the body. Our memory is our body. This can be seen.
By knowing that, and how, the zygote unfolds in forming the body, it is possible to discern what ‘parts’ (process traces) of the body correspond with what past. Our body is a whirl in time, literally; and our body shows its history.
This history can be read, with the long term memory and short term memory blended into each other (cf carrier wave and signal wave in radio engineering). Short term memory is seen in flushes and blushes, pallor and rashes; long term memory is seen in the scabs and scars, posture and shapes.

''The Living Learning Library of our body''
Each part of our body reflects a process. The ears are shaped, in the womb, as a result of a process of flow. The teeth are formed (first in the womb, later in life) in ongoing interaction. If the palate is cleft or closed, if the nose is blunted or upturned: it all reflects the ongoing process ‘below’ it. As the process precedes the body (and our body shape as a whole, over eons, depends on it), it can also be called ‘higher’.
If the body is regarded, without regarding, looking for the process, and the balance in context that it represents, then the powers of creation that formed the body can neither be seen nor understood. Yet, those are the principles/forces that we need to learn (to control) to live on this planet.
The body is this not an Object; not a thing but a means, not a product but a process. The body is best regarded as a super computer; able to compute even itself. Sometimes we make mistakes, we are confused in our decisions, and the computer suffers the consequences: this can be seen in our body: it is shaped by our use of it.
For all practical purposes it is best to regard life as a lesson, or a teaching in learning. With healing as the practice of learning with/from/by/in-spite-of mistakes.

''Our body of Knowledge''
Our body is a body of knowledge; literally
Our body stores the memories of all experiences.
Some are stored in the relations between cells: wave phases are the form of these dynamics.
Some are stored in the changes of the phase states of the cells: these are the forms of disease. (Inflammations, Scars, and the many forms of disease of those two kinds.)

''The body as book/bible''
The book of life, of your life, is written in your body.
Life as it is, is written in the body you are born with.
Life as you know it, is written in the lifelines you add to it.
To read the book of life of others is an art: the skill to read ythe life-lines that they traced, while hanging on to their body for life. And the skill for reading between the lines, to understand their body as basis for life.

''Reading the book of life''
By knowing when an experience of life was written, it is possible to know how life was in balance, within and outside.
The womb is an important phase in body formation: that was where and when the body shapes were formed. The genetic memory in DNA, and the circumstances in the womb (as lived by the mother) are best seen in the shapes of the ears and the fingers, the nose and the tongue.
The eyes and face lines, the hand lines and tongue are more in touch with what life has been like on earth. Scars show the skirmish with surgeons, and cars, instead of the soldiers and bears of the past.
Deformations are most often based on disturbed growth in the womb. Wounds are the general result of learning where to stand in the walk of life. Knowing what to look for, helps to know what you see.

The following helps to read the body for life signs.
The ears, nose, skull and fingers as ‘the paper’, formed in the womb.
The eyes, tongue, face, and hand lines as ‘text’, written in life.
The following describes some of these; there are books that describe all in detail. 

!Face Diagnosis
Do you realise that when you think something over, you get wrinkles on your brow? And that you frown at the top of your nose, when you try to ‘pull back’ from what you look down on. You may be aware that you pull your muscles and clench your teeth anytime you lift something heavy. You surely know that, whenever you laugh or cry, you pull your face in all kinds of different shapes.
All these changes leave their traces. They stretch the tissues, change the tonus of muscles, and affect the connective tissues below the skin, between the muscles. As a result, each person – in the long run – changes their face in ways characteristic for their long-term responses to life.
Those people who like to laugh, and those who rather cry or moan or shout or whimper: all acquire slightly different faces. Each face more and more reflects the grant total of general average of their responses to the experiences they live. Knowing that this is the case helps to understand people not as they our now, but in the grand total of their experience(s) in/of life.
The face stores all those memories, and reflects it: it is possible to ‘read the face’, and get a better understanding of the experience of the people you meet. It gives insight in their habitual (not necessary, their preferred) response in any situation. Which again can help to interact with them better.

''Body Archeology''
As seen in the eyes, all organs are formed in the same ‘sweeping motion’ as that of the unfolding of the Zygote, in forming the body. Whatever was malnourished or starves, hyper-stressed or flooded with toxins at that time, will have left its traces on the organs that formed at that time; and the body parts at the surface that emerged at that same time. This form of diagnosis can be compared to archaeology, of embryology, as it can be read in the shape of the body.

''Face diagnosis''
We all know that peoples faces change, in response to their experience in life. Some people have studied this, and the patterns that can be seen. This is often found for people whose life ‘depends’ on reading between the lines, of the faces and features of the people they meet. Most of the systems of healing have knowledge about the interpretation of faces of people.

''Skin diagnosis''
Somatic Medicine, with its mechanistic approach, does not take this much further than looking at the colour of the faces of people: ''White'' as sign of loss of blood (from the face, maybe from the body), ''Red'' as a sign of an excess of blood (or blood pressure). ''Blue'' as a sign of loss of oxygen (or respiration), ''Yellow'' as a sign for an excess of bile in the blood (and loss of vital liver function), ''Green'' as indicator for systemic disorder (such as perhaps cancer) and ''Black'' as a sign or necrosis, or near death (such as in a Black Eye).

''Organ Diagnosis''
Oriental medicine with its more process-oriented approach, is more attentive to changes in the surface features of the skin. It identifies regions of the face that correspond with bodily functions: The Lungs are reflected in the ''Cheeks'' (the first to change colour when breathing changes; as in exercise or holding breath). The ''area below the eyes'' is related to the Kidneys (first to swell when crying or tired). The ''region between the eyes'' is associated with the Pancreas (and self-image); in ''the brow'' with the liver (as in frowning, when thinking). The ''upper lip'' associates with the small intestine, the ''lower lip'' with the colon.

''Tongue Diagnosis''
Oriental Medicine also looks deeper than that: into the eyes, into the shape of the nose, the ears, and the tongue. The Ears help identify the overall shape of the body (in a foetal position, it is seen upside down, and can help identify the more basic (embryological development/states of the body: the basis on which it is formed).

''Skull Diagnosis''
Shamanic medicine, and astrology, adds to this an interpretation of the features of the ''skull''. The bones of our body reflect to a large extent our ancestral traits; but also the extent to which we have transcended those patterns. (Here, as in all of our body: more function leads to more growth, thus change of form.) Each planet (thus emotional ground state) is associated with a shape: Square, Triangular, Round, Pointed Chin, Pointed Head all have their corresponding planets. By looking at the skull much can be said about the way a person resonates to their surroundings.

''Ear diagnosis''
The Ears are shaped in the womb; and in their share reflect the body upside down in the womb, curled up in foetal position. The shape and form, relatives sizes and detail of outline show if the process of formation was in balanced, and consistently nurtured in this phase of body formation. The ears give great insight into the levels of development, and this inner organisation, that otherwise can not be easily seen as they took place inside the body.

''Looking into the eyes''
When you look someone in the eye, you can look beyond their I.
Many people have personality structures (patterns of reflex behaviour), that serve as scaffolding for their social life, but can cripple it too (just as some get from using crutches for too long)
In the eyes you can see, of rather feel, what happens within you, when you gaze into the pupils of others: it is the only place where you look straight into live cells (all skin cell that you see, are dying or dead.)

In order to be able to look someone in the eyes, you need to be able to look within you: the insight that you get by gazing in a mirror and feeling is essential to respect  what they eyes of others can show you.

At a more superficial level, you can get a good image of the person, by their body (in inverse), by looking into their iris. There you can find all guts and all organs, as the books on iriscopy can describe. The eyes can be a great and quick help to gauge psychological balance (the whites of the eyes), the level of stress (the size of the pupil), and the state of the organs (toxicity, in the iris). Also (with the restful/jittery motion) if there is trust with others, like you.

''Tongue diagnosis''
More in touch with our lives than all we lay eyes on, is the tongue. Its shape and form reflect the tensions we feel; it is the most readily visible part of the gut; and its brain with taste for our living. The shape of the tongue and its tonus (with(out) teeth imprints), moisture and colour, hairiness and can be a quick and effective indicator for circulation (pinkness), oxygenation (not blue), digestion (moist) and health (not furrry). The tongue is divided in regions, that all relate to the balance of the functions of organs: the tip with the heart, the sides with the kidneys and liver, the surface with the lungs. (These are also the regions found by somatic medicine as reflective for different experiences of taste.) 

''Tooth diagnosis''
At a deeper level the mouth holds the teeth (the nails of our jaws, which reflect the limbs of our head). Each tooth reflects an organ system; dental health (beware of amalgam fillings) can indicate organic health or disease. Caries is in part related to massaging the gums; in greater part to the immune system saps as produced by the body, in the form of saliva. (Bad breath is a sign of inflamed gums, ‘eating away at the foundations of our bone/teeth’.)

!Mime, Gestures, Posture and Stance
Out body stands on its own (Weekend 6) by the balance of muscle tone (weekend 2). The directions from the brain are only corrections to suit the body to the setting. Sometimes the body is in one stance or mode or mood, while actually in another (Weekend 7).
Any shift in muscle tone reflects in the way the body keeps itself upright, is able to extend limbs (and keep its own territory in shape); and do the same in interaction with others (as seen in gestures), and how the person reflects on what happens (as shows up in Mime).
Mime, the changes of facial expression, reflect how you feel; all tensions in your body, in your response to your context. It reflects (literally) how you are charged and/or discharged by what you experience. The same is seen, in larger (and slower) forms, in the gestures of the limbs, the stance of momentary muscle tonus, and stance of the place you take in life
What is seen is not the position of the body, a limb, or the body, but the tonus of a muscle, its balance with its antagonist, the whole process loop it forms part of. In fact the way the person integrates into the environment. Diagnosis helps to see if that is in balance or not.

All that we experience in life, is based on reflexes.
All reflexes are logically (inter)related: all are based on our first cell’s unfoldment.
The structure of the body is but the result of a series of reflexes, interlocked with each other, all contributing to the shapinng of an intergral pattern, by interacting with the environment; and each other.
The following list some aspects involved:

* hyper- hypo reactive
* saccadic/clonal responses
* hyper/hypo-trophy
* relaxed tonus
* posture: spine, muscle-skeleton, self realisation
* stance; limbs; self-awareness, propriocepsis
* gait; body motion, self-assurance; confidence, safety
* mime: face, direct, realisation/involvement

!Body Shape
The body shape says a lot about a person’s life experience.
People with short limbs are more in touch with what goes on around them; and have less within reach than those with long legs. Those with long legs find it more easy to step out of a situation, than those with short legs. And so on.
All of this is relative; and depends not only on the bodily build, but also on the way they came to interpret their experiences, and their own responses; in short: their self-image. The self-image is in part self-designed; in part is developed in response to their interactions with others. It may even to some extent mimic the behaviour of others. (We all have a psychological ‘chameleon’ side to us, which can be essential for survival in some social settings, like families.). As a result, any person can have behaviour that stems from the conduct of an ancestor from many generations ago.
Apart from the familiar behaviour (as it is passed on in families) and the bodily build (as it is passed in by our genes) we also reflect our response to our behaviour in our context. Our body reflects if we digest our “experience of life”  well, or not.

''Traces of life experience''
As we all know, our body, in face lines, hand lines, portrays our experience of life. The same is the case for the changes in bodily built, and the changes in our internal organs.
We can all see if a person walks around upright, or stooped under psychological strain. We can all discern is a person is open to whatever comes and face the future, or crosses the arms and legs, and is closed of from what is before them. We all use these mechanisms to shield ourselves, or open ourselves up to experiences we have. Our body thus reflects how we feel; in the short term and in the long term.
Sometimes we are well-attuned, thus we feel better as a result. It leads to the experience of joy, and health; and a finely tuned body. (Because, from the perspective of the endocrine system, it is well suited with/in its context). It is also possible that the attunement with/in the environment (physical or psychical) is not in balance.
As a result, we carry the memory from one environment (be it physical of psychical) to another. Something is stored in our body. If not digested and released, it will accumulate, and change the shape of our body. This is seen very clearly in endocrine diseases: they change the shape of the body (because they are directly involved with the storage and release of whatever we take in in one environment, and carry along to another (be it food or experience)

''Reading the Body''
All of this together means that what we think, how we feel, in the long term or short term is stored in our body, and body shape.
Learning to read the body requires the understanding of the body, at every layer; as presented in the different weekend of this course.

What happens in the body can not only be seen, but also felt. An example where this is clearly the case is in all forms of massage; one of the specific forms is that of Reflexology: the sensing of the muscle tensions in the feet (or the hands). These forms of diagnosis make more clear that every perception is also an [[intervention|TheRapist]]. (This is an essential trait of all (therapeutic) interaction, and elaborated separately in this weekend.)

''Ear Parade''
Look at the ears of persons near you. Assure that they agree, that you have good lighting, an unobstructed view, and feel at ease.
Remember: the ear was formed in the uterus; and reflects the formation of the whole body during the time it was formed.
Observe the ear rim (cf. Weekend 1), the relative position of the earlobe with respect to the ear (cf. Weekend 2), the contours of the ear surface within the rim (cf. Weekend 3), and the entrance to the inner ear (cf. Weekend 4).
Having compared various ears of various persons, to see the similarities, now look again, and look for their difference details; again for the 4 aspects mentioned above.
The forms of the ear reflects the embryology; and gives insight in the body development in the womb.
The shape of the ear determines how the sounds reflect on, and enters the ear: thus determines how wound is experienced by that person.
The placement of the ear indicates the lengths of the pathways from the outer world to the inner processing in the brain. Any fraction of difference in pathway length already means that the signals from the ear arrive relatively sooner or later than signals from other sensory organs. This determines the role and ranking of auditory input into the Gestalt of information processing: the inner image that is formed in our brain of what happens on the world around us, as consequence of the stimuli input into our sensory cells.
''From Matter to Information''
Digestion is an excellent example to show how physics and metaphysics are linked. What we eat is not food, for that matter, but information. The way we eat makes that clear: solid matter is ingested, liquidised, distilled and finally taken in as source of electrons and photons. Eating is ‘Evolution in Inverse: the food we take in is dissolved back to its basis; matter returns to chemistry, to ions, to information; which we take in or not.

''We eat information''
Digestion is not what medicine makes of it. It is part of an ongoing food chain, and to look at it as some physical chemical reaction, in test tubes, is blatantly wrong. The body is not a test tube: it conditions its own reactions. Its reaction to the reactions condition the conditions. This is one of the reasons why pharmaceutical approaches so often back-fire: they do not take into account the response of the system as a whole.
Yet there is an added value to looking at digestion as a chemical process: it helps to understand the great sophistication of the body (and expose some fundamental errors of science). In our body, not food is taken in, but coherence. Whatever we eat is taken apart (as chemistry would analyse it), and put together, in proportion. What comes out of the transformation is you r being you. The 'equation' is not about parts and moles and balancing reactions, but about maintaining integrity; and thereby maintaining the balance of you in your environment. Bearing this in mind, tha caricatures of biochemistry can be fun. 'Caricatures"? Yes, the wonderfully elaborate maps of biochemical chain reactions are as naive as they are incomplete. Yes, the reactions do take place, and yes, they are of wonderful use. But ... the reactions interact with themselves. The assumption of the invariance of matter, on which they are explicitly tacitly based, is not realistic. In living bodies transformations and transmutations /both/ take place. Chemical Transformations, when atoms interact with each other, via their electron orbit shells. Alchemical transmutations take place when not 'external' electrons but 'internal' protons are exchanged. In physical laboratories this can not yet be done (which for some is reason to 'believe' that 'it can not be done'). In our bodies this has been going on already for millions of years; in nature, in plants, for billions of years. (Models of reality (science) themselves are not Real, They are real models; they are not reality itself.)
It means that the chemistry of our body is not chemical at all. It certainly is not Physics, at least, not in the classical sense. The principles of causality, repeatability, invariance and predictability were formulated to have a simplifying point of perspective in looking at Nature (Greek: "Physis") as a whole. The simplistic approach was effective and paid of; it also was reductionist and still claims its toll. What was held to be Physics in the past, if Physical no longer: over the past 100+ years, physics has shifted its perspective from Matter (classical physics) to Molecule (chemistry) to Atoms (electricity) and now to subatomic Fields (phase).

This is relevant in science; but all the more relevant in our body. The biochemical model needs to be replaced by an electrophysical concept, even by a phasics of physics. What matters, is, ultimately, Phase: coherence of phase provides form. Loss of coherence of phase, discoherence of phase, leads to loss of form. This is more fundamental than many realise as yet: it means that the chemistry of our body is not chemical at all, but a balance of force field, in which electric and magnetics interact. What is described as if Laboratory Reactions, is more complex than a jet steam in the ocean: the coherence of loss of phase operates by principles in which matter can fully dissolve, and yet remain in place. What was seen in Embryology (the emergence of structure and form, through/from seemingly indefinable phases of phase) is also seen in digestion.

''Food is immaterial''
The 'food' we eat it totally dissolved: physically broken apart, chemically transformed, and ionically given new valence, thus values. Although the form is lost, even the molecules are fragmented into smaller parts and atoms, it is the electromagnetic sums that stay balanced: digestion is not a physical phenomenon, nor a chemical reaction, but an electromagnetic computation in which every bit (electron and proton) counts. Literally. Yet the counting and accounting is yet again but a means to a goal: what is computed, is your reality. And the integrity of your being, in the life you live. The food you take in is immaterial in that respect: as Jasmuheen shows (she stopped eating in 1994, she says). You show the same, in being able to eat from any international cuisine; cooked with care and pride or uncared or uncooked: your body still says the same. If you eat more, or less, your body accounts for the balance. And preserves you length and weight, size and shape. Plus or minus some 'modulations'. Those who know you will simply say 'my, you are skinny or fat'; evidently, with all the food being broken down to molecules, atoms and electrons, 'you' still remain 'you'. This too is part of your digestion. It is not about food being fragmented, as if fuelling some antique steam engine; digestion is about metabolism: the balance between anabolism and catabolism.

''Body Building''
Anabole: that what builds up the body.
Catabole, that what breaks down the body.
Metabole: that what preserves and maintains the body, by balancing building up and building down.
Metabolism is an art of balance (even "Art", from Latin, means "Hinge".)

It is again the concept of interfacing that stand central; and all the more so in the image of the gut.

''Relative Phase States''
Functionally, the gut is just skin. It is part of the surface that links us to the world around us. True, it is slightly different, because it is more moist: old cheese is different from young cheese in the same way: drying out makes all the difference (as was discussed in Weekend 2). If you put a plaster over your skin you will later find that it too ir more ruddy and moist, just like your but. And that it still sheds its cells, just as is seen in the gut.

''The inside of the Gut is outside of the body''
Operationally, the gut is 'a cell inside out'. What is seen within the cell (all the processes of its internal 'metabolism', as it recreates itself (in multiplying = dividing, as Weekend 1 explained), is what is now seen in inverse. In the cell, small elements are brought together to form larger and larger complexes, even large protein molecules, such as enzymes.
In the gut, an environment is created and maintained that is like a precision computation: food goes in at one end, and Nothing comes out at the other. (Excrements are mainly material that was never taken in, shed cells as debris, microbes thriving in the gut, and a few recycled body products such as bile (= blood elements).

Digestion is thus a typical example of Membrane Transition; What was shown in Weekend 2, as the interaction between cells, is now seen 'in inverse': the communication /across/ cells. In this case: the interaction across the membrane of the gut.
What is seen here is typical and standard for all of the body, and organs. As was shown in the synopsis of Systems Theory: each element reflects each other. A resistor is a coil is a condenser is a source/sink. Each organ is simultaneously liver and spleen and kidney and lung and heart and gut. Because each organ is an interface, and thus a Filter: it makes a distinction, in a very characteristic and specific way, between "The One Side", and "The Other". None of the organs stands on its own; it can only work well if complemented by all others. By this all organs are linked: physically, biochemically, electromagnetically, and informationally.

''Beyond the surface''
In looking at the gut, bear this in mind. What you are looking at is one of the largest organs of the body; it is one whole with the lungs and the skin and even ('external') ducts like those of the (gall) bladder. Any body surface that is in contact with 'the outside'.
The Gut is interesting by showing how we relate to the outside world; how we are separate from it, yet at the same time to intricately intimately interwoven with it; or rather: interdissolved.

What we take in as solid food, is rapidly turned into liquid, in order to be able to 'evaporate its electrons', like a gas, for capturing photons: all material phases are addressed; and displayed as phased transformations (reactions), which are again seen as phases of processes. Rhythms, Peristalsis, is as much interwoven with digestion and any other aspect in the 'dissolving of the environment into us'. (And the inverse: the dissolving of us into the environment, by the valuable urine and faeces that we excrete.)

''Unbroken Food Chain''
Digestion is part of the whole food chain; and cannot be regarded as separate. Digestion reflects your integration with/in your environment, and cannot be seen as separate. Digestion is part of your whole process of living; and (cor)respond with/to your actions. And digestion reflects your psychological needs; and your unsatisfied unfulfilments...
A physical chemical mechanistic material view on digestion is therefore a bit simplistic; so much so that in the reductionistic views it misses out of what really goes on, and how Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit are all 'interdissolved' in the gut. Yet, it is simply a Membrane, thus boundary, like any other. It does the same 4D phase transformations as all cells in your body. The gut simply shows more explicitly how this takes place. What was seen in Weekend two as the communications between cells, is now seen as the communication across cells. Yet the essence, still, is the same.
This is why the Gut is the metaphor for all body transformations; it is the best example of the way solids turn to matter turn to gas to turn to plasma, as food is 'hammered' and 'cooked' and 'filtered', using the same principles as any organ or cell. We actually see 'creation' in inverse: animals reduced to plants reduced to minerals, in the recreation of the Primordial Soup in our gut. That apparently is what we really feed on: regression to the past. A Primordial Soup, or Big Bang Juice. In a sense our gut is a time machine, so it not only shows the chemistry of reactions in space, but also the extension of memory in time. (This has implications for the quality of food: it needs to have temporal integrity; which genetically manipulated foods certainly don't.)
Inversely, studying the Gut, shows how cells work; and work together. There are two sides to this equation (as is the case for any membrane): the breakdown of the food, 'outside of the body', in the Gut, and the integration of the food products inside of the body, and Blood. The Ocean of Food, The Ocean of Blood, The Ocean of Energy and the Ocean of Bone are the traditional Chinese terms for what we see here: The Transformation (ocean of Energy) in/of/across/over the gut stands central: it links the outer and inner world. The Oceans of Blood, the internal food chain that feeds the cells, reflects the Ocean of Food: the flow in the gut; both show the same, inside out: the integrity of our skin and contact with the environment; as seen in the functionality of the gut. The result is the 'deposit' of the 'Outer reality' 'within us': as the Ocean of bone. It is the deposit of our life experience (and that of all (y)our ancestors)
Again, bear this in mind when studying the gut.

''River & Bedding''
In this weekend, the Gut and Blood stand central; between them they show the actual (Energy) Transformation taking place, of which our body (bone) is merely a deposit.
The transformation itself is not readily seen; yet it can be indirectly perceived: Peristalsis is one of its forms. Peristalsis is looked at here in the general sense: as the pulsations of cells; this was already introduced in Weekend 1: all cells pulsate, all cells share pulsations and rhythms, and the body as a whole is a rhythm and dance.
This is addressed by itself as "The Song & Dance of the Body", denoting simultaneously the shifty and enjoyable nature of the music of our body. (It also offers the basis of/for understanding why music can heal.)

''Liquid Crystal Body''
The other aspect of the Gut, the Blood, too is dealt with separately. By presenting {Bert Verveen} the Blood as an organ. It may well be a liquid organ, but that is not surprising: blood is a liquid crystal; and the complement of bone (a crystal liquid). Bu looking at the blood as an organ the same is seen as described above: the integrated integrity of all organs. Each organ is simply a membrane that helps maintain the quality of the blood, that feeds the cells. 'The Zygote has its way for taking care of itself, and creating the conditions in which it can thrive.' 
Again, by looking at the blood as central organ in the body (thus, not the Heart, but the Blood), the connection between all organs is seen. And, how elegant, the same is seen as in the Gut: each organ is part of an ongoing transformation. What is seen in the (linear) transformation of the food along the length of the gut, is seen in the (cyclic) transformation of the blood flowing around and around. (A simile: what is seen as the linear and circular DNA in the cells, is seen now as the linear and circular transformation cycles, by which your integrity is maintained.)

''Body Rhythms''
The Rhythm is described separately, as an experiment using stethosphones ('they are not -scopes, because you cannot see anything through them.).
The Blood is presented as a separate exercise: the Blood as grail, for a mandala meditation of the connectedness to all organs.
The Gut is presented separately, as an exercise in deduction: ('along the length of a tube, what transformations take place').
Together they give insight in the Transformation involved: how the System Inversion takes place, across a cell; this is important, because it thereby, implicitly and indirectly, shows how the inversion Transformation takes place within the cells. (This is the same principle as seen in the Big Bang, in DNA, and the crux of the life we live).

The Inner Food Chain
The following described the process of digestion, as compared to the flow of the Nile ...

''The Flow of Digestion''
Digestion is an understatement. What is known as digestion is a sophisticated attuned calibrated process of phase transformation, in which all (physical) phases can be seen to be related. As was mentioned in Weekend 1, where the unity of Motion, Sound, Radio and Light were shown in their shared nature of Vibration, now we see that 'Food' is simultaneously Physical, Chemical, Electromagnetic and Photonic. And that it is that last level at which (y)our body works, and 'refuels' itself.
This immediately makes the paradox clear: Photons hardly have Mass; they have Spin. Not Matter matters, but information; phase in formation. (As Weekend 2 has pointed out.)
This is explicitly seen in the 'break down' of the food for the 'building up' of the body. (And beware: the second law of thermodynamics is a spoof: it was deigned for closed systems, which in Nature do not exist. In fact, the 'energy loss of the system', or entropy, is in fact a flow of energy between the system and the environment; an exchange.
Exchange is the essence of the body; the body as a whole is an interface; in which exchange takes place: and 'inside' is kept in balance with 'outside'.
See for example the gut; and see (for those who know them) how the organs along it reflect a similarity to the temples along the Nile...

''The River Nile''
Food enters the gut long before it is swallowed.
In a normal setting, you would walk the land, feel the land and its climate, see how the plants reflect that quality of Earth, and find fruits that might feed you. Seeing is followed (or preceded) by smelling, and touching. Only then might you decide to choose and pick.
You might then decide to take the fruit food elsewhere: to a different environment, where you feel more at pleasure, at leisure or (Qi Gung like, territorially) safe. You might want to wash the fruit/food, you might want to warm it in the sun or cool it in a brook. All that time you are relating to, connecting up with, the food. You and the food are connected by your action and intent. And at some moment you decide to sit down for eating the food. Feeling yourself, the environment, the food, and what good it brings you (and through you,,,,, all others). This is called meditation or prayer. The feeling of well-being with and for the food, attunes you and makes you feel better. The feeling of enjoyment of you in your setting, the Chinese call Cu Qi. (That is what you pay for in an expensive restaurant: the care for food and ambiance for feeling well. They offer integrity for attunement.)
Only then do you start to eat: see and smell and feel (cutlery take away that quality of connectedness, which in India they still cherish. (But you Must have clean hands, to avoid parasitical infections.))

When you start to eat, your body already 'knows what is coming': it has already mobilised its prior knowledge, and is already set to fine-tune for this experience. The tongue is already in anticipation (and tastes can thereby be disappointing...), and poised to savour flavour.
This is what chewing is about: to liberate the etheric oils from the food: these are resonant cyclic molecules that vibrate in the Infra Red range (as i.a. the work of Phil Callahan shows.) That is maybe a reason why at the mouth the air ways and gut's way cross: to mingle air, water, and solids, (to identify the fire within: the photons that feed us?)
Chewing liberates the smells, picked up by the nose and fed directly into the brain; bypassing all other sensations (which also implies that cyclic molecules are very significant for the body?). Likewise the tongue detects electrochemical signatures; for which it needs ionic analysis: this is why we salicate and chew. Salivation, to offer a conductor by which the tongue knows what it tasted: salt, bitter, astringent and sour all have their own receptors; and do realise that Taste is a chemical analysis, checking for balance.
The tongue, like the nose, has a direct input into the brain: even before you swallow, the body is prepared for what goes down. And (except is "civilised societies') has a last chance to reject (spit out) 'what does not compute'. You can realise how sensitive that detection and filtering can be, if you find a seed or grain of sand in a mouthful; the tongue often immediately 'spots it and sorts it Out'.)

''Preparations for Digestion''
The body is not just prepared for the food: the food is also prepared for the body; a knowledge of ages is used, accumulated over many animal species, to help us prepare the food to feed into our cells. (A process in which it is as carefully guided as the sperm on their way to the womb, as described in Weekend 1.)
By knowing what is taken in, the body knows what to put out, with great precision. The gut is prepared, as is the saliva, stomach juices, and internal body secretions, in preparation for optimal ingestion/digestion. For example: Ptyalin/Amylases are produced for the digestion of starches: this requires longer chewing as it is added in the mouth. After which the stomach needs to be alkaline instead of acid (else the amylases break down, and the food can not be digested.) Drinking acid drinks like coke annuls this inner body calculation (that is why Ayurveda advices 'not to drink with the meal'), and eating bread with meat (a non-necessary food) causes internal conflict: the digestion of proteins requires peptides in the stomach, which then needs to be acid. For this reason most physiological diets advise not to eat proteins and starches together; to avoid an acid/alkaline conflict in the stomach (with consequential incomplete digestion and possible consequential toxic residue formation).

''"Drink Solids, Inhale Liquids"''
And so the food is first chewed and soaked and analysed in the mouth, and the body prepared. As Yoga has it: "Drink Solids, Inhale Liquids". By chewing well solids become saps; and liquids are dissolved in with the normal saliva.
From the mouth to the stomach something else comes into play: motion and time: Peristalsis. Swallowing forms part of the total body rhythm; and by taking in food it is from then on processed by your body, as if within the body. (The gut is 'outside world in the inside world": it is still (technically) outside of the body, but the body has extensive control on what takes place.)
The Oesophagus is a 'length of pipe’, which sets the stomach apart from the mouth. It thereby can function at the same time a buffer, to prevent back flow from the stomach out of the mouth; but also it is short enough to do just that: to allow a forceful stomach contraction to reject/expel the stomach contents 'the way by which it came'. (Evidently this means that the stomach has similar 'tasting capacities' as the tongue, of which we are normally unaware, yet which are able to determine i.a. microbial infection and invert the peristalsis, to antiperistalsis, and vomit the 'unwholesome' food out.

''Process timing''
In the gut there is a very distinct time control; in that respect it /does/ resemble to a very carefully controlled chemical reaction. Multiple sphincters regulate is the flow is stopped or unblocked. The Pylorus and Houston Valve, in fact all the haustrae of the Colon, and even the isthmus (opening) of the Appendix) perform the same function as the 'Ring Pass Not, described in Weekend 1, deciding the passage of the Zygote on its way to the womb. Likewise the gut uses such timing devices to set the rhythms and determine if food will pass of not. (Such local rule in a general setting of conditions is likewise seen in the rhythms control of the heart.)
This is an important mechanism, as it determined if the decomposing food, 'within this composition of intestinal rhythms', will be too fast/slow or 'just right' for the state that the (next phase) of the gut is in. The rhythms of these valves can be controlled (except by forms of medicine who believe that this can not be done ...), by which dys-rhytm-diseases (like ulcers) can be resolved. (The gut is very responsive to (y)our emotional state; intestinal problems often reflect problems in the integration in the environment; which is precisely the inverse of what the gut itself does (Disintegration of the environment within us...). Again: see the simplicity of the pattern, and recognise the 'inverse reflection', that this represents.

''Body Chemistry''
In the Stomach, the food is Soaked or Cooked, depending on the substance. Heat translates to Acids, strong acids in fact. (And isn't it interesting that the stomach, capable of digesting meat, does not digest itself? Again, we are not dealing with a set of chemical reactions, but a very calibrated information process. A 'computation' calculated in the qualities of chemicals/molecules.)

When the Stomach reflects the Acid Base balance in our body (and thus cells), beyond the Pylorus it is the Salt Fat balance that comes into play. This is where the Blood is added to the Gut: Bile, a soap (this able to shift the balance between salts and Fats) made of old red blood cell membranes (lipids, thus fats) picked by the spleen and harvested by the liver and excreted via the Gall bladder, is used as suds to soap the already much decomposed food. This is the level of 'doing the dishes', and degreasing the pans. (Digestion is similar to a washing machine program...)
Immediately after, the Proteins are dealt with: amino acids 'broken' out of the peptide bonds of proteins of meats. This is done by a substance so strong that it is produced as two component 'glue', in thus case an un-glue: in the pancreas. This stuff is so strong that if not properly used it will dissolved the pancreas itself (as sometimes is the case if the outflow is blocked, or the pancreas rhythms reversed). When squirted into the gut (like an injection engine), to dissolve meats, it is 'so hot' that it is 'tossed up and down' in the duodenum, until it can be passed on; the reaction is chemical in nature, but operates on 'deep' molecular (thus in fact electric) bonds.
This is the 'hottest' past of digestion; 'cooking' the food. Evidently this requires that the right kind of molecules, for these reactions, have been eaten before. Body chemistry is not jus something taking place in space, but also in time (and knowing this, some basic 'diseases' can be resolved: sometimes it just takes some food (=information) to be able to deal with the food digestion (and likewise the digestion of life experience).

It is helpful to know that these 'injection squirt guns', Gall bladder and Pancreas, are all regulated (papilla of Vater), can backfire or be blocked (such as by Bile Stones, due to blocked circulation; as the section on Rhythms describes.)

''Flow Control''
After the Duodenum (with its powerful electric/chemical reactivity and activity, reflective of the nuclear components of cells), the Jejunum (small intestine) is more like the cell fluids: it offers a rinsing action, using lots of recirculated water, to dissolve the food into the gut. 'On the other side' it is 'harvested' by a double circuit: one which brings the dissolved, leached out, water soluble nutrients to the Liver (Portal Artery); and another one which carries the fat soluble substances (i.a. Vitamins A, D, E, K, ADEK for short) 'straight into the blood' via the lymph.
The Jejunum is long, which offers a large surface of exchange; the exchange surface itself is 'viliated': folds within folds (cf. the unfolding of the Zygote). 

The end of the Jejunum is the entrance to the Colon. With again a sphincter to regulate the flow. It is the transition point from physical chemistry to biochemistry. The area from the stomach onward up to the colon is normally sterile: too acid for any microbes to survive. Bit in the Colon microbes come to our assistance: whatever could not be broken down using chemistry and physics is now broken down by a team of specialists: microbes that live in our gut. Acidophilus and Bifidus; or (if the gut balance was disturbed (such as after antibiotic)), E. Coli, named after the Colon but sign of disease of they are found there.)

''Washing Machine''
Water flushed in the small intestine; it is resorbed in the Colon.
This resembles the 'job' of the Kidneys: washing the water.
Likewise, all of the other organs can be readily understood in their role and relationship if seen in their place in the gut. (And, unlike what many brain researchers might like: there are brain like cells that regulate the gut; it is more likely that the Brain serves as a means for correction on functioning, or even only optimisation, instead of command or control.)

Division (with Diversification)  is a fundamental property in our development.
It is more general than often realised; and it plays more roles than generally understood.
|Every Division of a Zygote produces two new cells; it is assumed that this is the pattern that continues throughout our lives (and Weekend 3 shows it is not as symmetrical as shown below...) Due to these divisions, so it is assumed, our body forms.|
* Weekend 02 ''CellDivision''
|It is evident that some other mechanism plays a role: our bodies do not continue to grow without limit. Evidently the quantitative growth is regulated by qualitative factors of timing (Weekend 3) and correlation (Weekend 4) as a result of which our final body form is shaped.)
|The Tree of Cell divisions is a mirror image of our Tree of Genealogy: we all have two parents, a female  (“mother”) and a male (“father”). Each of which had two parents, who had two parents, who had two parents, and so on... |
* Weekend 02 ''CellFusion''
The calculations of genealogy are simple: each generation is a doubling of the number of ancestors; 2^0 (1) for yourself, 2^1 (2) for your parents, 2^2 (4) for your grandparents, 2^3 (8) for your great grand parents (3 generations is approximately one century). You had 2^10  (1024) forbears over 10 generations (approx. 3 centuries), and 1000 years ago (approx. 300 generations) there were 1073741824 people on this planet from which you are the direct descendent. That is: in you, all these people live forth, combined. As you can imagine, this means that there is a moment in time that there were less people on Earth, than you need to have pure lineage: at some point the number of ancestors exceeds the number of people on Earth. (It means we are all 1) related (family) and 2) the products of interbreeding of families within families).
* Weekend 02 ''HumanAncestry''
At present, there are 6.10^9 (6 billion) people on Earth; in many places that is more than too much. As you see in the rough-sketch table above: you have more ancestors, than that many times over. It even goes beyond the scale of what the spreadsheet can compute (“#NUM!”) only 10.000 years ago. Humanity is said to exist for 2 million of years... So you can see we are not just all related, and family of each other; but that: many times over. Maybe this helps you understand that each of your body cells is not that much different from any of your other body cells (or even of those of any one else): the system of divisions, and ancestors, is quite the same as shown by the images above.

As you may be aware, from your school lessons in Biology and what you know of palaeontology: humans are but one form of animals. Darwinian (and Lamarckian) thinking has shown that there are ‘direct’ relationships between species of animals; just as Linnaeus showed for the families of plants. It is possible to see how one new form emerged out of another; and how similar  animals had a same ancestor species. Everyone presumably knows that the Oak (or any tree) will take a different shape, depending on the landscape (“Earth”) and climate (“Heaven”) in which it grows. The Oak in the forest is different from the wind blown oak at the seacoast, or the dwarfed oak on the mountain; or the Bonsai Tree. Trees  developing over  hundreds of thousands of years in one landscape/climate  (say, temperate forest) take on  characteristic shapes; when (naturally or artificially) replanted elsewhere (say: subtropical mountains), their  form will change. When that new form is replanted in the domain whence it originally came, it will not revert to its original form (so biologists imply; remember: this needs to be regarded over scales of (hundreds of) thousands of years. Does this imply that they remember what they acquired as new traits sins they moved, and moved back, to the other location? Alternatively, does it  imply that they forgot from whence they came? It is this kind of adaptation, and learning, that takes place also in us.

The Linnaean system for plant determination (which was based on form similarities, and often proven to be mistaken by DNA studies (which show that it was most often right too!) has been given deeper meaning by the studies of Lynn Margulis. She showed that the Genealogy for Animals and Plants also holds for cells; and that many of the cells in our body must be re-appraised from the perspective that (apart from divisions of cells) Fusions take place too. In this case: fusions between plant life forms and animal life forms. Our Mitochondrion, so she suggests, is the result of symbiosis, so powerful that it lasted millions of years, between Eukaryote cells and Bacteria. The images she presents speak for themselves, and it is recommended to look at her work.

‘Genealogy trees’ not only exists for Animals, plants and cells, but for Molecules too. It is recommended that you look at the Britannica web site for this: the description of complex molecules (proteins) based on simpler too simple to fundamental molecules is an example of the same notion (Divisions) taking place within us. This means that the perspective by which Cell Division is habitually regarded can best be understood in a much more general sense: the Division Tree of the Cells, of our Ancestors, of Animals and Plants, Cells and Proteins, represent a general pattern.

The pattern of the so-called cell divisions is also seen in the shape of trees, the rivers, and even lightning. There exist mathematical descriptions by which the Leap-and-Linger pattern of lightning discharge can be recognised in  the branching of rivers, and the roots of trees. This general principle seems to be so important that it is operative within us too:  ‘internally’ as our cell divisions, and ‘externally’ as our ancestry.

* Mathematically ‘speaking’ this is the shape of a ''Diffractal'': a fractal, as described, in mathematics; but also diffraction, as described in physics. It seems one of the ways by which a balance (or an interface) can be maintained.
| Bear in mind that the ‘shape of the roots’  (or rivers or lightning) depends on the medium in which it travels. E.g. the roots of a tree, under the soil, divide by the same pattern as the branches in the atmosphere. The difference in shape can be compared to diffraction: the principle by which a straw in a glass water can appear to be ‘broken’: the waves in air and the waves in water travel at different speeds (thus wavelengths) as a result of which  it will not be perceived as ‘straight’. |

* Weekend 02 ''[[Diffractal]]''

This ‘distortion of perspective’ is not just a metaphor, as the work of d’Arcy Thomson showed: it is possible to draw a fish on rubber (e.g. a balloon); stretching it length-wise will transform it into an eel; stretching it up/down will produce the shape of a Boxfish. Inflating the balloon will show different types of fish. They are all related by ‘Topological changes’ (as this form of mathematics is called).

> (Computer graphics already makes use of this concept to ‘draw’ plants and trees in animation films. Especially ferns and fir trees are very well describable in this way.)

The principle of topological changes is simple; it may be one of the simplest ways to understand the transformations between species; and even the transitions from minerals to plants to animals to ‘humans’. As complexity is too complex (in the sense of unintelligible) for a universe like this, it is much more probable that it needs to be interpreted in a literal sense (as our cells show, and David Bohm described) a form of unfoldment. The Simple (unit) already contains the complex (unity). Complex, from con-plicare, is then the same as Unfoldment.

As the above aims to point out: this is a very simple principle. What is seen in our body, with all our cells emerging out of one cell (which was con-fused out of the sperm-and-egg of all those millions of ancestors), is seen also in all species of animals, all families of plants, all types of cells and all types of proteins, originating from much simpler forms. Physically more simple, but informationally more rich. This notion, that Information and Matter both determine our development (and thus health) stands central in this course: Simplicity must be the basis of this reality; otherwise it would not have persisted all this long. By searching for that simplicity, the complexity can dis-appear. (Complexity or simplicity is but a matter of perspective: looking at the variety of forms (of cells, molecules, forms of healing, and types of animals,...) reality appears as complex. By looking at the (mathematical/physical) principles by which those forms came to be, the underlying simplicity (beyond forms) can be seen again.

What is described above, for the Divisions of Cells/Ancestors, Animals, Plants and Proteins, can be ‘portrayed’ as patterns co-existing within us. Our Head, or centre of Consciousness, Our Heart, with the interactions with the atmosphere, the Hara (or gut) with the interactions with the Earth, and the Holy Bone (or Sacrum) where we are ‘still one with the universe’. I.e., within us we have the ‘Division Pyramids’ of the Ancestors (genealogy of the genes in the genitals), of plant evolution (and the Protein Pyramid (that/by which we digest in our gut), the Pyramid of Forms of Animals and Symbiosis, in the heart (all life forms we interact with; and from which we originate), and a pyramid of our individual development, and unique perspective of reality, in our head. (This is also the level where all forms of healing, like all cells of the body, can be ‘seen to be one by the origin/aim that they share.)

It may be just thinking in metaphors, or surpassing the simplification of the principle of diffraction, or stretching the visual parallel ...But there seems to be a simile between the pyramidal shape of our cell divisions and ancestry, the shape of the event horizons of light {Lorenz/Einstein} cones and the Vortex shape of plant development {Edwards}, and the traditional descriptions of Chackra’s and the creation of the universe by a (space inversion) ‘Big Bang’, all amount to the same concept, or pattern, of the part being related to the whole. It is this relationship that appears to be pivotal, in more than one sense, in the origin of the human species, all life forms, and the creation of this universe. It appears that we can learn to understand that principle itself, from the nature of the universe, within our body.

* Weekend 02 PivotalHuman

NB: The Diffraction (divisions/multiplication) is in principle the same as seen also in the gonads. Now the form is that of a sphere: in the Ovaries the ‘flow’ is from inside-out, in the Testicles the flow is from outside-in. Again this is the same principle, at another scale, of a (e.g. a hormone) secreting cell. The image if such a  (circular) ‘pyramidal’ process recapitulates the dynamics of the cell inversion, addressed in Weekend 1.)

* Weekend 02 CellFractal

In the circular representation, or pyramidal form, the concept is the same. (In mathematics they are related by a simple transform, thus in essence no different.) The circular shape helps to recognise how this Division Tree takes place in the Ovaries and Testicles (These are internal divisions, leading to flows of sperm and egg; restarting the fusion of Sperm and Egg, described in Weekend 1). This helps to see that the pattern of (external) divisions of the Zygote is in essence the same. This again helps to get a clearer view on the ‘invisible part’, the Bindu (see Weekend 1), where the ‘real’ divisions take place (in the “Virtual” phase/information domain.) The following images are intended to point these parallels out.

* Weekend 02 Zygote

* Weekend 02 Bhindu

''Split and Double''

The core idea of this weekend is expressed in the doubling phase of the Zygote.

The following describes the power of the simplicity of this doubling operation; the next weekend will address that this is not a symmetry-operation (as mathematicians call it). It does not produce identical twins, but leads to uniquely different cells. Which however are all still related. “Symmetry Break is the technical term; what matters is that the body by its ‘game of Split & Double’ forms itself as it does.

As soon as the cell is dividing, has divided, a significant change has taken place in its function.
The cell membrane, boundary of the system, now has an added, extra boundary by which interaction takes place. This is seen in the dynamic relationship between the two new cells.
Both cells are still related to the first, from which they emerged; they and it are still one.
However, they are now also related to each other; i.e. the first cell now 'relates to itself'.

The boundary of the first cell, which originally (after fertilisation) formed the barrier between 'the cell' and 'the world outside', now is an internal boundary too.
In other words: the interactions of cell division, which were first seen only within the first cell, are seen /between/ the two new cells too.
This interaction, between these two cells, is as fundamental as all the inner-actions and reactions within the Zygote, the first cell.
The interaction, the exchange between cells, is seen later in many same and similar forms: the inter-synaptic junction, the neurone and hormone excretions, the secretions and extrusions of collagen's and hair: each time the principle is the same: the boundary *between* cells performs a different function than the membrane between the cell and the 'outside world'.

Something similar is (later) seen in the skin: a section of skin, covered by Band-Aid, will no longer be in contact with the outer world; if it were, it would dry out. When it is not, it remains moist, of even becomes wet: it obtains characteristics similar to a body cell within the body.
A dry skin cell's function is predominated by the membrane, hardened, dried, and sealing off the skin below. It has hardly or no exchanges with the environment itself. When it is dried out too much, it even loses contact with the environment in which it grew; and is shed. The dry nature of the cell can be compared to the dehydrated traits of the DNA in the sperm, before the Zygote was formed.
Moist cells function in different ways: the membranes are much more similar to the Egg; with its hyper-extended DNA in the moisture saturated cell. Moist cells have supple and 'distended' membranes: they allow the contents of the cell, and the environment, to merge. They are membranes, of filters, but much more passable than is the case in dry cells.
In the first cell pair, after the first division, both traits can be seen: the sides of the cells turned away from each other are relatively more 'dry' (or would be so if the environment were not so moist). The side where the two cells 'face each other' is where they are more permeable and 'moist'.

(As you may know or recall, this is closely related to what the Alchemists described, in describing Hot (core) and Cold (periphery), Wet (between) and dry (not-between) as the fundamental traits to be taken into account).

The change in the cell after the first division took place is more than profound: suddenly the one is no longer the same. Unity is lost, yet preserved. Units emerge, yet are (not yet) unique.
After the first division takes place, the Zygote has (in part) turned Inside Out. It now reflects, mirrors, itself. This is quite the same as how mystics describe creation: god starting to reflect on god-self. It is described in Physics as the Big Bang; when the universe turned (itself?) inside out. In mathematics, this is called by different words: as a symmetry break.
The underlying concept is still that of a membrane, by which the part relates to the whole. What changes is the way we can regard that membrane now: it is no longer opaque or separating, as was the case after the egg surface 'froze over' (crystallised) after the sperm head entered within. Between the two cells now exchanges take place: of light, radio waves, chemicals and motion.
There is something fundamental in this: exchange. Exchange of light, radio, chemistry and physics. What first took place as exchanges within the cell (cf. the process of cell division (analysis) is now seen 'in inverse', as the communication (synthesis) between cells. Through this they are, now separate, linked.

This exchange between the cells takes place in particles much smaller then cells; later as proteins and enzymes, neurotransmitters and hormones, minerals and electrolytes, even in pinocytosis and exocytosis (ingestion and excretion by cells).
This interaction taking place (now) between cells is precisely the same as that taking place between the Zygote and the environment. With a difference in accentuation: where on the 'dry' side there is a direct gradient (drop off of expression) to the environment (cf. a Source), between the cells there is a build-up by reflection (cf. capacitor or condenser).
This is why Systems Theory is such a powerful model to describe what takes place: in this interface, between the two cells, exchange takes place: one cell excretes, the other cell absorbs; and the other does the same, but not quit all the same: the cells are no longer the same. Similar yes, but yet no longer the same: due to the symmetry break. (If the cells were still the same, what the one excreted would be what it takes in too. They would reflect only upon themselves. As the body, later, shows, there are cells of different kinds; showing that at some moment the cells are no longer the same. This is the first moment that that "differentiation" can start. (Yet remember: the cell they all emerge from, the zygote, is still always the same.
There is great advantage to describing the intercellular exchanges in terms of Systems Theory; it will be separately described. In brief: we can discern one cell; it expresses itself to the environment, by all that it excretes (light, ions, molecules, vibrations). This is what the other cell (in part) takes in: molecules, vibrations, information and substance. The other cell does likewise. (What is considered to be a material exchange, is in fact exchange and sharing of information: all this still takes place in the domain of Phase.)

It is at this level that the relationship to psycho cybernetics already is seen. Where traditional medicine had to create and describe a model for psychology, that still has no foundations as yet, here we see that exchange of information, thus understanding, is already seen in its most basic forms. (This can be seen elsewhere in nature too; as in the bacterial exchange of information.)
Psychology is an exchange of information; compare it to a radio signal by which two ships/cells on the ocean/body maintain contact. Contact is not just 'being in touch'; physically contacting some other Thing. The contact goes much deeper than that, and includes the chemical interactions (by which physics is formed). It includes the radio/ionic exchange (from which chemistry is composed). And it contains the photonic/field information exchange. Mind is no different than matter: it is still co-ordination of Phase (Qi). Even though the phases of matter are not those of Mind. (Mind is much less particular; much more rarefied and fluid.) This relationship to psychology and dynamic exchange of information, too, will be separately described.
Two cells, their interactions (General Systems Theory) and the communication it provides (Psycho Cybernetics), later, also takes physical form. (Phase coherence => information processes/processing => molecular (antennae) organisation (physiology) => anatomy (form).
It is thus not surprising that the exchange of molecules, ions and vibrations of phase, later forms its own image too, as the functions by which the body operates become visible as physical constructs and elements that 'Carcassologists' see. The nerves, the secreting glands, the hollow ducts (e.g. intestine) and bladders (e.g. bile, urine,..). Although that is already very late in development (and tangible) it is yet at this level that this principle can be seen to emerge and apply.
Refraction & Diffraction as principles of Body Formation

In a 4D reality, the principles of nature are the same as those we know; the difference is only in the way they inwardly relay, beyond the forms that we see.

Two principles of nature that are well known, are those of Diffraction and Refraction.

> ''Refraction'' (see the image to the right) occurs when a medium changes. The sped of propagation of sound (information on internal response to change differs, depending on the density of the material.. Due to Refraction, a stick standing in water appears as bent. The stick remains straight, but the way the information of its shape travels to our eye is changed..
* Weekend 02 ''[[Diffractal]]''

> ''Diffraction'' is comparable to the image of a hole in a dam: a wave on one side, will give rise to waves at the other side of the whole. The wave simply travels on, but in a new proportion as determined by the with of the hole.
* Weekend 02 ''[[Diffraction]]''

The general principle involved is that of Crossing a Boundary. Another way to describe it is as: the effect of a Filter. Any object we can know, any boundary we can perceive, works as a Filter. Our body as w hole is a Filter. But more than that: the construct of our whole body too is that of a Filter. By seeing that Refraction and Diffraction are but properties of a Boundary/Filter, our body, and its ‘creation’, can be understood in more fundamental terms. Each cell division simply adds another boundary in/to the system. Each boundary adds to the capacities to filter. The whole structure of the Body/Boundary determines the capacities to Interface/Filter, by which the Diffraction/Refraction of experience/waves is enhanced/specified.

What we experience in our body (in the Realisation of Reality) is already ‘built-in’ (in somewhat different form) in animals, who operate by the same principles as plants function. Which are yet again but expressions of the same principles and potential (responding to waves) as Minerals already express. The following recapitulates the transition from Minerals to Plants to Animals to Humans; each time a boundary inversion takes place; each time a ‘doubling’ of the functioning can be seen: the Mineral (embedded in an environment) is ‘doubled’ as the Plant, ‘bridging’ two different environments (location and climate). The Animal doubles this again, by having its territory and environment. Humans ‘double’ this again by having an Internal (Realisation) and External Experience (Reality).
Within Humans, the properties of Animals, Plants, and Minerals are retained. I.e. we share all the Filter options of Minerals, Plants and Animals (which is why they can help heal).

''Inversion/Reflection at (Division) Boundaries''

Refraction and Diffraction reflect ‘mirroring properties’ of Boundaries (where phase can invert, thus reflect on itself: See “Options & Choices, Doubts & Decisions”.) The following sub-section details the principle of the inversions on the boundary, already seen in the images below:

Weekend 02 ''BioTopology''

Each of the transformations is the result of the transition of a boundary; by the same principles of Division that were described above. In the case of the Mineral: it lies embedded in earth. For the Plant: it transcends Earth, and is halfway in it, and halfway above (and beyond) it. While the Tree stands rooted, the animal is not: it is free to move, yet bound to a territory still. (The mobility of the Animal stems from an internalisation of the principles of the tree, as seen in seeding: the tree spawns a nut, which can move to a new location, to sprout a new tree. The tree-seed-tree cycle is again a transcendence of a ’boundary’ which exists within the animal.) Humans add to this an internalisation of the territory they live in: as a result of which, internally, it is possible to compare different external territories. (This is the basis of memory-learning) Each of these transformations represents a transition across a boundary; thus an Inversion, thus a form of Division.

The following illustrates a transition from Mineral to Plant to Animal to Human.

''4 stages''

Each of the stages is a simple ‘reverberation’, or Reflection, of what  existed in the stage before.

* Weekend 02 ''[[Mineral]]''

The ''Mineral'', embedded in Earth, vibrates internally; it is a large antenna.
The internal vibrations of the mineral, create a Field around it (as does any antenna); in this antenna field the layers are very organised (see the work of Dan Winter) and the reverberation pattern is a diffraction, with great regularity: a Fractal. (“Diffractal” is the term used here for both combined.)

* Weekend 02 ''[[Plant]]''

The ''Plant'', which has the same pattern of vibration (now turned inside out) stands halfway in the soil, and halfway above it.
The part above the soil and below it are reflections of each other still: the medium above (air, light) is less dense than the medium below (earth, Water). As a result the diffraction of the ‘tree’ as Roots appears more compressed than the same tree as Branches. (Cf. a straw in a glass of water, seen as ‘broken’ from outside.)
This kind of change of scale had already been described by d’Arcy Thomson.
The Plant is thus in principle the same as a mineral, but now with an internal FLOW explicitly seen: as the water going from Earth to Heaven; and photons going from Heaven (via the leaves, trunk and roots) to Earth. The vibrational Metabolism of the mineral is now explicitly seen.

* Weekend 2 ''[[Animal]]''
The ''Animal'' represent the same principle, but now not rooted in Earth.
Animals can move from one environment to another (the development phase of The Acorn, as part of the Oak, is – so to say – now ‘built in’.
The Leaves now form the Lungs; the Roots now form the Gut.
Below a schematic image is given of how this ‘inversion’ can be imagined.
The result is that the animals can contain their eggs (replacing their seed).
Also, they can seek the environment in which they live.
Like plants still, they mark their territory by ‘where their leaves fall’: they piss (‘scent flags’) to mark their territory.

* Weekend 02 ''[[Human]]''

The ''Human'' is an animal ‘with the capacity to create a territory built in’ - not only humans have that capability; many animals do.
Again, they contain what is seen in the previous form; again added reflections took place by which what was outside it ‘taken in’.
And what was innate is brought out.
(This was already described by David Bohm.)
The environment is also brought in, as a sensed image of the environment in the head. The head itself is a reflection of the body; the mind a representation of the reflexes in animals, metabolism in plants and vibrations in minerals.

Humans are essentially still Mineral, Plants and Animals. Each of the traits of the other ‘species’ are preserved: we and ‘them’ are the same.
The transitions involved are in principle the same as the 'unfolding of the interface', when the Zygote 'opens up' in dividing, internally, then externally.
By understanding these fundamental principles, thus properties, the basic correspondences between humans and animals (Totems), Plants (Herbs) and Minerals (Gems) can be seen, and used in/for healing.


> Humans are animals, which are plants, which are minerals still.
> The relationship between them is that of Boundary Reflections.
> Humans are simply Interfaces, composed of Minerals suspended in a Flow of Fluid (and photons), with an ability to move about.

''In simple schematic diagram'':

| Mineral | Plant | Animal | Human |

''4 Phases''

''The phases, the transitions between the stages, can be imagined as shown below.
What is sketched is the transition across a boundary (and the inversion this implies) as presented also in Weekend 1''.

Each ''Mineral'' has internal vibrations: mechanical, sound waves, electromagnetic and (atomic) light.
Around each mineral are magneto-electric fields: it is an antenna {Phil Callahan}.
Always the balance is maintained: the internal and external vibrations interweave.
By the interference patterns they create (cf.. The bow wave and wake of a ship) mirror planes arise, off which the reflections between the mineral and the environment can reverberate.

In every ''Plant'', we see the same: the wave patterns around minerals (normally not explicitly seen) is like the ion spray of lightning conductors: every sharp object creates a charge potential field. The same patterns that are seen in lightning, rivers and trees: a mineral ‘seen inside out’.
The roots and branches are simply formed after (‘in the image of’) the charge field that we don’t normally see.

* The following described how the images were made to come from a tree to an animal:

First the image of the tree was doubled (The photon stream from leaves to roots, and the sap flow from roots to leaves, are then both described. They relate to the nervous system and blood circulation. (A later doubling takes place in animals, by which the lymph circulation and cerebrospinal fluids too are explicitly seen. Again: in opening the interface, a new membrane is formed, and a mirroring of the exiting pattern is seen.)

The part of the mineral above the soil (‘out in the blue’), is shown in blue; it reflects into the formation of leaves: extended interface surface, by which the exchanges take place (photon/fluid/perfume/air) (Perfume is often a loop molecule; thus very structured, thus ‘matter’.)
Likewise the roots are shown in terracotta: roots are interfacing agents for the exchange of minerals in fluids (‘sap’) into the tree; and effusion of photons and electromagnetism into Earth.

> The Leaf area is shown as green; in animals this ‘folds inward’, and appears as the lungs.
> The Roots are shown as orange; in animals they ‘form’ the gut, where nutrients are exchanged.
> The top end of the tree (green) thus reflects the environment of the atmosphere (blue);
> while the root end of the tree (orange) reflects the soil (terracotta).

In disconnecting the Tree from the Earth (as is the case for animals), a new interface is created. It is a new plane for reflection: what was first seen as outside of the creature (plant) is now seen again ‘reflected’ within it.
There is thereby a vegetable component, which performs the same functions as the tree (be it now ‘inside out’). This is the body/digestion.
And there is an ‘internalised effect of the environment’, call it Mind; call it the ability to ‘territorialise’. It is intimately related to the ability to move, and ‘find new soil’. Earth and Atmosphere are now, thus, ‘built in’.

''The following 4 images aim to make this clear:''

# Left: the rudimentary form of the tree: leaves and roots. (Seen separate from its environment now.)
# Second from the left: the influence of the environment into the tree: photon impression and ‘incarnate soil’ (the soil within the plant).
# Third from the left: these two effects combined: autonomous metabolism and awareness.
# Right: the basic spinal cord: the internalised regulation of all of these functions: the image of the outside world within the animal/plant.

| Cellular | Vegetative | Animal | Conscious |

In animals, the Boundary through which the Plant grows, has become internalised: the tree, ‘solid’ as a Plant, is the physiological flow. The Gut is the equivalent of this: a long hollow tube from one end to the other of the organism. (Observe that in 4D analysis this is a simple transformation: what is solid can be hollow, when a system is turned inside out. This comes back to the concepts described in Weekend 1.)
Once the Plant is ‘disconnected’ from the soil, it is still embedded in the environment; but now in a different way. Compare it to the foetus (fruit) connected to the placenta (roots/leaves) by the umbilicus (stem): once born, this connection falls away. (cf. a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.)
Each time a boundary is crossed, a ‘doubling’ is seen. (The interface is the surface (cf. water) that reflects; a transition through a boundary is equivalent to an inversion of phase: boundaries reflect.) In the plant: what was external is internalised; in the human: what was ‘real’ is ‘realised’. Each transition adds a degree of freedom; thus needs to be balanced by a degree to which the organism is self-contained.
The following images aim to make this clear: in forming an animal, a Plant is Bent Double: the leaves bend to the soil; while in the reflected transformation the roots and leaves ‘fold inwards’ to form the gut and lungs. As this happens, a ‘mirror image’ is ‘activated’ when the ‘Boundary’ is crossed:
The outside and inside ‘merge’, as an internal subdivision takes place. (Cf. Cleavage Division: new compartments emerge: abdomen and chest, now supplemented by sacrum and brain.

The ''Sacrum'', i.e. the retro-peritoneal cavity, contains the Kidneys and Bladder. In a sense this represents the soil outside of the organism. This is represented by the left-bottom image.
The ''Head'' (and cerebrospinal fluid) likewise represent the environment of the atmosphere, as incorporate into the body. This is represented by the left-top image.

* These two systems operate combined; with a ‘shadow system’ (or information organisation system) ensuring the connectedness between the two. (Again this is the concept discussed in Weekend 1: separation = connection). This is represented by the middle-bottom and top image.

While the ''Heart'' (and blood/oxygen circulation) and Hara (abdomen, nutrient conversion) are the areas where the Leaves and Roots are ‘now found’.

* The head, separated from the rump by the neck, is such a system in itself. Again, it mirrors al of the body (and the jaws are the equivalent or arms and legs, as ir. Meeuwen (?) showed.) The seeming complexity of/in the brain is thus ‘simply’ a mirror image (as the crossing nerves show) of the rump in the head.

Human creation therefore uses animal reflexes, vegetative responses and mineral reactions.
Human intuition is based on animal instinct which is based on innate mineral capacities in plants.
Human capacities are most centred in the head, animal (organ System) responses have their focus in the chest (heart/lungs), vegetative system responses are focused most in the belly (guts) and mineral properties are seen most clearly in the Sacrum (Os Sacrale) in the hips.
The terminology is in accordance with the ''Nomina Anatomica''
(Fifth Edition, 11th int. Congres. of Anatomists, Mexico City 1980)
William & Wilkins, Baltimore/London, 1983
A.	Arteria (artery)
V.	Vena (vein)
Doubling of the final letter denotes plural
Terms appearing within [square brackets] are commonly used alternatives	
A. arcuata (arcuate artery)
A. axillaris (axillary artery)
A. brachialis (brachial artery)
A. carotis communis (common carotid artery)
A. circumfiexa humeri posterior (posterior humerical circumflex artery)
A. descendens genicularis (descending genicular artery)
A. femoralis (femoral artery)
A. inferior lateralis genus (lateral inferior genicular artery)
A. inferior medialis genus (medial inferior genicular artery)
A. princeps pollicis (princeps pollicis artery)
A. profunda femoris (deep femoral artery)
A. Pulmonalis Sinistra (lest pulmonary artery)
A. radialis (radial artery)
A. recurrens tibialis anterior (anterior tibial recurrent artery)
A. subdavia (subdavian artery)
A. superior lateralis genus  (lateral superior genicular artery)
A. superior medialis genus (medial superior genicular artery)
A. tibialis anterior (anterior tibial artery)
A. ulnaris (ulnar artery)
Aa. iliacae communes dextra et sinistra (right and left common iliac arteries)	
Aa. iliacae externae dextra et sinistra (right and left external iliac arteries)	
Aa. iliacae internae dextra et sinistra (right and left internal iliac arteries) .....	
Aa. metacarpales palmares (palmar metacarpal arteries)
V. axillaris (axillary vein)
V. basilica (basilic vein)
V. brachiocephalica (brachiocephalic vein)
V. cava inferior (inferior vena cava)	
V. cava inferior (inferior vena cava)	
V. cephalica (cephalic vein)
V. cephalica accessoria (accessory cephalic vein)
V. femoralis (femoral vein)
V. iliaca communis sinistra (left common iliac vein) .....	
V. iliaca interna dextra (right internal iliac vein)	
V. intermedia antebrachii (intermedian antebrachial vein)
V. intermedia cephalica (intermedian cephalic vein)
V. intermedia cubiti (intermedian cubital vein)
V. jugularis interna (internal jugular vein)
V. poplitea (popliteal vein)
V. radialis (radial vein)
V. saphena magna (great/long saphenous vein)
V. saphena parva (small/short saphenous vein)
V. subdavia (subdavian vein)
V. ulnaris (ulnar vein)
Vesica biliaris [Vesica fellea] (gall bladder)
Vesica urinaria (urinary bladder)
Vv. digitales palmares (palmar digital veins)
Vv. iliacae externae dextra et sinistra (right and left external iliac veins) 	
Vv. pulmonales sinistrae (left pulmonary venes)
Anatomical consultant: Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Klaus-U. Benner,
Department of Anatomy, The Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich
“EmbryoLogics”: The Logic of the UnFoldment of our Body
The whole of your body is based on the dynamics of the furst cell: a nuclear fussion reaction so effective, that it empowers cells with a life snan of three days, to live at least 120 years (in vitro). The following view or vision goes beyond what medical doctors see: it combines insights from physics and mathematics to address some of the issues by which matter is made: the patterns of vibrations of this universe. The image that results is one of the body as a system of vibrations: not 'physical' in the classical sense. (But then, classical science is outdated even in science itself…) What is shown is an image in which information matters; and the interactions of patterns of vibrations, from our first cell and before, relate to the way called 'split & double', creating more and more complex interfaces (Membranes) in doing so. These boundaries determine how our body functions as a Filter, and is connected to yet separate from its environment all at the same time. (The principles of Interfaces and Filters are separately described). Embryology, as presented here, addresses the Logic of bioLogical unfolding, from one cell, to form a whole body, which still reflects the unity of that first cell and the origins from which it came.
Embryo, Conception, Fission, Fusion, unfoldment
Science, over the past 100+ years, has come to fundamental conclusions: Matter is made up out of Molecules, composed or Atoms, which are Vibrations in space. Space, Time, and Energy are interconnected (also with Consciousness, as more recent work shows). In the past century the way of looking at reality changes: the mechanistic views of Classical Physical science were supplemented by the dynamic chemical visions of Process Relativity, complemented by the energy Probability of electromagnetic interactions as described in the insights of Quantum Theory. These models are now being  founded on an understanding of the invisible vibrations of the Void.
Not just reality is based on this:; our body too is part of the same parcel of universal creation. It too was formed out of the Big Bang, clouds of cosmic gas, suns and this planet. By regarding those fundamental principles of physics as basis for our body also, Embryology becomes Embryologics. All that is seen in the way the body unfolds is thereby more than a physical phenomenon: it is a process, mathematically precise, by which unity is always maintained. At each phase of development the equations are balanced. What happens within the body is in balance with what takes place around it. The body defies its own boundary condition as part of its existence as (quasi) closed system as part of an Open System. Always integrity is maintained. As Unit, it reflects Unity. This is seen explicitly in the unfoldment of the body itself, from the first cell, the Zygote. The whole body still has all the integrity of that first cell. And it is likewise related to humanity as a whole: by the same principle of dynamic in-forming un-folding. It is the interfacing that is crucial: it determines the relationship between the part and the whole (as separately described in PsychoCybernetics, and (Patho)Physiology). Our anatomy is merely a transient result as part of that dynamic Equation, and the preservation of balance of the part with/in/of the whole. Our Anatomy seems stable, but is very transient. It is important, but secondary to our integral regulated process dynamics. It is as a result not physical, but much more than physical. It is metaphysical at the same time. It is not a material process, but a manifestation of integration of information. This fundamental understanding of the basic nature of our body is still unknown to most medical doctors. As a result, they are much more limited in their understanding of our body than is needed for their work in healing. (Which is the reintegration of the person in their context.)
The following evokes the image of the vision of our body as a dance of vibrations; linking how it functions to other processes we know. The aim of this presentation is to offer insight in the fundamental logic from which our body develops and how it relates to the universe as a whole.

The following describes the principles of unfoldment of our body; starting with the duality between Egg and Sperm, and their common basis. From their fusion (as two cells with a life span of a few days) a body is formed that can last 120 years. This implies that the gualities of life are not embedded in the cells but is based on their interaction. This calls for systems transcending thinking.
The egg is the 'largest' cell in our body, in which DNA 'swims' in lavish amounts of cell fluid. Ca. 12 cells are released each month timed by the lunar cycle. (Aberrations from that rhythm often reflect psychological strain, affelting the endocrine regulation.) The first cell out 'turns around and switches off the rest'. 'Each' membrane transition the egg (Ovum) releases a polar body. In mathematics that might be called a Residue Vector: a correction for the transition into the new environment. The Egg itself is 'dropped' into 'the Cosmic Ocean': the fluid in the bottom of the abdomen of the female, contains some 'archaic sea water'. The Fimbriae, looking like sea anemones, are able to 'pick up the egg', and bring it to the meeting place site to where the sperm come.
The most compact and motile cells in our body, sperm contain compressed DNA, with 'no' fluid around. Sperm is released with nutrients and antacids: fructose and bicarbonate of soda. Some 400 million sperm are released per ejaculation. As a team, the sperm 'swim' to the meeting place, their motion being orchestrated by the mother body. Four types of motion are used: undulation, corkscrew, flip-flops and 'wait'. Sperm are very co-operative in their trek; like a team of cyclists. 

!!X and Y
Sex and Sexism have become confused in medicine. As a result of social gender bias, medical esearchers have ascribed properties to the sperm and egg which are not seen in our body itself. A female anthropologist pointed out how sperm were described as penetrative, as if macho, and the ovum as if receptive. In fact, the first ovum that matures ‘turns around’ and ‘switches off’ the other eggs; a competitive ‘macho’ behaviour. The sperm on the other hand act as an ensemble, function as a group and are orchestrated in their four motions (swim, corckscrew, flopflow, wait) by the body of the mother; a synergetic ‘feminine’ behaviour. Rainier Kussmaul pointed out that the male Y-chromosome brings only 75% of the information of the female X-chromosome. It is the X chromosome in the XY juncture that brings more basic bodily trait; and the Y-chromosome can only function if parts of the X chromosome make this happen. His findings can be summarised as ‘the male is a truncated female”. An example: the male testosterone cycle is an incomplete version of the oestrogen cycle of the female. These findings help to be cautious about the interpretations often found in medical textbooks.
The following desccribes the princile of cell division; this would suggest that male and female, egg and sperm, are in balance. This is not the case. although egg and sperm will be seen to be complementary ('dual'), te egg provides more of the substance. this includes the cyclical dna - passed from the mother to all offspring - with itscapaciy to store information. (How the Female is the predominant orm of human being is described further down.)
When sperm and egg merge, a fundamental change takes place. Alone, they live for about three days; together, they can live 120 years. The core principle involved is that of Nuclear Fusion: the compressed DNA of the sperm and the extended DNA of the Egg combine, after an attunement process lasting around 4 hours (an immense span of time for such short lived cells). In that period the millions of sperm cells create a pattern of coherence (thus resonance) for the egg; by which an attuned sperm can enter into the egg; and seal off the membrane behind it, preventing other sperm to join in.
Once the sperm and egg are fused, the single strands of DNA merge to create a double strand DNA; this is something that might be compared to the unfolding of an umbrella or antenna. The joint DNA functions as a flux funnel (a device to capture super light) and releases UV light into the cell; the Core Drive of our system. This high frequency light reverberates within the cell, aggregating to longer wavelengths: up to InfraRed. Beyond the cell it embraids to the frequencies of radio waves (later, when more cells are formed. Later still (when organs are formed) the waves become longer still: sound. And for the communication within the larger whole body, the waves even become so long that they appear as motion. It is the relationship between these patterns of waves, which determines the functioning and shape of the body of cells.
The cell division is a consequence of these vibrations: the vibrations of the egg (surface vibrations) and the undulations of the sperm (longitudinal vibrations) combine as internal and external vibrations of the fist (fertilised) cell, the Zygote. The process can perhaps be compared to the vibrations of a violin string: it will have a Ground Vibration, determine by the size of the cell. ("The Stradivarius Principle".) But when this low frequency ground beat vibration is 'whipped up' by the high frequency stream of vibrations, from the merged DNA (Which for all practical purposes can serve, by rhythms within its turns, as up to 12 strand ducts, so some suggest.) As a consequence the base beat of the zygote speeds up, into higher harmonics: the cell splits, and doubles.
In splitting and doubling a precise mathematics is maintained: the equilibrium of balance: the boundary, the crucial element of the cell by which it is discerned form what is around it, is no longer only external, but also internal. This means that the cell now interfaces with itself: it becomes its own mirror. And the game of vibrations within the cell becomes reflected (as reflections, later as reflexes) as patterns of waves between the cells. It means that what happens within, and what happens outside, becomes reflected. And, as the cells 'split & double' yet again, the create patterns of waves-within-waves. Not just within the cell cluster, (as IR, Radio and sound waves) but also around the cluster (i.a. as light wave fields), which is known as the aura. The nature of the vibration is closely related to that of electricity and light; and Chinese literature already associates the first meridians (Ren Mo, Du Mo and Dai Mo) with the first cell. {Chasing the Dragon} A traditional term for the nature and shape of these fields interacting with fields, determining the resulting shape and interaction with the environment, is an interface or aura.
In cell division, integrity is always maintained: the vibrations simply shape the matter in which it takes place. The principle is that of a river and bedding, or rather a fountain: flow forming shape. {Formes & Forces} Stalactites and stalagmites are other examples of such 'foot prints in the sand': flow giving Form. Because the cell division stems from a pattern of Vibration (Gerber), integrity is always maintained: the vibrations (accelerated by the light cone in the DNA) speeds up, and 'unfolds' the first cell by "turning it inside out". Like an acorn becomes an oak. This unfolding is mathematically precise; and follows the principle of phase space inversion; which can be imagined as a line turning inside out on itself. {Lawrence Edwards}. The traditional term for these vortices of inversion, by which faster than light (open System) and slower than light (closed system) phenoumena are linked, is a Chackra.
Characteristic of this whole process is the "multiplication = division", in which the cell boundary forms the pattern of higher harmonics (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64) in which each time the membrane turn in on itself. The membrane acquires more and more into an internal interface too; at first as a system of ever smaller spheres as the Zygote internally divides, but does not change inside. This is known as the Morula (or Raspberry, after its shape.) (Internal reorganisation: a qualitative, not quantitative change.) Only later, as a Blastula, these (by then '64') spheres turn 'inside out' as a whole, and form a ring: the Blastula (or 'little Blister'). In this phase (of development) the phase (of material structure) is determined by the phase (of the patterns of vibrations) as the phase space (the mathematical field of dynamic interactions) creates shape, physically, by or from the space, of the mathematical vibrations in 'space'. The 'wave crest, in this, are lines of zero phase (where it appears to us as 'rest') or iso-vector fields. These lines and nodes of ((in)transient) stability are line of zero-phase; the meridians are based on this {R. Becker}.
The shape the body takes is this, in this view, an interaction of the physical vibrations, of the zygote, as 'boosted' by the acceleration of the metaphysical vibrations, out from the light cone. The information patterns determine the patterns of coherence in the dynamics that result. The physical shape is but a consequence to this. This is not a medical view, but a mathematical  vision: medicine does not regard the coherence of quantum relativistic field (determinant in the one-cell-organism). It is not even a physical model, as physics does not (yet) regard the interactions in living systems {Dutheil} where interactions between faster than light and slower than light systems take place {Tiller}. The vibrations between the physical system and the metaphysical system are linked; and there are full exchanges of information even before sensory systems are formed (Stone: Clive Baxter}.
Our body is thus, definitely, not physical.  The faster-than-light accelerations take place beyond the field of studies of physics; yet can be understood in those terms if mind is allowed to allow for this {Nibart}.  This is where pure information, or metaphysics, determines the reality in which we live (John Davidson). This is still normally considered as being 'the sub-atomic void' (or Quantum Vacuum state) {Mercer}. The smallest atomic vibrations (regarded as if particular) are considered by Quantum Theory; as statistics because their models have as yet no better way to deal with multiplicities of state of phase. These are treated as is electromagnetic; by models similar to these. At a larger scales, the atoms are regarded as orbiting in circles, with outer boundaries (as assumes the model) which limits them in speed or size (Event Horizons); Relativity describes models like those. At a still larger scale, molecules are seen to matter, and classical physics can be used. Yet, in terms of modern physics, matter is based on molecules, thus chemistry, and molecules are based on atoms, thus electromagnetic fields. And atoms are patterns of vibrations on a void: our body is but another one of those.
The body is thus only in part material: the DNA does not build the body, but builds a bridge, or rather opens a gate, into a domain 'faster than light; which fuels the vibrations of the first cell. (Created from the 'two component glue', of sperm and egg.) The unfoldment of the body is complex; literally so: it unfolds in a very logical way, by the mathematics of division = multiplication, in the domain of phase. In this, phase is to be understood in 4 senses at once: Mathematical phase, wave phase, process cycle phase and material phase. Only this determines the form that the body takes: vibrations by/of/with/in vibrations. And the patterns involved determine the shape. (As described by metaphysics; thus a model that is valid also (information coherence dynamics) when no matter can be found. (Models based on reference to matter, break down at the barrier of light; thus are immaterial in the metaphysical domain.)
At present there are no god models for this: closest come the topological descriptions of d'Arcy Thomson, Thom and Seeman. And it is characteristic that those are model of mathematics, not of physical forms… They show the transformations, of inversions, by regarding "catastrophes": what happens when something 'goes beyond' what it is.
Once the patterns of vibrations have merged (sperm + egg) and thereby transcended themselves ('unfolding the DNA antenna') an acceleration takes place, by which the zygote 'splits & doubles' and internal boundaries are formed. The (bio) mathematics and (bio) physics of the moment is as yet incomplete, and does not explain why at 64 'sub cells' an inversion takes place: the raspberry shape turns out (literally) into (literally) a bubble shape of 'balloon': the Blastula. This travels along the Tuba toward the womb, and has to pass a ‘critical ring’ on its way. If in its pulsed growth it exceeds this limiting size (‘rinng pass not’), it can not go on and probably dies. Once this threshold is passed it can nestle (nidate) in the womb.
This is yet again an interesting phase in which the boundaries play a fundamental role. (And remember that this again is a pattern of harmonics: the body of the mother unfolded in precisely the same way in the body of her mother in the body of her mother in the … and so on. To be beginning of time, from human from humanoid from simioid (ape) (?) {Darwin}, from mammal, from animal, from plant from mineral; from Earth from sun from Gas clouds from the big bang. The first boundary crossed. In Nidation, the cell cluster sticks to the womb wall: this affects its vibrations: one side can no longer move; the other moves, now, twice as much. The result is, again, a modulation of phase: there where the phase is virtual (no motion) net material phases are formed: placenta, chorion, amnion, foetus. There where the phase if physical, net shapes emerge, the pulsations of blood, and, later, the heart. (v. d. Wal, Blechschmidt}. The first developments are by patterns that plants and animals share: similar to the sprouting of beans, and simpler forms of life. Reversals and inversions are still the rule of the game: the sprout fold into a tube (the mathematical simile of the formation of the Blastula from the Morula); and interference (body, mind, soul, spirit can warp the patterns that form; spontaneous abortion (40%) is the result. The first form of the spinal chord is a gain a vibration: the notochord. With the 'same' 'chain' patterns seen in a thin stream of water from a faucet. Again, vibrational patterns seem to dictate what takes place; and the emergence of 'paddles' (later limbs with hands and feet) and even the higher harmonics (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) in the number of bones in the arms and the legs, seems mathematically precise. (Again, MD's don’t pay much attention to this.) For this seemingly chaotic phase of development, see the work of Blechschmidt and Jaap van der Wal. Yet realise that there is no chaos at all. 35 years later the offspring still resemble their parents. Although the pattern changes rapidly and seem to have no meaning to us, from the foregoing (mathematics of the dynamics of harmonic vibrations) and the outcome (very coherently organised bodies) all of these phases are bot logical and coherent too. Due to lack of description of MD's for this phase, my understanding of the logic of unfolding in this phase is as yet imprecise. Yet, as with trees {Edwards} (and rivers ({Holten}, and lightning (Ken Rand)} the logic dynamic itself will be very precise.
Once forms become somewhat recognisable, as limbs and organs, the term Embryo is replaced by Foetus. This is a relativistic change only, from a phase where the developments appear to be probabilistic to one that seems relativistic. The Body, though changing proportions, is still relatively similar to the body that, later, is born. The descriptions of this phase of life are very imprecise: ethics (rightly) stopped research in this phase; echo-scopes are know to affect (retard) foetal growth, and dead foetus research (i.a. plastination) does not show the processes of life. This is a phase in which growth (physiology) and its regulation (neurocrine immune propriocepsis) determines what takes place; but this is also the phase in which these systems are formed. This means we should not try to explain what is seen from the perspective of the later resulting forms, but the other way around. Try to understand how the propriocepsis neurocrine immune system and the organs are formed, by the same principles of dynamic logic that are seen 'at the start'
At some moment, when the foetus becomes as large as the womb, vibrations again and still determine 'the game': The womb too forms part with/of all body vibrations. The pulsations of egg, sperm and the zygote, the heart, lungs and organs, arteries, lymph, and cerebrospinal liquor, are shared by all organs too. The womb pulses in the lunar cycle rhythm, and when the foetus no longer fits the room, an acceleration of the womb rhythms are seen, in amplitude and phase: the Higgs contractions, later called Labour contractions, emerge. In this (again) process of amplification, again a reversal takes place: the foetus is forces through a boundary (squeezing the fluids from within the gut and lung out of the mouth; and birth takes place. No longer unified and connected in the mother/womb, the umbilic pulsations by themselves cease to exist; after which it can simply be cut. The placenta (interface, and local power, immune, nutrient and blood buffer, too is 'expelled'. Death simply appears to be yet another repetition of this pattern again: a boundary is crossed, an inversion takes place; this time the metaphysics goes out of the physics, and 'death' is the 'result'.  From a perspective of energy, it can neither be created nor destroyed, thus all the accumulated life experience 'must' continue somehow or somewhere. From the perspective of metaphysics, the physical reality does not really exist (matter is but a pattern of phase information); as is seen also in the body decay 'after death'. (Without the software there is no program to keep the computer, created by the calculation, 'up and running').
Life is this rather an expression of metaphysics in physical form. What is not seen as patterns of Vibrations of the Void (Gerber, Davidson), becomes faintly visible as the vibrations of Zygote (sperm and egg), becomes more visible when the reverberations latch in on themselves: The 'computation of our body' is the result. (In a larger perspective, using 4D logical analysis, the same can be seen not just for the body, but also Minds, Soul and Spirit; the fluid, 'gaseous' and 'plasma' phases of what we are. Ranging from tangible through evasive and nebulous to abstract). All these Phases are relevant in our life. Life spans, includes and integrates all of these four: the full range of dynamics from statics through dynamics, transformative and creative. And in the patterns of life all principles of health, disease and death are contained. The distinction between these phases is determined by the boundary principles yet again: how the part links up to the whole. As cells in an organ in and body in humanity; on Earth. There is no real difference in principle between the one cell unfolding to form the body (our body still is, and expresses, what was/is contained in that first cell). And what is experienced in us, as a person (cell) in humanity is comparable to that of a body cell. Again, the changes in scales and scopes can be regarded as harmonics of the vibrational patterns involved.
Yes, this is what it is: in this course, Death is discusses as easily as disease or sex, and what came before life. For some reasons, many books of medicine will leave out death in all they describe; as if it does not exist. Well, it does, and it teaches us great lessons too: the death of a cell, organ, body or a culture is (in principle) the same. And by its nature helps us understand the limits of what we know. If you think life stops with death: think again: it just goes on in different ways. What you did, continues after you left. What you started, will run to its own end. Whatever you birthed, will live its own life. How this can happen is implied in what we studied here: embryology explains how it all came to be, and how you gave your added value to a cell that has lived for maybe millions of years. How things come to flourish, and decay will be taken up next: Physiology (and how organs are formed and maintained), and PathoPhysiology (how health can become sick, and even cause death). So: if you want to learn more about the value of (your) life: do read on…
Our body is integrity. The body as a whole derives from the first cell, in a logical way. That stemmed, through our ancestors, from animals, plants and minerals, in unbroken lifelines. That originated from Earth, from suns, from clouds of gas of the Big Bang. That creation, coming through a boundary, is still here with us. The Hara in our gut is a pivot point where the same Inversion principle is seen as id found in Big Bang. The forming of our body is just a com-plication (folding together) of a boundary, by which our Interfacing properties are chained. In an information sense, our body is a filter; the same holds for our spirit, soul and mind. These can all be understood in the same terms, as Alchemists already said. The integrity of Anatomy, physiology, neurocrine immune propriocepsis and 'Cyber-Psy-Embryology' is example of this. Together they explain the relationship between creation, transformation, process and form, in our experience of consciousness, energy time and space. This can be described in terms or Classical Relativistic Quantum fields, as scientists do, or in terms of art, communication/commerce, or experiences of mystics. All relate to the relationship of the part in/to the whole, by perspectives ranging from outsider ('adult)', reactor ('adolescent'), Interactor ('child') and creator ('baby'). Yet this involves an integrated model of perspective that science at present won’t use (but in the past, as "Alchemy", has been well described. The relevance of the understanding of this integrity, is that it can again be experienced in our lives; as health, or applied as healing. (The last best when not consciously done, as the integrity between conscious (head), subconscious (feeling), unconscious (wanting) and transconscious (being) can also be described in the same terms.
Embryology is a key to the understanding of the control systems of the body, our physiology and thence anatomical shape. Without Embryology (and the process of incarnation) anatomy make 'very little' sense; is any at all. By realising that one cell created the whole body (also its control system, thus physiology), its integrity can be understood and applied. NeuroCrine Immune Propriocepsis, (Patho)Physiology, and anatomy can then be recognised as different expressions of the same.
Jaan van de Wal
Erich Blechschmidt
Heckel thought that, the younger the embryo, the older the ancestor it represented. Many still believe this is so; it is not: forms reflect topology.
Some animals (rotifers) are sexless (and considered female because they give birth)
Many invertebrates are hermaphrodite. Some are sterile and non-sterile (bees).

''Sperm & Egg''

Sperm are very similar for all animals; and produced in great numbers
Ovae are quite different; always large compared to body cells.; contents are asymmetrical: yolk (vegetal pole) away from nucleus (animal pole).
Gender is determined by chromosomes: XX = female, XY = male; the sperm determines the difference.
(In birds, lepidopterans and some amphibians, the female is XY).


"Parthogenesis" can be induced by shock (temperature, electric, pin prick, ..)
This most often produces haploid nuclei, and survival less than adult age.
Cleavage division varies between species. If yolk sack is small it is cleaved; if large, not (Partial Cleavage). Molluscs have spiral cleavage.
Blastomeres are very geometrically arranged.

''Cleavage Divisions''

"Gastrulation", after cleavage, is a phase of reorganisation. Single layered >- two-layered.
Ectoderm (outside), endoderm (inside) later forms the gut, organs, glands. Between them mesoderm is formed.
Mesoderm later 'becomes' muscle, kidneys and reproductive system.
(in different animals species, 'similar' organs may derive from different layers.)

''Cell formation''

"Morphogenesis" is the next phase of reorganisation, within the germ layers.
In this phase the rough shape of the future anatomy is defined
'Organ' clusters are formed at this stage.  Each part divides; albeit at locally different rates.
"Differentiation" determines the difference between respiratory pigment, contractile protein, enzyme production, etc.
"Development" requires an environment; often this is water (many are even spawned there); sometimes dung.
Some embryonic forms are suited for this gestation medium (e.g. tadpole tails). This is the Larval phase. (cf. womb.)


The "Amnion" is a living membrane, formed from ecto- and mesoderm, holding a fluid environment. It pulsates rhythmically by muscle fibres it contains.
The floor of this sack is the dorsal side of the embryo.
The "Yolk Sack": endoderm (continuous with embryonic gut) and mesoderm (outside); vascularised for food transport. (The Yolk is food supply.)
In mammals this forms the placenta.

*    The "Allentois":
*    The "Chorion":
*    The "Placenta":

''From Zygote to Blast''


The ovum is conveyed to the oviduct to fertilise within 24 hours. ( 3- 50 hr,)

The first cleavage division: within 24 - 60 hr.
three days => '16' particle morula. Then divisions are no longer equal.

outer layer ('trophoblast') becomes child-side-placenta; inner layer becomes the embryo
The outer membrane, Zona Pellucida", is shed (just) before nidation.
After nidation into the womb, the breach is healed after the blastocyst.

Exchange with the mother happens via the trophoblast (physiology).
After nidation the Trophoblast has accelerated growth 'invasive' into the mother.
Maternal and embryonic circulation are separate. (interchange via the cells).
After 3 weeks the circulation ducts are in place; after 4 weeks heart beat boosts the circulation.

    8th day: termination of the blastocyst phase.
    27 days:     5 mm gr
    2 months  28 mm 2.3 gr
    3 months  75 mm 25 gr
    4 months 135 mm 170 gr
    5 months 185 mm 444 gr
    6 months 225 mm 820 gr
    7 months 270 mm 1380 gr
    8 months 310 mm 2222 gr- Voluntary muscles activate after 8th week.
    9 months 360 mm 3150 gr - 280 days = 10 lunar months

Chemical Embryology

The nucleus is not the main site of cellular respiration. Nucleic acid is synthesised here.
differentiation of endo-/ecto-derm comes from proteins; proteins are body-site specific.

responds to changes in environment.
Rhythm of Life

The Basis of Body Rhythm lies in cell division rhythm.
Right from the start, your body has rhythm.
The Zygote vibrates, because the Egg and Sperm vibrate, as it did in the bodies of your parents, and their parents'  (parents'), in the apes and other animals from which they descended, from plants, derived from minerals with their internal vibrations, as seen in the Earth, Sun, Cosmic gas and the Big Bang from which we started. That First Drum Beat is portrayed by the drum in the hand of Brahma, and used in African tribal drumming (also to 'shift the zone', to connect up to the dead and the unborn; as some USA resonance devices are now also said to be able to do).
The Dance of Shiva

Rhythms is fundamental; this is why Shivaism compare life to a dance: matter in motion. The dance is not just between us and the environment, or the Dance of Reality in the Celestial Song (or nature). It is also taking place in us: atoms share electrons, as dance partners in a group. Metabolic cycles use molecules, as dance partners in their conversions. Organs share rhythms, in the peristalsis of our body digestion. Even photons are used as dancing partners in our life.
The notion of Dance is important; ignoring it can cause a fundamental loss of understanding. Many diseases are caused by this, and easily healed if this harmony ("Song & Dance") is restored. (Obsolete 'Modern Medicine' ignores this.) Kidney stones and Gall Bladder stones, at the start, are smaller than the ducts.
Diseases of Broken Rhythm

This means that there are many diseases in the body based on loss of rhythm.
Well-known illnesses are anti-peristalsis, diarrhoea and constipation. Well-known, but not often realised as "Rhythm Diseases", are Appendicitis, Otitis Media (anti-peristalsis of the duct connecting the mouth and inner ear), Gall Stones, Kidney Stones and (Saliva) Glandular Stones.
Because each cell has rhythm, groups of cells are related by rhythms they share (light, radio, sound and motion). And vibrations can harm of heal, depending on their (constructive/destructive) interference with/in the body.
Breath is an important rhythm, because we can regulate it with our will; through it we can influence the rhythm of the hear and circulation of blood, which responds to our feelings. Which again affects the unconscious rhythms of our guts (also responding to our emotions). Which again affects the cerebrospinal circulation.
Breathing, massage (motion), sound and all other kinds of vibrations can be powerful means to heal; if the principle of Body Rhythms is understood.
Body Rhythms

The Origin of Body Rhythm lies in cell cycle rhythm.
Rhythms are Relevant, in the body.

    Some diseases are based on the loss of rhythm/attunement; gall stones and kidney stones are examples of this.
    Healthy processes are based on Rhythm: the contractions of labour in Birth, are expression of the same rhythms as that of menstruation. It forms part of a body-wide system of rhythms, of which metabolism too forms a part.
    The role of Rhythm is often ignored, in medicine; as a result it can not readily understand the healing powers of i.a. music and touch.
    It also means that, to understand this importance of rhythm, it is necessary to look elsewhere: the work of Lawrence Edwards ("The Vortex of Life", see the last section); the vast knowledge of Astrology, and those forms of healing where body cycles are taken into account: Ayur Veda, Acupuncture, Shamanism and others.

Vibrations in the Body

Because Body Rhythms are not often addressed as such, it can be difficult to see the relationship between dynamic processes with/in the body. As a result, it is less easy to see how such processes link up, and are joined. Together they form patterns that determine the body dynamics, but they also lie at the basis of the way we interact with our environment and others. In fact, many of the processes and rhythms in our body are there because they have been incorporated in the body; they form part of it because they exist in the environment in which we live. This is evident for atomic vibrations: the rhythms that we share with the environment in the food we eat and materials we excrete and secrete. Smells too form part of this pattern (they are forms of infrared Radiation, see the work of Phil Callahan).

Once the role of rhythms is recognised, it is (much) easier to see how the body can be healed; and how often such healing is not a type of invasive action, but an operation akin to tuning a piano. This also explains the power for healing of music and smells (e.g. essential oils). (Essential oils contain ring shaped molecules, able to firmly maintain a vibration.) Some of the notions on rhythms are described or implied in the book "Vibrational Medicine", by Richard Gerber. But when the concept of vibrations itself is regarded, and understood, the many forms of vibrational healing van all be understood to be, in essence, the same: means to restore the harmony of the body.

This body harmony is present right from the start: the DNA crystal serves as a tuning fork: like any other antenna, (cf. Phil Callahan), it helps to sort and organise vibrations. By this the first cell is able to divide, thence multiply, in such a way that the harmony of the whole is always maintained. The Part is the Whole, in a sense. What is already embedded, implied in the first cell, is unfolded (cf. David Bohm) into the body. The Body as a whole is a 'decompressed' form of the first cell; cf. a Acorn growing out in becoming an Oak. Yet it is the pattern of rhythms and vibrations that is relevant here, more than the Form they create.

(The physical forms are but patterns of "Recursive" vibrations: 'resonances' that loop onto themselves'; this discerns solids from liquids from gasses from plasma. The Stable State of fixed forms is but one of the possible 'motions' in fluids; which are again but one of the possible forms of 'connectedness' in gasses; which are again but one of the possible forms of manifestation of Plasma. To look at Reality as if Solid, misses out on the dynamics on which it is based; the same holds for our body.)
Body Rhythms

Rhythms come in many forms: some are so slow they are hardly (if ever) perceived; thus can only be called 'invariant' or 'solid'. "Objects" is how they then are called. Some are at rhythms that they can be perceived, and comprehend: these are often called 'motion' or 'fluid'. These are most often called "Waves". There are also rhythms that are more rapid than we can readily perceive; they are perceived as a blur: 'transformations' and 'fuzziness' are then often used terms. And there are motions and rhythms much faster than we can perceive: there are considered to 'not exist'.

The role of rhythm in perception is an essential aspect of this: what we perceive is relative always to how we perceive. In our body, based on rhythms, the perception of images, smells and tastes, sounds, and motion are merely difference in perception or relative wavelength, of waves: light, radio, sound and motion are all vibrations. Different only in the ratio they have with respect to us, and (thus) the way we perceive. By realising that Forms and Objects are relative (thus relativistic) with respect to the vibrations of/by which we are composed, it is easy to se that there are forms of healing that are much more fundamental (and potentially much more effective) than those only dealing with Objects and Forms.

Yet it does require a different understanding of Reality; one which is much more dynamic and musical; in which the body is not an object but a musical chord. In which the body rhythms can be traced back to its origin: in its first cell, before it divides and multiplies. But also in the rhythms and processes and pattern by which that first cell was formed (via the ancestors, the animals. plants and minerals) out of the Earth (which came out of the Sun, formed from Gas, composed of Plasma). The potential for rhythms and vibration on the universe is at the basis of all the forms of healing that take body rhythms into account.

Of these there are not yet any, but enough to show what is meant. The research on Circadian Rhythms, the knowledge of Acupuncture known as The Chinese Clock, the tradition of medical Astrology, and the knowledge that it contains; as well as the studies and applications for the use of music for healing; as found in all cultures and tribes. (African Drums, Australian Didgeridoo, Indian Flutes, just to name a few.) All these methods work because of the patterns of rhythms of/in/by which our body operates and is composed.
The Interplay of Rhythms

Rhythms always interact: when two rhythms meet, they automatically create more than they were: they form higher and lower "Harmonics", i.e. by their interaction they evoke rhythms they share in the environment/universe were they meet. This gives powerful means for healing such as sound frequency suppletion, or even restoring body frequencies and rhythms by using sound to 'feed' light, or the other way around. (Dan Winter, Marysol, ...) One of the signs of disease is when the (mathematical) relation between frequencies is lost; and the body can no longer attune to the environment, others, or even itself. Disease then is the result.

Let's take a simple example; Kidney stones. It is said that Kidney Stones cause a stagnation of the body rhythm: fluids (urine) can no longer move out, and Colic's (tension stress pains) are the result. The same is said to be the case for Galls stones, and so on. Many doctors believe this, and tell this to their clients. Yet how can a kidney stone or galls stone, when it is barely formed, block the flow? It would be too small to block the duct, and be flushed out. The normal peristalsis cures the disease the stone is said to cause.

It means that the obstruction of flow, in Kidney Stones and Galls stones, is the result of an obstruction of the flow; i.e. the symptom is only a symptom of loss of rhythm in the body. The loss of rhythm is the cause, not the effect. Due to this, sedimentation can take place and 'stones' are formed. This understanding opens different ways of healing. By monitoring the body rhythms (e.g. the Pulses), disturbances of rhythm vibrations (and flows) can be detected before the physical body is harmed.

Yet this /does/ require a different way of thinking about the body: not as an Object but as a Dance; a symphony of Music. This is a view that can be found expressed in traditional forms of healing such as Ayur Veda and Acupuncture; where many of the models in fact often only make sense if the body is regarded as a dynamic process. Cf. a Landscape, instead of an object. (Evidently this form of viewing is of use also to heal nature, in a mechanistic culture.)
Natural Rhythms

The notion of body rhythms can be more fully explored by looking at the dynamics of body creation (lunar menstrual cycles, Saturn Cycles, diurnal endocrine cycles, cellular pulsations, peristalsis, heart rhythms, brain waves, and so on). And by looking at the dynamic nature of matter (chemical oscillations, radio frequency emissions, photon flows, and so on). This helps to get out of the mechanistic materialistic bias of 'Modern Medicine' (now long obsolete since Quantum Relativistic Fields were introduced to correct the too simplified limited 'Classical'  model.)

The texts of physics and mathematics on vibrations too are incomplete; this is best seen in the works on Optics of Newton and Goethe. Newton uses the Objective approach, determining the properties of light as  it is measured. Goethe describes the subjective aspects, how light and colours are perceived. (This is also the basis of the instruments made by which Newton's 'measurements' are done; Newton in part described the properties of those instrument; while Goethe in parts describes our psyche. Both models are complementary in this; in a way the treatises on Yinn and Yang help understand.)

The body rhythms should not be regarded too simplistically, as just the rhythms of breathing and the heart beat, the rhythms of peristalsis and menstruation, or the sleep cycles and diurnal rhythms. In our body many chemical oscillators play a role; there are electromagnetic rhythms, and there are many processes (and molecules) operating on and by the processes (thus rhythms) of light. It is evident that again some of those rhythms are perceptible as such; some are so slow that to us they appear as steady states (e.g. calcium deposit/release in our bone) while others are so seemingly fast that they are perceived as only transient (e.g. shivers, yawns). An there are those to fast for us to witness.

It will be clear that research on these issues will rarely be found in the field of medicine. Some is part of electro-engineering, system theory, and antennae studies; e.g. the work of Bob Dratch, Hyland and Herbert Fröhlich. Some are part of Bio-Photon research (Popp), as follow-up on the work of Gurwitsch. And there are studies in the field of bio-chemistry, including the domain of psycho-active drugs. (Which just show that reality is perhaps not always all that 'real' as we are led to believe...) And of course there is the work on biophysical rhythms, EEG, ECG, EMG and so on.
The need to understand Rhythm

There is a need for caution in this: although these last physical measurements are well established and often used, they are not yet understood as forms of transfer of information. Although it is clear that brain rhythms, and those of heart, muscles and peristalsis, are actually information flows, they are often only studied (in medicine) in a mechanical motoric sense. Not as 'radio communications', but as control signals (which is a different category of communication altogether). There are good reasons to believe that it is better to regard these signals as patterns of communication; which maintains body integrity.

It is to be kept in mind that body integrity exists at a physical level, based on chemical processes, determined by neurocrine signals, in a psycho-cybernetic process. Matter, Molecules, Atoms and Information, on our body, are always all addressed at the same time. This means that we should not regard our body as an object, but as an information process (of which the form if a result that it 'computes'). This again means that we should not regard body rhythms on their own, as if the body is simply a (self-tuning) chord of music. But as patterns if information in an ongoing computation.

This means that rhythms are not a goal, and best not to be seen on their own. Yet, even if the limited vies is taken, and the body regarded as 'song' of rhythms, then still a lot can be gained by this (with respect to classical mechanistic medicine). It will be possible to take into account how bodies influence themselves and each other by the rhythms they use. This also helps to understand the toxic effects of electromagnetic fields and portable telephone and other microwave devices. (Our body internally uses microwaves for many of its communication processes.)
Life Rhythms

Cycle of development
The following described the outline of 12 phases of development, which together form a life cycle.
(These phases al interrelate; and the cycle can be used to recognise patterns of becoming and development in gestation and life, social interaction, personality development and the formation of cultures..)
The titles of the core themes are tentative: they describe a stepwise development of understanding, from the beginning to the end: from the first principles of cosmology, to the ways in which you can understand the body for healing.

    Zygote: The Concept of Creation
    Morula: Internal Organisation
    Blastula: Meeting the World
    Nidation: in touch with Reality
    Gestation: coming to oneself
    Birth: Connecting to the Rhythms of Nature
    BabyHood: Being One with the Body
    Childhood: Playing with Mind
    Adolescence: Expanding the Connectedness
    Adulthood: Integrated into the Environment
    ‘Disease’: Reaching out or Turning In
    ‘Death’: Becoming One with the Universe

Diseases of Rhythm

Healing Rhythm



“Everything is in interaction, and all exists within context”; this course also.
You have experienced the course, the other people in it, the outcome of it: and your over-all impression.
Please give your feedback based on your experience: it helps to assure the quality of this course, and helps give more meaning to your experience.

''Overall appreciation''
1.	Did the course teach you what you came to learn?
Yes, totally	1	2	3	4	5	no, not at all
2.	Did the course relate to you in ways that you find useful?
Yes, totally	1	2	3	4	5	no, not at all
3.	Was the knowledge presented in a way that you can enjoy?
Very much so	1	2	3	4	5	no, not at all
4.	Do you feel satisfied having taken the course?
Yes, totally	1	2	3	4	5	no, not at all
5.	Please describe your overall appreciation in your own words:

''Course Aims''
6.	Was the aim of this course clear to you?
Yes, totally	1	2	3	4	5	no, not at all
7.	Did the course fulfil your own needs and requirements?
Yes, totally	1	2	3	4	5	no, not at all
8.	How useful did you find the course for your career?
Very useful	1	2	3	4	5	useless
9.	How useful did you find the course for your personal development?
Very useful	1	2	3	4	5	useless
10.	Please describe how the course catered to your own aims:

''Work method''
11.	Was it clear to you that this course uses a different teaching/learning strategy?
yes, this was clear	1	2	3	4	5	no, i did not know
12.	Do you find the teaching/learning method useful for yourself?
Very practical	1	2	3	4	5	useless
13.	Did this teaching method agree with your own learning strategy?
Very pleasant	1	2	3	4	5	useless
14.	Do you find this teaching method effective?
Very effective	1		2	3	4	5	useless
15.	Please describe your own experience with this work strategy:

''Course Duration''
16	How do you rate the duration of this course?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	too short
17	How do you rate the duration of this course per weekend?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	too short
18. 	How do you rate the time between course weekends? 
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	too short
19. 	would you like to have more time between consecutive weekends?
yes	1	2	3	4	5	no
20: how long would you ideally want to have the period between two consecutive weekends?

''Work Load''

21	How do you rate the total workload for this course?
Too much	1	2	3	4	5	not enough
22	How do you rate the workload for this course per weekend?
Too much	1	2	3	4	5	not enough
23. 	How do you rate your amount of self-study between course weekends? 
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	too short
24. 	How do you rate your amount of self-study for the whole course? 
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	too short
25: 	how much time did you spend on self-study, on average, per course weekend?

26.	how much time did you spend on self-study, on average, for the whole  course?

27.	Were there enough breaks per weekend?
Too many	1	2	3	4	5	too few
29.	Were the breaks long enough for you?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	too short
30.	Please describe your experience with the timing, duration, breaks and pauses for this course:

The following asks for your experience per weekend; first about its contents, then about its purpose.

''Weekend 1''
“Learning with SOUL” presented the learning form for this course; did you find this element useful and relevant for this course?
The session on “Cosmology” addressed human/reality creation, did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
The session on “Body Design” asked the group to design a human body; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
The session on “EmbryoLogics” addressed how humans are formed out of sperm and Egg; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?

''Weekend 2''
“Cell Division” presented the relationship between the Zygote and our whole body; did you find this element useful and relevant for this course?
The session on “NeuroCrine Systems” dealt with the principles of communication in our body, did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
The session on “Systems Theory” provided a general work tool for systematic thinking; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
The session on “PsychoLogics” described how our way of thinking determines what we perceive; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?

''Weekend 3''
“Transformations” presented the relationship between the Zygote and our whole body; did you find this element useful and relevant for this course?
The session on “Gut” describes the transformations in taking in food, did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
The session on “Blood” described the internal circulation of blood; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
The session on “Body Rhythms” described how our way of thinking determines what we perceive; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?

''Weekend 4''
“Transmutations” presented the idea that all organs are one organ; did you find this element useful and relevant for this course?
The session on the “Solid Organs” described the internal ‘digestion’ cycle of our body, did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
The session on the “Hollow Organs” described the internal circulation of our body; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
The session on “The 4 Seas of the Body” described how our body stores and uses energy; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?

''Weekend 5''
“Our Body of Knowledge (‘Learning the easy way’)” added new methods for studying and learning to the course; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
In the “Mini Conference” you were able to present what you learned from/about your body, and learn from the presentation of others; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
In the “Book Fair” you were able to share the resources that you have found and used for your studies; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
“Reading the body as a book” presented how the sequel of the course was organised, to help you understand the remainder of the course yet to come; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?

''Weekend 6''
“The 4 Animals in us” showed a simple way to understand the muscle-skeleton structure; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
In the “Skeleton” you were told about the bones in your body, did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
In the “Muscles” you told about the muscles in your body; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
“Reflex Patterns” explained how muscles and bones form unit systems of motion; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?

''Weekend 7''
“Adaptation” showed the difference between animals and plants; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
In the “Endocrine System” you learned about the internal circulation-regulation of our boody, did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
In “Patho-Psycho-Physiology” you were told about the mechanisms of self-regulation in the body; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
“Disease Patterns” explained how errors of response can accumulate in the body; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?

''Weekend 8''
The “Sensory System” showed how we optimise the body’s use of its ability to change environments; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
In the “Immune System” you learned about the ability of our body to account for changes of environment, did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
In “Learning Development” you learned about the patterns of information integration of the body; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
“(Un)Conscious States” explained the indefinable connectedness between defined body states; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?

''Weekend 9''
 “Diagnosis” showed you how to look beyond the syrface of the body anatomy, to understand how it (dis)functions; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
“Healing” recapitulated the principles of body formation, as presented throughout the course, to understand how it creates and repairs itself, did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
 “Sleep, the healer” pointed out that body self-maintenance takes place at other levels of consciousness, that need to be understood for healing; and that our body exemplifies how this takes place; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
“TheRapists” used the principles of balance, as seen/shown in/by the body, as basic principles for effective communication; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?

''Weekend 10''
“Self-Evaluation” described how the body exemplifies the principles of self-validation; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
In the “Mini Conference” you were able to present what you learned from/about your body, and learn from the presentation of others; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
In the “Book Fair” you were able to share the resources that you have found and used for your studies; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?
“Ongoing Learning” discussed how you can use the information of the body to learn more about the way we learn and function; did you find it useful and relevant for this course?

Please use the following space to summarise your contentment with the content offered by each weekend, and evaluate it on the scale provided

__1st Weekend__
31. 	Was the purpose of this weekend clear to you?
Yes, totally 	1	2	3	4	5	No, not at all
32,	How ?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	Too short
33. 	Hoe useful was this weekend for you?
Extremely	1	2	3	4	5	Not at all
34.	How much time self-study did you spend studying as follow-up of this weekend?
< 1/2 hr	1/2 – 1 hr	1 -2 hr	> 2 hr
35. 	Which study aids did you use?
CD-Rom	Intemet	Books	Journals
•	Other, viz.:

__2nd Weekend__
36. 	Was the purpose of this weekend clear to you?
Yes, totally 	1	2	3	4	5	No, not at all
36,	How ?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	Too short
38. 	Hoe useful was this weekend for you?
Extremely	1	2	3	4	5	Not at all
39.	How much time self-study did you spend studying as follow-up of this weekend?
< 1/2 hr	1/2 – 1 hr	1 -2 hr	> 2 hr
40. 	Which study aids did you use?
CD-Rom	Intemet	Books	Journals
•	Other, viz.:

__3rd Weekend__
41. 	Was the purpose of this weekend clear to you?
Yes, totally 	1	2	3	4	5	No, not at all
42,	How ?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	Too short
43. 	Hoe useful was this weekend for you?
Extremely	1	2	3	4	5	Not at all
44.	How much time self-study did you spend studying as follow-up of this weekend?
< 1/2 hr	1/2 – 1 hr	1 -2 hr	> 2 hr
45. 	Which study aids did you use?
CD-Rom	Intemet	Books	Journals
•	Other, viz.:

__4th Weekend__
46. 	Was the purpose of this weekend clear to you?
Yes, totally 	1	2	3	4	5	No, not at all
47,	How ?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	Too short
48. 	Hoe useful was this weekend for you?
Extremely	1	2	3	4	5	Not at all
49.	How much time self-study did you spend studying as follow-up of this weekend?
< 1/2 hr	1/2 – 1 hr	1 -2 hr	> 2 hr
50. 	Which study aids did you use?
CD-Rom	Intemet	Books	Journals
•	Other, viz.:

__5th Weekend__
51. 	Was the purpose of this weekend clear to you?
Yes, totally 	1	2	3	4	5	No, not at all
52,	How ?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	Too short
53. 	Hoe useful was this weekend for you?
Extremely	1	2	3	4	5	Not at all
54.	How much time self-study did you spend studying as follow-up of this weekend?
< 1/2 hr	1/2 – 1 hr	1 -2 hr	> 2 hr
55. 	Which study aids did you use?
CD-Rom	Intemet	Books	Journals
•	Other, viz.:

__6th Weekend__
56. 	Was the purpose of this weekend clear to you?
Yes, totally 	1	2	3	4	5	No, not at all
57,	How ?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	Too short
58. 	Hoe useful was this weekend for you?
Extremely	1	2	3	4	5	Not at all
59.	How much time self-study did you spend studying as follow-up of this weekend?
< 1/2 hr	1/2 – 1 hr	1 -2 hr	> 2 hr
60. 	Which study aids did you use?
CD-Rom	Intemet	Books	Journals
•	Other, viz.:

__7th Weekend__
61. 	Was the purpose of this weekend clear to you?
Yes, totally 	1	2	3	4	5	No, not at all
62,	How ?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	Too short
63. 	Hoe useful was this weekend for you?
Extremely	1	2	3	4	5	Not at all
64.	How much time self-study did you spend studying as follow-up of this weekend?
< 1/2 hr	1/2 – 1 hr	1 -2 hr	> 2 hr
65. 	Which study aids did you use?
CD-Rom	Intemet	Books	Journals
•	Other, viz.:

__8th Weekend__
66. 	Was the purpose of this weekend clear to you?
Yes, totally 	1	2	3	4	5	No, not at all
67.	How ?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	Too short
68. 	Hoe useful was this weekend for you?
Extremely	1	2	3	4	5	Not at all
69.	How much time self-study did you spend studying as follow-up of this weekend?
< 1/2 hr	1/2 – 1 hr	1 -2 hr	> 2 hr
70. 	Which study aids did you use?
CD-Rom	Intemet	Books	Journals
•	Other, viz.:

__9th Weekend__
71. 	Was the purpose of this weekend clear to you?
Yes, totally 	1	2	3	4	5	No, not at all
72.	How ?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	Too short
73. 	Hoe useful was this weekend for you?
Extremely	1	2	3	4	5	Not at all
74.	How much time self-study did you spend studying as follow-up of this weekend?
< 1/2 hr	1/2 – 1 hr	1 -2 hr	> 2 hr
75. 	Which study aids did you use?
CD-Rom	Intemet	Books	Journals
•	Other, viz.:

__10th Weekend__
76. 	Was the purpose of this weekend clear to you?
Yes, totally 	1	2	3	4	5	No, not at all
77.	How ?
Too long	1	2	3	4	5	Too short
78. 	Hoe useful was this weekend for you?
Extremely	1	2	3	4	5	Not at all
79.	How much time self-study did you spend studying as follow-up of this weekend?
< 1/2 hr	1/2 – 1 hr	1 -2 hr	> 2 hr
80. 	Which study aids did you use?
CD-Rom	Intemet	Books	Journals
•	Other, viz.:

81.	This course made regular use of evaluation; did you like this?
very much	1	2	3	4	5	not at all

83.	Did you find the evaluation useful?
very much	1	2	3	4	5	not at all

82.	Did you feel that you express what you really felt during/after the course?
very much	1	2	3	4	5	not al all

84.	Do you have the impression that what you or others presented is being used to enhance the way the course is presented?
very much	1	2	3	4	5	not at all
The following is a list used for the examination of this course.
The same list is used for self-evaluation, and for the purpose of evaluating others.
The approach is the same in both cases: describe in brief terms, as statements of fact, what you (see that the others) know.
In order to make this ‘scoring’ of knowledge more simple, no categories are defined until after the scoring is done.

''How to use this form''
In preparing for your presentation, in which you summarise for others what you learned in this course, you will have made notes, outlined your line of thoughts, prepared your line of reasoning, and conceptualised a summary of your knowledge.
You will be given a form in which you can organise these items separately. This can be of help to present your ideas in such a way that you and others can find it easier to understand the relevance and significance of what you found.
In the same way you can organise your thoughts in listening to the presentation of others; and identify the same elements and aspects that were relevant for you in preparing your work. What is the point they wish to make? How does what they say relate to you? How can you get most meaning from their presentation? Can it be of use in more ways that the presenter has thought of?
The following list is proposed for noting the ideas that you take in from listening to the presentation of others. This can be used for yourself to help you take in more from what they put out. It can also be of great use to them, to be able to see what others took in from what they took out. This leads to better communication, and understanding.

''Presentation Evaluation''

|Person Name |
|Topic |
|Interest |
|Aim/Purpose |
|Results/Findings |

*Relevance for the author
*Significance for you
*New insights for you
*Feedback to the author
''This Anatomy Course offers a fundamentally different perspective than is provided in Medical Schools''.
In most medical schools, the curriculum starts with the study of the skeleton and body anatomy.
This course here points out that the anatomy, and the skeleton, is an //end product of// [[Cell Communication]].
Our body is composed of, and produced by, a colony of [[Living Cells]]: //'those, we must understand'//.

If you wish to understand this Anatomy course //you must understand that our cells are Alive'//.
''Our body cells are alive and conscious, they make their own decisions and, together, our body''.
__Our body anatomy is the end result__ - //this perhaps can not be repeated often enough//.
What we need to understand is the production process that produces the product: [[Cell Communication]]

//Read on//: [[Introduction]]
Ludwig von Bertalanffi wrote a book entitled “General Systems Theory.
It made a connection between the mathematics of systems of (differential) equations with his field of interest: biology.
Later work elaborated Systems Theory, with such good success that it has now become incorporated within nearly all branches of science (and is since less regarded as a discipline in itself).
The following summarily summarises and annotates some of the chapters of the book by von Bertalaffi

Classical mechanics: isolated event chains; or statistics for infinite numbers
not for NETWORKS
It is not a quest for vague analogies; but recognition of the pattern. (Isomorphism.)


''aims of GST''
reduce interactions to elementary units
recognise wholeness
view development/correspondence
bridge different sciences

1) integrate sciences
2) as theory of systems
3) also non-physical
4) unifying science
5) and education

''conventional physics''
conventional physics deals only with closed systems
2nd Law of Thermodynamics: Closed Systems tend towards a normal distribution)

''Recent changes''
1) Equifinality (Embryologist Driesch, "Vitalism"). Open systems in physics share equifinality.
2) Dissipation vs. Evolution; Ultimate disorder vs. ultimate coherence. (Closed systems: +-entropy; open system --entropy); cf. ecology: Whittacker: climax formation; neurology: Krech: open dynamic systems

1) Energy is NOT the universal currency for Physics: information theory needs "Information"/bits as units. (Bits are alternatives in a choice of information.) Flow of information can be opposite to the flow of energy, 
The measure of information resembles that of entropy (logarithms of probabilities). Negative-entropy or information is a measure for order of organisation.
2) "Feedback" = structural arrangement
2a) Primary regulation:  fundamental/embryonic survival in its environment.
2b) Secondary regulation: dynamic links to the environment (leading to 'fixed constraints')
Mechanistic science known not Telos, goal. It is analytical, without integral synthesis. Point focus, without overview.
(Inverting this image give the approach for wholeness. Due to the limitations of Closed System Analysis, para-science and pseudo-science are  logical results.)
1) Equifinality
2) Homeostasis
3) "Homeostat". See: "Design for a Brain" (Ashby): a critical threshold stepping system between families of equations. 

Mechanistic Science does not regard Organisation. (Cf. Whitehead.)
Medicine needs a theory for Organisation (cytology, histology, anatomy, biology) -46-
(Cf. Volterra, Lotka, Gause, d'Ancona)

Law of Malthus: organisms grow more rapidly than their resources
Law of Organisation: Larger Size means longer Communications.
Law of Instability: Cyclic fluctuations based on sub-system interactions.
Law of Volterra: periodic cycles in predator/prey interaction populations.
Law of Oligopoly: conflicts probability increase with decrease of number of companies. ((cf. first Zygote Divisions.))

At present
"Unification of science" = "reduction to physics"
"phenomena" = "events"
: science is no measure for control of society
Interdisciplinary isomorphism
reductionism >- perspectivism

!Chapter 3
1) Summative	<elements>
2) Constitutive	<relationships>

Law of mass action; Simultankinetik (Lotka)
Pharmacodynamics (Werner)

Linear approximations can be generalise via Taylor Series; with real & Imaginary roots; representing patterns of equations/dynamics:
1)	0th order (no variation): steady state
2)	first order approximation: (exponential) growth
3)	second order approximation: Logistic Curve
4)	direct interdependence (Taylor Series coefficients are all zero): allometric equation. (process distribution; cf. Pareto's Law in wealth distribution amongst nations.)
5)	System of Interdependent equations: change in each affects the whole system.
6)	physics looks at the reduced set: change in each element depend on that element only (Independence)
7)	Summation of 'independent' elements is not the same as a system of interconnected elements.
8)	Biological organisms are not sums of parts; they share an interdependent origin.
9)	Mathematical Summation implies Linearity; interdependent systems are not linear.
10)	physical systems are considered time independent; social/biological systems are time variant.
11)	when a biological system segregates into independent parts, this is a sign of pathology (symptom).
12)	Organic/integral systems respond to change by resetting the equilibrium. Mechanistic/independent systems collapse/compete. When a biological system 'mechanises' (segregates into independent chains) it is (partially) dying. (This is what mechanistic medical models impose on living beings; disease is their reference (segregation) instead of health (integrity). (And imposes a mechanisation of/on life.)
13)	"Triggering": if one system component is predominant with respect to the others, small changes in it will evoke large changes in (the organisation of) all other elements ((cf. monopolisation)). This upsets the cause => effect relationship: insignificant changes in one part strongly affect the whole system. (Centralisation is an example of/for this. Embryology is an example of specific organised 'decentralisation')
14)	"Individualisation" is not the result of centralisation, but by the emergence of a grouping phenomenon, by which (after sufficient development) group response to external stimuli can be obtained. (People become individuals only if their system integrity is intact; as human development shows.)
The central nervous system is 'decisive' only for those functions it  amplifies
-74- (2), (4), (5) ("independent", "Mechanised", "Dominant".

Finality: three types of (re)solutions (stable, Oscillatory, Asymptotic (non-solution))
The stable solution can be describe with respect to the distance  to equilibrium state. Many laws are based on the model of Optimal Optimisation (Lentz' Law, e.a.). Anthropomorphic interpretation (optimum performance at minimum energy investment ((account for information input)).)
The parameters selected by humans are not necessarily the controlling parameters. Often the final result is seen as a goal, instead of an outcome. This bypasses the controlling conditions of circumstances. (The same final state may be reached by different pathways.)
Any new parameter in a system will differentiate till it is densified throughout the system (e.g. railway tracks in a country).

Analogue: superficial similarities (e.g. simulacra vitae) (scientifically worthless)
Homologies: identical formal laws, with different essential factors. (provide scientifically valid models)
Explanations: laws and conditions valid for instances of classes of phenomena.
GST helps to distinguish them.

Many anthropomorphic/vitalistic/mystic models can have exact descriptions.
This helps bring disciplines into science
It helps clarify the philosophy of science.
Systems theory principles apply irrespective of the mature of the systems. (Wholeness, equifinality, centralisation, ...)
Unity of Science is sought in physical language, excluding all non-physical phenomena. Perceptibility can be understood on an informational basis. by regarding structural/organisational similarities. Laplacean approaches do not apply outside of physics. (BioSystems.)

''Mathematical Systems Theory''
Differential equations, geometric trajectories, stability of solutions, field equations (systems of partial differential equations)
External description, system clamping by discrete functions.

!Chapter 4
*{mechanistic/vitalistic controversy in biology}
*Cybernetics {Wiener}
*Information Theory {Shannon & Weaver; Bell}
*Game Theory {Rapoport)
*Decision Theory (Ackoff}
*Factor Analysis
*General Systems Theory
*Systems engineering
*Operations research
*Human engineering

Ashby: {theory} Deductive
von Bertalanffy: {Praxis} Inductive
States, Variations, Conditions, Transformations
Ashby came to focus on machine-like systems; thus closed systems (Using Shannon's tenth law).
Von Bertalanffy aimed for living organisms; thus open systems

Open Systems: Bray, White, Jung, Morchio, Netter {plant communication, geomorphology, meteorology, ...)

Growth in Time
Personality Theory
Theoretical History (interpretations of the same facts can contradict)

!Chapter 5
''Organisms as open systems''
Physiology has a steady state, superimposed on which are 1) periodic autonomic eigen-processes of the system: respiration, circulation, digestion, brain; and automatic movements of the system as a whole. 2) Transient reactions to external stimuli, evoking variation n fluctuations with respect to the equilibrium/steady state. 3) Life Cycle Processes show that the steady State does not exist: it is quasi-stationary development.

Chemistry regards reactions as Closed (based on 'equilibrium') (Cells are  membranes with different permeability for the reaction products; Z <-> is not true if one or both of the products diffuse in/out.)
Life is a dynamic in a polyphasic system. (With assimilation and dissimilation.)

''Characteristics of Open Chemical Systems''
Closed systems have minimal free energy, and /must/ attain equilibrium within the conditions (and stable ration between the phases). Closed systems do not need/provide energy. (cannot perform work.) Energy can be won only by draining a closed system. [source]. It can continue 'endlessly' only iff it is a pipeline to another (drained) system. -((The second Law of Thermodynamics compensates for the realisation that a Closed System must be open; and thus will not only have losses, but must also have gains if the Closed Systems model is to be used.))-
Open Systems may have continuous flows, thus appear as time independent.

Carbon stores energy; by this enzyme dynamics can maintain a steady state.
Diffusion Equations  apply in biology, sociology, ecology and economy.
1)	steady state
2)	adaptation fluctuations
3)	compensation corrections
((4) creation concepts))

The diffusion equation assumes homogeneity and uniformity (neglects concentration/diffusion gradients). This makes it time-less.
Accounting for concentration gradients the differential equation will be a partial differential equation system; which can be linearised. and reduced, as before. This shows 1) a steady state solution, 2) a steady change component (with party reversible reactions). From a Closed System perspective external "Stimuli" will be regarded with respect to the (already defined) system steady state; and regarded as inducing fluctuations with respect to it. It could as easily be regarded as another state of a variational set, of which the initially calculated 'steady state' is but one expression.
The first approach automatically leads to the notion of Forces Opposing Change; the second simply sees a set of state alternatives; between which is 'chosen', as conditions change.
-((This is a fundamental difference in perspective!))-

Equilibrium is a result of dynamic process interaction; and depends on the conditions. The result can not be held to be a goal. The same 'goal' may be attained by different development pathways (trajectories). It thus reflects properties (of relationships) between the external conditions (vs. the internal state-process dynamics.)
-((Goal and Reference must be discerned; by selecting a mode/state of observation/observed as Reference (normalising it) the essential variations to it will be ignored cq. become invisible (Normalised into a Blind Spot).
In a limited case it can be shown: a closed system can not be equifinal with regard to all trigger/conditions.

Reshevsky(1938) regarded the cell as open system (diffusion interface).; Osterhout (1932-3) described the permeability involved.
Affecting the teleology of the whole organism (e.g. stopping development) alters the organisation of its parts (e.g. starch storage in endosperm).

Anabolic and Catabolic processes need to balance for maintenance of state. Account for storage and conversion too.
Steady states are based on a dynamic of process balance.

!Chapter 6.
''Limitations to Living Machines''
Physics does not see the difference between living, healthy, sick, dead system processes. We need to distinguish living objects from machines. Following Descartes, organisms were compared to mechanical machines; later: cybernetic machines. (Watch maker models.) Regulation then needed to be done from outside (or internally, stepwise, as in Thuring Machines.)
And the machine needs to renew/maintain itself. The process itself must determine its state and form.

Open system descriptions need to express the difference vs. closed systems. The difference is not just in import/export, by also in conversion/transformation. "The organism feeds on negative entropy" {Schrödinger}. -52- Many models are proposed for this.

Cell life spans & turnover are very different. Dynamic organisation reflects in structural organisation. Pharmacodynamic models aim to mimic this.
Morphogenesis too. And can be understood by Open Systems theories.
The theory of open systems is part of general systems theory.

(General Systems Theory deals with Open Systems and does not discuss information; Cybernetics with Regulatory Mechanics and does not discuss metabolism.) Open systems are Active; Cybersystems Reactive.
(As yet there is no real definition to specify a steady state in an open system; the Law of Prigogine is only valid in very limited cases.)
Entropy, or 'the arrow in Time' (Eddington), needs to account for the trans (closed) system states.
Thermodynamics {entropy} and information theory {negative entropy} regard Order; bio systems are highly ordered. It is not a result of selection, but must underlie it.

!Chapter 7
There is no difference between 'hard facts' and 'mere theory': perception is based on mental states, thus beliefs,  thus projections. We always interact between perception and projection. We always choose between models (cf. walking a landscape by different paths.)

''Open Systems''
Living systems are open systems. Theoretical Expansion of models is required beyond physics, to apply to living organisms = open systems.
Closed systems are invariant, thus basically time independent. Open systems demand condition control. -(('unconditional love' refers to the open system equivalent of the closed system. This is why science can not understand open systems: the reset of the control parameters reflects in the need to reset the model parameters.))-
Closed systems do not exchange matter with their environment Living systems are part of a process flow. (Schönheimer, 1947, "Dynamic State of Body Constituents".)

''Homeostasis & Feedback''
(Cannon, Wiener, e.a.) Regulation is based on pre-established structure arrangements. The causal trains are linear, local, and irreversible. Feedback loops make causality circular. Homeostatic circuits are 'closed' for matter/energy, 'open' for information (!!). Self-organising = striving towards higher differentiation. Feedback is a form of secondary regulation; it is mechanistic yet well suitable for physiological systems.

Allometric relation (y=b.x^a) was based on the finding that metabolic rate increases vs. body surface (not: mass). (1000 kcal/m^2/day in dogs) The general principle is that of growth of one variable with respect to another (-172-) See table 7.2.
-((restudy this section; it seems to be more relevant than the text 'explains' at first glance.))-

''Animal Growth''
(Mathematical rule of thumb: with 3 regulatable parameters, any equation can be used to approximate a curve. Curve fitting is an indoor sport...) It does not offer mathematical understanding/foundations.
Growth is difference between input and elimination (catabolism is proportional to body mass). (Energy yield of respiration vs. surface area (mammals, fish), body weight (insects larvae), or in-between discerns animal species.)

!Chapter 8.
Kant lived at the core of classical science, physical in its approach. Physicality does not account for living organisms. Theories are anthropomorphic, always.
SORC models are robotic similes of humans; Freudian behaviourists advertising programming human machines. Conditioning does not determine us (as corrective schemes for criminals show).
	ignores creativity, spontaneity, playfulness
2) conditioning (environmentalism)
	ignores uniqueness
3) Criticality (equilibrium/homeostatics principle, leverage of stability). 
	ignores system reset
4) Energonomics (utilitarian economy: minimal energy principle)
	ignores the quest for quality

Being human implies creativity; 'active personality principle'. Reality is a realisation. (-205-: Cantril, 1962).

Social systems
Rumours follow diffusion equations, car traffic follows laws of thermodynamics, history follows patterns,

!Chapter 9.

Psychology regarded human as a robot. (Matson, 1964.) The personality can be  (synaesthesia - other modes of perception - may be based on this: kindling of latent alternative modes for processing reality.)
 Collective consensus likewise is the result of a long process of 'growth' of awareness/consciousness regarded as an organism with homeostasis, differentiation (Werner, 1957), 
Organisms are /not/ machines; yet may appear so if state-fossilised. Hierarchies are the result of stratification, layers of specialisation by differentiation, leading to predominance (=/= dominance) of processing alternatives, which are all equally vital and viable. (-226-)
Regression is simply and addressing of the dedifferentiated stages. Earlier stages are always coherent, integrated, organised (even though less specific. Pathological states are not regression: they are loss of integrity/integration. (thus the crystallisation of 'fracture lines' of Closed System Boundaries, within the Open System.
Our metaphysical (information based) reality component is seen in our creation of symbols: using matter to represent the non-material. This organismic function too has pathological states, in which the symbols become illogical: warp/loose their meaning. (-229-) (Animals do not have these diseases of symbolic functions.) This can not be described in terms of models of homeostasis etc. (which are themselves symbolic constructs.) Psycho-hygiene is an important aspect of culture.

Systems theory offers a framework for psycho-pathology. (-230-)
Mental disease is a disturbance of system functioning; of information processing. Integration makes for the difference. ('Science = schizophrenia'.) Mental soundness = experiential integrity.

Free-will is a pseudo problem: caused by con-fusions of different level of experience: physical and mental (symbolic). Causality is a tool for organising (by) the m
Free-will is a pseudo problem: caused by con-fusions of different level of experience: physical and mental (symbolic). Causality is not a reality but a tool for organising (by) the mind. When causality is not applied (e.g. in direct experience) we /feel/ free. Explanations are choices of levels of causality. Will is not determined, but determinable.
Responsibility is always at the level of symbol/values, within cultural collective consensus.

!Chapter 10.

Whorf: linguistic patterns determine how/what we think. Different linguistic systems reflect in different world views; not all are necessarily 'translatable' into mathematics. And they can be as different as (non)Euclidean geometries. Hopi has no reference to time, and describes manifest next to unmanifest. Newtonian space, time and matter are culturally conditioned, not intuitive.

Von Uexküll: all organisms interact only by/with those processes that they share with/in the environment; the rest is (to them) 'invisible'. Every organism creates/maintains its own environment by this. By entering into the environment of an organism, those processes are activated, changing Time experience depends on physiology/metabolism. (It relates to alpha brain wave frequency increase.) Wound healing depends on age.
The same growth curve, with different time units, can be used for different animals; with corresponding important physiological changes at changes of the curve. Time also depends on astronomical rhythms -((as relevant for the organism, cf. Lawrence Edwards.))- Time in physics is non-linear: determined by probabilities (logarithmic) and local (because point-determined.)

Psychological experience depends on physiological states (as drug action shows). Ego formation is a form of differentiation. Object-subject distinction too depends on physiological/psychological states.
Intuition is not a-priori but depends on psycho-psysio-physical organisation.

Categories depend on cultural factors, including (conditioned) intent. (Art often expresses the cultural perspective.) As in the differential equations, the general system has a local solution, with internal processes sensitive to circumstantial triggers, giving a conditioned behaviour response. This corresponds with different beliefs and styles of cognition. The scientific world picture has limited validity only reflecting the local cultural conditioning. Even Space, time, Energy & Consciousness are but local perspectives. (Greeks set logic, emotions, affect apart, in the occident they interact.) What we see depends on the symbols we use. Schemes of abstractions bring out patterns while ignoring other relationships.
The human world is thereby distinct from the animal experience. -((Yet still embedded in us; Lorenz, 1943. A-priori forms of experience are innate instinctive behaviour.
Observing the reaction/behaviour of other animals does not put us in their perspective/experience. (interpretations of symbols are isomorphisms of meaning, that  depend on cultural context consensus conditioning.)

# Physics abstracts the sensory experience (acoustics, optics, thermodynamics, ...) Abstracting them to cognitive processes (mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum theory). Artificial sense organs then replace personal experience, specifying/generalising the experience. Apples are not more real than apples.
# Generalisation of Constants of Physics are a means of Optimising the symbols used. At first the measured values vary widely, at last they are demonstrated by many different methods.
# (1) takes away taste. smell, colour are replaced by constructs of equations. No longer limited to our own (Uexküll) conditions, but more universal.
This eliminates human experience of the event.
-((This makes them unverifiable by direct experience, and prone to dogmatisation.))-
It is a property of symbolism; mathematical algorithms obtain a life of their own.
Yet the structure of symbols was created by humans, in their culture, and reflects their sense perceptions; the structure of our nervous system.

Reality can  not be reduced to what physics can describe (i.e. physics can not describe all of reality), It can only represent, by symbols, what it can model. Other symbol systems allow different understandings. Just because a symbol system is specific, differentiated, and organised, does not make it universal/real. It will simply be another Uexküll 'Organism', in interaction with which we will experience reality different. It is simply another tool for perspectivating experience. Each part of the puzzle represents only its part of the image.


__Unity of Science__
Humans create/destroy their environment.
Language sets people apart from other animals; and nature.
The symbolic world is not real(ity); yet acquired a (cultural) life of its own. And starts to determine human experience. Symbols Systems are Uexküll organisms; with their own hierarchy, ecology and predatory patterns. They disguise primitive instincts. It has organised properties, like the meta-organism that it represents: the Body of Knowledge of humanity. (With synchronous same developments in Independent fields.) This implies a world-unity at a scope-scale as yet not conceived.
(Logico-Mathematical) General Systems Theory aims to bring this understanding out.
The terminology is in accordance with the ''Nomina Anatomica''
(Fifth Edition, 11th int. Congres. of Anatomists, Mexico City 1980)
William & Wilkins, Baltimore/London, 1983
A.	Arteria (artery)
Art.	Articulatjo (joint)
Gl	Glandula (gland)
Lig.	Ligamentum (ligament)
M.	Musculus (muscle)
Proc.	Processus (process)
V.	Vena (vein)
Doubling of the final letter denotes plural
Terms appearing within (brackets) are commonly used alternatives	
|108 |Gl. suprarenalis (suprarenal gland)|	o ooo|
|39 |Gl. thyroidea (thyroid gland)||
Anatomical consultant: Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Klaus - U. Benner,
Department of Anatomy, The Ludwig - Maximilian University, Munich
''Restoring Wholeness''
The word Healing has the same linguistic roots as health and wholeness.
Healing can be most simply understood as the art of restoring wholeness.
This is not just the wholeness of the being Noun) but also the wholeness of the Being (verb).
It is the restoration of the integrity of the integration with/in the environment, and within oneself.

''Types of disease''
# Death: loss of life
# Depression: loss of soul
# Fear: Loss of mind (and unresolved memories)
# Pain: (bodily conflicts) (due to 2/3)

''Role of reflexes''
The body operates by reflexes.
Reflexes are created by using Freedom of Choice.
These actions can be remembered, and replayed from Memory (as reflex).
They can also be stored at the organ, cell and DNA level (and inherited). 

Sleep architecture.
Reflex chains
Haste cascade


Healing is about restoring wholeness. This means that the part connect to the whole.  It also means that the two are in balance. This may be a ‘static’ balance, in which the part and the whole are both seen. 
balance may also mean that something smaller merges into something larger (as in giving birth) or is taken into the larger (as in eating)-it may also be the larger being taken into the smaller(as in a body succumbing to viral disease) or coming from it (as in embryogenesis).
All of these are forms of balance, in which not a state or process is maintained, but a transformation. This is seen also, but less visibly so, in the preservation of information, in healing or dying.

Dying is a transformation, as is disease, illness or health. In the integrity of the boundary of living systems (in Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit) all play a role. What is around the system is part of the system. What is left after the 'death' of a system too is part of the system.

There can thus be no bias in holding one part of the system to be more important than another.  Any form is a phase in a process development. Any process is a phase in transformation. A transformation is a pattern of integration of coherence of phase. 
All of this can be described in terms of Boundary Transitions. This make healing, literally, an art (Latin for "Hinge") -and categorises it in the domain of the 'god of communication' (interfacing), Mercury, the planet of healing.

Shifting the boundary is the essence of life. Resolving the boundary is the essence of healing.

This requires (see above) a balance between a/the part and the/a whole. if this balance is not maintained, healing itself turns into a disease-(This is avoided by accounting fur the natural balance of coherence of phase).transactional analysis
Embedding instead of hierarchy
(Phase boundaries/inversal).


People who behave as patients
Once the first cell (the Zygote) is divided, properties that were seen only inside of the cell, suddenly are visible ‘between’ the two ‘new’ cells. (What happened is that the cells ‘pinched’ apart with respect to itself; viz. holding a lump of dough, and rotating one half with respect to the other: it will likewise ‘cut itself off with respect to itself’.  Viz, (again) the vortex motion described in Weekend 1.)

|| Wet | Dry |
As a result of this the internal processes of the Zygote, now have become inter-cellular processes (yet are still intra systemic). Because of this, the relationships are changed: new relationships ‘appear’:  the sides of the cells that are juxtaposed are much more strongly affected by the processes by which they are linked: this side is relatively more DYNAMIC or HOT. The side that is ‘turned away’ from the interface, is relatively speaking calmer, more STATIC or COLD.

|| Fluid | Rigid |

* “HOT” is then the equivalent of Active for a Field.
* “WET” is the same, transparent for processing, in Boundaries.

* “COLD” is the equivalent for Passive, for a Field.
* “DRY” likewise is the intransience for processes in a Boundary.

|| Field | Boundary |
|Active ||
|Passive ||

This is a very fundamental principle of system dynamics, with respect to its environment.
(By looking at th e Virtual component, the Processes, instead of the Forms, the integrity of the first two cells can still be seen, in the  processes from which they emerged, and by which they are linked. (This is the pattern that maintains the integrity if your body throughout your life.)

his part of the story summarises the history of Modern Medicine, of western Europe.
The synopsis is as incomplete as it is brief; it is also biased: it uses that medical perspective,
The purpose of this part of the story is to help understand the limitations of Big Pharma.
Those limitations themselves will be addressed in parts 2, 3 and 4 of this storybook.

The story starts, briefly, in Egypt and then follows from Greece in the past to the present.
It will be seen that original understanding was lost, while new insights were added.
Also, it will become evident that Modern Medicine has its roots in Alchemy and Astrology.
But most important we will come to se why ‘Modern Medicine’ is in fact … obsolete.
''Living in integrity''

Our body is our best living example of the integration between mind and matter, i.e. information and substance.
Our body is composed by information, which assembles matter to the form of our body. Whatever food we eat is used to give shape and form to the process that creates and maintains our body. (Foods which can not fit in and break up the pattern are known as toxins.)
Health and disease are as interwoven with our body/being as are information and matter. These concepts used to be called “Heaven” and “Earth”; the are the basis of all religions and forms of healing for describing how we live on Earth.
Life implies a dynamic balance between mind and matter: we find part of reality to be fixed, and part to be changeable; the Hindu metaphor is that of regarding life as a dance. Part of it is determined, part of it we determine: health is the maintained balance between both; disease the loss of that balance.

''Healing Integrity''

The balance is not just within our body and mind. Although we have direct experience of our mind in our body, the principles apply also to our relationships with others, and humanity as a whole. And the relationship with Earth, and the whole universe.
When those relationships are out of balance, it is by the same principles as those by which we loose balance (integrity) within us. The principles of healing are the same as those used by all cultures.
The principles of healing are built-in to our body; by meditation and hypnosis we can learn to access the healing principles that operate also in our sleep. These principles (Weekend 9) activate the Immune System (Weekend 8) which activates the endocrine system (Weekend 7) which restore the physical body (Weekend 6).
Although there appear to be many forms of healing, their basis is always the same. All make use of the integral functioning of our body, and realise its integrity in our environment (Weekend1), the principles of communication by which integrity is maintained (Weekend 2), the possibilities for transformation (Weekend 3) and the intricate interwovenness of each part with/in the whole (Weekend 4).

''Forms of Healing''

Just as our body has its physicality (Weekend 6/4), there are forms of healing that address it at this level, and deal with it accordingly. These are the somatic forms of healing, of which regulated Medicine is one of the many possible forms.
Our body is based on process dynamics (Weekend 7/3), and well-known amongst the forms of healing that regard and treat it as such, is Ayur Veda, the healing art of India (with a history and experience of 10’s of thousands of years.)
The process dynamics are co-ordinated by system regulation (Weekend 8/2), and Acupuncture is one of the most well known forms of this approach. It too has many thousands of years of track record of shown effectivity.

Basic to all of the forms of healing is Systems Integrity, or Systemic Integration (Weekend 9/1). This is the essence of every form of medicine; and most well known for operating in this way is Shamanism, known all over the world from the beginnings of time.


Healing is the dynamics of the body healing itself.
Any form of healing only operates, activates, restores this inner capacity for integrating ourselves (our body) with our environment. This requires that we mind (Weekend 9) what we are (Weekend 6). This is based on the recognition that our body operates internally (Weekend 7) according to the way we relate to our context (Weekend 8).
Sometimes it is helpful to restore the connection between mind and body, i.e. restore the eigen-function of our body, by basing it again on the principles by which it was formed (Weekend 1). This requires an understanding of the way the body communicates, with itself and its environment (Weekend 2). And the realisation that every part of the body reflects the principles involved (Weekend 3). Underlying this all is a fundamental form of dynamic, by which a system can recycle itself by turning itself inside-out (Weekend 4).
It does not matter what form of healing is used for this purpose: as long as that connection, the integration, is achieved. All forms of healing are based on those concepts: all forms of healing can be used. Every form of healing reflects a different approach in achieving this: all can best be combined.

''Integral Health Care''

This course has been set up to show the integrity of the body: how it comes to be.
It is also set up as a means to understand the basis of our body functioning: how it came to bee (Cosmology, Weekend 1), how it developed (Embryology, Weekend 2), how it grows (Physiology, Weekend 3) and takes form (Anatomy, Weekend 4). All of these aspects play essential roles in our being.
It is but logical that all forms of healing can best be used together in such ways that the integrity of those aspects are made explicit (i.e. restored). Our body is our best example for showing how this can be done: each form of healing relates to our body, each in its own way. Our body, by its forms, shape, dynamics and origin, shows how they can be integrated, combined.
This course is thus more than a course in understanding our human body (Weekend 4) and being (Weekend 1); it is also a course in being able to communicate with others (Weekend 2) and relating all forms of healing (Weekend 3). The encompassing term for this can be “Integral Health Care”.

''Integral Healing''

With the information in this course it is possible to better understand your body, and function according to its ways; this bases all we think on our animal reflexes, vegetable reactions and mineral responses. This is the information you need to calibrate your own response in how you live; and how you respond to others. This is important also in therapeutic sessions, in working with others.
The information of this course also makes it possible to understand any form of disease in terms of the loss of integrity of the system. The course shows how the body is an example of an integral system. By understanding the body, it is possible to understand all diseases (Socio- patho-psycho-physiology) and the way they can be restored. (By recognising the embryologic development with respect to our cosmogenesis.)
The information of this course offer insight fundamental to “eco-medicine”, the skill of healing the social, cultural, ecological and spiritual conflicts between humans and each other, Earth and Reality. (Many people are not even aware that such conflicts exist, let stand that they are cause by the same mechanisms as any diseases.)
And the information of this course offers a means to operate according to integral health care: to see how the methods of healing that you use for yourself can be of value for others, be applied to humanity and used to heal our environment. What seems to be a course in our human body, is thus in essence a course for living; because our body contains all information of the human experience of life, over the past 2.000.000 years; and the experience of life on Earth over the past years. Our body is a vast store of knowledge of life.
This [[Anatomy Course]], [[Our Living Body]], is based on [[Integral Health Care]], created by [[SIG]].
Integral Health Care complements all forms, methods, expertise and practices of World Healing.
This integrates and unifies the health care systems of the Far West, Far East, East and West.
It can thereby offer Prevention, Early Detection/Correction, Care and Palliation.
Everything in existence has been created in accordance with the universal principles of Creation.
This [[Curriculum]] [[Programme]] therefore starts with our fundamental understanding of Cosmology.
It helps understand how the universe, all forms of life, and our own living body were formed.
Crucial is the realisation that our body was formed by the division of a living cell: the Zygote.
*//See//: [[Programme]]

This curriculum traces the essential steps of that process, starting with the unity of the 1^^st^^ cell ([[Weekend 01]]).
It then looks at the consequence of the dynamic of [[Cell Division]]: System Regulation ([[Weekend 02]]).
Then it addresses the effects of [[Cell Differentiation]]: the Organic Processes in our Body ([[Weekend 03]]).
It then is evident that the form and structure of our body is merely consequence of this ([[Weekend 04]])

:The aim of this course is //not to understand the books//, but to understand (y)our own body.
:This is done by asking the particupants to recognise universal principles in our living body.
:That starts by realising that our body is created and maintained by [[Living Cell Communication|Cell Communication]].
:Once this is understood, it is important to be able to reliably share this understanding with others.

[[This text is NOT a Handbook for this course|Handbook]], the [[Our Living Body Anatomy Course.
The participants of this course all write their own handbook, together.
The first half of the [[Programme]] offers a vision and a frame of reference for understanding.
The second half shows where to finf valid information and how to understand it.
*//See//: [[Modules]]
Use this space to describe the core ideas of your presentation. In about 100 to 200 words, write down what the punch line is of the idea you wish to bring across. Give a line to describe how you came to choose this topic: what caught your attention; what caught your interest? What is the question that you pursued in your exploration; and what did you aim for? What are the backgrounds of the area of studies: what information could you (not) use? What method did you use, or what reasoning did you follow, to come to your conclusions? Which are your conclusions; to which extent may they be useful to others? If there is any sequel that could come out of your study, what might it be?

In your presentation you will have outlined some points of attention that you wish to present.
The following lists some ideas which might be put down in your outline; it is labelled ‘the body of the text”. At this level, of outlining, do not regard it as the body of the text but only as the ideas you may consider to describe.
Then describe your ideas in just a few words; as if giving only the headings of texts you might still want to write. (This is the precise purpose of the outline).
You can make use of indentation (headings and subheadings) to make this ‘list’ of ideas more easy to understand as themes, topics and points of attention. For example
# Why i chose this topic
# What i hoped to find
# What path i followed, and why
# How i present my findings in this paper
__What is this paper about?__
# What is this presentation about?
# What makes this interesting for me or others (how i approached it)?
# Why it has more general meaning/implications (what i needed to resolve)?
# How may – what is presented here – may be more readily understood (how i had to resolve this)?
__The core idea of this paper__
# What is the idea that needs to be understood?
# What is the context in which it exists?
# How is it related to or determined by its conditions?
# What happens to the object of attention if the conditions change?
__The background of this study__
# If the object-context changes, this will have implications
# When the relationship changes, this will affect the observer
# In being affected, the observer will need to change, somehow
# The change of behaviour of the observer will have further consequences for the study, or others
__The finding this study__
# What i discovered
# What this meant to me
# How it changed my understanding
# What i have come to realise since.
__The conclusions and implications__
# What is the overall conclusion of the study?
# What unexpected/new insight are to be accounted for?
# What approaches may be possible to pursue this?
# What further consequences can be (un)foreseen?
''The body of the text''
In an INTRODUCTION, you will probably describe some if the ideas the listener may need to be able to follow your discourse: What is your topic of interest, why may it be of interest to the reader or listener, and what outcome/conclusion will you lead them to; by which way. The clearer you can help them understand where you come from and are going, the clearer can they follow along with your discourse.
Most other you will then come to a TOPIC PLACEMENT: what you studied, and from which perspective (out looks and insights, hopes and concerns). It helps others understand the angle of perspective from which they regard what you are doing; it may also help them understand why they can perceive it differently from another perspective. Altogether it helps you and them to ‘compare notes’, and take interest in what you are telling, and why you tell them. (The last part is not by telling them why its should interest them, but by letting them know why it interest you, or others.)
Then, most often, it is helpful to give some CONTEXTUALISATION. Every topic always has its own context; which might even be a changing context. This helps to position your findings in a more general setting, as well as being more specific as to its implication and meaning. The understanding of the context again helps to further understand the perspective from which you approach the topic, and the depth of the insight you offer. It helps others understand if, how, when and why what you say may be relevant in their life/experience.

Having pinpointed the Topic, in its context, there comes a moment in INSIGHT. By understanding your perspective in context, it becomes possible to relate this to other points of view likewise. Most often, this is the place where you can describe your new insight, realisations or findings; and the concise findings or change in understanding that your work led to. This most often is the crucial part, which will the point of interest, which you wish to share with your reader. This will be the essential element, which led you to put your idea(l)s on paper.
This will automatically lead to the consequences of the shift in realisation: by having come to understand the topic (differently of better), you can now also come to other/different conclusions. This is where the CONSEQUENCES can be written down. What can you (or others) now regard in different ways? What might you need to review, reconsider or even redefine in your previous understanding? What is the effect of the newness, that comes out of your new insight? How could it be put to more use still?
This will most often quite naturally lead to a conclusion, in which you can retrace your steps, perhaps not by the by which you could guide the readers from your starting point to your conclusions, but indicate shortcuts, or alternative pathways, that could otherwise have been used; but became evident only after the conclusions had been attained. It often helps to end the conclusion in a one-liner phrase which condenses your whole story into just one sentence, which people can remember, The sentence than evokes the conclusion (which in itself recapitulates the whole paper) and confirms what you proposed in your abstract.

''Reference Material''

In studying your topic of interest, you will have most likely used research by others: from conversations you had with them correspondence or papers of books that they wrote.
Whatever reference material that you used, that was of interest to you, might be of help or interest for your readers too. It is common practice to list such reference material at the end of your paper.
Normally you would have collected notes, copies and clipping, together with your own written comments. Together these form the manual that you made for yourself for this course. (You might consider making your manual available also to others.)
The reference material that you collected, the notes that you made, the (copies of) material that you collected, and the text that you wrote for your presentation may all be of use also to others; also to understand better what you have found.
|”What the body taught us”|
|”What we can help others see in their body”|
|How we cab help Others to learn from theor body|
|Validating your body of knowledge of our body|


S.O.U.L. = ''S''olution ''O''riented ''U''ser ''L''earning = a client centred approach in education.
It is based on “Problem Based Learning”, a further development of Case Studies Teaching Strategies.

The approach use here provides the users with some essential insights (often not found in text books) by which it is possible to obtain understanding (from reading the text books) about any topic. (In this course it is applied to the functioning of our human body.)

The following sections describe the strategy proposed for this course, techniques for getting more out of what is being presented (by the use of Mind Maps), suggestions for making your own handbook, and proposals for case studies, meant to inspire the quest for deeper understanding.

This chapter contains the following topics.
#    S.O.U.L.: "Solution Oriented User Learning"
#    Mind Maps
#    The Course Manual: How to Make Your Own
#    Case Studies
''1)Solution Oriented User Learning''

''Teaching Learning''
There are many different teaching techniques; all of which depend on different forms of communication.
* indoctrination
> Some forms assume that one person ‘teaches’ the other. They amount to the same as all those techniques that assume that you can only learn from others. Often these techniques are used together, leading to Teacher-Student, Master-Disciple or Master-Slave role plays.
>(The word Role Play is intentionally used to make clear that we have choices in these patterns of communication behaviour.)
* eDucation
> There are also forms of teaching that rely on circumstances to convey a form of behaviour; the setting is then thus used to ‘bring the message across’. Some interpret this in the form of natural environments, while others hold this to be cultural environments. The Cultural environments may interpret this as man-made physical environments or (human made) social settings. The general term for this kind of education is initiation; in the meaning as it is used in the Indian Tribes; and in the term as it is used in guild systems.
* inTuition
> These forms of education have in common that they in some way assume that teaching comes from outside, such as by the ‘lessons of life’, or ‘nature is our teacher’. This assumption reflects a role of passivity in the life we live; it is something we experience, undergo, and from which we learn as a consequence. There are other forms of learning which regard that ‘in inverse’: for these, the ‘teaching’ always comes from within. It is interesting that religions always advise this form of learning; and that churches advocate the inverse.
* interFacing
> There is a logic to all of these forms of education; and the logic lies in the way a person is regarded in the reality of life: as a passive observer, or active creator. If you imagine it as someone being Outsider or Insider to/of Reality, then of course it is also possible to ‘Stand in the Door’ (where outsider and insider are one and the same). It is even possible to go beyond the concept of active or passive involvement in reality, and consider it all a realisation. In that case, there is no ‘doorway’, unless we create that (too).


The different forms of learning and teaching then can be understood to all be different aspects of the same principle; and the choice in tuition is one that will reflect the position one takes in the interaction itself. This makes education a psychological event. And a social event. It is not just how you relate to reality, in an active or passive way; but also how you relate to others.

It is characteristic that settings that heavily rely on (mutual) social control, education is held to be teaching, as an active process, by which one has to learn and another must teach. This has been the method used most often in political power arena’s, such as churches.

Religions and mystical training’s most often work by the inverse: they aim for tuition from within, or in-tuition (intuition). In this setting Education comes closer to the literal traditional meaning: “e ducare”, from Latin, leading out. It is the latent inner potential that is given room to be expressed and thus recognised.

''Choice Learning''

As said: the choices for the different forms of e-ducation reflect different social power plays; or power Games. Those that thrive on struggle for life, translate it to a struggle for survival, and create models of education that amount to a struggle for power between those teaching and those taught; thereby maintaining the cultural habit of mutual dominion; and SM (Slave-Master) game.

Those that thrive on inner power, interpret is as a realisation of one’s own inner power, and create models that aim to optimise the potential for learning from within. In these forms of education it is often no longer clear what is learned and what is taught, as both take place within one and the same person.
> If we characterise these different forms of education in the form of a caricature, then we could say that the one uses tuition, the other relies on in-tuition.
> The course here has been chosen to be of the second form.
Those opposed against this method could (maybe rightly) claim that those teaching it do not want to take full responsibility for what they teach. Some might even want to assume ‘one step further’, and hold that this would mean that those teaching it don’t know well enough what the topic is about.

Those in favour of the second method would (maybe rightly) say that the only one response-able for that what is learned, is the person who will work with that knowledge or understanding. And that it is up to them to have the best possible learning experience that they can get.
* As noted, here we have chosen for this second form of e-ducation, by in-tuition.
'' Learning Questioning Learning''

If you want to get the most out of what is presented here: ask questions. Question yourself. Question the material. Question your questions. Then you will soonest learn the benefit that this approach can bring. You will also find that learning, in this way, is without effort. Because there is no conflict, because there is no model of control, competition and strife, what is learned will naturally link up with what you already know, and want to know. Your own interest fuels the enthusiasm by which you will learn without even realising how much work you do. It will come to you, naturally.

''Personal Lessons''

That is also why we have chosen to select this method of teaching for this course. This course aims to help you discover how you function, at levels deeper than you might as yet know. It is only logical to apply that same principle for the way in which you learn. What you learn, and how you learn, this reflects the same principle: an acknowledgement of the powers of Your being, and your life. In which you are unique, like everyone else.

> This is the core of SOUL: Solutions Oriented User Learning.


* ''Solution Oriented'', because the aim is that you find solutions for enhancing your life by what you learn. Do you know many people who learn more in order to enjoy their life less?
* ''User Learning'', because if it serves your best interest (= optimal InterFacing in reality), you will learn best.

''Learning by trial and Error''

Do you know people who know exactly, precisely, without mistake or error, what you think, feel, want, are? Do you even know yourself that well? Isn’t that, maybe, what learning is all about? Finding out, what you really are, want, feel and think? So, that can be summarised as solution oriented learning; with the critical consideration that that works best for the persons involved. Here we have chosen to represent that by the word User, so that the concept as a whole reads as S.O.U.L.. And so that it is now possible to learn with soul...


The process of learning, by the method of S.O.U.L., is based on a feedback cycle, in which a problem serves as trigger, inducing a system response, to seek interactions, that will provide insight, and closure of the learning cycle.

This can be represented systematically as follows:

# ''Problem'' = __trigger__
# ''Concept clarification'' (understanding the meaning of the words and phrases)
# ''Brainstorm'' (intuitive interactive response generation)
# ''Inventory'' ((re)grouping brain storm findings)
# ''Targets'' (Learning Targets: having established what is known, identify what is needed to get beyond that understanding) Structuralising (identifying known/unknown element)
# ''Harvest'' (Quest & Harvesting: searching solutions where available)
# ''Feedback'' (reporting back on the findings)
# ''Validation'' (verifying that the answers are appropriate response to the trigger question)

> This process of learning is based on the same principles as described by systems theory; they also represent the same principles by which our body forms (from zygote (‘trigger’) via foetus (‘brainstorm’) and embryo (‘structuralisation’) to a living being (‘validation’).

* Further details on this method will be described elsewhere.
* More reference to this method, and the way it was developed, can be found on de website
* (Where it is still known as Problem Based Learning.)

''2) Mind Maps''

''Why Map Minds?''

While taking in information, it helps to ‘chew’ what you take in: to knead and process what you read or hear, so that it gets mixed with what you know. It helps to question what is presented, and be able to be less gullible: to make up your own mind.
Also, it can be a tremendous help to make coherent notes, to keep track of the underlying line of thought-development, which might escape from view is listening/reading at the level of presented examples only.

Making Notes and Mind Maps also is a great help to, later, be able to review the story or text, and remember what you learned as you learned it: the Mind Map makes it possible to see at a glance (Right Brain Image) what you took in as a (Left Brain) stream of thought.
This again also helps to compare the ideas contained in the mind maps with other notes, of yourself and others; which helps communicate what you know with more ease.

''Tony Buzan''

“Mind Maps” were developed by Tony Buzan as a means for communication, with oneself and others.
Mind Maps integrate objects by relationships, showing patterns that can be studied as a whole.
The method effectively combines left brain analysis with right brain synthesis, forebrain specific views and hind brain general understanding.
The approach is fundamentally related to Systems Thinking; and offers an insightful means to communicate the integral forms of understanding it addresses.


''Mind Map essentials''

Mind Maps integrate ''Objects, Relationships, Groups and Gestalts''.
They combine words and images, as patterns, to encapsulate understanding.

Mind Maps can be effectively used to communicate views with others, and to memorise and recall notes of past experiences, or summaries of study material.
The books by Tony Buzan, describing the concept, have been supplemented by computer programs for idea development operating according to this concept.

''3) The Course Manual: How To Make Your Own''


The handbook for this course is made by the participants during the course,
And supplemented by the lecturer if/as needed.

The Theme Book lists Goals, Aims, Topics and Crucials (essentials reader).
The Topics and Crucials are described as the Weekend Topics and the Study Cases, respectively.


This part addresses how to best integrate your own learning in your own way.

It is intended to give support in achieving the aims of this course, as part of the general approach:

* Goals (Understand more of your being)
* Aims (Obtain your own understanding of your own Body).
* Topic ( = weekend themes)
* Crucials ( = Study Cases)

> One of which ways in which this course is different, is in always looking at "the part IN the Whole".

This is applied to the presentation of the course itself too.

Our brain is an excellent example for this: left brain, right brain, Pons and Hologram: our brain functions in different ways. We thereby think in different ways about our experience. We experience life in different ways as a result.

Some people are more Visual, others are more Acoustic or Kinaesthetic or Experientially oriented. You know best what suits you best.

The following suggests some tools that may suit your purposes most.


* Make your own Manual
* Basic Tools
* The Study Landscape.
* Learning Skills
** Doodling & Notes
** Outlining
** Mind Maps
** Hyper Text
''Make your Own Manual''
* For that reason you know best how you want to take your notes: as outlines, as mind maps, as drawings or as texts. Making your own notes is one of the quicker ways to digest and anchor what you know. It is like any metabolic activity: you chew what you learn, swallow it, assimilate it, integrate it into what you know.
* We all can eat carrots, or apples, yet none of us starts to look like a carrot or apple: you always continue to look like yourself (and your ancestors). The same holds for digesting experience: it becomes part of you in your own unique way. The one which suits you best.
''Basic Tools''
* In order to help you take in what you are looking for in your own way, you will need blank paper, writing or drawing tools, information processing techniques; and what is called “The Study Landscape”:
''The Study Landscape''
* The Study Landscape is an environment in which you can feed on the fruits of knowledge: experts, books, images, Internet. Some will be available on-site; others you can find in the public library, or in the universities. There will be some standard medical books; and other material that you may find inspiring: or Video's, Audio Tapes, or Artwork. You are welcome to add your own material to the collection for the duration of the course.
''Learning Skills''
* To help you 'chew' your information most effectively, some general techniques will be presented for this purpose:
''Mind Maps, Outlining, Notebook, and Hypertext.''
* These are all simple techniques, and easily learned. They also represent ways in which our brain functions. So that in learning in these ways, you will not only be able to learn and remember more efficiently, with less effort. But you will also learn more about the way your body works, by learning in the way that your body works.
''Doodling & Notes''
* Note taking is the well known Left Brain way of dealing with information: it is set apart from reality, and analysed, prying it open, cutting it up. Compare it to the liver dissolving the food you ingest.
* On scrap pieces of paper, you can jot down lines of thought, that trail and trace the track your mind takes through the information. You can compare it to stringing a thread through a pearl. Of wisdom.
* Making Notes is simple, requiring only something to write with and a piece of paper. A6 size often is most convenient, as you can carry it around and can continue to keep collecting notes while walking around or waiting for a bus.
* Note Taking is “Immediate”, and 'On the Spot'. For archiving purposes it is helpful when you write down the date and place where you took the note; and give it a header to be able to know at a glance what the note is about.
* Where the left brain is handy with words, the right brain often is more at ease with images; you'll know yourself what you prefer. For making drawings, or Doodles, instead of Notes, you may wish to use larger pads of paper: A5 is often the smallest convenient size. (You can still carry it around to jot down what you perceive; at home you may want to elaborate it on sheets of A4, or even A3 sized paper.
* Outlines are lists of just titles. You start with a word; as a pivit for your line of thought. And instead of describing the tracks you take with your trains of thought, you only list the stations. Outlining is a very helpful technique to get overviews: with headers and sub-headers, you can quickly organise your thoughts, and find out what you know and wish to know. In the Outline form you can change your priorities, as you go along. And use them as 'clotheslines' to order your notes. They help tou string your ideas together in more general ways. Using outlines you can even (without really having to think much about it) organise your ideas in books. Which you can then use yourself, or make available to others.
* Most computer text editors nowadays have Outlining possibilities built in. This makes the reorganisation phases more simple still. On paper you can still do the same, by cutting & pasting what you know into a collage. (Scans/Photocopies, later, can turn this into quite beautiful texts.)
''Mind Maps''
* Mind Maps are the Right Brain Equivalent of Outlines: instead of putting ideas analytically one behind the other in a list, you spread them out on paper. The larger the paper, the more fun this can be: it gives you room to turn the whole experience into 'drawing': large scale diagrams, with lots of room to include brief notes and doodles, icons and images. While you go along, you can elaborate parts on different sheets; or reorganise the whole general 'picture' of 'what you see before you' on a new sheet. It is a very playful and interactive way of thinking (more so than the 'harvesting of notes'). It generally takes more time, but likewise immerses you more fully (and feelingly) into what you learn. The important aspect of Mind Maps is that they always make the relationships between your ideas clear. You see how what you know relates to whatever else you may (not) know.
* Nowadays Mind Mapping has become a quite standard technique; and there are computer programs that combine this colourful graphic pictorial approach of playing with your idea(l)s, with the use of Notes and Outlines. "Inspiration" ( is one of such programs, that is quite easy to use.
''Hyper Text''
* Hyper Text is, so to say, the Left Brain equivalent of a Mind Map. You can start with a collection of Notes, that you can organise in an Outline. By Book Marking the titles of your notes (a form of bookkeeping) you can use those titles as reference for other notes to connect up to. Then you can help yourself (thus all readers of the text) to see how one note relates to another (just as, in our body, all cells are linked to each other in some (maybe indirect) way).
* Again, computing has very practical tools for organising you notes in this way. HyperTexting is now a quite standard technique, for presenting information on the WWW. If you want to use Hyper Text in processing your notes, you may find it very easy to connect them up with notes that other make and presented in this form: hyper text links are the equivalent of Associations in our brain.

''4) Study Cases, Overview''

Sometimes it is stimulating to have some odd thoughts to inspire our thinking.
The following "cases" serve precisely this purpose.

Each presents a possibly real fictitious case, or real activity, by which you can come to understand the nature of your own body, in a different way.
Together they give you different perspectives to reconsider the same issue, our anatomy, from different angles to get better insight into the whole.

The following are simply proposals, helping you to find inspiration, to come to understand your own body in your own way. You are welcome to change these items, or add your own, as you like.
As you will find, it is the fascination of/for the body that stands central here.


This part contains the following topics.
A set of study cases, which help you get more insight into the working of your body.
You can change them or add your own, just as you like.
Each case describes its aims, and gives reference material to understand the isue more.


The following are the example Cases are presented to help you get a deeper insight in Anatomy:
|The Bean sprout |Plant a bean and see it sprout. |
|{Action} |Draw it; and see the relationship between the embryology of spine, skull (hemisphere lobes) and limbs (leaves) |
||If you 'plant' the beans on wet cotton you can more easily see the root 'under the soil'|

*Lawrence Edwards: The Vortex of Life
*Dan Winter: Alphabet of the Heart; Sacred Geometry: The Genesis in Principle of Language and Feeling
*Theodor Schwenck: Sensitive Chaos
*Netter: Ciba-Geigy Atlas of the Human Body
*Any library book on mechanics
*Any library book on bone anatomy
*Any library book on Anatomy
*Any encyclopaedia on comparative animal anatomy
*Any Encyclopaedia on Distillation factories, telephone and telecommunications systems, computing technology, forest symbiosis, landscape & climate characteristics, Ecology, Social Systems Development, and so on.
*Ludwig von Bertalanffy: General Systems Theory
*Any book on Geology
*Louis Kervran: Biological Transmutations
*Phil Callahan: Antennae in Nature
*Robert Becker: The Body Electric
*Erich Blechschmidt:
*Any Encyclopaedia on modern materials, and computing.
*Any encyclopaedia on Telephone systems.
*Any library book on neurology.
*Any books on Natural Philosophy
*Any books on nutrition
*Any books on psychology
*Hall & Hall: Voice Dialogue;
*Maxwell Maltz: Psychocybernetics
*Guyton: Physiology
|Blowing Bubbles|Blow soap bubbles|
|{Action} |(add some glycerine to get more stable bubbles)|
||See how the bubbles cluster in groups, and form clusters|
||See what 'cells' and 'organs' form |
||Compare this to the Morula|

|Leaning over the Bridge | Look down over the railing of a bridge into the wake of a bridge pillar. |
|{Observation} |Look for the flow forms and rhythms of our organs.|

|The Fruit Shop |Look at the fruits in a fruit shop. Collect some drawings or photographs of fruits.|
|{Observation} |Look for the similarities between fruits and our body/organs.|
||Examples: The pear shape of the uterus; the apple shape of the brain, the grape formation on the mammae,|

|1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Bones |Draw/make a stick model of an arm. |
|{Action} |See how it is composed of a series of 1, 2, 3, 4, to 5 bones. |
||See how end-'notches' are needed to connect the sticks, and rubber bands are needed to hold them in position.|
||See how, for the leg/foot, this is different/the same.|

|Crab, Snake, Fish, Chicken |At the fish shop, get a Crab, Eel, Trout. Also get a Chicken. |
|{Action} |See how each animal corresponds to some fundamental aspects of our body. |
||Steam each, to heat-dissolve the protein bonds. |
||Prepare the animals, removing the skin, studying it carefully, seeing how it is similar/different, from our own skin, and connective tissues within our body.|
||Prepare the muscle groups, and see how they are the same/different for each animal type.|
||Prepare the skeleton, keeping it intact, so you can compare them between the animals, and to our own skeleton.|
||Draw or photograph what you see. See how it represents a principle, that is seen also in our skeleton. |
||Guten appetit... |

|Body Chemistry |Design a 'Factory' that can create power, maintain hygiene, offer communication, and preserve integrity and form, all at the same time.|
|{Ponder This} |Now see that with all our understanding and technology we cannot do this; yet our body is it.|
||Goal of the exercise: to get appreciation and fascination for the simple effective complexity of our body functioning.|

    Agonists & Antagonists
    {Ponder This}
        · Muscles do not operate as Agonists and Antagonists, as if they are in continuous fight. No, they are part of System Circuits, coupling Feed-Forward and Feedback.
        · See how bones, sinews, muscles and nerves all form part of the same system.
        · See how pairs of Agonists and Antagonists are always related to other such pairs, in chains of muscles. The sinews and nerves show how they interconnect.
        Goal of the case: to understand the principles of systems theory, and how they govern all levels and aspects of our body.
    Hormonal Drive
    {Ponder This}
        · One Cell's Food is another Cell's Poison:
        · See how the secretions = excrement of one cell are used by other cells.
        · See how all cells are linked/timed in the food chain they share.
        · See how some cell excrement form our bones.
    The Frozen Fountain
        · Go and look at a fountain.
            · See how the flow of the water maintains a shape; and how wind fluctuations can (much) change the form.
        · Compare the fountain to Stalagmites and Stalactites: the fossilised shapes of the water evaporated from dripping water.
            · See how our bones are such deposits.
    Hairy Affairs
    {Ponder This}
        · Read an encyclopaedia description on the making of polyester fibres: strands are pulled from a liquid, to solidify by drying.
            · Compare this to the way our hairs are formed in the hair follicles; hair is an "extrusion product".
            · Compare it to the hardening of bird eggs. (e.g. chicken); and what happens when the hardening can not take place.
            · See the relevance of this, and how it is used in Hair/Nail Diagnosis.
            · See how this reflects the functioning of our body as a whole.
    Our Carapace
    {Ponder This}
        · What in your body is 'dead'
        · Bones, cartilage, hairs, and nails are not as 'dead' as it seems; and are relevant for our body in many different ways.
        · See how many animals have antennae or antlers or horns: what is the equivalent in us?
        · See how the structure of the bones is always maintained, by living cells.
    Our Ca Battery
    {Ponder this}
        · "Bones are Calcium Batteries". Some points to ponder:
        · · See how the bones are but one example of the way our body uses anything in many different ways at the same time:
        · The bones are shaped by the way we walk in nature; by piezo electric effects.
        · The bones are storage sites for calcium, needed by the cells, thus nerves, in being in contact with nature.
        · The bones provide support for the motion of muscles.
        · Bones 'crystallise' only after you are ca 14 years old.
        · Get some old bones from the butcher, preferably intact, from different animals. See how the different shapes suit the different locations, thus purposes, of the bones.
    {Ponder this}
        · Anatomists have dug up Skeletons, like artists did before them.
        · They have come to the view that the Body is a Skeleton, on which you find Muscles, that are fuelled by Organs, controlled by a Brain.
        · Medical history even shows this development: Surgery was the first form exercised by street barbers also working for the armies. Later Internal Medicine was developed, regarding the Organs. The Neurology was ‘made’. Recently followed by Psychology and Psychiatry.
        · There thus has been a gradual change from a materialistic to an information processor view of the body.
        · Somatic medicine has however not yet come to understand or appreciate this. An example of this is the way many doctors still regard bones: as suspenders for the muscles. This is clearly not the case.
    Bone is...
    {Ponder this}
        · · Shaped like gothic cathedrals
        · · Operates as transistor
        · · Is activated by Piezo-Electric effects
        · · As well organised and designed as a termite heap.
        It calls for a different view on the meaning of our skeleton; and a reconsideration of the mechanical views of medicine.
    Our Physical? Body
    {Ponder This}
        · Is our body Physical at all?
        · None of the materials of which it is composed are physical; most of the material in our body are more sophisticated than transistors (bone), semiconductors (nerve), intelligent gels (interstitial water, transducer-transponders (muscle). Bone, Blood and Bile are liquid crystals.
        · The term "physical" probably is rather meaningless for bodies like ours.
        · Materials like these are used nowadays in computers.
        · It is more logical to regard our body as a super computer, than a 'thing'.
    Loosing Logic
    {Ponder This}
        · When cells lose communication, they are 'on their own', and the Internal Food Chain (of information/material) becomes warped. Disease is the logical result."
    A Nervous Mess(age)
    {Ponder This}
        · The "Telephone System" of the body has its wiring, relay stations, information encoding engineering, and terminals. All of it is alive.
    Mineral, Vegetable, Animal, Human
        · All of these still exist within us; in Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit.
        · List some of the properties of Minerals, Plants, Animals and Humans
        · · See what in you is Mineral/Plant/Animal in nature still.
    Food for Thought.
    {Ponder This}
        · Do we need to eat?
        · What do we need to eat?
        · Can we eat anything and everything?
        · What food kills our body/mind/soul/spirit?
    Experience as Food
    {Ponder This}
        · Experience is a nutrient.
        · Our body needs work and rest as much as food and excretion. (Those are the first 4 reasons why a baby cries: cleaning, food, attention, rest.)
        · See how experiences are like foods; and what experiences feed you most.
    Our Body of Memories
    {Ponder This}
        · Acupuncture, Massage, laughter, crying, can all release blocked memories in the body; of you, your ancestors, your soul and the universe.
        · Understanding how memories are stored in the body, and can become blocked in the body, helps to understand how the mental body resembles the physical body. And how there is not just an 'Anatomy' of mind, but also a physiology and pathology. And that the mental body can have indigestion, inflammations, scars and tumours just like the physical body. Or is it that the physical body reflects the structure of the mental body?
    {Ponder This}
        · Digesting food, relationships, experience and life: see how Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit are essentially the same.
    Blood, Liquor, Lymph
    {Ponder This}
        · All of these still exist within us; in Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit.
        · List some of the properties of Minerals, Plants, Animals and Humans
        · See what in you is Mineral/Plant/Animal in nature still.
    The four levels of being
    {Ponder This}
        · There are many examples of related systems in our body.
        · Just to give some examples;
            · Body Rhythms: Blood, Air, Liquor. Lymph
            · Communication Processes: Physical, Chemical, Electro-Magnetic, Consciousness
            · Brain Functions: Cortical, Lymbic, Hippocampal, Medullar
            · Body Fluids: Gut, Arterial, Interstitial, Intracellular


Find some more examples; and see the underlying principle. 
[[Module 1]]
[[Module 2]]
[[Module 3]]
[[Module 4]]
''Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit''
Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit are all one, by the same principles as presented in Weekend 1.
From the point of view of Cosmology and Embryology (the creation of the Universe, and our body, by an entrained process), it is easiest to understand the abstract principles of phase space dynamics: Spirit (Phase Space) is then the origin from which Soul, Mind, and the Body are formed, in the same way as the void turned outside-in by the Big Bang, creating Cosmic Gas, fluid Stars and tangible Planets, like Earth.
This is also the perspective from which integrity, or love, can be understood as the basis of creation (and our being): all that we know and see is based on the same pattern of creation, and expresses this form. Recognising this principle makes it possible to restore that integrity (see Weekend 9) and ‘read’ its properties and characteristics in all physical forms, including our body (Weekend 6).
This means that we can look at the physical body as an expression of these principles of creation, and apply them (see Weekend 8) to achieve, catalyse, changes in our environment. This is possible because we experience our environment within us, through the contact/interaction we have with it via our interactions with it (Weekend 6), our ingestion of it (Weekend 4) and our sensations (Weekend 2)).

Our body is our most tangible manifestation. Our anatomy is the most definite expression of that. Yet, our Anatomy is only consequential to our Physiology, which is again based on our neurocrine regulations, which are determined by our “Psycho-cybernetics”: our ability to co-ordinate our internal state by our understanding of our environment. Life is an interactive process, as much so as the interplay between a river (spirit) and a bedding (body).
This course helps understand that our body is a bridge, between physics and metaphysics. It is at the same time connected with the manifest  tangible reality: the physical world. And it is connected with the immanifest intangible realisations from which it originated. Like our digestion shows: we integrate within our being the whole span from Big Bang through Gas Clouds and Star dynamics to Planetary Solid States. As seen in the digestion of solid food (mouth/physics) to fluid chyme (stomach/chemistry) to ionic suspension (duodenum/electromagnetism) into information (ileum/information integration).
This connection can be regarded as a bridge, between two realms (Body and Spirit) and two bridge heads (Mind and Body). Mind therein is the form correspondent with our physiology: it has dynamic (‘fluid’) characteristics, and can best be understood as a system of interwoven process cycles. This relates to the different types of reflexes, which will be described below. It also relates to the various forms of consciousness (experience) as will be also described. And it relates to the different states of being: the ‘altered states’ that are interwoven with our life.

Mind is a body in itself; formed by the same principles as our physical body, yet with another shape; just as ice has a different form than Water (or Vapour or Steam). Our mind, being composed of dynamic processes (as is the body) in dynamic interaction (unlike in the body: there they are more interlocked) is at the same time a reflection of the way in which our body repairs itself, and a means by which those repairs can be achieved: psychosomatic responses can be used in both directions: to understand how the body responds to unforeseen changes in our environment, and how we can “Mind our Body” (and life) and restore integrity within and around us.

There are two aspects of mind: our innate capacity for Minding, by which a baby learns to learn. This forms our mental constructs, by which we realise reality as we do. Indian tradition (which has extensively studied this aspect of our being) describes this as Arjuna and Krishna. Krishna is the unconscious, which is universal and general; and directly connected with the universe as a whole; in anatomical terms this could be considered to be the Spine. It is in touch with the general universal principles of creation as a whole: The forebrain, with specific local realisation, is a regulator for what we perceive. It is known as Arjuna: it focuses, and limits, our perception of reality as a whole, and regards our own individual perspective. (Yoga is the art of bringing both in balance: to enable us to experience both the individual specific local realisation, and the general universal principle/processes of creation).
In more practical terms, we can regard mind as the accumulation of experience: all our interactions with our environment are stored in our body. Like the limbs show, by the differences in joints from finger ([Fire] element) to wrist ([Air] element), to elbow ([Water] element) to shoulder/hip ([Earth] Element). We see the same as information enters into our body: what we experience around us is ‘data’, as soon as it enters the body cells it is translated into Code (frequencies), which, upon entering into the nerves are compressed (Fourier code), and finally, in the brain/body, stored in hologram form. The nature of our body (thus also the part known as the brain) is that of a hologram. It means that always the part relates to the whole.

''Learning = Ingesting information''
This same pattern can be seen in reflex aggregation: imagine an empty mind of a baby. Experiences enter into it, like specs of dust or sand on a beach. Over tine, it is realised that the grains of sand all have individual shapes, yet they there are patterns that can be discerned, thus recognised: this makes it possible to group the experiences in categories and types. Data acquires significance. Later it is possible to realise that even those groups have forms, internal relationships and characteristics, by which they can be compared to each other: relationships between the groups ‘come to view’. By this ‘relating in context, significance begets meaning. Finally it is possible for these patterns of groups of data, to be recignised with respect to the data from which it was composed: some of the data can thereby be used as a ‘handle’ to ‘carry’ the whole group: experience, significance and meaning then become combined in metaphor: Something an image of an object, can represent the principle by which it was formed.
Note that this is the same concept/process as was described for ingestion, in Weekend 3.
Thus means that four processes are involved: the experience, the interpretation (ingestion), the “grocking” (acquisition of meaning), and ‘normalisation’ (realisation). Realisation and reality are interwoven; and can only be distinguished by the result.
This again means that what we hold for real is a realisation; and its degree of reality can only be understood by knowing how we came to know what we know. It means that the knowledge we have must be related to the process of information organisation, which again must be related to the principle of (re)cognition, which again must be related to our processes and capacities for perception.
In other words: the role of our cells, organs and body, on our experience of reality, can not be ignored (as scientists often do). Or, in other terms: our knowledge is meaningless if what we think (structured knowledge) is not understood in terms of our thinking (fluid knowledge, as in our dream state), and if that again is not understood in terms of our thinking capacities (gaseous knowledge, flashes sof insight, intuition, and in altered state experiences), which again needs to be understood in the underlying universal processes of information processing (The universe as a whole, like our body) is an information process(or).

''Related Topics'':
* Dream states/altered states
* Meditation/contemplation
* Psychosomatic response/release; Memory discharge
* The Mental Body
|[[Module 1]] |||h
|[[Weekend 01]] |''Cosmology & Embryology'' | Creation| //Unity//|
|[[Weekend 02]] |''NeuroCrine-Immune System'' | Regulation| //Dualism// |
|[[Weekend 03]] |''(Patho)Physiology'' | Process| //Tri-lock//|
|[[Weekend 04]] |''Anatomy'' | Structure| //Phase-lock//|
|[[Weekend 05]] || (Self) Evaluation |
|[[Module 2]] | //Reading the Body like a Book// ||h
|[[Weekend 06]] |''Muscles & Bones'' |//Structure// |
|[[Weekend 07]] |''Blood & Organs'' |//Process// |
|[[Weekend 08]] |''Learning & Immunity'' |//Transformation// |
|[[Weekend 09]] |''Realisation & Health'' |//Integration// |
|[[Weekend 10]] | (Self) Evaluation - Organic Organisation |
| [[Module 3]] | "//Reading the Books//" ||h
|[[Weekend 14]] |''Information Integration'' and awareness system | //Information//|
|[[Weekend 13]] |''System Regulation''| //Transformation//|
|[[Weekend 12]] |''Physiology'' | //Variation//|
|[[Weekend 11]] |''Anatomy'' | //Manifestation//|
|[[Weekend 15]] | (Self) Evaluation |
|| //Critical Reading Skill Assessment// |
The purpose of this Module is to be able to reliably communicate your knowledge with others.

[[Critical Reading]]

[[Source Credentials]]
[[Profiteer Bias]]

[[Mind Maps]]
[[Searchable Notes]]

| [[Module 4]] | "//Writing your Book// ||h
|[[Weekend 11]] |''Anatomy'' | //State//|
|[[Weekend 12]] |''Physiology'' | //Process//|
|[[Weekend 13]] |''System Regulation''| //Transformation//|
|[[Weekend 14]] |''Information Integration'' and awareness system | //Integration//|
|[[Weekend 15]] | (Self) Evaluation ||
|| //Critical Professional Self Assessment// |
The purpose of this Module is to test and validate your knowledge by what is written in books.

[[Writing Styles]]
[[Spelling Check]]



|“Anatomy” | The Course Menu |h
|[[Module 1]]|"Telling Story Telling"|
|[[Module 2]]|"Reading the Body like a Book"|
|[[Module 3]]|"Reading Books about the Body"|
|[[Module 4]]|"Writing Your Story about our Body"|

The purpose of [[Module 1]] is to understand the oneness of our living body organ cells.
The purpose of [[Module 2]] is to realise that and houw all body 'parts' complement each other.
The purpose of [[Module 3]] is to test and validate your knowledge by what is written in books.
The purpose of [[Module 4]] is to be able to reliably communicate your knowledge with others.

|[[Module 1]]|| "//Stories//"|h
||[[Weekend 01]] |Cosmology & Embryology |
||[[Weekend 02]] |NeuroCrine-Immune System Regulation |
||[[Weekend 03]] |(Patho)Physiology Processes |
||[[Weekend 04]] |Anatomy Sructure |
||[[Weekend 05]] | (Self) Evaluation - Body Formation|
|[[Module 2]]|| "//Reading the Body like a Book//"|h
||[[Weekend 06]] |Muscles & Bones |
||[[Weekend 07]] |Blood & Organs |
||[[Weekend 08]] |Learning & Immunity |
||[[Weekend 09]] |Realisation & Health |
||[[Weekend 10]] | (Self) Evaluation - Organic Organisation|
|[[Module 3]]|| "Reading Books about the Body"|h
||[[Weekend 11]] |Anatomy |
||[[Weekend 12]] |Physiology |
||[[Weekend 13]] |System Regulation |
||[[Weekend 14]] |Information Integration |
||[[Weekend 15]] | (Self) Evaluation; Critical Reading Skill Assessment|
|[[Module 4]]|| "//Writing Your Story about our Body//"|h
||[[Weekend 16]] |Information Integration |
||[[Weekend 17]] |System Regulation|
||[[Weekend 18]] |Physiology |
||[[Weekend 19]] |Anatomy |
||[[Weekend 20]] | (Self) Evaluation; Critical Professional Self Assessment|
''Our Living Body''
''Anatomy Course''
|[[Modules]]||[[Module 3]]|[[Module 4]]|
''Our Living Body''
''Anatomy Course''
|[[Modules]]||[[Module 3]]|[[Module 4]]|

The following describes the integral [[Our Living Body Anatomy Course]] ([[OLBAC]]).
It is presented in 4 parts.
Each part proposes a different learning style, and its own educational technique.
The course follows the same principle as that of the development of our living body, from Baby to Child, Adolescent and Adult.

This is the same development as found in e.g. the learning of a new language (as the learning of Anatomy reflects).
This is described below at (1) the __conceptual__ level of the course organisation.
It is followed by (2) the __practical__ aspects: how the course is presented to invite participation/in­vol­vement.
*The __technical__ aspect (3) addresses what the participants do in pursuing the course’s 4 modules.
*The __experiential__ aspect (4) describes the intended outcome. 
!1. Conceptual
Module 1 presents a new and unusual vision: that of the emergence and existence of our living body as part of the universe as a whole.
Module 2 invites the participants to look for the general patterns presented in Module 1, and come to ‘read the living body as a book’, to come to understand it.
Module 3 proposes that the participants formulate their own understanding of the functioning and structure of our living body, as an integrated system with/in its context.
Module 4 requires that the participants develop an critical and reliable view of the way our living body functions and how its integrity can be maintained and explored.

!2. Practical
At a practical level, Module 1 confronts the participants with a series of ‘fairy tales’: stories that can be listened to and let soak in. As at this stage Anatomy is novel as form of understanding, it is not yet required that the participants master what is presented, but are familiarised with it notions and concepts.
Module 2 becomes more participational, and proposes the participants ‘riddles’ to invite their own involvement and enable the expression of their own excitement.
Module 3 proposes the participants ‘puzzles’: the question of how they can bring together what they have heard and come to grasp with what can be found in books.
Module 4 requests that the participants, together, produce a reliable ‘image’ of their understanding, and are able to share it with others.

!3. Technical
At the concrete level, the participants make their own notes, in their own way, during Module 1.
In Module 2 they prepare their questions and general understanding of the theme topic for the forthcoming meeting, and compile their notes in a more coherent structure.
In Module 3 each participant prepares theme studies on significant aspects of our living body, sharing their notes to, together, produce a rough ‘handbook’.
Module 4 bases itself on this ‘rough ‘n ready’ handbook to compare what it contains with what is found in the literature, to evaluate and analyse its content to ensure it is reliable and correct. During this phase the participants, in discussions with each other, also learn how to communicate this reliable understanding with others (training thereby in helping their future clients.

!4. Experiential
Module 1 is a ‘fairy tale’ experience, as in soaking in a bath of idea(l)s.
Module 2 is a playful exploration, combined with a guided tour.
Module 3 is the experience of a task force of explorers working together.
Module 4 is the presentation of reliable personal insight, shared with others.
Together all four Modules reflect a guided tour into an autonomy of personal understanding, and proper response-ability in dealing with the knowledge that is required in professional therapeutic practice. From (1) ‘passivity’, to (2) participation, to (3) interaction and (4) responsibility, each module contributes into the learning experience.

''[[Modules 1 & 2]] are designed to offer an integrated understanding of the human body''.

Module 1 unfolds the general picture: how:
1) Our human body emerges as one with the universe
2) its membranes separates and connects it with/in it
3) the body moves through the universe and vice versa
4) the body is composed of the same principles as its context
The evaluation weekend 5 helped to bring body learning in larger perspective.

Module 2 offers the possibility to understand these principles in regarding the body:
6) The balance between Process and State are seen reflected in the Muscle-Skeleton.
7) The incorporation of the environment in the body is seen in the Glandular regulatory system, which coordinates organ function
8) The same is seen in our capacity for learning, as shown in the Immune System
9) The dynamic and balance of Health and Healing are thereby understood on basis of the functioning structure of our body.
Weekend 10 is again an evaluation moment to relate the whole to the participants´ personal perspectives.

Where Modules 1 and 2 presented stories, in interaction with targeted design tasks for the group, Modules 3 and 4 pose questions, to build persons insight (Module 3) and reliable understanding (Module 4).

''[[Modules 3 & 4]] are designed to deepen these insights, to entice personal understanding and reliable communication''.

[[Modules 3 & 4]] have the same topics:
''1) [[Anatomy]]''
''2) [[Physiology]]''
''3) [[NeuroCrinology]]''
''4) [[PsychoImmunology]]''
The aim of Module 3 is to question and enhance one’s own understanding.
The aim of Module 4 is to question and establish the best way of communication.
The whole course is designed as a tool for training as [[Health Consultant]].
Understanding the body as a whole, in its context, is a key toward understanding the nature of health and the origin of disease.
For this, each culture has its own models, designed for the communication of insight.
All these models are different, and even seem to some to be in conflict with each other.
(They are not: they are merely attempts to describe the way we function, beyond our capacities to understand and describe.)

:Not the model is important, but the effective communication of the experience of one’s own of health and the understanding of the basis for emergence of disease. This is the basis for the design of Module 3 and Module 4.

Both Modules together help be able to realise that both transcend our normal understanding (respectively of ourselves, and our (dis)integration with-in our context) makes it possible to help clients realise how their health still exists while a transient state of disease signals their loss of integration within their context.

In [[Module 3]] these are regarded as identifiable aspects
In [[Module 4]] they are regarded in conjunction with each other.

*[[Module 3]] focuses on questions of understanding.
*[[Module 4]] focuses on case studies of application.
The Modules, and the course, are designed to help the participants develop their own learning capacity and understanding, alone and as a group.
As group members they can communicate with each other inside and outside of the course meetings.
[[OLBACAA]] (Our Living Body Anatomy Course Alumni Association) offers the means for group interaction via the Internet, via the Groove network.
This offers the group members also a resource for consulting each others in their practice as health consultant.

The end goal is therefore professional autonomy, and colleague support.

The course offers the means of form and content, group interaction for personal development to attain this goal.
The terminology is in accordance with the ''Nomina Anatomica''
(Fifth Edition, 11th int. Congres. of Anatomists, Mexico City 1980)
William & Wilkins, Baltimore/London, 1983
M.	Musculus (muscle)
Doubling of the final letter denotes plural
Terms appearing within (brackets) are commonly used alternatives	
M scalenus medius (scalenus medius muscle)
M. abductor digiti minirni (abductor digiti mininli muscle)
M. abductor pollicis brevis (abductor pollicis brevis muscle)
M. abductor pollicis longus (abductor pollicis longus muscle)
M. adductor longus (adductor longus muscle)
M. adductor pollicis, Caput transversum (transverse head of adductor pollicis muscle) 
M. biceps brachii (biceps brachii muscle)
M. biceps brachii, Caput breve (short head of biceps brachii muscle)
M. biceps brachii, Caput longum (long head of biceps brachil muscle)
M. brachialis (brachialis muscle)
M. brachioradialis (brachioradialis muscle)
M. buccinator (buccinator muscle)
M. coracobrachialis (coracobrachialis muscle)
M. deltoideus (deltoid muscle)
M. depressor anguli oris (depressor anguli oris muscle)
M. depressor labii inferioris (depressor labli inferioris muscle)
M. extensor carpi radialis longus (extensor carpi radialis longus muscle)
M. extensor digitorum brevis (extensor digitorum brevis muscle)
M. extensor digitorum longus (extensor digitorum longus muscle)
M. extensor hallucis brevis (extensor hallucis brevis muscle)
M. extensor hallucis longus (extensor hallucis longus muscle)
M. flexor carpi radialis (flexor carpi radialis muscle)
M. flexor carpi ulnaris (flexor carpi ulnaris muscle)
M. flexor digiti minini brevis (flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle)
M. flexor digitorum superficialis (flexor digitorum superficialis muscle)
M. flexor pollicis brevis (flexor pollicis brevis muscle)
M. gastrocnemius (gastrocnemius muscle)
M. gracilis (gracilis muscle)
M. iliacus (iliacus muscle)
M. iliacus (iliacus muscle)e.
M. latissimus dorsi (latissimus dorsi muscle)
M. levator labii superioris (levator labli superioris muscle)
M. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (levator labji superioris alaeque nasi muscle)
M. levator scapulae (levator scapulae muscle)
M. longus capitis (longus capitis muscle)
M. masseter (masseter muscle)
M. mentalis (mentalis muscle)
M. nasalis, Pars transversa (transverse part of nasalis muscle)
M. obliquus externus abdominis (external oblique muscle)
M. occipitofrontalis (occipitofrontalis muscle)
M. omohyoideus, Venter inferior (inferior belly of omohyoid muscle)
M. omohyoideus, Venter superior (superior belly of omohyoid muscle)
M. opponens digiti minimi (opponens digiti mininli muscle)
M. orbicularis oculi (orbicularis oculi muscle)
M. orbicularis oris (orbicularis oris muscle)
M. palmaris longus (palmaris longus muscle)
M. pectineus (pectineus muscle)
M. pectoralis major, Pars clavicularis (clavicular part of pectoralis major muscle)
M. pectoralis major, Pars sternocostalis (sternocostal part of pectoralis major muscle)
M. pectoralis minor sinister (left pectoralis minor muscle) 
M. peronaeus longus (peronaeus longus muscle)
M. procerus (procerus muscle)
M. pronator teres (pronator teres muscle)
M. psoas major (psoas major muscle)..
M. psoas minor (psoas minor muscle)..
M. pyramidalis (pyramidalis muscle)
M. quadratus lumborum (quadratus lumborum muscle)..
M. rectus abdommis (rectus abdommis muscle)
M. rectus femoris (rectus femoris muscle)
M. sartorius (sartorius muscle)
M. scalenus anterior (scalenus anterior muscle)
M. serratus anterior (serratus anterior muscle)
M. soleus (soleus muscle)
M. sternocleidomastoideus, Pars clavicularis (clavicular part of sternocleidomastoid muscle)
M. sternocleidomastoideus, Pars sternalis (sternal part of sternocleidomastoid muscle)
M. sternohyoideus (sternohyoid muscle)
M. sternothyroideus (sternothyroid muscle)
M. temporalis (temporalis muscle)
M. tensor fasciae latae. (tensor fasciae latae muscle)
M. tibialis anterior (tibialis anterior muscle)
M. trapezius (trapezius muscle)
M. triceps brachii (triceps brachii muscle)
M. vastus lateralis (vastus lateralis muscle)
M. vastus medialis (vastus medialis muscle)
M. zygomaticus major (zygomaticus major muscle)
M. zygomaticus minor (zygomaticus minor muscle)
Mm. intercostales externi (external intercostals muscles)
Mm. intercostales interni (internal intercostal muscles) 
Mm. lumbricales (lumbrical muscles)
Anatomical consultant: Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Klaus-U. Benner,
Department of Anatomy,; The Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich
The terminology is in accordance with the ''Nomina Anatomica''
(Fifth Edition, 11th int. Congres. of Anatomists, Mexico City 1980)
William & Wilkins, Baltimore/London, 1983
A.	Arteria (artery)
Art.	Articulatjo (joint)
Gi	Glandula (gland)
Lig.	Ligamentum (ligament)
M.	Musculus (muscle)
Proc.	Processus (process)
V.	Vena (vein)
Doubling of the final letter denotes plural
Key to locational signs
situated within upper abdomen	x
situated partially within upper abdomen	o
situated within lower abdomen	xx 
situated beneath pectoralis major muscle 	oo 
situated within thorax	xxx
situated within extra (retro/sub) peritoneal space	ooo
Terms appearing within (brackets) are commonly used alternatives	
Sutura coronalis (coronal suture)
Os frontale (frontal bone)
Proc. zygomaticus ossis frontalis (zygomatic process of frontal bone)
Os sphenoidale (sphenoid bone)
Os zygomaticum (zygomatic bone)
Arcus zygomaticus (zygomatic arch)
Os nasale (nasal bone)
Canalis opticus (optic canal)
Fissura orbitalis superior (superior orbital fissure)
Fissura orbitalis inferior (inferior orbital fissure)
Sinus sphenoidalis (sphenoidal sinus)
Sinus frontalis (frontal sinus)
Concha nasalis superior (superior nasal concha)
Concha nasalis media (middle nasal concha)
Concha nasalis inferior (inferior nasal concha)
Cavitas nasi (nasal cavity)
Os temporale (temporal bone)
Pars tympanica ossis temporalis (tympanic part of temporal bone)
Proc. mastoideus (mastoid process)
Mandibula (mandible)
Foramen infra-orbitale (infra-orbital foramen)
Maxilla (maxilla)
Angulus mandibulae (angle of mandible)
Ramus mandibulae (ramus of mandible)
Foramen mentale (mental foramen)
Caput mandibulae (head of mandible)

Proc. coronoideus mandibulae (coronoid process of mandible)
Atlas [Vertebra cervicalis I] (first cervical vertebra)
Axis [Vertebra cervicalis II] (second cervical vertebra)
Vertebra cervicalis III (third cervical vertebra)
Epiglottis (epiglottis)
Oesophagus (oesophagus)
Larynx (larynx)
Os hyoideum (hyoid bone)
Membrana thyrohyoidea (thyrohyoid membrane)
Cartilago thyroidea (thyroid cartilage)
V. jugularis interna (internal jugular vein)
A. carotis communis (common carotid artery)
Gl. thyroidea (thyroid gland)
Trachea (trachea)
V. brachiocephalica (brachiocephalic vein)
Truncus brachiocephalicus (brachiocephalic trunk)
Thymus (thymus)
A. subdavia (subdavian artery)
V. subdavia (subdavian vein)
Scapula (scapula)
Clavicula (clavicle)
Costa I (first rib)
Costa II (second rib)
Costa III (third rib)
Costa IV (fourth rib)
Costa V (fifth rib)
Costa VI (sixth rib)
Costa VII (seventh rib)
Costa VIII (eighth rib)
Costa IX (ninth rib)
Costa X (tenth rib) (eleventh and twelfth rib not visible)
Incisura jugularis sterni (jugular notch)
Manubrium sterni (manubrium)
Angulus sterni (sternal angle)
Corpus sterni (body of sternum)
Proc. xiphoideus (xiphoid process)
Arcus costalis (costal arch)
Lobus superior pulmonis (superior lobe of lung)
Lobus medius pulmonis (middle lobe of lung)
Lobus inferior pulmonis (inferior lobe of lung) 
Proc coracoideus (coracoid process)
Acrornion (acromion)
Tuberculum majus humeri (greater tuberde of humerus)
Tuberculum minus humeri (lesser tuberde of humerus)
Caput humeri (head of humerus)
Sulcus intertubercularis humeri (intertubercular groove of humerus)
Collum chirurgicum humeri (surgical neck of humerus)
M. pectoralis minor dexter (right pectoralis minor muscle)
A. axillaris (axillary artery)
V. axillaris (axillary vein)
A. circumfiexa humeri posterior (posterior humerical circumflex artery)
V. cephalica (cephalic vein)
Tuberositas deltoidea humeri (deltoid tuberosity of humerus)
Corpus humeri (shaft of humerus)

A. brachialis (brachial artery)
V. cephalica (cephalic vein)
V. basilica (basilic vein)
V. intermedia cephalica (intermedian cephalic vein)
V. intermedia cubiti (intermedian cubital vein)
Epicondylus medialis humeri (medial epicondyle of humerus)
Proc. coronoideus ulnae (coronoid process of ulna)
A. radialis (radial artery)
V. intermedia antebrachii (intermedian antebrachial vein)
V. basilica (basilic vein)
V. cephalica (cephalic vein)
V. cephalica accessoria (accessory cephalic vein)
Radius (radius)
V. radialis (radial vein)
A. ulnaris (ulnar artery)
V. ulnaris (ulnar vein)
Proc. styloideus radii (styloid process of radius)
Caput ulnae (head of ulna)
Ossa carpi [Ossa carpalia] (carpal bones)
Os metacarpale I dextrum (first metacarpal of right hand)
Os metacarpale V dextrum (fifth metacarpal of right hand)
Arcus palmaris profundus (deep palmar arterial arch)
Aa. metacarpales palmares (palmar metacarpal arteries)
A. princeps pollicis (princeps pollicis artery)
Ossa digitorum manus dextrae (phalanges of right hand)
Vv. digitales palmares (palmar digital veins)
Diaphragma (diaphragm).	x
V. cava inferior (inferior vena cava)	o
Pars abdominalis oesophagi (abdominal oesophagus).	x
GI. suprarenalis (suprarenal gland)	o ooo
Ren dexter et sinister (right and left kidneys)	o ooo
Pancreas (pancreas) 	o ooo
Ductus hepaticus communis (common hepatic duct).	x
Ductus cysticus (cystic duct).	x
Vesica biliaris [Vesica fellea] (gall bladder)	x
Pars cardiaca gastricum [Pars cardiaca ventricularis] (cardia of stomach).	x
Fundus gastricus [Fundus ventricularis] (fundus of stomach).	x
Corpus gastricum [Corpus ventriculare] (body of stomach).	x
Antrum pyloricum (pyloric antrum of stomach).	x
Canalis pyloricus (pyloric canal).	x
Pylorus (pylorus).	x
Duodenum (duodenum)	o ooo
Ureter dexter et sinister (right and left ureters).	xx ooo
V. cava inferior (inferior vena cava)	
Ureter dexter et sinister (right and left ureters)	
V. cava inferior (inferior vena cava)	
Pars abdominalis aortae (abdominal aorta)	
Aa. iliacae communes dextra et sinistra (right and left common iliac arteries)	
V. iliaca communis sinistra (left common iliac vein) .....	
V. iliaca interna dextra (right internal iliac vein)	
Aa. iliacae internae dextra et sinistra (right and left internal iliac arteries) .....	
Aa. iliacae externae dextra et sinistra (right and left external iliac arteries)	
Vv. iliacae externae dextra et sinistra (right and left external iliac veins) 	
Lobus hepatis dexter (right lobe of liver).	x

Lig. falciforme hepatis (falciform ligament of liver)	x
Lobus hepatis sinister (left lobe of liver).	x
Intestinum tenue (small intestine)..	xx
Appendix vermiformis (vermiform appendix)	xx
Colon ascendens - Intestinum crassum (ascending colon - large intestine)	xx ooo
Colon transversum - Intestinum crassum (transverse colon - large intestine)	xx
Colon descendens - Intestinum crassum (descending colon - large intestine)	xx ooo
Colon sigmoideum (sigmoid/pelvic colon)	xx
Vesica urinaria (urinary bladder)	xx ooo
Os sacrum [Os sacrale] (sacrum)	xx
Art. sacro - iliaca (sacroiliac joint)	xx
Crista iliaca (iliac crest of hip bone)	xx
Tuberculum iliacum (iliac tubercle of hip bone)	
Spina iliaca anterior superior (anterior superior iliac spine of hip bone)	
Spina iliaca anterior inferior (anterior inferior iliac spine of hip bone)	
Crista pubica (pubic crest of pelvis)
Caput ossis femoris (head of femur)
Trochanter major femoris (greater trochanter of femur)
Collum ossis femoris (neck of femur)
Linea intertrochanterica femoris (intertrochanteric line of femur)
Trochanter minor femoris (lesser trochanter of femur)
Corpus ossis femoris (shaft of femur)
A. femoralis (femoral artery)
V. femoralis (femoral vein)
A. profunda femoris (deep femoral artery)
A. femoralis (femoral artery)
V. saphena magna (great/long saphenous vein)
Ramus descendens a. circumflexae femoris lateralis (descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery)
A. descendens genicularis (descending genicular artery)
Rete articulare genus (articular rete of genicular artery)
Ramus articularis a. descendentis genicularis (articular branch of descending genicular artery)
A. superior medialis genus (medial superior genicular artery)
A. superior lateralis genus  (lateral superior genicular artery)
Tuberculum adductorium ossis femoris (adductor tubercle of femur)
Epicondylus lateralis ossis femoris (lateral epicondyle of femur)
Patella (patella)
V. poplitea (popliteal vein)
V. saphena parva (small/short saphenous vein)
Epicondylus medialis ossis femoris (medial epicondyle of femur)
Eminentia intercondylaris (intercondylar eminence)
Ramus saphenus a. descendentis genicularis (saphenous branch of descending genicular artery)
A. inferior lateralis genus (lateral inferior genicular artery)
Condylus lateralis tibiae (lateral condyle of tibia)
Condylus medialis tibiae (medial condyle of tibia).
A. inferior medialis genus (medial inferior genicular artery)
Caput fibulae (head of fibula)
A. recurrens tibialis anterior (anterior tibial recurrent artery)
Ramus circumfiexus fibularis a. tibialis posterioris (circumflex branch of posterior tibial artery)
Collum fibulae (neck of fibula)
Tuberositas tibiae (tibial tuberosity)
Fibula (fibula)
Tibia (tibia)
A. tibialis anterior (anterior tibial artery)

Malleolus lateralis fibulae (lateral malleolus of fibula)
Malleolus medialis tibiae (medial malleolus of tibia)
Talus dexter (talus of right foot)
Ossa tarsi dextra (tarsals of right foot)
A. arcuata (arcuate artery)
Os metatarsale I dextrum (first metatarsal of right foot)
Os metatarsale V dextrum (fifth metatarsal of right foot)
Arcus venosus dorsalis pedis et Vv. digitales dorsales pedis (dorsal venous arch and digital veins)
Ossa digitorum [Phalanges] pedis dextri (phalanges of right foot)
M. occipitofrontalis (occipitofrontalis muscle)
M. procerus (procerus muscle)
Lig. palpebrale mediale (medial palpebral ligament)
M. orbicularis oculi (orbicularis oculi muscle)
M. temporalis (temporalis muscle)
M. nasalis, Pars transversa (transverse part of nasalis muscle)
M. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (levator labji superioris alaeque nasi muscle)
M. levator labii superioris (levator labli superioris muscle)
M. zygomaticus minor (zygomaticus minor muscle)
M. zygomaticus major (zygomaticus major muscle)
M. orbicularis oris (orbicularis oris muscle)
M. buccinator (buccinator muscle)
M. masseter (masseter muscle)
M. mentalis (mentalis muscle)
M. depressor labii inferioris (depressor labli inferioris muscle)
M. depressor anguli oris (depressor anguli oris muscle)
Corpus ossis hyoidei (body of hyoid bone)
M. omohyoideus, Venter superior (superior belly of omohyoid muscle)
M. longus capitis (longus capitis muscle)
M. sternohyoideus (sternohyoid muscle)
M. sternothyroideus (sternothyroid muscle)
M. sternocleidomastoideus, Pars sternalis (sternal part of sternocleidomastoid muscle)
M. sternocleidomastoideus, Pars clavicularis (clavicular part of sternocleidomastoid muscle)
M. scalenus anterior (scalenus anterior muscle)
M scalenus medius (scalenus medius muscle)
M. levator scapulae (levator scapulae muscle)
M. omohyoideus, Venter inferior (inferior belly of omohyoid muscle)
M. trapezius (trapezius muscle)
M. deltoideus (deltoid muscle)
M. pectoralis major, Pars clavicularis (clavicular part of pectoralis major muscle)
M. pectoralis major, Pars sternocostalis (sternocostal part of pectoralis major muscle)
M. pectoralis minor sinister (left pectoralis minor muscle) 	oo
Proc. coracoideus (coracoid process) 	oo
M. serratus anterior (serratus anterior muscle)
M. obliquus externus abdominis (external oblique muscle)
M. rectus abdommis (rectus abdommis muscle)
M. pyramidalis (pyramidalis muscle)
Mm. intercostales interni (internal intercostal muscles) 
Mm. intercostales externi (external intercostals muscles)
V. Cava superios (superior vena cava)
Valva Aortae et Aorta Ascendens (aortic valve of the heart and ascending aorta)
A. Pulmonalis Sinistra (lest pulmonary artery)
Vv. pulmonales sinistrae (left pulmonary venes)
Auricula Dextris Cordis (right auricle of the heart )
Atrium Sinistrum Cordis (left atrium of heart)

Valva Trunci Pulmonaris (pulmonary valve of heart)
Valva Atrioventricularis sinistra [Valva Mitralis, Bicuspidalis] (mitral valve of heart)
Ventriculus dexter cordis (right ventricle of heart)
Ventriculus sinister cordis (left ventricle of heart)
Septum interventriculare, Pars muscularis {muscular interventricular septum of heart)
Bronchus principalis sinister (left principal bronchus)
Bronchus lobaris superior sinister, Ramus superior (superior branch of superior lobar bronchus of left lung)
Bronchus lingularis superior [BIVJ (superior lingular bronchus of left lung)...
Bronchus lobaris inferior sinister (inferior lobar bronchus of left lung) ... 
M. coracobrachialis (coracobrachialis muscle)
M. biceps brachii, Caput breve (short head of biceps brachii muscle)
M. biceps brachii, Caput longum (long head of biceps brachil muscle)
M. latissimus dorsi (latissimus dorsi muscle)
M. triceps brachii (triceps brachii muscle)
M. biceps brachii (biceps brachii muscle)
M. brachialis (brachialis muscle)
Epicondylus medialis humeri (medial epicondyle of humerus)
Tendo musculi bicipitis brachii (tendon of biceps brachli muscle)
Aponeurosis musculi bicipitis brachli (bicipital aponeurosis)
M. pronator teres (pronator teres muscle)
M. extensor carpi radialis longus (extensor carpi radialis longus muscle)
M. flexor carpi radialis (flexor carpi radialis muscle)
M. brachioradialis (brachioradialis muscle)
M. palmaris longus (palmaris longus muscle)
M. flexor carpi ulnaris (flexor carpi ulnaris muscle)
M. abductor pollicis longus (abductor pollicis longus muscle)
M. flexor digitorum superficialis (flexor digitorum superficialis muscle)
Retinaculum flexorum (flexor retinaculum)
M. abductor digiti minirni (abductor digiti mininli muscle)
M. flexor digiti minini brevis (flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle)
M. opponens digiti minimi (opponens digiti mininli muscle)
Tendo musculi flexoris digitorum superficialis (tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle)
M. flexor pollicis brevis (flexor pollicis brevis muscle)
M. abductor pollicis brevis (abductor pollicis brevis muscle)
Mm. lumbricales (lumbrical muscles)
M. adductor pollicis, Caput transversum (transverse head of adductor pollicis muscle) 
Tendo m. flexor pollicis longi (tendon of flexor pofficis longus muscle)
Intersectiones tendineae (tendinous intersections)
Aponeurosis m. obliqui externi abdominis (aponeurosis of external oblique muscle)
Lig. inguinale (inguinal ligament)
Funiculus spermaticus (spermatic cord)
M. pectineus (pectineus muscle)
M. iliacus (iliacus muscle)
M. tensor fasciae latae. (tensor fasciae latae muscle)
M. adductor longus (adductor longus muscle)
M. sartorius (sartorius muscle)
M. gracilis (gracilis muscle)
M. rectus femoris (rectus femoris muscle)
M. vastus lateralis (vastus lateralis muscle)
M. vastus medialis (vastus medialis muscle)
Tractus iliotibialis fasciae latae (iliotibial tract of fascia lata)
Lig. patellae (ligamentum patellae)
M. gastrocnemius (gastrocnemius muscle)

M. tibialis anterior (tibialis anterior muscle)
M. peronaeus longus (peronaeus longus muscle)
M. soleus (soleus muscle)
M. extensor digitorum longus (extensor digitorum longus muscle)
M. extensor hallucis longus (extensor hallucis longus muscle)
M. extensor hallucis brevis (extensor hallucis brevis muscle)
M. extensor digitorum brevis (extensor digitorum brevis muscle)
M. psoas minor (psoas minor muscle)..
M. psoas major (psoas major muscle)..
M. quadratus lumborum (quadratus lumborum muscle)..
M. iliacus (iliacus muscle)e.
Anatomical consultant: Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Klaus - U. Benner,
Department of Anatomy, The Ludwig - Maximilian University, Munich
'OLBAC' = [[Our Living Body Anatomy Course]]
'OLBACAA' = [[Our Living Body Anatomy Course Allumni Association|Allumni Association]]
Organic Integrity
The Organs of the Body
Organic Homework 
Organic Integrity

''The Relative Position of this Weekend in respect to the course''.
Weekend 3 explained how food is absorbed in the gut; and transformed into Blood. 
The Blood feeds the body; and is therewith a central organ. The other organs are secondary to the maintenance of its quantity and quality. Each of the organs contributes a part of the ‘spectrum’, by which the inverse transformation of ‘food absorption’ takes place: debris excretion.
This means that the organs, that were regarded (in Weekend three) with respect to the gut, and with respect to the blood, are now regarded with respect to the outside world, and how they function as Filters, toward the environment.
The property of Filtering is very important in this, and is separately discussed. It is also presented implicitly, by comparing the organs: each of the organs represents part of a transformation cycle; they all operate by the same principles (filtering) yet each does it in a slightly different way.
In this the same principles are seen as in Weekend 1: the laws of creation, and manifestation of phase, up to the formation of different forms of matter. And the principles of Weekend 3 are clear: the transformation across the interface. This connects it to Weekend 2”the principle of communication. Together it leads to an understanding of the core of Weekend 4: seeing that this leads to a body composed of different material phases, and forms.

''Different types of Organs''
Although there are many different organs; the body as a whole is in fact but one organ. And each organ performs part of an overall task, in which organ needs all other organs. What is commonly seen as different types of organs, can be much more practically regarded as different Aspects of the Same organ.
In this way, what is seen in each organ, is seen also in all other organs. They all transform information; each of them does (in part) the same transformation as seen in the Gut, and Blood (Weekend 3). Where in the gut, physics => chemistry => electromagnetism => informatics, likewise each organ accounts for a part of the relationship between the inside of the body and the outside.
Each organ offers part of the transformation; this means that there is a very strong similarity between all organs, in their function, and structure. As is seen also in their embryologic origin. Each organ, still, performs the same functions as seen in the first cell (preservation of integrity), the first two cells (interaction and communication) after the First Cleavage Division, the first 3, 4 cells after the Second Cleavage Division (Choice and operating alternatives, shunts). Now the same is seen as the general principle after the 3rd Cleavage Division: the maintenance of the balance of the Inside and Outside, of the cell, body, and each organ.

By regarding all organs as expressions of the same principle, it is much more simple, and easy, to see how they all interrelate. This helps to see the relationship between the Organs in a ‘Western’ (somatic) anatomic point of view, and from an “Eastern’ (physiologic) perspective, or “Far Eastern’ regulatory approach. The integration of these approaches can be seen in Systems Theory (where object, process, catalysis and integration are aspects of the same essence). It can be visually represented by a Möbius loop, in which the inside and outside are always connected: this is the function of each organ in/for the body as a whole.

''Body Materials''
The principles of the 4 Elements {Weekend 1}, Co-ordination {Weekend 2}, and the 4 -Seas {Weekend 3} are now seen again, as the structural, process, transformational and integrative aspect of our body. What has been regarded as the relationships between anatomy, physiology, NeuroCrine regulation and PsychoCybernetics (a.k.a. Body, Mind, Souls and Spirit) is now seen in the composition of the body: solid, liquid glass and plasma. And in the relationship between Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit/
This calls for a discussion of the body materials; and the relationships between the main constituents: H, C, O and N. (They are mutually related in the same way as SORC, in the cybernetic diagram discussed in Weekend 2.)
Solids, like bone, turn out to be based on liquids, like blood, which are based on ionic materials, such as Na+, K+, Cl-, H+, which means that (no)free electrons are at the basis of our bodily being.

''The Weekend Work Plan''
Weekend 4 starts with an Introduction, and 'Exam', as (by now) 'usual'.
The Friday again gives an overview of the core concepts of the weekend: the main theme is that of the Möbius Loop. One is made, and studied, by folding a strip of paper.
This in hand, it is then possible to recapitulate the findings of Weekend 3 (The Gut, The Blood) and the way they represent Unity on/of the body. This is then taken up for all organs.
The organs are 'introduced', in broad scale/scope terms, and regarded in their relationship to the body, the ' circulation', their (transformative) shape and function, and characteristics of their cells.
The nature of their cells, understood in terms of the Zygote, is then again taken up as a handle to maintain a view of the body as a whole. 

!All organs are one organ

''The body is one organ''
The organs of the body can best be seen as only one organ.
Evidently this is an unusual view: so many textbooks make so much work of dissecting description of separate organs.
Yet this view is more helpful: it helps to see the similarities and differences between organs; and to understand how they all interrelate.
For seeing the organs as one integral unit, there are some old models that are of excellent use.

''Myths of Organs''
For most anatomical doctors, the relationship between the organs, and e.g. Buddhist deities, Olympics gods, the Meridians, or the dissections of Osiris are not clear.
Yet, realising that the Greek gods of the Olympus, the astrological Mandala, the meridian system, and thus Osiris’ ‘organs’, all are in essence the same, makes it possible to use each model to relate all organs to each other.
The Buddhist or Greek Deities are more helpful to understand how the organs, i.e. mood states, are defined and interact. The Meridians help to understand that these (and thus the organs) are all expressions of Phase.
Yet the astrological mandala, with its geometric simple structure, is more practical to understand that all organs are in fact one.

''Astrological Mandala''
The astrological Mandala described a Total System Inversion. The 4 Element cycles is a transmutation of phase.
This transformation is the same as shown and seen in Weekend 3, in regarding the Gut and the Blood. In the Gut, it was seen how food was decomposed (from physics to chemistry to electromagnetics to (super) photonics, i.e. different (degrees of freedom) of phase).
This is the same as the Alchemical phase system inversal, where a Closed System and Open System are related, by regarding the crossing of the (separating) boundary through which they connect.
The astrological mandala likewise represents a total system inversion (from (Aquarius) a seed to germ to sprout to seedling, pot plant, garden plant and flower (Leo), to a fruit, ripening, falling, carried elsewhere, being planted again as a seed in the soil.

''Möbius Loop''
The image of the astrological mandala is that of a 4 phase Möbius belt: each next phase is the inverse of the ones before and after; while the one opposed is its inverse yet again.
In this way, each of the organs reflects the same principle as seen in the gut: each relates the body to its environment. Some of the organs are solely internal (e.g. the liver), others are fully 'external' (e.g. the lungs); yet others a mixture of both (e.g gall bladder and gut).
By regarding the phase transitions AND phase transformations, it is clear that each organ represents an interfacing in itself.
Just as the Gut (and the blood) represent one full transforMutation cycle, so the organs, together, too determine how the body 'turns itself inside out'. (Active Dynamic Interfacing.)

''Maintenance of Integration by Inversion''
This inversion is seen in the organ-ic function. E.g. the lungs, external to us, use the body rhythms to pump air in-and out (cf. the gut: passing through).
The double relationship, between the organs as Inner and Outer, is reflected in the representation of Traditional Oriental Medicine, known as the 5 Elements: external are the organs for storage and elimination. Internal are the (Perput) organs for internal circulation transformation.
The essence of the organs is best seen in looking at the first cell: the inner and outer processes, of nuclear elements and the membrane, are still the principle by which all organs are (all together) in essence one organ.
This is also seen in The Gut: it is not only the organ in and by which the contact with the environment is intimately maintained, but it is, itself, formed by what it does.

''Pattern Recognition''
Described in a different way: what is seen in the gut, as the passage of food into the gut, and through the gut into the body, is seen in the organs in their role of creating the gut, and the essence by which it maintained.
Perhaps the last is helped by regarding what happened: the food that passes into the gut, is decomposed from physics to chemistry to ions to information, from which the body is built. This was described in Weekend 3.
The passage of the food through the gut is described by the principles of dynamic systems, as was described in Weekend 2.
The passage through the gut (from mouth to anus) is orthogonal to the transport through the gut, from lumen to body. There is yet another flow of material, orthogonal again to the previous flow, by which the gut is created from materials brought in by the blood. (With another flow, orthogonal again, from the gut tissue spaces into the cells).

''Organs, Gut, Blood, and Body are in essence the same''
The blood is thus in a sense a mirror of the gut: what goes through the gut later goes through the blood, feeding the gut (with material coming from Earth).
The relationship between the gut and blood was illustrated in Weekend 3. What is seen now is that the organs (already briefly discussed in weekend 3), are 'the inverse of the blood': they , together, form the system by which the blood is maintained (the Internal Food Flow), from which they are all maintained.
The organs together thus 'mirror' the blood (the gut, mentioned above, is but one example in case). (Realise that hair, nails, bone and collagens are excreted by the body/organ/cells).
The gut, organs and blood are an integral unit(y), reflecting the environment in which we live (as described in Weekend 1).

''Holographic Perspective''
The organs, and body as a whole, are still but an expression of our first body cell, as see 'turned inside out' thereby also reflecting the cosmology in/from/by/with which we were 'made'.

!The Möbius Loop

''The Core Idea''
The simplest way to regard all body organs is as a Möbius Loop.
The Möbius Loop is anything in which the inside and the outside are one, connected, interrelated. Separate yet connected (the theme of Weekend 1).
It is often represented by a strip of paper, folded over once, and the ends stuck together, end-to-end.
In a Möbius Strip the inside is always connected to the outside, even though it is difficult to point out where the one goes  into the other. When studied in detail, Every part is a part where the inside connects to the outside.

''Inside = Outside''
This is the case also in the organs: every organ, no matter how deeply 'inside', is at the same time Outside. Every organ, no matte how 'superficial', is always a connection to the inside of the body.
In this respect all organs, together, are but one System (Weekend 2).
Together they perform the same 'inside-out' (or rather: Outside-In) transformation as was seen (Weekend 3) for the gut (over the length of the gut: physics >- Chemistry >- EM >- Fields); and (in an inversed form), in the blood.
By keeping in mind that all of the organs, like all of the body, represents a pattern of 'total system inversion', many relationships can become clear, which otherwise can not be seen.

“''Total System Inversion''”
The 'sameness' of all organs is seen inn e.g. the 'doubleness' that they share (in the double sense of the word).
They not only reflect a connection between inside and outside, by also a symmetry, by the 'folding' of the body.
Embryologically, the body is a 'tube' (mineral, plant stem, tube) folded inside out {Lawrence Edwards}. This has the same effect as two rivers meeting, or chafing: it leads to whorls and curls. The same is seen in the wake of an aeroplane: the Mach Conic of the Sonic Boom is an example of this. This 'folding over' is seen in the symmetry of the organs: the brain hemispheres, the lung halves, the 'two' kidneys, and the two lobes of liver and pancreas (and the whole body: the palatal cleft, or harelip, is an example of non-closure of the body folding over upon itself.

''The Möbius Loop''
The idea of the Möbius Loop is seen in the ensemble of all organs; together (as was already shown in the gut {Weekend 3)) they perform a 'total system inversion': connecting inside-out.
Each of the organs does the same: connecting the inside with the outside; while also being connected by the blood, and to the gut (thus the 'outside' of the body, as 'witnessed' 'inside).

Recognising that, and how, all organs are themselves Möbius loops, how all organs together form a Möbius loop, and how each cell of each organ forms a Möbius loop, helps understand the simplicity of the body cell complex.
It is the recognition of this principle that helps understand the body as a whologram, in which each part reflects, still, the whole. And how therein understanding each part helps healing the whole.

!The organs of the body

''Transformation in Perspective''
The body as a whole has the same principal properties as the 1st cell: it is the Universe in Inverse. All of the body is based on the concept of Total System Inversion; and every part (thus every organ, and every organ cell) is an expression of this.
Each Organ expresses properties contained, already, in the 1st cell. The properties of each organ are the same as that of the body: it relates the part to the whole.
Each organ, cell, and molecule or atom expresses the concept involved: interfacing. This was already explained in weekend 1 (the principle), weekend 2 the interfacing dynamics) and weekend 3 (the expression of choice). This weekend focuses on the resulting Form of interaction.
Each organ is an expression of this transformation; of which each forms an (essential) part; and they (all together) form as a whole. (“Forming” is indeed formation, in formation, of information.)

''Perspective in Transformation''
It is possible to regard the body organs from different perspectives, and see them as related differently as a result.
This corresponds with what was said in Weekend 2: the Systems Theoretical Perspective, that the (anatomic) Object, the (physiologic) process, the (neurocrine) Regulation and (Psycho-Cybernetic) integration are all relevant at the same time.
In looking at the organs as anatomical objects, different patterns (and even organs) can be 'seen' than by regarding their process-connections, interacting regulation, and integrity preservation. (Bert Verveen has addressed this issue and discussed thus perspective.)
Due to limitations in Languaging, we can not address all at the same time (yet), so you are invited to make up your own mind as to how you see that the organs relate, for the purposes (of integration/healing) that you have in mind.

''Describing Transitions''
What would be helpful, but is currently lacking, is insight in the interactive embryogenesis of the organs themselves; including their mutual cross-regulation. It is thus not easy to find descriptions on how and why the organs take the forms, and functions, that they have.
It would be helpful also to have a complete physiologic processing insight, as to how all organs co-create the body process(ing) as a whole. Again, such information is lacking, and what is existing, is severely incomplete.
Also it would be essential, to understand the joint role of the Organs as Filters, in which each interfaces with its (and the body inner/outer) environment, thereby together creating the network of transformer circuits by which the body is defiined and maintained.
It means that it would be practical to understand each organ as a process(or), in which the inner and outer body state/dynamics are created and maintained.

''Transcending Medical Models''
This is a level where medical doctors do not operate nor think; which is a pity. By seeing how each organ reflects an information process (of Integral System Inversion), and by understanding how each organ synergises with others in complex-yet-simple, quite logical ways, the body can be understood as an integral information process.
This (albeit abstract) understanding makes it possible to regard the organs as information transformation circuits by which their functioning and operational integration can be understood.
From this (call it mathematical logical) approach, much can be gained: the organic functioning or organs can be understood in terms of (phase) information processing (by which the body is formed and maintained); which is also the level at which the material/physical and informational/mental aspects of each organ can be understood in the same terms.
It is this kind of information/function understanding that is absent (at present) in somatic medicine, but found (in each their own form) in Ayur Vedic, Acupuncture and Shamanic forms of healing. It is the ease to understand the organs in terms of psychological and social interactions, which opens up their significance as references for healing of relationships and cultures, as well as bodies and minds.

''Psychic Medicine''
This knowledge has been long and well understood: the descriptions of the deities of man religions are expressions of the organs, or rather, of the Interfacing Functions that they represent.
For example, the Greek gods, and the pantheon of astrology, is a logical description of an integrity transformation, by which a system can 'turn inside out' (which is more than 'just around', as many astrologers regard what they do.)
Also, the Buddhist Deities, and Bardo trans-states, are directly related to the organs, and the mental capacities (of identification and dis-identification, integration and disintegration) that they represent.
This understanding is seen clearly, also, in the Taoist Acupuncture descriptions, in which the organ and mental/soul states are all described in the same way and terms. (Cybernetic logic of interfacing processing.)

''Transcendental Medicine''
So, looking at the organs as 'physical objects' misses out on what they, really, are: reality/realisation information processors: elements in a network of circuits. (Each representing a property and capacity of interfacing itself.)
What is required also is the interpretation of organs as parts in a metabolic food chain, which like a river and a bedding (or fountain, or tornado) is formed by the dynamics it conveys.
Also, it is necessary to realise that all organs together form the integral network, by which the body (integrity) is maintained; thus that each organ modulates and moderates each and all organs in that 'hoop'.

Finally, the organs are part representation of a process of creation, by which our body, and life experience, is defined and maintained; by properties they (thus we) share with our environment, in Nature.

With this in mind, please consider what you know of the body, and organs, and see how and why you discern organs and their functions.
!The main Organs; rough draft

In weekend 4 the system of transformation was presented: as the break-down 'vortex' of food in/to/by the gut, as the same, in the form of the recycling of the quality of blood, and in looking at the role of Rhythm (peristalsis, Arterial/Heart Beat, coupled with breathing and deep body pulsations) in the inner/outer circulation (by which the inner and outer food chain are linked, and the integrity of our body (in our environment) is preserved.
This weekend looks at that transformation more closely: as Integration: the maintenance of the balance of the body in its environment (and inverse)
In weekend 3, it was seen how the environment was incorporated into the body (by regarding the gut). Likewise it was seen how the body maintains itself in different environments (by regarding the blood).
Now this is regarded in greater detail: by realising that the gut and the blood organs all have the same function: membranes for transformation. More relevant still: together they form a system for integration.
What is seen in the Gut as a continuous transformation (and method for integration of the food into the blood), is seen in more discrete form in the other organs. Together they deal with the same continuum, as seen in the gut. Together they for a complementarity that is seen in the cycle of regeneration of blood.
How they work together and complement each other can be seen by 'zooming in' on these organs: seeing how they relate to the blood. This can be seen in the forms they take; and in the difference of the types of cells.
The following liiks at each of these organs as membranes; because that is what they all are. Each filters the blood, just as does the gut. And each makes our blood relationship to our environment clear in its own way. Together they form the pieces of the puzzle by which the integrity of the whole (and the principle of integration) can be seen.

Unlike in the previous weekends, the forms now start to play a role. The forms of the organs (aroun the blood); the forms of the cells (processing the blood) and the forms of the molecules (forming the blood). The principles of Weekend 1 (unity), Weekend 2 (community), and Weekend 3 (transformation) are now brought together in the specific form of the Interfacing that each organ provides.

We will look at all the organs again, in the same way as was done in Weekend 3. But now by, not their function, but by the shape they take for their function. Each will be shown with a sketch of the organ, blood flow, cell type and typical molecules. Together this gives an overview into the way these functions relate, thus integrate.
As for the cell function and structure, it may be helpful to remember that the flowers of plants can be used to tell families apart. Please look at the cells in this way; as if lowers of plants, to appreciate what samenesses and differences they reflect.

!Getting a Feeling for your Organs

|Aspect	|Traits|
|Form	|An organ as large as your hand, (and as thick as two folded together), that is formed around the through flow of blood |
|Location	||
|Cell structure	|Hexagonal |
|Main Molecules	||

|Aspect	|Traits|
|Form	|A fist-sized organ, formed around the through flow of blood |
|Location	||
|Cell structure	||
|Main Molecules||	

|Aspect	|Traits|
|Form	|an organ about the size of your hand with the fingers put together. |
|Location	||
|Cell structure	||
|Main Molecules	||


|Aspect	|Traits |
|Form	|A set of two organs about the size of your cupped hand |
|Location	||
|Cell structure	||
|Main Molecules	||

The size of two fists together

''General Considerations''

The Pancreas and its insulin interact with the body fats, which form a body system on their own; like the blood it has no organised form. Unlike the blood it is not one continuous 'object', but a system composed of separate locations.

''Arteries and veins''
Arteries form the membrane encapsulating the organ Blood; it is not passive, but active. There seems to be a Japanese study that showed that a anastomosis of the veins onto the arteries, led the blood circulation increase. The arteries have their own muscles and sensorial system. And can probably better be regarded as an organ on their own.

The Heart is a hollow organ composed of 7 layers; each of which has a different direction of its fibres {}. Together they form a system comprising the 7 spin axes of a tetrahedron; which are the 7 directions of atomic spin in quantum theory. Important is that the hear stops the blood flow 72 times a minute; due to the heart shape {Victor Schauberger) this amounts to an implosion-like motion, in which the large scale flow affects molecular and atomic co-ordination. As a ballerina contracting her outstretched arms, this will increase the spin rate. Together with the electrical polarisation wave of the heart this suggests that there may be an organ=specific directed 'spin charge put on the blood in the heart.

The Pericardium plays aa role as a focussing organ in this processs; the vibrations in the blood, in the heart, are related by electromagnetic fields, and phonon and photon resonance, to the Thymus and Brain, and other organs. The Heart Rate Variability has been shown to be connected to our life attitude and our contact with other people. This integrative aspect may explain the role of the pericardium in the Chinese Meridian System.

''Endocrine glands''
The endocrine and exocrine glands can (for the blood) be regarded as a group. The blood is carrier of their secretions (normal cell proteins and enzymes), to which some other cells are so well attuned and responsive that they have been called hormones. There are other large molecules, now generalised as Pigments, which play an important role in the body metabolism of light, for thisch the blood is a conductor. (Compare it to a fibre optics cable.) All of the endocrine glands are interconnected in their function; some of these are centred in the electromagnetic organ called the brain. (The brain itself if a bloodless organ; separated from the body by the blood brain barrier; just as the interstitium of the body). Many of these hormones are important for the preservation of the quality of the blood.

The quantity of the blood is regulated by the kidney; which regulates the quality too. The Kidney, like the other organs, shows the filtering quality on/for blood: a physical filtering, a chemical selection, an electromagnetic separation, and even an atomic recycling take place, showing the same here as seen in the Gut: our body is able to direct and control the whole range of alchemical transmutations (from solids to physics to ion gas to atoms/plasma).

The bladder is already on the outside of the body: one does not need to cross a membrane to get into it from the outside. It is a storage sac, in which the continuous drip of kidney filtration is accumulated, until it can be discharged in the Outside World. The bladder, like the gall bladder, marks the distinction between animals and plants. Plants have an ongoing excretion (evaporation); animals will excrete only in specific places. At these moments the vegetative system regulates bladder control. Normally the places where the urination (and/or defecation) takes place is carefully selected: urine and faeces (and menstrual blood) contain, thus are, powerful nutrients from which many plants (and thus animals) can benefit.

''Gall Bladder''
The Gall bladder likewise is a sack that accumulates the steady drip of the kidney, and stores it until it is discharged into the 'Outer World'. In this case, into the gut; when the food is internalised into the body in the duodenum.

Another important detoxification organ (like the liver (chemical), spleen (physical), kidney (ionic/electrolytes)) is seen in the lungs: the main system for CO2 discharge; and (paramagnetic) Oxygen restoration. Like the intestine it has an immense surface, obtained by convolution. Like the other organs, it uses multiple layers to perform its filter unction. In this case, it is best seen as an osmotic membrane: a physical sheet that allows for chemical exchanges. (and is able to deal with large temperature and humidity changes).

Bone is the main system for calcium storage; necessary to replenish the blood for cells activation. It is thereby intimately connected with the nerves and glands (e.g. parathyroid gland).

Nerves is the principal system that regulated the arterial rhythms, and heart pulsation, thus co-ordinates the flow of the blood ( in many small animals the heart, when cut out of the body, will continue to beat by itself, but will no change its rhythms as circumstances change (other than ionisation and temperature etc.)

!The Organs

The Body is the Organ
The following is an incomplete list of the body organs.
It is incomplete, because it depends on how you look at the body, what you see.

Is the brain an organ? Or is it a set of interwoven ‘organs’? Is the brain a ‘standalone’, or is it simply the whole of all organs, ‘seen in inverse’? The brain regulates (not, ‘controls’) many, if not most, if not all, of the body functions. (Is there any organ that does not?)
The brain is in a sense an amplifier: some of its parts, or organelles, are clusters of cells regulating the body as a whole; what happens here is amplified in the body. (The thalamus and hypothalamus are examples of this.) There are more functions and properties to the brain than are at present known or understood.
Although the brain is essential in understanding how body regulation works, it is not dealt with extensively in this course, as for all practical purposes it can not be addressed directly itself; only via our body and our behaviour.
For those who desire this, a special course on the brain can be presented, dealing not just with the functional neuro-crine anatomy/embryology, but also addressing the various level of consciousness, their role and ways of addressing them.

''The Glands''
The body contains a series of interconnected glands; they together form a cascade, in the sense that what happens at any one level affects all further levels. (This reflects a ‘memory’ function of the body.)
These crucial glands are, in somatic medicine, not seen, thus not understood, as an Organ as such. They are regarded, thus seen, as ‘separate’, while they are clearly interconnected (because interrelating).
Clearer descriptions on this interactive regulatory system is found in the descriptions on the Chackras, at the basis of Ayr Vedic, Acupuncture and Shamanic forms of healing. It is recommended that you explore those writings and interpret them as physical and metaphysical at the same time.
That this glandular system is quite important in our life is seen in e.g. the gonadal system, for sexual expression. As advertising shows, this is a main motivator for life/time experience, and is best understood as such. As is the case for all endocrine organs.

''The Blood''
Although the Blood is not usually considered to be a ‘separate’ organ, indeed it has its own cell types, its own membrane (the arteries), its own endocrine and neurologic controls, and its own quality control and maintenance system (shared with all other organs).
The precise nature of the Blood organ is as yet quite unclear: some are said to have shown that blood is formed in the gut; others believe that it is formed in the bone. Some elements of it are ‘made’ in the liver.
The Spleen filters it for mechanical reliability, the Kidneys do the same for its chemical reliability, the liver does  the same for its enzymatic (transformational) capacities, and  the brain (and other organs) ensure its functional environ-ment/state.
By realising that the blood is an organ, many of the more subtle and integrative properties of the body/organs become more clear.

''The Gut''
Although not generally understood to be one single organ, the Gut is one continuous system with the Skin, Lungs, and(genital) Ducts. It is the surface that covers the body (outside and inside), and thereby regulates and determines our contact with the world. (in a sense, in essence, it is the “integumen”, or interface, filter, that determines our contact with the world, others, and thus ourselves (and our body).
The gut, itself, has already been introduced in weekend 3; and is understood to start with the eyes (sight) and ears (hearing) and nose (smell), essential for finding food. Tongue and lips, teeth and jaws then create the first distinction between what we take in and ‘spit out’; the oesophagus helps to make that distinction. Stomach, Duodenum, Ileum (small intestine) and Colon (large intestine) are one continuous system in/by which ingestion takes place. (In this process, physical food it converted into chemical nutrients, that are split into electric ions, and probably photonic spectra, which we ingest; as Weekend 3 pointed out.) The Sigmoid is a ‘spacer’ akin to the oesophagus, while the Anus is a sphincter, with regulatory roles akin to the lips of the mouth. (The pylorus and Houston Valve perform similar ‘timing roles’ within the gut.)
As was shown in Weekend 3, the gut interior is exterior to the body. What is taken into the gut must be dissolved ‘into ions’ (and photons?) to be absorbed into the body. At that level the gut is ‘continuous’ with all the organs, which can best been regarded simultaneously (instead of linearly) with respect to their role for the body. It is the property of step-down-transformation that is seen in the gut that is also seen in the blood (but then as a circular system) as weekend 3 showed. (CAVE: do thus not regard the ‘listing’ of organs, as described in this section, as ‘separate from each other’, but rather like instruments in/of an orchestra, which perform best when all used together (yet not at the same time …).) 
The Gut, like the skin, extends ‘into’ the body via the ducts of the glands. The system of Ducts can be ‘seen’ as a ‘separate’ organ, with shared properties in/of that system), yet this is not commonly done in somatic medical schooling. Yet bear in mind that, by thinking in this way, you can see more inter-relationships, thus coherence, in/of the body than anatomic physical medicine can provide.

''The Skin''
Although rarely regarded as such, the skin is a separate organ. Or perhaps, like the brain, gut and blood, a composite of various organs. As you will have experienced: different parts of the body offer different functions, different sensitivities, different reactions to the environment and different responses to your feelings.

By regarding the Skin as an organ, it is easier to see how all other organs too possess properties like the skin: that parts of them may have different sensitivities and responses than other parts; and that they not only react to your contact with the environment (e.g. via what you eat), but also to the way that you feel.
The skin also shows you properties that in your (inner) organs you can not perceive: blushing, paling, hardening, softening, freckles, pimples, pimples and sores, discolourations and variations of texture. By realising that all organs are in fact one system, you can even see how systemic detoxification, or nutrition, can be seen in/to/’through’ the skin. This helps to obtain a better understanding of the difference in organs under maturation and ageing, physical and mental duress or relaxation, and sexual gender distinctions. (as for baboons, the vulva and scrotum can show changes in coloration to reflect e.g. the hormonal cycles, or (the aureola of the nipples) sexual maturation). In fact: observing the skin shows a reflection of the total synergy of all organs.
This can be understood more explicitly too: the skin is indicator for organ dysfunction. Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, Black and White skin, for example, show the effects of resp. the liver, blood, lungs, immune system, skin and brain/kidneys. Likewise turgor, or skin hydration, reflects a composite of endocrine and body fluid balance.
Scaling of the skin, an ongoing process, is again characteristic for all organs, and by seeing it here can be understood also elsewhere. In short, by regarding the skin as an organ, you are more able to regard all organs also as ‘the skin’; and to look at the skin for signs of the organ; which is a great help for understanding the body as a whole.

The lungs, like the skin, are a large ‘Exchange Surface’. The lung is not simply the surface, but also the function: the rib cage, the muscles, the neurocrine control and cellular maintenance all form part of this system.
The lung is also a rhythm (which interacts with that of the blood, gut and all cells). Regulating respiration affects not just the breathing, and gas-saturation, but also the body as a whole: cell oxygenation, and cell rhythms of attunement.
The lung is also a transformation: gas is in ‘direct’ contact with the blood (via 5 layers of cells). Not just the cells but also their degrees of porosity, surface moisture (surfactant) and temperature (regulation) play a direct role in the way the blood and atmosphere mingle and mix.
The lungs represent the capacity of membrane transitions (addressed also, in principle, in Weekend 2). It is this property of interfacing for which the lungs are clear indicators, as seen in the (blue/white/red) skin, and vitality as a whole. The input of gasses into the blood (see above), and output of gasses out from the lungs, reflect principles seen in every cell.

''Kidneys, and Bladder''
Where the lungs regulate the gas content (quality and quantity) in the blood, the Kidneys relate to the quantity and quality of the fluids. Essentially it regulates the body water (‘of life’) and uses physical (membrane), chemical (molecular), ionic (atomic) and information (elements) filters to ‘pump out’ water and retain nutrients and solids; it is a recycling-regulation station.
As any organ, the kidneys operate at a physical, chemical, electromagnetic and photonic (information) level, i.e. they process vibrations of motion (pulsation rhythms), sound, radio waves and light. Which affects also their environment (thus also the body).
The shape of the kidneys presumably reflect this principle, and thus these vibrations, with a focus determined by its shape; as is the same for all organs. The Kidney shows by its specific function the (filtering) dynamics that are seen in all organs, and the body as system as a whole.
The Kidneys are teamed up with the bladder (just as the Lives stores it bile in the gall bladder): this regulates the release into the environment. Body fluids that are no longer useful to us, may be very valuable indeed for plants, and nature (due to their hormone, salt and vitamineral contents).

Where the Kidneys are an output filter, the lungs and interfacing filter, (the Pancreas a throughput filter), the Liver is an Input Filter. It determines the quality composition of the blood, thus body, thus organs.
The liver ‘straddles’ the blood: it ‘rides’ the flow of blood from the gut, it ‘drives’ the flow of blood from the spleen, and it ‘feeds’ the flows of blood to the brain and organs. As such it is an excellent example of the role of flows of blood in the body, and how understanding the system of arteries helps to understand how the body communes (see Weekend 2).
The Liver is an ‘analytic’ organ, functioning as a ‘refinery’ or ‘distillation process’, analysing products (and their quality/quantity proportions) while synthesising others. These are properties seen in any cell, and any organ: the liver helps to see ‘best’ how this takes place.
As with the Kidney, the outflow of the liver, into the environment (other than blood) takes place via a bladder (the gall bladder). This stores trickles of secretion, and releases is ‘on an as-needed basis’. This is what is seen in all secerning (excreting) organs (even the skin, lungs, and gut, thus blood).

The processes and principle of secretion is perhaps seen ‘best’ in the pancreas; in its way it reflects how the body changes, by what happens to the body. In a sense it reflects the changes of the body (integrity) itself. (This is why above it was referred to as reflecting the throughput. See Weekend 2.)

The pancreas secretes saps so powerful that they can dissolve, digest, the organ itself (as is the case when e.g. pancreatic ‘stones’ block the outflow). The principle of secretion of enzymes (as seen also e.g. in the liver) is an amplification of the properties and capacities of each/every cell.
Pancreatic sap secretion and release is regulated by what happens in the body: the quantity (amount) and quality (type) of food that you eat. This (see weekend 3) is already regulated by what you see and smell and taste (“Ku Qi”), as is the functioning of all of your organs (and being).
The shape and location of the pancreas (again, as for all organs) reflects the role that it performs: its function is part of the overall process and principle of transformation; and best seen/regarded as such. (Again, account for all types of vibration: light, radio, sound and motion, i.e. information, electromagnetic, chemical and physical responses.

The spleen is perhaps the most physical of al filters; at least, that is how it is ‘seen’ (by somatic doctors). It decidedly operates by electromagnetic and photonic principles, of information integration, and thus also functions as chemical system, yet is regarded as the organ that ‘simply squeezes the red blood cells, which tears the ones that can no longer hold themselves together.
This mechanical view is carried forth in the image that the shredded red blood cell membrane parts are conveyed (by blood) to the liver, where they are recycled by being recomposed and decomposed, i.a. as in the gall/bile. (Which is a detergent to ‘soap’ up the food that you eat, for better digestion, in the duodenum.)
The direct relationship between the spleen and liver is seen also in the skin: jaundice of the skin often implies that the recycling (internal digestion) of the blood (cells) is incomplete. Too many red blood cells are broken down, more than the liver can handle, due to which the skin (and thus body) turns yellow.
This interconnectedness between organs is exemplary for the interconnectedness of all organs, by what they secrete and ingest (together forming the Internal Food Chain, see Weekend 1).

''Bladder &''
''Gall Bladder''
Regulation is part of communication; the flows between organs are networks of loops of feedback and feed-forward. The flows are pulsed, as rhythms; some of those rhythms are cached (i.e stored) creating larger rhythms. (Compare it to a gourd resounding the sound of a sitar string). The rhythms are not just shared between organs, but also between bodies (Heartlink) and with Nature (The Vortex of Life).
All organs share heir rhythms, the pulsations of the heart are most poetically known (or described); those of the lungs more prosaically. The rumbling of the gut is called ‘ominous’ and the sounds of the other organs ignored; yet sound, and all forms of vibration, form part of organic communication.

Communication has to do with entrainment: bridging rhythms, cf. pushing swings: one system briefly connects to another, by which a link between them is maintained. In this way the gall bladder and bladder, releasing saps into the environment resp. the body, are exemplary for the rhythms of secretion of all organs/cells.
Regulation of the rhythm is important, and the Bladder and Gall are examples for the whole systems of nervous and endocrine communication, by which a tonus is maintained, or saps are released. The Bladder and Gall bladder (like i.a. the womb and the stomach) are not mere ‘inflatable rubber sacks’, but representations of the overall system of body rhythm regulation, and thus communication.

The stomach too is a sack; releasing saps. It is regulated by a sphincter, as are all/most ‘sacks’. The Pylorus, is an example of process flow regulation; similar gauge rings are found in the Houston Valve, Papilla of Vater (of the gall bladder and pancreas), anus and lips. Even the Tuba, the passage for the zygote to the womb, has such a ‘ring pass not’) Each has different characteristics of flow control, yet the essence is the same.
The Stomach also shows how each organ secretes its saps ‘according to specification’: what you eat and see, drink and smell, determines what juices are secreted by the stomach; compare it to the instruments of an orchestra, together composing a song; or a chef combining food into a meal.
The stomach also shows (as seen in ‘the pancreas’, that it must deal and cope with what it secretes. The stomach juices that help digest the meat in the stomach, must yet not digest the stomach itself.
As with the guts, and the skin, it is i.a. the shedding of cells that protects the stomach ‘against its own onslaught’. The diseases of the stomach (and gut) are most often diseases of rhythm; i.e. loss of entrainment (thus integration) into the environment. As is the case for ‘all/most’ organs.

The duodenum is yet another part of the stomach; as are the Ileum, Colon and appendix. In the duodenum the same is seen as in the mouth: the passage is carefully regulated. Also, the food here is ‘chewed’, not by teeth, but by a shuttle motion, tossing the mush to and fro, mixing it with the juices from Gall and Pancreas, to dissolve it ‘from chemical to ions’, as discussed in Weekend 3.

And so on; please continue this overview yourself.

!The Gut

This was a listing of the organs, seen as membranes, in their functioning of the preservation of the quantity/quality of your blood.
The following looks at the same transformation, now in the gut, and compares the difference in the gut membrane, function, secretions and motions along the length of the gut.
Each element of the gut is important for the transformation of food into the body; and of the transformation of the body into food (manure).
This description of the Gut will be followed by a description of the same concept, as seen in the Blood. After that the Organs will be describe to show how they all, together, describe the same transformation of the body inside-out.

''The Principle of the gut''
The gut conveys food through the body.
In its passage through the body, the food stays outside of the body, yet is transformed from physics to chemistry to electromagnetics to information.
Each part of the gut contributes to this; by the same principle as found in the blood, all organs, and each organ (e.g. the endocrine organ).









''Transformation Cascade''
All of the gut is, and remains outside of the body. The segments of the gut represent a transition from inside to outside: lips and anus are external, mouth and sigmoid are more inward, oesophagus and colon, stomach and appendix, are more and more inward, with duodenum and small intestine as innermost segments (with the meeting point of the gall bladder and pancreas there where they join.
This same principle of inversion, transformation, is seen in all the organs, and the endocrine system.


The Bladder is a container in which the steady drip of fluids by the kidney is collected.
Having a bladder makes it possible to ‘be on the move’, the urine can be discharged in a place of choice.
For many animals this is a way to maintain in contact, or signalling presence, in the form of ‘scent flags’. Humans do not make much use of the ability to ‘sniff each other out in that way.
The urine is a very powerful fluid, containing many minerals and hormones that are meaningful to Earth, plants, animals and ourselves. (Urea is a substances used i.a in curing cancer; drinking one’s own urine is a standard therapy in Ayur Veda.)

The bladder is located behind the pubic bone, at the lowest front end of the body.
The ureter and urethra provide the inflow and outflow of urine; there are two Ureters, one from each kidney. (The kidneys together form one organ; as two organs they offer the body more ‘back up’ in case accidents hurt or harm a kidney.
The outflow through the urethra is longer in the man (through the penis) than for the woman (via the vagina); this can make women more prone to bladder infection.
The content of the bladder is under nervous regulation; sphincter control can be learned only when the nervous system has sufficiently matured.

The Bladder is a simple organ; a sack intended to collect body fluids for depositing in Nature (at the right point at the right time, in the right way for the right purpose)
Problems of the Bladder are most often based on infections (bacterial and viral) and their consequences. Solution is most often by (organic) disinfectants.
Physical reduction of outflow can result to deposit of minerals from the urine: blocking the outflow they can cause colic’s (strong pain due to build-up of pressure). Sound wave fragmentation of these ‘stones’ can be of great help.
Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine, as in laughing or coughing, or weakening of the sphincter muscle (often in aged people to soon potty-trained as a child).




Bone can serve as example of the maintenance cycle of an organ:

When we walk, the compression of the walking creates a piezo-electric effect.
The piezo electric effect is a property of some materials: copression squezzes electrons out of the substance.
By the piezoelectric effect the bone and body are energised.
This energification is used to empowed bone regeneration, and body activity, including that of the nerves.
As a result, it is possible to walk with better aim, be more alert and aware, and more effective in motion.
As a result it is possible to find (smell, see, select) fruits in nature and eat them.
These are then incorporated into the body through the gut; and transformed from solid to fluid to ion vapour and electrons.
By which e.g. calcium is taken into the body, from the blood in the goot, to the cells and the bone.
Calcium is found in the bone and blood, used in (e.g nerve) cell membranes and recycled by organs (e.g. the kidney).
It means that the bone is not made of calcium, but is ('solid') part of a calcium cycle, which contains also the 'fluid', 'gaseous', and 'plasma'phases.
In fact: calcium in the bone is calcium-apatite; bone has two aspect: one brittle and hard, one subbery and pliable. Together they function as a transistor.
With this understanding it is not logical to 'replenish calcium loss'(as e.g. in osteoporosis): when the calsium is lost, it is not because of loss of calcium, but because the cycle dumps calcium from its storage: any imbalance of the calcium cycle can be involved in this (and silica suppletion may help the body: it can be converted into calcium by transmutation (Luois Kervraan}.

Calcium is but one example of atom metabolism cycles; in this case more specific for the cell membranes and bone. (Likewise there are cycles involving cell nuclei, such as Na, and K, or cell cores like H+.)

!Gall Bladder

''Anatomic Location''
The Gall Bladder is a pears shaped (3 layered) muscular sack (cf. Uterus), storing bile salts that are secreted from the liver. (7,5 x 3 [cm], 

''Physiologic Position''
Liver Bile is a water fluid; in the Gall Bladder it is thickened to become mucous. It contains bile salts, proteins, cholesterol, hormones, and enzymes.
Bile serves to help emulsify (digest) cholesterol rich foods (eggs, fats).

''Neurocrine Placement''
Bile promotes peristalsis and absorption by the intestine; and discharge body cholesterol (ca 80% recycled).

''Integral function''
Bile forms part of the Red Blood Cell recycling (involving Spleen and Liver).

When bile flow is obstructed (immobilised/obesity/pregnancy) the bilirubin, cholesterol and calcium in the bile fluid may precipitate and solidify, blocking bile outflow, and build up of pressure (colic’s). This can cause inflammation, which can back-lash into the liver and cause cirrhosis.


The heart is a hollow organ, like the bladder and gall bladder.
The pronounced difference is that the heart is more muscular; and what is seen in e.g. the Bladder, Gall Bladder, Pylorus and the lips, is found throughout the heart.
The rhythm too is different: where the bladder holds and releases its tensions in part according to your travels and reliefs, the gall bladder according to your rhythm of feeding, the heart pumps on average 72 beats/minute throughout your life.
The rhythm of the heart is extensively regulated, by the heart, the brain, and basically all organs.

The heart initially forms from a hollow tube, at the end of the blastocyst. This is the point of maximum amplitude, where pulsations are found even from before the heart has been formed.
In the early development, the heart forms a loop, looping back on itself. By this shape, blood is stopped in its flow, and put back in motion, ca. 72 beats/minute. It is assumed that (due to the shell like heart shape), the 'stopping' of the blood 'feeds it with spin'.
It can be speculated that the spin of the blood (selectively) feeds into the organs; the 7 layers of hear muscle are (presumably) important in that.
The (venous) blood from the body and the (arterial/oxygenated) blood from the lungs is both squirted out (into the lungs, resp. into the aorta) at the same rhythm and rate.

The heart feeds itself by blood for oxygenation; just as is the case for all organs. The vessels for thus are part of the heart muscle itself; the out-flow of the blood pressurises its own circulation. (Shortage of thus circulation causes 'cardiac attack': lack of oxygen starves the muscle, causing cramps, and interfering with the hearths function),
The heart rhythm is regulated by the Bundle of Hiss; anatomically indiscernible, these muscle cells relay electricity (comparable to nerves), to bring an electric charge from the sinus (in the region of the venous inflow, where sensors monitor the heart 'fullness') to the area where the muscles initiate their contraction.
Contraction itself flows 'from muscle cell to muscle cell', as waves on an ocean; by this the heart contracts in the 'shape' of its form, squeezing the blood out (like a contraction of a fist, small fingers first).
The heart responds to (molecules, ions and atoms, and) our feelings as much as to what we thing, want and are; conflicts of thoughts, feelings and desires can interfere with its optimal rhythms, rhythm disturbances can be caused by this.

The heart beats throughout your life; as you are well aware it reflects your experience of stress and strain, mentally and emotionally (for the body those are, often, not ‘different’.
As the heart beat is so customary, it is often no longer noticed; unless sensations are changes such as in shock, pain, swelling or deep relaxation.
Pain in the heart often represents mental-emotional conflict (as it is under both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous ‘control’).
Breathing exercises, music (esp. singing) , movement (esp dancing) and relaxation are some of many ways to exercise the heart.


Like the brain, lungs and liver, the kidneys have two halves, bean-shaped, which together form one organ for blood purification.
Chinese and Indian medicine regard the two kidneys as complementary. (Yinn and yang; cf. The Right Brain versus the Left Brain )
Blood is filtered through the kidneys; through Bowden’s Capsule and Henle’s Loop.
Together this provides a filtering at a physical, chemical, electromagnetic and even atomic level

!Large Intestine



''Anatomical Location''
The liver lies on the right side of your body, just behind the ribs, on the front side
When you lie your left hand wrist over your breastbone, and the little finger along the lower edge of the ribs, with the fingers pointing to your right side: your hand covers your liver.
If you then put your right hand over your left hand you get a better image of what it looks like, behind the ribs: it is larger on the right than on the left.
Internally, the liver is composed of two main lobes (cf .’2 kidneys packed into one’, cf. Brain ‘The Hemispheres’. ). Within each lobe it is formed as lobules, around the blood pathways. The portal tracts, with blood from the gut, and hepatic vein channels. The liver serves as an interface between the two. (cf. air exchange in the lungs.) (These are in planes perpendicular to each other (see Weeekend 1).)
The liver lies in the abdominal cavity, just below the diaphragm, which means that it moves along with every breath you take.

''Physiological Location''
The liver processes many body elements (proteins, sugars/carbohydrates/fats), and stores vitamins and minerals.
It also indirectly regulates functions of the Gall Bladder, processes the output of the  Spleen (destructing old blood cells), regulates blood volume, and regulates body balance (detoxification). Bile production is approx. 900 [ml/day].
The Liver has two sources of blood supply: 1) arterial: from the Aorta via the Celiac Artery, 2) venous from the Portal Vein, which leads the blood from the gut (intestines and spleen)to the liver, and from there onward (via the hepatic veins toward to the interiour vena cava, that feeds into the right side of the Heart. Blood flow through the liver ~ 1,4 [l/min]. Flow is from the portal vein to the hepatic vein (and depends on the relative blood pressure).
The connection of the liver to the body system is at the hepatic fissure *the cleft where arteries and bile ducts connect into the liver, and where the liver halves fuse) Internally the liver is a large exchange surface.
The liver is one of the main heat producing organs of the body; it is responsible for much of your body heat. (Realise that the body temperature is not a constant, but varies from organ to organ and cell to cell).

''Neurocrine ‘Location’''
The liver processes many precursors of hormones and brain function
Liver output is regulates by the sphincter of Oddi, at the (duodenal) end of the Ampulla of Vater (the fusion of the Bile duct (from the liver) and the pancreatic duct, just before in inflow of the saps into the duodenum,
Nerve branches to the Liver stem from the left & right Vagus Nerve (N10), and Phrenic Nerve (diaphragm/pericardium activation).
Lymph nodes are concentrated around the connection point of the liver to the body.

''Integrative role''
Embryologically, the Liver appears as an outgrowth of the Duodenum.
Liver Cells (“hepatocytes”) are polyhedral (cf. bee hive), have a nucleus, and reproduce by mitosis. The ‘surface’ of the liver lobules contains Kupfer Cells, capable of phagocytosis (elimination of alien organisms). They also produce antibodies, and help in blood formation.
Hepatocytes have more metabolic function than any other body cells. E.g. bilirubin is metabolised in the endoplasmic reticulum (a large internal cell ‘network’) Secretions are formed most by the Golgi apparatus. (The liver thereby exemplifies the function of the Golgi Apparatus; see Weekend 2).

Glycogen (for sugar metabolism)
Copper, iron
Vit_ A, many of the B-complex, B12, D
Blood (10% of body supply).

Hormones: steroids, estrogens, …


Toxins (heavy metal salts, atropine, strychnine, salicylates, …)



The lungs offer air ventilation: this regulates i.a. the acidity of the blood. Carbon Monoxide is exhaled, oxygen is inhaled (this is in part the same/inverse of in plants (night/day).
The lungs' is a paired organ (like e.g. the kidneys and brain); part of the lungs are fused (at the upper half), and part of it is apart.
As in the brain (and, for Chinese medicine, the kidneys); the two parts are mot the same: the left part shares chest space with the heart; the right lung uses its space alone.
The movement of the lungs (ca. 4 breaths/minute) relates to overall body movement, as does the heart.

The Lungs are a large exchange surface; it is comparable to the heart in having a regular rhythm, and comparable to the (gall) bladder (and uterus) in connecting to the environment.
The lungs, like the brain, liver and kidneys, is a double organ. The air ducts divide, again and again, 'in the shape of a tree' (be it that this 'tree' is composed of hollow tubes.
The functional area of the tree is the alveoli, small 'half open balloons' that form the lung surface.
The motion of the lungs comes not from the lungs, but the muscles around it: diaphragm, intercostal muscles (between the ribs) and even throat and neck muscles, and those of the nose.

Lung function depends on the thoracic (chest) muscles; body movement 'sets the tone' for their function.
Lung exchange depends on 'surfactant' (a tension regulating 'detergent'; cf. the bile liquid's role for the gut.
Lung integrity depends on integrity of the skin surface; microbial cleansing is part of the lung function (with remarkable effectivity, considering that the lung is 'inside-out skin'.
Surface integrity of the trachea (main air duct) is maintained by a coating of mucous; flushed out (to the throat) by the vibration of hairs (cilia). Coughing is a means to help keep that passageway open.

The lungs are easily felt, in all of our breathing.
Because breathing is a life long ongoing event, this is not always consciously noticed.
Breathing Exercises, such as {Prana-Yama, offer a powerful tool to use consciousness, coupled to breathing, to become aware of more unconscious processes, such as heart breath, gut motility and liquor pulsations.
External methods such as massage and exercises are powerful aids to restore breathing function, and through it, organic function. (E.g. the liver and guts are massaged by the movements of the Diaphragm, operated by breathing.

The lungs are like a large sponge: an 'extended surface membrane'. Lungs span an enormous surface, comparable to a mesh or gauze, which is on the one side in contact with the air, on the other side with the body fluids: blood.
Maybe you can think of the lungs as a 'water surface': through this large surface, water can evaporate; on the one sode is gas, on the other fluid. This recapitulates the image of the Cell Mebrane (Weekend 1), and the Exchanges taking place through it (Weekend 2).
This means that the lungs are a 'place of choice' (Weekend 3), where the distinction between what you are, and what you are not, is maintained.
It will be evident that this is possible, /because/ ultimately 'we /are/ what we are /not/': our body is still composed of the environment of which we form part.

Although it is customary to talk about the lungS, in fact it is one organ; like 'all' organs, it is composed of two halves.
For many organs those are fused (e.g. tongue, palate, gut) but for some they 'stand apart' (e.g. kidneys, brain halves, lungS).
This reflects the principle of Fusion, seen already in Weekend 1.
This is also a reflection of (calibrated) exchange, of/for which the Lungs are an example.


The Pancreas (like i.a. the liver and brain) consists of two lobes.
The function of the pancreas is the secretion of juices; the pancreas represents a section of the gut lining, folded onto itself and regulating its secretions.
The pancreas produces, accumulates and stores its secretions; releasing its contents in accordance to the needs of digestion
Regulation of the precise ratio and volume, quality and quantity, of pancreatic juices is presumably regulated already by the eye, nose and tongue (just like the stomach's gastric juices).

The pancreas is located in the middle of the body, just below the diaphragm, in the bend of the duodenum and horizontally across towards the spleen.

The Pancreas functions intimately ‘embedded’ into the …


!Small Intestine



The Spleen has long be disrespected as organs; surgeons thought it could be removed without further consequences; without spleen some systemic blood diseases can emerge.
The function of the spleen is in the 'cleansing of the blood'; in a sense it can be compared to a Bowden's Capsule (in the Kidney) for the blood cells themselves.
The passage of the blood, through the spleen, is very calibrated; blood cells are subjected to a test of stress and strain, which, if not passed, has the red blood cells collapse.
The membranes and cell contents of red blood cells that are broken are reclaimed by the liver, and used in the gall.

The spleen is located, protected by the rib cage, on the left side of the body, below the lungs.
The normal 'spleen' is fist-sized; dysfunction may cause increase in size.


''Body Organ: Position, Circulation, Organisation, Cell Body''

''Position of the Organ in the Body''

''Circulation of the Body Organ''

''Structure of the Body Organ''

''Cell Body''
The terminology is in accordance with the ''Nomina Anatomica''
(Fifth Edition, 11th int. Congres. of Anatomists, Mexico City 1980)
William & Wilkins, Baltimore/London, 1983
A.	Arteria (artery)
Art.	Articulatjo (joint)
Gi	Glandula (gland)
Lig.	Ligamentum (ligament)
M.	Musculus (muscle)
Proc.	Processus (process)
V.	Vena (vein)
Doubling of the final letter denotes plural
Key to locational signs
situated within upper abdomen	x
situated partially within upper abdomen	o
situated within lower abdomen	xx 
situated beneath pectoralis major muscle 	oo 
situated within thorax	xxx
situated within extra (retro/sub) peritoneal space	ooo
Terms appearing within (brackets) are commonly used alternatives
|1|Sutura coronalis (coronal suture)|
|2|Os frontale (frontal bone)|
|3|Proc. zygomaticus ossis frontalis (zygomatic process of frontal bone)
|4|Os sphenoidale (sphenoid bone)
|5|Os zygomaticum (zygomatic bone)
|6|Arcus zygomaticus (zygomatic arch)
|7|Os nasale (nasal bone)
|8|Canalis opticus (optic canal)
|9|Fissura orbitalis superior (superior orbital fissure)
|10|Fissura orbitalis inferior (inferior orbital fissure)
|11|Sinus sphenoidalis (sphenoidal sinus)
|12|Sinus frontalis (frontal sinus)
|13|Concha nasalis superior (superior nasal concha)
|14|Concha nasalis media (middle nasal concha)
|15|Concha nasalis inferior (inferior nasal concha)
|16|Cavitas nasi (nasal cavity)
|17|Os temporale (temporal bone)
|18|Pars tympanica ossis temporalis (tympanic part of temporal bone)
|19|Proc. mastoideus (mastoid process)
|20|Mandibula (mandible)
|21|Foramen infra-orbitale (infra-orbital foramen)
|22|Maxilla (maxilla)
|23|Angulus mandibulae (angle of mandible)
|24|Ramus mandibulae (ramus of mandible)
|25|Foramen mentale (mental foramen)
|26|Caput mandibulae (head of mandible)
|27|Proc. coronoideus mandibulae (coronoid process of mandible)
|28|Atlas [Vertebra cervicalis I] (first cervical vertebra)
|29|Axis [Vertebra cervicalis II] (second cervical vertebra)
|30|Vertebra cervicalis III (third cervical vertebra)
|31|Epiglottis (epiglottis)
|32|Oesophagus (oesophagus)
|33|Larynx (larynx)
|34|Os hyoideum (hyoid bone)
|35|Membrana thyrohyoidea (thyrohyoid membrane)
|36|Cartilago thyroidea (thyroid cartilage)
|37|V. jugularis interna (internal jugular vein)
|38|A. carotis communis (common carotid artery)
|39|Gl. thyroidea (thyroid gland)
|40|Trachea (trachea)
|41|V. brachiocephalica (brachiocephalic vein)
|42|Truncus brachiocephalicus (brachiocephalic trunk)
|43|Thymus (thymus)
|44|A. subdavia (subdavian artery)
|45|V. subdavia (subdavian vein)
|46|Scapula (scapula)
|47|Clavicula (clavicle)
|48|Costa I (first rib)
|49|Costa II (second rib)
|50|Costa III (third rib)
|Costa IV (fourth rib)
|Costa V (fifth rib)
|Costa VI (sixth rib)
|Costa VII (seventh rib)
|Costa VIII (eighth rib)
|Costa IX (ninth rib)
|Costa X (tenth rib) (eleventh and twelfth rib not visible)
|Incisura jugularis sterni (jugular notch)
|Manubrium sterni (manubrium)
|Angulus sterni (sternal angle)
|Corpus sterni (body of sternum)
|Proc. xiphoideus (xiphoid process)
|Arcus costalis (costal arch)
|Lobus superior pulmonis (superior lobe of lung)
|Lobus medius pulmonis (middle lobe of lung)
|Lobus inferior pulmonis (inferior lobe of lung) 
|Proc coracoideus (coracoid process)
|Acrornion (acromion)
|Tuberculum majus humeri (greater tuberde of humerus)
|Tuberculum minus humeri (lesser tuberde of humerus)
|Caput humeri (head of humerus)
|Sulcus intertubercularis humeri (intertubercular groove of humerus)
|Collum chirurgicum humeri (surgical neck of humerus)
|M. pectoralis minor dexter (right pectoralis minor muscle)
|A. axillaris (axillary artery)
|V. axillaris (axillary vein)
|A. circumfiexa humeri posterior (posterior humerical circumflex artery)
|V. cephalica (cephalic vein)
|Tuberositas deltoidea humeri (deltoid tuberosity of humerus)
|Corpus humeri (shaft of humerus)
|A. brachialis (brachial artery)
|V. cephalica (cephalic vein)
|V. basilica (basilic vein)
|V. intermedia cephalica (intermedian cephalic vein)
|V. intermedia cubiti (intermedian cubital vein)
|Epicondylus medialis humeri (medial epicondyle of humerus)
|Proc. coronoideus ulnae (coronoid process of ulna)
|A. radialis (radial artery)
|V. intermedia antebrachii (intermedian antebrachial vein)
|V. basilica (basilic vein)
|V. cephalica (cephalic vein)
|V. cephalica accessoria (accessory cephalic vein)
|Radius (radius)
|V. radialis (radial vein)
|A. ulnaris (ulnar artery)
|V. ulnaris (ulnar vein)
|Proc. styloideus radii (styloid process of radius)
|Caput ulnae (head of ulna)
|Ossa carpi [Ossa carpalia] (carpal bones)
|Os metacarpale I dextrum (first metacarpal of right hand)
|Os metacarpale V dextrum (fifth metacarpal of right hand)
|Arcus palmaris profundus (deep palmar arterial arch)
|Aa. metacarpales palmares (palmar metacarpal arteries)
|A. princeps pollicis (princeps pollicis artery)
|Ossa digitorum manus dextrae (phalanges of right hand)
|Vv. digitales palmares (palmar digital veins)
|Diaphragma (diaphragm).|	x|
|V. cava inferior (inferior vena cava)|	o|
|Pars abdominalis oesophagi (abdominal oesophagus).	x
|GI. suprarenalis (suprarenal gland)	o ooo
|Ren dexter et sinister (right and left kidneys)	o ooo
|Pancreas (pancreas) 	o ooo
|Ductus hepaticus communis (common hepatic duct).	x
|Ductus cysticus (cystic duct).	x
|Vesica biliaris [Vesica fellea] (gall bladder)	x
|Pars cardiaca gastricum [Pars cardiaca ventricularis] (cardia of stomach).	x
|Fundus gastricus [Fundus ventricularis] (fundus of stomach).	x
|Corpus gastricum [Corpus ventriculare] (body of stomach).	x
|Antrum pyloricum (pyloric antrum of stomach).	x
|Canalis pyloricus (pyloric canal).	x
|Pylorus (pylorus).	x
|Duodenum (duodenum)	o ooo
|Ureter dexter et sinister (right and left ureters).	xx ooo
|V. cava inferior (inferior vena cava)	
|Ureter dexter et sinister (right and left ureters)	
|V. cava inferior (inferior vena cava)	
|Pars abdominalis aortae (abdominal aorta)	
|Aa. iliacae communes dextra et sinistra (right and left common iliac arteries)	
|V. iliaca communis sinistra (left common iliac vein) .....	
|V. iliaca interna dextra (right internal iliac vein)	
|Aa. iliacae internae dextra et sinistra (right and left internal iliac arteries) .....	
|Aa. iliacae externae dextra et sinistra (right and left external iliac arteries)	
|Vv. iliacae externae dextra et sinistra (right and left external iliac veins) 	
|Lobus hepatis dexter (right lobe of liver).	x

|Lig. falciforme hepatis (falciform ligament of liver)	x
|Lobus hepatis sinister (left lobe of liver).	x
|Intestinum tenue (small intestine)..	xx
|Appendix vermiformis (vermiform appendix)	xx
|Colon ascendens - Intestinum crassum (ascending colon - large intestine)	xx ooo
|Colon transversum - Intestinum crassum (transverse colon - large intestine)	xx
|Colon descendens - Intestinum crassum (descending colon - large intestine)	xx ooo
|Colon sigmoideum (sigmoid/pelvic colon)	xx
|Vesica urinaria (urinary bladder)	xx ooo
|Os sacrum [Os sacrale] (sacrum)	xx
|Art. sacro - iliaca (sacroiliac joint)	xx
|Crista iliaca (iliac crest of hip bone)	xx
|Tuberculum iliacum (iliac tubercle of hip bone)	
|Spina iliaca anterior superior (anterior superior iliac spine of hip bone)	
|Spina iliaca anterior inferior (anterior inferior iliac spine of hip bone)	
|Crista pubica (pubic crest of pelvis)
|Caput ossis femoris (head of femur)
|Trochanter major femoris (greater trochanter of femur)
|Collum ossis femoris (neck of femur)
|Linea intertrochanterica femoris (intertrochanteric line of femur)
|Trochanter minor femoris (lesser trochanter of femur)
|Corpus ossis femoris (shaft of femur)
|A. femoralis (femoral artery)
|V. femoralis (femoral vein)
|A. profunda femoris (deep femoral artery)
|A. femoralis (femoral artery)
|V. saphena magna (great/long saphenous vein)
|Ramus descendens a. circumflexae femoris lateralis (descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery)
|A. descendens genicularis (descending genicular artery)
|Rete articulare genus (articular rete of genicular artery)
|Ramus articularis a. descendentis genicularis (articular branch of descending genicular artery)
|A. superior medialis genus (medial superior genicular artery)
|A. superior lateralis genus  (lateral superior genicular artery)
|Tuberculum adductorium ossis femoris (adductor tubercle of femur)
|Epicondylus lateralis ossis femoris (lateral epicondyle of femur)
|Patella (patella)
V. poplitea (popliteal vein)
V. saphena parva (small/short saphenous vein)
Epicondylus medialis ossis femoris (medial epicondyle of femur)
Eminentia intercondylaris (intercondylar eminence)
Ramus saphenus a. descendentis genicularis (saphenous branch of descending genicular artery)
A. inferior lateralis genus (lateral inferior genicular artery)
Condylus lateralis tibiae (lateral condyle of tibia)
Condylus medialis tibiae (medial condyle of tibia).
A. inferior medialis genus (medial inferior genicular artery)
Caput fibulae (head of fibula)
A. recurrens tibialis anterior (anterior tibial recurrent artery)
Ramus circumfiexus fibularis a. tibialis posterioris (circumflex branch of posterior tibial artery)
Collum fibulae (neck of fibula)
Tuberositas tibiae (tibial tuberosity)
Fibula (fibula)
Tibia (tibia)
A. tibialis anterior (anterior tibial artery)

Malleolus lateralis fibulae (lateral malleolus of fibula)
Malleolus medialis tibiae (medial malleolus of tibia)
Talus dexter (talus of right foot)
Ossa tarsi dextra (tarsals of right foot)
A. arcuata (arcuate artery)
Os metatarsale I dextrum (first metatarsal of right foot)
Os metatarsale V dextrum (fifth metatarsal of right foot)
Arcus venosus dorsalis pedis et Vv. digitales dorsales pedis (dorsal venous arch and digital veins)
Ossa digitorum [Phalanges] pedis dextri (phalanges of right foot)
M. occipitofrontalis (occipitofrontalis muscle)
M. procerus (procerus muscle)
Lig. palpebrale mediale (medial palpebral ligament)
M. orbicularis oculi (orbicularis oculi muscle)
M. temporalis (temporalis muscle)
M. nasalis, Pars transversa (transverse part of nasalis muscle)
M. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (levator labji superioris alaeque nasi muscle)
M. levator labii superioris (levator labli superioris muscle)
M. zygomaticus minor (zygomaticus minor muscle)
M. zygomaticus major (zygomaticus major muscle)
M. orbicularis oris (orbicularis oris muscle)
M. buccinator (buccinator muscle)
M. masseter (masseter muscle)
M. mentalis (mentalis muscle)
M. depressor labii inferioris (depressor labli inferioris muscle)
M. depressor anguli oris (depressor anguli oris muscle)
Corpus ossis hyoidei (body of hyoid bone)
M. omohyoideus, Venter superior (superior belly of omohyoid muscle)
M. longus capitis (longus capitis muscle)
M. sternohyoideus (sternohyoid muscle)
M. sternothyroideus (sternothyroid muscle)
M. sternocleidomastoideus, Pars sternalis (sternal part of sternocleidomastoid muscle)
M. sternocleidomastoideus, Pars clavicularis (clavicular part of sternocleidomastoid muscle)
M. scalenus anterior (scalenus anterior muscle)
M scalenus medius (scalenus medius muscle)
M. levator scapulae (levator scapulae muscle)
M. omohyoideus, Venter inferior (inferior belly of omohyoid muscle)
M. trapezius (trapezius muscle)
M. deltoideus (deltoid muscle)
M. pectoralis major, Pars clavicularis (clavicular part of pectoralis major muscle)
M. pectoralis major, Pars sternocostalis (sternocostal part of pectoralis major muscle)
M. pectoralis minor sinister (left pectoralis minor muscle) 	oo
Proc. coracoideus (coracoid process) 	oo
M. serratus anterior (serratus anterior muscle)
M. obliquus externus abdominis (external oblique muscle)
M. rectus abdommis (rectus abdommis muscle)
M. pyramidalis (pyramidalis muscle)
Mm. intercostales interni (internal intercostal muscles) 
Mm. intercostales externi (external intercostals muscles)
V. Cava superios (superior vena cava)
Valva Aortae et Aorta Ascendens (aortic valve of the heart and ascending aorta)
A. Pulmonalis Sinistra (lest pulmonary artery)
Vv. pulmonales sinistrae (left pulmonary venes)
Auricula Dextris Cordis (right auricle of the heart )
Atrium Sinistrum Cordis (left atrium of heart)

Valva Trunci Pulmonaris (pulmonary valve of heart)
Valva Atrioventricularis sinistra [Valva Mitralis, Bicuspidalis] (mitral valve of heart)
Ventriculus dexter cordis (right ventricle of heart)
Ventriculus sinister cordis (left ventricle of heart)
Septum interventriculare, Pars muscularis {muscular interventricular septum of heart)
Bronchus principalis sinister (left principal bronchus)
Bronchus lobaris superior sinister, Ramus superior (superior branch of superior lobar bronchus of left lung)
Bronchus lingularis superior [BIVJ (superior lingular bronchus of left lung)...
Bronchus lobaris inferior sinister (inferior lobar bronchus of left lung) ... 
M. coracobrachialis (coracobrachialis muscle)
M. biceps brachii, Caput breve (short head of biceps brachii muscle)
M. biceps brachii, Caput longum (long head of biceps brachil muscle)
M. latissimus dorsi (latissimus dorsi muscle)
M. triceps brachii (triceps brachii muscle)
M. biceps brachii (biceps brachii muscle)
M. brachialis (brachialis muscle)
Epicondylus medialis humeri (medial epicondyle of humerus)
Tendo musculi bicipitis brachii (tendon of biceps brachli muscle)
Aponeurosis musculi bicipitis brachli (bicipital aponeurosis)
M. pronator teres (pronator teres muscle)
M. extensor carpi radialis longus (extensor carpi radialis longus muscle)
M. flexor carpi radialis (flexor carpi radialis muscle)
M. brachioradialis (brachioradialis muscle)
M. palmaris longus (palmaris longus muscle)
M. flexor carpi ulnaris (flexor carpi ulnaris muscle)
M. abductor pollicis longus (abductor pollicis longus muscle)
M. flexor digitorum superficialis (flexor digitorum superficialis muscle)
Retinaculum flexorum (flexor retinaculum)
M. abductor digiti minirni (abductor digiti mininli muscle)
M. flexor digiti minini brevis (flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle)
M. opponens digiti minimi (opponens digiti mininli muscle)
Tendo musculi flexoris digitorum superficialis (tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle)
M. flexor pollicis brevis (flexor pollicis brevis muscle)
M. abductor pollicis brevis (abductor pollicis brevis muscle)
Mm. lumbricales (lumbrical muscles)
M. adductor pollicis, Caput transversum (transverse head of adductor pollicis muscle) 
Tendo m. flexor pollicis longi (tendon of flexor pofficis longus muscle)
Intersectiones tendineae (tendinous intersections)
Aponeurosis m. obliqui externi abdominis (aponeurosis of external oblique muscle)
Lig. inguinale (inguinal ligament)
Funiculus spermaticus (spermatic cord)
M. pectineus (pectineus muscle)
M. iliacus (iliacus muscle)
M. tensor fasciae latae. (tensor fasciae latae muscle)
M. adductor longus (adductor longus muscle)
M. sartorius (sartorius muscle)
M. gracilis (gracilis muscle)
M. rectus femoris (rectus femoris muscle)
M. vastus lateralis (vastus lateralis muscle)
M. vastus medialis (vastus medialis muscle)
Tractus iliotibialis fasciae latae (iliotibial tract of fascia lata)
Lig. patellae (ligamentum patellae)
M. gastrocnemius (gastrocnemius muscle)

M. tibialis anterior (tibialis anterior muscle)
M. peronaeus longus (peronaeus longus muscle)
M. soleus (soleus muscle)
M. extensor digitorum longus (extensor digitorum longus muscle)
M. extensor hallucis longus (extensor hallucis longus muscle)
M. extensor hallucis brevis (extensor hallucis brevis muscle)
M. extensor digitorum brevis (extensor digitorum brevis muscle)
M. psoas minor (psoas minor muscle)..
M. psoas major (psoas major muscle)..
M. quadratus lumborum (quadratus lumborum muscle)..
M. iliacus (iliacus muscle)e.
Anatomical consultant: Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Klaus-U. Benner,
Department of Anatomy, The Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich
In the 10th weekend all of our body comes together with/in our daily life
During the course (of these 10 weekends) we saw how our body is created with the same substance, and by the same principles and dynamics, as the world around us.
We are immensely interwoven with it, and to regard our body as (if) a physical object, is doing it wrong. We are also blended into our context by the chemical exchange by which we feed our context, and it feeds us. The added value lies in exchange of information.
At the same time we are intimately interwoven with the electromagnetic atmosphere of our planetary system, and its context. This interweaving is more subtle than the chemical, and much more subtle than the physical exchanges. It can be compared to gas clouds pervading within gas clouds.
We form part of an even more subtle level than this, in which pure matter and pure information interrelate. This is the level of creation and realisation: the most decisive in our being. All that our body is and does is tied in with these exchanges. At this level we are connected with all of the cosmos.

Our body exists and operates at all of these levels. It can deal with pure information, electromagnetic fields, chemical reactions, and physical substance.
More characteristically: it can transform between all of these levels, and relate them to each other.
In fact, it is composed of all of these levels, and all of its substance operates as physical matter, chemical reactant, electromagnetic transformer, and information processor.
Our body is therefore neither physical, nor chemical, nor electromagnetic nor pure information, yet all at the same time.

This is important for our use and understanding in what our body really is; an information process(or).
This is also important for our abuse, and breakdown of our body. Many forms of healing, in trying to help, create actual damage by not seeing or ignoring that, and, all these levels interrelate. For example: by treating it as physical, electromagnetic changes may be compromised, electromagnetic transformation, and information integrity lost. Somatic medicine, pharmaceutical interventions, electromagnetic therapies and devices, all disturb our information/creation integrity to the extent that it is denied or ignored.

This course was designed to resolve this problem, by presenting our body as an information process (in formation), right from the start. The same principles that create the universe are shown, and seen, in the design of our body. They are seen in each weekend of the course; and the forms that are involved.
Weekend 1 showed it in embryologic development, over millions and billions of years and lifetimes. Weekend 2 showed the same in the way we (continue to) relate to our environment and ourselves. Weekend 3 addressed the way we take in - and put out - (information and) matter. Weekend 4 dealt with the underlying concept of system inversion; how all organs turn over, and together maintain an ongoing cycle; 'all organs are one organ'.
Weekend 5, implicitly addresses how all of those four aspects apply also to the way we process information.  (Weekend 10 makes this more explicit.)
Weekend 6 showed the same principles, and level, as seen in our physical body structure, as seen in our muscle-skeleton complex. Weekend 7 showed the same in the exchange processes, in regarding the endocrine system. Weekend 8 showed it in our art of adaptation; of which he learning capacity of the immune system is prime example. Weekend 9 shoed it in the process of information integration; it was discussed how healing forms an application of/for this.
Healing can not be well dealt with from a model that regards our body as a cadaver.
Healing, and living, requires an understanding of our being as creative process(or). 

This understanding, of the body as a creative process(or), and process of creation is relevant in the context of the Information Healing, where it is now presented (as this course in Anatomy, is part of a training for healing). Traditional medicine is well aware that it is better to prevent than to cure. This means, that not the structure of our physical body is used as gauge or as norm, but the way we process information: our Realisation. By restoring the information integrity /before/ the body is damaged, more harm can be prevented than otherwise needs curing by healing.
By learning how the body functions, and processes, at each level, the integral transformation process form can be recognised at each level, and used for healing.
|Examination |
|Recognising Natural Laws |
|Understanding variations to the theme |
|Understanding changing conditions|
|Preserving Integrity & Validity |
| References (Conference Proceedings: Titles, Abstracts.)|
||Key Words|
| [[Module 1]] ||Understanding the Body |
| [[Module 2]] ||Understanding the Organs |
| [[Module 3]] ||Comparing the Understanding |
| [[Module 4]] ||Compiling the Understanding |

[[Module 1]] of this curriculum starts with '''Stories'''.
Like bed-time-stories, they are best heard 'without thinking'.
Like a baby, we do NOT need knowledge to understand.
We understand by appreciating knowledge in what we do.

[[Module 2]] of this curriculum is about ''"reading the body like a book"''.
The body is a story in itself, which is self-explanatory if your understand [[Body Language]].
Body Language however is not the language of the body, but of [[Cell Communication]].
Once you understand that, you also understand the effects of errors in communication.

[[Module 3]] the project correlates that ''understanding to knowledge in books''.
It focuses on being able to read the existing books; with a critical discernment.
This however also requires the capacity to disbelieve what is written in the books.
Plus also the ability to 'read between the lines', and to understand //beyond// what is written.

[[Module 4]] of the project is about ''being able to write/tell your own story''.
This is done by correlating your notes with those of the other students.
And to compile a 'body of knowledge' that integrates all different insights.
Which then also can serve as a basis for future students to build up (on).
As the seasons change or we migrate between territorial contexts.
The same pattern is seen as in the stacked system of Joints: one layer is embedded within another. In the Joints this is seen as one joint (reflex arc muscle control circuit (Weekend 2) extending beyond another. In the endocrine gland it is seen as one regulation circuit within another. (Viz. a system of concentric ellipses, with a shared pivot but separate/individual elliptic orbits. Viz. a planetary system, aligned in a line.)
Image: ellipses with shared centre on the pituitary.
The transitions from Baby to Child to Adolescent to Adult reflect changes in oir personal experience, as a result of a change of our relationship in our environment.
These changes are related to changes in our endocrine system, such as, for example, the changing of teeth from the Baby/Infant to Childhood stages, and the arrival of sexual maturity in the transition from Child to Adolescent. The appearance of the Wisdom Teeth is often used as marker of the transition from Adolescent to Adult. On average, each phase lasts 7 years (and is related to the Saturn/Lunar cycles).

The transitions in our personal experience are related to the principle displayed by the Immune System, and its capacities for self-non-self distinction. The complexity of the immune system is thus only in part a physical cellular molecular ‘defence’ system. It forms part of our capacities to learn; and the transitions through the life phases represent different modes of embedding into our environment, and with it, different types and modalities of response. The physical immune system is only a reflection of the ability to be ourselves, in any environment, and to learn to adapt and adopt. to acquire a behaviour compatible/suitable for that setting.

The function of the endocrine system, as experienced in our development to adulthood is a transition from total dependence to relative autonomy. It can be portrayed by the following image:

''Integration Distinction''

This is the image of the division of the Zygote; this type the focus of on the division focus itself.
In this division, the zygote can be imagined to rotate in on itself (Lawrence Edwards, The Vortex of Life), resulting in a pinching of a sphere into two spheres, joint by a singular point of contact (cf. an umbilic). A further rotation causes this singularity to change: the point of contact becomes a place of separation. As a result, the one integral system is perceived as (if) two separate elements.

The immune system function is perceived in the transition itself, between connected and disconnected. It spells the transition between:

This is the basis of any self-definitions: the boundaries we encounter, assume, create and live by. As a syetem of self-definitions and self-limitations, this is known as the Ego. (This is a system of reflexes, with their own organisation, dynamics, and structure, determinant for the way we experience life. How this system can be modified is described in Weekend 9.)

!The Ego
''The skin of the Soul''
Our ‘Soul’ can be described as that aspect of our being that enables is to remain the same, in body shape and behaviour, no matter what environment we are in.
Our Ego in that sense is ‘the Skin of the Soul’: it represents the system of reflexes (cf. dead skin cells) that make it possible to interact with other people.
For many people the Ego is a patterns of Habit (also in the traditional meaning as a garb that one can wear; the difference between an ego and a mask then can be thin).
The Freudian use of the Ego is based on a biased view: the ego is presented as mediator between the Superego and Id: our inbuilt sense of socially required behaviour (which we then assume to be normal), and a set of socially unacceptable urges (which are then no longer discussed, thus not seen to be shared with most members of our family and tribe).

Other cultures exist with much longer histories than ours. Whereas the ‘Western Culture’ exist for 2000 years, it comes forth out of the Egyptian Culture, with histories in 10.000’s of years, much like the Indian and Chinese Cultures that probably go back more than 40.000 years. ‘Europeans and Americans are newcomers on the scene’.
It is not surprising that those other cultures regarded their own human being, described by the languaging models they use, and realised the direct relationship between what we think and how we feel. The memories of our experience, and our views and interpretations, are described as fundamental traits. So fundamental that they are in The West translated as ‘Gods’. The ‘Deities’ of the Indians and Chinese can however be more easily understood as the General Principles of our being.
The relationship between what we think and how we think is direct; as shown by our neurocrine reactions (including blushing and flushes, stammering and tremors). This often represents a conflict between what we consciously think or do, and sub-/un-consciously know that we could do. The unresolved inner conflict stress our body system in a similar way as migrating from one territory to another.
__Hans Selye__ (who presented the notion of Stress) was not the first to be alert to this; the Indian description of the Bhagavad Gheeta is a description of the integration of personal views (called “Arjuna”) into meta-personal vision (called “Krishna”). Many other cultures, each in their own way, describe how personal experience can be reconnected to universal realisations; this is the basis of all religions (and the original meaning of the word).

''Hun & Po''
For the Chinese a distinction is made between the Body Soul and the Mind Soul: the system integration of the body is in principle the same as that of the mind, but not actually the same. By making distinction between the two, integration of our mental integrity, and our physical integrity, can be achieved.

The Ego is not what Freud made it out to be. His descriptions, as interpreted since, are those of a pathological ego.
The ego is a personality construct, a complex of behaviours that determine how a person behaves.
The ego can be regarded as ‘a molecule composed of atomic reflexes; the proteins of the mental body’.
The following follows the funding (as supported by a System’s approach) that the mind operates on/by/in the same sense as the body.

''Historical perspective''
The metaphor used here already implies that much has happened since Freud described the Ego; and it is possible to describe the complexities of the anatomy/structure of the mind, together with its physiology, neurocrine regulation, and integrity, as seen in the body. Physiology and psychology are the same; as is the soul and ego; of body and mind (Hun and Po are the terms in Chinese medicine). There are more elaborate and defined descriptions of the ego, in Indian and Chinese text, preceding the formulations by Freud by some hundreds and thousands of years.
The relationship between Arjuna and Krishna reflects that of the Soul with respect to Spirit. It is also described as the Person versus the Super Ego . In the I Ching, it is described as the relationship between the ‘Smaller Man’ and the ‘Greater Man’. The Indians knew it is similar terms : our local personal perspective is but part of a  more general universal realisation, with respect to which it can be re-integrated. Oriental medicine too regards that as the purpose of living: realising one’s own identity, plus: realising that we are all part of the same encompassing (meta) system.
To describe and present the ego as a hassle, and something to be resolved and abolished, is thus a misrepresentation and potential hazard; it amounts to skinning yourself. The ego is like the skin to our psyche: for many people it is in a medieval condition due to lack of personal hygiene. Absence of meditation (cf. bath) and self-reflection (cf. showers) has made it – for many – festered and calloused.
Many people have never regarded the nature of their personality structure: they simply adopted what was handed to them as a script for behaviour, and never thought of it since (which means they never thought of it at all). Thus, they do not realise that, and how, the ego (the skin of the psyche) is composed of old habits, and can be re-engineered and re-designed. This is essential for an often existing condition “Egoïtis”: an inflammation of the ego (with hot, swollen, painful, rigid lames responses).

The ego is based on reflexes, just as a body is made up out of cells.

Beliefs are clustured reflexes, of SORC conditioned responses.

The ego is a composite of beliefs; thus a rather af-hoc solution of resolutions. It is neither fixed nor stable. It is neither reliable nor sturdy: it is not a system of muscles and bones, but simply a skin for the psyche.
Building an ego is not the creation of patterns of behaviour of response: one does not decide to grow new cells of the skin: the ego grows out of the soul. However, if the soul, the body of our psyche is sick or dirty, the skin will reflect this: healing the soul will also cleanse the ego.
Painful or insensitive contacts with others are signs of diseases of the ego. Most people are like blind kittens: they stumble into each other, and hurt others there where they are insensitive themselves, or feel hurt where they are, themselves, hurt. A resilient clear skin (or ego) will have the same sensitivity throughout; and allow for feeling contact with others.
The own response can thus be only in part be ascribed to the behaviour of others; every relationship is an interaction; as long as the own ego/skin is still festered and calloused, it will not be known is the pain is afflicted by others, or a pain that still exists within you. Or if the cry of hurt of the other is caused by your insensitivity in the contact, or by their old ignored sores.

''Healing the ego''
In the same way as diseases of the skin reflect ill nutrition, and sensitivity of the psyche, likewise the ego represents the superficial condition of the soul.
Soul food is a foremost first medication for diseases of the ego. As important and effective is the use of hygiene.. At present the last is still somewhat difficult: the western society lives in the spiritual dark middle ages, and media are life the drinking water sewers of the past. Much of the information of our own being is so polluted (also by the mass production industry of religions), that it is very difficult to find clear information, that can cleanse.
However, as in the body, all the monitoring and self healing systems are contained within it. All it requires is a temporary disconnection from the environment to reset the system (cf Sleep, the healer; Weekend 9). This is advised by all spiritual traditions, as meditation, contemplation, and so on. Many effective exercises have been described, as in Chi Gong, T’ai Chi and Yoga. Every culture has its own spiritual traditions; they are, in essence, the same. (Al cultures likewise have church politics claiming the opposite, for their personal use.)

Food for the soul can still be found: in nature, some good books, and some good people. There are very few social sanctuaries to be found. Yet everybody can find those people to which you feel truly related (English has a word for that: “Kt”, the ‘family that you find (rather than (rather than Kin, the family you are born with):) And everybody can set up community with such people (even if not living together): the Buddhist terms for this is Sangha (cf. ‘soul tribe’). It offers a safe space or shelter, in a society that is in embryological development still.

''Embryology of humanity''
The embryological state can be seen in the famines and wars: both are unnecessary: there are more than enough resources to share. The wars and famines come out of greed and need: the lack of social awareness: the belief that taking care of oneself is more important than taking care of each other. (The opposite pathology is equally frequently found: the desire to take care of others, without seeing that it cloaks a need to satisfy oneself.). Humanity, like our body, is composed of cells: the notion that one cell needs to live at the expense of others is absurd; just as is the idea that one cell would have food, at the expense of all others. In the body all cells feed each other; and together are able to travel the world.
|''[[Weekend 01]]'' |''@@[[Introduction: Cosmology]]@@'' ||h
||''Separation = Connection'' |1.1) [[Integrity as model of the body, and model for learning]] |
|||1.2) [[Learning with SOUL]] |
|||1.3) [[The structure of this course]] |
|||1.4) [[The Structure of your own being]]|
|''[[Weekend 02]]'' |''@@[[From Cell to Body]]@@'': ||h
||''Interfacing'' |2.1) [[Cell Development]] |
|||2.2) [[Principles of (cell) communication]] |
|||2.3) [[Cybernetics]] |
|||2.4) [[PsychoLogics]] |
|''[[Weekend 03]]'' |''@@[[From State to Process]]@@'': ||h
||''Alternatives'' |3.1) [[Physiology]] |
|||3.2) [[Alternatives]] |
|||3.3) [[Body Rhythms]] |
|||3.4) [[Transformation]] |
|''[[Weekend 04]]'' |''@@[[From Function to Form]]@@'': ||h
||''Organisation'' |4.1) [[Anatomy]] |
|||4.2) [[All Organs are One organ]] |
|||4.3) [[The Transformation Cycle: Möbius’ Loop]] |
|||4.4) [[The Solid Organs and the Hollow Organs]] |
|''[[Weekend 05]]'' |''@@[[The Turning Point]]@@'': ||h
||''Learning from our Body'' |5.1) [[Decisions: consciousness]] |
|||5.2) [[What is your view on the Body?]] |
|||5.3) [[What books are you consulting?]] |
|||5.4) [[Group Learning, Learning Targets]] |
|''[[Weekend 06]]'' |''@@[[Our Standpoint]]@@'': ||h
||''The Muscle Skeleton'' |6.1) [[Being in the World]] |
|||6.2) [[Structures: organisation]] |
|||6.3) [[The Muscle Skeleton]] |
|||6.4) [[Phase Integrity in the Body]] |
|''[[Weekend 07]]'' '|''@@[[Our Experience]]@@'': ||h
||''The Endocrine Cascade'' |7.1) [[Moving in the World]] |
|||7.2) [[Processes: communication]] |
|||7.3) [[The Endocrine Cascade]] |
|||7.4) [[(Patho)Physiology]] |
|''[[Weekend 08]]'' |''@@[[Our Learning]]@@'': ||h
||''The Immune System'' |8.1) [[Interacting with/in the world]] |
|||8.2) [[Transformations: energy systems]] |
|||8.3) [[The Immune System]] |
|||8.4) [[The Living Library]] |
|''[[Weekend 09]]'' |''@@[[Getting in touch with the body]]@@'': ||h
||''The PsychoLogics of Health & Healing'' |9.1) [[Realising Reality]] |
|||9.2) [[Sensoricepsis & Propriocepsis]] |
|||9.3) [[Feel Well]] |
|||9.4) [[Healing]] |
|''[[Weekend 10]]'' |''@@[[The healing experience]]@@''||h
||''Restoring Oneness'' |10.1) [[Ethics]] |
|||10.2) [[Therapeutics]] |
|||10.3) [[Professionalism]] |
|||10.4) [[ResponseAbility]] |

Our body develops as an integral system, from one cell (the Zygote) to the whole of the body.
This development is part of the development of our environment, of which we are integral part (and with/in which we dynamically inter-/ex-change)
The physical development and psychological development are the same; they are only described from a different perspective.
The connection and integration between both is described here as ''Psycho Cybernetics'': the logic of our ''Psychology'', as perceived from the perspective of ''Cybernetics'' (or [[Systems Theory]]).

''Positioning of this weekend in the course''
This second weekend follows up on the first and leads on to the third.
# In [[Weekend 01]] it was shown how all of the body is formed from one cell; that has been passed on over millions (human) and billions (animals) of years.
# This [[Weekend 02]] focuses on the principle by which all those cells always maintain contact with each other. And how, in being separate, they are still always connected: by their membranes.
# The next [[Weekend 03]] it will then be able to look at the flows from one cell to the other (the physiology) and how that can become deranged (pathology)
# Then ([[Weekend 04]]) will be able to integrate them all and show how our Anatomy gets (and maintains) its form (or not).

''The 4 elements''
There are 4 elements to this weekend:
# A recapitulation of Embryology, now from the perspective of Systems Theory. The focus is now on the way integrity is maintained, while the Zygote unfolds, and the body forms.
# The creation of ever-new interfaces and membranes, as the cells Divide, thus Multiply, is described in terns of 4D analysis. The relationship between the Part and the Whole.
# The ideas of 4D logic are presented in terms of Cybernetics, the general formulation of the sameness of Statics and Dynamics.
# Cybernetics is then used to show the principles of PsychoLogics: the maintenance of integrity of communication and communion; within the body, mind, soul and spirit.

This will lead up to the understanding of PsychoLogics itself. Again there are 4 parts:
# Body, Mind, Soul & Spirit (learned as Baby, Child, Adolescent and Adult)
# Conscious, Subconscious, Unconscious and Trans-conscious (a.k.a. Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta brain waves)
# Action, Interaction, Reaction, Observation (or: Adult, Adolescent, Child, Baby).
# Thinking, Feeling, Wanting, Being (or: Experience, Expectations, Perception and Projection)

''4 Levels''
These 4 levels of PsychoLogics are relevant for the remainder of the course too:
# By realising that there are 4 simultaneous possible points of perspective, the integrated nature of the body (Anatomy, Physiology, NeuroCrine, PsychoCybernetics) can be more fully understood.
# Also, by realising that we are only in part aware of what we know (and are in greater part operated by reflexes), we find more freedom to study our body itself.
# This opens the way to integrate different points of perspective, and the way different forms of healing can regard, and work with, the body in such different ways.
# And of course it gives a much better insight in the way we relate to our environment; also with clients in healing practice.

''Psyche = Logic''
As will be seen, the objective and subjective experience of our body is fully integrated in this; as is the realisation of your self, and others. Again it is the body (the grouping of cells) that can be used to understand the principles of communication. Many forms of Psychologics and Psychotherapies have tried to describe these, in different ways. The different levels of consciousness of Freud, the different aspects of Personality of Jung, the phases of development of Erickson, and the patterns of interpersonal interactions of Perls and Berne: all can be recognised to be intimately related when the model of Cybernetics is used.

This is interesting, because it reflects a vicious cycle: we regard the mind through the models of mind, that we made by our mind. This means that what we perceive is created by our perceiving itself. Oriental healing arts call that Maya and Samsara: the reflections (Maya)  of our Sensing (Samsara). It can be compared to the relationship between the river and its bedding.
:(What is implied in this course, is that all of our body is produced by the same principle: our Body (anatomy) is the Bedding carved by the flow of consciousness (Mind) in the landscape of experience (Soul) under the influence of the universal laws of Gravity (Spirit).

These (vicious) cycles can be understood much better by using a model that uses cyclicity in itself. Evidently this poses an intriguing question: if we model the model, then are we needed in doing so? Does the model describe a reality that goes beyond us? Or is the model only a projection of something within ourselves, that otherwise we could not see? In more clear terms: our models are not real: they are merely models. This has importance in this whole course: Explanatory Models can never be considered to be real. Each model is only a reflection, from a specific point of perception. This is important for understanding when and why models will not work, and in understanding how models relate. This requires a more insightful understanding in how those models come to exist; and why and when they are used.

This section of PsychoCybernetics plays an important role in this: the understanding of the nature of Languaging. And the ways we communicate about what we 'see' and 'know'. Evidently this is closely related to the ways our Nervous system functions ((Patho)Physiology) and is structured (Anatomy). What is presented here can therefore not been seen separate from what has been discussed in [[Weekend 01]], and will be presented in [[Weekend 03]] and [[Weekend 04]].

The following presents some of the core ideas mentioned above in overview:
|Psychology || Freud | Jung | Berne | Perls |
|Brain Waves || Beta | Alpha | Theta | Delta |
|Neurones || Sensory || Motor| Propriocepsis | ENdocepsis |

''Patterns of development''
The core pattern that will be followed this weekend is the following: networks. And development patterns.

ZYGOTE as common element; to the start (and continuation) of creation

# Cell division: how one cell divides = multiplies to form the different body cells. Cell Differentiation comes together with Healthy Integration.  What happens in our body, traces back millions of years; from primitive primates, via animals and plants to minerals: organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry are dual, thus the same. Hauschka, Margulis. Zygote => nerve/organ (branch/ node) => muscle => bone
# Genetics: you have two parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, and so on. The same patterns as seen in cell division (with also a limitation on the maximum number possible.) Mendeljev, Rhesus, ABO; sexuality versus cloning; expressed repressed; recessed genetic data.
# Red blood cells; denucleated. Platelets. White blood cells: depigmented? Blue immune system cells.
# Protein tree: the combination of cell division and genetic specification is found in protein specification/division: as cell types evolve, they remain related (just as the first cell is the common basis still of every body cell.) Atomic table: the same at smaller (more basic) scale.

* Cells living as hermits: bone/hair/collagen/nail as extrusion product; the body skeleton as means, or end?
* Cells living in herds: sedentary: muscle
* Cells living in societies: organs. Hollow/solid organs; carcinoma/sarcoma.
* Nomadic Cells: immune system; gut, skin (shedding).

''Cybernetic Systems''
Feedback Feed-forward loops: patho-physiology; muscle agonists/antagonists
This has been, and will, be described elsewhere.

| Input | Storage | Transform | Output |
| Source | Condenser| Resistor | Coil |
| Origination | Condensation | Transformation | Creation |

The approach of systems theory is so universally valid, that it is one of the most powerful tools for interdisciplinary communication. Findings from one domain of studies can be understood as a system, and applied in another. Some examples will be given below.
The most ‘famous’ circuit is that used in radio engineering.

!Principles of Psycho Cybernetics

| Meta-Physics
*MetaPhysics (Information)
*InFormation Science
*Integral Vibration
*Light  => Radio  => Sound  => Motion
*Integral Coherence
*Communion/Communication / Computation/Coherence
*Integral Encoding
*Phase (in)Formation
*Birds/fish in formation // phase formation
*Phase computation
*Body = computer
*Moiré Hologram
*Psycho Logics
*A, B, A&B, Not A/B
*Semiconductor Materials
*Phase Transforms
*4D Consciousness
*Experience, data, info, meaning
*Psycho Cybernetics
*Brain Waves (beta, alpha, theta, delta)
*Consciousness (conscious, sub-, un-, out-of-consciousness)
*4 nervous systems (Propriocepsis, Motor, sensory, Immune)
*4 modes of perception
*Programming Realisations/Reality
*Programming Health/Healing
*Birth (See: "an unborn baby speaks")
*Babysleep (delta brain wave; unconsciousness)
*Jung (dreams, Trance)
*[[Sleep, the Healer]] (sleep cycles, sleep architecture)
*The square cycle
*Aura Ego
*Body Messengers (Hormones, vitaMinerals, Neurons, pheromones)
*Endorphins (Dopamine, Acetylcholine, GABA Serotonine)

''"Nihil Vita Nisi Ex Ove"''
The cell did not come to be just by itself; there is a long history before it. Yet one thing is clear: the cell emerged from an egg (not from a chicken). The Cosmic Egg perhaps is the best term to use, giving new meaning to old knowledge yet again.

In the following we trace some of the history of the cell: from any cell back to the Zygote. (Embryology in inverse.) This is also the method by which all forms of healing can be realised to be but different forms of the same.) This shows the link between all of you body cells; and, by parallel, of all forms of healing.
But also, from the Zygote, to the cells that came before it: those of your parents, great grand parents, and so on, until the beginning of humanity. This is where genealogy, and breeding schemes (such as the pharaohs used) bring new meaning to life. This show the link between peoples and races of al kinds.
That however does not go back far enough: human cells came from earlier cells, that came from earlier cells yet again. We need Lynn Margulis to show how different life forms relate, beyond what was said by Darwin-vs.-Lamark (Koestler: the case of the Midwife Toad). This shows the link between all species of animals, plants, and microscopic creatures.
But still that does not go far or deep enough: what we need is to see the link between  cells and minerals and states of phase; and the myths of creation. We are stardust; as the song said. But the relevance in daily life is greater than you think, when you think about it.

 Because once you understand that the myths of creation are more than the creation of myths, and that the Celestial Song is a matter of fact, of the facts of matter, the you can see, and think about, relationships in different ways, Once you understand that super strings and atoms are simply patterns of Vibrations, and that organs and cells and reality (and realisations) are but rhythms of life (Blair, Rhythms of Vision), the you can think in different ways about health and disease.

That is the invitation that this weekends presents: to First think about the Common Denominator, the Most abstract level you can think of (or rather: even beyond). And to then realise that what is seen there applies to everything you know; which goes well beyond every Thing. Because the formless and the formed can then be understood all in the same terms. Then the elaborate and complex maps of Biochemical Pathways become much less scary: they are but means to and end. They can be understood in parallel to the work of Louis Kervran, on Cellular Transmutation; and with the pathway Alternatives that Physiology studies And pathology runs down) It even becomes clear how it can be said that Feelings are the Juice of life: what is well felt, indeed, lets the endocrine glands 'salivate': secrete; determining how your body can 'work'. And in similar terms the relationship between cells, in the terms of musical vibrations, can be understood in the 'atonement' of the rhesus system, the ABO blood typing (and different ways to eat) and the neurocrine immune, and hormone, system.

Enzymes, Proteins, Hormones and such are not Molecules but Messages; Notes in a song. By understanding the body in this was the symphony and synergy of the body cells can be better understood. This (however) is not part of science as yet; because with a material Thing based Point of view you can not see the dance, or the transformations of steps and the transitions of phase. So you need to look beyond the material forms, as the Occultists said (that name comes from that concept itself: to look beyond the superficial/surface in/to what is hidden beyond.) So you can find only bits and pieces of this information in science; other scraps and stretches in mysticism and art. But all of it is found in the body you 'wear'. By feeling, understanding how it works, you can fill in the gaps between the pieces of the puzzle that can be already be found; and see the oneness of it all.

!Decision Trees
The following juxtaposes some Family Trees: of the cells we have, of the cells that exist, of the membranes and molecules, of the chemistry of life. It is not presented to show you how things exist; that would be but snap shots of a film What is intended is that you can start to look beyond the forms, and see how they connect. To understand the communications that go on, by which integrity is maintained. That is never at the level of forms, but in the process Transformation Field, that we can not se. But out of which we all are composed.

''Cell Origins''

|Histology/Cytology |
|Genetics/Genealogy |
|Evolution/Morphogenetics |
|Cosmology/PsychoLogics |
|Biochemical Pathways |
|Rhesus/ABO-system |
|''Immune Hormones'' |
|''BioMolecules'' | Proteins | Enzymes | Hormones | Pigments |
|''Cybernetics of the Psyche'' |
|''The Psyche of Cybernetics'' |
''NeuroCrinology: the Communication between Cells''

Once the Zygote has divided, the internal processes of the exchange cycles are seen between cells.
This is seen in the contact between cells; by the touching of their membranes: Neurones illustrate this aspect. (This is reminiscent of the Sperm, prior to conception.)
It is also seen in the exchange of secreted fluids between cells: the hormonal system is example of this concept. (This reminds of the Ovum, egg, prior to conception.)
Together, these principles maintain the integration of the body by communication.


The communication between cells stands central, this weekend. The principles of interaction (or interfacing) are so fundamental that they are separately addressed: as [[General Systems Theory]].
The communication between people is based on our communication between cells. Which, as followed from Weekend 1, is based on the interaction within cells.
What is seen between the first cell pair, is the basis of all intercellular communications. That includes how synapses link the functions of neurons, and how we experience 'life'.
For this reason there is a direct link between this level of cellular function, and our experience and response to 'reality'; by our own realisations.

Psychology and neurology are (at this level) the same. Evidently they appear different to us, by the way we experience them; but then the same is the case of sound and motion or radio waves and light: all of which are vibrations.
There is good reason to regard the psychology (and neurocrinology) of our cells at this point: by understanding the (4D) principles by which our cells function, we also understand the basis of the way we interact with reality, by our own realisations.
By realising that reality is not as Real as we are inclined or led to believe, we have more freedom to change our experience of reality; by adapting our realisation.
Adaptation is always a double sided event; adaptation to; and adaptation of. This can be described and understood by the same principles as were addressed in weekend 1. (Interfacing dynamics.)

''Reality is a Realisation''
By realising that reality is not Perfect or Fixed (as some philosophies try to let us believe) we can change the reality that we 'find'.
Evidently, in healing, this plays a fundamental role: what is realised as Reality, is a Realisation, a state of being within ourselves.
It is essential to realise that that state is not fixed. In part, it seems so (as reflexes can show); and in part, it is not (our freedom of choice).
By realising that reflexes are but memories from the past, kept in place by our own beliefs, they can be reinterpreted and changed.

''Beliefs and/as Reflexes''
The transformation of beliefs (and reflexes) plays an essential role in healing; as e.g. Maxwell Maltz has shown.
(He worked as plastic surgeon; and found that sometimes his work had no effect at al on the discontentment that some people expressed.
He also found that some fundamentally changed, although no operation took place.
The difference in self-acceptance, thus self-realisation, turned out to be the key, as he described in his book Psycho Cybernetics.)

Psychocybernetics is a very apt description, for the way the psyche and cybernetics are linked.
To realise that reality is not fixed (as anatomists may seem to believe) but a dynamic process (as our physiology shows) is precisely the difference e in perspective by which diseases are healed.
However, healing is a process, thus an interaction (or adaptation) it two is a two-sided process.
This is important to understand in healing: to which extent will something else be changed by what you do/feel/think/are? To which extent are you changed by the experiences you have.

''Minding Reality''
Compare it to a mirror: or tool: in using it you will have to use it in the proper way; you will need to adapt. As a result of which you will be changed. It is a simple process of interfacing.
Healing can make others better; healing can make you better; healing can make you sick. And make others sick.
Any interaction we have changes both us and the people we meet.
The work of Grinder & Bandler is most explicit in that: even non-directive psychology is directive; so we better take our effects into account; and study how they come to be.

''Life is/as Art''
For this reason psychology and psychocybernetics is an essential element in this course: if you aim to help others to heal, thus to change; to which extent do they come afflicted or infected by your own Idées Fixes?
It is an art of knowing the Balance; Art itself comes from a Latin word, meaning Hinge.
The interface is such a Hinge: what we do/are changes our environment; the state/dynamic of our conditions affect us.
Our experience of reality is like the interplay of a River and Bedding: both influence each other, and by their interplay determine the result. Healing is no exemption.

''The Art of Healing''
Healing thus needs an understanding in this phenomenon of interfacing; and the extent to which our realisations and reflexes (noumena) play crucial roles in this.
By realising that we function in the way we do by the way the laws of nature work in us (as from/by them 'we are made'), we can understand the basics of our own inneractions. Internal integrity is the basis of health.
This includes the knowledge of the difference between the others and us. When we work with others; or they work with us, a connection is made, and (normal) boundaries are crossed: two separate beings seem to function as one. This is because the process they share, by which they then connect.
It is fundamental to realise which processes are involved; if that distinction is lost disease takes it place. Disease is con-fusion of what you are, and what you are not.

''Balancing the Interface''
Understanding the boundary, or interface, is thus essential in this; that is why it plays a determinant role throughout this course. As weekend one already took up; and the others show too, each in their own way.
Realising that you (your first cells) stand apart from the rest of reality, is the most fundamental basis of what you really are: unique. In no way the same as any other.
Yet, although standing (and dying) alone, and in being unique, you are still part of a process; the food chain; the lineage of your ancestors; the evolution of life forms, and the cosmology from which our life/planet emerged.
We are thus (inter)connected too, with each other, at the same time.

''uni-Verse - one field of Vibrations''
This is what religions describe: heaven: the level of information in which all things are linked, and one. And Earth, the tangible forms by which all things are distinct.
Traditional forms of healing are very well aware of all this: all (each in its own way) regard (thus see) the human as link between those two realms. Like a zipper, combining physics and metaphysics at the same time.
The coming weekends will elaborate on this theme, and show how shamanism, acupuncture, Ayur Veda and somatic medicine are all linked.
At this level it is important to realise that that link is dynamic; and not all that tangible; just as the interplay between our first pair of cells.

''Cell Division/Fusion''
The first cellular division thereby acquires more than a metaphoric meaning or significance; it shows how intangible links can be.
The coupling between those cells is dynamic; with hardly any 'physical proofs'. (This just shows how limited physical perspectives can be.)
Yet the principles of that connection can be well understood; that is why Systems Theory is presented in this course: as a form of language and a means of description, by which even the invisible can be 'described', and thus 'seen'.
What is presented now is the notion that these principles determine our life; the ways we interact and react. And how our reality is determined by the realisations we have.

Psychology, or psychocybernetics, is thus a most important tool. It helps understand how you behave; why you react as you do.
By focusing on Psycho Cybernetics you can even see/realise the fundamental principles by which this takes place.
This is presented in this course on Anatomy, because it helps to understand the basis, in our body, of the way we behave.
But also, how our body, and behaviour, are based on much deeper and more fundamental concepts, that we share with each other, all animals and life forms, and the universe as a whole.

''Understanding the Principles''
The more you understand those principles; the better you see the sameness and distinctions; and the more effective healer you can be.
In addition, it will be more easy to understand that it is Your health that determines what you can heal or not; as it are Your confusions that determine if you are prone to disease; and which kind.
By realising that you are different from your clients, you can enhance your hygiene. Moreover, prevent contamination disease.
By understanding that in principle you and your clients are same, your effectiveness will be enhanced.

''(Patho) Psycho Physiology''
The advantage of learning this concept in a course of anatomy is that you can now recognise these principles in their most basic forms; already after the first division of your body's first cell.
The later divisions will make the basis of Physiology and Anatomy clear. By understanding how this makes the body more complex, while its integrity is always maintained, you get a much deeper and much broader understanding of the range and scope and scale of communications that we can share.
As a result, you can use the structure and organisation of (y)our body as a guide, to see why and how disease can take place (see also Weekend 3). And how health can best be restored.
Because Health is the basis of all of our life; as expressed from within our first cell.

''Cells build your body''
The question put to you is to think about this; from now on in the rest of this course.

By realising that the interaction of the first cells, 'invisible' as it seems, is the basis of our intercellular communication, our psychology, and experience of life, you can also come to understand the principles by which our psyche does what/as it does.
This helps to enhance the contact between you and your clients, by more fully understanding yourself.
By realising that the principle involved is that of Interfacing, yet again, as shown in Weekend 1; you can recognise the simple principles by which our psyche/integrity is maintained.

How our psyche (and mental interactions) work by these same principles as Weekend 1 described, can be found in (now) many books.
The texts of Grinder and Bandler (showing the work of Milton Erickson) show how this operates in the decisions we take; and hour our Realisations affects and change the Reality that we experience.
Books like those of Watzlawick show how this operates in social systems too: you cannot 'treat' a 'client' without affecting their family (and also yourself).
There are more books still describing how this applies for nations, factories, companies and machines.

''Life = Interfacing''
The core idea is that it is all very simple: interfacing.
It is also at the core of our being: right from the first cell division.
And it pervades all that we are: all our cell divisions, the ways cells differentiate, and how our body is formed; and the interactions with the Reality that we perceive.
This is the understanding that can be of use in optimally healing the people you work with; without them or you becoming more sick.

''Information in Formation''
This is easily done by recognising, remembering and reminding them of the fundamental principles that operate in our life.
By which we are at once one with the universe; yet at the same time seemingly apart: Heaven AND hell.
It is the interplay between the two, in which creation takes place; our body is based on (and expression of) that.
Our body as a whole is an expression of that: integrating information and substance; metaphysics and physics.

''Balancing the Interface Phase''
In the next two weekends this relationship will become more clear: how the body shows that interconnection: in its physiology and anatomy.
Then this will be taken up again in a somewhat different sense: showing how Shamanism, Acupuncture, Ayur Veda, and Somatic Medicine all have their understanding of the way our bodies work.
By the underlying theme of the 4D dynamic logic, it will be clear that each of these four offers a different reflection on what is essentially the same.
From this it becomes clear how our body anatomy can be a 'handle' for each of these forms of healing; with (seemingly) each their own ways.

''Integral Health Care''
By seeing the connection between these forms of healing, the relationship between our anatomy, physiology, neurocrine and consciousness processes too become more clear.
Which in turn again helps to see how Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit all interrelate. This gives you much more tools to understand, and deal with, disease.
Because, by their interconnectedness, you will have a much better understanding of health.
Health however is the basis of life; and that, you can best understand (= experience) within yourself.

''Body Wisdom''
Although in this course we 'talk' a lot about the way our bodies operate, and how that can be seen; what we deal with is what we are; that can actually be felt.
'Knowing' what the body is, is simply a result. As you now can see, this knowledge already exists from before the first cell division takes place.
This is 'built in' 'knowledge'; whatever else we think that we know, is based on this.
This is important to know: health is not a conscious process; our consciousness too, is based on these principles (of health).

''Body of Knowledge''
Later this 'unconscious' aspect of our health/living will become more clear; and it will be seen what relationships there are between different types of muscles, and storage of memories, at different levels of emotions and consciousness.
The role of consciousness itself will be made more clear and explicit too.
What is shown in this presentation is that this is already found in the first division of the first cell.
To therewith have an understanding of how fundamental and 'unconscious' these processes are.

''Conscious (Body) Development''
In seeing 'the body unfold', as the next weekends show, it will be clearer how this (un) consciousness take shape.
First in the forms of processes (patho)physiology. To see how the processes of co-ordination, discussed here above, can go wrong and lead to dis-eases. (And the (un/sub)consciousness involved.)
Then in the form of structure: as body anatomy. To help you understand yet again that the body is more than it seems; and that an understanding of the process/dynamics of it is not yet enough. There are deeper processes, less visible or tangible perhaps, by which the relationships between the cells is defined.
The force field interface interplay in the first cell division is a best example of/for this. By this, the later relationships, shapes, and forms of your body emerge.

''Concepts of Communication''
All of the body is one ongoing process of communication.
The Food chain, of which we form part, continues in our body (Weekend 3), with enormous efficiency.
As in Nature, the "Law of the Jungle" is a principle of communication: if you do not communicate, you will be ignored, 'food, instead of fed'.
The following illustrates how the principles of communication take place with/in us.

''Meta-real Materials''
#    First, it must be understood that the body is not an object; it is not material in the physical sense. (See Mae Wan Ho, E. Schrödinger, e.a. .) All materials of which it is composed are Transcendental: able to change phase very easily and readily. Changing phase, and phase transition, seems to be the essence of the body.
#    Secondly, the body needs to be understood as an information process; not as a physical object. Information processing is now more and more understood, in computing and information science. What is not commonly understood is that our body is an information process(or) as such.
#    Thirdly: it is evident that the body is an Interface: it bridges Mind and Matter, unifying both. It can thus best be described in such terms: systems theory if one of the more convenient Languages for this; this will be separately addressed.
#    Finally, as an interface the body follows the principles described in Weekend 1. Some of those ideas will be recapitulated below (in a different form than used then). It is by these principles that the integrity of the body can be seen, also between Neurocrine, Immune regulation, and Propriocepsis.

|''Object'' |''Process'' |''Transform'' |''Unity''|
|Wall |Door |Handle |Hinge|
|View |Perspective |Alternative |Insight |
|Cell |Membrane |Receptor |Gate |
|Body |Interactions |Regulation |Health|

''Blind Spots = Singularities''
The concept of the Wall, Door, Handle and Hinge are metaphors for our perception of change: the unknown will at first not be realised: a blind spot or Blank Wall. Only when enough perspective builds up, can contours and details be perceived, and distinctions made by which foreground and background can be discerned. Only later is it possible to see by which means the two can be told, later set, apart. Yet even when done so (analysed) they will still remain linked (synthesis).
The psychological equivalent for this can be described in terms of the initial view, that gains depth by perspective and broadness by the used of alternative viewpoints; as a result of which an insight into the whole can be construed. (This relates to the concept of Diagnosis: being able to look beyond superficial appearances.)
Our body operates in this way: all the principles described in Weekend 1 can be recognised at each level; also within the cells. The ‘zooming in on the cell’, shows the cell membrane receptor gates; just as zooming in on matter shows the chemistry of electromagnetic fields, when matter is seen as molecules of atoms of phase.
Phase is the underlying essential element; the only element from which all we know ‘is made’; what we know and see is but an organisation of phase; matter is but one of the phases of Phase; and the phases of matter are only different forms of organisation and aggregation of Phase. (With different degrees of freedom; and different types of bonds.) Atoms, patterns of vibration, are described in these terms. It is but logical to regard our body in the same way.

''Systems Theory''
In doing so it is however helpful to regard a more suitable language for this; systems theory is a language of this kind. It allows the description of Objects as Processes of Transformation of Phase. Each term can be used; and each perspective give useful insights. In using the language of Systems Theory the relationship between different forms of phase can be described in the terms as used in Weekend 1. Below more ‘technical’ representations are given for the same.

''Beyond Boundaries''
The basic concept involved is that of crossing an interface; the Mach Conic (and canonical equations) are a good example for this. (They form part of a set of equations called Critical Parameters, in which the transition of s system beyond its definition can be described. Dimensional Theory deals with the mathematics for this.)

* Weekend 02 - PNC - Mach1
* Weekend 02 - PNC - Mach2
* Weekend 02 - PNC - Mach3
* Weekend 02 - PNC - Mach4

The more usual representation in Systems Models is the old descriptions for radio engineers (before transistors became standard). Condensers or Capacitors (the symbol on the left) refer to anything that has to do with Storage. Coils are the symbol for attenuation; anything that changes the duration in time. Resistors are the symbol for transformation: anything that deals with the change between states. And the Source (on the right) symbolises anything that accounts for newness in/of the circuit itself.

*    Weekend 02 - PNC - Element1    
*    Weekend 02 - PNC - Element2    
*    Weekend 02 - PNC - Element3    
*    Weekend 02 - PNC - Element4    
|Capacitor |Coil |Resistor |Source|
|Space |Time |Energy |Consciousness |

From the foregoing it can be clear that it is also possible to denote these elements by their main function:
It is to be kept in mind that ideal Resistors, Sources, Capacitors and Coils do not exist: each also contains elements of the other three. This is quickest said as “our reality is 4D”: all these elements are always seen combined.

* Weekend 02 - PNC - Circuit

The traditional Radio Circuit thereby can become a representation for our reality as a whole: the integration of Consciousness, Energy, Time and Space. Our body too is based on this; which is why this symbol is so effective in helping us understand our own body too. By the different perspective integrated in this, it is possible to regard anything as (simultaneously) a unit (or Node), a conduit (or Branch), a circuit (or Loop) and a complex (or network).

* Weekend 02 - PNC - Circuit1 
* Weekend 02 - PNC - Circuit2
* Weekend 02 - PNC - Circuit3
* Weekend 02 - PNC - Circuit4

|Node |Branch |Circuit |Network |

These basic concepts can be found in our body too …

''Body Cybernetics''

*    Weekend 02 - PNC - Body1
*    Weekend 02 - PNC - Body2
*    Weekend 02 - PNC - Body3
*    Weekend 02 - PNC - Body4

| State | Process | Transformation | Integration |
| Space | Time | Energy | Consciousness |
| Position | Velocity | Acceleration | Coordination |
|Structure |Flow |Control |Integrity |
|Physical |Mental |Soul |Spirit|
|Conscious |Subconscious |Unconscious |superconsious |
|0.5 [s] |0.1 [s] |0.01 [s] |0,001 [s] |
|Freud: analysis | Skinner: conditioning | Bene; NLP |Perls: Gestalt |
|Driesch |Whorf |Uexküll |Von Bertalanffy |
|Knowledge |Reflex |Instinct |Karma |
|Human |Animal |Plant |Mineral |
|Neuro-psychology ||Endocrine Psychology ||
|Mouth |Stomach |Blood |Cell|
|||Shen |Hun/Po|
|||Soul |Body|
|Head |Heart |Hara |Holy Bone|
| Fire |Air |Water |Matter |
|Mind |Lungs |Gut |Kidney |

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The communication between cells stands central, this weekend.
The principles of interaction (or interfacing) are so fundamental that they are separately addressed: as [[General Systems Theory]].
The communication between people is based on our communication between cells.
Which, as followed from [[Weekend 01]], is based on the interaction within cells.

What is seen between the first cell pair, is the basis of all intercellular communications.
That includes how synapses link the functions of neurons, and how we experience 'life'.
For this reason there is a direct link between this level of cellular function, and our experience and response to 'reality'; by our own realisations.
We must realise that 'Reality' is, in fact, a Realisation - as we can witness in our body (In [[Cell Division]] and [[Cell Communication]]).

At that level, Psychology and Peurology are the same.
Both are based on changes in the Electromagnetic Field, in/of our body.
Evidently they appear different to us, by the way we experience them; but then the same is the case of sound and motion or radio waves and light: all of which are vibrations.
There is good reason to regard the psychology (and neurocrinology) of our cells at this point: by understanding the (4D) principles by which our cells function, we also understand the basis of the way we interact with reality, by our own realisations

By realising that reality is not as Real as we are inclined or led to believe, we have more freedom to change our experience of reality; by adapting our realisation.
Adaptation is always a double sided event; adaptation to; and adaptation of.
This can be described and understood by the same principles as were addressed in weekend 1. (Interfacing dynamics.)

By realising that reality is not Perfect or Fixed (as some philosophies try to let us believe) we can change the reality that we 'find'.
Evidently, in healing, this plays a fundamental role: what is realised as Reality, is a Realisation, a state of being within ourselves.
It is essential to realise that that state is not fixed. In part, it seems so (as reflexes can show); and in part, it is not (our freedom of choice).
By realising that reflexes are but memories from the past, kept in place by our own beliefs, they can be reinterpreted and changed.

The transformation of beliefs (and reflexes) plays an essential role in healing; as e.g. Maxwell Maltz has shown.
(He worked as plastic surgeon; and found that sometimes his work had no effect at al on the discontentment that some people expressed.
He also found that some fundamentally changed, although no operation took place.
The difference in self-acceptance, thus self-realisation, turned out to be the key, as he described in his book Psycho Cybernetics.)

[[PsychoCybernetics]] is a very apt description, for the way the psyche and cybernetics are linked.
To realise that reality is not fixed (as anatomists may seem to believe) but a dynamic process (as our physiology shows) is precisely the difference in perspective by which diseases are healed.
However, healing is a process, thus an interaction (or adaptation) it two is a two-sided process.
This is important to understand in healing: to which extent will something else be changed by what you do/feel/think/are? To which extent are you changed by the experiences you have.

Compare it to a mirror: or tool: in using it you will have to use it in the proper way; you will need to adapt. As a result of which you will be changed. It is a simple process of interfacing.
Healing can make others better; healing can make you better; healing can make you sick. And make others sick.
Any interaction we have changes both us and the people we meet.
The work of Grinder & Bandler is most explicit in that: even non-directive psychology is directive; so we better take our effects into account; and study how they come to be.

For this reason psychology and PsychoCybernetics is an essential element in this course: if you aim to help others to heal, thus to change; to which extent do they come afflicted or infected by your own Idées Fixes?
It is an art of knowing the Balance; Art itself comes from a Latin word, meaning Hinge.
The interface is such a Hinge: what we do/are changes our environment; the state/dynamic of our conditions affect us.
Our experience of reality is like the interplay of a River and Bedding: both influence each other, and by their interplay determine the result. Healing is no exemption.

[[Healing]] thus needs an understanding in this phenomenon of interfacing; and the extent to which our realisations and reflexes (noumena) play crucial roles in this.
By realising that we function in the way we do by the way the laws of nature work in us (as from/by them 'we are made'), we can understand the basics of our own inneractions. Internal integrity is the basis of health.
This includes the knowledge of the difference between the others and us. When we work with others; or they work with us, a connection is made, and (normal) boundaries are crossed: two separate beings seem to function as one. This is because the process they share, by which they then connect.
It is fundamental to realise which processes are involved; if that distinction is lost disease takes it place. Disease is con-fusion of what you are, and what you are not.

Understanding the boundary, or interface, is thus essential in this; that is why  it plays a determinant role throughout this course. As weekend one already took up; and the others show too, each in their own way.
Realising that you (your first cells) stand apart from the rest of reality, is the most fundamental basis of what you really are: unique. In no way the same as any other.
Yet, although standing (and dying) alone, and in being unique, you are still part of a process; the food chain; the lineage of your ancestors; the evolution of life forms, and the cosmology from which our life/planet emerged.
We are thus (inter)connected too, with each other, at the same time.

This is what religions describe: heaven: the level of information in which all things are linked, and one. And Earth, the tangible forms by which all things are distinct.
Traditional forms of healing are very well aware of all this: all (each in its own way) regard (thus see) the human as link between those two realms. Like a zipper, combining physics and metaphysics at the same time.
The coming weekends will elaborate on this theme, and show how shamanism, acupuncture, ayur Veda and somatic medicine are all linked.
At this level it is important to realise that that link is dynamic; and not all that tangible; just as the interplay between our first pair of cells.

The first cellular division thereby acquires more than a metaphoric meaning or significance; it shows how intangible links can be.
The coupling between those cells is dynamic; with hardly any 'physical proofs'. (This just shows how limited physical perspectives can be.)
Yet the principles of that connection can be well understood; that is why Systems Theory is presented in this course: as a form of language and a means of description, by which even the  invisible can be 'described', and thus 'seen'.
What is presented now is the notion that these principles determine our life; the ways we interact and react. And how our reality is determined by the realisations we have.

Psychology, or psychocybernetics, is thus a most important tool. It helps understand how you behave; why you react as you do.
By focusing on Psycho Cybernetics you can even see/realise the fundamental principles by which this takes place.
This is presented in this course on Anatomy, because it helps to understand the basis, in our body, of the way we behave.
But also, how our body, and behaviour, are based on much deeper and more fundamental concepts, that we share with each other, all animals and life forms, and the universe as a whole.

The more you understand those principles; the better you see the sameness and distinctions; and the more effective healer you can be.
In addition, it will be more easy to understand that it is Your health that determines what you can heal or not; as it are Your confusions that determine if you are prone to disease; and which kind.
By realising that you are different from your clients, you can enhance your hygiene. Moreover, prevent contamination disease.
By understanding that in principle you and your clients are same, your effectivity will be enhanced.

The advantage of learning this concept in a course of anatomy is that you can now recognise these principles in their most basic forms; already after the first division of your body's first cell.
The later divisions will make the basis of Physiology and Anatomy clear. By understanding how this makes the body more complex, while its integrity is always maintained, you get a much deeper and much broader understanding of the range and scope and scale of communications that we can share.
As a result, you can use the structure and organisation of (y)our body as a guide, to see why and how disease can take place (see also Weekend 3). And how health can best be restored.
Because Health is the basis of all of our life; as expressed from within our first cell.

The question put to you is to think about this; from now on in the rest of this course.
By realising that the interaction of the first cells, 'invisible' as it seems, is the basis of our intercellular communication, our psychology, and experience of life, you can also come to understand the principles by which our psyche does what/as it does.
This helps to enhance the contact between you and your clients, by more fully understanding yourself.
By realising that the principle involved is that of Interfacing, yet again, as shown in Weekend 1; you can recognise the simple principles by which our psyche/integrity is maintained.

How our psyche (and mental interactions) work by these same principles as Weekend 1 described, can be found in (now) many books.
The texts of Grinder and Bandler (showing the work of Milton Erickson) show how this operates in the decisions we take; and hour our Realisations affects and change the Reality that we experience.
Books like those of Watzlawick show how this operates in social systems too: you cannot 'treat' a 'client' without affecting their family (and also yourself).
There are more books still describing how this applies for nations, factories, companies and machines.

The core idea is that it is all very simple: interfacing.
It is also at the core of our being: right from the first cell division.
And it pervades all that we are: all our cell divisions, the ways cells differentiate, and how our body is formed; and the interactions with the Reality that we perceive.
This is the understanding that can be of use in optimally healing the people you work with; without them or you becoming more sick.

This is easily done by recognising, remembering and reminding them of the fundamental principles that operate in our life.
By which we are at once one with the universe; yet at the same time seemingly apart: Heaven AND hell.
It is the interplay between the two, in which creation takes place; our body is based on (and expression of) that.
Our body as a whole is an expression of that: integrating information and substance; metaphysics and physics.

In the next two weekends this relationship will become more clear: how the body shows that interconnection: in its physiology and anatomy.
Then this will be taken up again in a somewhat different sense: showing how Shamanism, Acupuncture, Ayur Veda, and Somatic Medicine all have their understanding of the way our bodies work.
By the underlying theme of the 4D dynamic logic, it will be clear that each of these four offers a different reflection on what is essentially the same.
From this it becomes clear how our body anatomy can be a 'handle' for each of these forms of healing; with (seemingly) each their own ways.

By seeing the connection between these forms of healing, the relationship between our anatomy, physiology, neurocrine and consciousness processes too become more clear..
Which in turn again helps to see how Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit all interrelate. This gives you much more tools to understand, and deal with, disease.
Because, by their interconnectedness, you will have a much better understanding of health.
Health however is the basis of life; and that, you can best understand (= experience) within yourself.

Although in this course we 'talk' a lot about the way our bodies operate, and how that can be seen; what we deal with is what we are; that can actually be felt.
'Knowing' what the body is, is simply a result. As you now can see, this knowledge already exists from before the first cell division takes place.
This is 'built in' 'knowledge'; whatever else we think that we know, is based on this.
This is important to know: health is not a conscious process; our consciousness too, is based on these principles (of health).

Later this 'unconscious' aspect of our health/living will become more clear; and it will be seen what relationships there are between different types of muscles, and storage of memories, at different levels of emotions and consciousness.
The role of consciousness itself will be made more clear and explicit too.
What is shown in this presentation is that this is already found in the first division of the first cell.
To therewith have an understanding of how fundamental and 'unconscious' these processes are.

In seeing 'the body unfold', as the next weekends show, it will be clearer how this (un) consciousness take shape.
First in the forms of processes (patho)physiology. To see how the processes of co-ordination, discussed here above, can go wrong and lead to dis-eases. (And the (un/sub)consciousness involved.)
Then in the form of structure: as body anatomy. To help you understand yet again that the body is more than it seems; and that an understanding of the process/dynamics of it is not yet enough. There are deeper processes, less visible or tangible perhaps, by which the relationships between the cells is defined.
The force field interface interplay in the first cell division is a best example of/for this. By this, the later relationships, shapes, and forms of your body emerge.

!Refraction & Diffraction as principles of Body Formation

In a 4D reality, the principles of nature are the same as those we know; the difference is only in the way they inwardly relay, beyond the forms that we see.
Two principles of nature that are well known, are those of Diffraction and Refraction.
Refraction (see the image to the right) occurs when a medium changes. The sped of propagation of sound (information on internal response to change differs, depending on the density of the material.. Due to Refraction, a stick standing in water appears as bent. The stick remains straight, but the way the information of its shape travels to our eye is changed..	 

Diffraction is comparable to the image of a hole in a dam: a wave on one side, will give rise to waves at the other side of the whole. The wave simply travels on, but in a new proportion as determined by the with of the hole.	 

The general principle involved is that of Crossing a Boundary. Another way to describe it is as: the effect of a Filter. Any object we can know, any boundary we can perceive, works as a Filter. Our body as w hole is a Filter. But more than that: the construct of our whole body too is that of a Filter. By seeing that Refraction and Diffraction are but properties of a Boundary/Filter, our body, and its ‘creation’, can be understood in more fundamental terms. Each cell division simply adds another boundary in/to the system. Each boundary adds to the capacities to filter. The whole structure of the Body/Boundary determines the capacities to Interface/Filter, by which the Diffraction/Refraction of experience/waves is enhanced/specified.

What we experience in our body (in the Realisation of Reality) is already ‘built-in’ (in somewhat different form) in animals, who operate by the same principles as plants function. Which are yet again but expressions of the same principles and potential (responding to waves) as Minerals already express. The following recapitulates the transition from Minerals to Plants to Animals to Humans; each time a boundary inversion takes place; each time a ‘doubling’ of the functioning can be seen: the Mineral (embedded in an environment) is ‘doubled’ as the Plant, ‘bridging’ two different environments (location and climate). The Animal doubles this again, by having its territory and environment. Humans ‘double’ this again by having an Internal (Realisation) and External Experience (Reality).
Within Humans, the properties of Animals, Plants, and Minerals are retained. I.e. we share all the Filter options of Minerals, Plants and Animals (which is why they can help heal).
!Inversion/Reflection at (Division) Boundaries

Refraction and Diffraction reflect ‘mirroring properties’ of Boundaries (where phase can invert, thus reflect on itself: See “Options & Choices, Doubts & Decisions”.) The following sub-section details the principle of the inversions on the boundary, already seen in the images below:


Each of the transformations is the result of the transition of a boundary; by the same principles of Division that were described above. In the case of the Mineral: it lies embedded in earth. For the Plant: it transcends Earth, and is halfway in it, and halfway above (and beyond) it. While the Tree stands rooted, the animal is not: it is free to move, yet bound to a territory still. (The mobility of the Animal stems from an internalisation of the principles of the tree, as seen in seeding: the tree spawns a nut, which can move to a new location, to sprout a new tree. The tree-seed-tree cycle is again a transcendence of a ’boundary’ which exists within the animal.) Humans add to this an internalisation of the territory they live in: as a result of which, internally, it is possible to compare different external territories. (This is the basis of memory-learning) Each of these transformations represents a transition across a boundary; thus an Inversion, thus a form of Division.
The following illustrates a transition from Mineral to Plant to Animal to Human.

!4 stages
Each of the stages is a simple ‘reverberation’, or Reflection, of what  existed in the stage before.

The ''Mineral'', embedded in Earth, vibrates internally; it is a large antenna.
The internal vibrations of the mineral, create a Field around it (as does any antenna); in this antenna field the layers are very organised (see the work of Dan Winter) and the reverberation pattern is a diffraction, with great regularity: a Fractal. (“Diffractal” is the term used here for both combined.)

The ''Plant'', which has the same pattern of vibration (now turned inside out) stands halfway in the soil, and halfway above it.
The part above the soil and below it are reflections of each other still: the medium above (air, light) is less dense than the medium below (earth, Water). As a result the diffraction of the ‘tree’ as Roots appears more compressed than the same tree as Branches. (Cf. a straw in a glass of water, seen as ‘broken’ from outside.)
This kind of change of scale had already been described by d’Arcy Thomson.
The Plant is thus in principle the same as a mineral, but now with an internal FLOW explicitly seen: as the water going from Earth to Heaven; and photons going from Heaven (via the leaves, trunk and roots) to Earth. The vibrational Metabolism of the mineral is now explicitly seen.

The ''Animal''s represent the same principle, but now not rooted in Earth.
Animals can move from one environment to another (the development phase of The Acorn, as part of the Oak, is – so to say – now ‘built in’. 
The Leaves now form the Lungs; the Roots now form the Gut.
Below a schematic image is given of how this ‘inversion’ can be imagined.
The result is that the animals can contain their eggs (replacing their seed).
Also, they can seek the environment in which they live.
Like plants still, they mark their territory by ‘where their leaves fall’: they piss (‘scent flags’) to mark their territory.

The ''Human''s are animals ‘with the capacity to create a territory built in’.
Again, they contain what is seen in the previous form; again added reflections took place by which what was outside it ‘taken in’.
And what was innate is brought out.
(This was already described by David Bohm.)
The environment is also brought in, as a sensed image of the environment in the head. The head itself is a reflection of the body; the mind a representation of the reflexes in animals, metabolism in plants and vibrations in minerals.

Humans are essentially still Mineral, Plants and Animals. Each of the traits of the other ‘species’ are preserved: we and ‘them’ are the same.
The transitions involved are in principle the same as the 'unfolding of the interface', when the Zygote 'opens up' in dividing, internally, then externally.
By understanding these fundamental principles, thus properties, the basic correspondences between humans and animals (Totems), Plants (Herbs) and Minerals (Gems) can be seen, and used in/for healing.

Humans are animals, which are plants, which are minerals still.
The relationship between them is that of Boundary Reflections.
Humans are simply Interfaces, composed of Minerals suspended in a Flow of Fluid (and photons), with an ability to move about.

In simple schematic diagram:
| Mineral	| Plant	| Animal	| Human |

!4 Phases
The phases, the transitions between the stages, can be imagined as shown below.
What is sketched is the transition across a boundary (and the inversion this implies) as presented also in [[Weekend 01]].

Each Mineral has internal vibrations: mechanical, sound waves, electromagnetic and (atomic) light.
Around each mineral are magneto-electric fields: it is an antenna {Phil Callahan}.
Always the balance is maintained: the internal and external vibrations interweave.
By the interference patterns they create (cf.. The bow wave and wake of a ship) mirror planes arise, off which the reflections between the mineral and the environment can reverberate.

In plants, we see the same: the wave patterns around minerals (normally not explicitly seen) is like the ion spray of lightning conductors: every sharp object creates a charge potential field. The same patterns that are seen in lightning, rivers and trees: a mineral ‘seen inside out’.
The roots and branches are simply formed after (‘in the image of’) the charge field that we don’t normally see.

* The following described how the images were made to come from a tree to an animal:

First the image of the tree was doubled (The photon stream from leaves to roots, and the sap flow from roots to leaves, are then both described. They relate to the nervous system and blood circulation. (A later doubling takes place in animals, by which the lymph circulation and cerebrospinal fluids too are explicitly seen. Again: in opening the interface, a new membrane is formed, and a mirroring of the exiting pattern is seen.)

The part of the mineral above the soil (‘out in the blue’), is shown in blue; it reflects into the formation of leaves: extended interface surface, by which the exchanges take place (photon/fluid/perfume/air) (Perfume is often a loop molecule; thus very structured, thus ‘matter’.)
Likewise the roots are shown in terracotta: roots are interfacing agents for the exchange of minerals in fluids (‘sap’) into the tree; and effusion of photons and electromagnetism into Earth.

The Leaf area is shown as green; in animals this ‘folds inward’, and appears as the lungs.
The Roots are shown as orange; in animals they ‘form’ the gut, where nutrients are exchanged.

The top end of the tree (green) thus reflects the environment of the atmosphere (blue); while the root end of the tree (orange) reflects the soil (terracotta).

In disconnecting the Tree from the Earth (as is the case for animals), a new interface is created. It is a new plane for reflection: what was first seen as outside of the creature (plant) is now seen again ‘reflected’ within it.
There is thereby a vegetable component, which performs the same functions as the tree (be it now ‘inside out’). This is the body/digestion.
And there is an ‘internalised effect of the environment’, call it Mind; call it the ability to ‘territorialise’. It is intimately related to the ability to move, and ‘find new soil’. Earth and Atmosphere are now, thus, ‘built in’.

The following 4 images aim to make this clear:
Left: the rudimentary form of the tree: leaves and roots. (Seen separate from its environment now.)
Second from the left: the influence of the environment into the tree: photon impression and ‘incarnate soil’ (the soil within the plant). 
Third from the left: these two effects combined: autonomous metabolism and awareness.
Right: the basic spinal cord: the internalised regulation of all of these functions: the image of the outside world within the animal/plant.

In animals, the Boundary through which the Plant grows, has become internalised: the tree, ‘solid’ as a Plant, is the physiological flow. The Gut is the equivalent of this: a long hollow tube from one end to the other of the organism. (Observe that in 4D analysis this is a simple transformation: what is solid can be hollow, when a system is turned inside out. This comes back to the concepts described in Weekend 1.)

Once the Plant is ‘disconnected’ from the soil, it is still embedded in the environment; but now in a different way. Compare it to the foetus (fruit) connected to the placenta (roots/leaves) by the umbilicus (stem): once born, this connection falls away. (cf. a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.)

Each time a boundary is crossed, a ‘doubling’ is seen. (The interface is the surface (cf. water) that reflects; a transition through a boundary is equivalent to an inversion of phase: boundaries reflect.) In the plant: what was external is internalised; in the human: what was ‘real’ is ‘realised’. Each transition adds a degree of freedom; thus needs to be balanced by a degree to which the organism is self-contained.

The following images aim to make this clear: in forming an animal, a Plant is Bent Double: the leaves bend to the soil; while in the reflected transformation the roots and leaves ‘fold inwards’ to form the gut and lungs. As this happens, a ‘mirror image’ is ‘activated’ when the ‘Boundary’ is crossed: 
The outside and inside ‘merge’, as an internal subdivision takes place. (Cf. Cleavage Division: new compartments emerge: abdomen and chest, now supplemented by sacrum and brain.

The Sacrum, i.e. the retro-peritoneal cavity, contains the Kidneys and Bladder. In a sense this represents the soil outside of the organism. This is represented by the left-bottom image.
The Head (and cerebrospinal fluid) likewise represent the environment of the atmosphere, as incorporate into the body. This is represented by the left-top image.
These two systems operate combined; with a ‘shadow system’ (or information organisation system) ensuring the connectedness between the two. (Again this is the concept discussed in Weekend 1: separation = connection). This is represented by the middle-bottom and top image.
While the Heart (and blood/oxygen circulation) and Hara (abdomen, nutrient conversion) are the areas where the Leaves and Roots are ‘now found’.

The head, separated from the rump by the neck, is such a system in itself. Again, it mirrors al of the body (and the jaws are the equivalent or arms and legs, as ir. Meeuwen (?) showed.) The seeming complexity of/in the brain is thus ‘simply’ a mirror image (as the crossing nerves show) of the rump in the head.
Human creation therefore uses animal reflexes, vegetative responses and mineral reactions.
Human intuition is based on animal instinct which is based on innate mineral capacities in plants.
Human capacities are most centred in the head, animal (organ System) responses have their focus in the chest (heart/lungs), vegetative system responses are focused most in the belly (guts) and mineral properties are seen most clearly in the Sacrum (Os Sacrale) in the hips.
''SIG = The Foundation for Integral Health Care''.
Stichting ter bevordering van de Integratie van Geneeswijzen.
sigfoundation [at] gmail . com
''The collected course works''
In this course, the presentations in Weekend 5 and 10 involve preparation: discovering one’s interest, organising one’s thoughts, realising one’s insight and presenting one’s findings.
Each of these stages involves internal mental processes, and external activities.
Discovering one’s own interest is very much an internal activity; yet the core notions can be described in common language. This helps others gain insight in the internal considerations. The formulation of a Title, an Abstract, Key Words and an Outline already helps others understand what may be forthcoming.
Formulating the Outline is already a step towards the internal organisation of one’s insight. It is akin to the learning skill of making lists, and can be complemented by the methods of making Mind Maps, Drawings and Notes, as described in Weekend 1. This phase also involves a process of ‘ingestion’: the taking in of existing knowledge, such as reading books or otherwise consulting experts on the topic(s). Of this the harvest can be recorded. These personal raw notes and drafts can already help others fathom better what is being developed.
Realising one’s insight involves a process of ‘digestion’: often this involves an amorphous period in which the ideas that were taken in from the environment, by reading texts and speaking with others, take a new shape around the personal interest, item 1. This phase of internal transformation often can be made explicit in conversation with others, or in ‘writing to oneself’, for exploring the concepts from various aspects. This leads to insights which were already implicit in phase one, and base on the ideas taken in in phase 2, which can then be presented in phase 4
The presentation of the ideas is easiest done by filling in a template: the template helps by giving a form of presentation, by which the readers can read different papers, and focus on the content by not having to adapt to different forms of presentation. It leads to a kind of uniformity, while yet allowing full freedom for self-expression. It helps by offering an already available structure, in which personal insights can get form.
The end result is a collection of perspectives, views, visions and insights, by which the same topic is viewed: our own living body, and the fascination of getting to know it.

This end result can then be taken one step further: by grouping the papers presented in the course, a booklet emerges in which the views of one person are seen to be reflected and complemented in the works of the others.

This brings out much more of the value of your own work: it can be seen how others too work with such insights, and benefit from them being expressed.

The overall result is of interest for others who did not (yet) follow this course: they can see the fascination for their own living body, they can see how everybody experiences it in their own unique manner, they can see how inspiring it is when others express their own views and visions, and they can evaluate and appreciate that the presenter has gone through much effort to collect, integrate and present those ideas.
Evidently this form of presentation changes the perspective of a course evaluation: each participant presents their own views, knowing that what they put forth is read by the other participants; but that it is at the same time relevant for those other participants: they may need the information that has been put down. They will need to be accurate and reliable in what has been presented.

This is also the case by making the information public. Even as interim presentation, as part of a course that still develops further, what has been found is already of interest to many others. There are many people who grow up without learning what takes place in their body, or how they can best use it. The material that comes out of this course already – as a form of contagious health care – helps others understand more of themselves, and their life potentials.

As this project emerged, in the development of this course: in the first year there was no such presented paper. In the second year of presenting this course, this method was introduced as conclusion of weekend 10. In the third year of the course it was already introduced as element in Weekend 1, to be elaborated in Weekend 10. (This made it possible to learn the skills of presentation at the same moment as setting up the rough draft outlines of one’s own views; to be refined in content and form in weekend 10.)
In the forth going development of the course, 2 modules are added: one, to deepen the understanding of the body for oneself. Another, to enhance the skills of communicating this to others. In each of those modules, all weekends are prepared for by the participants, and evaluated afterward.

Writing an addition to their already existing paper, in the theme of the weekend for each module, helps to focus the thoughts and to get most out of the weekend. To write up and refine ones findings after the weekend helps to get most of the input of the others, and to integrate them in one’s own understanding. Also, it helps to appreciate the knowledge that others provide, a scrutiny into the validity of what they have presented, and ongoing dialogue with interested colleagues, and a deepening of one’s own skills for communicating the understanding of one’s own body to one’s colleagues and clients.

The 2^^nd^^ half of the course thus helps substantiate and corroborate the work already done in weekends 1 -> 10. In this 2nd set of modules, the first addresses personal understanding; deepening the personal understanding and verifying what has been presented in Weekend 5 and 10. The second addresses the ways to communicate this with others, and help them understand their own body and this way of thinking. This validates what has already been presented by cross-reference to the work of others. Together this represents a natural growth towards a valid presentation of one’s own understanding. This can also help others understand this material, and the understanding of the person who presents it. Each of the 2nd set of modules addresses the anatomical, physiological, Neurocrine and psycho-immune aspects of the selected topic, integrating it with an integral understanding of the whole body.

The resulting product, is a valid contribution to our collective understanding of our own living body. It is also a valuable resource for future students of this course.
[[Anatomy Course]]
[[Our Living Body]]
The reality we know is but a realisation: literally:
Whatever we know is a mental construct.
Everything we perceive is based on an interplay on reflexes, by which our interactions with our environment interact with our memories, of previous interactions with/in our environment.
The result is, that all our perceptions are influenced by our past. Whatever we perceive is tainted by what we know. Nothing of what we perceive is free from being (co)determined by our memories of our past. This means that our memories, and how they are organised, determine not only what, but also how we perceive. This affects our personal experience; but also our collective experience (such as our models of science, and medicine). 

All we know is determined by our past: the unresolved issues determine our bias, and the way we block our perception of the reality that we live. All our resolved issues pave the way for further discoveries of life and meaning.
Whatever we know is thus based on the blind spots and blockages in our knowing.
As long as we do not take into account what we think, how and why, and on what this is based, there is no real meaning to any of our perceptions: they will always be biased and personal; not valid for others but ourselves (this is important for (“Therapist of TheRapist”, also discussed during this weekend). This bias means that all our judgments are judgmental; and not valid for others; not even valid for most part for ourselves.
The only way to steer clear of this bias, is by knowing that this is what we do, and choosing to see what happens if we don’t: suspended judgment. By not basing what we perceive on what we hold to be real. The only way to steer clear is by – as Zen calls it – Beginner’s Mind: the mental openness of a Baby; a state of suspended judgment. This can be attained in/after deep meditation; or in sleep.

''States of consciousness''
Sleep represents more than a withdrawal from sensory perception.
Sleep is a very carefully and calibrated state of change, in which we ‘turn around’ in states of consciousness; and oscillate between Conscious (beta), subconscious (alpha), unconscious (theta) and out of consciousness (delta brain wave) modes of realisation.
These states or degrees of involvement are all logically related; and together they determine out involvement (attachment/detachment) in/to the reality that we live.
What is seen in the sleep cycle, is also seen between sleep cycles: while we are awake: the disconnectedness from reality/realisation while asleep takes place also while awake (See: “The American Book of the Dead” (J Gold): Bardo is an ongoing process of reality realisation) (See Weekend 8).

''Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit''
The states of (non)involvement, as found in sleep, and while awake, relate to different forms of logic; this was what the Alchemists described: the reality perceived as Solid-State ([Earth]) operates by different principles (degrees of freedom) than the reality perceived as Fluid-Flow-Process ([Water]), which differs yet again from the realisations we hold for nebulous-Transformative ([Air]) or those we consider undefined ([Fire]).
The differences lie not in reality, but in our realisation. Our involvement differs; and our perception of it varies accordingly.
What we perceive while awake is thereby intimately related to what we perceive while asleep: the difference is only one of our degree of involvement. (Many tribes know this, and speak of I.a. Bardo and Dream Time; the levels of subjective realisation by which our objective reality comes to be defined).
The different levels of consciousness (conscious, sub-, un- and out of consciousness) thus reflect to modes of perception (solid, fluid, gas, plasma), which again represent degrees of involvement (outsider, relator, interactor, and insider). These we experience as our own states of existence: of Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit.

''Anatomy, Physiology, Neurocrinology, Psychology''
The different levels of physical functioning are identical (in principle) to those of our mental processes, our relationships with others, and our involvement in reality/realisation.
What we hold to be real, or how we think of others (and relate to them), even how we think (of/for ourselves) and what we experience as real (by holding it to be real) is based on these same concepts.
Disruptions of our integrity with/in our environment reflects as disruptions of our realisation, interpretation, minding or experience (at the levels of spirit, soul, mind respectively body).
All of these must be regarded as elements of an integral unit(y). Only part of this integrity is tangible, and can be explicitly described; compare it to the anatomy of our physical body. Much of it is fluid, like our mind, amorphous, like our soul, and indefinable, as our spirit.

''The blind spot of our realisation''
To regard our body as physical only, or to regard our mind as conscious only, reflects a blindness for all those principles from which our body is formed. Physicality, and anatomy, is only a reflection of the reality that we live (as Weekend 1 pointed out).
As Weekend 8 pointed out: the existence of phase changes in the physical reality that we know, implies the possibility of an existence between phases: Bardo. This means that the indescribable is essential part of our being. We perceive this at the moment where our perception itself ceases. Compare it to a PC game, that stops at the moment the program itself is being addressed.

Sleep is an aspect of Bardo. It is integrated into the core of our existence. Without sleep, we die. In a sense, sleep is the moment that we ‘turn our back to reality’ to return to realisation.
This principle is known in the schools of meditation; and essential part of the training of ‘all’ religions. At the moment that reality is no longer put at the pivot of our attention, the process of realisation itself can be seen. This is the core training opf mystical teachings. Compare it to ‘programming’ the reality that we live, by redefining the realisations on which they are based.

What we hold to be real is but a fixation of our beliefs; as a ‘stroboscopic effect’. This can be seen in the growth into adolescence: babies do not have knowledge, but an enormous capacity to learn; any language, any behaviour, of any culture. Children have some knowledge, and a lesser capacity to learn; with more skills in relating. Adolescence have more knowledge still less learning capacity, and more abilities for discernment. Adults can identify, discern, and relate; but ‘hardly’ learn.
The phases of ordering and organisation are the same as seen in Cosmology, and the forming of our body (zygote, embryo, foetus, body); cf. Weekend 1. The direction of growth is one of more and more definition: it is the information that gets more and more dense; and ultimately leads to self-repetitive patterns (be it as Habits or Matter).
This is best seen in the formation of our reflexes. Much of our reality realisation is based on a set of mental constructs, objects, that were created as tools. Reflexes are the Scaffolding (or Crutches) for the realities we come to live. By ignoring the structure and role of reflexes, science misses out on the basis of its own realisations. (Magick does not make this error, and is of better use to gauge the consequences of the changes we make).
The organisation of our body is based on Reflexes. The disorganisation, and diseases, are based on the disarray of reflexes. In order to understand Health, and Healing, it is essential to understand the nature of reflexes (their basis was explained, implicitly, in Weekend 1). But Reflexes can only be understood beyond our understanding of consciousness (which we use in perceiving and defining our reflexes). In other words: in order to understand the nature of our reflexes in nature, we must stop to think. Sleep helps us understand how this works.

''Beyond Sleep''
Reflexes run themselves. Reflexes are conditioned by their context. Reflexes represent an established pattern of behaviour within a context. Reflexes determine our life; the more so if the role of reflexes is ignored or denied (as is done in science). To see reflexes in action requires the equivalent of repairing a car while driving it; or reprogramming a computer while it is turned on. This does not work well.

In our life we see that the reprogramming is done while we sleep; thence the title of this article: “sleep the healer”. ‘Taking us off-line is essential for maintaining us on-line’. This explains why sleep deprivation can be lethal. It does not explain enough how the shift of consciousness is essential in keeping us alive. (This involves a twist in phase relationships, seen in the sleep cycle, connecting Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta waves).
The changes are not a shift in frequency, but a shift in relationship. Just like Light, Radio, Sound and Motion, all these frequencies relate to us (by their relative ratios with respect to our cells). Likewise the Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta waves are different (in, thus for us) by the relative degree of embedding that they offer with respect to our body.
(Embedding is the technical of the length of a wave with respect to an antenna (or resonator). Compare it to an image of a puzzle: some image elements can fit on just one piece of a puzzle, others on a few, some require all of the puzzle, and there are some that do not even fit on the puzzle. Embedding determines in the signal is, relatively speaking, in the system, part of the system, contingent (touching on) the system, or transient (passing through it). The properties of connectedness (internal or external) are defined by the phase of a system (boundary). (A boundary is a site of phase inversion)) 

''Brain Waves''
Concepts like Phase Inversion, which are the most fundamental formulations for understanding the nature of boundaries (which are the basis of all our cell/membranes) are more readily understood when considered as waves. Compare it to waves on rivers and oceans, in the waves of clouds of desert dunes: the patterns are always the same. We see the same patterns in the electromagnetic waves in our brain: our brain waves.
Waves have, what is known as, Phases. They describe how waves relate to each other. It is interesting that, from the point of vies of mathematics, the way one can describe waves, and the way that waves relate to each other, can be described in the same terms; as waves.
This makes it possible to see that waves that connect up, and waves that drift apart, waves that are superposed, and waves that are separate, can all be described in terms of waves. (It is even more interesting that it seems that Alchemists knew this: the changes of phase states (solid, liquid, gas and plasma) can be described in the same way.)
This is experienced in the interpretations give to brain waves (this is separately described): beta waves pertain to the way we relate to our context, alpha waves to our sensation of sensing, theta waves to our inner response, and delta waves to the overall effect (of our being).

''Brain Waves in our life''
The following paragraphs, cited from [[ABTD]] point out some of the properties that can be associated with brain waves. They are of use for understanding the concept of Hypnosis, described further on.

''Experience as brain waves''
This is how i have become to regard the brain wave frequency wavebands:
D: Delta:	the cellular functions; including life and death
T: Theta:	the organ function, including our survival emotions
A: Alpha:	the body functions, including all propriocepsis (self-sensing)
B: Beta:	The sensory environment, including all perceptions of our context.

''Brain Waves as links to living''
This can be related to B: Beta 'is needed' to experience life around us'.
A: Alpha 'is needed to reflect on our experience, in our body'.
T: Theta 'is needed, to sense how our involvement affects us, and our body'.
D: Delta 'is needed, to know the meaning of life as we live it, each moment'.

''Knowing brain waves''
This is how daily live experienced can be related to brain waves.
#B: Beta waves are elicited by involvement in our environment; playing a fast game of ping-pong lets you sense what that feels like.
#A: Alpha waves are evoked by closing your eyes to the context, and sensing your body. Just closing the eyes may be enough to let you feel how this feels.
#T: Theta waves are induced by sensing your self sensing; this is more subtle than feeling your body; it is like feeling for the way that you feel for your body. (Think twice.)
#D: Delta waves are induced by leaving your body; this can be sensed only if you are able to extend the range of your sensing from involvement in the environment, interest in your body, to immersion in your feelings. And perceive them all with equal strength.

''Changing Brain Waves = Changing involvement''
And, finally, this is how brain waves can be seen as reflecting different modesof involvement.
To shift the brain wave frequency, is to shift the degree of involvement.
Evidently, the shift to get someone more or less involved, changes their life: suddenly, they will become immersed in something, or disconnect from it. This means that things escape them, or come to determine their lives. This is the same as editing (or proscribing) what a person should (not) live; that can be very presupposing, imposing, and inflicting thus conflicting: a form of rape or robbery of experience of life.

The more basic notion is not that the boundary of their life is shifted (from one 'preferred (brain wave) state' (of themselves, or their therapist) to another, but an "opening of the boundary": to get /all/ A+B+T+D brain wave frequencies involved, and interconnected. So that /all/ life events are experienced from, simultaneously, an insider's and outsider's view; to give them full choice in their involvement, and choices.
It is by far more important to know that we operate by brain waves, and what functions they perform, and learn to recognise them, than blindly impose brain wave patterns on others, without knowing what effects that will cause.

''Shifting Awareness''
By shifting awareness, we change our degree of involvement, which changes our type of realisation, which determines our form of consciousness.
Whatever happens in shifts of brain waves, reflects the changes in involvement.
In sleep, we all go through the full phase cycle of changes of involvement: from being totally immersed, to being total outsider. This can be monitored in the dream cycle brain wave frequency shifts.
The same can be, intentionally, induced (by understanding this pattern): it is related to the sleep cycle, but now intentionally imposed to change the involvement attachment of others. “Hypnosis” explores and exploits the potential which this offers.

''Choices in Life''
Shifting awareness, as described above in relationship to our brain waves, is something we do all the time. This is most explicitly seen when we sleep, and our brain cycles through all brain wave frequencies in turn (in essence, turning us inside-out and back again)..
Our brain wave patterns reflect our involvement with/in our environment. Not only in the present, but also of all our past experiences. All our experiences are stored in memory; and reflected in all our body functions, including our brain wave patterns. It reflects in the way we think, feel, act thus are.
Sometimes people have been conditioned to behave in ways which do not respect the balance of their own ‘boundary’ with respect to their context: they have been trampled over or left ignored. One of the forms in which this takes place is  that people do not learn to make up their own mind, and take responsibility for their involvement with their environment.
The shift in involvement that is seen in our sleep, when our brain cycles through all brain wave frequencies (BATD) is the mechanism by which we transform our involvement from passive, to related, to involved, to responsible. Often these changes are done by reflex. One of the ways to change our reflexes that determine our involvement, is by “Hypnosis”.

“Hypnos” is the Greek name for the ‘God’ of sleep. (Nowadays we would say- the word for the “Principle” of sleep.). Hypnos is the real of the unconscious, such as the state which we are in while sleeping. This state is related to the state of awareness of a baby, before the learning of words, social conduct, and personal presentation. We always go back to those states of awareness when sleeping, when sick, and in dying. Our attention, focused on our surroundings, turns back in from “reality’ to “realisation”. The integrity between the two determines our state of being and health; thus the way we experience life and others. The shift of consciousness involved is the basis for the advice of all religions for meditation: to have conscious awareness of the way these shifts of realisation take place.

Hypnosis is 'our' word for effective communication. Which includes all levels of (sub-un)consciousness. By hypnosis it is possible to address all memories stored in the body, or accessible through it. This includes all our conscious, subconscious, unconscious and out-of-consciousness . This again relates to all the reflexes on which we base our behaviour (many of which were haphazard construction, unintentional creations, and – later – obstructions to our realisation of reality.)
The use of Hypnosis makes it possible to change the way we relate to our body, our reflexes, ourselves, and reality. This requires an understanding of those shifts that take place naturally while we sleep: any one can thus learn this. It also requires an interest in taking on responsibility for the life you live. Ideally (the healthy case) this is done by yourself. Otherwise (the diseased case) others can help in healing your autonomy in choosing how you relate (to your body, reflexes, environment and others) and thus the way you live.

''Hypnosis: a power tool''
Knowledge of Hypnosis is one of the power tools of therapist-therapee interactions. It is also a precision tool - because it is so direct in its effect, it needs to be used with great care.
Hypnosis can be so effective because it uses direct focused attention in maintaining a communication. This makes use of the principle of resonance, entrainment, and makes use of mimicking body postures, specific use of the voice, and, most of all, focused attention. This can be used whit such good effect that it even possible to induce a person to sleep. This is also reflected in the name, for this form of effective communication, "Hypnosis".
By getting people to sleep, it is also possible to help people to heal. "Sleep, the Healer", is a well-known phrase, which points out that healing can take place when the consciousness 'is out of the way'. By understanding the layers of consciousness- ("Bardo", Weekend 8) it is possible to navigate with fair precision to levels of consciousness (i.e.-body functions) below those where the disease process took place.
This relates to what was described above: Hypnosis relates to sleep; and while we sleep we cycle through the brain wave frequencies while we ‘turn our body inside out’. In doing so we change our involvement from active to interactive to reactive to passive: in the passive mode we are – again ‘like babies’ (and have changed from adult to adolescent to child to baby in that transformation). In this transition our relationship to ourselves, the environment and our body is changed: as is the relationship to others. The use of Hypnosis needs to take this into account to be able to heal rather than harm. By restoring autonomy, rather than dependency

''The use of Hypnosis''
Hypnosis is related to Diagnosis. The attentive observation of diagnosis is used 'to look beyond'. -In Hypnosis it is used to (help) think beyond.
Evidently, in such direct forms of interaction, there is a risk that one person affects the other, and thereby imposes his/her own views.
One of the powerful methods of hypnoses makes use of this. Therein, one person hypnotises the other for hypnotising the first.
An even more powerful method is when one person does this to him/herself: self-hypnosis. This relates to meditation and is a basic form of healing, if used well.

''Changing Awareness''
Through hypnosis, we change awareness (thus the way we relate to anything). Be it by self-hypnosis (the way we choose what we believe in, or not) or in Hypnosis (the way we help others get in touch with their own belief systems; and ‘edit’ their deep(est) beliefs.)
The changes from one level of functioning to another operate by this same principle (as experienced in sleep, and as applied in healing). They are defined by the same relationship in the aspects of our being (body, mind, soul, spirit), and the four elements of our body (earth, water, air. Fire) (See weekend1) Hypnosis offers a means to communicate with those various levels.

The relationship between the 4 Elements is defined by an Inversion; something turning inside out (as was seen in Weekend 4). In Sleep; this oscillation is seen in the cycle between the Beta brain wave cycles (related to sensory and mental perception), the Alpha Brain Waves (associated with subconscious body/emotional functioning (and the dream states)), the Theta Brain Waves (associated with unconscious organ functions) and finally the Delta Level (associated with the trans-conscious cell functions). They describe, respectively, our conscious, subconscious, unconscious and out-of-consciousness functioning.

These levels of consciousness relate to our different levels of development: human, animal, vegetative and mineral. For cells, all information processing is for the largest part - as in minerals - at scopes beyond its size; it can only respond to what vibrates at its wavelength; and it relays all that is at higher or lover vibrations. Our organs, like plants, are able to resonate to a range of vibrations, and thereby express the relationships for that group of wavelengths. Our body, with animal characteristics, van operate the symphony of different groups of organs us clusters of wavelengths; ' it can maintain a chord'. Transcending our body, our human being is part of humanity (in which each individual functions ‘as a cell’. All these relations (vibrations) together form an integral pattern (cf. a hologram) that interacts with the environment (for which an Interference pattern of waves, seems to be the most apt description.

''The essence of hypnosis''
The essence of hypnosis is that it offers us a possibility to ‘shift gear’; by relating one level of functioning to another (mineral/cell, vegetative/organ, animal/body, human/humanity). The brain waves help us understand better at which of those levels we function, thus to which extent we integrate all our levels of development (baby, child, adolescent, adult) as brain wave patterns (delta, theta, alpha, beta).
Hypnosis is one of the means to explore all of these levels of consciousness, and the relationship between then, and ‘edit’ our memory; re-associating our experiences, with respect to  our emotional response (coping capability), and thereby restoring our freedom of choice (free from conditioned response.). It is interesting that this requires a reconditioning of reflexes. (Our thoughts are based on our feelings based on our desires based on our being.)
Hypnosis is thereby an intentional ‘equivalent’ of sleep. It enables of to reconnect unconscious reflexes to our conscious volition; and make new choices based on our abilities and limitations (both of which are based on our reflexes; i.e. our animal, vegetative and mineral responses). Conversely, whatever is attainable through hypnosis, is possible also, ‘automatically’ by sleep (“Sleep. the Healer”). Hypnosis can be more direct, thus help speed up the resolution of some conflicts. It can also be very specific, which (if not used with deep understanding) can backfire.

Hypnosis requires insight into the levels of unconscious functioning, which most people lack: they are not aware what happens when they (fall asleep and) sleep. The suggestion of all religions, to practice meditation, therefore makes sense: by this, anyone can discover how those transitions take place; and use them to heal their own being.

''Practice of Hypnosis''
The practice of hypnosis is simple; and based on the experience any one can get from meditation. It is a gradual transitions from being aware of the environment, to being aware of your body, to being aware of your emotional responses, to open minded being. (Again, this relates to a shift from adult functioning to adolescent reactions to child responses to baby being.)
The practice of hypnosis makes us of our human, animal, vegetative and mineral modes of being. This also determines the modes of communication, as it takes place in the (therapeutic) interaction. This can be represented as follows:
* Sharing body rhythms.
* Shifting consciousness
* Shifting involvement (attachment/detachment)
* Facing reality/realisation
The main goal is to restore the integrity/integration between inside and outside; our reality and our realisation. (For many people this is separated by a gap of unknowing; which can result in conflicts – both internal and external – as a result of Alienation.) By reintegrating those the difference between them (which is the basis of all diseases) can be resolved.

''Unconscious states of being''

to be filled in later
Ignorance is the main cause of disease. It is related to Bardo (Weekend 8) and the way our being cycles through (dis)connectedness in our daily life, and sleep (see Hypnosis). The term of Ayur Veda, the heath system of India, is Avidya: not-knowing. The Western equivalent term might be Unconscious.


1) Body - face, tongue diagnosis
2) Mind behaviour patterns. 
Astrology-physiology (rhythm confluence). Match making, pathological relationships
3) Soul social systems, relationships. Heart Link, pathological energy money tzmritgmium embedding relationships
4) Spirit vital creation, healing
Pathological embedding relationships

1) Health
2) Acute disease
3) Chronic disease
4) Permanent disabilities

| Body | Mind | Soul | Spirit |
| Pain | Fear | Depression | Death |
| Anatomy | Physiology | Neurocrine Regulation | PsychoLogics |
| Health | Adaptation | Compensation | Decompensation |
| Totalitarian Control | Support | Guidance | Example |
| Somatic | Ayur Veda | Acupuncture | Shaman |
| Fatigue | Stress/stimulus | Alienation | Healing |

Healing is the art of restoring wholeness. This restores the relationship of the part with-in the whole.
This requires an understanding of that integral relationship, and (inter)connectedness.

• For this, it is not enough to know the body as an object, by the insight Anatomy offers. This only regards our body as a thing, and treats it like a cadaver. An inert object, observed by the models of physics designed for inertness,

• For this, it is not enough to know the body as a process, from the perspective of physiology, which regards the processes in-of our body. These processes are always dynamic, determined by their context and interactive.  The time processes involved are only part wise understood by science. More of it is realised in the forms of process participation, known as art. The core notion involved is that of process attunement. Il is meaningless to repair only an ailing part of the (anatomy) body. It represents an ailment in a body process, thus all processes involved. This includes the social and ecological 'dis'eases

• For this, it is not enough to know the body as a (self)regulating system. All body processes are interactive, not just with/in the body but also with/in our context. This requires an understanding of interactive transformations, and transforming interactions; this is hardly described by contemporary science, but experienced in all forms of social interaction, e.g. trade. This means that the healing of a process is meaningless, as long as the transform that it forms part of is left unresolved.

• For this, it is not enough to know the body as an integral realisation. Our realisation is part still of a larger realisation, which goes beyond what we know. The full understanding requires a full understanding of our own understanding, including how we come to understand, and how we come to forget (not know) what we know.

Healing requires the integration of the unknown en the known. The position a person has in the universe, determines the way they negotiate their contact with their context. This determines the process organisation in their being, which shapes the form of their body.

Physical diseases are Always physiological in nature. Ailments of physiology are Always conflicts of (dis)integration. With-in the context. And con-fusions of integration in-to the context. Are always deceptions in self-realisation. 

Healing is the recognition of the universal principles of creation, as they operate with-in our existence.
Health is the experience of integration with-in our context. This is experienced in our Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. (In inverse order.)

There is a logic to healing. It is the same (in inverse) as the logic underlying disease.

| Health | Adaptation | Compensation | Decompensation |
| Shaman | Acupuncture | Ayur Veda | Somatic |

The understanding of our body (anatomy) includes the process dynamics by which it is created. Restored and maintained. 
Anatomy has no basis without physiology, neurocrine regulation, and embryology.
For the same reason, physiology has no meaning if not regarded in the full (dynamic) sense. Patho psycho socio physiology.

Healing implies the understanding of health, and the logic of the emergence of illness, diseases and death.
This is why this course starts with cosmology, unity, wholeness, and its dynamics. This is our basis of health.
This course followed up on that by zooming in on the dynamics, as seen in the interface between to cells.
The course then followed through by regarding the stability of that interaction. As shown by i.a. our gut.
Finally it showed how a healthy balance is maintained, by the ongoing (Möbius) lnversion which characterises our organic existence.

Diseases are 'caused' by the same organic dynamic by which our existence is maintained. The ongoing process of systemic inversion, by which our Zygote unfolds to form OUR body, and our bodies are formed in-as (a) part of our context. 
The maintained integrity, integration, in the context, is called Health.
The disintegration of-from that context is known as disease- how disease arises can be explained in terms of Alienation.

Alienation denotes the loss of contact with the context- other terms for this are "uprooting", or "disconnection".
Alienation is a form of dis-embedding. Disconnection is part of the normal system dynamics by which we are embedded in our context (for body mind soul and spirit), the (ortho)normal process of connecting (by systemic inversion) involves transition in Bardo (see weekend 8); we do this in all levels of our being, body mind soul and spirit. The cell cycle gap, and the sleep phase, are examples of this (as are fare-wells and death).
Alienation takes place when this normal disconnectedness from the context is connected to process awareness.

''Energy consciousness''
Transforming disease into health
''Defining Soul''
Modern science ‘has no use for the term Soul’; but then again, it has a bias to regard (and treat) living beings like machines, which have no soul.
Soul can be defined (even in clear scientific terms) as a control system’s control system’, or rather: the regulation of a regulatory system in context.
System regulation involves the co-ordination of the system’s dynamic processes, with respect to each other. System regulation of a system with respect to its context, requires an attunement of all those processes together, in their context.
This requires an understanding of all of the system processes, as one integral unit; this is more than the sum of its parts’, all its dynamic processes. This requires an understanding of the total system coordination, in one encompassing term: system integrity. This term then, Total System Integrity, can then be regarded, ‘within context’.

''System Integrity''
System Integrity is attained by the internal overhaul, as described by the system of the Chackra’s as described in Weekend 7. These Chackras, together, define how the total living system, can exist in its environment. This is related to a series of cells within cells, membranes in membranes, as embryology shows.
Any membrane is a boundary, thus, physically, ‘a site of inversion of phase’. (We recognise boundaries, because those are places where waves will reflect. Our body, as a liquid-crystal semi-conductor, has many boundaries which partially reflect: as the Chackra system describes.
The total body system, with all its membranes within membranes, operates like a prism: every boundary changes the phase, and over all boundaries together, the system turns ‘inside out’: what is inside the body, is the inverse of what is around it. (Mathematically we can regard the body as an “=”sign.)
Quantum Theory is one of the attempts to describe such relationships of ‘boundaries within boundaries (or ‘atomic orbits within atomic orbits’); these notions are of use to describe the bodies use of ‘domain in domains’. One essential adaptation is needed: quanta can not be regarded as particles, but as waves: the body is an information hologram, rather than an object.

''The Pivot of Life''
As an in-formation hologram, it must also be seen as alive. Living systems differ from inanimate objects by their ability to change the degrees of freedom that they contain: this is what Alchemists already described.
Living beings can change the phase they are in: they can be opaque or transparent, open or closed: this is nowadays known as “liquid crystals”. Our bones, bloods, body fats and bile are all liquid crystals; our bile was the example for this concept.
Living beings change the degree to which they conduct: water is taken in, or released, food is taken in and released, heat (and light) are taken in and released; even light (as information, experience) is taken in and released: the body is  a semi-conductor: an information processor.

Much of these changes, of state and of phase, are achieved by electromagnetic conversion: the same as physics describes in atoms and matter, is seen in the electro-hydro-dynamics of our body. Whatever is described for molecules and atoms, takes place in our body and cells. Our body as a whole is more complex than a molecule. This is where biology differs from physics: in physics, after atoms and molecules, one regards aggregates” and “matter”, in living beings one sees “Cells” and “Bodies”. Cells and bodies are more integrated, more elaborated, forms of molecules and atoms.

''Com-plex Being''
Biology therefore also needs more extended understanding of complexity; this includes the use for words like soul, for which material physics finds no used (because it disregards life in its research.)
Life involves the perspective of change within changes: bodies adapt (in) their environment; likewise do the cells within bodies, the molecules within cells, and the atoms in those molecules: all (human) living being characteristics, are based on the dynamics of atoms. All of the possibilities of living bodies, can be recognised already within atoms.
Atoms have their structure, and dynamics. Like little perpetuum mobile, they are held tu turn around, and turn over, forever: really indestructible. Atoms are assumed to have lives from the universe’s beginning. Well, at least after the first 3 seconds of the first 3 minutes of the ‘Big Bang”. 
The Big Bang still exists, and still continues: that shock wave of creation is still the pivot of change in every body. In every living being, creation is incarnate with/in the body: ‘god’ is creation, and we are a creation of its image (an expression of that concept).

Religion has set aside ‘god’ as an intangible object, making it unreal in itself. As a use, the term has acquired strange connotations; and many people have exploited  its vagueness to exploit others, and kill. Yet ‘god’, represents a universal principle, that operates also in us: we are it, and it is in us. In terms of modern science, it can be called the open system: what is around us, defines us. We are one with all that exists.
What is around us, is in us: our physical form is created by the physiological processes, that turn over within us (cf. atoms turning over with/in themselves). The same physiological processes connect us with the world around us: the food chain around us, of/in which we form part, continues within us (as the gland process cycles, as seen in Weekend 7).

What goes on within us is an extension of what goes around us; it is not a world apart, but apart of the world. From the first cell onward, the environment and our internal environment (“Milieu Interne”) are intimately connected. The world processes, are seen, reflected (inside-out, or rather: outside-in) within us. “As Above, so below”, or “A son of the father”, as tradition has phrased it. (Humanities and cultures too operate with/by beliefs, as do the humans of/by which its is composed (as a body (is) formed of cells).
This means that there is a boundary, invisible to us, which connects us with our environment; it is known as the veil of maya. It is also known as the aura: a virtual envelope, which defines our own being, as ‘separate’ within context. This has also been described as ‘a drop in an ocean’. (This is quite literally the case: the waves of the universe flow on in/through/out and around of us.)

''System Inversion''
As there is this virtual boundary, Maya/Aura around us, there is also a difference between the environment and us: every boundary, even virtual ones, reflect (represent) a reflection (inversion) of phase. All we are is a composite of boundaries within boundaries, or mirrors within mirrors; the notion of the Diamond (as in the diamond sutra) is quite apt; with the understanding that this deals with the faces within facets (as the images of Dan Winter show.
The body as a whole is a system within a system. It can only exist of there is closure of feedback: its output, and input, must be seen as connected. If this is not the case, then the system is ‘in isolation’. (a.k.a Hell.)  If the input and output are seen and experienced as integrated (this requires an integration of conscious, (awareness), subconscious (habits), unconscious (reflexes) and out of consciousness (being), then any change or decision within us, will be realised to change and alter the universe – as a whole – around us.
This means that our being is a pivot of change.
We already discussed (in Weekend 7) that loss of closure of feedback cause deception, addiction and death. If looked at in inverse: if the living being does not realise the integral integrated connection, the embedding with/in the universe – as a whole – them that being has no notion of that pivotal role in creation. That being lives in hell, because it has no soul.

''Creative Being''
There is a direct link (not just in the structure of language) between soul and goal (cf Dutch Ziel, vs. German Ziel). Our soul is a pivot of creation. If this is no realised, the relevance of our own being is lost. (many religions thrive on the harvest of souls: they claim the souls of free beings, and from then on treat them as slaves; the importance of Soul is not only that every being realises his/her own uniqueness; but also realises his/her own integral role in creation.
We all create, because our body is composed of, and contains, ‘a spark of creation’: what we are is based on the same process as the big bang; We are the big bang (a moment of creation, a.k.a. ‘god’.) But we can only realise this if we see that what we do matters; literally, and unconditionally (a.k.a. love).

With the use of Systems Theory, the concept of Soul can be very clearly defined. It is the system regulation, of a regulation system. It is – in mathematical terms – the Kernel of the Determinant of the Matrix of a Function. (These strict mathematical terms, have the same meaning in daily use. In other words: the loosely formulated ‘colloquial terms’, have strict meaning in mathematical sense.)
The “control system of the control system” (as classical/conditioned science would put is) is seen in the body, as the system that controls the endocrine system.

''Embedding in the Context''
The endocrine system is that process of integrated processes, by which the food chain through our body (weekend 4) is directed into our body (Weekend 3) as regulated by our Endocrine system. The endocrine system regulates the absorption and release of food in/from our body. It also ‘administers’ how it is mobilised or stored. (E.g.: the kidney stores/releases water; the pancreas/liver stores/releases fats; the thyroid/liver store heat, and so on. As a result, we can eat in one setting (territory) and live in another.
In humans (and other nest building animals) this goes even further: they can not only adapt to another environment, they can also adapt the environment to themselves: they can create nest, niches, nations, in which they condition a climate in which they can thrive. Termite colonies can build huge cities, including air conditioning and (natural) lighting. Humans take it one step farther by including the sun and rain in their homes, as heating and plumbing.
This feat of system regulation is a reflection of what takes place within us. The preservation of integration in the environment, and integrity of ourselves, can be called SOUL. Our soul is the ability to maintain our own integrity, and freedom to be what we are, in no matter what conditions we are in (and many religions, and nations, have turned that into hell: an imposed condition which treats people like slaves, like ants and bees use workers and drones.
Freedom means not just external freedom, strictly regulated by passports and laws in a psychologically conditioned nation; freedom means the freedom to be, and create, in accordance to all laws of creation.

''Response Ability''
One of the fundamental laws is “we are creators”. (A book called the bible phrases it as ‘created in the image of god’ (= creation/creator).) By our embryology and cosmology (both of which are man made mental constructs) this can be seen to be ‘true’.
Another equally basis concept puts it as “Karma”; we have to live with what we create’. (The Sanskrit word Karma means “Action”; this includes all the effects, consequences and side effects)
Another formulation, that of the Emerald table, described it as ‘as above so below, as within so without, are it was it will be’. Inversely: we are pivots of creation. And the pivotal moment in/by which we create, is our Soul.
In mathematical terms, this can be put with greater precision:

''Living in Context''
We live in a context, and (like the Zygote) are connected with it by a membrane: the aura. (The aura is the turning point where our internal processes link up with/in/to the processes of our environment).
As our life experience shows: all these processes are integrated: we continue to live (as defined by al lower body half Chackras and glands).
Also, as we all know: we continue to be us, no matter what environments we move to (geologically, socially, spiritually, and so on). (In fact, the more we move, the more we know what was conditioned by our contexts: it drops off when we change our setting, to discover more of what we ourselves really are.)
It means that within us there is some regulation, thus also some kind of setting (or ‘image’) which maintains, repairs, restores our own way of being: no matter what we do.
In the same was as our body is operated and maintained by unconscious processes, by which you sill look like you, no matter how many carrots of apples you ate (you don’t turn into a carrot, but remain you); likewise there are psycho-mental reflexes that maintain the way that you behave and believe. (Our ‘reality’, individually and collectively, is created by such reflexes.)

''Living by/with Reflexes''
The role of reflexes is like that of atoms in molecules (not that of protons and electrons in atoms): they determine the charge and attraction, stability and structure of our beliefs.
One of the roles of the souls is (cf. an enzyme) that it can affect and alter those fundamental beliefs.
Our soul must not be confused with our character or behaviour: that is a set of reflexes and beliefs, created for a specific context. Our personality is like our anatomy or skin, our character like our physiology of behaviour. Our soul is independent of condition: it can create comportment, character and behaviour to suit specific contexts. (Few people realise this is the case) just as a baby learns to behave like the people it grows up with. (And can, later, be conditioned to fight people who grew up elsewhere and learned to behave otherwise.)
Soul is already present in babies; it always remains, but can be denied (not lost) by surrendering one’s own powers of creation. (Depression is an expression of this: no longer living with soul, there is no perceived meaning in life. It follows from the confusion that other control your life (as parents and nations often suggest and imply); it is cured by Soul Quest or Soul Retrieval.

''Singular Pivot of Life''
(Soul Quest is a meditation, in which (out of context) the inner essence of being is felt. Soul Retrieval is an attunement to that part of creation that has been locked away (and since, denied, in/by the person, in part of their memory experience. People who have done the first (soul quest), can often help people with the second (soul retrieval); the first is done alone; the second with another.)

Soul is the realisation of own uniqueness; with some practice anyone can learn to see the soul of another.
Soul is also a realisation of one’s own being, as implied ‘creator in creation’. (Both in the sense as learning to create, and in the sense of creating to learn.)
In a mathematical sense, it is the pivot that coordinates all internal degrees of freedom, by which we adapt our environment and/or ourselves.
In a anatomical sense it is that system of system regulation, that determines the balance between ‘self and other’. The endocrine system serves to maintain our existence ‘out of context’; the soul regulates the preservation of our integrity by maintaining the coordination of all those processes, with/in the environment processes that surround us. (‘The Ocean surrounding the drop’.)

''Moment of Coupling''
Where the endocrine system operates at the process/chemical level, the soul must operate one level ‘deeper’: the electromagnetic system. It needs to function faster than the endocrine system; and it needs to operate in en integral mode.
Science (this somatic medicine) found no need for the word ‘soul’, they therefore did not seek for the soul in the body.
Systems theory shows that a soul must exist: our behaviour, and ability to survive in different environments, shows that the system can regulate itself to its own unique setting; by which it’s unique being is maintained *unless surrendered).
By regarding living beings as bio-holograms (integral information systems) it is evident that the soul must exist. By regarding them in an alchemical sense, it is also clear where: it is at the electromagnetic level, where it can affect the endocrine system, integrated with the memory of experiences of past, present and ‘future’ , and can relate to ourselves independent of context.

''The seat of the soul''
‘Independent of context’, in our body, translates as the head: it is set apart from the body, and reflects the body functions, in inverse (as the crossing of the nerve bundles in the neck also show).
‘Regulating the endocrine system’, relays it to the nerves, of the ‘autonomous’ system: the system of nerve branches that connects to the glands.
‘With reference to experience’, again, refers to the head: the brain as ‘inverse image’ of the body, coordinating all experiences stored in the body, a kind of endocrine gland that stores and harvests experiences ‘out of context’(just as the body stores minerals, fats and water).

''The Seat of the Soul in the body''
The place where the endocrine and nerve system connect, in the head, liked with the brain, is the adeno-neuro-hypophysis
The seat of the soul in the brain, is but a later development, in humans, of principles of self identity and self preservation in the body of animals, plants and even minerals.

In minerals, the soul is the precise matrix of atomic doping, which characterises its determinant resonant response (as carrier wave (the matrix substrate) and harmonics (the influence of the doping) which determines its overall ‘antenna’ characteristics.
In plants, the soul is found in the complex of composites of all the molecules (an ‘antenna array’) of which the plant is composed. Together they determine the plant’s response, resilience and ability for coping with/in changes of climate/conditions. These determine its ability to transform earth, water air and light (fire) into an integral unit: its own shape/existence. (This is also a key linking a climate and subsoil; which can be used to heal people (also for showing how to link a psychological understanding/underground with a feeling/climate) This ability is compressed in the seed with the plant spirit (and, in inverse, found in the trunk at the, po, soil surface).
In animals the soul is found in the ability to preserve the own identity (as an individual, not as a species; there he term is the spirit)
| Conscious | Subconscious | Unconscious | Out of Consciousness |

//See//: [[BATD]]
Related to our ability of migration from one domain to another, is our ability to change our environment to suit our own needs.
We can build skyscraper high nests/caves, and incorporate the sun (central heating), the rivers (plumbing), and winds (air conditioning), and even create our own rock (Concrete).
By doing this we can ‘live out of context”: we can compensate for the climate and subsoil that we need, by providing/producing our own. (Some termites colonies and other animals can do much of the same.)
There is not much difference between this, and the lifestyle of parasites: they live in organisms that create the life support that they need. Humans can be regarded as parasites of the Earth. With some adaptations they could be Symbionts instead.

Parasites, literally ‘aside’ life forms, exist in many forms: Coprophytes (dung eaters), Saprophytes (sap suckers) and Symbionts. Symbionts are organisms that live together, to mutual benefit, with their host. (Lichen is an example of this: algae (concerting light) and microbes (converting sugars) ‘serving’ each other.)
Parasites are dependent on the climate that their Host provides them: microbes need very specific nutrients; just like trees require their ‘own’ soil types and climate.
Just like any organisms, they produce their own excrements (i.e. excretions) as part of their food-chain contribution: they transform what they take in into what they put out.
“Parasite” is the general term for an organism that loves of the juices or cells of another organism. Pathogens is the name for microbes that live in other bodies, but by their eating habits or excretions do harm to that body. Symbionts is the term for organisms of which the excrement is beneficial for the organism in which they live.

Symbionts are different species living together; it is a particular case of Symbiosis: “living together”. This is the basis of social life; sometimes interpreted as ‘mutual gain’, (“as in a cripple leading a blind man”). Real symbiosis adds Synergy: more than each alone could achieve.
Symbiosis is a basis for society; which can be much more than ‘hunting in packs’. An excellent form of symbiosis (or society) is the living together of the cells in our body. Each does what it does best; and as a result the whole have enormous greater potential than any part.

Body cells of different organs all have their own life; yet where each might live but hours or days or just months, the whole body can live decades and hundred years or more.
In our body, non-body cells (i.e. not emerging from the zygote) are fundamental to our survival: the microbes in our gut, for example, are essential for the digestion of cellulose, and production of vitamin K. Other microbes live on our body; their role may be as important and not to be spited as many microbe dislikers say.

The use of the term pathogens is, perhaps, at times too naively used. It is implied that a specific microbe, of a specific type, will harm the body, if it can gain access.
It is more likely that, if it finds itself in a different setting, it will try to survive: it is not out to attack or defend, but just live. When it find suitable food it will grow, fast and abundant.
In growing numerous it will change its soil/climate: just look at the way humans infest and pollute Earth. And chop down forests, eradicate species, without further consideration for the effects that they cause.
Pathogens and parasites are somewhat related to drugs: there is a dependency on a physiological climate; if that changes, then they will migrate elsewhere or cease to exist.

There is a vested infested belief that many diseases are caused by pathogen invasion. The converse is usually the case.
If an organism changes its physiology (and endocrine regulation changes, and hormone levels are), then the cells in the body interact differently with each other. The well-attuned Inner Food Chain loses its calibration: nutrients accumulate or lack in ways which otherwise would not happen. Thus changes the body cell, or the “Milieu Interne” of the body, due to which other organisms (which otherwise could not live there) can thrive.
There are, for example, more than a dozen diseases caused’ by Staphylococcus, and organism often found to live in our skin. The many diseases in which they are involved are discerned by the location where they are found inside the body. It is more realistic to consider the infection (infestation with those microbes) as a sign for a change in the inner body regulation, instead of as a disease ‘caused’ by the microbe.
It is clear that an infection, infestation with microbes upsets a balance: the microbes which would otherwise not be able to live there 1) suddenly find access to that otherwise inaccessible region, 2) by their own life habits change the environment/climate.

''Biological Transmutation''
The same is seen in country sides after fires or floods, passage of animals (with ‘foreign’ urine and faeces, or man made pollution. The changes of soil/climate allows other species to live, or even thrive. Those are also most often those species that 1) benefit from those settings and 2) change the soil/clime (often more towards what it was before.
In nature, after natural disasters, the first plants to move in are cloning species, that multiply only by division. The term ‘opportunists’ is often used in this context. Once these have (most often literally) “covered the grounds” a soil transformation takes place. (The soil/climate after disasters is not an ongoing life climate; as in some places (e.g. volcano borders, and river flood beds) it can be elsewhere).
Once the natural balance is restored (also by the help of the opportunist species) sexual plant types come in (and take over). Their sexual nature gives them Stability (Yinn) and Variability (Yang), combined. (As i.a. is the case for humans.)
This is perhaps more complex (or, more simple) than often realised: when soil conditions change, the new plant types that come in can be of a kind that restore the balance that was upset.
Louis Kervran has described that Marigold are found in grass lawns when the calcium level run down; and are restored by the plants presence. (The work of Luis Kervran is based on his finding that Chicken can eat Mica (silica) instead of calcium by which the soft egg shell (by calcium) absence, hardens again: by calcium. (I.e. the atomic element silica is changed into calcium.) This is a common finding, he writes, in plants, animals and microbes.
This gives fourpoints to ponder:
# Living organisms do not follow the laws of chemistry of in-vitro science. Chemical interactions in laboratory settings have different conditions than in living beings, where all chemical processes are interwoven and attuned. (Cf. the old finding that pendulum clocks could be put back to balance by hanging in the watch maker’s shop for some days.)
# The process attunements of living organisms go much deeper than that of their system peristalsis, endocrine cycles, and vital adaptations. They even include the synchronisation of atom orbits in molecules of cells of the body.
# Add to this the finding that living beings have interwoven metabolite cascades (molecular break down one cell to another, which can involve many different cells (which are thus all – functionally – interconnected).
# Consider also that living beings operate by branched chain reactions (V Voeikov), and it will be clear that what is described as the immune system responses is not only biased (‘a ministry of war’) but also incomplete.
It is much more enticing to assume that the same simplicity prevails as was seen in all previous Weekends of this course: that the immune system is part of the same principle of Interfacing, and is but another ‘mechanism’ to restore the balance. With this difference perhaps that, as the Immune System’, we ‘see the boundary itself being made’. The immune system certainly ‘knows’ how to make the self-non_self distinction. But also, it knows how to learn: it can meet new conditions, assimilate them, and include them in its repertoire of ‘appropriate responses’.

This puts the Immune system at par with our capacity for learning. Not only in the transition from the acquired capacity to change from digesting mother’s milk to fruit to vegetable to flesh in the infant, but also the ability to learn to speak (and behave) like other people in the same family and tribe. (The traits of personality development and cognitive learning will be separately described.)

''Milieu Interne''
There are many adherents to Pasteur’s model of ‘attack and defence’. It is said that Pasteur himself at the end of his life said that the model was not really right.
There are other views which do not regard the microbe infestation as an Attach needing Defence, but as a Symptom seeking a Cure. In this approach the microbial infection indicates that the normal physiological balance was lost; and need to be regained. This calls for, not an ‘eradication of the attacker’, but restoring the internal climate.
The Internal Climate is the sum total of all environments in the body: in the cells, the interstitium, blood and all organs. It is dependent on the nourishment of the body, which includes its endocrine cycle, its own nutrient stores, and health of all cells.
When any of these factors is altered,, a new system balance will be sought, and always found. If the internal stores are exhausted, or the endocrine cycle disturbed, then alternative pathways will be addresses to maintain homeostasis. If this is not possible, the internal climate will change; and with it, the cells (which includes microbes) that can live there.

''Internal Gardening''
As is the case in gardening, a change in plant/cell health, or the emergence of ‘pathogens’ or ‘weeds’, is an indication that the soil/climate has changed.
‘A good farmer feeds the soil, so the soil can feed the plants (and the plants can feed us)’. This is naturally done by harvesting only the fruits, and letting the plans stand and leaves lie to nurture the soil (5% of plant weight comes from the soil; 15% from air and water; this is returned when a plant does, and feeds the soil with 100+ nutrients. (Artificial fertiliser returns only 5).).
‘A good farmer does not till the soil’. Tilling the soil opens its skin and lets air in, which kills of many microbes needed to feed the plants by ‘digesting’ minerals (and microbes) in the soil ‘soup’. Tilling actually gives an abrasion of the land, which causes the microbes to die; and with it the plant. Plant disease indicate that the balance in the soil has been lost.
These principles of gardening can be used for healing the body; the metaphor for healing in Indian and Chinese Traditional Medicine uses this metaphor for much of their work. It is but logical to assume that our body, equipped to travel between territories, and capable of storing its food, has its own gardening skills, by which its normal homeostasis can be maintained; and that the immune system is part of that Inner Gardening System

''Symbiosis of all forms of life''
There is a principle known as the Law of the Jungle; it can be more appropriately paraphrased as “whomever does not communicate is food; whomever communes is fed”.
All cells in our body originate from one cell; whatever form they take and place they get reflects their role as a part in/of the whole.
All forms of life likewise share the same origin; to regard one form as superiour to another, and destroy those which share our food or its land as ‘pests’ and ‘weeds’ reflects a lack of understanding of the integratedness of all forms of life. It also reflects a disregard of/for the integral attuned levels of balance attained after millions of years in which each species developed as part of the whole.
This understanding of the integral relationship between all life forms is essential to healing: as restoration of the symbiosis of the part in the whole.
A generalised interpretation of the work of Bert Verveen

Bert Verveen, physiologist, presented an application of Systems Theory for understanding the nature and emergence of diseases. His work kan be interpreted in a more general sense: what he showed to be valid for body physiology process regulation, can be seen to be valid likewise for psychology: the process of information integration. His description of System Patho Physiology, can thereby be used to understand System Patho Psycho Physiology.
The core concept is that of systems regulation, and the way regularory pathways can operate in excess and deficit, due to which diseases occur. Two main types of diseas can thereby seen to exist: Hyper and Hypo regulatory diseases. Many forms of these are described in the textbooks. By referring to them by their dysregulation and process regulation pathways the understanding and treatment of diseases can be greatly simplified.
The Systems View on body regulation is not new: Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda are both based on the probabilistic and relativistic aspects of complex systems regulation. The description of Bert Verveen can thereby be generalised in yet another sense: as a means to grasp what TCM and Ayurveda deal with in interacting with our living body.
The work of Bert Verveen and the generalisation of his findings lead to a general conclusion: perhaps it is time to explicitly address the issue that not medical doctors but systems scientists ofer the understanding that is needed to bring our understanding of health, and health care, a cruycial step further.

Physiology, Process, Flows, Cycles, Continuity, Pathology.

Bert Verveen worked at the University of Leiden as Physiologist. His work stressed the use of systems analysis to understand the complexity of the living system. By recognising the underlying pattern the occurrence of disease can be reduced to the understanding of excess/deficit of system regulation. System Theory therein becomes the main concept for understanding the principles of physiology, at a deeper level of organisation than commonly addressed in medical studies.
It is the regulatory system itself that can thereby be addressed; this is the same as is being done in traditional forms of healing. By seeing the relationship between systems theory, body process cybernetics, systemic filter settings, and process regulation, the system of the chakras and glands become clear example of the level of body process regulation, at a level where physiology and psychology are interrelated. The work of Bert Verveen can thereby be interpreted in a more general sense: the emergence of diseases of physiology and psychology are understandable by the same principles and in similar terms.

The first cell, the Zygote, already pulsates. In itself, it combines the surface pulsations of the egg, the flagellar rhythms of the Sperm (attuned during conception) as the basis of the dynamics of inner and outer cell motions: peristalsis and secretions.
This paper will present the overview of the unfoldments of cells, from the Zygote to the differentiated body cells {Alberts}, and from the first organisms to our being {Margulis}.
The purpose is not to show how different forms emerge, but how variations too (essentially the same) processes leads to different forms. By this understanding the dynamic integrity (health) of the body itself can be 'seen'.




The principles of Life is an ongoing flow: one cell leading to another, one taking in what another puts out. It is more than a river, a flow of energy. It is also a chain of transformations. What is processed is quality, as well as quantity. And, because different phases (of matter, flow, cycles, and information) are involved, it is a process of transmutation too. When these flows are in balance the anatomy is preserved. When the balance is disturbed, the co-ordination is lost. The effect, and cause, are thus at other levels than that of physiology itself. The article shows the work of Bert Verveen, who showed how our understanding of the regulation of living organisms can be simplified by regarding the principles of system regulation rather than the physiology by which it is expressed.


The body is not composed of parts: it unfolded from the Zygote: one cell.
The body therefore always responds as a whole: this is called systemic response.
Some cells show this in detail: the immune system cells represent the body as a whole in dealing with the changes in the environment. If they can cope with is as stimulus; if not: as stress.
The immune system cells represent our capacity for learning, our ability to assimilate what happens around us and incorporate it within us.

The level of System Regulation in our body is neurocrine: neuronal + hormonal.
This is the 3^^rd^^ level of system operation/organisation.
Which is where electromagnetic atomic 'quantum' interactions are decisive.
It is the level where electromagnretism determines the system boundary. via charge discharge.

The immune system operates by the principle of digestion. Ingestion, followed by assimilation and incorporation. Immune system cells eat and excrete just as do other cells. They eat the cells that are alien to our body, and excrete the information that they contain. As a result, in future, they know how to incorporate those cells. T cells and B cells play a role in this: they remember what the alien cells are composed of. And they represent the ‘handles’ (literally) to deal with them.
The immune system thereby performs the same function as seen in our gut: it brings elements (nutrients) that exist outside of our body into our body. This is the same process as performed by our Organs (connecting the outside and inside of the body). And it is the same as done by our sensory system and skin. Connecting the outside with the inside; as in taking in information.

The ability of our immune system is based on our origin: as Lynn Margulis pointed out, our existence is based on a successful synergy of microbes. Microbes are the basis of our own existence. This means they are not ‘enemies’ (as some people choose to believe) bit our kind. Our immune system is not a machinery for defence, but an integral system for learning.
The Immune system, and immunity, is based on the integration of information in/to our being. This requires that we are able to integrate changes into our existence. This requires that we are able to experience, accept, adapt, adopt this newness into our being. Problems arise when we do not take, make, time for this. (This is why mystic training advocates regular practice of meditation.)

We live in contact with the unknown always. Our life is filled with microbes always. The notion that they are ‘enemy’ is absurd. (It is a consequence of a social political bias.) We have, and need, microbes in our gut, to help us digest our nutrition. We have microbes on our skin which help condition our skin. Sometimes they loose their way, and enter into parts of our body where normally they would not find a basis for living. This leads to Commensal Diseases: diseases caused by microbes that are part of our body symbiosis.

Such diseases – any diseases – are merely symptomatic. The problem is not with the microbes (they were already living in symbiosis with our body) but in the change of internal climate. The inner body regulation has shifted, for different reasons: the migration of microbes is merely consequential. The consequence must not be confused with the cause. Commensal diseases and microbial infections take place when the ongoing process of system integration does not function. Most often this is cause by our own interference with our own well-being, by simply not taking time to feel well.
Diseases can be understood by the principle of Lacunation. When the body information integration system stops to function in part(s), then the processes of one part are no longer integrated with the whole.

''Identity Diseases''

''Auto Immune Diseases''
Most cancers are related to irritation, of body cells. This interferes with system regulation.. Japanese men eat to hot: they incur stomach cancers (their women who eat later and cooler don’t have this). Lung cancer is found in cigarette smokers, mouth cancer with cigar smokers, and lip cancer with pipe smokers. Sun screen lotions that convert ultraviolet light into other frequencies has been associated with Skin cancer  Irritative substances of different kinds are related to corresponding forms of cancer.
Conversely, homeopathy suggests the remedy carcinosin; indicated for people who let others determine their life. Many books have already been written by people whose doctor ‘pointed the bone’ and gave them the verdict that they had only a short time left to live. They decided to live their last days of week in ways of their own liking, and lived – many years later – to tell the story. “The Work” (Brandon Bays) is example – one of many – of the insight that accepting and resolving unresolved emotion heals (m)any diseases.
Remedies for cancer there are many. Royal Raymond Rife (creator of the universal microscope) used attuned radio frequencies to resonate the virus that he found at the core of cancers. Bjorn Nordenström showed that reversal of the polarised electric field around a cancers dissolves the tumour. Many others showed that feeding the body, for the purpose of feeding the cells, resolved the cancer. Charles Rowlatt showed that cancer is not a cellular disease, but a system disease. In which the cells fall back on an earlier developmental stage when they are unable to connect to their immediate context.


''Psychologic Diseases''
The regulatory system interacts with our information processing. Hans Selye described this – from a medical perspective – in his study of Stress. His interest was in the functioning of our general, and local, adaptation response. What he described from a physiological perspective can be interpreted from a psychological perspective also: stress (physical or psychological) has same effects on the body.
It is relevant that the general and local system response precede the manifestation of disease. This was what first attracter Selye’s attention. “How come that the early phases of all diseases are, basically, the same?”. Stomach ulcers (if unresolved: stomach cancers)
Systems Theory is one of the most versatile theories in science.
Systems Theory has been called the most successful theory in science: so successful, that each discipline of science has accepted and absorbed it, as a result of which it seems to have been eclipsed as a discipline of its own.
Systems Theory offers the possibility to describe very different domains of science in the same terms. This helps transfer insights from one discipline of science to another.
Systems Theory has become much valued is the way it accepts the importance of error. Without error (negative feedback) there is no optimisation of the system.

The following offers a brief general introduction on Systems Theory, with its origination as a logical consequence of a development in mathematical physics.
This is followed by a general view on some of the traits of Systems Theory.
Then there follows an – incomplete – summary of the book General Systems Theory by Ludwig von Bertalannfi; a biologist who realised the need fro a more open interpretation of science in order to be able to deal with living beings.
The final contribution in this article is the relevance of systems theory for understanding our own body.

!Systems Theory - Basic ideas

Because Systems are so much about relationships, images are so much better to understand them than words.
Yet, however complex the images may become, they are always simple. They are so fundamental that they can be recognised in many forms. Flow diagrams of computers, organisation timelines of companies, production plans of enterprises, or mind maps: the essence is always the same.

The essence is that of transformation, transition.
Where an "Object" has a defined form or shape, a System is based on its process.
These 'processes' are patterns of flow.
Such patterns are very simple:
# something flows IN
# something flows THROUGH
# something flows OUT
# something flows AROUND
all at the same time.

This is how it thus is described: INput, THROUGHput, OUTput and TRANSput.
This is no different than what was presented in Weekend One.
Look at the System as a BOUNDARY or a FILTER.
On the one side it connects, as it does on the other; between it connects the both, and if it were not there something else would have to take its place...

Isn't this similar to our body? It is the connection 'point' between our physical and mental experience; in which our spirit expresses our soul.

Systems theory simply offers us another language to express what we already know; now not in the mechanical language of objects, dead Things, but in a dynamic System, where Change is part of all we see.

Even though in engineering many people look at the System as a kind of machine; that is not what systems theory describes.
INput/OUTput systems, as they are known, are closely related to Control Theory.
That is still a model by which scientists think that they are better than reality, and must 'Control' it.
But reality is not about control; it is about creation. Interaction. Experience of what we express; and the other way around. It is in that way that Systems Theory is used here. Not as a system of Black Boxes, that we 'must' 'control', but as an ongoing system, in which the Part and the Whole are systems. This means that we can use the same model, the same way of description, for anything we know and see.

This makes it possible to look at the world around us as a System. It makes it possible to regard ourselves as a system. We can describe and understand the interaction as a System. Even what we do not know we can understand as a system (because it will somehow connect up to some System that we know; or be altogether out of our reach/reality).

Can you imagine how simple this becomes?
You can look at any bone in your body, and study it as a system. As a system it will be identifiable (the bone). As a system it will have its inputs and outputs. (E.g. the blood flowing in/out; the fluid in the synovia; the calcium being stored for future use by the blood, or taken away to be used in nerves or other cells). As a system, it will be also a transformer: it will make it possible for other systems to work in different ways. (E.g., the bone makes it possible to act by the alternation between muscle agonist/antagonist pairs). And as a system it is part of a larger system, to/by which it will adapt. (E.g. the bone will crystallise only after you're about 14 years old; and the hormone levels change. Showing that the bone is in but one of its possible phases and - with a change of conditions - can change into another phase too.)

Speaking of Phases: Bone is Solid, Liquid, Gas and Fire, all at the same time. How can you see that? By regarding it as a system.
At the level of Objects, it is very solid. Don Quichote is said to be named after the Thigh Bone from which Spanish Wizards (brucho's) made their flutes. At the level of Processes, it is in a constant state of flow: it is indeed a liquid crystal, with i.a. calcium flowing inn and out to cater to the body needs. At the level of transformations it is i.a. that Calcium, that catalyses the changes in the body; 'flowing around like a mist', while linking to bone, carriers in blood, or catalysing cell membranes. At the level of Fire, bone is like a computer: a very quick array for processing information. Some vibrations can travel quicker through the bone than around it.

Looking at the bone, it can be seen as a sturdy object at any given moment, as a dynamic process (if you look at the years of growth), as XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

!Systems Theory:

It became clear, around a century ago, that the Classical (mechanistic) models of science were not very good, thus not very practical.
They assumed, and thereby imposed, "Invariance" of/on reality, turning it into an Object; even calling their view Objective.
Only later was it realised that this approach was not real, because: not realistic.

!Systems Examples:

example 1: object level:
ingredients - preparation - baking - savouring
example 2: relationship level:
Making music:
instrument - practicing - notes - music (dis)appreciation
example 3:
emotional response:
trigger - reaction - evaluation - experience
level 4 is mort often beyond words; level 3 requires transformational terms, level 2 is possible through relative terms (metaphors); level one can be dealt with by object oriented language. 
D’ai Qi (Yinn Yang)
The (complement of the) same circuit ele­ment, as perceived from an (integrated) ‘insider’s perspective’
The Circuit Element, as seen ‘from out­side’ (the analyti­cal perspective).

//See//: [[Hot & Cold, Dry & Wet]]
//See/: [[General Systems Theory]]

>    This is the traditional way of ‘doing exams’; and a strange way indeed. It gives a cipher of appreciation (which is always personal) of the way someone regarded someone else in a setting of examination. That in itself is often an unnatural way: like a laboratory setting.
>    People are not laboratory tests; and your knowledge is not something that is valid in some examination room only. It should be valid for life: your life.
>    Examination is not really something someone else can do for you. Examiners (and that includes teachers, schools, boards of education and governments) often forget that a Test Mark describes an interaction of a student, teacher, examiner and doctrine (politician). In case you get a pass mark, this simply says that all involved somehow agree. In case you get a Fail Mark that could be the caused by any or all involved: the teacher may have failed to explain things adequately, the examiner may have completely misunderstood the purpose of the test, the doctrine might be at fault (and the examinee discovered something new, previously unknown). Or you-the-student just pretended to know…The following looks at different ways of regarding examination, and suggests some techniques by which you can ascertain for yourself is your really know and understand what you think you do. And, maybe even more important, what it is that you do not know and (most important of all) what ways are available to back you up in those cases where your knowledge fails.
>    Ultimately only you can examine yourself: because you will have to (learn to) live with the consequence of your knowledge; or ignorance. For that reasons it is helpful to be able to ascertain what you really know. And how to make sure that that knowledge is relevant for others too. The following proposes some techniques by which you (and others) can gauge what you really know.


Self-Evaluation, Self-Validation, Examination, Testing, Reliability


Ultimately You are responsible for what you know. In the sense that You will have to be able to live with the consequences of your ignorance. And those consequences are rarely more clear than when you are confused, thus mistaken: you will hold something to be Real of Normal or True, while in fact it is not. The universe will ‘slap you in the face’, correct you, in more or less subtle ways. In that sense, all of life is the only exam that you will ever take. The rest is merely sham.

The rest is sham, whatever examination it concerns, because any form of examination is limited. It reflects an interaction, always, between a politician, examiner, teacher and a student. In fact, all of these reflect you. In life, you are the student/teacher/examiner, and politician who decides what is meaningful for you. As you will have found out: what is meaningful and important in one context, is meaningless in another. What you learned in the classroom and gloriously passed in some examination may be worthless in life. And the other way around. What gave you the highest credits in Culture, may be worthless in Nature. And the other way around.

So, maybe we would be wise to regard Examination in a more general context. Not just as the Outsider’s Evaluation (or devaluation) as appraisal of what you do; as the Classical model of Science imposed. What was valuable in Science (using the Outsider Observer model) was meaningless in Art, Commerce or Religion (using Reactive, Interactive, and Subjective models respectively). The Degree of Involvement is important; this is also known as the Locus of Control. With the range of being “Outside”, “In Touch”, “Involved” or “Inside”.

In life, we take all roles; often simultaneously. And this makes that whatever we learn as value and meaning at each of these levels, most often at the same time.

This is well known. Not just that these different degrees of involvement exists, but also that we experience them in different ways. Sciences made that explicit in the relationship between Classical, Relativistic, Probabilistic and Unified Science. It has also been described as the difference between Matter, Molecules, Atoms and Void; or as the difference between Motion, Sound, Radio and Light (all of which are waves). And it has been described as the difference between what we Think, Feel, Want and Are; again, often all at the same time.
So how can you know how valid it is what you know (because that is what examination is all about)? If it is to be valid for you as you Think about reality for yourself, for how you Feel about it in interaction with others, for what you Want of it in dealing with it, and for what you Experience in contact with it?
It is comparable to what it means or how it is “True” for you, for someone else, in a group discussion, or without anyone being there (e.g. as written text, lost in space and time in another culture; e.g. as an archaeologist’s find).

There are many techniques of examination; aimed to test Knowledge, or Skills, even (nowadays) Social (communicational) skills. And (rarely) Ethics (or Spiritual Skills). We can more simply classify these as the Skills of Thinking (mental, the Head), Feeling (Social, the Heart), Action (Practical, the Hara), or Being (Spiritual, the Holy Bone). (The body areas, between braches, refer to the neural process where these properties can be most strongly felt.)
Yet most of these Tests have one thing in common still: it is an Outsider appraising you. Your Value, as is result, is determined by others. This seems to be a strange thing: how can an examiner in a classroom on a Thursday afternoon evaluate that what you just said or wrote has a value of 6 for every other experience in any other circumstance for the rest of Your life?
Examination often is part of a social appraisal system and hierarchical ranking scheme: a pecking order. It means that what is appraised is only in part the skill or trick you just performed. In another (larger?) part it appraises how others let you into the ranks of the social system they together form. It is a tribal initiation ritual, in which you have to perform some act, which the tribe can recognise and will therefor respect. A mark for an exam is quite comparable to a notch on a nose or a cheek, as some other tribes mark their member’s position and rank.

But the appraisal of others is only secondary to your behaviour: how valid, or valuable, would your knowing be for you, away from the tribe? Outside of the classrooms, and schools, in Real Life, what meaning has your “6”, “12” or “21” then? It may be more relevant for You to really know what you know; not as a result of what someone else opinionates and says. By some cultural criteria which may be outdated by the time your knowledge needs to be applied in life. But by criteria and principles that matter to You.
For that reason lets us regard some of the essential aspects of knowledge; and the ways in which knowledge are shared. This also leads us to the insight that Inner Knowing (intuition) and Outer Knowledge (Tuition) are not the same. And that it may be necessary to understand and appraise how what is true for You, can be meaningful for others too.

The corresponding principles will be regarded and presented on the basis of the understanding of Systems Theory. This is an approach in which the Thing, the Processes by which it operates, the Transformations by which it is in exchange with its environment, and the Essence by which it is embedded in its environment, can all be discerned. The principle implied can be most simply described as a “Boundary Transition”. It reflects the change between being Outside, In Contact With, In Transition, or Inside of a ‘system’. A graphical image of this can be imagined as follows:


This means that the knowledge that we have (in our thought, thus ‘Head’) is perfectly adequate if it truly applies. That means that it is not just true in our Mind, but also in all that we do, in whichever circumstances we may be. This means that it applies to whatever we ‘pick up’ or “Present”. Which includes that we need to know how to adopt/adapt what we know in different circumstances. It also means that we must be aware of the effects of what we do, and how our actions and interactions will be changed by what we know and do; i.e. that we are able to gauge the sequences and consequences of our doings themselves. And, finally, we somehow need to be able to account for the consequences of what we do when we are no longer there (and can no longer compensate for the mishaps which were the result of the thoughts, thus feelings, thus actions, and thence experiences that we have).

So, how can you know what you know, and what you don’t know about what you know? Evidently, examinations are no true test, not even a gauge of what you know. They merely test if you can ‘regurgitate’ what you took in, in conditioned/conditional (‘laboratory’) conditions. How true your ‘truths’ are, how real your ‘beliefs’ really are, can be seen only in life.
There is a very useful metaphor for this: describing very well how what we take in is relevant for what we are. This is the metaphor is ingesting your food.
How well our food nourishes you is not seen in how you regurgitate what you ate (as exams seem to so). It is in how it maintains, sustains and enhances your body. Contributes to your whealth (Health & Wealth). In short: in how it enables you to experience, do, feel, and realise more.
By understanding how we ingest food, and how it is incorporated into our being (and the incompatibilities ‘sorted out’), we can also understand how our healthy body came to be. Thus what is relevant in the information/food that we take in. And the ways in which the body tests for the usefulness of food, can be applied to examine ways in which we can evaluate what we really know. How flexible and energetic our (mental) body can be.

The following therefore has 4 parts:

# How does our body ingest, digest, excrete what we eat; and get its own health as a result.
# What is the principle involved, by which food is ‘recognised for what it is worth”, and how does that apply to ourselves
# What is taken in into our system; and what is left out, or eliminated as a result of new learning?
# What are the ways by which we can evaluate what we learn? And how can we recognise and establish our ‘mental health’.

The conclusion is that our mental body is very similar to our physical body. The same criteria for capacity to assimilate and ingest, excrete and maintain all apply. And: we all do it in different ways: “De Gustibus non Disputandum” (We all have different tastes) applies also to our learning. And to the differences in the ways we will know what we don’t know. (And just as there are redheads, blonds, brunettes and black-haired people, there are people who are visually, acoustically, haptic or experientially oriented.)
It means that, just as you learned to know what taste you have, what you like and what you don’t, you will know what you know and don’t know. And what you need to know about what you don’t know; and how you are/must be able to deal with that too.

# The lesson of Metabolism: How we ingest information?
# The lesson of the Body: What is healthy for us?
# The lesson of the lesson: how can we apply what we know?
# The lesson of Life: are you happy? (‘Does your life work'?)

''Conclusion of the Lesson'': ''How you can test what you know''.

''Writing Notes''

Writing Notes is a way to help formulate ideas; for many cases that helps so clarify thoughts, and be able to bring it to ‘consciousness’. It can also be a trap: words have a meaning of their own, and like rivers following old ruts, can draw your thinking to old and established ideas, instead of following the flow of the new experience the new insights have to offer.
A different ways than writing notes, is drawing Mind Maps. They also use words, but in a more poetic way: they allow for different relationship between words, thus ideas than the rules of grammar and syntax often allow. This helps to make new relationships more clears, even beyond the scope of words. (Because mind is more fundamental than the words we can use.)
A more relational for of formulation is that in pictures: drawing out what the ideas represent. As the saying goes: a picture can be worth a thousand words, or more if it concerns insights for which no words yet exist.
A more feeling, less visual way of presenting new ideas, more useful for ‘finding’ them, than for formulating one’s findings, is by working through sounds. Here the feeling qualities of the relationships can be explored. (This determines the quality of the tone with which people speak; and ads the value of conviction to what is said. His does not means that what is said is really true.)

To recapitulate what you know is practical, but not a real test of the validity of your knowledge. It helps to ‘get the picture’, or just ‘the feeling’. You know that you passed this test when you have a clear image of what it is you are dealing with. When you know what it is, and what makes it different from anything else, thus makes it unique. And how it is yet similar and related to everything else that you know; and you know what it relates to, and to what it does not. You know that you passed this test when you feel you can deal with the topic without any doubt; and that the only ‘doubt’ that exists, is the questions that you have on what of the topic, or its relationship to other topics, is not yet clear. Often these are the specific and directed questions ‘that want to be resolved’: these are the stimulus by which your studies are pursued (by interest, thus attraction, not some form of compulsion). You know that you have passed this test when the realisation comes that, somehow, you have been fed: you somehow feel fulfilled.

''Questioning Yourself''

Where Writing is comparable to Biting off knowledge, Questioning yourself is like chewing it. Mastication: taking all bits apart, getting fully involved with what you take in, which automatically implies that you will taste it. In questioning what you learn you will also be questioning yourself (cf. grinding your teeth), and be able to reconsider what you think that you already know.
Ways of questioning yourself is not just that you can repeat what you learned ('regurgitate’), or summarise it (as schools often require), but also that you get to know what it would mean in different circumstances (different places, time, conditions and intentions); or for different people. (Historical and cross-cultural perspectives of the knowledge taken in, are amongst the ways to do this. Understanding how meanings might different in different tribes or for different religions/philosophies, helps to do the same.)
Questioning the information, and questioning yourself, thus also asks for an ability to step beyond yourself, and appreciate what you are learning in different ways, in which different values will apply. This means that it will be possible to understand when that information becomes meaningless (is trivial or redundant), or where it ‘goes sour’, or becomes ‘toxic’: turns against itself or those who use it.
Ultimately this form of questioning always leads to your questioning reality itself: your most basic beliefs. Because only if your most fundamental beliefs are addressed, are your really taking in ‘something new’. (All other knowledge merely rehashes what you already knew.) There is something interesting about this step always: the ‘newness’ completely disappears: it is recognised as a variation of/to something you already knew. You only know it is new because some previously held belief of distinction falls away: ‘it all becomes much more simple than you had ever thought’. In a sense, you feel lighter, thus ‘enlightened’.

This is the most fundamental test that questioning yourself can give. And as long as some new learning does not give this result, you probably ‘did not chew it enough’; or failed to ‘spit it out’.

''Convincing others''

Convincing others is the least test that what you know is right. True, others can question what you say, may require that you precision what you convey, but it is (like any examination) no more than a competition of opinions and comparison of confrontational skills. It is a territorial fight and has nothing to do with the truthfulness, accurateness and appropriateness of what you know. Knowledge by itself is meaningless, even (or especially) when compared to the knowledge of others. The value of knowledge lies in the way it helps to integrate you into your environment. And this in the way it makes life more simple, coherent, meaningful, fulfilling. A ‘richer’ experience.
You only know that you pass the test of Convincing Others, when they are not questioning you. When they take it in because the sense it is evident for you. It means that passing the previous test is (often/always) prerequisite for this test.

''Living without Problems''

The only true test of any learning (thus ‘teaching’) is that it works. This means that the problems are resolved before they emerge. (Just like food is digested without indigestion.) Often it means that your life is somehow changed: a territory where you ‘never travelled’, suddenly is no longer an obstacle on your path. You can come and go as you please, just pass through or stay. Learning is very similar to travelling in that sense, and there are many Knowledge Domains. Just as the body learns to deal with different food (Colostrum and milk, fruits, cereals, vegetables (and meat)) it learns to work with different forms of information; without getting indigestion. There is a strong similarity with digestion; be it that the experience of our food is in our body (and the process of digestion take place within us), and that the digestion of learning lies in the ease with which we live life (and the absence of problems ‘around us’).






Self-test is the only test that is really valid for you; all of our life is a means to gauge our own appropriateness. Tests done by others are simply expressions of territorial control; yet the only effective form of control is self-control. Setting up settings for others to test themselves is by far more effective than asking them to rote repeat a conditioned response: in other settings it will not be evocable, and in different circumstances it can not be adapted. It is by far more effective to teach people to learn, by discovering within how it is that we learn, when and why; as life teaches us.

Chinese Medicine knows the relationship between our food, and the structure of our body. It is described as the relationship between the Food, the Blood, the Qi and the Bone Marrow. This system is known as the 4 Seas.
The relationship between these Seas is precisely the set of inversion transformations, when food is passed from the Gut into the Blood, into the Interstitium, and into the Cells. This will be described in more detail later.
In Chinese Medicine these 4 Seas are part of an integral system:
# D’Ai Qi, describing Unity of Wholeness,
# Yinn-Yang describing duality and complementarity,
# the 4 Seas, dealing with the transformation of states,
# the 8 Miracle Meridians, co-ordinating the body organics.
(The 4 phases in this system are addressed implicitly by Weekend 1 – 4, respectively, in this course.)

In the transition from Outside to Inside, this system of the 4 Seas, deal with the relationship between the 4 phases of the Inversion Transformation: the way food, outside of the body, becomes incorporated – literally – into our body. The process of Digestion, as described in the Gut, is – in linear form – the same principle as seen – in cyclic form – in the Blood. From the blood the nutrients are scattered into the Interstitium, and thence into the cells (of the various organs; of which the Bone Marrow is a fine example).

Blood is an organ
As an organ it shows weekend 1, inside out;
Blood represents what happens within every cell
It represents the principle of transformation, in an amorphous form

The blood is the integrating organ in the body; in Chinese Medicine it represents Shen, soul. This is the overall quality, the integrity, as seen in the ratio of and relationship between the various constituents of the blood; as seen in e.g the blood crystallisation test.
The blood is the internalised form of the flow of food through out gut; the blood represents the internal circulation of the Food chain.
What is seen as a linear sequence in the Gut, is seen as a cyclic sequence in the Blood.

''The Zygote''
In the inner body transformation the Blood represents at a larger scale what happens in the interstitium, which is again a larger representation of the fluid processes within the cell, any cell, thus the Zygote, as it unfolds.
The blood is more than ‘a cell turned inside out’; it is also every organ, seen inside out.
Every organ that feed into the blood, or operates on the blood, helps to create the blood.

What was seen in Weekend Two, as the interaction between cells, is now seen in the form of blood: the interaction between all cells. The seem principle of communication, as seen in the Immune System, the Endocrine System, the Nervous System and Propriocepsis, is now seen as, ‘all combined’. The blood.

The Blood is intimately interwoven with the Gut; together they form half of the 4 Seas of Chinese Medicine: the Sea of Food, The Sea of Energy, The Sea of Blood, and the Sea of Bone.

The flow of Food has been described in “Digestion”: it is more than food; it is a break down process, or rather: a Transformation, from physical food to  fluid sap to an ionic ‘gas’ which is absorbed by the gut. It is very likely that it is ultimately the photonic qualities that feed the body.

The Flow of Blood too is separately described: it is the one organ that connects all organs; which in an inside-out way represents the inside of every organ. In other words: the organs are more tangible aspect of the (Process(ing) of ) Blood: each organ exemplifies a property of the transformation of blood, needed for it to maintain itself. This is very parallel to the flow of food into the gut (a transformation vortex spiral), albeit that in this case the circulation is circular.
(This has an interesting aside: in the vortex transformation it is possible that a conversion frequency is ‘broken’, thus lacking; in that case internal reverberations take place as described in the Maastricht ’99 paper. In the circular cycle, the same fracture of frequencies can exist; this is seen as breaks in the cycle: discontinuity of the transformation process,, breaks in the rhythm, dysfunction of the organs and aberrations in the blood. These are all interlock; and (The Divisions) can restabilise each other, compensate for each other, or escalate into disease and Death.)

The flow through the gut, and the flow of the blood, represent the same principle. The flow of the gut shows one half of the equation (the shedding of cells, the unprocessed food element, some discharge from the body organs (the gut lining/ducts secretions) and the colonic microbes build the body of the faeces)
The flow of the blood reflects two cycles: one, of the blood regenerating itself through all the organs, determining the quality of the blood. (This requires healthy attuned organs, operating in the proper rhythms, in harmony with the body). And the other: the blood feeding the organs; in which each organ adds its qualities to feed all other organs. (E.g. the heart adds oriented spin, which can feed particular organs that are oriented along that spin axis; the pericardium, 7 muscle layers, provides this quality of orientation to the blood0.
Apart from these two cycles, the blood has a cycle through the lungs and the body; and a venous and arterial flow.

The Seas of Gut (food) and Blood are balance by two other Seas: Energy and Bone.

The Sea of Bone will be addressed in Weekend 4; it deals with the Pa Kua: the 4 element phases of the body, in relationship between the 4 phases of the environment. It addresses the double aspect of interfacing, of the body as interface (between information and matter). The formation of Bone is but one aspect of this; it addresses the formation of solid, fluid, gaseous and plasmatic aspect of the body, in the way it is formed. The physical form is a result of this process.

The Sea of Qi, often translated as Energy, is addressed in part as the Rhythms of the body; for the other part it is addressed as the Transformations. This is closely related again to the Sea of Bone (and weekend 4). (Just as the Sea of Food reflects the quality of Weekend 1: transformation of metaphysics to physics; and The Sea of Blood reflects weekend two: the cycle of recreation.)

Transformation is a change of phase; the phase in the rhythms (separately described), and a change in phase of matter (‘bone’). It is also a change of chase in internal cycling (‘blood’) and the manifestation of phase (food). All four come together; the four represent aspects of the same principles.

The Sea of Energy, or Transformation is least easy to describe explicitly; it is so embedded in our natural being that it is seen only by the form in which it is seen.
For example: the transformation of the Food is a Vortex.
The transformation of the Blood is a phase cycle.
The transformation of Bone is embryology, and body materialisation.
And the Transformation of Qi is the transformation of Transformation (i.e. I Ching; note that at the moment when the body has 64 cells it is said to ‘invert’ from Morula to Blastula).

The transformation of transformation, i.e. the Sea of Qi, ‘reflects upon itself; which makes it ‘hart to see.
Yet the Sea of Qi is well understood: every membrane in the body represents this principle. The membranes lining the gut are excellent example: they show how the body deals with, transforms, solid, liquid, gas, plasma; and can maintain itself in spite of, due to, by and for this.

| Weekend 1 | Weekend 2 | Weekend 3 | Weekend 4 |
|Embryology	|NeuroCrine-Immune System	|(Patho)Physiology Process Regulation	| Anatomy |
|Unity	|Dualism	|TriLock	|PhaseLock |
|Nought		|Alternatives	|Stricture |Inversion |
|Sea of Blood |Sea of Food	|Sea of Qi (Transformation)	|Sea of Bone |
|The first cell seen ‘inside out’	|The membrane transition seen unfolded	|The phase changes in the membrane seen as 	|The distinct patterns of phase |
|Blood	|Gut	|Transformation	|Rhythm |

Calcium storage cycle: motion, nerve activity+ calcium mobilisation, feed, calcium storage
Calcium supplement
Living on light
Weekend 5 Arabic market
Weekend 4: gut break down in inverse: the excretory organs as transformers from inside (blood) to outside (earth).
''Self Regeneration''
Ouroubouros is an apt symbol for the blood: it is the image of a snake with its tail in its mouth. In antiquity it served the same purpose as the symbol  does for mathematicians: infinity. More specifically: self repetition; i.e. self-regeneration.
Blood has a closed loop; it always recycles in the same circuits (for often around a century). This means that aside from the natural break down (cf. the principle of the Gut, with its ‘Vortex” of digestion), it also has the capacity to build itself up again.
This capacity is seen in the body organs: together they serve to preserve the quality and quantity of the blood. (This makes blood a more interesting substance than e.g. money, where only quantity is measured while it circulates; in blood quality (an open system property) is as important.)
Each of the organs related to the creation and maintenance of the blood will now be presented.

Evidently the Gut is the first organ to considered; Japanese research suggested that blood is made in the gut (Western Somatic Medicine holds that  it is made in the bone’s pleomorphic cells).

From the gut (and interstitium, see weekend) the fat soluble nutrients are transported via the Lymph directly into the blood. (There are ‘no’ specific descriptions on how this affects the quality of the blood.)

From the Gut there is a major (Portal) artery to the Liver; where the nutrients are processed; especially the sugars that are converted into fats and inverse (the liver thereby regulates the balance of sugar and fat, i.e. the blood energy (and cell fuel) and the body fats (and cell membranes)

The pancreas has no direct action on the blood, so it is said; yet it secretes insulin, which plays a fundamental role in opening body cell membranes for the inflow of sugar (if this fails, the body becomes sugar coated and candied; which is the basis of many diseases).

The function of the Spleen is to test red blood cells: these are like deflated balloons; flattish disks, which are carried along by the blood. In the arterioles these ‘disks’ help to ‘pump’ the blood serum (the fluids without the cells) into the Interstitium (see Weekend 5). If these red blood cells break apart here, this may be problematic: the arterioles are at the periphery of the body, and far away from the regenerative organs. The Spleen performs the ‘same’ function as the arterioles: it puts the blood cells to a stress test; by driving them through a mesh of fine ducts. The cells that collapse produce a debris of flaps of lipid membranes, bilirubine and biliverdine, that are processed in the liver; and converting it into bile. (Bile is a detergent that is used to emulsify the food in the Duodenum.)
!Our Organic Body
All body organs are in essence the same: they all derived from the Zygote, the first body cell.

''Physical Development''
During body development, four marked phases take place:
# the formation of the Blastocyst, prior to nidation (nestling) in the womb (uterus).
# the formation of amnion, chorion, placenta and Embryo; a rather 'turmoiled' morphic phase
# development of the Foetus, in which initial body shapes and functions can be discerned.
# birth then inverts the relation of the Body with respect to its surroundings, and shows the relationship of the part (the whole body) to the whole (Earth, from which it was formed.

''Development Phases''
After birth, development has four phases again:
# Baby/childhood, in which the body is developed towards its final form and shape. This can be taken to last until the changing of the teeth.
# Pre-puberal development, in which the internal processing (and mentation) or more pronouncedly developed. This can be taken to last until the sexual hormonal transition, that marks pubescence.
# Adolescent formation, during which (i.a. incited by the sexual hormonal 'fires') a more elaborate social interaction takes place. This phase can be considered to last till the emergence of 'the wisdom teeth'.
# Adult development, i.e. a consolidation of the previous development states, reflecting in an autonomy in personal social family realisation.

During all these phases and states of development, the organs are (anatomically) 'always the same'; with slight modulations to sizes, shapes and forms.
Yet, during all of these phases, all organs always adapt: every organ is an organic, thus living, process; and the alteration to any one organ reflects on all organs, and the body as a whole.
The location of the organ may seem to be (anatomically) 'persistent'. Its function is 'not'. Each organ always adapt, not only during each of those phases, but also corresponding to moon phases, and phases of the day.
(This dynamic is known as the Circadian rhythms; a study of the organ dynamics, and closely related to astrology and alchemy, as study of relationship to the environment, and activation states)

''Dynamic Transformation Trans-morphation''
The location of the organs is an expression of their function.
Each organ, like each cell, transforms. The principles described by systems theory apply here likewise.
Every organ in its way exemplifies the function if information and transformation (together: transmutation), by which the part relates in/to the whole.
All organs together maintain the overall body function: thus was seen in Weekend 4, where the process of Ingestion/Digestion (the Gut) and Circulation (the Blood) was used to show the integrity of the body/organ/cell/system as a whole.
The morph, or shape and form of all organs, and each organs, is in essence the same: all are shaped by the same principle, ‘as if the body is moulded from clay’. The dynamic relationship of the (interrelated) changes of (related) shapes can be called transmorphation; it is the ‘counterpart’ of transformation. Transmorphation (in shapes) and transformation (of functions) in the body are, in essence, the same.

''Organic Organ Organisation''
This weekend looks at the place and position of the organs, realising that each originates from the same original cell (by the same development patterns as described in weekend 1 and 2).
It juxtaposes the place of the organ, the placement of the organ (with respect to 'the Blood', thus 'The Gut'.
It presents the organ form and shape characteristics, as it can be anatomically described.
It regards the organ cell shape and function, as the cells basically function, and relate.

''Symbolic Representation: our body as organ(ic) integration''
Our body is the expression of the integral relationship between all organs; and the total system inversion transformation that they, together, represent.
This is graphically represented as 4 juxtaposed pictures: the body and organ position; the organ and circulation connections, the organ with its internal (functional) organisation, and the cells of which the organ is composed.
This juxtaposition is intended to help see the interconnections:

# how the body as a whole exists (cf. Weekend 1) due to all of these organs (and can Not be compared to a 'computer'  or a 'car'),
# of the organs with respect to their intercommunications (cf. weekend 2),
# of the organs as alternative (reality/realisation) processing potentials (cf. Weekend 3), and
# the organ as expressed by its cells (and by the cells all organs (and bodies) relate.

''Cave (beware)''
The description of the body 'as organs' is incomplete: it is based on an anatomic perspective, which disregards 'dissipated' organs (such as the body immune cell system), and 'non-physical' organs, such as the blood. Also it ignores 'minute' organs, such as glands in the brain, or discerns 'organs' (e.g. eyes. ears, nose and mouth) that in fact together span a continuum of a ("Vibrations") signal processing system.
For this reason, the material presented in this section is best be regarded as incomplete: it helps to communicate with 'anatomic medical people', but is too limited for understanding how the body organic integrity is maintained.

''Structure of the Weekend''
This 4th weekend (again) has four sections:
# The Introduction,	with presentation to the organs. This is offered as a discovery tour, in which the body is drawn and discussed, to see what main organs are known.
# The Reflection,	with integration of the organs: this regard their dynamic interaction, and thereby bridges the perspectives of anatomical and meridian (physiological) perceptions of the body.
# The Interaction,	dealing with the organic joint functions; this makes use of the principles of Systems Theory, to see how the organs interact with, and cross influence, each other. This approach bridges the organic views of the body to that of Meridian Systems.
# The Integration,	on basis of cellular function. It leads to a 'holographic' view to relate organs, through their cells, with the body as a whole. This helps to realise a bridging from the organ anatomic perspective, to the realisation of the aura (of integral system functioning, of the body as a whole).
By seeing how the structure, process, interactions and integrity of the body organ cell transformations are all related, the connection between the anatomic and meridian, chackra, and aura perceptions of the body can be more readily seen. By the way the anatomy, physiology, neurocrine regulation and system integrity are 'seen' at each level.

''What is discussed?''
This weekend juxtaposes our inner world and outer world as the solid and hollow organs; thus recapitulates the yinn and yang of the egg and sperm (cf. weekend 1).

|Anatomy	|Gland	|Duct		|Skeleton |
|Physiology	|Solid -excretion	|Hollow - transfer	|Muscle |
|Neurocrinologie	|Blood	|Gut	|Organ |
|PsychoCybernetics	|cell	|chackra	|brain |

The organs can be regarded as a set of extended membranes
This involves a set op simultaneous perspectives:
# Body
# Circulation: systems circuit
# Transformation: filter (Bowden’s capsule, Henle’s loop, liver cisterns, alveoli, spleen filters)
# Integration: cell form/function 
cell body, Cell=body, body-cell, body = zygote
The blood flow through the gut represents a simple open-closed circuit.
The blood flow through the organs illustrates the principles of composite (parallel/serial) circuits.
The system as a whole shows how the part relates to the whole; and the inside (‘solid’) relates to the outside (‘hollow’); which applies also to the relationship to our body (solid/closed) in its context (hollow/open). Every organ in itself reflects this same concept, e.g.:
* Skin: direct contact in = out
* Kidney -> Bladder -> outside
* Liver -> Gall Bladder -> Gut (outside-inside) -> out & blood -> liver ...
* Spleen -> blood -> liver -> Gall -> gut -> out & blood -> liver ...
* Lung -> outside (nut by throughflow (hollow organ) but by osmosis (Filter cf solid organ)
* Glands -> blood -> body -> cells
* Brood brain barrier” brain is ‘outside’ of the body (Cf. Interstitium)
|Hollow organs	|Full Organs	|Hollow Full Organs	|Full Hollow Organs |
|Arteries, Gut	|Liver	|Endocrine glands	|Blood |

''The system of system inversion''
The organs are all connected; the Zygote unfolds to produce layer; due to which the zygote can ‘turn itself inside out’. 
The ‘Inside Out’ of the cells is best seen in the blood. (“Cell Fluid’)
The ‘Outside In’ of the cell is best seen in the liver and spleen (formed around the blood (‘A large cell’)
The Inside of the cells is seen in the interstitium, and electromagnetic exchange processes between all cells.
The Outside of the cell is best seen in the ‘sacks’ like bladder and gall bladder; and the connective tissue system.

''Work plan for Weekend 4''
Weekend 4 starts with an Introduction, and 'Exam', as (by now) 'usual'.
The Friday again gives an overview of the core concepts of the weekend: the main theme is that of the Möbius Loop. One is made, and studied, by folding a strip of paper.
This in hand, it is then possible to recapitulate the findings of Weekend 3 (The Gut, The Blood) and the way they represent Unity on/of the body. This is then taken up for all organs.
The organs are 'introduced', in broad scale/scope terms, and regarded in their relationship to the body, the ' circulation', their (transformative) shape and function, and characteristics of their cells. By drawing the body outline of two of the participants, and ‘mapping’ the location (by percussion) of the body, a life size image is seen of the body organ location.
The nature of their cells, understood in terms of the Zygote, is then again taken up as a handle to maintain a view of the body as a whole. The advice is give to study each organ, by looking a the shape of the cells, how they are arrange to create the Organ (a filter) and to understand from which part of the blood it gets its information, to understand its function for the body as a whole.


|When	|What|h
|''Friday Evening''	|Introduction |
||Examination |
||Möbius’ Loop: all organs are one|
|''Saturday Morning''	|Hand Out: large scale drawing of the human body |
||The Map of the Body; the location of the organs |
|''Saturday Afternoon''	|Introducing the Organs 1): the Hollow Organs  {The Gut} |
||(Transport: storage/rhythm/regulation) |
||* Stomach, Duodenum, Gall bladder, Small intestine, Colon, Bladder, nervous system (rhytm regulation, attunement), … |
|''Sunday Morning''	|Introducing the Organs 2): the Solid Organs {The Blood} |
||(Transformation: conversion) |
||* Heart, spleen, lung, kidney, liver, Endocrine and exocrine glands, hormones (atonement, environment conditioning), ... |
|''Sunday Afternoon''	|Organic Being: Cells in Perspective |
||the form-function of all organs |
||The Organ Map (homework): Location, Circulation, Operation and Cell Body. |

''The Sequel''
Weekends 1 – 4 describe how the body comes to be formed, in oneness with/in its context.
Weekend four concerns the turning of food into blood into bone
Weekend 5 recapitulates the experiences until now in a Sukh & Conference
Weekends 6 - 9 extend this understanding to a skill of reading the body.
''The Brain in Perspective''
The skull is the container of the brain; both are an inside-out’ (and upside down, left right, front-to-back) reflection of the body as a whole.
The right and left-brain halves process respectively the left and right body reactions. (They are crossed, or mirrored, with respect to each other. This means that there is a real virtual barrier between the head and the body.)
The front and hind brain focus and ‘diaphragmate’ (respectively, as in a camera) the back and belly sides of our life experience.
The top (cortex) and bottom (central brain) likewise reflect the processing of our superficial and basic responses. 

''Snake, Fish, Bird and Ape, revisited''
In regarding the anatomy of the Bones and muscles, it was evident that that complex system was more readily understood by regarding it as a combination of a snake (the spine and its muscles), a Fish (adding the thorax and its muscles), a Deer (adding limbs, but no hand/feet) and an Ape (including hands/feet).
This same pattern can be recognised in the brain: the spine, the Old Brain, the Mid Brain and the New Brain. These will be regarded, in relationship to the body. This will offer a recapitulation of the descriptions in Weekend 6, of the bones and muscles, but now in a more dynamic interpretation.
By understanding the brain as an integral, yet layered, system, many of the apparent complexities are resolved. It will become clear that each next level makes use of the level below; each time the level below is left intact, but it had an added form of integration.
In this way, the cortex makes it possible to moderate the mid-brain responses, which again moderate the core brain responses, which again reflect the spineal dynamics. This is the same principles as seen in the limbs, where each joint recapitulates the properties of the joint before, while making the responses more specific (mechanically/physically in the one direction, and informationally/metaphysically in the other)..

''The brain: Correction, not direction''
On the whole it shows that each ‘next’ level only fine-tunes the level before (same as seen in the structure of the arms and the legs).
On the whole this shows that the brain represents not a State of being (noun), but a Process of being (verb).
On the whole it means that the brain is not directive, but corrective.
This again means that our conscious cognitive realisation is but a (specific local) reflection of the (general universal) principles on which our being is based. Our brain and skull (like our body) also reflect that, in their shape and development.

''Brain Processes''
Anatomical analyses of the brain often miss out on its process dynamics; on the physical and metaphysical domains.
In the physical sense, the brain is akin to a muscle: it expands and contracts, and thereby (like the muscle) ‘directs our flows of attention. The brain, so to say, allows us to walk through the world of the mind.
Likewise, the brain has its nerves, system of circulation, an ‘lymph drainage’: the liquor) which 
Conversely, the brain processes information, of different levels of awareness: cellular, organic, body-related and of/for the environment. This means that the brain is like a loudspeaker, giving us an internal representation of what happens around us. (And, as in an amplifier, this relay can deform the information.) In that sense our brain is the ‘video monitor’ of our body, our space-suit in this space-time domain. (The different levels of consciousness, and Bardo transitions, that are related to our soul. The shifts in consciousness are part of our experience of life.). The ‘real’ brain processes are not of blood and lymph, but information processed (See “Mind”).

''Electro¬chemistry of the Brain''
An aspect that is often ignored in the study of the brain, is the diurnal shifts in consciousness, and throughout our lives.
It is now more and more understood that the physics of our brain is determined by the neurochemistry in the brain. (This weekend looks into that further by describing our neurocrine responses, and system (self)integration.)
However, it is also more and more clear that it is not the chemistry that determines our psycho-physical responses: there is a whole interwoven layer of electromagnetic functions; with combinations of frequencies having the same effect as chemical substances.
Even beyond that, it is now starting to be realised that these electromagnetic ‘signatures’ are in fact pattern fo (phase space) information; operating at and beyond the speed of light. (This is a core concept in our body, and living: we operate at the speed of light. Our body, being part physical, and part metaphysical, processes information both locally and non-locally

''The holographic Brain''
The realisation that classical models of physics are not really relevant for the brain are becoming more and more clear. Karl Pribram already proposed that the brain is a hologram processor. Michael Talbot and others already suggested that it might even be a hologram projector. Dan Winter e.a. present the idea that it is a hologram. More fundamentally, Peter Marcer and others propose that the universe as a whole is a hologram, of which our body, thus brain thus cells, simply form part.
Evidently this calls for a dynamic interpretation of a hologram: not as a picture or film or projection, but as an integral process. This is the notion used by alchemists: matter = fluid = gas = plasma: it depends on the interaction, how it takes shape.

It means that all interactions we know are (like holograms) interference patterns. Their nature and characteristics are relativistic always, and depend on the transformation of which they form part. This holds for our cells, body and thus (also) brain.
In a more pragmatical sense it means that what we see in the brain is the same as what we see in the body as a whole: the information intake is like ingestion in the gut. The relation between brain parts is like the shape of our limbs. Our body/mind response is interwoven with the electrochemistry of our brain. And so on.

''Associated topics''
Mental states
Neurocrine cascade: response regulation
Adaptation: Selye
Heath, Adaptation, Compensation, Decompensation

''Perception of Perspective''
The brain offers a vantage points on our experience, and maximalisation, of perspective.
Our own unique experience always matters; it already does so in mineral, plants and animals.
By having the brain beyond the body, there is a potential to reach out further, and see our own role in the whole. Achieving that place is known as wholeness, or holiness, and the essence of healing. 
This can not be realised in the limitations of our brain are not realises; if it is taken to represent the whole (which it does not) instead of as part of the whole (which it is). The endocrine system helps se how the modulation/optimisation/regulation/¬gover¬nance of the brain is based on existing patterns below it; not the other way around.
!The Brain domains

''The Cranial Nerves''

There are 12 sensory nerves 

1 N. Olfactorius

2 N. Opticus

3 N. Oculomotorius
Eye motion (Mm recti superior, inferior et medialis und M. obliquus inferior).

4 N. Trochlearis
Eye motion (M. obliquus superior).

5 N. Trigeminus
1.	(Nervus ophthalmicus)
2.	(Nervus maxillaris)
3.	(Nervus mandibularis)

6 N. Abducens
Eye motion (M. rectus lateralis)

7 N. Facialis
Mimic & head glands

8 N. Vestibulo-cochlearis
Hearing and equilibrium

9 N. Glosso-pharyngeus

10. N. Vagus
Gut & Glands

11 N. Accessorius
Head position (M. Sternocleidomastoideus, M. Trapezius)

12 N. Hypoglossus
Tongue motion

''System Integration''
The Chackra System is a mechanism which regulates the body dynamics with/in its context.
It is comparable to a gear box, or cardan system: a set of wheels within wheels, which together determine all the twists and turns of our body.
In principle, it is one system, which means that – fundamentally – there is only obe Chackra: all other chackra’s are harmonics with respect to the first.
This first Chackra already exists within the first cell: it is the mechanism by which the cell integrity is preserved: the relationship between the inside and the outside by the turning inside-out (which was already described in Weekend 1, and shown – as the Möbius Look – in Weekend 4).

''Phase integrity''
The Chackra System is a process of evolution, and involution, combined: as the body (system) unfolds, it turns back on itself in more than one way: it repeats the pattern it contains, as in unfolds.
The fundamental principle underlying it all is Phase: the material phases of the body (Fire, Gas, Liquid, Solid) are related to the physical phases of plasma (ions), atoms, molecules and matter.
The relationship (or difference) between them is that of “degrees of freedom”: the extent to which the processes relate to themselves.
The body integrity is based on its dynamics: adaptation is an essentioal issue; and the preservation of that dynamic requires that the processes of/by which the body is composed (as the anatomy is created out of the physiology) must be attuned: the Chackras play a fundamental role in this

''Phase Coherence''
In fact: the Chackras are but an aspect of a more encompassing system: the Aura, the Chackra’s, the Meridians and the Cells are as interrelated as the energy field, radio waves, sound and motions of the solid, liquid, gas and plasma of which our body (a liquid crystal semiconductor) is composed.
The overall effect of the interwoven rhythms of the Chackras, is known as the Aura. The vortex like transformations out of which its is composed (as one cell unfolds to form the many cells of the body) are known as the Chackra’s. The circuit loops of a stabilised Chackra, operating in context, is known as the Meridians. And the corresponding physical form is that of the body/cells.
Each of these aspects represents the same principle: a system turning inside out, to preserve its state. The cell has its turn over, the meridians loop around as circles do. The Chackra turns inside out as any vortex. And the Aura is the interference pattern they all com-pose.
The underlying basis is (as discussed in Weekend 1) the ‘turning inside out’ of a 4D point.

''Phase inversion''
Phase inversion is the formal term for ‘turning inside out’. It is also the term that describes any boundary (and our body as a whole is determined by the boundaries formed by all of the cells.
What is seen in any boundary is also seen in the body as a whole. It will not be surprising that the Chackra system, together, also describes the ‘turning inside out’ of our body.
More specifically: it describes how the body is a bridge (a “rainbow bridge”) between physics and metaphysics. On the one hand it is matter, on the other hand it is information. The Chackra system shows how they are linked.
In a nutshell: the Chackra system consists of 1 rotation (‘turning inside out’) which is perceived by the different properties as the rotation interacts with itself: the Chackras.

''Chackra Basics''
Essentially, there is only one Chackra: the one fond in the first cell, the Zygote.
As the cell divides and multiplies (always keeping the balance) the rotation of the first Chackra too splits and doubles. And keeps a balance by the same laws of rotation as seen in e.g. gyroscopes: every cell division (‘breaking of symmetry’) adds another direction of spin. Yet always the balance is maintained.
The result is that the body (as a Chackra System) has a boundary on one wide (Earth) which is quite different from that at the other end (Heaven): at the bottom it is a closed boundary; at the top it is an open boundary.
The difference between open and closed boundary is important. (In physics they are different, and complementary: the one inverts the Amplitude, the other inverts the Phase.) Our head and feet (i.e. tailbone) are thereby the same and opposite: and joined  in the middle. (That juncture in the middle is the ‘same’ as that of the Zygote, but ‘inside out’.

''Rainbow Bridge''
The result is that the Chackra at the top rotates in the opposite direction to that at the bottom. As it is described for the expanding and contracting universe (where everything is relative always): the top is Blue, the bottom is Red. The balance, in-between, is Yellow.
This balance is tricky and nifty: it is based on the same principles as seen in musing: combine any two notes, and they will produce a higher and lower harmonic. The higher harmonic relates to their difference, the lower harmonic to their sameness. 
In the same sense, out position on Earth and openness to heaven determines the quality of our uniqueness, as well as the substance of our being. (These are the two elements used in Shamanic healing: balancing the human between heaven and/on Earth).
It also means that, Red, Yellow, Blue, the connection of the human in context is that of a spectrum. Our own doings determine what colours this “Rainbow Bridge” takes. Also, is the bridge is whole, or broken. (and, if broken in any part, the connection as a whole is lost.)

Wholeness requires a closure of the gap. It requires that the colours are so attuned, thet they all relate to each other.
This is made explicit in Quantum Theory, in the relationships between rotations of spin. These are seen also in the fundamental relationships of Quarks. There is a nice geometrical representation of/for this (by Dan Winter), in which the angles of spin are related to colours, and the shape of a Tetrahedron (4-pointed shape) shows how they relate.
Colours thus represent angles of spin (and the letters of the alphabet describe how we can ‘use’ them); and our body as a whole is based on their balance. Wholeness and holiness are thereby related: is the inversion-transformation is unbroken, the resulting colour is white; if the spectrum is not complete, one of more colours will be seen. (The white aura of a saint is thus the result of the fines tuning of the internal integrity of the person..)
Wholeness or disease can thus be observed from the integrity of the colours; but remember that that integrity is based on the integrated relationship of spin, as the body itself turns over, turns inside out in itself (see Weekend 1 and 4) to maintain itself. The perception of different colours is a reflection of a fragmented incomplete perception of the body.

''Colourful being''
In turning inside out, the body makes contact with that what is fixed (the closed system boundary) and that what is open (the open system boundary). It integrates opposites, by its dynamics.
The basic colours of Blue, Yellow, Red, and Black (the environment) are not only the colours of the 4 directions of the compass of i.e. the Amerindians, but also the representation of the integrity of our body in its context, by its points of contact.
Blue relates to the head (Open System Boundary), and the principles of inspiration. As the male body (and hormones) have a preponderance to this, baby boys are given blue socks to wear. Red relates to the contact with Earth (the Closed Systems Boundary), and women, able of procreation, are given red socks to wear as baby.
The turning point between the two, yellow, is known as the Solar Plexus: it specifies the unique ‘frequency’ of the persons realisation on Earth. (Both with respect to what they (meta)realise mentally, as to what they (mate)realise physically.)

!The Chackra Sequence

Underfoot we have matter, of Earth. It is represented by black, as matter is characterised by photons running around in circles (known as electrons), as a result of which no light can escape.
Black represents total recursion, or absolute closure: the light is trapped or locked, in the hologram wave form known as matter. It is also known as hell, which is an old word for a Closed System.
As it recourses on itself, it maintains its state, thus can store information. Matter, and Earth, as a tangible form if memory: matter is information, in formation (as bird fly), in formation. (in development).
The black Chackra is beyond is, pure and cleansing, and the basis of materialisation. In a metaphor pursued below, this can be compared to coal that can be burned, to release light.

At the base of our spine, the contact point with Earth (via our legs) is the Red or 1st Chackra. It characterises the principle of stored energy, in motion. The red, or infrared, also relates to heat, also as a characteristic of life: the ability to use energy and achieve change (even before change is achieved).
Red represents a near total recursion, and thus can be taken to represent decay, or creation. (the difference lies in its effect on its context: if it creates or destroys. (An example: it takes as much heat to boil and egg, as to hatch it.)
Red represents the ability to put things in motion: of this energy is lost, the colour red deepens, to black. If it is gained, it is raised, to orange. This red represents the vital force within any living cell.
The Red Chackra is energising, and can be thought of as a burning coal, radiating red heat.

Just above the Red Chackra is the Orange Chackra. It is known as the 2nd Chackra, and relates to duality. (The 1st Chackra below relates to unity). The second Chackra represents the contact with others: and the continuity of life with/in others.
The second Chackra thereby also represents sexuality, and relates to the organs that play a role in that. (The gonads: ovaries in the female, testicles in the male.) Within the body it is related to all membranes and connective tissues.
Orange represents the capacity for radiating heat; while clinging to its source still. If this energy level is lost, it will cool down to red; it it is gained it will heat up to yellow.
In the metaphor this is the colour of the bright glow of embers, burning without flame.

Just above the 2nd Chackra is the third, just below the navel. This represents the ability to interface, or mediate. It relates to the Trigrams, and our ability for digestion (i.e. taking in food, across a membrane)
The 3rd Chackra reflects on digestion, cf. the roots of a plant. It also relates to the possibility to transcend one’s own position. This involves the potential of transformation; of the interplay between adapting ourselves, and adapting the environment.
Yellow is the colour that most clearly expresses presence; as in the sun and stars; it is the main colour for which the eye is sensitive,
In the metaphor, the Yellow reflects the colour of the flame, as the gas of the coal evaporates and burns beyond its own interface. This can happen if it has a convivial environment.

The 4th Chackra, lies at the Solar Plexus; it represents personal uniqueness in context.
Exchanging breath with all life forms
The hue of the flame

The 5th Chackra is connective
Flame touching air

The 6th Chackra transcend our personal perspective
Beyond the atmosphere between the stars
The radiance around the flame

The octave: integration
The white Chackra is beyond our scope: it is the Open System, beyond us, of the Universe
The stars
The essence of light, and matter

''The Logic of the Chackras''
There is a clear system to the Chackras.
The top and bottom Chackra, White and Black, represent the Open and Closed system, respectively. This is the same as respectively, Pure Information, and Manifest Matter.
In Hindu descriptions this is known as the Flute of Shiva: one end is that of inspiration (playing the flute), the other end is where the sound manifests. In-between there are 6 holes that can be modulated by the player to make the music.
In Chinese terminology the same is seen in the Hexagrams. These are composed of two Trigrams; in which every Trigram represents an Interface transition (or Filter). Any two linked Trigrams define a system transition. Here too, the inside and outside of the system operate at a different level: they are known as the Yinn and Yang (respectively structure or space and impose or change).
The Endocrine System is a complex, quite similar to the Organ System (as discussed in Weekend 4) and the Gut/Blood System (as discussed in Weekend 3). It is the system, that regulates, integrates, our internal organ functioning, while we move between one environment and another. It integrates our inner food chain process.
Where the Gut represents a transformation, from physics, to chemistry to electromagnetism to information (as food is taken in from mouth to stomach to duodenum to ileum), and the Organs represent a cycle (linking the inside of the body to the outside), the Endocrine system reflects a combination of both: it is a series (or sequence) of control circuits (or cycles). The technical term for a sequence of cycles is a Cascade (derived from a series of waterfalls at different levels one after another).
The Endocrine Cascade is very simple; but not in the form of description that is used in somatic medicine. It is not a physical object, but a dynamic regulatory system. This requires a dynamic process description, such as offered by systems theory (Weekend 1) , or the relative process dynamic models of Oriental Medicine.
If expressed in terms of linear causal objective descriptions, the Endocrine Cascade may appear as if complex. But: remember that the body does ‘think’ in terms of classical science, but operates as an integral information processor, by principles which are much more integrated than described by classical science. (Remember that the sense (point) input in e.g our fingertips passes into the (line) nerves where it is (plane) Fourier encoded to be stored as Hologram (volume). This integrity is the basis of all our body functioning {BioHologram}.

''The Endocrine system''
The endocrine system is a sequence of glands, of which each has its own process loop: they bring hormones into the body, the body responds to it, and the gland changes its secretions accordingly. The system of glands is also described as the Chackra system.
The endocrine glands do not only affect the body as a whole: the gland below it is most often quire responsive to the level of circulating hormones of the gland above it. As a result, a direct regulatory loop is created between consecutive glands.
Because all the glands in this way down-regulate the glands before it, it is evident that the glands higher up on the Endocrine Cascade are based on the existence and optimal functioning of the gland below them.
In general this leads to the insight that the glands above do not control the glands below them, but fine-tune them, in order to be able to function better themselves. In general this can be summarised as “The Brain Corrects, does not Control”. It is corrective, not directive: it always makes use of the integrity of the system below it. Healing involves the recognition of this regulatory system, and the restoration of the integrity of each gland/level in/for/by itself. (See Weekend 9.)

''System Regulation''
The regulation of the system is based on every one of its components: any change in any one of them, changes the system, thus its response. The integrity of the body as a whole (Weekend 1) is based on the communication between the parts (Weekend 2). This always affects all parts, and changes their relationship and interaction (Weekend 3), as a result of which, the organism as a whole changes its state (Weekend 4).
Systems Theory describes this as the relationship between the Bode, Branch, Circuit and Network: the element, the relationships, the interactions, the result. This is the same as is described by: the anatomy, the physiology, the neurocrine regulation, and the information integration. Each parts reflects all other parts, in its structure, function

''Endocrine Cascade''
The Endocrine System is known as a Cascade. ("Cascade" describes a series of waterfalls. On after another.) The term is also used for the Endocrine system, which in a sense is one ongoing flow of chemical (electromagnetic) communication
The conventional interpretation is; 'the higher glands control the ones below'. This is, probably, a misrepresentation. The body is not a control system, but a system with self-regulation. Regulation, not control, is the main issue.
Regulation, or adaptation, is double-sided. All of the body adapts both itself, and its environment. Interfacing (by inner-phasing) is the essence. All messages of the endocrine system relate to changes of phase: they attune the (Liquid crystal) body to interface better with/in its environment. The inner-phasing (changes of phase state) is an essential aspect of this communication. (Cf. Weekend 1: System Integrity.)
This interfacing can be described in terms of Systems Theory, as was presented in Weekend 1 and 2. This is also a much easier way for understanding the systems regulation.

''Endocrine System = System Regulation''
The body is one interwoven system of circuits. Any of its parts can be described as a Node; all of its interactions can be described in terms of Branches, each of its interaction/reaction lops as Circuits, and the whole System as Network.
With this in mind, the 'top-down control hierarchy', as it is customarily described, is more likely a bottom-up support. Correction, rather than ‘Control’, is the issue.
Each gland 'higher up' in the body moderates (thus modulates) the one below it. It builds on the gland below it, and adds functionality and meaning to it by moderating its environment, due to which the gland - as part of that environment - can work 'better'.
This corresponds with the pattern of embryologic development (as seen in weekends 1 -> 4), with the principles of system stability regulation (Weekend 2), with the 'Möbius Loop' system of inner/outer body regulation (Weekend 4), and the anatomic growth ('bottom-up') of the spine.

''Phase Regulation''
The following will first describe the main glands, bottom-up, and juxtapose them to the Chackra System, of system stability regulation. This will also be compared to the colours of the 'Rainbow Bridge' (the full spectrum of changes, as reflected in light, of a System turning inside-out, or v.v.)
Important is the concept of Total System Inversion. The system turns inside out on itself (cf. Weekend 4), and thereby maintains itself. This means that its boundary is simultaneously Inside, and Outside (cf. the Möbius Loop).
Transitions of/across a boundary involve an inversion of phase: the “phase angle” is changed in a systematic way (as described by Quantum Theory, and graphically presented by Dan Winter. His image of the Sephiroth is crucial: each of the platonic solids is seen not only to be (inter)related, but together they also show the complex (and complexification) of the relationships between the spin (as twists and turns of/through any boundary)
By these (quantum phase) mechanics, our body is formed. By loss of the pattern in the transformation, the integrity of the body is lost (which is the basis of disease). The role of the endocrine system is thus more complex that generally realised: each molecule offers a key to the phase regulation of the body, making it more dense or tense, or making it more open or loose. The role of these molecules is also more simple: each provides part of the overall picture, like pieces in a puzzle, for a regulation by which the body can ‘turn over in itself), and maintain its own wholeness. (Cf. the cell cycle, weekend 1, and the metabolic cycle, weekend 4.)  In a sense (as was presented in Weekend 4), ‘all molecules of the endocrine cascade are one molecular reaction. It helps to keep the nature of the closure of these cycles in mind, when addressing the endocrine system.

''Top Down Control''
The model of the Endocrine system as a Top-Down control system is an anthropomorphic misconception. It imposes a cultural belief system (of a hierarchical control system) on the body. This belies how the body works.
This imposed ‘hierarchic control model’ presents the notion that the hypophysis, in the brain, is a master gland of the body. It is said to be superior to its subordinate Pituitary gland, which then executes its control to the rest of the body.
Under that, lie the Thyroid and parathyroid gland, regulating metabolism, growth, and bone structure. Under which lies the Thymus, held to be relevant only in youth, and boosting the immune system.
The glands in the Lungs and Heart, which regulate blood pressure and blood consistency, are most often ignored in the description of the endocrine system.
The Endocrine function of the Pancreas, Liver and Spleen are normally regarded as if separate, as if only affecting digestion, whereas they do have definite effects on the ‘endocrine regulated’ “Milieu Interne”. As does the stomach, often also ignored as part of this group of organs.
The Small Intestine and Large Intestine are sometimes, seldom, regarded as part of the endocrine system: their patches are held to be just that: local patches’, instead of part of the endocrine system. (Compare this too the lymphocytes and monocytes, which are nomadic and settled brain cells beyond the brain; part of the immune system (Weekend 8).)

The Kidneys, especially the adrenals, and the gonads (ovaries and testes) are held to be part of the endocrine system, because the strength of their effect on our state of being is easily realised. But the role of all other cells, who together co-contribute as much to the way we feel and act, is normally ignored or more simply denied.
There is a political meaning to the model of the endocrine system as described in medical books: it helps to maintain a system of top-down social control. However, that is not how the body functions: all cells, organs, en endocrine glands come from one cell, the Zygote, and there is no superiority of any cell with respect to another. There is a greater sensitivity or specificity, as a result of which one cell or group of cells can display (or ‘signal’) a response more strongly; but still it simply registers and relays what the other cells and organs already ‘realise’ in their own way.

''Bottom-Up Support''
The embryological development offers a different picture: every gland, or secretion, comes forth out of a group of cells, and the soup of secretions, that already existed. Every next step specifies, and makes more specific what already existed before then.
This means that every newest, or higher, development in the body is based on what existed before. It can moderate it, but not modify it. It can regulate, not control. In that sense the most bottom down cells (the Zygote, and thus all cells in the body) are the most basic material on which regulation can take place. It is for the purpose of support and survival enhancement, that the next system (in development, and in location) offers more scope to the cells below/before. 
The gonads are then the most basic cells/glands: they are part of the unbroken link of survival; the adrenals help regulate their integrity, the gut organs fed the kidney, the heart and lungs fuel the gut, and the brain empowers our circulation in pour environment. In that sense, the Holy Bone is more basic than the Hara, which is more basic than the Heart, which is again more basic than the head. In other terms: Humans are based on Animals, based on plants, based on minerals; and our endocrine system (also in its molecular structure) still reflects this image.
The endocrine system helps realise what evolution already accomplished: the embedding within the context of Minerals, the rising out of the ‘egg’ (surfacing over the earth surface) of Plants, the stepping beyond (into other territories) of Animals, and finally the potential realisation of own being of humans. There are hormones for each part of that story/message. And together they spell the dance of the ‘turning inside out’, that characterises all of our being. (Crossing the boundary, staying on the edge, is the crucial pivot involved.)

''Kleeping the Balance''
The Endocrine Cascade represents the same principle as that of metabolism, and the assimilation of food across the gut. What was seen in Weekend 4 as taking place across the length of the gut, is now seen as a circulation within our body. (This thus mirrors the circulation in/of the blood (cf. Weekend 4).
This is a regulatory system, of which the function can be (mathematically) described as a Möbius ring or torus. By regulating the interface (by regulating the inner-phase) the body maintains itself. Remember that the whole body as a whole is a liquid-crystal semi-conductor information-processor
What is seen in the body, mirrors what we see around it. (E.g.: the bone inside ‘is the same’ as Rock outside; the skin is a self-repairing sheddable surface; and the collagen padding for better contact. In strictly mechanical terms, the body is created for optimal contact with its environment; of which it is in inside-out image.)
System reconstitution has a short term and long term perspective: body repair by cell turnover, and human survival by population turnover. The Embryo and adult are but phases in that double-sided picture.

''Balancing the Boundary''
The phase transitions, described by physics, are even more relevant in living beings: cf. bone = “Earth”, connective tissue = “Water”, organs = “Air”, and Glands = “Fire”. (Representing Structure, Function, Transformation and Information, respectively.)
The glands of the Endocrine system, like the Organs, can best be regarded as a Möbius loop; in fact as an interwoven system of interconnected Möbius’ Loops. Together they (again) form one inner body organ.
It is the incessant dynamic of this network of loops (Regulation systems) that preserves our homeostasis: by shifting processes with respect to each other, the body process as a whole is maintained. (The attunement of these body circuits resembles orchestration of a symphony of musical instruments; and is the crucial story of Weekend 8). Essential in the Endocrine system, as in all of the body, is Synergy: all parts work together to maintain the whole.
The Top-Down model is incomplete: it assumes control, but does not regard its basis. A Bottom-Up model is much more stable: it respects the bases, and see how each next level can enhance it. (The concept of attuning cycles is essential; the Quantum Mechanical model of the Sephiroth as presented by Dan Winter is most partical: it shows, graphically, how one cycle interacts with another, to optimise their combined spin. Regulation cycles, like cogwheels, need to be linked to interact. But they need also to be geared toward their communal process to function.)

''Study Suggestion''
Keep the foregoing in mind when studying the Endocrine System’s details:
Again, (cf. Weekend 4) look for
1.	The location of the gland in the body
2.	Where it links to the body circulation (location in circulation)
3.	What organ/cell shape it has (gland images)
4.	What molecules/metabolites it excretes

And see how each gland is based on the one(s) below it:
•	pituitary 
•	hypophysis (double: neuro/adeno)
•	thyroid + para-thyroid
•	thymus integration
•	lung ace – (blood density?)
•	heart – (surface tension?)
•	gut - patches
•	organs - kidneys -incarnation
•	body fat - insuline
•	adrenals - steroids
•	gonads
•	body cells

''Chemical Process Regulation''
The Endocrine system is not about ‘just’ organ regulation, by a biochemistry of cell shit/manure. It is a system of communication, by which cells/organs that are seemingly separate, are still connected and attuned (cf. Weekend 2). The molecules involved are electromagnetic antennae; and function as carriers of information.
Regulation is about the coupling of feedback loops; the endocrine system is in itself an example of inner circulation. (cf. Weekend 3, the Gut & Blood). It is also a reflection of our psychological metabolism (as is well described in The Inner Cosmic Circulation, in The Tao of Health, by Mantak Chia).
This internal turnover, is seen also in the cell cycle of any cells, sleep cycles, lunar cycles, and so on. 
The connection between the physiology and psychology is direct, as can be experiences in exercises such as “smiling down”, and meditation.

''The Food Chain in larger perspective''
The essence is integrity; our human experience bases itself on animal responses and plant reflexes, based on characteristics of mineral. We are all of that in our Endocrine system. It preserves or human integrity (by helping is cope/compensate in different environments), by preserving the integrity of the animal on which we are based, which again can compensate for changes to preserve the integrity of the plant on which it is based; all of which is based on the preservation of the integrity in/of/on Earth.
The endocrine system is thereby not only a reflection, but also part of the food chain: the molecules that it uses have a balance and composition, which reflects what we are and what we eat; lack of one nutrient can break that cycle/system of communication. (This is why it is important to eat whole foods; refined foods lack the integrity/balance in their composition; e.g. it is very difficult to metabolise the sugars of plants if the vitaminerals with which they were grown are taken away. Our food too needs its integrity, to maintain/provide health.)
What is said about the Endocrine system as representation for the food chain and digestion, of our physiology, applies also to our psychology, and digestion of experience; with which the endocrine system too is intimately interwoven. 
As part of mind, it thereby also reflects our experience of our interaction of our Self and Others; and the Self & Others. Interfacing (preserving the boundary) again is the crucial issue.

This means that the endocrine system is a group of cells that is fundamentally no different than any other cells. They are special only in the sense that it has become more clear how these cells (like all cells) work together to preserve the integrity of the body.
What is described as The Endocrine System, is very much related to The Immune System. (See Weekend 8.) The endocrine system describes the (‘hormonal’) cell function, the immune system describes the (systemic) effect.
This weekend juxtaposed the Gut and the Blood; the first illustrates the ‘Hollow’ organs; the second the ‘Solid’ organs.
The difference between the Hollow Organs and the Solid Organs, is but a matter of perspective.
Reflecting on the First Cell, the Zygote, discussed in Weekend 1, it is possible to see that looking at the core, or at the membrane, different aspects are seen.
They are as related as Yinn and Yang. This can be represented by the following image:

''Hollow & Solid Organ Prespectives''

Evidently, both are always the case together; just as (Weekend 1) the Zygote can not be defined without its membrane.
* Every (“Solid”) Secreting organ at the same time regulates its flow.
* Every (“Hollow”) Transport Organ, also secretes its own juices.
This can be represented in the following image:

The principle involved is again the core concept of the Möbius Loop:

the Stomach is a Hollow/Transport organ, which secretes its own saps (as does any Solid Organ).
The Liver is a Solid Organ, yet it transports its secretions to the Gall Bladder

''Neurons and Hormones''
The principle involved is the same as seen in Weekend 2: and the duality between Neurons and Hormones.
* Neurons connect by contact
* Hormones condition by communication
The Hollow Organs Solid Organs are elaborated respectively the Saturday and Sunday.

''Juxtaposing Inner and Outer''
On the Saturday, the body of two course members is outlined on paper.
Using percussion (dowsing by sound) it is possible to ‘map’ the location of the organs in the body. The Hollow organs and Solid organs can be discerned.
The Hollow organs are mapped on one drawing, the Solid organs on the other.
The groups explore in a brain storm what they already know (Saturday) about the hollow organs and (Sunday) the Solid Organs. The findings and questions are summarised into an overview of the organ functions.

!The Hollow Organs

The Hollow organs reflect the characteristics of the Sperm: the properties of the membrane.
The DNA is a hollow tube, which works as gear box between slower/faster than light phenomena.
This same concept is used throughout the body; as is seen e.g. in the Gut.
Any Hollow Vessel serves a similar function; collectively such functions can be grouped as the Hollow Organs.

!The Solid Organs

The Solid Organs reflect the traits of the Egg; the properties of storage and secretion.
The DNA is a transformer-catalyst, changing charge through surface contact.
The same is seen throughout our body in the organic transformation cycles.
Any Solid Organ can be perceived to operate in this way; thus all can be grouped as The Solid Organs.

!Hollow Solid Organs, Solid Hollow Organs

''Transition phases''
In the I Ching the description for the Open System and Closed System includes the combined form: these are the transition forms from the one into the other.
The same can be seen in the body organs: there are very clear Hollow Organs, which serve for transport, and rhythm control. Likewise there are the Solid Organs, which are clearly functioning as Transformation Sites, turning one substance into another.
The Small Intestine and Large intestine are, by their shape, clearly hollow organs: tubes. Yet, by their function they are very much transformative: the Small Intestine Excretes large amounts of water into the chyme (food in the gut), whereas the Large Intestine plays a crucial role in resorbtion of the same water.
Likewise, the Lung is very clearly a transformative organ: absorbing and excreting i.a. air (atmospheric gasses), yet by their form it has all the appearances of  e.g., a bladder: with a large rhythmic storage capacity.
''Transcending the Known''
Immune system diseases are a recent addition to medicine; they emerged after various other kinds of diseases were defined; and some ‘unexplained’ diseases remained ..
Many immune system diseases are defined by what are known as auto-immune markers” – in the blood: biochemical molecules, now associated with such forms of disease.
In terms of this course, The Living Body, this means that ‘modern’ medicine has now approached the surface of the cell (cf. Zygote) and starts to explore the inner processes of the metabolism in the cell. In this case, as cases where cells collapse and decay, and the body has difficulty dealing with the result.
This can be compared to the ‘endocrine cascade’, within a cell: the exchanges between the cell nucleus and cytoplasma; and what is needed to mop up a cell in the body when it dies.

''What happens with/in cells?''
This invokes questions about the internal cell metabolism, the programmed cell death (called apoptosis), the unprogrammed cell death (i.e.: cell diseases) – and the difference between them, and Milieu Interne (As described by Claude Bernard and (indirectly) Jung and Hans Selye).
It appears that the internal cell metabolism, as described in medical text books, is quit incomplete: it regards the biochemical molecules, and changes, but ignored their radio-electro-magnetic interactions, and processing of light/information. A precise formulation of the bio-photon-electro-magnetic transformation (cf. the endocrine cascade) is still lacking; and with it the understanding of the way the inside-outside balance in/of the body is defined.
It also seems to be incomplete in the understanding of the role of the membrane: it evidently regulates, very carefully, what types of molecules stay inside of the cell; and which one can go beyond it; or which others are taken in. As a result, the molecules between cells’ are the result of ‘precise calculations’ of what take place within them.
The Milieu Interne is not an haphazard ‘primordial’ soup. What happens between cells, in the interstitium in the blood and in the gut, is as precisely balances as in any, every, organ. It is evident that what happens in every cell must be calibrated to correspond what happens with/in all others: there is a kind of ‘endocrine regulation’, in which all cells are involved. But which is not yet described.

''Systems Perspective''
“Involving all cells”: this is a requirement much more demanding than yet feasible by Quantum Physics. Quantum mechanics was formulated to deal with multiple particles, on multiple orbits, and account for the exchanges between them.
In our living body, the extended forms of atoms and molecules are not aggregates and matter (cf. Weekend 1) but cells and bodies: higher forms of complexity, with higher forms of coherence. This requires a more encompassing form of accounting than mathematical physics provides. It is no longer ‘enough’ to address matrices of vectors; the functions of operators themselves must be described. Where in mathematics and physics, the particles are assumed to be constant: in living bodies they all interchanges: hormones will be enzymes, proteins or molecules according to the perspective, by which they are observed.
Fortunately the perspectives in mathematics are changing: bio-holograms can be already conceived, and the holographic properties of systems described; there is even an emerging mathematical language, Quantum Holography, which aims to deal with these issues, and can be of use in the study of bio-photons: the realisation that there is a coherent process of digestion of light in our body.
This integral perspective relates to the Systems Theory models, in which the part is related to the whole, the closed system as the inverse of an open system, and multiplicity a part of the connection between open and closed system. Complexity and simplicity are therein the same. This comes to view when the objects are regarded as emergent from the interaction of processes; where the processes are transformations of phase, and the phase the essence of inversion, which defines if a boundary is defined or resolved.

''The body as integral system''
It is evident that the body is an integral system: it evolves from one cell, vie embryologic development in a ‘mother’: evidently every living creature is a continuation of some sort of another living creature. Every first cell (the zygote) stems from a line of living cells, which presumably has been passed from human to human (as in an estafette or cascade) for two millions of years, after it had been passed onward from animals from plans that emerged from minerals from Earth (which emerged from the sun from gas from the big bang). Every body is related to all other bodies of humans, animals, plants and even Earth.
A body stands separate from its surroundings; although integrally connected with/in it via the (outer and inner) food chain/cascade. Its separateness and autonomy is only an appearance: it is strongly interconnected; but with its own degrees of freedom. (The degrees of freedom, found in fire, gas and water with respect to solids, are the essence of living creatures. Their life depends on the optimised use of just those degrees of freedom.) The dynamics of the living beings is determined by the interplay, and interactions, between degrees of freedom; this is also seen in the ingestion of food (where matter/physics is dissolved into liquids/chemistry then to ions/electromagnetics and plasma/information).

The integration of the body requires communication: each boundary of the body, and the body as a whole, forms an interface, a filter. This always represents a reorientation of phase: this is a process of (wave) phase organisation. This is also known as consciousness, or information (also as in-formation) and knowledge. All the phase information transformation processes interact, leading to the structure of the body, and all its potentials and limitations. Our body is a body in formation, and information body, and a body of knowledge: a memory of life experience on the Earth. What takes place within it, and what takes place around it, offer charges and potentials on/by which we can act: this is the power of creation.
It is only logical that in our body some kind of accounting exists, in which what is taking place within us is in balance with what happens around it: the importance of a sensory system, in all creatures, is witness of that. Our own experience of our mental realisations, are strong indicators of the role of memory and knowledge in survival; it will be as evident that this will be the case for all living creatures, each in their own way (even is it is beyond our grasp of communication/understanding).

''Knowledge of Life''
Life experience is essential for survival; Weekend 7 made clear that we not only store food in our body, when we move from one territory to another (as plants cannot do), but we also store information of all places we were; in the form of all interactions we had. Physiology and physiology are different forms of the same process; and just as digestion builds us an anatomical body, likewise our mentations creates us a body of knowledge.
In us we have a complete archive (or “Akasha”) of all experiences we lived: they are still stored within us; as hypnosis can show and retrieve. Our mental body, like our physical body, has various layers of substantiality: solid, liquid, gaseous and plasmatic. Our conscious, subconscious, unconscious and out-of-conscious states are (in reverse order) reflections of that. It means that our body is a Living Library  in which all information is stored. This information can be retrieved, and reused (much more rapidly so: it is experienced as a point of contact, taken in as a train of events, processed as an area of experience, and stored as a hologram; for easy retrieval).
What happened in the past ban be of use in living the future: this is the psychological equivalent of storing food in our body as we move from one territory to another. Our body is thus an information processor; the physical system simply helps to keep this ‘computing power’ in place. Every living experience forms a point of contact that we can integrate in our life; or know how not to avoid. (The fight-Flight, Fright-Fain mechanism is part of that process). This is the same for the food that we eat, the people we meet, the terrains that we travel and animals we share the territory with.

Microbes form part of the territory; and our body learns to live with them too. As for food and social contacts, memories are established in how to relate to them: can they be teamed up with? (as is the case with commensals), can they be met with and let go of? (as is the case with most microbes). Or are specific precautions (‘handles’) needed? As is the case with all diseases that call forth transient diseases). Or, are they a threat to our lives? (As is the case with toxic substances.) This is the same pattern (and principle of boundary transition, or system stability, as described in the system decay cascade of Health <=> Adaptation <-> Compensation -> Decompensation. (In which the system loses regulation/control over its own inner degrees of freedom).

''Connective Interfacing''
It is evident that some system must exist, by which this self-non-self discrimination is achieved; in which the boundary between the self and the environment is maintained. In other terms, just as the organs do for the whole body, there must be a system that preserves the integrity of the membrane of each cell: our body organs are simply a reflection of that concept, at larger scale.
This system is known as the immune system.
Unlike what is presented in medicine, the Immune system is not a system of ‘attach and defence’, but a system for meeting an mediation. It interfaces between one part and another; and one part and the whole. It is the principle that preserves the integrity of all body cells, the membranes of organs and capsules of muscles, and the skin of our body. These organ elements (together known also as all the Connective Tissues) form a body in itself; and offer the scaffolding in which all body cells live. (Albeit that this ‘scaffolding’ is not produced before, but after, the bridging (unfoldment) between (of) cells has taken place.
The Immune System thus does not separate the body from its environment as if living in a fort (cities now no longer are forts, but open, and soldiers in most countries are replaced by police and teachers: the model of somatic medicine needs to be updated from its medieval perspective to a more present-day perception.). The Immune system is a system of teaching and learning; of hosting and guiding, in which signalling and communication plays a pivotal role in ‘sluicing’ the system: opening or closing boundaries, making them semi-conductive or changing its threshold for what can(not) pass through.. It specifies the FILTER of what we can(not) let into our lives. It is based on our experience, and our capacity for coping.

Coping is the Capacity for Compensating for Changes in Contextualisation. It makes use of the mechanism of Adaptation; as seen in the Endocrine System in \weekend 7. In adaptation, the experience of one environment is stored, incorporated, integrated into the own being (in a system interwoven with, but as if separate from the own body). This makes it possible to store food as e.g. body fats; to be used again as food when there is no occasion for ‘rooting’ into Earth (“grounding”).
The principle of adaptation relates one context with another; it is based on the principle of Crossing a Boundary, and the ability to return. The Endocrine System, and the whole mechanism of storage of food and information, is an example of the use of Boundary Inversion: what used to be a boundary transition in the world around us (a ‘plant moving from one standpoint to another’) is incorporated, transformed, as nutrient being stored, then used, in the body. The Endocrine system already compensates for a displacement out of context..
The Coping Mechanism makes use of the same, but inverse: if the experience in one environment is not nourishing, it is possible to close of contact, and draw on experience from another context, to survive. This replaces the actual environment, in which the body lives, by a virtual environment, the memory of s suitable setting in which the body could thrive. Own body resources are used to do so. The principle of Coping is thus based on the same mechanism as that of the endocrine system, nit ‘in inverse’. The endocrine system stores information and nutrients for use while ‘in motion’. The normal physiology uses this stored energy/information while ‘on the move’. In coping, that energy is used for a different purpose: own body supplies are drawn on for unforeseen conditions.
There is a link between Coping and Compensation, and addiction (a dependent adaptation). Coping makes use of Compensation; it will fall back on the normal supplies when the normal conditions return. Addiction makes use of normal supplies for other conditions too; but does not draw on own reserves, but takes them, out of context, from the environment. It represents a self-non-self confusion. Alcohol is an example in case: it is usable to create sugars, which can be stored as fats; but this conversion is not one which the body is set up for: the body is not built for alcohol”, as fuel. Using alcohol as fuel requires that the inner circulation cascade is interrupted, and replaced by a different mechanism. The body can deal with, by its flexibility of internal adaptation; but it can not do so very well, because it needs to draw on other reserves. Alcohol strips the body of nutrients and vitaminerals, nicotine does likewise. Coping & Compensation is separately described.

''Immune System Collapse''
Immune system diseases, are System diseases. The System can no longer maintain its own self/definition, because of self-non-self confusion. It is a boundary conflict’, only in the sense that there is loss of Boundary definition. This can be regarded as a loss of memory: the organism behaves as if it is ‘in context’ while being ‘out of context’. It tries to take in, or put out, what it normally would do, but ignores that this interferes with the environment/setting.
This causes conflicts: it puts out shit instead of manure, physically or mentally. As a result it does not feed its environment (feedforward’, ”pay it forward”: sponsors, supports) but interferes with it, and causes it to backfire (as humans now do by pollution). This causes conflict, because it is a territorial invasion. It is conflicting, because it does not take the inner processing of the other system into account. This is based, most often, on a problem within the system itself: “its ‘skin’ is calloused or festering”, due to which it does not interface suitable with the other system.

The incompleteness in the interaction leaves ‘open ends’ which will backfire on both systems. (they will treat something as if an internal process, while it is not; or they treat a process as external, while in fact it is internal. Such boundary confusions are the result of erroneous boundary inversions. This can be represented as a displaced boundary of the system: it is place outside, ir inside of the system, In both cases, system integrity is lost. The Immune System is the general term that addresses the integrity of the boundary of the system.
If/when the system cannot maintain its own boundary, it can not maintain its own integrity, and thus it will collapse: it will fall back into the environment from which it came. The total disintegration (of the body, organs, cells, molecules) is known as Death; the partial disintegration is known as disease. Immune system diseases, and system diseases in general, require an understanding of the body as a composite of parts; that emerge by/from the same process. From this perspective Cancer, Aids, Auto Immune Disease and Social diseases (like famines and wars) can all be understood as one pattern: loss of integrity of the part in toe whole

''Healing the Immune System''
As the Immune System is a system of phase integration (or Boundary (re)definition), it is based on the Singularity Set of the system: the ability to operate its internal freedom of choice, by which it decides to (partially) (dis)connect from its environment. This is an Operation of (phase) Information. (By putting phase in formation.). It is this not a material or mechanical operation, but an act of intelligence and understanding, by (over)seeing how the parts relate to the whole. (This relationship is dynamical always: by regression in time, the process by which they emerged can be re-found and their (system) integrity restored.)
Relating the Part (back) in/to the whole is a form of (re)integration. It requires system transcendence. The system boundary needs to be realised to be not external, but internal. This requires a Bioundary Transition.
This involves Inversion. What was external becomes Internal, and (depending on the layers in the system) maybe vice versa. This Inversion (and its dynamics) is the essence of Life; and the Immune System.
As any boundary is a site of Phase Inversion, and the whole system is defined by the boundaries (within boundaries) by/of which it is composed, the healing of the system can be achieved by re-phasing the boundaries; which can be done by re-relating (reweaving) the processes of which it is composed: by inverting those processes, as needed, to correct mistake process inversals (due to which the system treats itself as alien, or treats others as (if) itself. All that is required is the suitable phase inversion (boundary definition/dissolution) for which a ‘pin prick’ (Chackra node) can be enough.

''The NeuroCrine Immune System''
The Immune System is the sum total of our life experience. It contains all the experiences of our life, neatly store in the memory. Sometimes our issues become confused, by life shocks (Life Training); this is the basis of disease. In disease, the connection, continuity, thus communication, between the part and the whole is lost. Evidently, by then, 'it is too late'. The famous Fight/Flight (Fright/Faint) mechanism is based on a model of humans, based on a society of warring tribes.

For a healthy body Fight/Flight is a waste of time; too much energy is needed for /correcting/ an issue; remedying disease. Although the current medical model is based on the assumption of 'fighting disease', this is not how the body works. If this were so, the Zygote would be ousted of the womb, as 'foreign body', and the zygote would turn around to 'eat itself' after the first cleavage division; this would be the most cheap way to survive. By the warrior model.

So lets assume that the warrior model is wrong. And that, contrary to what many people are told, the immune system is our library of experience. Any new experience then needs to be stored. In any new circumstances we are free to create. The Fight/Flight/Fright/Faint model is then a models for Compensation; returning to health 'when it is nearly too late'.

A simple explanation is needed at this point: in medicine the terminology for staging of disease is: Health, Adaptation, Compensation and Decompensation. Health and Adaptation are the way we normally function; and by which disease prevention takes place.
"Health" is 'the full scope of what our body can be and do'.
"Adaptation" is the degree of freedom it has to change with/in (respect to) that 'state'. (It is not a state, but a dynamic.)

These terms relate the body to its context; the environment in which it exists. If the environment changes, adaptation takes place: "adaptation of," and "adaptation to".
Adaptation "of", or Outer Adaptation, means a change in or of the environment.
Adaptation "to", or Inner Adaptation, means a change of and in the organism.

Adaptation means a degree of freedom. This includes the freedom for making mistakes. (See "Options, Choices, Doubts and Decisions".) It opens up the scale and scope for learning. Learning requires memory: a track record of all past experiences, as the body stores in/between (all of) its cells. Learning also means invention or creation: doing something that was never done before.

"Doing the Undone" is a double sided term: it means an action that has not ever be done; or doing the opposite of an action as recorded in memory (Reversal). This can be done consciously; or consciously not done consciously (Denial).
It basically boils down to just one simple choice: recreate the past (i.e. stay with what was) or create something new (i.e. learn).
Evidently this is with respect to the Part, in relation to the Whole.
It means that the choice can be described more simply still: as expressing the whole; or doing something new.

This is the basis of all drama: the tragic-comic basis of learning: the new must let go of what is; in order to create, you must separate (or forget). This, in metaphor, is what is seen when the First Cell divides: it is separate, yet connected.
This means that the 'condemnation to Hell', which Creation implies, is not as drastic as it may seem. Although it is necessary to Disconnect from the whole ("what is"), in order to experience "the new" (creation), this 'separation' can take place without integrity being lost. This is what Weekend 1 described. ("The gates of paradise have hinges; the walls of hells are the gates of paradise.")

The First Cleavage Division is an expression of this: the cells are separate, yet connected. The connection is not physical, yet material. It is this connectedness of which our neurocrine/immune system is an expression. The interactions taking place between the first two cells, are the same, in principle, as the connection/relationship between those two cells.

Bearing this in mind, all of the nervous system is just that interaction, that interfacing, in a tangible form. And thus only half of 'the equation':
 Where the nervous system expresses the 'lines of force', as tangible links, the hormone system expresses its complementary form: clouds of molecules. (Compare it to the 'river of electrons', then together with the 'mists of molecules (hormones), these two 'elements' bridge the gap between Earth (the tangible cells) and Fire (pure information). This is the alchemist's equivalent of what weekend 1 described.)

This is the same relationship as Cybernetics describes, in the relationship between the Open and Closed System; the Chinese description is of Yinnn and Yang. It is the S-line in-between, by which both are linked, where maximum potential can be attained: it is the point of creation (a.k.a. the cosmic egg.) The models of mysticism and science here concur to the same (especially when seen in the divisions of the Zygote).

The Neurocrine system is thus simply the expression, in bodily form, of the balance between Yinn and Yang. As Weekend 1 showed: such balances need 4 components to persist: the local/specific control of the nervous system has the general/general hormonal system as its complement. (Basically this 'broadcasts and array of antennae'.) It attunes the organism to what takes place around it.
Dual to this hormone-neurone pair is the Propriocepsis/immune system; which informs the system of its own internal state.

This shows that the immune system is a method for information; it can not be so biased that it is in continuous war: the environment it 'fights' is from whence it came.
In the following we will regard the neurones and hormones, and their functions (propriocepsis and autopoiesis (self-recreation)) as basics examples for the innerphasing-interfacing: the processes by which the system maintains always a whole, while it divides. That means that it holds the information of the uniqueness of the system, AND has the 'knowledge' of the underlying fundamental properties that it shares with the environment from which it came.

This means that the nervous system is precisely the expression of the ability to interface: to maintain the balance (thus integrity) of the system with/in its environment. This is the essence described in Weekend 1; for which Systems Theory is a more general form. (This 'maintenance of balance' is done internally by the circulation of air = blood; which will be discussed in weekend 3.)

Bluntly said, the immune system, at the level of the First Cleavage Division, represents parts of 'the cellular membrane'. The material by which the system is discerned from the environment from/in which it exists. (Embryologically nerve tissue stems from ectoderm cells.)  (Remember that all matter is patterns of vibrations of light; as coarse as radio waves in atoms, sound waves in molecules and mechanical motions in matter.)

Hormones are little 'fragments' or 'particles' (points) of cell membrane
Neurones are molecules that have taken on the form of the 'lines of force', by which cells are linked. (The structure of bone is likewise based on the lines of force around cells; in this case of the piëzo-electromagnetic forces.)

What is presented here is not to be taken literally (not yet; future medical research may prove the point). It is presented now as a general principle of communication, expressing itself in different forms. Propriocepsis, (patterns of phase coherence throughout the body) and nervous networks, hormone systems and immune cells, are all linked by the task that they share: to keep the body (part) linked to the whole.

System Theory is one of the simplest models by which the patterns involved can be recognised and understood; showing also that these are no 'simple and logical networks', with 'causal control'. (Causality and linearity is a human creation; it is but one of the aspects by which our bodies can function.) It is relevant to understand this point, as it helps to see the integrity (by complementarity) of the neurocrine-immune-propriocepsis system. And it helps get out of the trap that the body works by ‘control'. (It functions by creating choice, in our experience of the environment in which we exist.)

With the 4D model of Weekend 1 in mind, the simplicty of this complexity can be seen: electric forces in the neurones perform the complementary role of the 'antennae' of circulating hormones. Chemical structures of hormones are 'dual' to the neurosynaptic transmitters. What is seen at one scale or form is just a different version of what has a different form elsewhere: it is always the principle of communication that is (pre)served.

The principle of integration, interconnectedness, exchange and contact is well described by systems theory ((LINK))
The understanding of the principle can be illustrated by the Knee Jerk Reflex.

Like so many of the neurological reflex tests, it is base on cellular response. Cf. the innate properties of the first cell. The inneractions within it (the innerphasing they perform) are the basis of the interactions between the first two cells, and all cells that stem from them.

These interactions pertain to all levels of the cell: the cell as a whole, the contents, the membranes and the molecules (and atoms) it is composed of.

Those interactions are seen, at a different level (later) as our sensations: 
The reactions at the levels of the molecules (short with respect to the cell) are experienced as light; the reactivity of Rhodopsine in our eyes is an example of this. In this case the eye, as a sensor organ, amplifies the reaction of the rhodopsine molecule to the vibrations of the photon, that are much smaller than a cell.
It is interesting that many hormones are structurally based on or related to pigments: molecules able to capture, store, release or transform light.

Vibrations that are able to vibrate more than just a part of the cell membrane, and resonate molecules of which it is composed, are known as Radion. It appears that we are insensitive to these (and risk grave electro-pollution) precisely because radion waves play an inportant role in the communication between cells. ADT-ATP transitions, for example, are characterised by specific radio waves; and the discovery of reaction by which it take place got Nobel Prize because it resembles a ('cyclotron type') electron particle acceleration.

Vibrations that are larger still, with respect to the cells, will ‘resound’ the cell as a whole: the whole membrane vibrates. Our Ear is an example of this: a membrane that vibrates (through a system of physical amplifiers, in a ('logarithmic') snail like 'shell", it resonates 'hairs' to vibrate a nerve cell.

Vibrations that are larger than the cell will displace the cell, like a ship tossed or heaved by waves or tides. The sensors in our fingers (or guts) are examples of such 'compression/extension' sensitive cells. Other examples are the tensions sensors in tendons, the displacements sensors in muscles and the Labyrinth (equilibrium system) near the ear.

The Labyrinth, the Ear, the Long Nerves and the Eye are simply sensors for vibration, with relative wavelength with respect to the cells. Motion, Sound, Radio and Light are no absolute measures, but simply relative wavelength sensations, with respect to our cells. Optics, Acoustics, Radio technology and Light engineering are simply part of the same studies: vibrations. Their distinction is arbitrary, based on our sensations; not on laws of nature itself. It is by our sensations that the discernment (and distinction) is made; in nature they are but part of a continuum, of vibrations.

The same principle is seen in aggregation of phase; discerned a atoms, molecules and material; again by different relative scale. By realising that these are but patterns (or Forms) of vibrations, their continuity (because: interwovenness) can be more easily seen. Matter is but a 'songs of molecules', built of 'chords' of atoms with interwoven rates of resonance up to the speed of light (and beyond). In principle they are but Interference Patterns (within Interference Patterns), with different harmonics/scales of coherence of phase.

The continuity of vibrations (light, Radio, Sound and Motion), and the preservation of principle (interference patterns at different scales of harmonics) are not just patterns of physics: they are processes of physiology. These are so fundamental that these principles have come to express themselves into specialised (resonant forms): the Eye, the long nerves of propriocepsis, the Ear, and the Labyrinth.
(The long nerves of propriocepsis are what we see in the interrelationship in our spatial orientation: hearing, stance, vision and equilibrium are all interconnected. It is the long nerves of propriocepsis which represents a general principle. Propriocepsis. It is not known by a separate organ; yet must exist in every cell: it is based on the vibrations within cells: smaller than movement of the cell as a whole (displacement, sound) and larger than the vibration of the molecules of which the membrane is composed (light). Evidently this involves all cells; and radio communication is a fundamental principle within us. Is this why radio waves are not sensed or perceived (although some people do)? Or is our radio sensing, to what is relayed between cells, so sensitive that we do not tune in to fixed radio broadcast station waves? (As Cyril Smith, Lawrence Edwards, Robert Becker and others have shown, the frequencies of transformers warp the growth of plants. Qi fields (of the meridians) are lines of iso-phase; thus in principle vibrational too. Perhaps the radio signals are not perceived because to us they are like water for/around/in the fish: it determines the environment in which we live.))

It is this general principle, of continuity, that is used here to understand the interwovenness of interconnection between cells: what happens in the communication between cells operates by the same principles as those by which we are integrated into the universe as a whole.
“The Song & Dance of the Body”

Breath, Heartbeat, Peristalsis, and Cranio-Sacral Rhythms

Rhythm is an essence of the body; dead is known by the absence of pulsations. The first cell, the Zygote, already had its rhythm, which it shared with the Egg and Sperm, who shared their rhythms in Conception. Those cells already had their rhythms, in the mother-body of your mother and father. Who again shared their rhythms with their ancestors, taking their beat from the animals, taking their pulse from the plants, who take their vibrations from the minerals in Earth. At the level of vibration, Motion, Sound, Radio and Light are the same: just vibrations. Within the body, all those vibrations are intertwined, and related. The vibrations in bones are reminiscent of the vibrations in minerals. The vibrations in organs are related to vibrations in plants. The vibrations of our body, are like those in animals. Moreover, the thoughts we have are vibration within vibrations yet again. When the body vibrations interconnect and weave in patterns of harmony, and ongoing dynamics, this is called Health. When the rhythms are broken, one speaks of “disease”.

Body, Rhythm, Harmony, Symphony, Health, Disease,

There are advantages to regarding the body as a song, or a dance. Atoms sharing electrons, like partners in a dance, weave to form molecules. The molecules vibrate, like antennae, resonating to (and creating) the body song. Organs are fuelled by i.a. intracellular photons (light waves), and communicate using phonons (sound waves). There are many more patterns of rhythms in our body than most people know. Yet, all those rhythms and vibrations are interwoven with everything that we do; what we do is possible because process Rhythms interweave. There is no coincidence that a shaman's drum beat, when well chosen, brings people in Trance. There is no chance in the interconnectedness of the patterns of brain waves, heart waves, cerebrospinal fluid waves, and the waves of peristalsis in all organs. Together they form one interwoven pattern, because together they represent, reflect, the same pattern: that of the first cell, the Zygote, unfolding in time. In these rhythms, all vibrations interconnect, together weaving an invisible tapestry, 'the magic carpet' on which our body 'rides'. When the warp and woof of that carpet is rifted or torn, it can no longer contain the structure of the body, which thus decays, and falls a-part. This fundamental principle is now begun to be realised, in different, new, forms of healing. Information Healing is the encompassing name:  all those forms of dealing with the body where patterns of integrity, of information, are respected, and restored. It is possible to measure the sounds of a person's voice, and identify which frequency lacks. This tone can be fed back to the person (or being), as the missing-link tone in itself, or -better often still- as a combination of tone, which together create the lacking tone as a higher or lower harmonic. In that case, the body is addressed at two frequencies with which it knows how to cope; and by combining them can deal with the gap in its harmony, song, which it otherwise cannot reach. It is possible to describe this principle in a quite fundamental way, making use of the model of the Light Cone (of Relativity). (This is (and will be) described elsewhere.) The core concept is that vibrations (thus Frequencies) are oscillations: where something (whatever) torns inside out. This is a principle so fundamental that perhaps it is the only one by which this universe is 'made'. The universe as a whole is simply a pastern of related "Inversions", together weaving 'the tapestry of life'. This weaving takes place within and around us; but it is only within us that we can interact with those rhythms. That is what this text describes. How our Breathing is a means by which we can modulate, thus moderate, the rhythms of our heart. Breath can (to a limited extent) be consciously controlled, by our mind. The Heart responds to our feelings and emotions. And indirectly, by our Breath. (This gives its importance to Prana Yama, the Yogic science of the use of Breath), and Qi Gong (the Chinese equivalent, using a different form). The Hearth again affects the rhythms in the arteries, and organ peristalsis: by the flow of blood oxygen, (unconscious) organ pulsations will be more or less slow. There are deeper rhythms still, of the organs with respect to each other, based on the rhythms of whole groups of cells. Cranio-Sacral (cerebro-spinal) rhythms are an example in case. By shifting these rhythms, holding them, the underlying pattern of cyclic inversions can itself be inverted. A woman  told me that that was how she came to see the aura of others: when that 'inversion process' was temporarily stopped. The Body rhythms thus relate to our awareness and perception; our experience of 'the world', and ourselves. Damaged body rhythms, break the body's song & dance. It is a main cause of disease. Just to give a small example: consider this question: If a gall stone, or kidney stone, causes disease, by blocking the (bile/urine) flow, how then can this come to be? Surely, the first minissimal grain of bile or urine salts is too small to be stopped in, by, the duct? If that first grain is too small to be even able to slow down, let stand stop, the flow, how then can it come to exist? The question is answered by thinking in inverse: the grain is formed when the flow itself stopped. Understanding body flows is thus quire significant for understanding health (and the healing powers of song & dance).

The following gives some example of the pulsations of cells: those of the body as a whole, those of 'separate' organs, those of ‘our heart, circulation’, and those of our inspiration, or Breath. All of these are important for life; they are even used to diagnose (determine) ‘vital functions’. Yet what is not often or readily understood, is that they are all interconnected. One rhythms leads to another; and all of them are linked, directly or indirectly. To the cells that create and uphold these vibrations, between the rhythms themselves, and to the environment in which we live: that is how astrological rhythms are joint in with our body. (Or rather, the other way around: our body is formed our of the vibratory patterns of nature around us.)
How important those rhythms are is rarely respected. Only in evident cases, are people aware of all these vibrations, and how they interconnect. The “contractions of birth” are not just those by which you were ‘expelled from the womb’ (when it no longer had room to expand), but it is a more intensified form of the Higgs Contractions, rhythms of pulsations, not really yet in the form of contractions, like tides on the seas. Those Higgs Contractions again form part of the long scale and more short-term contractions, known as the cycle of menstruations. Named so, because of their link to the rhythms of the moon. These Menstruations, and birth contractions are related; let's say 'harmonics of each other'. The short term and long term patterns all interconnect. (As astrologers can tell: often in families, over generations, children are born in seasons or even days shared with their forebear.)

Although these large-scale rhythms are important, often vital, they are harder to detect; they require a different form of perception, and recording of these process cycles (in languages such as astrologers use, crafted for the purpose). There are other rhythms, more perceptible, that are also related to health (all body rhythms/vibrations are.) The Jugular pulse, or pulse at the wrist, is well known. The is the quickest means to feel if a person is still ‘alive’; the second is used to know about a person's state of health. (Ayur Vedic and Acupuncture Pulse Diagnoses; the rhythms felt at the wrist are representative for the co-ordination of phase, the patterns by which body (cell) vibrations are linked. Although this is relevant to know about body vitality and health, they are not as clear in showing body integrity, as for example the cranio-sacral pulse. This is a pulsation in which the total effect of all the body rhythms comes into play: the cells, the organs, the functional circuits, and the expression of integrity of the body as a whole. Again, what is felt is the ‘pulse’ of ‘system inversion’: how the part relates to the whole (by the way the inside connects to the outside.) In a way, this is a means to feel the pulsation of the First Cell, the Zygote, as it unfolded in forming the body as-a-whole. The pulsations of the body-as-a-whole, as felt in e.g. the cranio-sacral pulse are more easy to feel in/for another; for yourself: you are so used to it, so embedded with/in it, so com-posed (!) out of it, that you can hardly tell it apart from what you are. (Except when you shift to altered state; thus ‘go out of your body’).

Breath is a fascinating instrument for editing our (un)consciousness. The rhythm of our muscles is (for many) the only movements they can control. By controlling the muscles of the chest (i.a. intercostal muscles, diaphragm) it is possible to change the rate (thus rhythm) of breathing. This makes it possible to chain rhythms, from very slow to very fast: from EMG (muscle) to EKG (heart) to EEG (brain) and beyond. This has been described (in a different way) by Itzhak Benthov, in “Stalking the Wild Pendulum” (in the appendix, entitled “The Physio-Kundalini Syndrome). By breathing, the rhythm of the breath interacts with the rhythm of the heart (try it, and count how many heart beats there are, on average, to your breath. Pay attention to the way the attention given to counting (in the mind, or on your fingers) subtly shifts that ratio). By changing the rhythm of the heart, the circulation throughout the body is affected; even a slight shift will make all the difference in e.g. oxygen saturation and nutrient transport. Which again affects the rhythms at which the cells can operate: this is a very interwoven dance, with many ‘dance partners’. In addition, the simple use of breathing can make fundamental shifts in the rhythms, thus functioning, of the body as a whole.

Less outspoken, but more decisive is the rhythms of the heart, stopping the flow of the blood ca 4 times per breath, ca 72 times per minute . (It is said that some Japanese study found that the venous/arterial blood circulation accelerated, when the heart was bypassed.) In stopping the blood, the heart turns the flow of the blood into an internal spin . The seven heart muscle layers are all specifically directed to enable the electromagnetic pulse of their contraction charge the blood with their spin orientation . The hearth not only feeds the body with blood, but also with information. (The electromagnetic rhythms of the heart are coupled to those of the brain and {Dan Winter}, coupled to the thymus (where integrity of the frequency spectrum is said to be maintained). The heart is regulated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. It also responds to blood hormones, and its own secretions. It means that there are four different but related levels of control that direct the heart in establishing its rhythm. Also, the hearth rhythms are related to (Quantum) electromagnetic spin orientations of the blood, which is also a carrier of light .
The heart also operates with phonons, sound waves, so it is said; all religions stress the importance of song in remaining healthy; and Oriental Medicine sees a direct relationship between singing and music and the heart. As the most outspoken carrier of rhythms into the body, it has a core position in many meditations (focussing on the heart). (The meditations on breathing often follow up with meditations on the heart, to be followed by meditations on the Hara (gut peristalsis) to reach to the body pulses. (Craniosacral system pulsations .) Each of these (interconnected) levels contributes its part of the (integral) spectrum of vibrations that connects the body from the level of light, via Radio waves and Sound, to our physical motions and actions. It is the integrity of these rhythms that extends beyond our own being: the Inter Heart Rate Variability (the 'flexibility of the Heart, in 'stepping its dance steps' as it breaths the rhythms which is at the heart of our internal circulation). This Heart Rate Variability has been shown to correlate to our openness (of being closed off) to people around us . We not only have Song-&-Dance going on with ourselves, but also with each other. (And, as measurements showed, on the Nature  around us , animals and even the weather  reflect how we feel.) Forests are example of this interwovenness of vibration : the animals in it create a symphony (and harmony) that spans all frequencies; when one of the frequency wavebands is lacking, it is a sign of disease. It means that an animal species has disappeared; if no other moves in to sing in that range of sound, the forest may die. (The sound waves interact with the leaves to 'set them' for photosynthesis' {Dan Winter}.) The same is seen in human pathology {Tomatis, e.a.} When in the voice a frequency is lacking, it can be 'repleted' by giving that tone as a combination of two other tones (of which it is a higher/lower harmonic). This can often resolve fundamental diseases, by the proper understanding and use of frequencies alone.

More determinant for our state of being still is the rhythm of the gut; because it is not just the intestinal rhythms that is involved, but the attunement of all the secretory organs involved in digestion: the whole chain of organs and bladders by which the interiorisation of the food takes place. The principle of inversion over the gut boundary is a fundamental principle. (The work of Rudolph Hauschka is inspirational for this.)
What we eat is not food; food as such does not exist. Every form of matter is organised, ordered. It is not a loose ‘bunch of molecules’ as chemical analysts present it. It is an organised coherence, which reflects, in its form, the development and environment by which it emerged. Matter is not material in the physical sense; neither is it molecular in the chemical sense or Antenna, in the electromagnetic view. It is all of this, because it is information of phase; as is our whole body. Food is a seemingly ‘static’ form, of ‘object’, ‘structure’, that serves as reference for reconstruction and maintenance of our body. Food is not essential, as Theresa Neumann and Jasmuheen have shown: we can live without food. But we need integrity in order to live: interwovenness, integration with/in our environment. This is what happens in our gut: the ‘food’ we eat is ‘dissolved’, via a series of stages, from material to molecular (and atomic); at which point the ‘substance’ (which it is no longer!) is absorbed (electrically, chemically and physically) into the body. It is the more unphysical form of the food that is taken in.
Taking in of the food is part of a transformation cycle (that take place along he length of the gut). Mechanical breaking, chemical solvents, soaking, and fermentation play a role in a systematic way as seen in e.g. distillation columns. All of these processes are timed with as great precision (and following the same pattern) as the conception by the egg of the sperm. What is known as Peristalsis, is a fundamental pattern in the body: it is a pattern of vibrations, based on the vibration of the Zygote, the first cell. These rhythms are organised in very specific patterns: groups of cells vibrate, or even move, as a unit: this is how we can displace ourselves. It means that some cells share rhythms with some other cells, but not with yet other cells. There are regions of vibrations, comparable to regions of flows in oceans. Patterns within patterns of rhythms. The regions between these rhythm patterns are distinct by boundaries of Phase; Meridians play a fundamental role in this. (Just as Chackras are pivotal for identifying such Coherence Groups.)
In our gut, such patterns of coherence are found in Peristalsis. A series of ‘Caterpillar-like movements of the intestinal ‘tube’. Such motions are found in all organs; in e.g. the womb, it is the basis of menstruations and the contractions at birth. When the rhythm is disturbed (warped) of broken, disease sets in, Often diseases are known by this. Obstipation, Diarrhoea, and Antiperistalsis (of “Vomiting”), is an example of/for this. It means that the rhythm is lost, or even inverted. A famous (yet not realised) example is that of Appendicitis: an affliction that is readily resolved by acupuncture (presumably by inverting the rhythm, by which bacterial infection, sequestered in the appendix is ‘evicted’, after it had become ‘stuck’ because the peristalsis was reversed. (Due to which the bacterial break-down products could not be sufficiently removed and infection arose. De Appendix is a Safe Harbour for the bacteria in the Colon, to tide-over aside from the main flow. From the point of view of ‘Somatic Medicine’, this is pure speculation: they do not regard diseases of Rhythm…)
As the example of the gut clearly shows: Health is deeply interwoven with harmony of vibrations.

Sometimes, when falling asleep (of when lying down in uncommon situations, when awareness is raised), it is possible to feel 'strong' pulsations, which are not those of the breath or the heart. These can be some of the core rhythms of the body. In standing up,  the body uses a complex system of rhythms to maintain the upright position. These motions relate the tensions in local parts of the body to the structure of the body dynamics as a whole. These natural rhythms can be explored and exploited to restore bodily health.

“Latihan” is the Indonesian name for an exercise in which the body is fully allowed to move as it wills; and that includes breathing and speaking or singing or shouting. The body, when ‘left to itself’ is able to 'sort through' a whole range of rhythms readily and rapidly. Many cultures have known and used this principle: some are actually known by this: for example the “Shakers” and “Quakers”. In other cultures, this is less outspoken, but used just the same principle: there it is known as Dance. The Masai use the spinal shock to shake the skull (and cerebrospinal fluids) when they jump up to land on their heels. The African drumbeats are designed to likewise shift consciousness (even to the level of being able to get in tough with the deceased and unborn). The more subtle shaking rhythms of e.g. the Balinese Monkey Dance, where men sit and rock in rhythm, or the Sufi swaying motions, and even the Balinese temple dances or movements like T’ai Qi: all relate to the natural rhythms of the body, and can serve to restore the Rhythms within.

Sometimes the rhythms do not match: and ‘earthquakes’ of the body-mind occur. Shivers of cold or fear, or yawns, the gyrations and rotations while asleep (or waking up), even the slight tremors that can shudder through a limb or a passing twitch of a nostril or eyelid: all are part of a series of ‘resets’, in which the body restores or repairs its own rhythm. Compare it to the trembling of the Earth: plate tectonics (the thin slabs of solidified crusts, floating on the surface of the Earth’s liquid core), always move with respect to each other. Normally these just slide side by side, and the geological fault lines are the indicators of the enormous motions that take place over hundreds and thousands of years. In other places they move into each other: this leads to the ‘plates’ ‘piling up’: the Himalaya is an example of this. In yet other places, they combine Bumping and Sliding: this causes Earth Quakes; and some regions are well known just by this. The principle is simple: tension builds up, and is released. Instead of frequent short (‘sliding’) motions, rare but large movements take place. Instead of a high frequency, a low frequency ‘discharge’ takes place. In the mind the same can be seen: occasional severe discharges of tension, shaking the system. Seizures are example of this; and but one example of a much larger (and hardly studied) group of (Rhythm) diseases.

Song & Dance is essential to the body; we are a symphony of vibrations at many levels, interwoven within us, and with/in our environment; also in time. Time and timing is the essence of these patterns of vibrations (and requires a different way of regarding reality, as a process, than classical science still habitually does). By understanding the role of rhythm, many diseases can be understood in terms of Broken Rhythm: Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Appendicitis, Gall and Kidney Stones are but a few on the list.
Healing is often simple: restoring the rhythm; many techniques exist by which those rhythms can be fells and restored. Song and Dance, Meditation and Contemplation are but a few among those that can be used.

"Therapist and The Rapist"

''More than a word game''
There is a precarious balance between Therapist and The Rapist. The English language offers a word-image to see how the one can be contained within the other.
''Therapists'' are people who help others live (better); this is an example of supportive social behaviour. Altruism is the key concept. It is a representation of the Parental role, in social transactional behaviour.
''The Rapists'' are people who are motivated by selfish interests, and deny others the powers or rights that they usurp for themselves. This is a form of parasitical behaviour. It represents the dependent way of life of parasites.
Both forms are found in the interplay of the cells in our body; from them we can best see how the balance can be reset or maintained, and integrity restored (in the interactions between people, based on the inner-actions within them).

In the present medical care system, there is no real distinction between the two. Both are seen. Therapists are dependent on disease for their income: they live betters if others have worse lives. They live off disease, so disease will live on by their actions. As in fighting war: you (co)create what you oppose.
This financial scheme, and the need to which it caters, turns the therapists into rapists. They/ /will// be motivated for selfish reasons. They //will// have parasitical aspects to their behaviour. They //will// ignore the 'impotence' (powerlessness) of the other, to some extent.
The financial dependence, of therapists on patients, is a contributory factor to disease. By having money as a requirement for exchange, money can become an obstacle to cures and healing. There are countries where this problem has been (in part) resolved:
In England, national Health Care offers Health Care 'for free', as part of the national system of taxes. In smaller communities, health care forms part of education. and experienced as a health club, in which one participates with personal involvement and contributions. This helps set the boundary between therapist and the rapist.

''Balancing the Interface''
Boundary-Balance is the core issue: In the Therapist/Client relationship the boundary between the two can be dissolved to the extent that the one can fully understand the other, and see what goes wrong, and how it might be set right. It is a form of sharing insight, a privilege. The therapists, in having full access to the 'inner domain’ of the other, can 'see all, know all, and do all'; but does not. The Therapist helps the other self-heal. While being fully connected, there is full separation too:  the client is autonomous still. The Therapist is simply a form of Magic Mirror: a means for the client to get insight in oneself ("//Gnoothi seauton//") by which the own integrity can be restored.
The Rapist breaches the boundary, barrier and trust. The autonomy of the other is not respected, but treated as of oneself. In being connected, autonomy is lost.
The Therapist represents healthy behaviour. The Rapist represents a pattern of disease.

''Integrity of the Interface''
Both are based on the notion of Boundary, and integrity.
In the case of the rapist, the boundary is ignored, and the integrity of the other (thus) disrespected. As any disease, it represents a form of disbalance: a blind spot.
The Therapist represents a form of enlightenment, or multitasking: the reality of the one is respected as much as that of the other; but the two are never confused.
The principle involved is that of our body formation: every membrane, at every level, plays that same role: of connection + separation.

''Separation + Connection''
Two phrases are relevant:
# You can only relate to others, to the extent that you can relate to yourself
# As long s you believe that you see others, instead of yourself, you will experience yourself, instead of others.
The first reflects the lifestyle of the therapist: based on openness and introspection.
The second reflects the dilemma of the rapist, with the ignorance of denial.

''Cell Membranes''
Both are based on the properties of boundaries, as seen in our body membranes.
All social interactions operate by the same principles, and concepts, as our body (is formed),
This means, that all the knowledge of the anatomy of the body (how it is formed and maintained; harmed and healed) applies to our interactions likewise.
This can be used to help enhance (or heal) the relationship between therapist and client.

''Healing Integrity''
In essence, both are there to be healed. The therapist has an interest in healing; the client has an interest in healing. The first accentuates the aspects of learning and communication; the second accentuates the aspect of experience and ion. The therapist thereby accentuates the Head and Heart aspect of the interaction; the Client reflects the Hara and Holy Bone part of the interchange. Together they define the subject-object relationship (and complementarity, rather than compartmentality), which is the basis of their meeting:

Between them the integrity is restored, which would normally ideally live within them.
The __structure__ of the cell membrane is seen most clearly in the first cell: the Zygote; and later in any integument, such as the skin.
The __function__ of the cell membrane is seen most clearly after the first cleavage division; and the communion/communication that are offered by neurones and hormones.

By understanding the Therapist/Therapee relationship in this sense, the interaction (therapy) can be understood and explained in precisely the same terms as the interactions taking place in the body; as explained throughout this course.
It means that everything that is known about the body can be used to help and improve the relationship between therapee end therapist. The more this interaction is open, and in balance, the more it can serve as a reminder, by example, to restore the balance that was lost within the person (decompensation) by which the other (compensation) came to help.
This interaction helps understand the role of the person in society. Each person operates like an autonomous cell. Many work together in groups, forming social organs. All of those organs, these cells, work together (each in their own way) to form the whole body. The integral functioning of the body requires the balanced health of all cells.  If that balance is lost, diseases emerge: wars and famines, aggression and poverty are but examples of the social equivalent of what takes place in our body.
By understanding the body, the principles of personal interactions and more abstract affiliation in groups can be understood: the mechanisms are the same as those by which our body was formed, in balance with the universe around us.

''Living in Balance''
Always all are in balance; if not: diseases reset the balance, by dissolving dysfunctional parts back into the whole (reversal of cosmology). Not the forms matter, but the ongoing balance of creation.
The Therapist/Therapee relationship defines Therapy as an action of resetting the balance. This is an intervention; thus a form of rape. The only difference between rape is not at the level of consent, but the effect: therapy restores the relationship of the part in/to the whole.
Therapists can do this, to the extent that they study and apply the principles of the universe, as it operates in/through their own bodies. They are thereby living examples of that integrity; and catalysts of creation. Their touch restores wholeness, liberates energy, releases creativity, and causes increase in coherence. The effect of their work is a catalytic reaction: more and more people learn to be, really, themselves, and thereby be more of what they are.  This 'causes' contagious health/care.
The Rapists have the opposite effect: what they touch falls apart, becomes fragmented and disconnected, requires energy to continue to exist, and leads to disarray and confusion.

''Boundary Mirroring''
In other words, in terms of a boundary: each does more of what it already is. The therapist is connected, and leads to further integration and release off energy. The rapist leads to disintegration, and a need for energy (dependence/compensation).
The first leads to autonomy, the second to addiction.
The first leads to enlightenment, the second to blindness.
By having knowledge (a power tool of/for the mind) it is possible to upset the balance. Knowledge is meaningful only in the presence of wisdom: knowing when (not) to use it. (Again, autonomy and addiction are key concepts).

''Human = Cell''
The description of therapy, the relationship between therapist and therapee, has been included here not only because that will be an outcome of what might do after having followed the training, of which this ‘Anatomy’ course forms part. You may at some time work with others, as therapist or therapee. Or, otherwise, you may interact with other people in your daily life: the same principles apply then.
The principles by which we interact with others are the same as those that are seen in the body. By understanding your/their body better, you will be more able to restore or maintain the balance, by which your and their autonomy is maintained. Therapy, like parenting, should be a temporary aid; it is important to realise that weaning is part of that interaction; the same as in 'growing up'.
If you have the feeling that the client 'needs you', you are most likely projecting an illusion and self-delusion onto your client. If you were not there, they would go elsewhere; or learn to live (or die) with (or by) their 'problem. By turning their ‘problem’ into a Solution, whatever they experience can be opened up to a new perspective. By which the energy it contains can be set free, and the balance in/of creation restored.
The Therapy (therapist/Therapee) relationship is all the more important done in 'established settings'. In groups, group-think often takes place: people start to think alike, thus stop to think about uniqueness. Uniformity of min often leads to uniforms and wars. The difference between machines and organs, is that in organs the uniqueness of each cell always matters. By realising that this is the case for both you and the people you meet, you have a chance to see them (and bring to life within you what they represent unto you) instead of seeing yourself.

''The Principle of balance''
Thinking about what is good for your patient, is a form of rape.
Thinking what the other should do, is also a form of rape.
Doing things unto others, is definitely a form of rape. 
Conditioning the choices (and knowledge) of others, is rape.

''D’Ai Qi''
Therapy, education, conversation; merely existing: it already implies Rape. Rape is unavoidable: in walking you step on the grass. In breathing and eating you pollute the air and the oceans. Every step you take upsets a balance. How this happens, and how the overall balance is maintained, can be seen in our body. By having a better understanding of (your own body, you will be more able to maintain the balance while you upset it.
(Thence the symbolism of Dai Qi: the S-line between Yinn and Yang is the range of maximum creation; it is most in the area between the 'white and black dot'; on the S-line.)

Our body represents a very delicately balanced system; interfacing is the principle which it represents.

''Moving between territories''
In going from one environment to another, the body can store food; and likewise information. This information is stored in storage deposits, regulated by the glands. The glands, as an overall system, serve the same function as the digestive system: what is outside of us, is taken in; once it is within us, it is transformed to form our body.
With this stored food/information, the body can venture from territories for feeding, to domains without food. It is even possible to go beyond those domains, into new territories for feeding.
This requires an adaptation of the system of digestion: the subsoil and climate may not be the same as the native soil and climate: a ‘translation’ is needed for the new food to be taken in. This does not require a new digestive system, nor does it require new glands. It does require a new setting just as a musical instrument may need retuning when played in a new room.
This retuning of the glands (or Chackras) sets a new set-point for system balance. The calibrations may be minor, but the effect may be enormous.

''System Tuning''
It is possible to compare this with atomic doping (which relates this theme to our underlying mineral nature).
Minerals are huge lattices of atoms, with a regular matrix. The position of atoms is very precise (allowing for fluctuations) and determined by their geometric organisation. Square, cube and hexagonal forms are elaborations of the patterns visible as points, lines and triangles.
Within these lattices (if the atom sizes and distances allow this) it may be possible for other atoms to fit in: atoms which otherwise could not position themselves in a regular fashion by themselves.
‘Suspended’ within the matrix, they can themselves form a grid; which may be of a different geometry than that of the substrate. If the substrate (‘carrier wave’) would be disregarded, these other atoms (‘signal wave’) could be regarded as ‘suspended in thin air’.

''Large Array Antennae''
Any atomic array serves as antenna: it operates as a grid, to filter vibrations (just as a Stradivarius violin sorts vibrations into patterns of harmonic orders. A different name for this is: an antenna.
Atomic doping makes it possible to suspend arrays within arrays; compare it to a confluence of two musical tone: this creates higher and lower order harmonics.
This makes it possible, for a lattice within a lattice, to produce frequencies at larger and smaller scale then the atom arrays that are involved.

This means that the array can transcend its own structure. A ‘symbiosis’ of arrays makes it possible to extend (vibrationally) into a domain in which the mineral itself does not ‘exist’.
(In this way a combination of minerals can produce higher and lower harmonics around it: a regular structured arrays of wave fronts that surround it. If the minerals are suspended in air or water (as on earth will be the case), the air and (especially) water can order themselves by this pattern: the water itself becomes more coherent. (A term used more frequently nowadays is: ‘informed”) It reflects more of the mineral nature.

Especially in water this can have great effects: water is a liquid crystal; in a coherent vibrational field it can change its internal organisation; and become more liquid, or more solid. This means that it will allow more motion between minerals/molecules, or keep them more into place.
This is, presumably, the principle by which plants were formed: the vibrations of molecular lattices changed the properties of water, die to which molecules and molecules could recombine is more specific and more extended forms (due to the higher respectively lower harmonics of the double-lattice).
As a result, presumably, the dynamics of the molecular/mineral vibrations (in the space around it) were ‘transposed’ into the dynamics of the water between them.
The duality involved (of motion and rest of the water) became inverted: the appended water, around the minerals, became incorporated fluids within cells. (In other words: cells are, hypothetically, organised colloids of ‘minerals suspended in water’.)

Plants are examples of boundary transition: the minerals in the soil are carried by a nutrient flow (electrolytes in water) and can rise out of the soil. (Presumably the gravitational drive is the agent that directs the mineral-colloids upright.) What was embedded in the soil, now transcends the boundary between Earth-&-Water, and Air-&-Fire (Light). As a return, a flow of light and air can flow into earth. (“Plants, herbs, ‘bridge a territory and climate”.)
The higher and lower harmonics of the dual-atom lattice is transformed into the rhythms of expansion and contraction of the plants: from seed to seedling to leaves, and to flower, fruit and new seed. It is through the seed that the plant can migrate, via the winds and the waters (rivers); later via animals as undigested seeds in manure, or sequestered food that was not reclaimed.
Seeds that fell in subsoil and climates that matched its sprouting conditions, could grow; depending on the variation the what could be accepted, the plant would be more stunted or stronger; and over long term: adapt.

Animals repeated that picture: the internalised roots (as the gut) and leaves (as the lungs) allowed for ‘plants that could migrate’: from one territory to another. This required storage of food (as mentioned above, and described in Weekend 3 (Nutrition) and 7 (Endocrine System)). It also allowed the ability to (internally) adapt to different environments. This internal adaptation, plus the capacity to store food (reserves), allowed for adaptation: in areas without food, it was possible to compensate as if there was food, by making use of the internal food stores. Likewise, the information of the territories that were traversed, made it possible to adapt the internal organisation to continue functioning (thus living). As Weekend 2 explained: all inner functions are based on exchanges in existing system balance. This is easy if a balance is shifted (within its own range) and later restored (as of an animal venturing outside of its foraging territory). It is somewhat different (as mentioned above) if the animal; leaves its territory and enters a new territory with different food.

''Crossing the Boundary''
The change between crossing a boundary, and returning back, or crossing a boundary, and not returning, lies in the system attunement. The setting in the one environment is not the same as in the other: eating tropical foods, grown in tropical climate and soil, gives different substance than temperate foods grown in a temperate climate.
The ability to change the ‘Endocrine setting’ (as this regulates how we digest our life experiences, and food) requires a flexibility of that system. This again means that this system can turn against itself, or its own organisation collapse. This causes disturbances of the endocrine system, which are more easily observed as problems with the digestion (be it physically or psychologically). It can also happen that one digestive system starts to interfere with another: the secretions of one gland no longer feed back into another, or do so to much, due to which the endocrine functions (and what it acts on) are disturbed: the physiology, thus anatomy, will thereby be deranged. It can also happen (depending on the way the endocrine circuits interact with each other) that an organ starts to interfere with itself: as can be the case when the pancreas digests itself and ceases to function (and exist).

''Internal Turnover''
The flexibility of the endocrine system regulation is thus a great gain: new territories can be accessed and entered. It can also cause an immense loss: the organs can turn back on itself.
The total mechanism of immune regulation addresses our inner abilities to learn. This learning is (again) stored in the body: our body is a body of knowledge, a living library of all experiences we have and have had.
This learning is not stored as memories, but as setting: in any environment our body only experiences the interactions we have: the tonus of our cells, the (dis)charge of the digestive organs, the activation of muscle systems, and the integral input of our sensory system.

All nerve impulses are (Fourier?) encoded: of the system of (cell) propriocepsis, (organ) ortho/para-sympatic (metabolic) regulation, (muscle) motor neuron operation, and sensoricepsis. This integrates the ‘mineral’, “vegetative”, ‘animal’ and “human” levels of functioning; which all exist within us. The storage of this information is thereby not within cells, now in their (neurocrine) exchanges or (immune) transformations, but at all of these levels; the relationship of the levels of involvement form part of the information. (It is typical that nerve impulses are of electrochemical (ionic) nature, sensed as vibration, transported as Fourier code, and (presumably) stored as holograms. This needs to be correlated to the body as a whole, which is a bio-hologram in itself.)

''Learning Living Library''
Learning is an interference patterns, of a hologram with/in itself. The immune system is a pattern of typical settings of interactions: within the system (Cells, Functions (Organs), and Actions (muscles)) and between the system and its environment (The Sensory System). What we perceive, and how we react, determines the state we are in (externally, geographically and socially, and internally, physically and psychologically).
Any ‘experience’ (for the body) can be ‘computed’ as a pattern of inputs, and a pattern of (inner and outer) responses. All of which are simply shifts between existing process loops: cell cycles, organ cycles, muscle circuits and mental reflections.
As the whole body shows: it is designed by an integrative principle that operate throughout its creation and existence. It is, in essence, a ‘fractal’. (Even more than this: a collapsible compressible system: like a plant it can condense its functional operational state organisation ‘back’ into one cell.)
As weekend 1 presented: all of the body still reflects the principle of creation. The notion of the Big Bang can be seen, in inverse, in the way we digest food; and produce blood.

''Experiencing Life''
The immune systems deals with ‘Living on Edge’: dealing with the unknown and innovation (and the risks of not making the right transformation.) How the immune system works is (at present) insufficiently known.
Somatic Medicine regards it (as is its heritage) a system of war, instead of a learning system of integration. Somatic medicine regards the collapse of the immune system; much of which is related to unnatural inputs and devices; due to which the body can not compensate/scope, has to seek new solutions, sometimes fails, and ‘resets’ to a more basic state. (Our sleep system forms part of the immune system, as is the ‘regurgitation’ of our dreaming.)

By regarding not the stretched and stressed modes of the immune system, but its natural function (which is invisible from the perspective of Somatic Medicine) it can be seen that the ongoing self-calibration, and optimisation, is part of its function. The cell cycle attunement, the sleep cycle that addresses all four body levels (beta, alpha, theta and delta waves: consciousness, body functioning, organ functions and cell function). It also can compensate, correct aberrations: the transition into new environments, and Boundary Transitions. This must include the inner hygiene of cleaning up dead cells, and recycling i.a. their DNA. It must also include the discernment of alien objects and microbes, and an ability to give them proper reception’.
The Immune system is primarily a Reception function, in which learning takes place, as to how to best deal with new situations; be it new territories, new fruits or foods, or new commensals. Every area has its proper inhabitants, and travelers most often need to adapt to their customs. The habits and routines, reflexes and belief which operate in one domain, are invalid in another. The microbes that thrive in one climate or nation, are different from those elsewhere. In traveling from one region to another, the body needs to adapt, adopt new internal settings; and learn how to do this: the immune system allows for this flexibility and learning. It has the capacity to deal with new situations; it is not surprising that the cells that are involved are ‘young’ cell types: the kind found in earlier embryological phases, in forms adapted to survive with/in our body. (Cf. time travellers or commensals, combined.)
|When	|What|h
|''Friday Evening''	|Introduction to the weekend |
||The Self Examination (Q&A of Learning Targets) |
|| Designing a Human Body|
|''Saturday Morning'' |Creation of the Univerrse|
|''Saturday Afternoon'' |Learning Learning|
|''Sunday Morning''	|Development of our Body |
|''Sunday Afternoon'' |Self Assessment |
[[Weekend 01 - Outline]]
[[Weekend 01 - Texts]]
!Clarification of Concept
''Opening Statement''
!!1) Goal: to fulfil the aims of this course
|1)    Title aims |Anatomy |
||Physiology |
||NeuroCrine Immune Propriocepsis |
||Psycho-Integrity |
|2)    Course Contents aims |Kinesiology {Form/Structure} |
||Healing arts {Control} |
||Personal Life Goals {Survival} |
||Life, as context |
|3) Course Participants aims |Personal Past experiences: |
||Background |
||Personal Future aims: |
||Goals |
||The Present as Pivot: |
|||Openness/limitations to learning/teaching |
|||Purpose of this course in Life |
|||Seeing how this works in our body. |
|||Seeing how our body works with this |
|4) O#o's aims |tutor/mentor/coach/designer |
||'reporter': 'what Medicine does (not) know. |
||MatheMedics Arts |
||MetaThematics Research |

!2) Means:
|2.1. Interactive Learning. |The above is by definition interactive |
||if you want to learn something, |
||you must know what you want to know, why, how, and in which way. |
||And verify that your aims are achieved |
|2.2. This course stimulates you to fulfill your aims, |for yourself, |
||with each other, |
||with the course material presented, |
||and by interaction with the course givers. |
|2.3. Co-operation |Your Support Team; |
||yourself (intuition) |
||the group |
||the course/tutor |
||The World |
|2.4) Learning from the body. This course also makes this clear by showing how our body works in this way |The relationship between Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit are the same in the body (and organism of cells) and a group (an organic entity composed of individuals) |
|As this course is interactive, thus needs your participation/consent: it suggests/in­vites/asks/'de­mands' that the participants function in this way. |AGGREEMENT IS NEEDED FOR THIS: |
||The choice for learning: |
||1) Autonomous (suggestion: follow a remote learning course instead) |
||2) Self Supportive Synergy Groups (SOUL) (Suggestion: join this course.) |
||3) Participational Learning (Following Role Models) (Suggestion: this is what other components of this curriculum offer.) |
||4) Classical Sermons (Suggestion: find another lecturer instead of O#o) |
|All participants in the group indeed choose to embark on using S.O.U.L. as approach for studying this course. |Education with S.O.U.L. has been AGREED |Concepts of S.O.U.L. |
|||How to Work in Groups |
|||How to make your Handbook |
|||How to Evaluate what you know |

!3) Method
''The various evaluation techniques as used in this approach'':
# Self
# Group
# Experts (friends, Libraries, healers)
# Others  (The World)

!4) Validation
[[Techniques for Self-Evaluation]]
[[Sharing Understanding]]
|[[Weekend 01]]|
!Saturday Morning
Saturday morning is intended to help to get to know each other, and ourselves, in Body, Mind, Souls and Spirit.
* Every human being has a body; which we can observe (the skill of Diagnosis)
* Every human lives: observes and experiences, realises and (re)acts
* Every human interacts: we relate, to ourselves, others, the Earth and the Universe
* Every human creates: whatever we do changes the experience of life of ourselves and others, for life. We have to (leant to) live with the consequences.

''Knowing the body from first principles''
1.	Experience
2.	Observation
3.	Discussion
4.	Realisation (validation/evaluation)

''The Presentations''
1.	Hand-out's (in English) on CD
2.	The same as found on the website
3.	The resources: world libraries
4.	Building inner insight (growing a knowledge body))

''Learning to Learn''
How the body learns: choosing, selecting, eating, becoming:
1.	Education with SOUL: learning in groups by Synergy
2.	(In)Tuition Tools
3.	The Haute Cuisine of Learning: learning in inspiration by fascination
4.	The Menu: weekends 1-4, 5, 6-9, 10

''Building Professional Integrity''
1.	Personal quest
2.	Group work
3.	Working in context (course experiences, home, coping strategies,…)
4.	Response-Ability (creating integrity)

''1) Self Realisation''
Self	What do you know of yourself
Others	What do you know of others
Groups	What do you know about relationships
Life	What do you know about life

*The exercise
|Views	|What do you know of yourself |
|Aims	|What do you aim for? |
|Means	|How do you live? |
|Findings	|Are you happy/healthy/wealthy/wise? |

''2) Body, Mind, Soul & Spirit''
|Body	|Anatomy: organisation |
|Mind	|Physiology; adaptation |
|Soul	|Neurocrine regulation: transformation |
|Spirit	|PsychoCybernetics: integration |

*The Exercise
|The Cell:	|With what you know now: to what conclusions do you come about Learning? |
|The Organ:	|With others that you feel comfortable with: to what conclusions do you come together? |
|The Body	|All together, what do you conclude now? |
|Humanity	|Do you have any notion (alone, in clusters, the group) what this now means? |
(Extrapolating your experience (cell <=> organ <=> body) beyond your direct experience. Þ Humanity)

''3) The Lesson of the Body''
|Cosmology	|The origin of the Universe out of Nought |
|Ontology	|Emergence of Life and Living Organisms |
|Incarnation	|The functions of a living body; inner degrees of freedom |
|Embryology	|2 million years of ongoing human life; sperm/egg cell fusion |

*The Exercise
|The Bean Sprout:	|Experiencing unfoldment |
|The river behind  the bridge:	|Recognising Organic Forms in Nature |
|Manwatching	|Seeing differences in sameness |
|Meditation	|Experiencing the body at work |

''4) Living with Integrity''
|Oneness	|Undistinguishables |
|Unity	|Complementarity; part & whole |
|Wholeness	|Formation & Deformation |
|Integrity	|Emergence & Immergence |

*The Exercise
|Observation	|Selecting a focus |
|Concentration	|Absorption in observing |
|Contemplation	|Experiencing the experience |
|Meditation	|Realising reality |

!Saturday Afternoon

All of the universe is one.
This can only be perceived by realising that, and how, any part is connected to the whole, interacts with/in it, and helps create the whole
Analytical science has difficulty in seeing this, because of limitations of its model; modern science has overcome this by changing the  models; and realising them tyo be but models.
Our universe shows all these principles, in their interconnectedness, in many ways.
|Ice	|Water	|Vapour	|Steam |
|Earth	|Water	|Air	|Fire |
|Matter	|Molecules	|Atoms	|Information |
|Physics	|Chemistry	|Electromagnetism	|Information |
|Classical	|Relativistic	|Quantum	|Field |
|Newton	|Einstein	|Planck	|Abraham |
|Objects	|Processes 	|Transformations	|Integration |
|Anatomy	|Physiology	|Neurocrinology	|Psychology |
|Node	|Branch	|Circuit	|Network |
|Somatic	|Ayurvedic	|Acupuncture	|Shamanism |
|Conscious	|Subconscious	|Unconscious	|Out of consciousness |

Somatic medicine has difficulties understanding the integrity of the body, because it regards it as an object (by regarding it by the tenets of Classical Physical science).
The understanding of living organisms requires the integration of the part into the whole; and the internal freedom of choice (which dead matter objects do not have).
The problem has been resolved by modern science; integrating the theory of relativity and quantum theory in field theoru; this require holographic models of understanding.
These findings are not new; they were already formulated in Alchemy; and can be expressed in the terms of Systems Theory.

''Systems Theory''
One of the advantages of the use of systems theory, is that it allows to considers Objects, Relationships, Groups and Integrity in one and the same model.
This can be used for analysing and understanding complex system: for every iten identified, the relationships to the context are discerned, patterns recognised, by which the role in the environment can be realised. This is especially relevant for living beings.
These relationships can be represented in graphical images: Node, Branch, Circuit and Network.
The underlying principles have been shown to be of use throughout the disciplines of science.

!Sunday Morning

Embryology is directly linked to Cosmology; the birth of the universe.
Our body was formed out of the same substance, and by the same principles, as the rest of the universe.
No body, and nobody, is ever separate from the universe. Whatever takes place in our body, reflects what happens and has happened in the universe around it.
To understand how this can be, the origin of the universe, of living organism, and human beings, can be understood as the basis of our own body

''From Big Bang onward''
The universe started with a Big Bang; in fact this inversion explosion still goes on to build the universe we know; even within us.
As a White Source (an inverse black hole), pure information changed the structure of the universe (by changing its dimensional state). This caused the emergence of clouds, which precipitates (as in the forming of rain) into starts; one of which is the sun. Which again congealed (as in the freezing of water) to form the Planets, like Earth.
Matter, is an end product of but one phase of evolution; the creation of minerals led to the emergence of plants, animals and self-conscious creatures. Like humans. Humans are but one of many life forms with knowledge of their own existence. (Humans appear to be more aware of the choices involved in life, and creation.
The first blast of creation is not in the past; the principle of transformation continues in the present, and in our body. Even the process of digestion is example of the same principles as those of creation; we are linked with the universe still in all we do and are.

''Emergence of life''
Plasma turns into Gas, Gas forms Fluids, Fluids form Matter. Matter is composed of Molecules made up of Atoms, made up of organised nothing. Life, Matter and reality are but forms of organisation.
In Cosmic Gas, atoms are unformed and rate; in Suns, atoms only form up to the size of iron (Fe). It takes a Supernova, and universe-recycling, to obtain atoms (ths elements) of larger size.
The formation of life forms part of that process; over billions of years. Minerals turned into plants, plants turned out to form animals, and animals evolved  The possibility to have internal reflection of the world around us, is part of that development.
The origin of human life thus lies in the big bang, the gas, stars and Earth; out of which formed minerals, plants, animals and us, all as part of the same universal design. The principles are those of phase integration: the organisation of phase space (the scientific description for the basis underlying the atoms).

''Emergence of humans''
Humans all start out from one cell, formed out of the fusion of sperm and egg.
Egg, the largest cell on the human body, develops in a female; and is released into the place of fusion with the sperm.
Sperm is one of the most compact cells in the body; and is formed in the testicles of the male of the species.
From the fusion of both, the Zygote is formed; the first human cell which forms the basis of our body. Our body, because your cell came from the fusion of two living cells, which came from the fusion of two living cells, and so on; up to the level that there are more ancestors involved in the creation of your body than that there are people on Earth; we are all related.

''Human being''
Your human body is over 2 million years old; as human.
It is over two billion years old; of we account for earlier life forms. It is much, much older, if you account for the developments through more primitive life forms still.
Considering that computer chips are able to store and retrieve information from silica, stone, perhaps our life is more old even still.
Human beings contain all this information; of the universe in formation. And are at the same time linked with all human beings, and all life forms. All of this information gave form to our body; thus is implied, still in it.

To regard the human body as an object, ignores that it develops out of the universe, out of an embryo, out of a living cell (with a history of missions of years).
To regard the human body as a process gets closed to the issue, but still misses out on seeing  that these processes continue, extend, ad infinitum in space and in time.
To regard the human body as a development of life forms, ignores tha direct interconnectedness, and inherent and underlying structure that links all forms of life with the Earth and the universe of which it forms part.
The human body is best regarded as one of the many forms of being of the universe; leading to the logical conclusion, that all of the universe, as we know it, is part of our body, and can be accesses through it. In that sense our body is a gateway to al of the universe; the remainder of this course sets out to explore the many interwoven facets involved; all of which express the origin of life within us.

!Sunday Afternoon

''What is our body''
This afternoon session offers the key to exploring the essence of our body: what is is; what is needed to create a body, what are the requirements of the body, and what can it do.
The hypothetical question is posed: “what if you are gods, and need to design a human body?”. “What would you require?”. ”What would it be?”. “What would it be able to do?”
The questions which this raises are the triggers for the insights and answers offered in this course, leading to new questions and new insights. All the learning techniques presented in this weekend can be used for this purpose.
Whatever the body is, is yet unknown, to medicine, to science, and to us. But, in living in it, and getting to know it, is the best way to get in touch with all the information of creation that it contains.
This is the introduction to the first weekend of a {10-weekend course} into the understanding of our living body.
The course deals with anatomy, physiology, (patho)neurology and the (socio)psychology of healing, from first principles.

This first weekend offers an introduction into
# How the universe came to be: cosmogenesis.
# Activating inner knowledge: exercise “Design a Human Body”
# How we came to be: anthropogenesis.
# Body Knowledge: The educational methodology used for this course
This course makes use of self study, guided by the weekends as point of contact for stimulation by inspiration. It relies on the existence of abundant resources of books, from which each participant can choose for their own use. The weekends offer views and perspectives which are not generally found in those books: ways for understanding the integral integrity of the universe, of which we form part.
''Background idea(l)s''
Some texts are offered to provide some background on the philosophy on which this course is based. They concern the theoretical aspect with respect to the methodology for learning (Learning with Soul), a practical intellectual framework (General Systems Theory), insight in our human body development (cosmo-embryology) and techniques for (self)evaluation.

''The First Weekend''
* [[The General Principles of Integration]]
* [[The Program for the Course]]
* [[(Self) Evaluation]]
''Preparing Grounds''
{The first weekend} of the Workshop Living Body Anatomy, may seem to have very little to do with Anatomy itself. Much more time is spent on explaining the course, and offering some techniques in which the course can be learned.
Yet some of what is presented then is very much connected to the way our body works: how our brain learns, and how we digest experience. There are just the kind of things teachers learned from the body, to help us learn best. [[Mind Maps]], and Speed Learning, and "Learning with S.O.U.L.", are some of the ideas that will be addressed. These are thus techniques that are based on your body, to help you understand how the body works. This is the practical aspect of the first weekend.
''Establishing Common Ground''
The even more practical part of it is the inspirational part: the invitation to be fascinated by your body.

This part starts with the question: what do you know about your body already? Have you ever thought about it? What experiences do you have, with understanding the body, in whichever way?
This is a very fundamental invitation: it helps to activate your Latent Knowledge. It helps to remember all that you already know. That helps you to focus your interests. But most importantly: it helps you to understand how different people experience their body in different ways; and that there are many things that can be known about the body that no books can describe.
''Organic Process Dynamics''
This helps also to get to know the other members in the group; explorers like yourself, fascinated by knowing more about the Inner Kingdom: what happens within our body itself. Compare it to speleology, or deep see diving: within our body there lie enormous treasures. It is the basis of our experience of life. One of the most fascinating discoveries is that the body is Alive! Which makes it totally different from what any book can describe. It is not a snap shot picture of a collection of bone, flesh, organs and skin; it is a form, of Life.
''Interactive Learning Procedures''
This course aims to bring that out by having a more lively way to get to know the body, your body: by inviting you to learn, study, how your own body comes to be. To, so to say, 'redesign it from the start'. It asks you to start with the first cell, and discover how the body unfolds. How the interactions between the cells are precisely those, that are later considered to be 'neurology'; the art on intercellular communications. Likewise it shows how cell divisions form the basis of 'physiology', as cell interactions are commonly known. And it shows you how the body gets its form, as a result; and that Anatomy is much more than is commonly seen. All is based on the understanding of the principles of the First Cell; and all our body cells as a result.
''Own Body Knowledge''
The first weekend is more than a getting to know our own body, each other, and the structure and organisation of the course. It asks you to join in on rediscovering life.
Life is something no book or video can show.  Yet the basis of what our body/being is.
For that reason you are welcome to think of exercises to better help you understand how the body works. And share them with the others in the course. Some basic exercises will be offered, such as 'holding your breath': it is the quickest way to understand and appreciate how important our breathing really us. Ad invites you straight away to know more about the lungs. Other simple exercises likewise help you appreciate the importance of muscles, organs and bones. Again, the first weekend shows you how all of this will be integrated into the course.
''Body Integrity''
Because at all times, we aim to understand the body as a whole; and based on what you already know, alone and as a group, you can plot the quickest course to learn what you want to learn most.

''Outline for the Weekend''
The first weekend simply serves to get a common basis for the rest of the course.
# The fist meeting serves to get to know each other; and how our body fascinates us.
# The second session explores the way the universe came to exist.
# The third session involves a basic presentation of the way the body 'is made'. In an interactive discussion, it explores how the body grows out of one cell. This summarises the course as a whole.
# The fourth and final session offers some tools and techniques that can be used to learn in more efficient ways; by understanding how they reflect our body itself. It gives you options on continuing the course: this is where you can custom-tailor the course to your needs; specify for yourself what you wish to know. Each time the course will end with questions that you can study and resolve in your own way and time; to bring your findings to the next session of the course.
''Outline of the Course''
Each next weekend take up where the previous left off: sharing what all have found since the previous meeting. Step by step, in a natural way, your body of knowledge of your body knowledge will grow. It will be so normal and gradual that you will find it hard to realise how much that you learn. (It helps to ask your relatives and friends to give you feedback on this: they will tell you that you learned more than you know). That is the aim of the course: that you get to know the body's natural ways. That you can come to appreciate and understand it; and work with it, with yourself and others. How deep you want to intensify this knowledge is up to yourself: as said elsewhere: this is not a course for medical doctors (they might wish they could get to know their body like this …); this is a course designed especially for you. To help you enjoy the treasure of life that your body represents.
* Each next weekend then starts with the harvest of the combined work since the last meeting.
* It relates those findings to what can be said about this from a medical or healing perspective. And combines them with some exercises to actually experience what has been found out, 'incorporating it in the body'.
* Then a session delves into a new perspective on the body; what can be looked for and seen. The themes are separately described.
* Finally the meeting concludes with an exploration of what can be studied for the next meeting.
''Ultimate Aims''
In this way, step by step, all of the topic of the program are explored, and with it our understanding of our body. In the way of the body: selecting, ingesting, digesting food (and excreting, releasing, what we no longer need).
''__Weekend 1 Plan__''
''Weekend programme''

This section describes "The Weekend at Work". It offers an outline of the activities and timing for this weekend’s introduction to the Understanding of our body:
One of the core ideas is that our body represents
Our body of knowledge on our Knowledge of the body.

Introducing study techniques and perspectives
to learn about the body,
in ways that reflect how the body functions
''Weekend overview''
|When |What |h
|''Friday Evening'' |This intro |
||(other evenings are for group/self reflection) |
|''Saturday Morning'' |//O#o sets the scene// |
||Proposal for the way of working in this course {O#o} |
|''Saturday Afternoon'' |Work group session |
||Designing the course {All} |
|''Sunday Morning'' |The course in Perspective {O#o} |
||Self Study Group: "How does the body form from 1 cell?" |
|''Sunday Afternoon'' |Presentation: "EmbryoLogics" |
||Evaluation: course design. |
{INTRO:} Clarification of the Course & its contents.

!Friday Evening
''Program Elements''
The Friday Evening gives the introduction to the course.
|1. O#o sets the scene |1.1. This intro | (LINK)|
||1.2. Intro to "the Guidelines" | (LINK)|
||1.3. getting to know each other | (+/1/0/-)|
||1.4. designing the course | (Saturday afternoon)|
|2. The group sets the pace |2.1. This weekend as Design Workshop | (conception)|
| Form befitting the content |2.2. The body as example||
||2.3. The course as creation/gestation | Feelings|
||| purpose|
||| strengths|
||| weaknesses|
||2.4. Growing towards a Form: | what forms/weekend themes to take. {O#o shows examples)|
|3. Each individual sets the goal |3.1. SOUL | concept/Trigger Cases/PGO-group functioning/Evaluation|
| The Content/Course of the course |3.2. Case Book ||
||3.3. Work Groups: synergy studies ||
||3.4. study-scape/skills lab/resources/self test ||
|4. Each participant evaluates the result |4.1. Concept: | Embryology|
|The outcome/effect of the training course |4.2. Co-ordination: | PsychoCybernetics|
||4.3. Condition(ing)s: | (Patho)Physiology|
||4.4. Creation: | Anatomy|

!Saturday Morning
S.O.U.L. Synergy Groups
|1.1. Group functions |Groups of 8 participants | Participant contribute the course contents and results|
||co-ordinator, | co-ordinator ascertains communication/context control|
||evaluator (tutor), | tutor evaluates content quality control|
||designer ('Faculty') | designer evaluates aims/results relevance control|
|1.2. Case Studies: trigger-response/coping-stimulus |some are provided |
||contribute your own |
||look in books and knewspapers |
||discuss with the people you (don't) know |
|1.3. 8-track mind |1) select the case | understand what the text means; question the meaning|
||2) log the brainstorm |
||3) organise the log inventory |
||4) identify consensus, conflicts, uncertainties and gaps in the knowledge: create learning targets |
||5) go out and study (hunter/quester phase) |
||6) report back with the results (campfire stories phase) |
||7) evaluate: are the learning goals achieved; can the questions be answered now? |
||8) is anything left unsolved? (If so, restart at (1) ) |
|| -> This approach will be applied Saturday afternoon for designing the course <- |
|1.4. Work @ Home @ Work |1) keep contact with yourself: | see how your studies serve you {[[(In)Tuition Tools]]}|
||2) keep contact with the group: perspectives/results | see that/how/why/when others are different|
||3) keep contact with society: |see how people thought/be­lieved differently, in different places/times/cultures/conditions|
||4) keep contact with reality: |what you know/learn is only a stepping stone to where you are going.|

!Saturday Afternoon
''Course Design''
|1. Case: | "Create your own Course" (Body (of) Learning) |"our body works in synergy; so can we" |
|2. Course: |Apply the 8-track concept |*assemble groups |
||*group work |
||*compile results |
||*present to each other |
|3. Critique |*Evaluate the meeting |
||*Process |
||*Result |
||*feeling of fulfilment: |+/1/0/- |
|4. Create: |Target new goals and aims, courses and steps.|
!Sunday Morning
''Insight in (y)our body''
| conception & coherence | creation | EmbryoLogics |
| co-ordination & continuity: | communication | PsychoCybernetics |
| control & conditionality: | Compartmentalisation | (Patho)Physiology |
| conscious cadavers?: | 'Carcassology' | Anatomy |

''1) The Lesson of the Body''
| Concept(ion): | EmbryoLogics: | Blechschmidt | Units |
| Divisions: | PsychoCybernetics: | Maxwell Maltz | Boundaries |
| Food Chain: | (Patho)Physiology | Bert Verveen | Interfacing |
| Residue: | Anatomy: | Sobotta/Kendall | Moiré harmonics |
''2) The lesson for Healing''
|Spirit: |Integrity |Metaphysics/'Math' |Shamanism |
|Soul: |Coherence/Co-ordination |'Radio' |Acupuncture |
|Mind: |Functional Variability |'Chemistry' |Ayur Veda |
|Body: |Structural States |'Physics' |Somatic |

''3) The Lessons of Science''
|Classical |Structural |States |Space |
|Relativistic |Processes |Dynamics |Time |
|Probabilistic |Transformations |Conditions |Energy |
|Unified |Integrity |Creation |Consciousness |

''4) The Lesson for Life''
|Life |Integrity |Unity |'humanity' |
|Health |Adaptation |Unification |'body' |
|Disease |Compensation |Identification |'organ' |
|Death |DeCompensation |Units |'cell' |

!Sunday Afternoon
''Understanding Integrity''
__A work Case: "The 4D Body"__.
//See how you can recognise the 4D principles in the body//.
|1) Short introduction: |1. SRLC Circuit diagram, |
||2. 4 body spheres, |
||3. head/heart/hara/holy bone processes; |
||4. input, throughput, output, transput. |
|2) Activities: |1. Brainstorm, |
||2. Mind Map, |
||3. Draw, |
||4. Make Notes: |
||(an opportunity to exercise with each; learning from action and each other) |
||(This is meant as (In)Tuition Tool to empower the learning during this course.) |
|3) Purpose of this exercise: to digest the experience of the weekend |1. 'masticate' what was presented |
||2. 'ingest' what is acceptable |
||3. 'digest' what is assimilable |
||4. 'excrete' (set aside) what is no longer relevant |
|4) Evaluation: |*This course is thus not a lesson in the structure of the body, but a learning of the body organisation. Understanding the body, how it comes to be, operates and functions, is much more important than the form it finally gets.|
||*"Seeing the form without regarding the function, organisation and concept, is comparable to reading a score, without knowing music, remembering the dance, and feeling life/alive." |
||*This course does not want to offer voyeurism into cadavers, but invites to rethink your body of knowledge of your knowledge of the body. |
||*"If /you/ are not responsible for your life (this course), then who is?" |

//See//: [[Weekend 01 - Concept]]
|When |What |h
|''Friday Evening'' |Introduction: Body Development |
||The Self Examination (Q&A of Learning Targets) |
|''Saturday Morning'' |[[Embryology: division into Unity]] |
||[[Systems Thinking]] |
|''Saturday Afternoon'' |[[4D Analysis]] |
||[[Communication in the body]] |
|''Sunday Morning'' |[[Cybernetics]] |
||[[Neurocrine Communication]] |
|''Sunday Afternoon'' |[[PsychoLogics]] |
||[[Understanding Integrity]] |
[[Weekend 02 - Outline]]
[[Weekend 02 - Texts]]
|[[Module 1]]|
This second weekend explores the principles of Perspective, and Mirroring, as it takes place in our human body, and thus in our lives.
It takes the First Cleavage Division, of the Zygote, as metaphor for this. This is the first moment where the cells meets itself ‘inside out’, and the interaction between the cells becomes as relevant as the cells themselves.
(This interaction between the cells is regarded in greater detail, as a system in itself, in Weekend 3, where (Patho)physiology is discussed.)
Just to recapitulate: in the first four weekends the logic of the relationship between Embryology, Neuro-Crinology, (Patho)Physiology and Anatomy are explained. In terms of graphic images, this can be conceived of as the first Cleavage Divisions of the Zygote:

!Weekend 2: Duality: “the organism mirroring itself”.
The second weekend focuses on the emergence of duality: a polarisation of the unit with respect to itself. As the first cell turns ‘inside out’ it reflects in/on itself in two ways: it is now seen as a mirror image of itself: it is still the same, yet now experiences itself from more than one perspective. This ‘stereoscopic’ quality is seen throughout the body, also in the brain (halves), and forms the basis for holographic experience (the whole in the part). A characteristic representation for this is the Head, ‘set apart’ from the body. The properties of neurology and psychology are this already implied in the (first) level of division.

The Division of the first cell does more that Doubling what was already there: it also ‘zooms in’ in its membrane: what was seen as internal/part to/of the cell, now appears as interaction between the cells. The Interface by which cells are linked, and (by the electrochemical forces) extend from the one into the other. Although ‘physically’ two cells are seen, functionally it is still one and the same process. And the interactions and interchanges between the two membranes is as important and essential to their unity (and later divisions/differentiations) as the reactions in/of the membranes themselves. The neuro-secretions of the synapses (and all endocrine or metabolic secretions), as an example of this.

The reflection of the cell/system within itself is very significant, because it also allows (slight) changes in perspective: the original Symmetry of Unity can be ‘broken’. Like two mirrors facing each other, small differences in their relationship amplify into strong differences in their interaction: they function as amplifiers and transformers. This can be represented by Gain in the causal loop: of Feed Forward & Feedback. It means that at this level it becomes explicit that we are no longer dealing with a Closed (Physical) System, but that this is an Open System of Information interchange.

This means that the interface, undefined as it may seem, represents a ‘reality in itself’. More appropriately said: it brings out the inner dynamic, of information integrity, that were not as clearly seen in the form of the first cell. The dynamics of Information, by which the first cell is linked to the history by which it emerged, now come to full view. These abstract ‘psychological’ principles are fundamental to the nature and structure of our body: they are the patterns of Phase organisation (see Weekend 1) by which our reality and body are formed.

The separation between our head and body, is seen on the one hand as the difference between the physical body sensory experiences we have, and the symbolic representations by which we communicate them. The reality in our head, of symbols, by which we communicate between people (in culture) is not the same reality as that by which we ‘commune within ourselves’. Miscommunications and misunderstandings, even wars, are the external language equivalent of (internal language) misunderstandings and conflicts within us.

Mental and physical diseases follow the same principles as the social and cultural conflicts. But this can not be seen if the models are held to be real (as science often maintains). Models are but perspectives; and there are more ways to look at reality (and our body) than often is assumed. Every culture has its own perspective, and thus realisations. Because this is important, also in seeing why so many different descriptions of (our body) reality exist, this is taken up explicitly here,

How much current medical models differ from other findings is shown in books like “The Secret Life of your Cells”, and “The Secret Life of Plants”, by Stone. They show that each cell is aware of the experience of the body of which it forms part, even when it is away from it. This is important information as it shows how we need to understand neurocrine communications in a much deeper sense than neurology or psychology describe.
This more general meaning can be symbolised by ‘unfolding’ the (Zygote) cell in a different way: by zooming in on its boundary. What is seen there is in essence the same as the 4 phases of matter, and the 4 first weekends of this course, describe. The physical substance of the membrane itself, the chemical substance of which it is composed, the molecule (receptors) that it contains, and the Gates they form. (It must be realised that these Lock-and-Key receptors and Gates can not be interpreted in the physical sense as medicine is used to do; they are electro­chemical (phase) information patterns.)

| cell boundary | double lipid membrane | molecular receptors | ionic gates |

The following will give a brief introduction to General Systems Theory, by Ludwig von Bertalanffy. It offers a non-mechanistic yet mathematical-logical way of expressing the dynamics of living organisms as open system. This (indeed) general approach makes it possible to see also how the way we function is related to that of other animal species and life forms, and integrated also within us (with psychological and physiological phenomena understandable in the same terms). Especially the models on feed-forward and feedback offer a powerful tool for understanding how our body works. 

The relationship between mental models and physical forms is seen clearly in our neuro-physiology. This is the biochemical communication in our body between cells; for which specialised cells exist. Studying these cells helps to understand how our bodily sensations are related to our mental realisations; yet it must be understood that this also holds the other way around: our mental models can warp (projection) what reality (perception) really is. As Maturana & Varela pointed out.

Because many mental models on the mind are anchored in the system of cultural beliefs from which they emerged, like other theories, many are limited in what they can show. (Yet assume that they are more valid than they can be shown to be.)  Work like Eysenk’s, inspiring as it is, operates more at the symbolic level than that of Grinder & Bandler, which is more directly experiential (and effective). These concepts are presented here because they show how our processes of communication (and the structure of beliefs) reflect the processes and patterns of our body.

The descriptions of embryology are quite incomplete: they relate to the end result, and confuse it with a goal, whereas it is simply the product of the development process in its conditions and circumstances. It is necessary to understand the abstract aspect as well: the information process from/by which the body is formed. The work of Yoshio Manaka (vie Stephen Birch) is presented for this: to show how cybernetics, described as Traditional Chinese Medicine, addresses regulation concepts and processes that go much deeper than (mechanistic) ‘modern’ medicine still describes.

Although this weekend shows the structure and function of the nervous system, and sensory organs, to a large extent, what is more important to realise is that those are only expressions of the general principle dealt with here: co-ordination of information. These are the principles by which physiology, and consecutively anatomy are co-ordinated respectively formed. Embryology,
Neurocrine control, Physiology and Anatomy always remain linked.

Ludwig von Bertalanffy: “General Systems Theory”
Eysenk “Uses and Abuses of Psychology”, Penguin 1957
Stone: “The Secret Life of your Cells”, and “The Secret Life of Plants”
Yoshio Manaka, “Chasing the Dragon”.
One cell becomes two, but integrity is maintained.
When the Zygote divides, it multiplies. What was seen as one cell before is seen as a n interaction between cells from then on.
The first aspect (‘a cell’) is maintained; what was implicit before (the internal interactions) is evident now (the interactions between cells.
It is the Relationship, that is visible now. This is the principle by which all cells, from this moment onward, remain in communication, and maintain the integrity of the body. The Nervous System, and Hormonal system (Together: “the NeuroCrine System”) maintains the integrity of the body, internally, and within its context.

''The Nervous System''
The structure of the nervous system is simple; it is only seemingly complex.
All the nervous system does, is link cells that are separate.
The same is done by the endocrine system, secreting hormones.
The same is also done by the immune system, storing information.
And the same is done, in more subtle sense, by the system for Propriocepsis.

''Propriocepsis, self-awareness''
Propriocepsis means “Self Sensing”: this is the system of patterns within nerves.
The Immune System can be compared to a cell triggered by Hormones: it stores (and functions in) a new state.
The relationship between these four ‘neurocrine’ systems follows from what was shown in Weekend 1: the relationship of logic, between the four phases of Phase. Earth, Water, Air and Fire (The alchemical terms) simply express different states of coherence.

''Logical connections''
What is Solid has relationships that are internally defined; crystals are examples and ‘triangles’ the simplest symbolic form.
Liquids have in internal “degree of Freedom”: chains are the symbol that can represent that; and Water an example in case.
Gas has an added Internal Degree of Freedom yet, ‘loose links’ would be a fine symbol, and Air is an example for this.
Fire has one added degree of freedom still (with particles being able to now ‘fall apart’); flashing points could be a symbol for this, and plasma is the example for this.

''Forms of connectedness''
The symbols below represent the degrees of freedom involved:
|Earth	|Water	|Air	|Fire |
|Structure	|Process	|Transformation	|Creation |
|Solid | Liquid | Gas | Plasma |
|Electron-bonds | Electron-oscillation | Electron-leaps | Photon-leaps |
These different ‘degrees of freedom’ (or chases of Phase)  can also be described  by the types of bond involved: Universal and General/Specific. These are again the same elements as shown in weekend 1.

''Patterns of relationships''
In the form  of an array:
||	Local	|Universal |
|Specific	|Neurones	|Hormones |
|General	|Immune	|Propriocepsis |
Together they express the concept of being connected whilst being separated .

They are each other’s ‘mirror images’: what is seen in the one is seen in the other, in inverse. Where the one regards the outside, the other looks at the inside. Where it is seen as a boundary, it can likewise be seen as a field. This is what is expressed by Yinn and Yang: the open system and the closed system are in essence the same. Likewise the nervous system and hormonal system (together: the neurocrine system) are in essence the same. What is seen in the one (e.g. neurones excreting/accepting neurotransmitters at either edge) is seen in the other, in inverse (accepting /secreting hormones. There is no difference inn essence. Likewise. the Humoral cells, excreting hormones, or the cells responding (strongly) to hormonal secretions, are in essence the same as Immune Cells: accepting information, and acting (strongly) differently as a result. Together they are a highly effective means for communication and connection, between cells that seem different (body cells) but are - in essence - the same (Zygote).

It is the integrity that unifies all these forms; which is seen most clearly in the most abstract ‘linking system’ of them all: Propriocepsis: the information of the integrity in the relationship between all the cells.. This is not explicitly seen, but ‘recorded’ in the information/relationships between all the cells.
Seen in the perspective of the first cell division: the 4 Linking Systems are expression of the connection-separation of the first cell: the zygote splits its nucleus, the zygote splits its DNA, the Zygote splits its cellular fluids; and the Zygote splits its membrane..

Immune cells are, so to say, the DNA information of the first cells; with all the accumulated knowledge of what new learning you get.
The cell fluid, so to say, reflects in the system for Propriocepsis : the ambient environment in the system as a whole.
The Neuronal System expresses the cellular membrane; as if the ‘last point of contact is immensely drawn out’. 
And the hormonal system is the cell reflecting itself: the last spark of the last touch (the proteins  by which both cells act.

''The logic of the system''
The forms are different, yes, but the system is the same. They operate in different ways, yes, but the aim is the same.. Medical doctors have been overly trained to look at the physical forms; their diagnostics are all based on that. They find it hard to think in terms of general principles, even more: in terms of abstractions. And to see the body as information process(or) is just beyond their scope. In the future it may well be that Mathematicians and Physicists, Systems theoreticians, will provide the understanding for/of our bodies, which physicians can not (yet) see.
The principles involved are already known; also in other forms of healing. It is but a matter of time before that, what is seen already in modern physics, and known in traditional forms of healing, will be integrated into somatic medicine, and the body recognised for what it is: an information processor.
By regarding the body as an information system, and system of information, the placement of matter to manifest its form offers more solutions for health and wellbeing than the assumption that we live because of the material form around us. By realising that body, mind, soul and spirit are one and the same, and that physicality is the consequence of meta-physicality (as shown in Weekend 1, when Cosmology and embryology were shown to be related), it is also clear that there are levels beyond our physical forms that are determinant for Life.
(How life is part of science, and can be accounted for in/by science, is still to be explicitly explored.)

''The Logic in/of the Body''
Our body is part of the universe; and was created by the same principles, and by the same process.
Everything in the body is logical, because everything is connected to everything.
Also: everything that we see that exists, was formed by some way or other.
And always those forms reflect the precise conditions of that act of creation.

This weekend deals with those principles of creation, within such ever changing conditions.
And how thereby, over millions of years, it is possible to come to human beings that are so much like each other; yet also so unique.
The sameness and the difference: this was discussed in weekend 1.
Now, in weekend two, the mechanisms involved are considered: Interfacing.

How does the cell 'know' it is a cell; and how, by simile, do we?
What is a cell membrane; and how is it different from an ego or skin or national boundary?
Options, Choices, Doubts and Decision: the psychology of our mind; /is/ it different from the chemistry of cell membranes. (Which together form the membrane, define its gates, and specify is they are open or closed.)
How is it that our first cell can divide so much, and then seemingly come to a stop, with a weight and a length that you keep for your life?

''Organisation: Organs as functions''
The answer to these questions will be sought and found in a specific way of looking: by regarding the body not as a cluster of cells, but as a process.
It means that we don't look at the structure, but at the process, its conditions, its creation.
This is quite the same as the understanding that our Anatomy is formed by our Physiology, regulated by our NeuroCrine system, as part of its unfoldment.
It is that unfoldment that is regarded here: how the first cell folds 'inside out', yet the body remains, still, the same.

''Abstraction: back to first principles''
We will need some special techniques, in order to be able to think in this sway: tools for the mind.
The first tool we will use if the General Theory of Systems; such as von Bertalanffi and von Förster created.
Then we will look at some of the graphics of Tiller, Edwards and Winter, to see how something can 'turn inside out'; and yet stay the same.
From then on we're off on exploration: to see how our body is formed.

For this we will go back to the first cell; and see how its membrane unfolds; and what chemistry plays a role.
We'll look at the same inside-out: the molecules in the cell core, as seen in genetics.
We will look at that in still more general terms: the evolution of species, and their symbiosis. {Lynn Margulis}
And finally we will see how the principles of organisms and systems, are all quite the same. And how systems theory helps to see connections that otherwise 'escape' from our view.

The explorations for this weekend are this simple and straightforward; yet go in depth in dealing with the complex.
As was done in physics (looking at matter, molecule, atom, and subatomic fields) we will zoo in on the cell to see its membrane (interface), proteins/molecules) and principles of connections.
These connecting-principles are the essence of this weekend's studies: it explains how one cell unfolds to form one body; and how all humans, animals/species and life and Earth interconnects.
Understanding these principles form the basis of the understanding of (connections) wholeness, thus health; and (separation) disintegration, or disease.

''Systems Theory as method for understanding''
It may seem a somewhat roundabout way, to study 'systems theory' and 'molecular chemistry’ in order to understand the body anatomy, but it is yet the quick 'n easy way: these are the principles of interconnectedness, by which all cells/humans/life forms/realities relate.
By recognising them in principle, they help to understand how psychology (making decisions and distinctions), physiology (applied analysis and synthesis) and anatomy (being distinct/integrated) all interconnect.
By the nature of the principles themselves, the abstract views dealt with here can be recognised to be in essence the same as seen in our mind. (By which we study our body, as we do in this course.)
This is how PsychoLogics and Cybernetics are linked: they are the same principles of abstraction, in order to 'see the connection'.

This concludes this introduction to the structure and organisation of this second weekend.

[[Weekend 02 - Outline]]
|Friday Evening:	| Overview of the Weekend |h
|1)	''Saturday Morning''	|Embryology: division into Unity |
||Systems Thinking |
|2)	''Saturday Afternoon''	|4D Analysis |
||Communication in the body |
|3)	''Sunday Morning''	|Cybernetics |
||Neurocrine Communication |
|4)	''Sunday Afternoon''	|PsychoLogics |
||Understanding Integrity |
[[Weekend 02]]
[[Weekend 02 - Outline]]
|When	|What |h
|''Friday Evening''	|Welcome: Overview over the Weekend |
||The Self Examination (Q&A of Learning Targets) |
|''Saturday Morning''	|[[Physiology]] |
||[[Cell Communication]] |
|''Saturday Afternoon''	|[[Alchemy]] |
|''Sunday Morning''	|[[(Patho)Physiology]]|
||[[Cell Differentiation]]|
|''Sunday Afternoon''	|[[Digestion]] |
||[[Adopt]] |
[[Weekend 03 - Outline]]
[[Weekend 03 - Texts]]
[[Frontispiece 3]]
[[Weekend 3]]
[[Weekend 3 - Outline]]
[[Weekend 3 - Plan]]
[[Gut & Blood]]
[[Body Chemistry]]
[[The 4 Seas]]
[[The Blood Organs]]
[[Blood Types]]
[[Body Rhythms]]
[[The Song & Dance of the Body]]
[[The 4 Seas notes]]
''From Alternations''

''To Alternatives''

''Placement in the Course''
The third weekend looks at what happens in the body after the second cleavage division. It is the third phase of body development.
* The first stage, the Zygote, was dealt with in Weekend 1. It regarded the unity of the body at all levels. (And used 4D thinking, to show how all seemingly different forms are related)
* The second stage was that of the first two cells, and the communication interaction between them. Weekend two showed how the patterns involved can be recognised in all principles of communication, also between cells: propriocepsis, the immune system, hormonal and neuronal system, all express this principle.
* This third weekend deals with the third phase, is where alternative are seen. Any cell can not just communicate with any other cell, but choice comes into play: there is the possibility to choose which cells to communicate with.
It is the level of development of alternatives: with choices for development, and the expression of difference.

''Alternatives come into play''
Interesting enough, there are alternatives already for this third phase of body development. It is not just metaphor for what takes place within us; it also seems to reflect on how it seen to take place.
The normal textbook description presents the cell division as a transition from 2 to 4. And assumed that the divisions take place at the same time.
Dan Winter however, who studies systems integrity, and their dynamic coherence, gives the example that the body divides according to the Fibonacci Series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 (add any last two numbers to get the next in the series).
So it seems we have a choice already if we want to regard the 3rd phase as one of 3, or 4, cells.

''Transformation  & Rhythms''
This weekend looks at this property of alternative and choice in a practical way (a more theoretical paper is found elsewhere).
Alternatives a choice already means the possibility to go from one state to another, and account for transitions in-between.
This can be represented in the relationship between 3 or 4 cells; and some graphic images help to make the picture more clear.
It i seen also in the Song and Dance of our body: the mingling and merging of rhythms; and the diverse forms in which 'peristalsis' takes place.

''Structure of the Weekend''
This weekend starts with a snack, reminiscent of the Garden of Eden: by looking into the anatomy of a snake. In this case, smoked eel.
This helps to get an aftertaste of the exploration of the nervous system, in the previous weekend; and encapsulates the flavour of the role of hormones involved.
It also gives a pre-taste of the process of digestion, which stands central thus weekend.
* This is done by relating a dimpled tennis ball to a vacuum cleaner hose ...
The dimpled tennis ball is the (later) topology of a body turning inside out; as weekend 1 presented: connecting the inside and outside is what life is about.
* Once a dimple, slit, and duct is formed, the Topology of the body is changed: it is no longer a Ball, but a Torus (or Donut shape).
This then is equivalent to the shape of a tube; this course weekend puts it central inviting the participants to realise what happens along it's course...
This includes the type of motion (peristalsis), and how it is shared by the rest of the body.

//See//: [[Weekend 03 - Plan]]

|When	|What |h
|''Friday Evening''	|Welcome: Overview over the Weekend |
||The Self Examination (Q&A of Learning Targets) |
|''Saturday Morning'' |[[Hollow Organs]] |
||[[Transport]] |
|''Saturday Afternoon'' |[[Learning]] |
||[[Vegetative System]] |
|''Sunday Morning''	|[[Solid Organs]] |
||[[Transformation]] |
|''Sunday Afternoon'' |[[Remembering]] |
||[[Animal System]] |
[[Weekend 04 - Outline]]
[[Weekend 04 - Texts]]
!All Organs are One Organ
The simplest way to regard all body organs is as a Möbius Loop.
The Möbius Loop is anything in which the inside and the outside are one, connected, interrelated. Separate yet connected (the theme of Weekend 1).
It is often represented by a strip of paper, folded over once, and the ends stuck together, end-to-end.
In a Möbius Strip the inside is always connected to the outside, even though it is difficult to point out where the one goes  into the other. When studied in detail, Every part is a part where the inside connects to the outside.
!Inside = Outside
This is the case also in the organs: every organ, no matter how deeply 'inside', is at the same time Outside. Every organ, no matte how 'superficial', is always a connection to the inside of the body.
In this respect all organs, together, are but one System (Weekend 2).
Together they perform the same 'inside-out' (or rather: Outside-In) transformation as was seen (Weekend 3) for the gut (over the length of the gut: physics >- Chemistry >- EM >- Fields); and (in an inversed form), in the blood.
By keeping in mind that all of the organs, like all of the body, represents a pattern of 'total system inversion', many relationships can become clear, which otherwise can not be seen.
!“Total System Inversion"
The 'sameness' of all organs is seen inn e.g. the 'doubleness' that they share (in the double sense of the word).
They not only reflect a connection between inside and outside, by also a symmetry, by the 'folding' of the body.
Embryologically, the body is a 'tube' (mineral, plant stem, tube) folded inside out {Lawrence Edwards}. This has the same effect as two rivers meeting, or chafing: it leads to whorls and curls. The same is seen in the wake of an aeroplane: the Mach Conic of the Sonic Boom is an example of this. This 'folding over' is seen in the symmetry of the organs: the brain hemispheres, the lung halves, the 'two' kidneys, and the two lobes of liver and pancreas (and the whole body: the palatal cleft, or harelip, is an example of non-closure of the body folding over upon itself.
!The Möbius Loop
The idea of the Möbius Loop is seen in the ensemble of all organs; together (as was already shown in the gut {Weekend 3)) they perform a 'total system inversion': connecting inside-out.
Each of the organs does the same: connecting the inside with the outside; while also being connected by the blood, and to the gut (thus the 'outside' of the body, as 'witnessed' 'inside).
Recognising that, and how, all organs are themselves Möbius loops, how all organs together form a Möbius loop, and how each cell of each organ forms a Möbius loop, helps understand the simplicity of the body cell complex.
It is the recognition of this principle that helps understand the body as a whologram, in which each part reflects, still, the whole. And how therein understanding each part helps healing the whole.
''The Relative Position of this Weekend in respect to the course''.
[[Weekend 03]] explained how food is absorbed in the [[Gut]]; and transformed into [[Blood]]. 
The Blood feeds the body; and is therewith a central organ. The other organs are secondary to the maintenance of its quantity and quality. Each of the organs contributes a part of the ‘spectrum’, by which the inverse transformation of ‘food absorption’ takes place: debris excretion.
This means that the organs, that were regarded (in Weekend three) with respect to the gut, and with respect to the blood, are now regarded with respect to the outside world, and how they function as Filters, toward the environment.
The property of Filtering is very important in this, and is separately discussed. It is also presented implicitly, by comparing the organs: each of the organs represents part of a transformation cycle; they all operate by the same principles (filtering) yet each does it in a slightly different way.
In this the same principles are seen as in Weekend 1: the laws of creation, and manifestation of phase, up to the formation of different forms of matter. And the principles of Weekend 3 are clear: the transformation across the interface. This connects it to [[Weekend 02]]: the principle of communication. Together it leads to an understanding of the core of [[Weekend 04]]: seeing that this leads to a body composed of different material phases, and forms.

''Different types of Organs''
Although there are many different organs; the body as a whole is in fact but one organ. And each organ performs part of an overall task, in which organ needs all other organs. What is commonly seen as different types of organs, can be much more practically regarded as different Aspects of the Same organ.
In this way, what is seen in each organ, is seen also in all other organs. They all transform information; each of them does (in part) the same transformation as seen in the Gut, and Blood ([[Weekend 03]]). Where in the gut, physics => chemistry => electromagnetism => informatics, likewise each organ accounts for a part of the relationship between the inside of the body and the outside.
Each organ offers part of the transformation; this means that there is a very strong similarity between all organs, in their function, and structure. As is seen also in their embryologic origin. Each organ, still, performs the same functions as seen in the first cell (preservation of integrity), the first two cells (interaction and communication) after the First Cleavage Division, the first 3, 4 cells after the Second Cleavage Division (Choice and operating alternatives, shunts). Now the same is seen as the general principle after the 3rd Cleavage Division: the maintenance of the balance of the Inside and Outside, of the cell, body, and each organ.

By regarding all organs as expressions of the same principle, it is much more simple, and easy, to see how they all interrelate. This helps to see the relationship between the Organs in a ‘Western’ (somatic) anatomic point of view, and from an “Eastern’ (physiologic) perspective, or “Far Eastern’ regulatory approach. The integration of these approaches can be seen in Systems Theory (where object, process, catalysis and integration are aspects of the same essence). It can be visually represented by a Möbius loop, in which the inside and outside are always connected: this is the function of each organ in/for the body as a whole.

''Body Materials''
The principles of the 4 Elements {[[Weekend 01]]}, Co-ordination {[[Weekend 02]]}, and the 4 -Seas {[[Weekend 03]]} are now seen again, as the structural, process, transformational and integrative aspect of our body. What has been regarded as the relationships between [[Anatomy]], [[Physiology]], [[NeuroCrine Regulation]] and PsychoCybernetics (a.k.a. Body, Mind, Souls and Spirit) is now seen in the composition of the body: solid, liquid glass and plasma. And in the relationship between Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit.
This calls for a discussion of the body materials; and the relationships between the main constituents: H, C, O and N. (They are mutually related in the same way as SORC, in the cybernetic diagram discussed in Weekend 2.)
Solids, like bone, turn out to be based on liquids, like blood, which are based on ionic materials, such as Na+, K+, Cl-, H+, which means that (no)free electrons are at the basis of our bodily being.

''The Weekend Work Plan''
[[Weekend 04]] starts with an Introduction, and 'Exam', as (by now) 'usual'.
The Friday again gives an overview of the core concepts of the weekend: the main theme is that of the Möbius Loop. One is made, and studied, by folding a strip of paper.
This in hand, it is then possible to recapitulate the findings of [[Weekend 03]] (The Gut, The Blood) and the way they represent Unity on/of the body. This is then taken up for all organs.
The organs are 'introduced', in broad scale/scope terms, and regarded in their relationship to the body, the ' circulation', their (transformative) shape and function, and characteristics of their cells.
The nature of their cells, understood in terms of the Zygote, is then again taken up as a handle to maintain a view of the body as a whole.

|When	|What |h
|''Friday Evening''	|Introduction “[[Our Body of Knowledge]]” |
|| The Mini Conferences|
|''Saturday Morning''	| __Presentations 1__ |
||Body Discussions |
|''Saturday Afternoon''	|Course review (Weekends 1 -> 4) |
||"Learning the Easy Way": |
|''Sunday Morning''	| __Presentations 2__ |
||Book Discussions |
|''Sunday Afternoon''	|Course preview (Weekends 6 -  9, and 10) |
||'Reading the body as a book': |
[[Weekend 05 - Outline]]
[[Weekend 05 - Texts]]
|Course Overview
|Weekend 01 |''[[Embryology]]''	|Cell Formation	|Cosmology |
|Weekend 02 |''[[NeuroCrinology]]''	|Cell Division	|Communication |
|Weekend 03 |''[[Gut & Blood]]''	|Cell Differentiation	|Choice |
|Weekend 04 |''[[Organ Integration]]''	|Cell Integrity	|Interfacing |
|Weekend 05 | __Self presentation__ | Body Knowledge| Book knowledge|
|Weekend 06 |''[[Muscles and Bones]]''	|Locomotion	|Physical Being |
|Weekend 07 |''[[Endocrine Cascade]]''	|Emotional response	|Territory |
|Weekend 08 |''[[Immunology]]''	|System Integrity	|Planning |
|Weekend 09 |''[[Psycho-Integrity]]''	|Unique realisation	|Healing |
|Weekend 10 | __Self presentation__ | Body Knowledge| Book knowledge|

''The logic''
The course presents a logical pattern, in which first the creation of the body is described (Weekend 1  4), which is comparable to the intra-uterine phase: the development of the body in itself. Then the used of the body in the environment is addressed (Weekend 6  9), which is comparable with body experience after birth.

Weekend 5 makes use of the transition between weekend 1 - 4 and 6 - 9.
In the first four weeks, a description was given of the fundamental universal principles by which our body (and environment are built).
Weekend one looked at system integrity, with unity as a reference; the Zygote, was taken as exemplar. Weekend two looked at the principles of communication, Weekend three at the role of membranes as operators of transformation between alternatives, and Weekend four showed how the body maintains it own (phase) integrity.
Weekend 5 represents a turning point in this exploration: it reviews what had been done, and previews what will be regarded.

''Ongoing Development''
There is a direct relationship between what is seen in (Weekend 1 - 4) and (Weekend 6 - 9)
•	Weekend 1 regards unity, the body as a whole; weekend 6 deals with the same, now with a potential to move.
•	Weekend 2 deals with cell communication; ‘the membranes in touch with each other’; Weekend 7 discusses our inner (‘emotional’) response to a change of position (territory).
•	Weekend 3 discusses the ability to deal with alternatives; Weekend 8 reflects on the capacity to maintain and restore inner balance (thus integrating inner response), while changing between different environment.
•	Weekend 4 observed how all organs are in fact one integral system; Weekend 9 realises that we have our own inner experience of reality on which we base our contact with others.
The principles of communication between cells (Weekend 1  4), are thus the same as those of the interaction between the body and the environment (Weekend 6  9). They are also the same as those between people, and between groups of people. This understanding is addressed in Weekend 10 in terms of the therapist-client relationship.
The course thus presents a logical overview of the emergence/creation of our body, and our experience of life on Earth as a result of our ability to move, our inner responses, our capacity to relate them, and maintain inner integrity. (This is the principle of Health, in action; and the basis for this course “The Living Body”.)

Everybody develops, by these same universal principles, in unique ways.
Everybody in the course will have come to unique personal insights.
Everyone will have come to a view on the body, questions that have been answered, logic that has been realised, interests that have been aroused, not-knowing that has become more defined. These unique insights are always valuable.
In this weekend, you are invited to present your unique personal views, and invite the responses of others. It will help you clarify your thoughts, and help others understand what they study from broader perspectives.

''Particular Views''
This weekend is used for the presentation of your particular view. 
This takes two forms: a 10 minute presentation of one’s outlook and/or findings; with 5 minutes for others to interact. There will be time also for looking at each other’s reference material and books that were consulted in creating one’s views. 
The book presentation has the form of an ‘Arabic Market’: everybody can present what they take along; all others are free to interact.
The exchange if ideas also concerns the course: you can reflect on what it offers, and how, while reflections will be offered on how you can get more out of the course by putting more into it, by interacting more. Some study strategies (“Learning Targets”), Learning techniques, and Presentation Styles will be reviewed.

At this stage in the course, an overview is presented of the material that has been used this far in the preparation and presentation of this course; it is presented on a CD, in the forms of an organised bundle of texts; and in the form of a web-site.

The place of this weekend in the course
As has become clear, this course follows the model of the first stages of development of your body: the Cleavage Divisions.
Weekend 1 looked at Unity, Weekend two regarded the principles of Interfacing, Weekend 3 considered Transformation, while Weekend 4 explored the diversity of unity.
In the body, after the 3rd Cleavage division, the cells start to reorganise and reorient themselves: from a Morula, they will later be grouped around in a Blastomere: oriented towards the outside world. Weekend 5 partakes in this transition.

''Weekend 5 as moment of  Transformation''
Weekends 1 - 4  the interest was in exploring the universal principles by which the universe, and our body, was made. How, by their interaction, they transformed, and created the shapes that we now know and hold to be real. These weekend focused on how the body was/is created.
Weekends 6 - 9 look at this the other way around: by looking at the body, is it possible, and how, to understand how it functions internally (at the different levels already discussed). The body structures will be used to come to understand mobility and motility (weekend 6) from regarding the limbs and skull. The endocrine regulation, and emotional states, will be regarded in observing the face and features (weekend 7). The social and mental functions will be related to patterns of behaviour (and types of diseases (Weekend 8). While the integrity of realisation is experienced and explored in the inner experience of health (also as witnessed in the healing interaction/relationship) (Weekend 9).
Weekend 10 then concludes the course in a similar vein as done in weekend 5. Again, the participants will express what they found, in the course an their body, of learning and knowledge, concerning the (inner) experience of health; from under-standing the body. This is a statement about ones own knowledge, one’s confidence in understanding one’s body, thus in contacting (and understanding) the bodies of others. In short: it is a statement, or stance of for carrying out, what was learned in this course. (This is actually made more explicit, in the form of an invitation to teach what was taught).
Weekend 5 is, in a sense, a moment of transformation between Weekend ’0’, and Weekend 10. As a halfway point it marks a turning inside out: from learning how the body is formed, to learning from the forms of the body. From being taught be principle and example, to studying the principles and learning from examples. This also in the form of becoming more participatory with/in the course itself: setting targets for learning, keeping them, presenting one’s findings, and appraising the findings of others.

''Towards Autonomy and Synergy''
The Transition taking place in weekend 5 is a change towards Synergy and Autonomy.
“Autonomy”, in the sense of building, and becoming more reliant on, one’s own “Body Knowledge” (of one’s body of knowledge of one’s body).
 “Synergy”, in being able to understand more from the views and visions of others, being able to relate to them (a skill that serves also in all therapeutic relationships).
As the body shows: Autonomy and Synergy are not contradictory, but complementary; by the principle of Separation = Connection.

''Activities in Weekend 5''
The core concept of the weekend will be: finding ways towards self-presentation. (This reflects the Morula starting to ‘turn inside out’, toward forming the Blastula).
This will take place in a 10-minute presentation, on a topic of choice, in a form of one’s own creation. This can be in any way one desires. (As in the body, each cell expresses itself in its own manner.) Following the presentation there will be time for discussion (5 minutes).
Presenting one views and respecting those of others, is exercised also in the ‘reading of books’: summarising what literature and references you use(d), in creating and validating your views. Again, this will be done in discussing books brought along, compiling them into a list of reference material, with simple recommendations as to the way the books might be helpful.
Learning from your body, and from the body of knowledge of books (and other forms of material references) can be enhanced by studying by using Targets. The concept of Target Learning will be discussed, and proposed as the means to work by in the weekends 6   9, and 10.
This will be made more specific, in targeting a topic or domain for self-presentation in Weekend 10; and the explanation of the role and function of Weekends 6   9.  (In which anatomy will be studied of the skeletal system, physiology will be regarded for pathological states, neurocrinology will be related to psychosomatic (social) states of being, and immunity as a model for (spiritual/information) integrity and health.)
This will be presented as follows:

//See//: [[Weekend 05 - Plan]]

!Weekend 5 - 10

''The Turning Point''
The 5th weekend is a turning point in the course.
In Weekends 1 - 4, the focus was on what can be seen. The core concept was: how to look.
In Weekend 5 - 10 attention is focused on what can be seen; and what meaning it has in terms of embryogenesis [spirit], autopoiesis (neurocrine-immune propriocepsis) [soul], physiology [mind] and anatomy [body].
The goals is: to understand the body shape, and its deformations, in terms of (and as result of) the dynamics of the interactions with the environment, personality behaviour, and life fulfilment. And then to find solutions at those levels to help people feel better.

''From Metaphysics to Physics''
In Weekend 1 - 4 Reality was “Turned around”.
What we hold to be “Real  ”is based on our Realisation.
What we see around us is based on how we perceive within us.
This being the case, our Body is a much better gauge for the understanding of science, than science is for the understanding of our body.

This ‘Inverted” view on the body is based on the findings of science (Cosmology):
//From Plasma (Big Bang) came Pre-stellar Gas {Clouds) which condensed into Liquid (Suns) which condensed into Solid (Planets)//.
This is the same finding as the Alchemists already described: this reality can be simplest described as an interplay of phases of Phase.
Our body too is an (excellent) example of/for this.

''Weekend 1-4''
Weekend 1 - 4 traced our body development paralleling the cosmologic development of reality.
It presented this as the First Four Steps: Conception (Nuclear Fusion reaction) and the first three cleavage reactions (Fission Reactions).
#Weekend one presented the point of Unity,
#Weekend 2 traces the relationship dynamic of two cell,
#Weekend 3 showed the extra dimension opening up with the emergence of Alternatives, and
#Weekend 4 showed the organisation of Phase.
Each of the fundamental principles, of interaction between and within these first cells, are seen still later in the body as fundamental principles of its functioning and organisation.
In this it was seen that the body organisation soon already becomes ‘too complex to understand’. Which shows the limits to our understanding, but does not affect the workings or integrity of our body.

''Objective Science''
It is not our understanding that upholds and maintains our body: it is our body that offers a basis for our understanding. 
Again this means that science is merely a mental construct, and not a real measure for the understanding of our body, for which we need subjective realisation, interaction, in the experience of life.
The principles of creation, including that of our body, are much more involved and integrated than science can as yet understand and describe. Understanding the body requires more than objective observation; it also offers subjective realisation.
The principles of creation are much more fundamental than science can as yet objectively understand and describe, yet we all have first hand experience of it, in the creation and functioning of our body.

''Subjective Realisation''
So, instead of, ‘Baron Von Münchausen’-like, pulling our hairs (thoughts) to lift ourselves out of the water (seeing our understanding, ‘underfoot’) (as so many ‘consciousness studies’ now try to do), it is much more simple to recognise the Laws of Creation, as they can be seen in our own body (development).
Because it is in, and through, our body that we interact with creation.
!Learning the Easy Way

Learning is easiest when relaxed. Being involved, attached, absorbed, ‘addicted’ to sense perception, of the world  around us, reduces our ability to reflect on it, and interact with it effectively. The Trigger-Response cycle described by System Theory (See Weekend 1) determines our Coping Capacity (see Systems approaches in communication and psychotherapy). Coping Behaviour is the way we can (not) change our responses, in interaction with the world (and other people) around us. It involves the use of reflexes: are your reflexes autonomous (i.e.: is your life run by reflex)? Or do you consciously choose your reactions? Our life is a combination of both: in part by choice, in part run by reflexes; and in part by our choice (and chance) in the reflexes we use. Our learning potential is based on the reflexes we operate by. Our ability to learn is therefore codetermined by the way we are aware of, and responsible for, our reflexes. (You are run by Reflex, if you have the feeling that you have no choice, and this includes the feeling of being powerless, or that feeling that what you do is normal.)

''Learning to Learn''
Detachment from reflexes (and thus the regaining of free choice) comes from stepping outside of the reflex cycle. It means: 
1)	realising that reality is not real, but simply a sensation (sense perception: “Samsara” say the Buddhists.)
2)	Also, realising that what we perceive is determined by our emotional response: how, what we ‘see’, is determined by what we know, and co-determined by it (like a river guided by a bedding). It means that we see our past reflected in all we perceive (Memory Reflection: “Maya” is the Buddhist term.)
3)	At a deeper level it means that what we believe (to perceive, see ad (1)), and what we hold to be true (see ad (2)), is based in what we hold to be true; our desires. These (by ad (2)) are based on our beliefs, thus of our own creation. (“Karma” is the Buddhist term.)

''Beyond Learning''
To get beyond the level of Karma (Perception of our own reflection, based on what we have already done; i.e. getting beyond reflexes) calls for an entering into Dharma (The principles of creation); this is the level where we are all like babies; life is un-judgmental, and perception direct. (Zen calls that “The Beginner’s Mind”; Christianity calls it “be yea as little children” (‘to enter into heaven’))
* “Super Learning” is a method of learning based on the bypass of analysing, by ‘regressing’ to the open state of mind as used by babies and young children. It is a highly effective method of learning, as the name suggests. (See the book by “Super Learning” by Ostrander and Schroeder)
To step out of reflexes is done by stepping out of any activity that require reflexes.
Compare it to taking a car off the road (‘taking a river out of the bedding’) for repairs.
Another way to review (and recondition) reflexes is by addressing them directly; compare it to programming a computer, to repair a subroutine that does not work well.

In the first case, the realisation of reality is suspended: this is done in the many forms of meditation.
In the second case the reflex itself is reactivated as a reality. This can be done in contemplation.
The second choice, reprogramming a reflex, requires its reactivation: what was experienced in the past, and since suppressed, is relived as a reality, to be able to be affected anew by our freedom of choice. (Reflexes, because they operate at subconscious and unconscious levels, act at speeds 10, 100, 1000 faster than our mind, thus faster than we can think. To ‘edit them’, they need to be slowed down (‘the screeching of the brakes is sensed as emotions’). This is done by many forms of psychology and psychotherapy, consultation and (re)conditioning. 

Below, some learning techniques are presented, by which information can be acquired ‘effortlessly’, by relying on our unconscious (“Beginner’s) Mind.
Before that, some meditation techniques are described helpful to defocus, refocus, and open the mind.

!Learning from your body
See below.

''Meditation Techniques''

''Shifting Awareness''
1)	be alert to everything in your environment
2)	be attentive to everything you sense in your body
3)	be aware of everything taking place in your mind
4)	Be aware of all your emotions and feelings

By ‘zooming in’ on the environment, body, mind, emotions, a ‘gazing effect’ sets in: what is observed will after been given attention fade from awareness. It is then possible to release the perception, and shift the mind to other (inner) experiences.
By systematically shifting from outside to inside, all our reflex levels too are addressed.

''4-Body Breathing''
inhale/hold/exhale/hold 3 times into 1) head, 2) heart, 3) Hara, 4) Holy Bone

''Matthew Manning’s Light Point''
Imagine a   point of light circling around the head, faster and faster till so fast it is beyond imagination

''Power Circle''
In a group of people, make a circle; hold hands, thumbs pointing left.
Inhale the feeling from the left hand into your body, hold breath and warm it up, exhale and feel out the right hand, hold breath still before inhaling.

!Participational Learning

''A change of teaching Learning format''
__From Weekend 5 onward__, it is proposed that the course operates in a more participational mode, by the following scheme:

''The Course |Weekends in Perspective'' |
|''Friday evening'': 	|Weekend overview |
|''Saturday Morning'':	|reporting back |
|''	Afternoon'':	|Topic: considerations/Theory |
|''Sunday Morning'': 	|Topic: concerns/Practicals |
|''	Afternoon'':	|Learning Targets |

!Easy-Learning Methods
This is combined with the Easy Learning method, based on the principles of assimilation, and being, of our own body:

''Natural Pattern of Learning''
Learning follows a natural pattern:
|1.	Baby		|openness, non-judgementality |
|2.	Child		|playfulness, exploration |
|3.	Adolescent		|criticality, testing |
|4.	Adult		|knowing, understanding |
This pattern can be used for consecutive steps in learning

''Pacing Steps in Learning''
|1.	Dictionary		|meaning of a word |
|2.	Encyclopaedia		|Understanding a word in its context |
|3.	General textbook	|Understanding the field in which a word is used |
|4.	Specialised text book	|Understanding the implications of application of the concept |

''Changes in Involvement''
It reflects in a transition of involvement:
|1.	thinking		|Superficial |
|2.	feeling			|In contact |
|3.	experience		|Interactive |
|4.	being			|In depth |
This is the same pattern as seen in seeds blooming to flowers to seeds

''The Tree of Knowledge''
|1.	Seed		|unrealised realisation 			[?] |
|2.	Leaf		|in touch: exploring     			[…] |
|3.	Flower		|sharing of insights, communication 	[,;:.] |
|4.	Seed		|validated knowledge 			[!] |
This principle is used in the course, from Weekend 5 onward, as principle of learning:

''Course Weekend Format''
|1.	Sunday Afternoon: |formulating Learning Targets |
|2.	Saturday Morning: |sharing findings: feedback |
|3.	Saturday Afternoon: |conceptual perspective |
|4.	Sunday Morning: |practical implications |

''Course Weekend Plan''
In the following weekends this will be applied to, consecutively:
|1.	Muscles and Bones (anatomy; the body itself) |
|2.	Endocrine Cascade and Emotions (physiology: our responses to our body in motion) |
|3.	Immune System and Soul (neurocrinology: the preservation of individual integrity) |
|4.	Psychology and Healing (sharing and experiencing wholeness, with others) |

!Learning Techniques

''Learning Sequence''
|Data Harvesting: 	|Mind Map |
|Relating Perspectives:	|Mind Map remapping |
|Organising Outlooks:	|Outlines |
|Presenting Views:
||Papers:		|Title|
||					Abstract|
||					Outline|
||					Draft|

''Learning Tools''
|Experience: |
|Contemplation: |
|Formulation:	|
|Description:	Writing/Drawing|

''Learning Principles''
|Behavioural Studies:	|Reflexes |
|Body |Posture & gait: |
|Skin Diagnosis:		|Constellations/switches |
|Face Diagnosis		|Mimicry |

''Presentation Tools''
|Listing |
|Drawing |
|Mind Map |
|Paper |
!Course Follow-up

''Weekend 6 - 10''
|'Homework' (See the concept of Interactive Learning, above) |
|Requirements for personal practice/performance (See Presentational Principles) |
|Course follow-up:	| self-studies|
||			| maintaining group (e)contact|
||			| apprentice. assistant, master|
			other courses

!Personal Perspectives

''Personal being''
This you can fill in only yourself.
Only you can find out, by being, what human being is about.
It is always unique.
And based on universal principles, that we share with all of the cosmos and everything with/in it.

!What Books have to Offer

''The general idea''
* Books are written by different people, for different reasons.
* Quite a lot of books are written for money.
* Fewer books are written to present a view or opinion.
• Fewer books still to share information.
And very few books present an evaluation of knowledge, by which the information of the books itself can be evaluated too.
Yet that is what you would seek: reliable, verifiable, information.

''What books can not offer''
* Books are printed paper, thus not real.
* Images are flat perspective, thus not real.
* Print is frozen in time, thus not real.
* Writing represents the views of the writer, not your own.
It is always necessary to realise that whatever is printed is not real, thus deceptive.
It is a reflection of someone else’s views, from some other time and place, thus some other perspective.
You need to make up your own mind, know what is real or true, for you.
Because the knowledge that you have is your response-ability.

__Especially medical books need to be distrusted__.
For some reason, they hold a common practice of ‘artists representations’; stemming from the time that photography did not exist, rough crude sketches are used (in image and description) to re-present your living human body.
These images are often not just crude but actually wrong; of use only if you have seen a real body.
Even then, medical texts most often represent dead bodies (and, with it, a tendency to regard living people as such), which is both irresponsible and unwholesome.

__This might be a preferable way to work__.
Take a habit of first consulting your own body and feelings, then photographs (preferably by artists), then consult those who work with living beings, and only then see what is written on paper.
Take some time to look at medical books, medical encyclopaedia’s and standard encyclopaedia’s to get a good impression of the dangers in consulting those books: they often do not show the same item in the same way.
Beware of what books have to offer, and consult your own body and those of others to understand what they try to convey, but can not show.

''What books can show''
* Books can show, in a limited way, what others have found.
* This may be inspiring, fascinating, insightful and extremely helpful.
* Learning to read the body
* Books are a great help; but more important than that is the skill to read the/your living body
!Study Tactics

"Study while you work"
Why spend immense amounts of time while you study, if you can have more effect when you study while you work?
If you know what books to use (see above) and know where to find 'things', then any question that pops up while you work, can be answered. All you need is to have some paper at hand, maybe some books, perhaps internet, and your questions. Once you answer a question while it pops up, you will find it is 'anchored': the answer will come natural to you, even without thinking, 'as a matter of fact'.
So, how can you study like this? What do you need?
All it takes is curiosity; and the will to answer your questions. Just wanting to know. If you balance a liver meridian, and wonder, “what does it look like, this liver?”, then open a book. You might even come up with ideas to use the book and pictures in dowsing, and balance not just the liver, put parts of its cells, aspects of its physiology, or some process of communication; maybe even the principle (mentality, world view) it stands for. Like in looking at an encyclopaedia: you may find that you look up, and learn more, than you intended. Studying is not hard work, but playfulness, like of children. Do they work to learn a language? Do they work and take lessons? No, they participate, explore and discover. Thus learn.

!Learning from your body

''Your body Knows''
You always have your body at hand, to learn from.
Wherever you go, and wherever you are, you are always with your body; which you can question; and which will answer. There are simple techniques of body awareness, such as Breathing, of 'Smiling down the organs', which can give you insights no book ever can teach. thinking of an organ may start it to radiate, as some already discovered. Breathing into one part of the body, may wake up other parts elsewhere. Sometimes this can be neurologically explained, at other times it may not. Even when the textbooks mentions neurocrine flushes, it only gets meaning when experience with/in your body. And even then, what is described as pathology in the books, may turn out to be frequent or normal, in the more sensitive sensing person. Conversely, what is sensed or experienced as pain, may well be a way towards release and relief.

In short: sometimes your body may behave by the book; at other times it does not. In working with the bodies of others, as therapists are so wont to do, it helps to know what you do, and how the book knowledge translates in/to your body, so you know what you do unto others, when they turn to you for treatment, and you 'treat them by the book'. The books, being written, don't know rhythms, or intensities, of pleasure and/or pain. To really know what others try to tell you, it helps to listen to your body yourself. 
[[Weekend 05]]
[[Weekend 05 - Outline]]
|When	|What |h
|''Friday Evening''	|Introduction to the weekend |
||The Self Examination (Q&A of Learning Targets) |
|''Saturday Morning''	|Paddles; (Ego) Extensions |
|''Saturday Afternoon''	|“[[Making Bones]]”: the concept |
||[[Stance & Posture]] |
|''Sunday Morning''	|“Muscling your way in the world”: the practicals |
||Push & Pull, Balance |
|''Sunday Afternoon''	|Experiencing Locomotion |
||“Emotional Response” (and the Glandular Pathways) |
[[Weekend 06 - Outline]]
[[Weekend 06 - Texts]]
''Weekend 6: Skull & Bones''

It takes many years to form bones. Initially, there are no bones, but only the Zygote, and later, the Differentiated cells. Only then are bone cells and cartilage cells formed. They work together with muscle cells and nerve cells to direct the motions in the body; and thus of the body.
By the joint work of these cells, the movements of the body create reactions in the body, by the interactions with the environment. Adapting the environment (as we do, in creating) reflects on adaptation of the body: the form of the body is a result of that interaction. 
It is a form of backward thinking to think of the Bones as the carriers of the Muscles, which serve to displace the Organs, which serve to feed the brain. Although this is the current contemporary common consensus, and rationalised by a (likewise created consensus) idea that ‘organisms developed the brain only later’, it is still much more practical to think of the body as one whole.
Please keep this in mind while reading the following. What is described here, for the bones, also holds for all of the body. The Bones are simply a more defined, and seemingly fixed, representation of the same principles regarded in Weekends 1 -> 4. The integrity, communicative relationships, the possibility for choice, and the ongoing overhaul dynamics are seen in the bones also.

As regarded in Weekends 1 -> 4, the bones too show the various forms of development, from one cell (a point), through two cells (a line), 3 cells (a plane) and 4 cells ( a volume). Some bones appear as a point or ball (e.g. the bones in the wrists and ankles), some as a line (as in most bones of the limbs), as a plane (as in the xyphoid, the breast bone), or as a volume (as e.g. the skull).
The geometrical shape of the bone is crucial for its function; bone deformation changes all the forces and motions of all muscles which (in)directly connect up to it. (Bear in mind, that some muscles do not connect to some bones directly, but via other muscles that are connected to it.)
Bone size and shape determine its weight: that is weight the body needs to carry around. It is also ‘dead’ weight:  it has no capacity to move itself. It is thus not surprising that the bone shape and form is carefully maintained; and thus in fact is very dynamic and (due to cell action) quite seemingly alive.
This is an important issue, in looking at the bones in our body. Although it is often regarded as if the bone is the support that keeps the muscles in place and enables our motions, it is probably much wiser to realise that our muscle motion and lifestyle (co)determines the state of our bones.

''A Mechanical View''
This having been said, this section will now go on to look at our bones in a quite mechanical manner: as system of levers, which give us our leverage on this planet.
In this respect, a brief introduction to Engineering Mechanics may be of use:
Mechanics is the study of forces in matter; this helps understand how forces can be amplified and directed. It includes the notions of pulleys and levers, dynamics and statics.
In mechanics, movement is always relative to something; what is solid from one point of perspective (e.g. blood flowing along muscle) may be quite dynamic with respect to something else (e.g. muscle pulling on bone; or bone compared to rock).

Levers: anything that can be used to guide forces in another direction. The more general term might be Objects.
Forces: any form of movement flowing through matter; able to move other matter elsewhere. (Forces can be compared to a fluid, cf. electricity, flowing through matter).
Motion: forces that change the relationships between objects (such as levers).
Equilibrium: the balance between forces and motion, by which a system can be maintained in its environment. Changes of equilibrium are accompanied by a build up of forces or motions. (When motions converts into force, or the other way around.)

''Forces in Motion''
This interplay between forces and motion is very much similar to the interactions between electricity and magnetism, or a river and a bedding. In a more general sense: it is the interplay between information and matter.
All movements of the body are thus part of body consciousness: all movements are monitored, and affect the nervous system, body vitality and awareness of life.
The movements are also quite definite and directed: the way the body can move and dance can be compared to poetry or prose: the phases and words are formed by an alphabet of letters. (Dancer Laban created a whole notation around this idea.)
The body motions in the same sense are infinite (any position you van make) yet limited (only within the range you can reach). They are based on the bone shape and structure, and the forces and connections made by the muscles.

''Joint Body View''
The muscles and bones will be separately described: for each bone, there are joints. Each joint, determines what motion is possible (The ‘alphabet’ of out movements). Each muscle codetermines how that motion can take  place (the grammar of our motions). The muscle movements are grouped in patterns (the syntax of our mobility). But the motions themselves reflect how we feel (the idiom of our ‘speech’ of movement.)

The tensions in muscles are consequently related to what you think, feel, want and are. It means that in any muscle four layers of tonus can be detected: levels which are related to how you relate to yourself, and levels related to how you relate to your environment.
There is a tonus of the muscle at rest in itself; the base tonus. There is a tonus related to the muscle movement neuron circuits, of which the muscle forms part. There is a tonus related to the posture, or gait, in which that muscle circuit is involved. And there is a level of muscle tonus related to the attention you give to your motions.
This can be interpreted as four levels of consciousness: voluntary (conscious) muscle control; involuntary reflex reaction (cf. a jerk), unconscious muscle movement (cf heart beat) and the muscle pulses itself (beyond consciousness; proper to the cell motion). (With practice and training each of these four levels can be sensed by conscious awareness.)

''Skeleton as Feelings''
The bones and muscles are thus related to our feelings and emotions; our sensations and realisations. The human, animal, vegetative and mineral reflex/response/reactions can all be discerned. The relationship between these levels of awareness can also be seen in our skeletal structure: our shoulder represents, to us, a different relationship to our environment that our elbow, wrists of fingers. (Cf “Shouldering”, “Elbowing”, “Wrist action”, “Fingering”). Each extra joint represents greater sensitivity/awareness, greater mobility, greater control, and greater distance. (Note that distance and sensitivity are in inverse relationship.) The mechanics of proximity and distantiated is reflected in the psychology or nearness and farness, and our ability to change our involvement. It is the leverage of our involvement which forms the crux of our bone and muscle system. It helps to keep this in mind when studying the forms and positions, placement and functions, of our muscles and bones.
Type the text for 'Weekend 06 - Texts'
|When	|What|h
|''Friday Evening''	|Introduction to the weekend |
||The Self Examination (Q&A of Learning Targets) |
|''Saturday Morning''	|Patterns of Diseases: Patho(Psycho)Physiology |
||Typical Disease Patterns (interfacing Failures) in somatic and homeopathic medicine |
|''Saturday Afternoon''	|[[The Endocrine Cascade]] |
||[[Feelings & Emotions]] |
|''Sunday Morning''	|[[The Chackra Cascade]] |
||[[System Alignment]] |
|''Sunday Afternoon''	|[[Health, Adaptation, Compensation, Decompensation]] |
||[[Self-Healing]] |
[[Weekend 07 - Outline]]
[[Weekend 07 - Texts]]
Weekend 7deals with the principle of //Adaptation//. It develops the finding of Weekend 6 back inwards: the concatenated cascade of ranges of movements is not only seen in the muscles, and bones, but also in our ranges of perceptions (Psychology), and the hormonal glands (Physiology). It deals with the general principles of Adaptation (Mind): how we react to the environment we are in. (''Musculo-Organic Response''.)
The different levels, and extended states, of consciousness are not so readily understood: we are what it is; our reality is based on our realisation. Yet the different modes and states of consciousness, communication, consensus and co-ordination in social groups (thus persons) can be  ‘seen’ in our ‘emotional states’.

The hormones and glands show how the our inner reactions and responses reflect different levels scales an scopes of (y)our (social) environmental embedding. In this respect we are no different from the first cell that unfolded to form the whole body; or a body, in the life of human existence, of humanity, living on Earth.
At some level, we are as ignorant and unknowing as a cell in a body; by understanding how our body is composed of cells, we can understand how we relate to ourselves and others, individually and collectively, and apply the knowledge of our body for social and cultural healing. This is represented here by looking at Disease States, and their origins.

''Disease States''
The Disease States can be understood in a double sense: social diseases are more important than presently realised (because less studied). Some characteristic diseases, from somatic and homeopathic medicine, (Ayur Veda and Chinese) medicine will be shown as examples.
The general principles of diseases will be discussed, by extending the principles of Weekend 2 of Systems Theory, as PathoPhysiology: disturbed process regulation. Many diseases of different kinds can then be understood in one encompassing manner. (combining this with the realisation, of Weekend 4, that All organs are but One Organ), then it will be clear that the principles of PathoPhysiology apply to all cells and organs; and that the only form of disease is when the integration of the Part in the Whole has been lost (see Weekend 7 and 8).
This leads to a revisit to the concept (weekend 2) of Health, Adaptation, Compensation and Decompensation:  all diseases are lapses from, thus return ramps to, health; of the principle of integrity and healing (the cosmology of creation) is under-stood.
States of Diseases then, just like the organs, are but different ways of interfacing between Closed (material) and Open (information) systems; this understanding can be used to base healing on the understanding of health (instead of ‘fighting disease, ‘which just continues the war’.)

''Living in Perspective''
Weekend 6 showed how muscles & bones give leverage to our body, due to which we can move in our environment.
By being able to move from one environment to another we experience the changes in environment within ourselves. We adopt the changes to which we adapt.
The internal adaptations are realised as changes of our inner environment; our “Milieu Interne”. This is achieved by 'changing the chemistry' (as discussed in Weekend 2).
These changes are mediated by hormones, 'endocrine saps', of many kinds; al of which are (inter)related (see Weekend 1) The hormonal system is as integrated as the Organ System (Weekend 4). Again, together they form one system. As with the Blood (Weekend 3) it is a 'fluid' system. As with the Gut (Weekend 3) it has a linear pattern. Together this forms the nature of the Endocrine Cascade.

Adaptation is the key concept: in moving in the environment (by using our muscles) as animals do, we experience different environment; compare it to a plant (unable to move) experiencing different climates. The ‘climate’ of the different environments requires different response: if the system closes down too much (dry/cold) or opens up too much (heat/moist) then it can not deal appropriately with its circumstances/conditions.
Two responses are possible: 1) moving to a more compatible environment (adaptation to the circumstances by relocation), or 2) changing the internal state (internal adaptation). The first requires the use of the muscle-skeleton (Weekend 6); the second requires a change in the internal physiology. This is where the importance of the Endocrine System comes in play.
In each case, the relationship between the internal response (adaptation) and change in external circumstances (adaptation) needs to be gauged: this is where the ability to regulate the system reset/response comes into play (Weekend 8: the Immune System). This implies an ability to choose the proper system setting/resetting; this is discussed in Weekend 9 (and related to the preservation of health).
The following deals with the internal changes in physiology, as a result of our changing of the environment in which we live. (This included home building and husbandry.)

''The Endocrine Cascade''
The Endocrine Cascade is a recapitulation of our embryology, en phylogenesis (emergence of our species). The Endocrine Cascade is the system of internal regulation in our body; it is an internal dynamic that re-creates the body, when our circumstances change. (For minerals this would mean a change in terraforming (earth-making), for plants that would mean that the climate changed; for animals it would mean that they moves into different territory; for us humans it includes our psychological states.)
Normally, this would mean that the integrity between the body and the environment is dynamically preserved: this is the same principle as seen in the unfolding of the Zygote into the Body (Weekends 1 -> 4); and it is seen in the dynamic turnover (The Möbius Loop) by which our digestion functions (Weekend 4)
In health, this transformation/turnover/overhaul is unbroken, and the body is maintained. In disease, this continuity is broken, and processes become unlinked: they as a result become confused or disconnected (this is the basis of sclerotic (‘scarring’) infectious (‘decay’) diseases.) Essential is the preservation of unity (Weekend 1) the maintenance of balance (Weekend 2); which requires the ability to transform (Weekend 3), to preserve the body through change (Weekend 4).
“The Endocrine Cascade presents the same principle as seen in the body formation (Weekend 1 -> 4); and in the process of digestion (Weekend 4)”. This is an important notion: the endocrine system, as a a group (system) of seemingly different cells, provides an internal overhaul of the body; compare it to a ‘self -nurturing’ digestion’. It represents the principle of the whole Food Chain, within out body. And operates by the same principles as seen in Weekend 4 (“All Organs are One Organ”). The Endocrine System is an ‘inside out image’ of a cell. (Also literally: it is the Zygote, unfolded inside-out.)

''System Decay''
The Endocrine System is an integral system. It represents the principle of transformation, of the body, as applied to the body itself. It accounts for the changes of environment, and balances then by changes within us, due to which our balance in the environment is maintained. It is a clever kind of calculation. Sometimes calculation errors can take place; especially when the mind is not integrated with/in the body. Then, the ‘calculation’ can lead to confusions, or loss of integration/integrity (see above).
This causes repercussions within the system: it responds as if it is inn another environment (imagined or real), while it is not. It responds inappropriately (disintegrated) due to which integration with/in the environment is lost. Own integrity is thereby lost at the same time. The ability to correct such ‘misfits’ (miscomputations), are known as Coping. If this coping itself is ‘computed in error’, it is known as Coping Failure.
Coping and Coping Failure are based on the connection of Body and Mind. Miscalculations are most often the result of the Mind ‘doing its own thing’, ‘disregarding the body’ (The Tarot Card of the Fool represents the Mind as a puppy dog). Healing is most often possible by reintegrating body and mind (this is commonly known as meditation): minding the body can be learned.
It is helpful to realize that health is our natural basis: disease is a loss of health, due to dis-integrity, consequential to loss of interest due to loss of autopoiesis (self-regeneration). It can best be described in terms of Systems Theory (Weekend 1). The usual terminology such as “Stress” can be translated in those terms. (“Stress is a build-up of coping failure, due to not-dealing with circumstances/conditions, thus due to not-using creation to adapt. By changing our response to our environment (‘reality’) the pattern of disease/decay/destabilization can be broken, thus (the body) healed.) 

''In Larger Perspective''
Endocrinology makes use of hormones: ‘cell shit’. (‘One cells poison is another cell’s food’) It is part of the total system of communication in the body (Weekend 2); it is also essentially the same mechanism as the food chain of which we form part. This means that we can also recognise what happens within us, around us. Conversely: much of what goes on around us, also takes place within us.
A simile of the hormonal Endocrine system is seen not only in the functioning of the nerves (synaptic secretion regulation), but also in the microbes living in our body. Many bacteria, viroids, and somatids live their own lives within us; without them we would fall ill. (E.g.: the bacteria in our colon break down cellulose that we can not digest; and some produce Vitamin K.)
Part of the system of cell secretion is not part of our own body cells, but by the cells that live in symbiosis with our body. These Symbionts form an integral part of our life. (Lynn Margulis even suggests that our Eukaryote cells are the result of a long term symbiosis between bacterial and algae life forms. The bacteria presumably continue to exist as the Mitochondria (power system) of our cells.)
The Endocrine System thereby is represents a general principle of integral communication (cf Weekend 4), and applies to the inter-regulation of Hormones, the Neurones, the Cells (and Organs), and even all commensals. (“Commensals” are bacteria, living in/on our body, most at the periphery: skin, mouth, nose and colon. The body is normally 'sterile' in the small intestine, but heavily populated with microbes in the colon.) 

''Mind Sets: life in Perspective''
The Endocrine Regulation concerns a principle of (self)transformation: of Adaptation as result of a change in/of the environment.
This takes place not only in our physiology (as exemplified in the Endocrine System), but also in our psychology: our Mind.
The Mind corresponds with our ‘physiology’ of the experience of change. (Just like our Knowledge represents its ‘Anatomy’.)
The Endocrine System van be regarded as the (body) unconscious representation of the (conscious) mind. As psychosomatic responses show, the two are intimately related.

''Theme Topics''
The following are some of the Theme Topics that can be discussed in this weekend: 
•	Living with Change
•	Neurocrine Communication (Weekend 2 Revisited)
•	Systems Thinking (Weekend 2 Revisited)
•	Physiology of Change

•	Regulating Dynamic Response; Internal Environment
•	Endocrine Cascade
•	Mental Perspectives
•	Brain and Skull; Spine and Spinal Cord
•	Regulation
•	Coupled Oscillators
•	Loss of entrainments/Coping
•	PathoPhysiology

//See//: [[Weekend 07 - Plan]]
Type the text for 'Weekend 07 - Texts'
|When	|What |h
|''Friday Evening''	|Introduction to the weekend |
||The Self Examination (Q&A of Learning Targets) |
|''Saturday Morning''	|Intelligence, Knowledge, Consciousness, Reflexes |
||The sensory system & nerves (and our sedentary brain/immune cells) |
|''Saturday Afternoon''	|Body, Mind, Soul and Spiri |
||Bardo states - consciousness, relaxation, sleep, hypnosis |
|''Sunday Morning'' 	|Immunity (our nomadic brain cells) |
||Immune system, immune cells, pregnancy, symbionts & commensals, parasites |
|''Sunday Afternoon''	|Learning development: baby, child, adolescent, adult |
||The levels of the immune system (of consciousness); Transcendence|
[[Weekend 08 - Outline]]
[[Weekend 08 - Texts]]
This weekend is a logical sequel in the course of this course. Weekend 6 regarded the muscle-skeleton, and our ability to move. Weekend 7 regarded the responses within us, as a result of changing territory. This implied the possibility to store food in our body (fats and water) to be retrieved later. The Endocrine system thereby represents a retake on the digestive system and blood circulation: it can move food from storage to circulation, or from circulation to storage, depending on our being in a place or time where/when we can eat, or not.

''Living in Limbo''
By having the capacity to store the experience in one location and take it to another (as do animals), we also have the capacity of memory: physiology and psychology are based on the same concept. By having memory (as stored food and experience) it is possible to draw on what happened earlier, to be used at later time. Conversely: it is possible to use later, what was experienced (taken in) before: this implies the capacity for anticipation and planning.

''Living = Learning''
This anticipation makes use of established experience (knowledge) and generalises it as general understanding (Insight), to be retrieved as a more specific anticipation (Intuition) for conditions yet to come. This can be very helpful, even vital, such as in helping an animal ‘out in the desert’ to find the way bay to the oasis for food. This can go wrong: if the oasis has dried up, the animal will still die. Or, if the way back to the oasis is not remembered, the animal dies by not finding the oasis. Error, mistake, confusion and deception that come into play.

''Immunity = Integrating Integrity''
Weekend 7 presented the notion of Boundaries, and how Crossing Boundaries is the essence of the system of the glands = the Chackras. The same principles hold as explored in Quantum Theory. (The complexity is somewhat greater, as the living being has a potential for changing inner degrees of freedom, left out of consideration in the mechanistic models that many Quantum Theoreticians still use.) If the number of boundary crossings and un-crossings are not in balance, the animal will not finds its way back. In the systems theoretical model, it means that the system will fall apart.

Weekend 6 already presented the notion that 4 alternatives apply, in the loss of integrity. 1) The animal, out of context, can be fed: an example is a mother breastfeeding a baby. 2) The animal out of context finds food that does not nourish. An example in case is a baby receiving a pacifier instead of milk. 3) The animal out of context receives a surrogate instead of what it needs. An example is the use of nicotine instead of relaxation; addiction results. 4) The animal out of context finds the wrong food, a toxin, and dies. The generalise concept is the stability cascade of:
Health <=> Adaptation <-> Compensation -> Decompensation.
Baby - Child - Adolescent - Adult
The relationship between these transitions is simple: the reflect the lacking of closure in a feedback circuit.
If there is no feedforward-feedback closure, the system will restabilise into a new setting; the feedback correction will restore system stability. This is a form of output failure.
If there is no feedback closure, the system cannot return to its previous state of balance: it will seek a new stable setting (via a mechanism known as system drift; higher/lower order resonance, (strange) attractors or Cusps. As described by different forms of mathematics). This is a form of input failure.
If the feed-forward-feedback loop is cut, the system is on drift without a previous state to fall back on, nor a future state to resort to. It has no other form of reference to reposition itself in its surroundings: it is lost. The only fall-back it has, is falling back on itself. (This can be called a Zombie System; it leads an isolated existence.) In this state it can continue as it is (Cf. benign tumour), it can expand without control (cf. cancer), or decay and collapse (cf. Aids).

''(Self) Alienation''
There is another possibility: that the system can not even fall back on itself: it does not even recognise its own stable system state (which it maintains, or with respect to which it ‘explodes’ or ‘collapses’.) Instead, it treats itself as alien, and backfires into itself. (This is often called ‘attacking itself’’ this is a misnomer as there is no intent: the system simply does not know even itself. means that there is a group of diseases that can be ascribed to a ‘loss of soul’.
Weekend 7 already presented the notion that all diseases of the body stem from deregulation of the body processes: Patho-psycho-physiology is the encompassing term to describe this concept. The working of the endocrine system is a perfect example in case. This Weekend (8) adds to this notion the decay of the system regulation itself. This is commonly known as the Immune System
Immune System Diseases are regarded as cellular diseases: cells respond as if they are “under attack” (a belligerent somatic-medicine term): They show an inflammatory response without clear presence of ‘infectious agents’. (In a way these diseases question the concept of infectious diseases, and pathogens as ‘the’ cause of infections.) From a systems body perspective, these diseases are the result of the loss of the pivot of the system processes ensemble (all processes together). Although each circuit still seems to be ‘normal’, the whole system is not: the virtual pivot is lost, and one of the system network processes displays this by backfiring (on itself) while no other causes seem present. It simply means that the system backfires in/on itself.

Examples of such systems diseases are arthritis, cancer and aids. Each of these diseases can be cured by restoring system integrity (which is still beyond the scope of somatic medicine). It requires total system integration. Not just a balancing of the processes within the system, but also a balancing of the system within its context. (This is known as Soul Retrieval.)

''(Self) Realisation''
The pattern of these diseases is not found at the level of the system processes, but their transformation. It is not the attunement between them that matters (feed-forward-feedback closure) but their centring (as a system) with/in the environment. This is thus not seen at the level of the system state or of the system processes, but at the system stability and transformation.  This level is not at the level of conscious (states) or subconscious (processes) but at the level of unconscious (transformations). This involves the system reflexes, and ego (self image), and all mistakes and self-deceptions involved.
Examples of the way this works can be seen in the symbiosis of our cells; and in the non-rejection of sperm or a foetus (a foreign ‘transplant’/’graft’ in the body of the mother). What is seen within the body, can be seen between bodies (cf. weekend 1 ‘opening up’ into Weekends 2, 3, and 4). It is also seen in the symbiosis of mitochondria in our cells, and commensals (symbiotic microbes) living on our skin and in our gut. Many diseases are the result of a disturbance if that symbiosis. It is a continuous ‘dance’ of adaptation.
Weekend 8 addresses our capacities for Coping. After motility and rest were regarded in Weekend 6, and Emotional States (and their disarray) were discussed (Weekend 7), it is now possible to see the two together, and discuss response-ability. This already gets close to the realisation of the role of the part in the whole (Weekend 9) while staying just at the threshold of choice: of the role of your soul in your life in all that you think, want, do and are
This weekend discusses the psychosomatic states, the different levels of consciousness, the choice between different forms of healing, and the role of the therapist in the process of healing, simply by regarding Immunity in the body. It also involves the principles of our PsychoSomatic responses,

''Our Living Learning Library''
The Immune system is not a defence system, but a body of knowledge, the accumulated store of learning as incorporated in your body, through all your ancestors, their ancestors, an their ancestors< the animals, plans and minerals, of Earth, the Sun, the Cosmic Gas and Plasma. Our knowledge goes much farther than we know; is we do not limit ourselves to what we know.

Our body, individually, and of humanity, is an ongoing development of learning; The more we are aware of the principles involved, the better we can understand and resolve the complex system diseases, such as Cancer and Aids, which are but a collapse of the Immune System, by not being understood and turned inside-out (i.a. by inoculations). The patterns of dependency, addiction and enslavement can then be retraces to the principles of autonomy, integrity and synergy, which are the basis of health.
Our capacity for learning is more general than being able to associate with microbes and Earth; and our inner and outer climates. It is also related to our capacities to sense, and the ability to know beyond what we know (again, the theme of self-transcendence is seen, which underlies this whole weekend). This learning involves not only our conscious perception, but also all sub, un- and out-of consciousness processes on which it is based. 
These other states of awareness are quite the same as the states of organisation seen in Weekend 1, and throughout Weekends 1 -> 4.

//See//: [[Weekend 08 - Plan]]
Type the text for 'Weekend 08 - Texts'
|When	|What |h
|''Friday Evening''	|Introduction to the weekend |
||The Self Examination (Q&A of Learning Targets) |
|''Saturday Morning''	|DiaGnosis (‘Reading the Body’) |
||Ear, Eye, Tongue, Face/Skin/Body signs |
|''Saturday Afternoon''	|Health |
||Recognising and respecting the body function(ing)s|
|''Sunday Morning''	|Healing; “Sleep, The Healer”  (transcending Consciousness) |
||Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit |
|''Sunday Afternoon''	|“Therapist or TheRapist” |
||Health, Autonomy, Autarchy, Response-Ability |
[[Weekend 09 - Outline]]
[[Weekend 09 - Texts]]
Weekend 9 presents the concept of Integration. This is also the basis of/for healing. Where Weekends 1 -> 4 showed the ‘creation of the body, Weekends 6 -> 8 led towards an understanding for ‘reading the body’: understanding how the body functions, by understand the function which each part performs.
Weekend 6 showed the musculo-skeletal system, which gives us Leverage in living on Earth. This not only offers an understanding of the feats our body can perform, but also how it can do so. Weekend 7 looked at the effect of our exertions, on ourselves. It showed how the endocrine system makes it possible for us to exist in one area, and another. Weekend 8 regarded the inverse: how changes in the environment affect us. And how the experiences in all environments are incorporated into our body. This 9^^th^^ weekend puts them all in perspective, in offering a picture of the way our own body offers our best solutions for the life problems we might have. It also looks at the way the body can be ‘read’, to obtain a better understanding of our experience, in relationship to our context (in the present, and the past).

This understanding can be vital: many problems that we experience are based on an erroneous use or abuse of our body. By understanding what it can do, it can be put to right use. Conversely: the body itself represents the principles of cosmic creation. (Weekends 1 - 4 offered the basis for this.) By adhering to those, what we do can blend in with how we (can) do it. (Weekends 5 - 9 show the effects.) Our body is our best model to resolve any problems we might have. It contains with it both the experience of cosmic creation, and the traces (memory record) of all our interactions on Earth. By putting both in perspective it is possible to relate a persons life experience to the same persons cosmic existence. Relating the two, in perspective, is the basis for/of healing.
Healing is based on restoring, thus recognising, the underlying wholeness, of our existence in life. And so the wheel come full circle: the number of body (zygote) cell divisions that led to the I Ching (the system of internal adaptation), also leads to a cycle (this course in body unfoldment), leading to autonomy and learning how to heal others (this weekend), by understanding health in oneself. This weekend regards the maintenance of body integrity, integrating our interactions with/in the environment (Weekend 6), the internal body reactions to this (Weekend 7), our choices in coping with our responses (Weekend 8)

''Themes for this Weekend''
This weekend deals with the basis of health and healing. It starts with an inversal of all that has been presented in this course this far. Instead of looking as the way the body is built, it looks at the body built as a means of/for recognising how it came to develop as it did. This includes not only the genetic (‘spirit’) development and processes of child birth and phases in the womb (as van be seen e.g. by looking at the ears), but also the long term (‘immune’) development of learning and coping with the environment (as can be seen e.g. in the eyes), and the more short term (‘endocrine’) development and psychosomatic organic response state (as seen i.a. in the ''tongue''). It also reflects on the overall //body shape//, and changes of the features of the ''face''.

From the elements of Diagnosis (‘reading’ the body) it is a logical next step to look for the underlying pattern of Health. Any healing that can take place is not based on any existing form of disease, but on the underlying basis of Health. We all have health stored in our body: without it, we can not exist, Pain, Fear, Depression and Death are all logical indicators of the loss of connection with health, as seen in the shift from ''Life <=> Illness <=>  Disease <=> Death'' (which follows the change from ''Health <=> Adaptation <=> Compensation <=> Decompensation)''. These are all intimately related to the body states of Anatomy, ((Patho)Psycho)Physiology (and endocrine system response), Neurocrine regulation (and Immune Response), and the most underlying integration in our life/environment (PsychoCybernetics). By understanding these levels (which have been presented throughout the course, and which are seen in the structure of the course itself), the level of health in the person can be recognised, and realised. That is the basis from which health can be restored.

There is always a very, very, good reason why people become sick. It is not by conscious choice (although conscious choice can be a provoking trigger). The emergence of disease always operates from a deeper level of the persons being. In the levels, refereed to above, different levels of involvement play a crucial role. Again the same pattern is same: ''Super-conscious <=> Unconscious <=> Subconscious <=> Conscious''. This has been best described by other cultures {Kahuna (Max Freedom Long), Bhagavad Geeta, I Ching, ...} where the role and function of these other states of involvement are more realised than in this materials-oriented culture. Disease is a form of disconnectedness. Its resolution can not be found in the still remaining connectedness in/of the body: it needs to address the loss of connectedness. This is found not in the existing state, but in the Healing Moment: a space between space, a process between time, a moment between changes, a decision in Bardo (see Weekend 8). For this purpose sleep is presented as a means to access meditation, enter – consciously unconsciously – into Bardo, where the reconnection of soul to spirit can be restored (and mind can heal body). This makes use of yet the same pattern, of ''Spirit <=> Soul <=> Mind <=> Body''. This is the essence of this whole course: what we know as the body, is based on our (physiological) interaction with/in our environment; which again is determined by our (neurocrine/immune) interaction with/in our life. This again is based on our integration in/to reality. This is the basis of our existence, health, and healing; and the life we live. “[[Sleep, The Healer]]”, summarises the need to go beyond what we know, to get in touch with what we don’t know (which is the basis of (our) being).

Healing is the restoration of wholeness; this is based on the restoration, from within, of the health, that ‘lives within’. This requires insight in the process of body creation. It requires a knowing the body ‘from within’, which is what this course proposes, (in content and form). It offers a basis for helping others to help themselves. Any form of interaction which does not further this aim, is only a distraction, pretence of form of rape. (Many therapists and forms of healing operate in this way.) What is needed in healing is not a take-over (or rape) such as somatic medicine proposes (even though this can be of help in severe acute situations: fixing the body). What is needed is not a continued guidance or ongoing support (or dependence, addiction), such as pharmaceutics often seems to suggest (although this can be very valuable to maintain an unstable process, so it can regain its natural balance). Healing is not the systematic imposing of a specific point of view (or indoctrination) such as psychiatry implicitly proposes (although this can be of help to come out of a situation of psychological fixation). What is needed is the ability of the person to regain full autonomy, responsibility, and life experience: in Happiness, Health, Wealth and being (and feeling) well. This core concept is summarised in the distinction between the “Therapist or TheRapist” It addresses the integrity in (inter)action, in dealing with others, in dealing with themselves. This requires a deeper level of understanding of yourself, the deeper connectedness with others, Earth, and the life that we all share.

''Weekend activities''
Much of this weekend is dedicate to practicals. Healing is and interaction, which implies responsibility, the ability to respond, the choices that maintain (or upset) the balance, and the tell-tale signs involved.
The Friday program is, as usual, en explanation of the weekend in overview. The Saturday-morning starts with DiaGnosis: looking at the bodies of oneself, and all others present. Looking for similarities and differences in Mine, Gestures, Posture and Built; relating them to the shared sameness by/from which they were formed. The Saturday Afternoon addresses the issue of Healing: and identifying the signs, and principles of health, in the body as we know it. Sunday morning internalises that experience: by sensing what other level of experience, and existence, play a role in our being, and healing. To know the difference between the known and unknown, being involved and being. This is followed through in the Sunday afternoon in exploring the relationship between response-ability, and responsibility, in interaction; in connection to the principles by which our body operates and is formed.

This is also the basis on which any practitioner practices: it is relevant to know what one does know and does not know, can do and can not do; and how all of it interacts in the relationship of involvement with others. This is taken up in the next Weekend, 10, which concludes this course and asks all participants what is known and not known for sure: the difference determines the response-ability with which one can interact with others, and help them heal, by restoring their contact with their own body, and all it represents.

//See//: [[Weekend 09 - Texts]]
[[Weekend 09]]
[[Weekend 09 - Outline]]
[[Sleep, the Healer]]
|When	|What |h
|''Friday Evening''	|Introduction "[[Learning from our Body]]" |
|| The Mini Conferences|
|| References (Conference Proceedings: Titles, Abstracts.)|
|''Saturday Morning''	| Presentations 1 |
||Body Discussions |
|''Saturday Afternoon'' |“Lessons from the body”: |
||Learning from our body how we function; [[Feel Well]] |
|''Sunday Morning''	| Presentations 2 |
||Book Discussions  |
|''Sunday Afternoon''	|“Learning from the body”: |
||Validating your knowledge; Reliably informing others |
| //Follow-up// | Introduction to [[Modules 3 & 4]] |
| [[OLBACAA]] | //Validation & Communication// |
[[Weekend 10 - Outline]]
[[Weekend 10 - Texts]]
Weekend 10 concludes all weekend presentations.
In the first four weeks, focus was on the emergence of our body from first principles, and how we can recognise them in our body. (Weekends 1 -> 4)
Then, a turning point was made by reflecting on what was learned, and what could still be learned. (This was presented in Weekend 5.)
The next four weeks focused on what we can learn from our body, and how we can recognise the integrity by which it operates. (Weekends 5 -> 9)

Over the course of these 10 weekends, insight in the body has grown in a logical way.
First, the principle of unfoldment of our body was used to show how all its functions can be recognised in the pattern by which the whole body unfolds from one cell, and the initial Cleavage Divisions help understand 1) Body Integrity, 2) Internal Communications, 3) Transformation Processes and 4) Body Maintenance. 
Then the dynamics of our live were used to understand the same, as experienced in our lives. 1) Our ability to move (the muscle Skeleton) leads to 2) experiences (as mediated by the endocrine system) calling for learning (as recorded in the Immune System) leading to consciousness of our life (and our Psychological integrity).
Weekend 10 recapitulates the findings; as was done ad interim in Weekend 5.

''Conclusive Views''
This weekend is again used for the presentation of your particular findings. 
This takes two forms: a 20 minute presentation of one’s outlook and/or findings; with 5 minutes for others to interact. There will be time also for looking at each other’s reference material and books that were consulted in creating one’s views. 
The book presentation has the form of an ‘Arabic Market’: everybody can present what they take along; all others are free to interact. This is again same as in Weekend 5.
This serves to recapitulate your own understanding, and appreciate how worthwhile it is to communicate that with others. It also helps you realise how different others may experience their own body, or how they express similar findings in quite different ways. In general, it also serves to give you a possibility to reflect on your own process of learning, and how you evaluate the course as a whole

Again an overview is presented of the material that has been used in the preparation and presentation of this course; and is presented on a CD, in the forms of an organised bundle of texts; and in the form of a web-site.

''The place of this weekend in the course''
As has become clear, this course follows the model of the first stages of development of your body: first that of the Cleavage Divisions (before Birth); then that of ‘stepping out into the world (after Birth)
Weekend 1 looked at unity, Weekend two regarded the principles of Interfacing, Weekend 3 considered Transformation, while Weekend 4 explored the diversity of unity.
Weekend 6 looked at our capacities to move, Weekend 7 reflected to our own responses to our own movements, Weekend 8 regarded how we integrate those two, and Weekend 9 presented how we can recognise and maintain that integrity, also in others.
Weekend 10 concludes these explorations: how the body was formed (Weekend 1 - 4), and how we can learn from the forms of our body (Weekend 6 - 9) are now seen in relative perspective: the inner processes that create the body, can be recognised in the body form that we se; and used to help heal others when this may be of use.

''Weekend 10 as moment of Confirmation''
Weekend 1 - 4 the interest was in exploring the universal principles by which the universe, and our body, was made. How, by their interaction, they transformed, and created the shapes that we now know and hold to be real. These weekends focused on how the body was/is created.
Weekend 6 - 9 looked at this the other way around: by looking at the body, is it possible, and how, to understand how it functions internally (at the different levels already discussed in Weekends 1  4). The body structures were used to come to understand mobility and motility (weekend 6) from regarding the limbs and skull. The endocrine regulation, and emotional states, were regarded in observing the face and features (weekend 7). The social and mental functions were related to patterns of behaviour (and types of diseases (Weekend 8). Finally, the integrity of realisation was experienced and explored in the inner experience of health (also as witnessed in the healing interaction/relationship) (Weekend 9).
Weekend 10 concludes the course in a similar vein as done in weekend 5. Again, the participants can express what they found, in the course and their body, of learning and knowledge, concerning the (inner) experience of health; from under-standing the body. This is a statement about your own knowledge, your confidence in understanding your body, thus in contacting (and understanding) the bodies of others. In short: it is a statement, or stance of for carrying out, what was learned in this course. (This is actually made more explicit, in the form of an invitation to teach what was taught).
Weekend 10 concludes the experience of this process of learning, from our body. Where Weekend 5 was an (internal) transformation, in the course (from observing to creating), Weekend 10 serves as a Confirmation of what was learned: this knowledge can now be used in life and shared with others.
As a conclusive moment, it also makes it possible to continue this exploration: continuing to study and learn more from the body, e.g. with others of this group. Or, to continue to help others learn from the body, by learning how to present this course yourself. This is presented in the 2nd part of this course.

Weekend 5 served as a halfway point marking a turning inside out: from learning how the body is formed, to learning from the forms of the body. From being taught be principle and example, to studying the principles and learning from examples. This also in the form of becoming more participatory with/in the course itself: setting targets for learning, keeping them, presenting one’s findings, and appraising the findings of others.
Weekend 10 serves in the same sense as a turning point, and a turning inside out: from learning from the body yourself, to learning from the body with others; and helping them understand more of their body functions, and ‘teachings’.

''Towards Autonomy and Synergy''
Weekend 5 was already described as offering a Transition, a change towards Synergy and Autonomy. Then it was about the body by itself; now it is about your body, with others. The same principles apply as presented in Weekend 5:
“Autonomy”, in the sense of building, and becoming more reliant on, one’s own “Body Knowledge” (of one’s body of knowledge of one’s body).
“Synergy”, in being able to understand more from the views and visions of others, being able to relate to them (a skill that serves also in all therapeutic relationships).
As the body shows: Autonomy and Synergy are not contradictory, but complementary; by the principle of Separation = Connection.

''Activities in Weekend 10''
The core concept of the weekend will be: finding ways towards self presentation. (This reflects the Morula starting to ‘turn inside out’, toward forming the blastula).
This will take place in a 20 minute presentation, on a topic of choice, in a form of one’s own creation. This can be in any way one desires. (As in the body, each cell expresses itself in its own manner.) Following the presentation there will be time for discussion (5 minutes).
Presenting one views and respecting those of others, is exercised also in the ‘reading of books’: summarising what literature and references you use(d), in creating and validating your views. Again, this will be done in discussing books brought along, compiling them into a list of reference material, with simple recommendations as to the way the books might be helpful.
Learning from your body, and from the body of knowledge of books (and other forms of material references) can be enhanced by studying by using Targets. The concept of Target Learning will be discussed, and proposed as the means to work by yourself and with others, from Weekend 10 onwards.
This will be presented as follows:
//See//: [[Weekend 10 - Plan]]
[[Weeknd 10]]
[[Weekend 10 - Outline]]
[[Our Body in Daily Life]]
[[Sharing Understanding]]
[[Knowledge Presentation]]
Welcome to [[Weekend 11]], and [[Module 3]] of this course.

During these four meetings, the work is directed on acquiring your own personal insight of the structure and organisation of our body

To this purpose, the body ''Anatomy'', ''Physiology'', ''Neurocrine Regulation'', and ''Immune-system Information'' are studied, respectively, in the four sessions.

Each session invites you to study a part of the body, and exchange your findings with the others in the group. This is done at 4 levels:

# choice of topic of study
# presentation of preliminary goals and questions
# communication of initial findings and problems
# presentation of the final results:
this is done as a paper shared with others after the meeting.

!For Weekend 11 you are requested to select your pick from the ''Muscle-skeletal System'':

* The Bones, and the Muscles (+ Capsules + Ligaments + Connective Tissues) by which they connect.

Possible choices are: Arm, Leg, Pelvis, Shoulder, Trunk, Spine (with Neck & Head).
This is to be regarded in conjunction with the Cartilage and Connective Tissues.

It is possible to study a topic together. The synergy inspires new insight.
By the presentations and comparison of the separate topic items, the similarity between them can be seen.
By the exchange of findings the participants can discover that what they studied in one topic carries over as understanding of all other topics, which afterwards they are all required to have studied by exchanging their findings on paper.
By annotating and commenting on each other’s paper they familiarise themselves with the topic
Theme topic for this weekend is the [[Nerves]] and [[Glands]].
The meetings elaborate the knowledge already presented in Weekend 2 and Weekend 7.

The body has a system of secretion cells. They condition the inner/outer environment of the body.
They exemplify the secretory function found in any cell: the release of metabolites such as electrolytes, preteins, enzymes of hormones.
Hormones are ´messenger molecules´: rather large proteins that are secreted by one cell, but which actively promote the function of another cell. It is as if the cells are part of the same system - which in fact they are - in which they are physically apart, but physiologically next to each other: next phases in a process cycle.

In the anatomical view of the glands that produce these hormones, a distinction is made with regard to the physical organisation:
endocrine, exocrine, paracrine and apocrine.
Together they form (as opposed to the nervous system) the ´wireless´ communication system of the body.
Endocrine Glands secrete their substances into the body; this system is linked to the Vegetative System, and the Immune System. The Exocrine Glands secrete their substances, directly or via ducts, outside from the body (at the skin or in the gut). Spittle is an example of this.
The Apocrine glands secrete substances that are relevant for the surface of the body. The sweat glands are example in case.
Paracrine glands secrete their substances directly into the interstitium, the milieu between the living cells.

Weekends 16-20 elaborate the notes that the participants have made during this course.
Their private notes of weekends 1 - 10, together with their work summaries of the weekends 11 - 15 form the basis of a comparison with literature.
This work does not require the regurgitation of what has already been written down, but focuses on being able to understand and relate what is written in available literature, in relationship to their own individual and collective notes.
In this work, 3 (three) texts are studied for each topic: anatomy, physiology, neurocrinology, and psychoimmunology. The sameness es and differences, and reasons for the selection of material that are presented is discussed. 
Focus lies on: what do you need to know, when, how and why?
Psycho-Immunology has a hostory in the work on Psycho-Somatic diseases (Xküell) which already had a foundation in the work (by Hans Selye) on Stress, which was already based on the work on psycho-emotive responses by Sherringdon and Pavlov.
A much older history is found in the raditions of older cultures (Yoga, Tao, ...) which had already developed an elaborate understanding of the interaction between the mind and the body, thousands of years ago. It seems most pracical to say that Psycho-Immmunology is the name for the endeavour of integrating these, sometimes thousands of years old insights, into the western world models of science.

It is basic knowledge that Anatomy is created by Physiology, which is regulated by the NeuroCrine system as result of the shift in balance in our exterience of our life in our context: the psychological integration in the reality that we live.
Psycho-Immunology therefor does not operate at the level of the anatomy of our body, not at the level of the process physiology, not in the domain of neurogrine regulation, but in the direct interplay between our body and mind at the level of interaction between soul and spirit. These terms are still beyond direct understanding of most people. Yet thet define our relationship in/to our context.
The interaction between the body and the mind i snot at tha causal level. Causality operate within closed systems only, where predictability is the logical result of the absence of freedom of choice. At the level of the psyche life is the dominant factor: with the abolity to change our response to live as we live it. The consequence is that life is impredictable always. I follows geneal concepts (datma) but can cause varuations to the core theme (karma)
This places psycho-immunology on the interface between life and death: that laws of information and matter. This is seen in the way information affects matter, via the chemistry of information.

Radio Signals (and photon strema) are presumably the main agents for psycho-immune communications. It is not the body that depermines the mind, but the processes of communication that co-determine the information; of and in our psyche.
Physics already has shown itself to be metaphysics. Matter is but a form of information. Material models are not a suitable basis to explain consciousness and understanding. Rather, Understanding consciousness shows matter to be a form of information. Phase information.
If this is the case for matter, it is even more so for our body. Our body is an information process, and at the same time an onformation processos. Like a river and bedding: both interact.
Body response, stress, psycho-simatics, psycho-immunology all refer to the preservation of the integrity of our body, from whichever perspective. It requires that we inderstand the integrity of our body in (and as part of) our context.

The understanting of the function of the immune system can be simplified to the core issue: the link between the outside and inside of the bidy.

This involves four levels:
1) the cell
2) the cell membrane
3) the cell receptors
4) the cell nucleus

Information or material that passes from outside to inside our body passes though these four levels, in four corresponding stages.

The IMMUNE SYSTEM can be compared to these four stages.

The Macrophages are a clean team,, cells that perform an ongoing hygiene, by ingesting microbes and particles that entered into our body but are not part of the cell system.
The B-Cells are ready prepared cells that have within them the stored information of previous encounters with the corresponding microbes. These cells are cloned, which is a rapid procedure, when the corresponding alien organisms re-enter into the body, so that they can be assimilated into our body.
The T-Cells are general purpose engineering cells, which can respond to organisms that are as yet unknown to the body. They dissemble parts of them or attach body proteins to them (opsonisation) by which they can be connected up to by the body and assimilated or ingested.
All other invasions are dealt with on an ad hoc basis by the other parts of the immune system.

It is of value to realise that our body does not have difficulty in dealing with micro organisms. As Lynn Margulis made clear: our body is composed of micro-organisms. It was created out of a synergy of microbes. The ability to deal with microbes therefor comes natural to our system.

The course compares the Immune System with the Sensory System
The Cellular Immune system can be compared to the hrmonal system, studied in week 13.
The Sensory system compares to the neuronal system, of week 13.
The one operates at the level of molecules and ceells, the other in the range of frequencies and organs.
Both integrate information into the body.

The immune system compares
The microbes (our fundamental ancestor)
The body Cell
The T Cells (and leucocyts eystem)
The B Cell 8and receptor/complemnt cascade)
This weekend focuses on  the question: what do you need to know? How much do you need to know? When do you need to know? WHy do you need to know?

A distinction is made between body wisdom, essential understanding, required knowing and facultative knowledge.

All we need to know is built into our body: for millions of years people have lived thanks to this in-built knowledge, in our body, of how the body functions.
This is innate knowledge, implicit, and operational only. It is not known apart from the body´s functioning in itself. WHen this functioning fails or stops, it is clear that this inner knowing - the body wisdom - did not suffice. Different, added, understanding is neded. This understanding is neither different nor supplementary. It is an explication (ex-plicate = unfolding) of this inner knowing in a way that it can be used from outside. This requires that the body understanding is externalised. Brought into cultural code: language. Each culture has done this in ots own different ways.
|Course Overview|h
|[[Module 1]]|[[Weekend 01|Weekend 01 - Plan]] |''[[Embryology]]''	|Cell Formation	|Cosmology |
||[[Weekend 02|Weekend 02 - Plan]] |''[[NeuroCrinology]]''	|Cell Division	|Communication |
||[[Weekend 03|Weekend 03 - Plan]] |''[[Gut & Blood]]''	|Cell Differentiation	|Choice |
||[[Weekend 04|Weekend 04 - Plan]] |''[[Organ Integration]]''	|Cell Integrity	|Interfacing |
||[[Weekend 05|Weekend 05 - Plan]] | __Self presentation__ | Body Knowledge| Book knowledge|
|[[Module 2]]|[[Weekend 06|Weekend 06 - Plan]] |''[[Muscles and Bones]]''	|Locomotion	|Physical Being |
||[[Weekend 07|Weekend 07 - Plan]] |''[[Endocrine Cascade]]''	|Emotional response	|Territory |
||[[Weekend 08|Weekend 08 - Plan]] |''[[Immunology]]''	|System Integrity	|Planning |
||[[Weekend 09|Weekend 09 - Plan]] |''[[Psycho-Integrity]]''	|Unique realisation	|Healing |
||[[Weekend 10|Weekend 10 - Plan]] | __Self presentation__ | Body Knowledge| Book knowledge|
|[[Module 3]]|[[Weekend 11|Weekend 11 - Plan]] |Anatomy|
||[[Weekend 12|Weekend 12 - Plan]] |Physiology|
||[[Weekend 13|Weekend 13 - Plan]] |Neurocrinology |
||[[Weekend 14|Weekend 14 - Plan]] |Psychology |
||[[Weekend 15|Weekend 15 - Plan]] | Evaluation|
|[[Module 4]]|[[Weekend 16|Weekend 16 - Plan]] |Anatomy|
||[[Weekend 17|Weekend 17 - Plan]] |Physiology|
||[[Weekend 18|Weekend 18 - Plan]] |Neurocrinology |
||[[Weekend 19|Weekend 19 - Plan]] |Psychology |
||[[Weekend 20|Weekend 20 - Plan]] | Evaluation|
This web site presents the Anatomy Course “Our Living Body”.
''It helps you understand how our body is formed, and how it functions''.
It has four parts; leading up to your, together, writing your own Reference Book.
>[[This text was written because medical students get a wrong idea about the body|Backgrounds]]
The course is designed in four parts; each has specific course [[Modules]].
''The body is understood as a living being, with its own consciousness and integrity''.
The study [[Programme]] is designed to offer a vital integral body (of) understanding.
The [[Course]] material is aimed to suit any course for general integral health care.
:''Beware: this course intentionally does NOT offer the classical medical perspective''.
:Classical anatomy was based on the study of cadavers; which the living human is Not.
:Doctors (implicitly) came to disregard individual involvement of the living being.
:In order to understand (psychosomatic) self-healing a more fundamental understanding is needed: [[life|]].
This course material has been created and presented by [[SIG, the Foundation for Integral Health Care|SIG]].
The information is freely presented, and may be freely copied - referring to its originator: SIG Foundation.
Donations to SIG are very welcome ING 7234993; used for further course developments.
!Modular Course
Each course weekend module has the same planning: in 5 parts.
''Friday'' evening presents the introduction: overview, core concepts, Q&A, and brief self-evaluation.
''Saturday and Sunday'' present two complementary (“Dual”) aspects of our body/System.
Saturday and Sunday ''morning and afternoon'' present theory and practice (or vice versa)
!Developmental Vision
The course starts with the understanding of the creation of the uniVerse that we live in.
This is followed by our understanding of the manifestation of life: cells, plants, animals, sapient beings.
The body principles of our cellular-, vegetative-, animal-system and consciousness reflect this.
The relationship between them helps understand the origination of disease and restoration of health.
!Concise Program
The course is composed of 20 modules; created to understand our living body, yourself.
The first two components (story telling) help you form an intuitive functional understanding of our body.
The last two components serve to master your understanding and train your ability to express it.
Those who wish to teach this course follow a program of course-repetitions to be able to do so.
!Integral Validity
The understanding offered by thus course serves all doctors, therapists, practitioners and care-givers alike.
Due to the understanding of the origin of our living body, self care is evident as primary form of health care.
The training in group collaboration helps to be able to combine different forms of healing in integral practice.
The basic body principles show that ''our body itself is the integrative factor'' in/for integral health care.

//Read on//: [[Foreword]]